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The following technic, based on the patent blue V hemoglobin reaction, is useful for identifying hemoglobin in tissue fixed in neutral formaldehyde solution and embedded in paraffin:

Stain the deparaffinized, hydrated sections 3 to 5 minutes in the working reagent, prepared by adding 2 ml. of glacial acetic acid and 1 ml. of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 10 ml. of the filtered stock solution (1 g. patent blue, 10 g. zinc powder, and 2 ml. glacial acetic acid). Counterstain 30 to 60 seconds in 1:1000 safranin solution in 1% acetic acid, rinse, dehydrate with alcohols, clear in xylene and mount in clarite. Total time required, 37 minutes.

Blood and tissue and smears may be stained, following fixation in methyl alcohol, by applying the working reagent as above.  相似文献   

A method for embedding tissues with a celloidin-paraffin combination is presented. The essential features of the process depend upon (1) a thorough infiltration of the specimen with celloidin of low concentration, and (2) the subsequent impregnation of both the specimen and the celloidin with paraffin.

The methods for sectioning, and the removal of the embedding agent are given.

The chief advantages of this method are: the preservation of all of the advantages of celloidin embedding but with a great saving of time, and greater convenience of storage; the cutting of thin sections (2μ for many types of tissues); it is useful for embedding specimens for which neither pure paraffin nor pure celloidin are entirely satisfactory, i.e. those containing tissues differing in density.  相似文献   

Gomori reported that aldehyde fuchsin stained the granules of pancreatic islet beta cells selectively and without need of permanganate pretreatment. Others adopted permanganate oxidation because it makes staining faster though much less selective. All aldehyde fuchsins are not equivalent, being made from “basic fuchsin” whose composition may vary from pure pararosanilin to one of its methylated homologs, rosanilin or a mixture. Mowry et al. have shown that only aldehyde fuchsin made from pararosanilin stained unoxidized pancreatic beta cells (PBC). Aldehyde fuchsins made from methylated homologs of pararosanilin stain PBC cells only after oxidation, which induces basophilia of other cells as well; these are less selective for PBC.

Is the staining of PBC by aldehyde fuchsins due to insulin? Others have been unable to stain pure insulin with aldehyde fuchsins except in polyacrylamide gels and only after oxidation with permanganate. They have concluded that insulin contributed to the staining of oxidized but not of unoxidized PBC. This view denies any inherent validity of the more selective staining of unoxidized PBC cells as an indication of their insulin content.

We describe here indisputable staining of unoxidized pure insulins by aldehyde fuchsin made with pararosanilin. Dried spots of insulin dissolved in the stain unless fixed beforehand. Spots of dried insulin solution made on various support media and fixed in warm formalin vapor were colored strongly by the stain. Insulin soaked Gelfoam® sponges were dried, fixed in formalin vapor and processed into paraffin. In unoxidized paraffin sections, presumed insulin inside gel spaces was stained strongly by aldehyde pararosanilin. Finally, the renal tubules of unoxidized paraffin sections of kidneys from insulin-injected mice fixed in either Bouin's fluid or formalin were loaded with material stained deeply by aldehyde pararosanilin. This material was absent in renal tubules of mice receiving no insulin. The material in the spaces of insulin-soaked gels and in the renal tubules of insulin-injected mice was proven to be insulin by specific immunostaining of duplicate sections. The same material was also stained by aldehyde pararosanilin used after permanganate. So, this dye stains oxidized or unoxidized insulin if fixed adequately.  相似文献   

Permanent preparations were made of paraffin sections from raw and cooked apple tissues stained with microchemical color reagents for pectins and pentosans. Sections stained with ruthenium red to show pectins were dehydrated and covered in balsam, and sections stained with diphenylene diamine acetate (DDA) to show pentosans were washed with water and covered in Clearcol.

Cooking was accomplished by steaming cubed histological samples. Both raw and steamed specimens were fixed in FAA in a vacuum chamber, dehydrated and cleared in tertiary butyl alcohol, and embedded in paraffin. Paraffin sections first fixed to slides with Haupt's adhesive were further stabilized by immersing in a 1% celloidin solution after dissolving the paraffin.

