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Chondrolectin (CHODL) is a novel type I transmembrane protein containing one carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) of C-type lectins. Recently, data base searching revealed a variant of CHODL (AK022689) with a different 5' leader sequence derived from a new putative upstream alternative promoter (P2). The P2 promoter gives rise to at least three additional alternatively spliced isoforms, designated as CHODLf, CHODLf Delta E, and CHODL Delta E. Of all variants, the alternative exon E-splicing isoforms (CHODLf Delta E/CHODL Delta E) are expressed exclusively in the T lymphocyte lineage and are regulated during T lymphopoiesis. Peripheral T lymphocytes demonstrated a unique exon E-splicing pattern in comparison with end maturation stage thymocytes, suggesting its association with the post-thymic maturation of T cells. Since exon E encodes the transmembrane domain of CHODL, the exon E-skipping variant results in a non-transmembrane domain-containing isoform (CHODLf Delta E/CHODL Delta E) terminating in the QDEL sequence, thus suggesting different functional attributes of CHODL isoforms during the development of T cells. Double label immunofluoresence experiments demonstrated that the transmembrane-containing isoform (CHODLf) colocalizes with rBet1 to the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi apparatus. In summary, this study describes the molecular characterization of novel members of the chondrolectin family associated with T cell maturation and a subcellular localization of CHODLf in the endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

Concanavalin A-stimulated lymphocytes degrade thymidine to β-aminoisobutyric acid. Thymidine-catabolizing enzymes are active in the cells during G1, G2 and mitosis, but activity falls to very low levels just prior to the onset of S and remains low throughout the S period. The data suggest that cell pools of thymidine are regulated by degradation.  相似文献   

张蕾  齐力旺  韩素英 《遗传》2009,31(5):540-545
摘要: 为研究落叶松体细胞胚胎发生的分子机理, 文章以日本落叶松×华北落叶松杂种无性系胚性细胞系Y35体细胞胚成熟阶段培养物的cDNA为实验组, 继代培养阶段胚性愈伤组织的cDNA为对照组, 利用抑制性消减杂交技术(Suppression subtractive hybridization, SSH)构建了体细胞胚成熟阶段的差异表达基因文库。随机选取800个阳性克隆进行测序, 共获得468个UniGenes, 共将其分为19类, 功能分析结果表明: 这些UniGenes可能参与代谢、转录、信号转导、转运、细胞生长分裂、细胞结构、细胞命运、蛋白质合成与降解、防御等与个体发育密切相关的生物学过程。对部分ESTs的表达谱进行分析, 结果表明这些ESTs均在落叶松体细胞胚胎发生的不同阶段特异表达。  相似文献   

K562 ceils were separated by centrifugal elutriation into 5 fractions each of which had a unique distribution of ceils at different phases of the cell cycle. A study of DNAseI sensitivity of the e- and -globin genes, which are expressed in these cells, and the light chain immunoglobulin gene, which is not expressed, in nuclei from each of the 5 fractions was undertaken. There was no detectable difference in the arrangement of DNAseI-hypersensitive sites (DHS) in chromatin of each of the three genes in the different fractions.  相似文献   

Evidence for differential gene expresion during the cell cycle and approaches for studying cell-cycle-stage specific gene expression are summarized. Attention is focused on regulation of histone gene expression during the cell cycle of continuously dividing cells and after stimulation of nondividing cells to proliferate. The level(s) at which control of histone gene expression occurs and the possible involvement of chromosomal proteins in the regulation of histone gene expression are discussed. The preparation of cloned human histone sequences and their use in studying the structural and functional properties of human histone genes are presented.  相似文献   

Murine herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) is a type 2 gamma herpesvirus that productively infects alveolar epithelial cells during the acute infection and establishes long-term latency in B cells and lung epithelial cells. In C57BL/6 mice, T cells specific for lytic cycle MHV-68 epitope p56/Db dominate the acute phase of the infection, whereas T cells specific for another lytic cycle epitope, p79/Kb, dominate later phases of infection. To further understand this response, we analyzed the kinetics of Ag presentation in vivo using a panel of lacZ-inducible T cell hybridomas specific for several lytic cycle epitopes, including p56/Db and p79/Kb. Two distinct peaks of Ag presentation were observed. The first peak was at day 6 in the mediastinal lymph nodes and correlated with the initial pulmonary lytic infection. The second peak was at day 18 in both the mediastinal lymph nodes and spleen and correlated with the peak of latent infection. Interestingly, the p56 epitope was detected only in the mediastinal lymph nodes at day 6 after infection whereas the p79 epitope was predominantly presented in the spleen at day 18, suggesting that differential epitope presentation drives the switch in T cell responses to this virus. Phenotypic analysis of APCs at day 18 postinfection revealed that dendritic cells, macrophages, and B cells all presented lytic cycle epitopes. Taken together, the data suggest that there is a resurgence of lytic cycle Ags in the spleen, which explains the kinetics and specificity of the T cell response to MHV-68.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies specific for equine T lymphocyte subpopulations were produced and procedures for the continuous culture of equine lymphocytes were developed. These reagents and procedures were used to analyse the appearance, maturation and functions of T lymphocytes in normal horses and in T lymphocyte deficient horses with severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). T lymphocytes appeared as early as the 75th day of fetal development and were normally distributed prior to birth of normal foals. Analysis of thymic T lymphocyte differentiation in SCID foals revealed the presence of both prothymocytes and mature thymocytes, but a virtual absence of cortical thymocytes. The data obtained support the hypothesis that two distinct pathways of T lymphocyte differentiation exist within the thymus. Although the gene defect in foals with SCID blocks the production of mature B and T lymphocytes, such foals do possess large granular lymphocytes which are cytotoxic following induction with interleukin 2. This suggests that lymphoid cells with natural killer cell activity are spared by the gene defect resulting in SCID in horses.  相似文献   

