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Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) has greatly declined throughout its range as a result of introduced disease, fire suppression, and other factors, and climate change is predicted to accelerate this decline. Restoration is needed; however, no information regarding the degree of local adaptation is available to guide these efforts. A seedling common-garden experiment was employed to assess genetic diversity and geographic differentiation (Q(ST)) of whitebark pine for traits involved in growth and adaptation to cold and to determine climatic variables revealing local adaptation. Seedlings from 48 populations were grown for two years and measured for height increment, biomass, root to shoot ratio, date of needle flush, fall and spring cold injury, and survival. Significant variation was observed among populations for most traits. The Q(ST) was low (0.07-0.14) for growth traits and moderate (0.36-0.47) for cold adaptation related traits, but varied by region. Cold adaptation traits were strongly correlated with mean temperature of the coldest month of population origins, while growth traits were generally correlated with growing season length. We recommend that seed transfer for restoration favor seed movement from milder to colder climates to a maximum of 1.9°C in mean annual temperature in the northern portion of the species range, and 1.0°C in the U. S. Rocky Mountains to avoid maladaptation to current conditions yet facilitate adaptation to future climates.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed for Pinus koraiensis to characterize its genetic diversity and understand its population structure. ? Methods and Results: Using the Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences COntaining (FIASCO) Repeats protocol, 20 primer sets were developed in Chinese populations of P. koraiensis. Three of the markers showed polymorphism with two alleles per locus when assessed in a sample of two populations of P. koraiensis from the Changbai Mountain in the Jilin Province of China. Five and three loci were successfully amplified in P. taiwanensis and P. massoniana, respectively. The amplification size of these loci matches those in P. koraiensis. ? Conclusions: These markers may be useful for further investigation of population genetics of P. koraiensis.  相似文献   

Siberian pine (Pinus sibirica), also known as Siberian cedar pine and Siberian cedar, is an important plant that has been long used as a source of natural compounds and materials (wood, needles, soft resin, turpentine, colophony). Its chemical composition has been studied well enough; however, to our surprise, no articles that compile the phytochemical data have been published so far. Presumably, this is due to the fact that most of the studies were published in journals difficult to access and not indexed by search systems. This review, for the first time, presents a systematic compilation of available data of secondary metabolites occurring in the needles, shoots, bark, wood, seeds, and oleoresin of Pinus sibirica.  相似文献   

Mexico, with 43 species of Pinus recognized in the most recent revision for Flora Neotropica, is the richest centre of diversity for the genus. Other centres are California and south-east U.S.A. In comparison, Eurasian pine regions are less diverse. This biogeography, combined with the virtual absence of fossil evidence in Mexico, has led to the consensus that Pinus is a relative newcomer to the region and that 'recent' speciation accounts for its diversity. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that several of the oldest and most primitive members of the genus may have originated in this part of the continent and coexist with the species resulting from more recent radiation.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation among individuals is necessary for natural selection to operate and is therefore essential for adaptive evolution. However, extensive variation within individuals can mask variation among individuals and weaken the potential for selection. Here we quantify variation among and within individuals in female cone and seed traits of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis). In many plants, the production of numerous reproductive structures creates the potential for considerable variation within a plant, but these same traits should also undergo strong selection because of their direct link to plant fitness. We found about twice as much variation among individuals (overall mean = 65.3 ± 4.5% SE) than within individuals (overall mean = 34.7 ± 4.5%). One only needs to sample three to five cones per tree to accurately assess variation among trees in most cone and seed traits. The ease at which trees can be assessed helps account for the strong and consistent patterns of phenotypic selection exerted by seed predators and dispersers of whitebark pine and many other conifers. In contrast, the few traits where variation within trees equaled or exceeded that among trees underwent weak if any phenotypic selection.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study is to compare all taxa from the Pinus kesiya complex and related P. tabuliformis using statistical, ordination and discrimination techniques focusing on ten most discriminating morphological traits. Special emphasis was placed on the recently described taxa Pinus densata subsp. tibetica and P. × naxiorum (=P. yunnanensis × P. densata). Population comparisons of the particular main geographic distribution areas of Pinus kesiya, P. densata subsp. tibetica and P. yunnanensis were also conducted separately within each mentioned taxon using the same data. Pinus densata subsp. tibetica proved to be sufficiently morphologically differentiated from subsp. densata as well as from other species of the P. kesiya complex and P. tabuliformis. The recently originating hybrid P. × naxiorum appears to be intermediate between its parents. The unique shrubby taxon P. densata var. pygmaea is clearly closer to P. densata than to P. yunnanensis, to which it has been classified in Chinese floras. Populations of four distant Pinus kesiya geographic distribution areas lack substantial differences that would support the recognition of infraspecific taxa such as subsp. insularis or var. langbianensis. Pinus yunnanensis is very similar to P. kesiya, with only one trait, leaf length, being significantly different.  相似文献   