Ruthenium oxychloride flakes were dissolved in a Coplin jar of water containing 2 drops of ammonium hydroxide. Rehydrated sections were stained in ruthenium red 30 minutes and rinsed in water. Three methods of further preparation follow: (1) Flood sections with 10% gum arabic; drain and air-dry thoroughly; immerse in xylene 5 minutes; cover in balsam. (2) Drain and air-dry sections; if desired, counterstain dry sections with Johansen's fast green solution; immerse in xylene; cover in balsam. (3) Dehydrate by dipping in 70%, 95%, and absolute ethyl alcohol; immerse in xylene; cover in balsam.

DDA was made by heating 15 g. of benzidine in 150 ml. of glacial acetic acid and 450 ml. of water until dissolved, then adding water to make 750 ml. of solution. Rehydrated sections were stained 4 hours in DDA, washed, stained 5 minutes in Congo red (Congo red, 5 g.; NaOH, 5 g.; water, 100 ml.), washed, and covered in Clearcol.

An Autotechnicon was used for dehydration, clearing, infiltration, deparaffinizing sections, and staining. Procedures that necessarily remained manual were fixation in a vacuum chamber, and all operations that followed staining.

Ruthenium red, though the best available indicator for pectins, may not be specific for these substances. DDA and ruthenium red stained identical structures in hypodermis and cortex. DDA also stained cuticle, hence was more useful than ruthenium red for delineating that portion. DDA sections were better for photomicrography, and for measuring thickness of cell walls. Neither stain prevented the study of cell walls in polarized light.  相似文献   

Among methods used for a study of nuclear details in the development of pollen grains, the following were found to be very satisfactory: (1) warming the entire grains in aceto-carmine and then clearing with chloral hydrate; (2) making smear preparations stained with crystal-violet-iodine or iron alum hematoxylin. For paraffin sections, a counterstain with dilute alcoholic erythrosin is often very useful after the usual iron hematoxylin technic.

A method of making cultures of pollen tubes on slides coated with thin films of sugar agar is described in detail. The tubes can be fixed by immersing the slide in formol-acetic-alcohol and then stained by any desired schedule. Iron alum hematoxylin was found to be the most satisfactory, but the Feulgen reaction is very valuable in such cases where the nuclei are obscured by the density of the pollen tube cytoplasm. Living pollen tubes can be kept under observation by dissolving a small quantity of neutral red or other vital stain in the sugar agar before it is spread on the slide.

For studying stages in fertilization or gametogenesis, styles should be fixed and sectioned only after a preliminary study with iodine-chloral-hydrate or safranin-anilin-blue or aceto-carmine. Once the extent to which pollen tubes grow in a given time in the stylar tissues has been determined, it is possible to fix material with some knowledge of what it is going to show.

Some other methods, that have not been tried by the authors but appear to be valuable, are also briefly described.  相似文献   

“Dirt” on electron microscopic sections can generally be avoided by the simple strategem of preventing dry sections from coming in contract with any solution with a dirty surface layer. Wet sections can be pushed through the surface layer of such solutions without ill effect. The first and last solutions to touch a section must be dean, preferably distilled water from a plastic wash bottle.

Mention of a trademark name, proprietary product, or specific equipment does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the USDA, nor does it imply its approval to the exclurion of other products that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

A resume of Masson's trichrome staining methods is given, with detailed directions for carrying out all of his procedures. The results obtained thru their use in a routine laboratory are discussed at length, as well as the fact that they also work very well on tissues fixed in ways other than those he prescribes, and stained with chemicals and dyes other than those he uses. The fact is stressed, however, that the closer one adheres to his precepts, the better will be the results.

The stains described include bis hematozylin-phloxine-saffron, his iron-hematozylin-ponceau-anilin-blue, his variants of this stain (of which the light green stain is excellent), his metanil yellow and his modification of the familiar Van Gieson technic. All these stains are based on familiar laboratory methods, improved and rendered trichrome, so that they present no great obstacles in technic.

Of the methods cited, the writer prefers the “light green” procedure. Sections are prestained in Regaud's iron-hematoxylin, followed by a mixture of ponceau de xylidine and acid fuchsin. This is followed by mordanting in phosphomolybdic acid and the sections are finally stained in light green. The results are very precise and pleasing and afford immediate orientation as the connective tissue is green, the nuclei black or dark purple, the cytoplasm of the cells is in varying tones of red. The method may be used after fixation in almost any good medium; altho the results are not as brilliant as those obtained after one of Masson's prescribed fixations, it is believed that they are even then superior to those following the routine hematoxylin-eosin method.  相似文献   

Book Review     
LEGGETT, W. F. Ancient and Medieval Dyes. 5 × 8 in. 96 pp. Cloth. Chemical Publishing Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1944. $2.25.

