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To examine how a short secondary structural element derived from a native protein folds when in a different protein environment, we inserted an 11-residue beta-sheet segment (cassette) from human immunoglobulin fold, Fab new, into an alpha-helical coiled-coil host protein (cassette holder). This de novo design protein model, the structural cassette mutagenesis (SCM) model, allows us to study protein folding principles involving both short- and long-range interactions that affect secondary structure stability and conformation. In this study, we address whether the insertion of this beta-sheet cassette into the alpha-helical coiled-coil protein would result in conformational change nucleated by the long-range tertiary stabilization of the coiled-coil, therefore overriding the local propensity of the cassette to form beta-sheet, observed in its native immunoglobulin fold. The results showed that not only did the nucleating helices of the coiled-coil on either end of the cassette fail to nucleate the beta-sheet cassette to fold with an alpha-helical conformation, but also the entire chimeric protein became a random coil. We identified two determinants in this cassette that prevented coiled-coil formation: (1) a tandem dipeptide NN motif at the N-terminal of the beta-sheet cassette, and (2) the hydrophilic Ser residue, which would be buried in the hydrophobic core if the coiled-coil structure were to fold. By amino acid substitution of these helix disruptive residues, that is, either the replacement of the NN motif with high helical propensity Ala residues or the substitution of Ser with Leu to enhance hydrophobicity, we were able to convert the random coil chimeric protein into a fully folded alpha-helical coiled-coil. We hypothesized that this NN motif is a "secondary structural specificity determinant" which is very selective for one type of secondary structure and may prevent neighboring residues from adopting an alternate protein fold. These sequences with secondary structural specificity determinants have very strong local propensity to fold into a specific secondary structure and may affect overall protein folding by acting as a folding initiation site.  相似文献   

We have recently reported on the design of a 20-residue peptide able to form a significant population of a three-stranded up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. To improve our beta-sheet model in terms of the folded population, we have modified the sequences of the two 2-residue turns by introducing the segment DPro-Gly, a sequence shown to lead to more rigid type II' beta-turns. The analysis of several NMR parameters, NOE data, as well as Deltadelta(CalphaH), DeltadeltaC(beta), and Deltadelta(Cbeta) values, demonstrates that the new peptide forms a beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution more stable than the original one, whereas the substitution of the DPro residues by LPro leads to a random coil peptide. This agrees with previous results on beta-hairpin-forming peptides showing the essential role of the turn sequence for beta-hairpin folding. The well-defined beta-sheet motif calculated for the new designed peptide (pair-wise RMSD for backbone atoms is 0.5 +/- 0.1 A) displays a high degree of twist. This twist likely contributes to stability, as a more hydrophobic surface is buried in the twisted beta-sheet than in a flatter one. The twist observed in the up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet motifs of most proteins is less pronounced than in our designed peptide, except for the WW domains. The additional hydrophobic surface burial provided by beta-sheet twisting relative to a "flat" beta-sheet is probably more important for structure stability in peptides and small proteins like the WW domains than in larger proteins for which there exists a significant contribution to stability arising from their extensive hydrophobic cores.  相似文献   

The genome of the diurnal cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. PCC 51142 has recently been sequenced and observed to contain 35 pentapeptide repeat proteins (PRPs). These proteins, while present throughout the prokaryotic and eukaryotic kingdoms, are most abundant in cyanobacteria. The sheer number of PRPs in cyanobacteria coupled with their predicted location in every cellular compartment argues for important, yet unknown, physiological and biochemical functions. To gain biochemical insights, the crystal structure for Rfr32, a 167-residue PRP with an N-terminal 29-residue signal peptide, was determined at 2.1 A resolution. The structure is dominated by 21 tandem pentapeptide repeats that fold into a right-handed quadrilateral beta-helix, or Rfr-fold, as observed for the tandem pentapeptide repeats in the only other PRP structure, the mycobacterial fluoroquinoline resistance protein MfpA from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Sitting on top of the Rfr-fold are two short, antiparallel alpha-helices, bridged with a disulfide bond, that perhaps prevent edge-to-edge aggregation at the C terminus. Analysis of the main-chain (Phi,Psi) dihedral orientations for the pentapeptide repeats in Rfr32 and MfpA makes it possible to recognize the structural details for the two distinct types of four-residue turns adopted by the pentapeptide repeats in the Rfr-fold. These turns, labeled type II and type IV beta-turns, may be universal motifs that shape the Rfr-fold in all PRPs.  相似文献   