Pinus trifolia Miki 1939 (Pinaceae) was originally proposed based on seed cones from the upper Miocene of Aichi and Gifu Prefectures, central Japan. However, before the publication of P. trifolia, a different name (Pinus fujiii (Yasui) Miki) was given to a female cone with the same morphology. On the other hand, P. fujiii auct. non (Yasui) Miki has been used for seed cones with different morphologies from Yasui’s holotype, i.e., apophyses arranged in 5:8 parastichies and a perexcentromucronate slightly-pointed umbo. As a result of re-examination on the Miki and Yasui specimens, we concluded that P. trifolia was a synonym for P. fujiii and proposed here Pinus mikii sp. nov. for cones assigned to P. fujiii auct. non (Yasui) Miki. We also emended the diagnosis of P. fujiii based on these specimens. Pinus fujiii is characterized by a large female cone in which the apophyses with a centromucronate prickle-like umbo are arranged in 8:13 parastichies, and deciduous seed wings. These characters suggest that P. fujiii belongs to the section Trifoliae of the subgenus Pinus, which is now restricted to North and Central America and the Caribbean islands. Fossil data suggest that the P. fujiii lineage firstly appeared in Japan around the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. We speculate that the P. fujiii lineage might have moved southward to Japan from a refugium located elsewhere in high-latitude areas in response to the late Eocene cooling event, as occurred with other Trifoliae species in North America.  相似文献   

Partial cambial mortality is a growth form that is characteristic of Pinus aristata trees. To better elucidate their cambial death pattern, tree size and aspect of cambial death data were gathered from three Pinus aristata forests in central Colorado, USA. Stripping frequency tended to be higher for larger diameter classes. Partial cambial mortality exhibits significant directionality within each stand. Furthermore, cambial death was measured to be most frequent on the wind-exposed side of stripped trees in two of the three study sites and appeared to be at the third. Data presented here support the hypothesis that wind plays a role in the occurrence of partial cambial mortality in Pinus aristata. The mechanisms by which wind causes cambial mortality remain unclear.  相似文献   

Extant pines of subsection Pinus (section Pinus, genus Pinus, Pinaceae) are predominantly distributed in Eastern Asia. However, the extent of diversification in the section has yet to be fully clarified. We reviewed fossil records of subsection Pinus from Japan and collected permineralized materials, in which anatomical details are preserved for better understanding of the diversification. Our results suggest that this subsection appeared in Japan no earlier than the Middle Eocene, with extant species (i.e., Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii) appearing around the beginning of the Pleistocene. Pinus fujiii (Early Miocene to Early Pleistocene) is inferred to have a close affinity to P. thunbergii based on the medial arrangement of its leaf resin canals. Additionally, P. fujiii has a similar cone morphology to those of extant species living in China, bridging the morphological gap between P. thunbergii and Chinese relatives of P. thunbergii as inferred by molecular phylogenetic analyses. Our results also suggest that taxonomic revisions of Pinus miocenica and Pinus oligolepis are required among the Japanese fossil species reported to date.  相似文献   

Pinus baileyi from the Paleogene of Idaho was initially related to the bristlecone pine P. longaeva (subgen. Strobus, sect. Parrya, subsect. Balfourianae) from western North America. Unlike the centromucronate condition in P. longaeva, P. baileyi cones have raised umbos that are excentromucronate, i.e., the mucro positioned in the upper umbo field above the keel. Cone size and scale morphology shows that P. baileyi more closely resembles excentromucronate pines of subsects. Halepenses and Pinus sensu Gernandt et al. (2005, Taxon 54: 29-42), but is most similar to P. resinosa, P. kesiya, and P. massoniana of subsect. Pinus. Morphologically, P. baileyi resembles the fossil species P. princetonensis and P. arnoldii from the Eocene Princeton Chert, British Columbia, Canada. Pinus baileyi extends the western North American range of ovulate cones resembling subsect. Pinus from the middle Eocene of British Columbia, Canada and Washington, USA to the Oligocene of Idaho, USA. Pinus baileyi, and possibly P. princetonensis and P. arnoldii, indicates the presence of early populations of subsect. Pinus-type pines in the western cordillera of North America, raising the possibility that P. resinosa and P. tropicalis may have evolved from this group.  相似文献   