Microtechnic In General. McCARTNEY, J. E. A new immersion oil “polyric”. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 265-6. 1944.

NICKERSON, MARK. A dry ice freezing unit for rotary microtomes. Science, 100, 177-8. 1944.

Dyes And Thedx Biological Uses. BERGEIM, FRANK H., and BRAKER, WILLIAM. Homosulfanilamides. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1459. 1944.

CALDWELL, W. T., TYSON, F. T., and LAUER, LOTHAR. Substituted 2-sulfonamido-5-aminopyridines. II. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1479. 1944.

JOHNS, C. K. Dye concentration in resazurin tablets. Amer. J. Pub. Health, 34, 955-8. 1944.

SMITH, WINSLOW WHITNEY. Relative sensitivity of different phases of growth curve of Bact. salmonicida to alkaline acriflavine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. & Med., 56, 240-2. 1844.

VAN ARENDONK, A. M., and SHOULE, H. A. Dialkylaminoalkyl derivatives of substituted quinolines and quinaldines. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1284. 1944.

WHEELER, KEITH, and DEGERING, E. F. Preparation and properties of certain derivatives of sulfamide. J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 66, 1242. 1944.

Animal Microtechnic. BOARDMAN, EDWARD T. Methods for collecting ticks for study and delineation. J. Parasitology, 30, 57-9. 1944.

DICKIE, MARGARET M. A new differential stain for mouse pituitary. Science, 100, 297-8. 1944.

GOVAN, A. D. TELFORD. Fat staining by Sudan dyes suspended in watery media. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 262-4. 1944.

LILLIE, R. D., and ASHBURN, L. L. Supersaturated solutions of fat stains in dilute isopropanol for demonstration of acute fatty degenerations not shown by Herxheimer technic. Arch. Path., 36, 432. 1943.

MULLEN, J. P. A convenient and rapid method for staining glycogen in paraffin sections with Best's carmine stain. Amer. J. Clin. Path., Tech. Sect., 8, 9-10. 1944.

NYKA, W. A method for staining the rickettsiae of typhns in histological sections. J. Path. & Bact., 56, 264. 1944.

POPPER, HANS, GYORGY, PAUL, and GOLDBLATT, H. Fluorescent material (ceroid) in experimental nutritional cirrhosis. Arch. Path., 37, 161. 1944.

SMALL, C. S., and SCHULTZ, M. A. Sustaining faded tissue sections. Amer. J. Clin. Path., Tech. Sect., 7, 66-7. 1943.

YOFFEY, J. M., and PARNELL, J. The lymphocyte content of rabbit bone marrow. J. Anat., 78, 109-12. 1944.

ZIEGLER, E. E. Hematoxylin-eosin tissue stain. An improved, rapid, and uniform technic. Arch. Path., 37, 68. 1044.

Plant Microtechnic. HAASIS, FERDINAND W. Staining rubber in ground or milled plant tissues. Ind. and Eng. Chem., Anal. Ed., 16, 480. 1944.

PARRIS, G. K. A simple nuclear stain and staining technique for Helminthosporia. Phytopathology, 34, 700. 1944.

Microorganisms. DARZINS, E. Rickettsienstudien. Zentbl. Bakl., Abt. I, Orig., 151, 18-20. 1943.

GOHAR, M. A. A staining method for Corynebacterium diphtheriae. J. Bact., 47, 575. 1944.

GRAY, P. H. H. Two-stain method for direct bacteria count. J. Milk Techn., 6, 76. 1943.  相似文献   

The ability of radioactive elements to affect photographic emulsions enables the detection of radioactive iodine in the thyroid. By placing unstained histological sections of a thyroid (from an animal treated with radioactive iodine) in contact with the gelatin side of medium lantern slide plates, each accumulation of radioactive iodine in the section affects the photographic plate. After exposures prolonged for several days to several weeks depending on the amount of radioactivity in the tissues, the plate is developed and fixed by routine photographic methods. The histological section is stained and may be compared under the microscope to the reactions on the plate or “autographs”.

