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We report the preparation of a deoxyribooligonucleotide containing a new thymine (6-4) photoproduct analog. The (6-4) photoproduct is one of the major forms of DNA lesions, and leads to mutation in DNA. An antibody (64M5) that binds the (6-4) photoproduct has been described. To investigate the interaction of the photoproduct with the 64M5 antibody, we prepared a (6-4) photoproduct analog in which the two thymines were connected with a formacetal linkage. With UV-irradiation, the thymine dimer with the formacetal linkage reacted to the (6-4) photoproduct faster than the phosphodiesterified dimer, and the yields of the analog was higher than those of the natural thymine dimer. The 64M5 antibody exhibited sufficient binding to a tetranucleotide containing the (6-4) photoproduct analog with a formacetal linkage, although the association constant was slightly lower than that for the natural lesion. This (6-4) photoproduct analog may be useful for investigation of other proteins that recognize the (6-4) photoproduct.  相似文献   

Humans are exposed to N-nitroso compounds from both endogenous and exogenous sources. Many N-nitroso compounds can be metabolically activated to give diazoacetate, which can result in the carboxymethylation of DNA. The remarkable similarity in p53 mutations found in human gastrointestinal tumors and in shuttle vector studies, where the human p53 gene-containing vector was treated with diazoacetate and propagated in yeast cells, suggests that diazoacetate might be an important etiological agent for human gastrointestinal tumors. The O6-carboxymethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine was previously detected in isolated DNA upon exposure to diazoacetate and in blood samples of healthy human subjects. The corresponding modifications of thymidine and 2′-deoxyadenosine have not been assessed, though significant mutations at A:T base pairs were found in the p53 tumor suppressor gene in human gastrointestinal tumors and in shuttle vector studies. To understand the implications of the carboxymethylation chemistry of thymidine in the observed mutations at A:T base pairs, here we synthesized authentic N3-carboxymethylthymidine (N3-CMdT) and O4-carboxymethylthymidine (O4-CMdT), incorporated them into DNA, and demonstrated, for the first time, that they were the major carboxymethylated derivatives of thymidine formed in calf thymus DNA upon exposure to diazoacetate. The demonstration of the formation of N3-CMdT and O4-CMdT in isolated DNA upon treatment with diazoacetate, together with the preparation of authentic oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates housing these two lesions, laid the foundation for investigating the replication and repair of these lesions and for understanding their implications in the mutations observed in human gastrointestinal tumors.  相似文献   

Song Q  Hei X  Xu Z  Zhang X  Guo Q  Song QH 《Bioorganic chemistry》2003,31(5):357-366
Uracil oxetane adducts, which are model compounds for the oxetane intermediates generated during the formation of (6-4) photoproducts or in their photoenzymatic repair, have been synthesized using 1,3-dimethyluracil with carbonyl compounds. On the basis of fluorescence measurements and photolysis experiments, it is demonstrated that the oxetane adducts can be split into the nucleotide base and carbonyl compounds via an electron transfer reaction from photosensitizer. The reaction is more efficient for a stronger electron donor.  相似文献   

The reaction mechanism of Xenopus (6-4) photolyase was investigated using several mutant enzymes. In the active site, which is homologous between the cis,syn-cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer and (6-4) photolyases, four amino acid residues that are specific to (6-4) photolyase, Gln(288), His(354), Leu(355), and His(358), and two conserved tryptophans, Trp(291) and Trp(398), were substituted with alanine. Only the L355A mutant had a lower affinity for the substrate, which suggested a hydrophobic interaction with the (6-4) photoproduct. Both the H354A and H358A mutations resulted in an almost complete loss of the repair activity, although the Trp(291) and Trp(398) mutants retained some activity. Taking the pH profile of the (6-4) photolyase reaction into consideration with this observation, we propose a mechanism in which these histidines catalyze the formation of the four-membered ring intermediate in the repair process of this enzyme. When deuterium oxide was used as a solvent, the repair activity was decreased. The proton transfer shown by this isotope effect supports the proposed mechanism. The substrate binding and the reaction mechanism are discussed in detail using a molecular model.  相似文献   

Dunaliella salina is a unicellular green alga and possesses two types of photolyase: Class II cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) photolyase and (6-4) photolyase. The gene of D. salina (6-4) photolyase is the first one found in unicellular organisms. CPD photolyases have been extensively studied but (6-4) photolyases are less understood. Because of the data observed in this study, D. salina (6-4) photolyase is insensitive to high salinity; whether it can tolerate a higher level of salinity than other (6-4) photolyases needs to be studied further. However, evidence is provided that (6-4) photolyases might be highly conserved among different species, not only in the sequence identity but also in the photorepair mechanism.  相似文献   