Paraspeckles are subnuclear particles involved in the regulation of mRNA expression. They are formed by the association of DBHS family proteins and the NEAT1 long noncoding RNA. Here, we show that a recently identified structural motif, the charged single α-helix, is largely conserved in the DBHS family. Based on the available structural data and a previously suggested multimerization scheme of DBHS proteins, we built a structural model of a (PSPC1/NONO)n multimer that might have relevance in paraspeckle formation. Our model contains an extended coiled-coil region that is followed by and partially overlaps with the predicted charged single α-helix. We suggest that the charged single α-helix can act as an elastic ruler governing the exact positioning of the dimeric core structures relative to each other during paraspeckle assembly along the NEAT1 noncoding RNA.  相似文献   

Arthropods face several key challenges in processing concentrated feedstocks of proteins (silk dope) into solid, semi-crystalline silk fibres. Strikingly, independently evolved lineages of silk-producing organisms have converged on the use of liquid crystal intermediates (mesophases) to reduce the viscosity of silk dope and assist the formation of supramolecular structure. However, the exact nature of the liquid-crystal-forming-units (mesogens) in silk dope, and the relationship between liquid crystallinity, protein structure and silk processing is yet to be fully elucidated. In this review, we focus on emerging differences in this area between the canonical silks containing extended-β-sheets made by silkworms and spiders, and ‘non-canonical’ silks made by other insect taxa in which the final crystallites are coiled-coils, collagen helices or cross-β-sheets. We compared the amino acid sequences and processing of natural, regenerated and recombinant silk proteins, finding that canonical and non-canonical silk proteins show marked differences in length, architecture, amino acid content and protein folding. Canonical silk proteins are long, flexible in solution and amphipathic; these features allow them both to form large, micelle-like mesogens in solution, and to transition to a crystallite-containing form due to mechanical deformation near the liquid–solid transition. By contrast, non-canonical silk proteins are short and have rod or lath-like structures that are well suited to act both as mesogens and as crystallites without a major intervening phase transition. Given many non-canonical silk proteins can be produced at high yield in E. coli, and that mesophase formation is a versatile way to direct numerous kinds of supramolecular structure, further elucidation of the natural processing of non-canonical silk proteins may to lead to new developments in the production of advanced protein materials.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction, infrared and electron microscope studies of avian and reptilian keratins, and of stretched wool and hair, have played a central role in the development of models for the β-conformation in proteins. Both α- and β-keratins contain sequences that are predicted to adopt a β-conformation and these are believed to play an important part in the assembly of the filaments and in determining their mechanical properties. Interactions between the small β-sheets in keratins provide a simple mechanism through which shape and chemical complementarity can mediate the assembly of molecules into highly specific structures. Interacting β-sheets in crystalline proteins are often related to one another by diad symmetry and the data available on feather keratin suggest that the filament is assembled from dimers in which the β-sheets are related by a perpendicular diad. The most detailed model currently available is for feather and reptilian keratin but the presence of related β-structural forms in mammalian keratins is also noted.  相似文献   

Cation-pi interactions between aromatic amino acids and the positively charged residues lysine and arginine have been proposed to play an important role in stabilizing protein structure. We have used a peptide that adopts a coiled coil structure as a model system to evaluate the energetic contribution of cation-pi interactions to protein folding. Peptides were designed in which phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan were placed at a solvent-exposed position of the helix, one turn removed from an arginine residue that could provide a favorable cation-pi interaction. Only the arginine-phenylalanine pairing provided significant stabilization of the peptide structure and it appears that hydrophobic packing, rather than the cation-pi effect, is more likely to be responsible for the stability of this peptide. We conclude that any stabilizing effect of cation-pi interactions in these peptides is much smaller than that predicted from computational studies.  相似文献   