In an attempt to detect the location of the inorganic iodine which is displaced during fixation and embedding by ordinary methods because of its solubility, a simplified freezing-drying technic for fixation was devised which, at least with the thyroid, yielded well fixed sections. The quick freezing was obtained with acetone-dry-ice mixtures; and the drying was performed at -25° to -30° C. Preliminary addition of paraffin to the tube in which the drying was performed made possible the inclusion in vacuum by heating the tube when drying was completed. The tissue could then be sectioned at 10ju on the microtome. The slides were placed on photographic plates for detection of radioactive iodine as indicated above. Before staining, the sections were treated with absolute alcohol for denaturation of the proteins.  相似文献   

The following fixative is recommended for tissues vitally stained with trypan blue: Chloroform, 2 parts; absolute ethyl alcohol, 2 parts; glacial acetic acid, 1 part; mercuric chloride to the point of saturation.

The tissue should be fixed 1 to 2 hours; transferred to 95% ethyl alcohol for 12 hours; to absolute alcohol for 12 to 24 hours; to a mixture of absolute alcohol and xylol for 1/2 hour, and finally to xylol, before embedding in paraffin. Cedar oil may be used for clearing in the place of xylol; in that case the tissues should be transferred from absolute alcohol to a mixture of absolute alcohol and cedar oil for 24 hours before placing in cedar oil alone.

Various counterstains can be used; Mayer's carmalum is excellent.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for making preparations of woody tissues for visual observation or photography by incident-light fluorescence microscopy. The chief advantages of the technic are the following:

(1) Reliable recognition of anatomical characteristics in wood without ordinary time-consuming histological technics.

(2) Examination of relatively larger surface areas of wood blocks than by usual methods.

(3) Visual observation and, if desired, photography of tissues and cell structure in dry or in nearly natural or fresh condition.

(4) Marked color contrast without the use of stains in many tissues, including specific types of cells comprising them.

(5) Improved color contrast by use of Congo red with aspects not usually obtained by other methods.  相似文献   

Three modifications of Mallory's connective tissue stain are described and some features of the action of picric acid are discussed.

In the first and most critical method the nuclei are stained in an iron hematoxylin and then differentiated in a picric acid solution containing orange G. This not only differentiates the nuclei, but stains all other elements yellow. The section is then washed in running water to remove the yellow color from all tissues except those which are to remain yellow in the final preparation (usually the erythrocytes). The section is next stained in an acid fuchsin mixture and then differentiated until the desired depth and contrast is obtained. Staining in anilin blue follows and this in turn is differentiated to suit. The section is then dehydrated and mounted.

In the second method the nuclei are stained in hemalum (e.g. Harris's) for a short time; the section is then rinsed and immersed in a mixture of picric acid and acid fuchsin and thereafter is differentiated; it is next passed into anilin blue w. s. and then differentiated and mounted as before. This is less critical than method I, but can be applied to large batches of slides at a time.

The third method is a one-solution method. After staining the nuclei in hemalum, the section is immersed in the “Picro-Mallory” solution, differentiated briefly, dehydrated and mounted. This modification, while being the least critical, is most suitable for routine use when the tissues have been fixed in a fluid containing chromate; the other commonly used fixatives, while giving useful results, are not so good.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate of the Golgi apparatus of several organs of rats, rabbits, and frogs was selected as the principal test material for the behavior of three different technics: 1) periodic acid with colored fuchsin; 2) “direct” chromic acid piperazine silver; 3) periodic acid with leucofuchsin.

Parallel sections of organs in which positive reactions were observed, were treated before staining with a series of reagents to characterize them as glycoprotein.

The results obtained by the three technics under any constant set of conditions were essentially identical in all cases. It is concluded that discrepancies that may have been noted up to now are due to several factors, probably the most important being the tissue's physiological status and the influence of fixation. The study shows that HIO4, -fuchsinl and chromic acid silver methods are, at least empirically, as valid as HIO4, -leucofuchsin technics.

Considering the differences in the oxidative mechanism of chromic and periodic acids and other data, the possibility of two different chemical pathways leading to the same final result is discussed.

It has been found that colored fuchsin, as well as its leuco form, can be used in the histochemical demonstration of aldehydes after periodic acid treatment (Arzac, 1948). In a later report (Amc, 1950), a series of reactions were obtained with colored fuchsin which differed in several ways from the results of others using Hotchkiss' method. For example, Gersh (1949) reported the presence of probable glycoproteic granules in the Golgi apparatus of rabbit and guinea pig's intestine. Leblond (1950) also found positive Golgi reactions in different cells of male excretory ducts and in other organs of the rat. Such reactions had not been observed with the colored fuchsin technic in any of the two above-mentioned occasions.