Y Jing  J F Kao    J S Taylor 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(16):3845-3853
Cis-syn dimers, (6-4) products and their Dewar valence isomers are the major photoproducts of DNA and have different mutagenic properties and rates of repair. To begin to understand the physical basis for these differences, the thermal stability and base pairing properties of the corresponding photoproducts of the TT site in d(GAGTATTATGAG) were investigated. The (6-4) and Dewar products destabilize the duplex form by approximately 6 kcal/mol of free energy at 37 degreesC relative to the parent, whereas a cis-syn dimer only destabilizes the duplex form by 1.5 kcal/mol. Duplexes with G opposite the 3'-T of the (6-4) and Dewar products are more stable than those with A by approximately 0.4 kcal/mol, whereas the cis-syn dimer prefers A over G by 0.7 kcal/mol. Proton NMR suggests that wobble base pairing takes place between the 3'-T of the cis-syn dimer and an opposed G, whereas there is no evidence of significant H-bonding between these two bases in the (6-4) product. The thermodynamic and H-bonding data for the (6-4) product are consistent with a 4 nt interior loop structure which may facilitate flipping of the photoproduct in and out of the helix.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the nucleoside analog 1-(2'-deoxy-beta-D-ribofuranosyl) imidazole-4-carboxamide (1) were synthesized by solid phase phosphoramidite technology. Nucleoside 1, which contains a reactive exocyclic amide moiety, was incorporated into synthetic oligodeoxyribonucleotides with the use of a benzoyl protecting group. The corresponding oligodeoxyribonucleotides with dI or dA in the same position in the sequence were synthesized for UV comparison of helix-coil transitions. The thermal melting studies indicate that 1, which could conceptually adopt either a dA- or a dI-like hydrogen bond configuration, pairs with significantly higher affinity to T than to dC. Nucleoside 1 further resembles dA in the relative order of its base pairing preferences (T >dG >dA >dC), but may be less discriminating than dA in its bias for base pairing with T over dG.  相似文献   

DNA (6-4) photoproducts are major constituents of ultraviolet-damaged DNAs. We prepared double-stranded (ds) (6-4) DNA photoproducts and analyzed formation of their complexes with anti-(6-4) photoproduct antibody Fabs. Elution profiles of the mixtures of ds-(6-4) DNAs and Fabs from anion-exchange and gel-filtration columns indicate that Fab 64M-2 deprives 14mer ds-(6-4) DNA of single-stranded (ss) (6-4) DNA and shows no interaction with 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18). Fab 64M-5 with an approximately 100-fold higher affinity than Fab 64M-2 forms a complex with the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18), but partly dissociates another 18 mer ds-(6-4) DNA (A18-3), with a lowered G-C content, into ss-DNAs. From these results, antibody 64M-5 possibly accommodates the T(6-4)T photolesion moiety of the ds-(6-4) DNA (A18) by flipping out the moiety from its neighboring segments.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing N6-methoxyadenine (M) have been synthesized. The order of stability of duplexes consisting of synthesized oligodeoxyribonucleotides, 5'd(CCTGGTAXCAGGTCC)3'-5'd(GGACCTGNTACCAGG)3' (X = M, A, G. N = A, G, T, C), was M: A (Tm = 52 degrees C) greater than M: T (50 degrees C) greater than M: G (48 degrees C) greater than M: C (46 degrees C) observed by thermal denaturation in a buffer of 0.01 M Na cacodylate, and 0.1 M NaCl at pH 7.0. The Tms are within a range of 6 degrees of difference, which is smaller than those of Tms of the duplexes containing A:N pairs (11 degrees) and G:N pairs (11 degrees). DNA replication study on a template-primer system, 5'd(32p-CAGCTTTCGC)3' 3'd(GTCGAAAGCGMAGTCG)5', showed that TTP and dCTP were incorporated into DNA strands at a site opposite to M by Klenow DNA polymerase, but dATP and dGTP were not.  相似文献   

The UV-induced (6-4)photoproducts and their repair in individual human cells were quantitatively determined by argon-laser imaging microspectrofluorometry or autoradiography with a well-characterized monoclonal antibody against (6-4)photoproducts. (6-4)Photoproduct induction curves were linear as a function of UV dose, using both methods. The formation of (6-4)photoproducts was detected in the cells irradiated with as low as 10 and 25 J/m2 of UV by autoradiography and laser cytometry, respectively. Normal cells repaired more than 80% of the initial damage within 4 h post irradiation. In contrast, almost no repair was observed in xeroderma pigmentosum cells (complementation group A) within 8 h.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet light induces damage to DNA, with the majority of the damage expressed as the formation of cyclobutane dimers and pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts. The (6-4) photoproducts have been implicated as important UV light-induced premutagenic DNA lesions. The most abundant of the (6-4) products is the thymine-cytosine pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproduct, or TC (6-4) product. The structure of the TC (6-4) product was deduced by proton NMR, IR, and fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy, and the product was found to differ from the previously described photoadduct, Thy(6-4)Pyo, by the presence of an amino group at the 5 position of the 5' pyrimidine. The implications of this structure on DNA base pairing and the induction of ultraviolet light-induced mutations are discussed.  相似文献   

Solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation induces DNA photoproducts in skin cells and is the predominant cause of human skin cancers. To understand human susceptibility to skin cancer and to facilitate the development of prevention measures, highly specific reagents to detect and quantitate UV-induced DNA adducts in human skin will be needed. One approach towards this end is the use of monoclonal antibody-based molecular dosimetry methods. To facilitate the development of photoproduct-specific antibody reagents we have: (i) cloned and sequenced a single chain variable fragment (ScFv) gene coding for one such high affinity monoclonal antibody, [alpha]UVssDNA-1 (mAb C3B6), recognizing the thymidine(6-4)thymidine photoproduct; (ii) expressed and displayed the cloned ScFv gene on the surface of phage; (iii) selected functional recombinant phage by panning; (iv) purified the ScFv peptide; (v) shown that the purified ScFv peptide binds to UV-irradiated polythymidylic acid but not unirradiated polythymidylic acid. This is the first demonstration of the use of phage display to select a ScFv recognizing DNA damage. In addition, this is the initial step towards immortalizing the antibody gene for genetic manipulation, structure-function studies and application to human investigations.  相似文献   

Photolyases (PHRs) are blue light-activated DNA repair enzymes that maintain genetic integrity by reverting UV-induced photoproducts into normal bases. The flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) chromophore of PHRs has four different redox states: oxidized (FAD(ox)), anion radical (FAD(?-)), neutral radical (FADH(?)), and fully reduced (FADH(-)). We combined difference Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy with UV-visible spectroscopy to study the detailed photoactivation process of Xenopus (6-4) PHR. Two photons produce the enzymatically active, fully reduced PHR from oxidized FAD: FAD(ox) is converted to semiquinone via light-induced one-electron and one-proton transfers and then to FADH(-) by light-induced one-electron transfer. We successfully trapped FAD(?-) at 200 K, where electron transfer occurs but proton transfer does not. UV-visible spectroscopy following 450 nm illumination of FAD(ox) at 277 K defined the FADH(?)/FADH(-) mixture and allowed calculation of difference FTIR spectra among the four redox states. The absence of a characteristic C=O stretching vibration indicated that the proton donor is not a protonated carboxylic acid. Structural changes in Trp and Tyr are suggested by UV-visible and FTIR analysis of FAD(?-) at 200 K. Spectral analysis of amide I vibrations revealed structural perturbation of the protein's β-sheet during initial electron transfer (FAD(?-) formation), a transient increase in α-helicity during proton transfer (FADH(?) formation), and reversion to the initial amide I signal following subsequent electron transfer (FADH(-) formation). Consequently, in (6-4) PHR, unlike cryptochrome-DASH, formation of enzymatically active FADH(-) did not perturb α-helicity. Protein structural changes in the photoactivation of (6-4) PHR are discussed on the basis of these FTIR observations.  相似文献   

We compared the removal of pyrimidine(6-4)pyrimidone photoproducts [(6-4) photoproducts] and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) from the genome of repair-proficient Escherichia coli, using monoclonal antibodies specific for each type of lesion. We found that (6-4) photoproducts were removed at a higher rate than CPDs in the first 30 min following a moderate UV dose (40 J/m2). The difference in rates was less than that typically reported for cultured mammalian cells, in which the removal of (6-4) photoproducts is far more rapid than that of CPDs.  相似文献   

The hexactinellid sponges (phylum Porifera) represent the phylogenetically oldest metazoans that evolved 570-750 million years ago. At this period exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light exceeded that of today and it may be assumed that this old taxon has developed a specific protection system against UV-caused DNA damage. A cDNA was isolated from the hexactinellid Aphrocallistes vastus which comprises high sequence similarity to genes encoding the protostomian and deuterostomian (6-4) photolyases. Subsequently functional studies were performed. It could be shown that the sponge gene, after transfection into mutated Escherichia coli, causes resistance of the bacteria against UV light. Recombinant sponge photolyase was prepared to demonstrate that this protein binds to DNA treated with UV light (causing the formation of thymine dimers). Finally, it is shown that the photolyase gene is strongly expressed in the upper part of the animals and not in their middle part or their base. It is concluded that sponges not only have an excision DNA repair system, as has been described earlier by us, but also a photolyase-based photo-reactivating system.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (DEM-1) specific for the Dewar photoproduct is used for detection and quantification of photolesions in DNA. To help understand the molecular recognition of damaged DNA by the antibody protein, we have cloned and sequenced the variable region genes of DEM-1. We have also prepared Fab fragments of DEM-1 (DEM1Fab), and synthesized two kinds of 3'-biotinylated oligonucleotides of different lengths containing a central Dewar photoproduct of TpT to analyze the effects of the antigen size on the binding rates by means of surface plasmon resonance (SPR). Results obtained from SPR analyses suggest that DEM1Fab may recognize tetranucleotide unit as the epitope.  相似文献   

