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We examined a series of extrachromosomal DNA substrates for V(D)J recombination under replicating and nonreplicating conditions. Complete and partial replications were examined by monitoring the loss of prokaryote-specific adenine methylation at 14 to 22 MboI-DpnI restriction sites (GATC) on the substrates. Some of these sites are within 2 bases of the signal sequence ends. We found that neither coding joint nor signal joint formation requires substrate replication. After ruling out replication as a substrate requirement, we determined whether replication had any effect on the efficiency of V(D)J recombination. Quantitation of V(D)J recombination efficiency on nonreplicating substrates requires some method of monitoring the entry of substrate molecules into the cells. We devised such a method by monitoring DNA repair of substrates into which we had substituted deoxyuridine for 10 to 20% of the thymidine nucleotides in the DNA. The substrates which enter the lymphoid cells were repaired efficiently in vivo by the eukaryotic uracil DNA repair system. Upon plasmid harvest, we distinguished repaired (entered) from unrepaired (not entered) plasmids by cleaving unrepaired molecules with uracil DNA glycoylase and Escherichia coli endonuclease IV in vitro. This method of monitoring DNA entry does not appear to underestimate or overestimate the amount of DNA entry. By using this method, we found no significant quantitative effect of DNA replication on V(D)J recombination efficiency.  相似文献   

RAG1 and RAG2 proteins are key components in V(D)J recombination. The core region of RAG1 is capable of catalyzing the recombination reaction; however, the biological function of non-core RAG1 remains largely unknown. Here, we show that in a murine-model carrying the RAG1 ring-finger conserved cysteine residue mutation (C325Y), V(D)J recombination was abrogated at the cleavage step, and this effect was accompanied by decreased mono-ubiquitylation of histone H3. Further analyses suggest that un-ubiquitylated histone H3 restrains RAG1 to the chromatin by interacting with the N-terminal 218 amino acids of RAG1. Our data provide evidence for a model in which ubiquitylation of histone H3 mediated by the ring-finger domain of RAG1 triggers the release of RAG1, thus allowing its transition into the cleavage phase. Collectively, our findings reveal that the non-core region of RAG1 facilitates chromosomal V(D)J recombination in a ubiquitylation-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The N-terminus of full-length RAG1, though dispensable for RAG1/2 cleavage activity, is required for efficient V(D)J recombination. This region supports RING E3 ubiquitin ligase activity in vitro, but whether full-length RAG1 functions as a single subunit or a multi-subunit E3 ligase in vivo is unclear. We show the multi-subunit cullin RING E3 ligase complex VprBP/DDB1/Cul4A/Roc1 associates with full-length RAG1 through VprBP. This complex is assembled into RAG protein-DNA complexes, and supports in-vitro ubiquitylation activity that is insensitive to RAG1 RING domain mutations. Conditional B lineage-specific VprBP disruption arrests B-cell development at the pro-B-to-pre-B cell transition, but this block is bypassed by expressing rearranged immunoglobulin transgenes. Mice with a conditional VprBP disruption show modest reduction of D-J(H) rearrangement, whereas V(H)-DJ(H) and V(κ)-J(κ) rearrangements are severely impaired. D-J(H) coding joints from VprBP-insufficent mice show longer junctional nucleotide insertions and a higher mutation frequency in D and J segments than normal. These data suggest full-length RAG1 recruits a cullin RING E3 ligase complex to ubiquitylate an unknown protein(s) to limit error-prone repair during V(D)J recombination.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination plays a prominent role in the generation of the antigen receptor repertoires of B and T lymphocytes. It is also likely to be involved in the formation of chromosomal translocations, some of which may result from interchromosomal recombination. We have investigated the potential of the V(D)J recombination machinery to perform intermolecular recombination between two plasmids, either unlinked or linked by catenation. In either case, recombination occurs in trans to yield signal and coding joints, and the results do not support the existence of a mechanistic block to the formation of coding joints in trans. Instead, we observe that linearization of the substrate, which does not alter the cis or trans status of the recombination signals, causes a specific and dramatic reduction in coding joint formation. This unexpected result leads us to propose a "release and recapture" model for V(D)J recombination in which coding ends are frequently released from the postcleavage complex and the efficiency of coding joint formation is influenced by the efficiency with which such ends are recaptured by the complex. This implies the existence of mechanisms, operative during recombination of chromosomal substrates, that act to prevent coding end release or to facilitate coding end recapture.  相似文献   