Since the latter investigators used different fixatives, which might have caused the discrepancies, the experiment described below was undertaken to study: (a) the influence of fixation on the final re-actions elicited by HI04-fuchsin (colored and leuco-form) and chromic acid piperazine silver methods; (b) the results obtained in the demonstration of Golgi zones of several rat's, rabbit's and frog's organs by these methods.  相似文献   

The retention of radio isotope-labekd vitamin A during processing for electron microscopy was investigated using the livers and kidneys of vitamin A deficient rats. [15-14C]Retinol (3μCi/animal) was administered by esophageal intubation to male rats which had been maintained on a vitamin A deficient diet for five or sir weeks postweaning. Glutaraldehyde- or osmium-fixed tissue was processed by three methods: a) routine (a graded series of ethanols, propylene oxide and epoxy), b) rapid (75% and 95% ethanol with three changes of epoxy), or c) water-soluble embedding (70% and 80% hydrorypropyl methacrylate). Water-soluble embedding retained the highest percentage of label in the tissue (liver: 96.31%; kidney: 98.68%). Inclusion of osmium tetroxide in the processing sequence and minimal exposure of tissue to lipid solvents were necessary for good retention of labeled vitamin A in tissues.

The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.

In conducting the research described in this report, the investigators adhered to the “Guide for Laboratory Animal Facilities and Care,” as promulgated by the Committee on the Guide for Laboratory Animal Resources, National Academy of Sciences—National Research Council.  相似文献   

A method for impregnating oligodendroglia in nervous tissue (monkey) fixed and preserved in formalin for many years is described. This tissue is reconditioned by placing 12 to 30μ frozen sections of it in concentrated ammonia (sp. gr. 0.90) and by washing them slowly for 24 hours with a 1 mm. stream of water. The fluid is then poured off the sections; the jar is refilled with concentrated ammonia; and washing is repeated for another 24 hours. The sections are then plunged into concentrated ammonia for 7 minutes.

After treatment in ammonia, the sections are incubated for one hour at 38oC. in Globus' 5% hydrobromic acid solution. They are washed again, in distilled water, and then impregnated in a “medium” strength ammoniacal silver carbonate solution (5 ml. of 10% AgNO3 added to 15 ml. of 5% Na2CO3. The precipitate is dissolved in concentrated ammonia and diluted to SO ml. with distilled water). Impregnation is followed by reduction in 1% formalin without agitation; fixation in 5% Na2S2O3; dehydration, and mounting in clarite.

Typical oligodendroglia (Fig. 1) were made visible by use of the method outlined in this paper.  相似文献   

N-butyl alcohol is substituted in dehydration for the higher ethyl alcohols. No special clearing is necessary as n-butyl is miscible with paraffin.

The greatest advantage of this method is the elimination of both hardening agents (the higher percentage ethyl alcohols and xylol or benzol). Another advantage is the great time toleration of the processes of dehydration and infiltration. For example, tissues have been kept without deleterious effects in n-butyl alcohol for a year before infiltration. Also, aphids which have been kept in a hot (58°C.) paraffin bath for as long as four weeks, have sectioned well. For small insects and vertebrate tissues about five days proved necessary to insure satisfactory infiltration.

N-butyl alcohol was found to give better results than many other technics in serial sectioning of lightly chitinized insects, and in the preparation of embryological and other vertebrate tissues. This technic has been used as a routine method by beginning students in animal microtechnic with better success than attended the usual methods.  相似文献   

The in vivo production of HO- requires iron ions, H2O2 and O2- or other oxidants but probably does not occur through the Haber-Weiss reaction. Instead oxidants, such as O2-, increase free iron by releasing Fe(II) from the iron-sulfur clusters of dehydratases and by interfering with the iron-sulfur clusters reassembly. Fe(II) then reduces H2O2, and in turn Fe(III) and the oxidized cluster are re-reduced by cellular reductants such as NADPH and glutathione. In this way, SOD cooperates with cellular reductants in keeping the iron-sulfur clusters intact and the rate of HO- production to a minimum.