In this study, we have analyzed experimentally the helical intrinsic propensities of non-charged and non-aromatic residues at different C-terminal positions (C1, C2, C3) of an Ala-based peptide. The effect was found to be complex, resulting in extra stabilization or destabilization, depending on guest amino acid and position under consideration. Polar (Ser, Thr, Cys, Asn, and Gln) amino acids and Gly were found to have significantly larger helical propensities at several C-terminal positions compared with the alpha-helix center (-1.0 kcal/mole in some cases). Some of the nonpolar residues, especially beta-branched ones (Val and Ile) are significantly more favorable at position C3 (-0.3 to -0.4 kcal/mole), although having minor differences at other C-terminal positions compared with the alpha-helix center. Leu has moderate (-0.1 to -0.2 kcal/mole) stabilization effects at position C2 and C3, whereas being relatively neutral at C1. Finally, Met was found to be unfavorable at C1 and C2 ( +0.2 kcal/mole) and favorable at C3 (-0.2 kcal/mole). Thus, significant differences found between the intrinsic helical propensities at the C-terminal positions and those in the alpha-helix center must be accounted for in helix/coil transition theories and in protein design.  相似文献   

The energy landscape of a peptide [Ace-Lys-Gln-Cys-Arg-Glu-Arg-Ala-Nme] in explicit water was studied with a multicanonical molecular dynamics simulation, and the AMBER parm96 force field was used for the energy calculation. The peptide was taken from the recognition helix of the DNA-binding protein, c-MYB: A rugged energy landscape was obtained, in which the random-coil conformations were dominant at room temperature. The CD spectra of the synthesized peptide revealed that it is in the random state at room temperature. However, the 300 K canonical ensemble, Q(300K), contained alpha-helix, 3(10)-helix, beta-turn, and beta-hairpin structures with small but notable probabilities of existence. The complete alpha-helix, imperfect alpha-helix, and random-coil conformations were separated from one another in the conformational space. This means that the peptide must overcome energy barriers to form the alpha-helix. The overcoming process may correspond to the hydrogen-bond rearrangements from peptide-water to peptide-peptide interactions. The beta-turn, imperfect 3(10)-helix, and beta-hairpin structures, among which there are no energy barriers at 300 K, were embedded in the ensemble of the random-coil conformations. Two types of beta-hairpin with different beta-turn regions were observed in Q(300K). The two beta-hairpin structures may have different mechanisms for the beta-hairpin formation. The current study proposes a scheme that the random state of this peptide consists of both ordered and disordered conformations. In contrast, the energy landscape obtained from the parm94 force field was funnel like, in which the peptide formed the helical conformation at room temperature and random coil at high temperature.  相似文献   

BET3 is a component of TRAPP, a complex involved in the tethering of transport vesicles to the cis-Golgi membrane. The crystal structure of human BET3 has been determined to 1.55-A resolution. BET3 adopts an alpha/beta-plait fold and forms dimers in the crystal and in solution, which predetermines the architecture of TRAPP where subunits are present in equimolar stoichiometry. A hydrophobic pocket within BET3 buries a palmitate bound through a thioester linkage to cysteine 68. BET3 and yeast Bet3p are palmitoylated in recombinant yeast cells, the mutant proteins BET3 C68S and Bet3p C80S remain unmodified. Both BET3 and BET3 C68S are found in membrane and cytosolic fractions of these cells; in membrane extractions, they behave like tightly membrane-associated proteins. In a deletion strain, both Bet3p and Bet3p C80S rescue cell viability. Thus, palmitoylation is neither required for viability nor sufficient for membrane association of BET3, which may depend on protein-protein contacts within TRAPP or additional, yet unidentified modifications of BET3. A conformational change may facilitate palmitoyl extrusion from BET3 and allow the fatty acid chain to engage in intermolecular hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