Genome-wide expression analysis is rapidly becoming an essential tool for identifying and analysing genes involved in, or controlling, various biological processes ranging from development to responses to environmental cues. The control of cell division involves the temporal expression of different sets of genes, allowing the dividing cell to progress through the different phases of the cell cycle. A landmark study using DNA microarrays to follow the patterns of gene expression in synchronously dividing yeast cells has allowed the identification of several hundreds of genes that are involved in the cell cycle. Although DNA microarrays provide a convenient tool for genome-wide expression analysis, their use is limited to organisms for which the complete genome sequence or a large cDNA collection is available. For other organisms, including most plant species, DNA fragment analysis based methods, such as cDNA-AFLP, provide a more appropriate tool for genome-wide expression analysis. Furthermore, cDNA-AFLP exhibits properties that complement DNA microarrays and, hence, constitutes a useful tool for gene discovery.  相似文献   

MADS-box genes involved in flower development have been isolated and studied in a wide variety of plant species. However, most of these studies are related to dicot species like Antirrhinum majus, Arabidopsis thaliana and Petunia hybrida. Although the floral structures of typical monocot and dicot flowers differ substantially, previous studies indicate that MADS-box genes controlling floral organ identity in dicots can also be identified in monocot plants like rice and maize. To extend this study further to obtain a more global picture of monocot and dicot MADS-box gene evolution, we performed a phylogenetic study using MADS-box genes from A. thaliana and Oryza sativa. Furthermore, we investigated whether the identified orthologues of Arabidopsis and rice have a conserved expression profile that could indicate conservation of function.  相似文献   

A TCR-beta gene lacking V domain sequences (delta V-TCR-beta) was inserted into the germline of mice. Expression of the transgene inhibited endogenous TCR-beta, but not TCR-alpha gene rearrangement and expression. The mutated TCR-beta gene affected alpha beta T cell development: the common thymocyte pool was normal in cell number, with cells expressing CD4 and CD8, but the mature, "CD3bright" population expressing either CD4 or CD8 molecules was reduced by 90%. To help understand these effects on TCR-beta gene rearrangement and T cell development, biosynthesis of the delta V-TCR-beta protein was analyzed in a tumor cell line derived from a transgenic mouse. Despite absence of the V domain, the delta V-TCR-beta chain paired with endogenous TCR-alpha chains and assembled with CD3 gamma, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta components in the endoplasmatic reticulum, followed by transport through the Golgi complex to the plasma membrane. Therefore, assembly of the complex, and even cell surface expression, may be relevant for allelic exclusion of the TCR-beta gene. In the common thymocyte population, the CD3 components, endogenous TCR-alpha, and the delta V-TCR-beta gene product were expressed at the RNA level, but endogenous TCR-beta was not. The TCR-alpha delta beta/CD3 complex was present at the cell surface at low levels and was functional in terms of anti-CD3-induced Ca2+ mobilization. The observed arrest of alpha beta T cell development at the CD4+8+ thymocyte stage indicates that ligand recognition by the TCR, with contribution of the beta-chain V domain, is not required for transition of CD4-8- thymocytes to the CD4+8+ phenotype, but necessary for entry into the "single positive," CD3bright differentiation stage.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1529-1538
To identify new genes involved in the control of cell morphogenesis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe we have visually screened for temperature-sensitive mutants that show defects in cell morphology. We have isolated and characterized 64 mutants defining 19 independent genes, 10 of which have not been previously described. One class of mutants, defining 12 orb genes, become round and show a complete loss of cell polarity. A second class of mutants exhibits branched or bent morphologies. These mutants show defects in either selection of the growth site, defining two tea genes, or in the maintenance of growth direction, defining five ban genes. Immunofluorescence analysis of these morphological mutants shows defects in the organization of the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton. These defects include shortened, bundled, and asymmetrically localized microtubules and enlarged and mislocalized actin patches. Analysis of the mutant phenotypes has allowed us to order the genes into four groups according to their function during the cell cycle: genes required for the maintenance of cell polarity throughout the cell cycle; genes necessary only for the reestablishment of cell polarity after mitosis and not for maintaining cell polarity once it is established; genes essential for the transition from monopolar to bipolar growth and genes that severe as ''polarity markers''.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (calcitriol), the most biologically active metabolite of vitamin D, is a potent inhibitor of both lectin- and antigen-driven human T lymphocyte proliferation. To better characterize this effect, we performed cell cycle analysis of both untreated and calcitriol-treated peripheral blood mononuclear cells after PHA stimulation. By using the metachromatic dye acridine orange and flow cytometry, we found that calcitriol blocks the transition from the early, low RNA compartment of G1 (G1A) to the late, higher RNA compartment of G1 (G1B). Consistent with this observation was the inability of exogenous IL 1 or phorbol myristic acetate to overcome calcitriol's suppression of DNA synthesis. Indomethacin slightly reversed calcitriol's inhibition of transition from early to late G1, suggesting a minor, prostaglandin-dependent component to calcitriol's antiproliferative activity. Finally, by using the monoclonal antibodies anti-Tac and OKT9, we found that calcitriol had no effect on IL 2 receptor expression, an early G1 event, but markedly inhibited transferrin receptor expression, an IL 2-dependent, late G1 event. Thus, analysis of calcitriol's effects on the expression of these T cell activation antigens provides further evidence of the cell cycle specificity of calcitriol's action in regulating human T lymphocyte proliferation.  相似文献   