The diversity of immunoglobulins and T cell receptors is largely due to the assembly of functional genes from separate segments. The mechanism by which these gene fragments are joined is starting to be deciphered, with broken DNA molecules that may be intermediates in the reaction providing a new clue.  相似文献   

The nuclease ARTEMIS and the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) are involved in the repair of physiological and pathogenic DNA double strand breaks. Both proteins are indispensable for the hairpin-opening activity in V(D)J recombination and therefore essential for the adaptive immune response. ARTEMIS and DNA-PKcs interact, however experimental evidence for in vivo significance is missing. We demonstrate that mutations abolishing this protein-protein interaction affect nuclease function. In DNA-PKcs, mutation L3062R impairs the physical interaction with ARTEMIS and was previously identified as pathogenic variant, resulting in radiosensitive severe combined immunodeficiency. In ARTEMIS, specific mutations in two conserved regions affect interaction with DNA-PKcs. In combination they impair V(D)J recombination activity, independent of ARTEMIS autoinhibitory self-interaction between the ARTEMIS C-terminus and the N-terminal nuclease domain. We describe small fragments from both proteins, capable of interaction with the corresponding full-length partner proteins: In DNA-PKcs 42 amino acids out of FAT region 2 (PKcs3041-3082) can mediate interaction with ARTEMIS. In the nuclease we have defined 26 amino acids (ARM378-403) as minimal DNA-PKcs interacting fragment. The exact mapping of the ARTEMIS:DNA-PKcs interaction may pave the way for the design of specific inhibitors targeting the repair of DNA double strand breaks.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is utilized in both DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) and V(D)J recombination, but the mechanism by which this multiprotein complex participates in these proces­ses is unknown. To evaluate the importance of DNA-PK-mediated protein phosphorylation in DSBR and V(D)J recombination, we assessed the effects of the phosphatidyl inositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin on the repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks and V(D)J recombination in the V(D)J recombinase inducible B cell line HDR37. Wortmannin radiosensitized HDR37, but had no affect on V(D)J recombination despite a marked reduction in DNA-PK activity. On the other hand, studies with mammalian expression vectors for wild-type human DNA-PK catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and a kinase domain mutant demonstrated that only the kinase active form of DNA-PKcs can reconstitute DSBR and V(D)J recombination in a DNA-PKcs-deficient cell line (Sf19), implying that DNA-PKcs kinase activity is essential for both DSBR and V(D)J recombination. These apparently contradictory results were reconciled by analyses of cell lines varying in their expression of recombinant wild-type human DNA-PKcs. These studies establish that minimal DNA-PKcs protein levels are sufficient to support V(D)J recombination, but insufficient to confer resistance to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

V(D)J recombination generates a remarkably diverse repertoire of antigen receptors through the rearrangement of germline DNA. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), a polymerase that adds random nucleotides (N regions) to recombination junctions, is a key enzyme contributing to this diversity. The current model is that TdT adds N regions during V(D)J recombination by random collision with the DNA ends, without a dependence on other cellular factors. We previously demonstrated, however, that V(D)J junctions from Ku80-deficient mice unexpectedly lack N regions, although the mechanism responsible for this effect remains undefined in the mouse system. One possibility is that junctions are formed in these mice during a stage in development when TdT is not expressed. Alternatively, Ku80 may be required for the expression, nuclear localization or enzymatic activity of TdT. Here we show that V(D)J junctions isolated from Ku80-deficient fibroblasts are devoid of N regions, as were junctions in Ku80-deficient mice. In these cells TdT protein is abundant at the time of recombination, localizes properly to the nucleus and is enzymatically active. Based on these data, we propose that TdT does not add to recombination junctions through random collision but is actively recruited to the V(D)J recombinase complex by Ku80.  相似文献   