Several proteins and peptides that can convert from alpha-helical to beta-sheet conformation and form amyloid fibrils, including the amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) and the prion protein, contain a discordant alpha-helix that is composed of residues that strongly favor beta-strand formation. In their native states, 37 of 38 discordant helices are now found to interact with other protein segments or with lipid membranes, but Abeta apparently lacks such interactions. The helical propensity of the Abeta discordant region (K16LVFFAED23) is increased by introducing V18A/F19A/F20A replacements, and this is associated with reduced fibril formation. Addition of the tripeptide KAD or phospho-L-serine likewise increases the alpha-helical content of Abeta(12-28) and reduces aggregation and fibril formation of Abeta(1-40), Abeta(12-28), Abeta(12-24), and Abeta(14-23). In contrast, tripeptides with all-neutral, all-acidic or all-basic side chains, as well as phosphoethanolamine, phosphocholine, and phosphoglycerol have no significant effects on Abeta secondary structure or fibril formation. These data suggest that in free Abeta, the discordant alpha-helix lacks stabilizing interactions (likely as a consequence of proteolytic removal from a membrane-associated precursor protein) and that stabilization of this helix can reduce fibril formation.  相似文献   

Native proteins exhibit precise geometric packing of atoms in their hydrophobic interiors. Nonetheless, controversy remains about the role of core side-chain packing in specifying and stabilizing the folded structures of proteins. Here we investigate the role of core packing in determining the conformation and stability of the Lpp-56 trimerization domain. The X-ray crystal structures of Lpp-56 mutants with alanine substitutions at two and four interior core positions reveal trimeric coiled coils in which the twist of individual helices and the helix-helix spacing vary significantly to achieve the most favored superhelical packing arrangement. Introduction of each alanine "layer" into the hydrophobic core destabilizes the superhelix by 1.4 kcal mol(-1). Although the methyl groups of the alanine residues pack at their optimum van der Waals contacts in the coiled-coil trimer, they provide a smaller component of hydrophobic interactions than bulky hydrophobic side-chains to the thermodynamic stability. Thus, specific side-chain packing in the hydrophobic core of coiled coils are important determinants of protein main-chain conformation and stability.  相似文献   

The tenth fibronectin type III (FN3) domain of human fibronectin (FNfn10), a prototype of the ubiquitous FN3 domain, is a small, monomeric beta-sandwich protein. In this study, we have bisected FNfn10 in each loop to generate a total of six fragment pairs. We found that fragment pairs bisected at multiple loops of FNfn10 show complementation in vivo as tested with a yeast two-hybrid system. The dissociation constant of these fragment pairs determined in vitro were as low as 3 nM, resulting in one of the tightest fragment complementation systems reported so far. Furthermore, we show that the affinity of fragment complementation is correlated with the stability of the uncut parent protein. Exploring this correlation, we screened a yeast two-hybrid library of one fragment and identified mutations that suppress the effect of a destabilizing mutation in the other fragment. One of the identified mutations significantly increased the stability of the uncut wild-type protein, proving that fragment complementation can be used as a novel strategy for the selection of proteins with enhanced stability.  相似文献   

We reported previously that our designed polypeptide α3 (21 residues), which has three repeats of a seven-amino-acid sequence (LETLAKA)3, forms not only an amphipathic α-helix structure but also long fibrous assemblies in aqueous solution. To address the relationship between the electrical states of the polypeptide and its α-helix and fibrous assembly formation, we characterized mutated polypeptides in which charged amino acid residues of α3 were replaced with Ser. We prepared the following polypeptides: 2Sα3 (LSTLAKA)3, in which all Glu residues were replaced with Ser residues; 6Sα3 (LETLASA)3, in which all Lys residues were replaced with Ser; and 2S6Sα3 (LSTLASA)3; in which all Glu and Lys residues were replaced with Ser. In 0.1M KCl, 2Sα3 formed an α-helix under basic conditions and 6Sα3 formed an α-helix under acid conditions. In 1M KCl, they both formed α-helices under a wide pH range. In addition, 2Sα3 and 6Sα3 formed fibrous assemblies under the same buffer conditions in which they formed α-helices. α-Helix and fibrous assembly formation by these polypeptides was reversible in a pH-dependent manner. In contrast, 2S6Sα3 formed an α-helix under basic conditions in 1M KCl. Taken together, these findings reveal that the charge states of the charged amino acid residues and the charge state of the Leu residue located at the terminus play an important role in α-helix formation.  相似文献   