O2- and other oxidants can release iron from Fe(II)-containing enzymes as well as copper from thionein. The released Fe(III) and Cu(II) are then reduced to Fe(II) and Cu(I) and can then participate in the Fenton reaction.

In mammalian cells oxidants are able to convert cytosolic aconitase into active IRE-BP, which increases the “free” iron concentration intracellularly both by decreasing the biosynthesis of ferritin and increasing biosynthesis of transferrin receptors.

The biological role of the soxRS regulon of Escherichia coli, which is involved in the adaptation toward oxidative stress, is presumably to counteract the oxidative inactivation of the iron clusters and the subsequent release of iron with consequent increased rate of production of HO.  相似文献   

Three fundamental requirements for the problem of developing a differential stain for cancer are discussed: I. the choice of a technic for the microscopic preparation of tissues; II. an analysis of the biological properties peculiar to cancer; and III. various groups of dyes adaptable to such peculiar properties of cancer tissue. Under I the disadvantages of intravitam staining are pointed out and the use of cell suspensions, frozen sections, and fixed material favored. Under II three characteristics of cancer tissue offering possibilities for differential staining are discussed, the cytological structure known as the “plastin reaction”, the histogenic cycle of cancer tissue, and the viability of cancer tissue under anaerobic conditions. Under III modifications of the Giemsa stain are suggested for application to the plastin reaction, specific tissue stains advocated for the use of indicating end points in histogenic cycles, and the vital dyes, congo red and trypan blue, suggested as indicators for the survival of malignant tissues because of the failure of these dyes to permeate living cancer cells.

The angle of approach thruout has been an attempt to avoid unconscious pitfalls inherent in certain microscopic technics, and to substitute analytical methods for the blind trial and error method of routinely applying dye after dye in endless succession.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing cake crumb for sectioning and staining. Previous to embedding, the fat was stained and fixed by exposing small blocks of cake to the fumes from a 5%, freshly-prepared, aqueous solution of osmic acid (OsO4). This was followed by dehydration in ethyl alcohol and tertiary butyl alcohol, removal of air under vacuum and infiltration with paraffin.

Sections were cut 20 and 9Op thick and mounted with water.

Wax was removed by immersion in xylene. The sections were rehydrated in a series of ethyl alcohol dilutions, from concentrated to dilute, then transferred to distilled water.

Protein was then stained pink by immersion of the slides in an acidified 0.04% water solution of eosin Y, or starch was stained blue with a dilute aqueous solution of iodine. Ten grams iodine and 10 g. KI were dissolved in 25 ml. distilled water. This stock solution was diluted for use one to two hundred times.

The relationship between protein and starch was demonstrated by staining the sections with eosin, differentiating in 50% alcohol and staining with iodine.

When slides of cake crumb were prepared in this way, the fat was stained black, the protein bright pink and the starch granules a dark blue.  相似文献   

Permanent mounts of certain protozoa and small worms are obtained as follows: kill suspensions of the organisms with Feulgen's fixative (6% HgCl2 in 2% aqu. acetic acid) for 3 to 24 hours. After pipetting off the fixative, add successively: 70% iodized alcohol; ditto, 30 minutes later; 50%, then 35% alcohol; 2 baths distilled water; normal HCl. Transfer to cold water and heat to 60°C for 4 to 5 minutes or longer. Cool under running water; and wash in distilled water.

Stain 1 to 3 hours in Feulgen's fuchsin sulfurous acid (1 g. of a suitable basic fuchsin, e. g. rosanilin hydrochloride, boiled in 200 cc. water, cooled, and allowed to stand 24 hours after adding 20 cc. normal HCl and 1 g. sodium bisulfite). Pass thru 3 baths of 200 cc. distilled water with 10 cc. normal HCl and 1 g. sodium bisulfite. Transfer to water and then to 35%, 70%, and 95% alcohols successively. Counterstain with fast green FCF, orange G or eosin Y in 95% alcohol. Pass thru two changes of absolute alcohol.

Transfer to 10% Venetian turpentine and place in a dessicator; mount after the turpentine has become concentrated.

If sections instead of total mounts are desired, the material should go from absolute alcohol, thru alcohol-xylol and xylol to paraffin (or preferably paraffin of M. P. 56°C with 3% bees-wax). The paraffin may be added to the material in the test tube, and cooled after the organisms have settled. Then break the tube, trim a block, and cut.  相似文献   

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