Two of the four members of subsection Contortae of the genus Pinus occur in the southeastern United States: Pinus virginiana, which ranges throughout the southern and central Appalachian Mountains, and P. clausa, which is restricted to Florida and southern Alabama. We examined allozyme variation within P. virginiana and genetic relationships between this species and the two varieties of P. clausa (var. clausa and var. immuginata). P. virginiana maintains more genetic diversity at both the species (Hes = 0.139) and population (Hep = 0.128) levels than the other three species in the subsection, which may reflect the combination of its widespread distribution and the absence of cone serotiny. Genetic differentiation among populations in P. virginiana was relatively low (GST = 0.053), but significant contrasts in allozyme frequencies and genetic diversity were apparent between populations to the northwest vs. outheast of the Appalachian Mountains. These regional differences likely resulted initially from historical processes that occurred during the Pleistocene and early Holocene, and have been reinforced by modern selective pressures and barriers to gene flow. The mean genetic distance between populations of P. virginiana and P. clausa (D = 0.071) was greater than that between populations of the two varieties of P. clausa (D = 0.012), which suggests that the two varieties diverged at some point after the separation of the two species.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, new hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of dioecy in plants. Most of the selective mechanisms invoked have been suggested and supported by phylogenetic correlations. Here we review (1) the validity of the correlations (especially in light of recent critiques of the comparative method), and (2) the conformity of the proposed mechanisms to empirical data. None of the hypotheses can be flatly rejected on existing evidence, but the strength of their support varies. Future correlational studies must explicitly consider phylogeny; more importantly, such broad studies should also be supplemented by detailed studies of particular transitions to dioecy (e.g. within genera) - studies of the sort that have clarified analogous issues such as heterostyly.  相似文献   

This morphometric study of the geographic variation in Pinus contorta is based on 93 provenances cultivated in northern Jutland, Hjardemål Klitplantage, 57'04"08'48'E (Arboretum trial no. F275). The numerical methods employed were common principal components analysis (CPCA), non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDSCALE), minimum spanning trees (MST), and the neighbour-joining method (NJOIN). Although it is not always possible to draw a very clear line between the coastal var. contorta and the inland var. latifolia of P. contorta subsp. contorta, these varieties are distinct in their extreme forms. Critical provenances of both varieties seem to originate from the transition zone between the two taxa. The Californian or Sierra Nevada provenances of f contorta subsp. murrayana are very distinct from the Oregon provenances. Apparently most of the inland Oregon provenances of P. contorta are more or less intermediate between var. latifolia and subsp. murmyana s.str. The NJOIN method of phylogenetic reconstruction supports the division of P. contorta into two major groups or subspecies: 1. subsp. contorta, divided into var. contorta and var. latifolia, and 2. subsp. murrayana.  相似文献   

A heteroblastic (or vegetative phase) change is an abrupt manifestation in the general heteroblastic development during the ontogeny of plants. The Canary Island pine undergoes an especially marked and delayed heteroblastic change, including both the formation of secondary needles on dwarf shoots and the onset of preformed growth. To assess genetic and environmental effects on the heteroblastic change in this species, we followed plants from 19 populations at a dry site and a wetter site. Comparing juvenile and adult needles from the same individuals, the adult had a significantly lower rate of water loss and higher leaf mass per area. Pooling data from all seed sources, the heteroblastic change took place when plants reached a critical height, on average, at 4 years of age at the dry site and 1 year earlier at the wet site. Within a subsample of individuals of equal size, mortality was significantly higher in juvenile plants than in mature plants. However, the juvenile phase was longer in plants from dry regions when compared to plants from highly productive, wet regions. This apparent contradiction might be explained through differential resource allocation and the cost of sclerophylly and resprouting ability. Considering the life strategy of the Canary Island pine, we interpret the prolonged juvenile phase as an unavoidable trade-off for the high tolerance of adults to harsh environments.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Reproductive output varies considerably among individuals within plant populations, and this is especially so in cone production of conifers. While this variation can have substantial effects on populations, little is known about its magnitude or causes. ? Methods: We studied variation in cone production for 2 years within a population of Pinus palustris Mill. (longleaf pine; Pinaceae). Using hurdle models, we evaluated the importance of burn treatments, tree size (dbh), canopy status (open, dominant, subordinate), and number of conspecific neighbors within 4 m (N(4)). ? Key results: Cone production of individuals-even after accounting for other variables-was strongly correlated between years. Trees in plots burned every 1, 2, or 5 years produced more cones than those burned every 7 years, or unburned. Larger trees tend to produce more cones, but the large effects of the other factors studied caused substantial scatter in the dbh-cone number relationship. Among trees in the open, dbh had little explanatory power. Subordinate trees with three neighbors produced no cones. ? Conclusions: Tree size alone was a weak predictor of cone production. Interactions with neighbors play an important role in generating reproductive heterogeneity, and must be accounted for when relating cone production to size. The strong between-year correlation, together with the large variance in cone production among trees without neighbors, suggests that still more of the variance may be explainable, but requires factors outside of our study.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Seed dormancy plays an important role in germination ecology and seed plant evolution. Morphological seed dormancy is caused by an underdeveloped embryo that must mature prior to germination. It has been suggested that the presence of an underdeveloped embryo is plesiomorphic among seed plants and that parallel directional change in embryo morphology has occurred separately in gymnosperms and in angiosperms. We test these hypotheses using original data on embryo morphology of key basal taxa, a published dataset, and the generalized least squares (GLS) method of ancestral character state reconstruction. Reconstructions for embryo to seed ratio (E:S) using family means for 179 families showed that E:S has increased between the ancestral angiosperm and almost all extant angiosperm taxa. Species in the rosid clade have particularly large embryos relative to the angiosperm ancestor. Results for the gymnosperms show a similar but smaller increase. There were no statistically significant differences in E:S between basal taxa and any derived group due to extremely large standard errors produced by GLS models. However, differences between reconstructed values for the angiosperm ancestor and more highly nested nodes are large and these results are robust to topological and branch-length manipulations. Our analysis supports the idea that the underdeveloped embryo is primitive among seed plants and that there has been a directional change in E:S within both angiosperms and gymnosperms. Our analysis suggests that dormancy enforced by an underdeveloped embryo is plesiomorphic among angiosperms and that nondormancy and other dormancy types probably evolved within the angiosperms. The shift in E:S was likely a heterochronic change, and has important implications for the life history of seed plants.  相似文献   