The nuclease domain of ColE7 (N-ColE7) contains an H-N-H motif that folds in a beta beta alpha-metal topology. Here we report the crystal structures of a Zn2+-bound N-ColE7 (H545E mutant) in complex with a 12-bp duplex DNA and a Ni2+-bound N-ColE7 in complex with the inhibitor Im7 at a resolution of 2.5 A and 2.0 A, respectively. Metal-dependent cleavage assays showed that N-ColE7 cleaves double-stranded DNA with a single metal ion cofactor, Ni2+, Mg2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+. ColE7 purified from Escherichia coli contains an endogenous zinc ion that was not replaced by Mg2+ at concentrations of <25 mM, indicating that zinc is the physiologically relevant metal ion in N-ColE7 in host E. coli. In the crystal structure of N-ColE7/DNA complex, the zinc ion is directly coordinated to three histidines and the DNA scissile phosphate in a tetrahedral geometry. In contrast, Ni2+ is bound in N-ColE7 in two different modes, to four ligands (three histidines and one phosphate ion), or to five ligands with an additional water molecule. These data suggest that the divalent metal ion in the His-metal finger motif can be coordinated to six ligands, such as Mg2+ in I-PpoI, Serratia nuclease and Vvn, five ligands or four ligands, such as Ni2+ or Zn2+ in ColE7. Universally, the metal ion in the His-metal finger motif is bound to the DNA scissile phosphate and serves three roles during hydrolysis: polarization of the P-O bond for nucleophilic attack, stabilization of the phosphoanion transition state and stabilization of the cleaved product.  相似文献   

Outer surface protein A (OspA) from Borrelia burgdorferi has an unusual dumbbell-shaped structure in which two globular domains are connected with a "single-layer" beta-sheet (SLB). The protein is highly soluble, and it has been recalcitrant to crystallization. Only OspA complexes with Fab fragments have been successfully crystallized. OspA contains a large number of Lys and Glu residues, and these "high entropy" residues may disfavor crystal packing because some of them would need to be immobilized in forming a crystal lattice. We rationally designed a total of 13 surface mutations in which Lys and Glu residues were replaced with Ala or Ser. We successfully crystallized the mutant OspA without a bound Fab fragment and extended structure analysis to a 1.15 Angstroms resolution. The new high-resolution structure revealed a unique backbone hydration pattern of the SLB segment in which water molecules fill the "weak spots" on both faces of the antiparallel beta-sheet. These well-defined water molecules provide additional structural links between adjacent beta-strands, and thus they may be important for maintaining the rigidity of the SLB that inherently lacks tight packing afforded by a hydrophobic core. The structure also revealed new information on the side-chain dynamics and on a solvent-accessible cavity in the core of the C-terminal globular domain. This work demonstrates the utility of extensive surface mutation in crystallizing recalcitrant proteins and dramatically improving the resolution of crystal structures, and provides new insights into the stabilization mechanism of OspA.  相似文献   

Plants as sessile organisms are strongly challenged by environmental stresses. Many plants species are able to cold-acclimate, acquiring higher freezing tolerance upon exposure to low but non-freezing temperatures. Among a plethora of adaptational processes, this involves the accumulation of cold regulated (COR) proteins that are assumed to stabilize and protect cellular structures during freezing. However, their molecular functions are largely unknown. We recently reported a comprehensive study of 2 intrinsically disordered cold regulated chloroplast proteins, COR15A and COR15B from Arabidopsis thaliana. They are necessary for full cold acclimation. During freezing, they stabilize leaf cells through folding and binding to chloroplast membranes. Contrary to evidence from in-vitro experiments, they play no role in enzyme stabilization in vivo. Elucidating these major functional and structural characteristics and estimation of protein abundance allow us to propose a detailed model for the mode of action of the two COR15 proteins.  相似文献   