Atm-deficient mice die of malignant thymic lymphomas characterized by translocations within the Tcr alpha/delta locus, suggesting that tumorigenesis is secondary to aberrant responses to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) breaks that occur during RAG-dependent V(D)J recombination. We recently demonstrated that development of thymic lymphoma in Atm(-/-) mice was not prevented by loss of RAG-2. Thymic lymphomas that developed in Rag2(-/-) Atm(-/-) mice contained multiple chromosomal abnormalities, but none of these involved the Tcr alpha/delta locus. These findings indicated that tumorigenesis in Atm(-/-) mice is mediated by chromosomal translocations secondary to aberrant responses to dsDNA breaks and that V(D)J recombination is an important, but not essential, event in susceptibility. In contrast to these findings, it was recently reported that Rag1(-/-) Atm(-/-) mice do not develop thymic lymphomas, a finding that was interpreted as demonstrating a requirement for RAG-dependent recombination in the susceptibility to tumors in Atm-deficient mice. To test the possibility that RAG-1 and RAG-2 differ in their roles in tumorigenesis, we studied Rag1(-/-) Atm(-/-) mice in parallel to our previous Rag2(-/-) Atm(-/-) study. We found that thymic lymphomas occur at high frequency in Rag1(-/-) Atm(-/-) mice and resemble those that occur in Rag2(-/-) Atm(-/-) mice. These results indicate that both RAG-1 and RAG-2 are necessary for tumorigenesis involving translocation in the Tcr alpha/delta locus but that Atm deficiency leads to tumors through a broader RAG-independent predisposition to translocation, related to a generalized defect in dsDNA break repair.  相似文献   

Ku, a heterodimer of 70- and 86-kDa subunits, serves as the DNA binding component of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). Cells deficient for the 86-kDa subunit of Ku (Ku86-deficient cells) lack Ku DNA end-binding activity and are severely defective for formation of the standard V(D)J recombination products, i.e., signal and coding joints. It has been widely hypothesized that Ku is required for protection of broken DNA ends generated during V(D)J recombination. Here we report the first analysis of V(D)J recombination intermediates in a Ku-deficient cell line. We find that full-length, ligatable signal ends are abundant in these cells. These data show that Ku86 is not required for the protection or stabilization of signal ends, suggesting that other proteins may perform this function. The presence of high levels of signal ends in Ku-deficient cells prompted us to investigate whether these ends could participate in joining reactions. We show that nonstandard V(D)J recombination products (hybrid joints), which involve joining a signal end to a coding end, form with similar efficiencies in Ku-deficient and wild-type fibroblasts. These data support the surprising conclusion that Ku is not required for some types of V(D)J joining events. We propose a novel RAG-mediated joining mechanism, analogous to disintegration reactions performed by retroviral integrases, to explain how formation of hybrid joints can bypass the requirement for Ku and DNA-PK.  相似文献   