Thirty-three individuals of Pinus mugo from the Abruzzian Apennines (Italy), the most isolated population of the species, were examined biometrically to verify the range of trait variation and compared with six other populations sampled in the north-eastern part of the species range. Ten needles and ten cones from each individual were measured and quantified on the basis of 31 traits. The interpopulation comparison revealed a close affinity of the Abruzzian population of P. mugo to three of the six other populations. The other three north-eastern populations, one from the Tatra Mountains and two from the Chornokhora Mountains, appeared to be different. This suggests that these populations originated from other Pleistocene centres of occurrence. The intrapopulation variation of the population from the Abruzzian Apennines is comparable with those of all six populations of P. mugo from the Sudety and Carpathian Mountains. These findings support the hypothesis that isolated but locally abundant plant populations do not necessarily show a reduction in variability resulting from isolation.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 147 , 309–316.  相似文献   

The metabolome of a plant comprises all small molecule metabolites, which are produced during cellular processes. The genetic basis for metabolites in nonmodel plants is unknown, despite frequently observed correlations between metabolite concentrations and stress responses. A quantitative genetic analysis of metabolites in a nonmodel plant species is thus warranted. Here, we use standard association genetic methods to correlate 3563 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to concentrations of 292 metabolites measured in a single loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) association population. A total of 28 single locus associations were detected, representing 24 and 20 unique SNPs and metabolites, respectively. Multilocus Bayesian mixed linear models identified 2998 additional associations for a total of 1617 unique SNPs associated to 255 metabolites. These SNPs explained sizeable fractions of metabolite heritabilities when considered jointly (56.6% on average) and had lower minor allele frequencies and magnitudes of population structure as compared with random SNPs. Modest sets of SNPs (n = 1-23) explained sizeable portions of genetic effects for many metabolites, thus highlighting the importance of multi-SNP models to association mapping, and exhibited patterns of polymorphism consistent with being linked to targets of natural selection. The implications for association mapping in forest trees are discussed.  相似文献   

Cuticle micromorphology of leaves of Pinus (Pinaceae) from North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cuticle micromorphology of 31 taxa of Pinus from North America was studied with scanning electron microscopy. Twenty-eight characters, 21 from the inner cuticle and seven from the outer cuticle, were described in detail. These characters have value either for infrageneric classification or for identifying individual taxa. Ten characters were diagnostic for subgenera. Numbers 1−5 relate to the epidermal cells: (1) periclinal wall texture; (2) degree of development; (3) shape of anticlinal walls; (4) shape of apex of anticlinal walls; (5) cuticular continuity. Numbers 6 and 7 relate to the subsidiary cells: (6) lateral texture; (7) groove on the inner surface. Numbers 8−10 relate to the Florin ring: (8) degree of development of the ridge; (9) furrow; (10) groove. Pinus resinosa , belonging to Pinus section Pinus , was clearly distinguished from both the other species and subsection by the tapering and oblique end wall and markedly developed anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells. The cuticular features of P. albicaulis belonging to Parrya subsection Cembrae have a cuticular pattern typical of the species of subgenus Strobus . The subsectional delimitation based on cuticular features did not show a clear resolution even though the taxa might be individually distinct based on the combination of characters examined.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 144 , 303−320.  相似文献   

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