UV light-induced DNA lesions block the normal replication machinery. Eukaryotic cells possess DNA polymerase eta (Poleta), which has the ability to replicate past a cis-syn thymine-thymine (TT) dimer efficiently and accurately, and mutations in human Poleta result in the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Here, we test Poleta for its ability to bypass a (6-4) TT lesion which distorts the DNA helix to a much greater extent than a cis-syn TT dimer. Opposite the 3' T of a (6-4) TT photoproduct, both yeast and human Poleta preferentially insert a G residue, but they are unable to extend from the inserted nucleotide. DNA Polzeta, essential for UV induced mutagenesis, efficiently extends from the G residue inserted opposite the 3' T of the (6-4) TT lesion by Poleta, and Polzeta inserts the correct nucleotide A opposite the 5' T of the lesion. Thus, the efficient bypass of the (6-4) TT photoproduct is achieved by the combined action of Poleta and Polzeta, wherein Poleta inserts a nucleotide opposite the 3' T of the lesion and Polzeta extends from it. These biochemical observations are in concert with genetic studies in yeast indicating that mutations occur predominantly at the 3' T of the (6-4) TT photoproduct and that these mutations frequently exhibit a 3' T-->C change that would result from the insertion of a G opposite the 3' T of the (6-4) TT lesion.  相似文献   

Two types of enzyme utilizing light from the blue and near-UV spectral range (320-520 nm) are known to have related primary structures: DNA photolyase, which repairs UV-induced DNA damage in a light-dependent manner, and the blue light photoreceptor of plants, which mediates light-dependent regulation of seedling development. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and pyrimidine (6-4) pyrimidone photoproducts [(6-4)photoproducts] are the two major photoproducts produced in DNA by UV irradiation. Two types of photolyases have been identified, one specific for CPDs (CPD photolyase) and another specific for (6-4)photoproducts [(6-4)photolyase]. (6-4)Photolyase activity was first found in Drosophila melanogaster and to date this gene has been cloned only from this organism. The deduced amino acid sequence of the cloned gene shows that (6-4)photolyase is a member of the CPD photolyase/blue light photoreceptor family. Both CPD photolyase and blue light photoreceptor are flavoproteins and bound flavin adenine dinucleotides (FADs) are essential for their catalytic activity. Here we report isolation of a Xenopus laevis(6-4)photolyase gene and show that the (6-4)photolyase binds non- covalently to stoichiometric amounts of FAD. This is the first indication of FAD as the chromophore of (6-4)photolyase.  相似文献   

HPLC MS/MS has shown great potential in the measurement of DNA oxidative damage. Its accuracy depends on the use of multiply isotopically labelled internal standards. In this report, multiply isotopically labelled (M + 4) guanine internal standards were prepared in the form of base, nucleoside, as well as DNA oligomer. To our knowledge, this is the first chemical synthesis of oligomers containing (M + 4) guanine, and we believe that they can be used to develop a procedure that can make further improvement to the existing analytical procedures.  相似文献   

The UV component of sunlight threatens all life on the earth by damaging DNA. The photolyase (PHR) DNA repair proteins maintain genetic integrity by harnessing blue light to restore intact bases from the major UV-induced photoproducts, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD), and (6-4) photoproducts ((6-4) PPs). The (6-4) PHR must catalyze not only covalent bond cleavage between two pyrmidine bases but also hydroxyl or amino group transfer from the 5'- to 3'-pyrimidine base, requiring a more complex mechanism than that postulated for CPD PHR. In this paper, we apply Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to (6-4) PHR and report difference FTIR spectra that correspond to its photoactivation, substrate binding, and light-dependent DNA repair processes. The presence of DNA carrying a single (6-4) PP uniquely influences vibrations of the protein backbone and a protonated carboxylic acid, whereas photoactivation produces IR spectral changes for the FAD cofactor and the surrounding protein. Difference FTIR spectra for the light-dependent DNA damage repair reaction directly show significant DNA structural changes in the (6-4) lesion and the neighboring phosphate group. Time-dependent illumination of samples with different enzyme:substrate stoichiometries successfully distinguished signals characteristic of structural changes in the protein and the DNA resulting from binding and catalysis.  相似文献   

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