Han JO  Steen SB  Roth DB 《Molecular cell》1999,3(3):331-338
V(D)J recombination, normally an intramolecular process, assembles immunoglobulin and T cell receptor genes from V, D, and J coding segments. Oncogenic chromosome translocations can result from aberrant rearrangements, such as occur in intermolecular V(D)J recombination. How this is normally prevented remains unclear; DNA cleavage, joining, or both could be impaired when the recombination signal sequences (RSS) are located in trans, on separate DNA molecules. Here, we show that both trans cleavage and joining of signal ends occur efficiently in vivo. Unexpectedly, trans joining of coding ends is severely impaired (100-to 1000-fold), indicating that protection against intermolecular V(D)J recombination is established at the joining step. These findings suggest a novel surveillance mechanism for eliminating cells containing aberrant V(D)J rearrangements.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination between transferred and chromosomal DNAs provides a means of introducing well-defined, predetermined changes in the chromosomal genes. Here we report that this approach can be used to specifically modify the immunoglobulin genes in mouse hybridoma cells. The test system is based on the Sp6 hybridoma, which synthesizes immunoglobulin M (kappa) specific for the hapten 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl (TNP). As recipient cells, we used the Sp6-derived mutant hybridoma igk14, which has a deletion of the kappa TNP gene and consequently does not synthesize TNP-specific immunoglobulin M. igk14 retains the mu TNP gene and two additional rearranged kappa genes, denoted kappa M21B1 and kappa M21G. As a transfer vector, we used pSV2neo bearing the functionally rearranged TNP-specific V kappa segment. Following DNA transfer by electroporation, we isolated rare transformants which produced normal amounts of the functional kappa TNP chain. Analysis of the DNA of these transformants indicated that in all cases, a functional kappa TNP gene had been formed as the result of a homologous integrative recombination event with the igk14 kappa M21B1 gene. These results suggest that homologous recombination might be used for mapping and introducing immunoglobulin gene mutations and for more conveniently engineering specifically altered immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

Evolution of human immunoglobulin kappa J region genes   总被引:54,自引:0,他引:54  
Immunoglobulin kappa chain variable region genes are assembled from two discontinuous DNA segments, a V and a J gene. The J region genes, in addition to encoding amino acid positions 96-108 of the kappa polypeptide chain, also provide sequences required for both DNA and RNA splicing reactions. For purposes of evolutionary comparison and to establish the complexity of the kappa J region locus in man, we have determined an approximately 3000 basepair nucleotide sequence in a cloned human DNA fragment that encodes the germline distinct J region segments. Significant blocks of homology have been tightly maintained between this region and an analogous segment of the mouse genome. In particular, the short sequences, GGTTTTTGT and CACTGTG, thought to be involved in V-J recombination, are the most highly conserved regions (97% homology). In addition, from heteroduplex data and computer analysis of the nucleotide sequences, it is clear that the mouse J3 sequence, a pseudogene, is not present in the human cluster. This can be explained by a duplication event in the mouse J region gene cluster that may have been the result of unequal crossing over between homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Novel strand exchanges in V(D)J recombination   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
S M Lewis  J E Hesse  K Mizuuchi  M Gellert 《Cell》1988,55(6):1099-1107
We describe novel products of V(D)J recombination in which signal sequences become joined to coding elements, in contrast to the standard reaction whose products are junctions of two signal sequences or two coding elements. In this variant reaction, the recombination machinery evidently recognizes signal sequences and introduces strand breaks at the normal positions, but then connects the elements in unusual combinations. The lack of fixed directionality indicates that recombination sites are not uniquely aligned when strand exchange occurs. The discovery of these variant junctions suggests a model for the evolution of the antigen receptor loci.  相似文献   

Unintended DNA rearrangements in a differentiating lymphocyte can have severe, oncogenic consequences, but the mechanisms for avoiding pathogenic outcomes in V(D)J recombination are not well understood. The first level at which fidelity is instituted is in discrimination by the recombination proteins between authentic and inauthentic recombination signal sequences. Nevertheless, this discrimination is not absolute and cannot fully eliminate targeting errors. To learn more about the basis of specificity during V(D)J recombination, we have investigated whether it is possible for the recombination machinery to detect an inaccurately targeted sequence subsequent to cleavage. These studies indicate that even postcleavage steps in V(D)J recombination are sequence specific and that noncanonical sequences will not efficiently support the resolution of recombination intermediates in vivo. Accordingly, interventions after a mistargeting event conceivably occur at a late stage in the joining process and the likelihood may well be crucial to enforcing fidelity during antigen receptor gene rearrangement.  相似文献   

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