Cyclins, cyclin-dependent kinases, and a number of other proteins control the progression of plant cell cycle. Although extensive studies have revealed the roles of some cell cycle regulators and the underlying mechanisms in Arabidopsis, relatively a small number of cell cycle regulators were functionally analyzed in rice. In this study, we describe 41 regulators in the rice genome. Our results indicate that the rice genome contains a less number of the core cell cycle regulators than the Arabidopsis one does, although the rice genome is much larger than the Arabidopsis one. Eight groups of CDKs similar to those in Arabidopsis were identified in the rice genome through phylogenetic analysis, and the corresponding members in the different groups include E2F, CKI, Rb, CKS and Wee. The structures of the core cell regulators were relatively conserved between the rice and Arabidopsis genomes. Furthermore, the expression of the majority of the core cell cycle genes was spatially regulated, and the most closely related ones showed very similar patterns of expression, suggesting functional redundancy and conservation between the highly similar core cell cycle genes in rice and Arabidopsis. Following auxin or cytokinin treatment, the expression of the core cell cycle genes was either upregulated or downregulated, suggesting that auxin and/or cytokinin may directly regulate the expression of the core cell cycle genes. Our results provide basic information to understand the mechanism of cell cycle regulation and the functions of the rice cell cycle genes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Jing Guo and Jian Song have contributed equally.  相似文献   

A novel cell cycle blocking agent profoundly suppressed the proliferation of mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes. The carboxythiazole derivative arrested cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle but did not inhibit the induction of cell surface receptors for either interleukin-2 or transferrin. The uncoupling of transferrin receptor expression from DNA synthesis indicated that a previously undefined restriction point in the cell cycle has been identified which occurs after transferrin receptor expression in late G1 and just prior to the initiation of DNA replication in S phase. T cells incubated in an inhibitory dose of the carboxythiazole derivative resumed cell cycle progression subsequent to its removal, indicating that the compound reversibly arrests cells at the late G1 restriction point. In contrast to other techniques which have been inefficient in achieving T cell synchronization, T cells released from the block mediated by the carboxythiazole compound progress through S phase with a considerable degree of synchrony.  相似文献   

When an 18-kDa cell surface sialoglycopeptide (SGP), isolated from intact bovine cerebral cortex cells, was incubated with exponentially growing Swiss 3T3 cells, cell proliferation was efficiently arrested. The inhibition was totally reversible since after removal of the SGP the arrested cells resumed their progress in the cell cycle in a synchronized manner for at least two divisions. Readdition of the GSP 4 h after reversal of the inhibition did not, however, affect the commitment of the cells to advance through metaphase, although progress through the cell cycle was once again inhibited after the cells reentered the G1 phase. The efficient nature of the SGP-mediated cell cycle arrest in G1 provided us with a basis to examine potential changes in the expression of several competence genes, and genes associated with mid and late G1, that have been implicated in cell cycle progression. Upon serum stimulation of quiescent Swiss 3T3 cells, the induction of c-myc and c-fos expression was not influenced by the SGP at concentrations highly inhibitory to cell cycling. Expression of JE was induced by serum, and the presence of the SGP had little effect on the expression of this growth-related gene. KC expression was not appreciably stimulated by serum although, surprisingly, the addition of the SGP resulted in a significant increase in expression. In addition, we learned that the SGP did not alter expression of ornithine decarboxylase, c-ras, or thymidine kinase, which are induced later than the genes associated with the initial stages of competence.  相似文献   

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