Using a dimeric bZIP protein, we have designed a leucine zipper that becomes more stable after a serine in the e position is phosphorylated by protein kinase A (delta delta GP = -1.4 kcal mol-1 dimer-1 or -0.7 kcal mol-1 residue-1). Mutagenesis studies indicate that three arginines form a network of inter-helical (i,i' + 5; i, i' + 2) and intra-helical (i, i + 4) attractive interactions with the phosphorylated serine. When the arginines are replaced with lysines, the stabilizing effect of serine phosphorylation is reduced (delta delta GP = -0.5 kcal mol-1 dimer-1). The hydrophobic interface of the leucine zipper needs a glycine in the d position to obtain an increase in stability after phosphorylation. The phosphorylated protein binds DNA with a 15-fold higher affinity. Using a transient transfection assay, we document a PKA dependent four-fold activation of a reporter gene. Phosphorylation of a threonine in the same e position decreases the stability by delta delta GP = +1.2 kcal mol-1 dimer-1. We present circular dichroism (CD) thermal denaturations of 15 bZIP proteins before and after phosphorylation. These data provide insights into the structural determinants that result in stabilization of a coiled coil by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

As a model for analyzing the role of charge repulsion in proteins and its shielding by the solvent, we designed a peptide of 27 amino acid residues that formed a homodimeric coiled-coil. The interface between the coils consisted of hydrophobic Leu and Val residues, and 10 Lys residues per monomer were incorporated into the positions exposed to solvent. During the preparation of a disulfide-linked dimer in which the two peptides were linked in parallel by the two disulfide bonds located at the N and C terminals, a cyclic monomer with an intramolecular disulfide bond was also obtained. On the basis of CD and 1H-NMR, the conformational stabilities of these isomers and several reference peptides were examined. Whereas all these peptides were unfolded in the absence of salt at pH 4.7 and 20 degrees C, the addition of NaClO4 cooperatively stabilized the alpha-helical conformation. The crosslinking of the peptides by disulfide bonds significantly decreased the midpoint salt concentration of the transition. The 1H-NMR spectra in the presence of NaClO4 suggested that, whereas the disulfide-bonded dimer assumed a native-like conformation, the cyclic monomer assumed a molten globule-like conformation with disordered side chains. However, the cyclic monomer exhibited cooperative transitions against temperature and Gdn-HCl that were only slightly less cooperative than those of the disulfide-bonded parallel dimer. These results indicate that the charge repulsion critically destabilizes the native-like state as well as the molten globule-like state, and that the solvent-dependent charge repulsion may be useful for controlling the conformation of designed peptides.  相似文献   

Esterases form a diverse class of enzymes of largely unknown physiological role. Because many drugs and pesticides carry ester functions, the hydrolysis of such compounds forms at least one potential biological function. Carboxylesterases catalyze the hydrolysis of short chain aliphatic and aromatic carboxylic ester compounds. Esterases, D-alanyl-D-alanine-peptidases (DD-peptidases) and beta-lactamases can be grouped into two distinct classes of hydrolases with different folds and topologically unrelated catalytic residues, the one class comprising of esterases, the other one of beta-lactamases and DD-peptidases. The chemical reactivities of esters and beta-lactams towards hydrolysis are quite similar, which raises the question of which factors prevent esterases from displaying beta-lactamase activity and vice versa. Here we describe the crystal structure of EstB, an esterase isolated from Burkholderia gladioli. It shows the protein to belong to a novel class of esterases with homology to Penicillin binding proteins, notably DD-peptidase and class C beta-lactamases. Site-directed mutagenesis and the crystal structure of the complex with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate suggest Ser75 within the "beta-lactamase" Ser-x-x-Lys motif to act as catalytic nucleophile. Despite its structural homology to beta-lactamases, EstB shows no beta-lactamase activity. Although the nature and arrangement of active-site residues is very similar between EstB and homologous beta-lactamases, there are considerable differences in the shape of the active site tunnel. Modeling studies suggest steric factors to account for the enzyme's selectivity for ester hydrolysis versus beta-lactam cleavage.  相似文献   

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