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Regulation of chromatin structure is an essential component of the DNA damage response (DDR), which effectively preserves the integrity of DNA by a network of multiple DNA repair and associated signaling pathways. Within the DDR, chromatin is modified and remodeled to facilitate efficient DNA access, to control the activity of repair proteins and to mediate signaling. The mammalian ISWI family has recently emerged as one of the major ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex families that function in the DDR, as it is implicated in at least 3 major DNA repair pathways: homologous recombination, non-homologous end-joining and nucleotide excision repair. In this review, we discuss the various manners through which different ISWI complexes regulate DNA repair and how they are targeted to chromatin containing damaged DNA.  相似文献   

The ATPase ISWI is a subunit of several distinct nucleosome remodeling complexes that increase the accessibility of DNA in chromatin. We found that the isolated ISWI protein itself was able to carry out nucleosome remodeling, nucleosome rearrangement, and chromatin assembly reactions. The ATPase activity of ISWI was stimulated by nucleosomes but not by free DNA or free histones, indicating that ISWI recognizes a specific structural feature of nucleosomes. Nucleosome remodeling, therefore, does not require a functional interaction between ISWI and the other subunits of ISWI complexes. The role of proteins associated with ISWI may be to regulate the activity of the remodeling engine or to define the physiological context within which a nucleosome remodeling reaction occurs.  相似文献   

The ATPase ISWI is the catalytic core of several nucleosome remodeling complexes, which are able to alter histone–DNA interactions within nucleosomes such that the sliding of histone octamers on DNA is facilitated. Dynamic nucleosome repositioning may be involved in the assembly of chromatin with regularly spaced nucleosomes and accessible regulatory sequence elements. The mechanism that underlies nucleosome sliding is largely unresolved. We recently discovered that the N-terminal ‘tail’ of histone H4 is critical for nucleosome remodeling by ISWI. If deleted, nucleosomes are no longer recognized as substrates and do not stimulate the ATPase activity of ISWI. We show here that the H4 tail is part of a more complex recognition epitope which is destroyed by grafting the H4 N-terminus onto other histones. We mapped the H4 tail requirement to a hydrophilic patch consisting of the amino acids R17H18R19 localized at the base of the tail. These residues have been shown earlier to contact nucleosomal DNA, suggesting that ISWI recognizes an ‘epitope’ consisting of the DNA-bound H4 tail. Consistent with this hypothesis, the ISWI ATPase is stimulated by isolated H4 tail peptides ISWI only in the presence of DNA. Acetylation of the adjacent K12 and K16 residues impairs substrate recognition by ISWI.  相似文献   

Chd1- and ISWI-type chromatin remodelers can sense extranucleosomal DNA and preferentially shift nucleosomes toward longer stretches of available DNA. The DNA-binding domains of these chromatin remodelers are believed to be responsible for sensing extranucleosomal DNA and are needed for robust sliding, but it is unclear how these domains contribute to directional movement of nucleosomes. Here, we show that the DNA-binding domain of Chd1 is not essential for nucleosome sliding but is critical for centering mononucleosomes on short DNA fragments. Remarkably, nucleosome centering was achieved by replacing the native DNA-binding domain of Chd1 with foreign DNA-binding domains of Escherichia coli AraC or Drosophila melanogaster engrailed. Introducing target DNA sequences recognized by the foreign domains enabled the remodelers to rapidly shift nucleosomes toward these binding sites, demonstrating that these foreign DNA-binding domains dictated the direction of sliding. Sequence-directed sliding occluded the target DNA sequences on the nucleosome enough to promote release of the remodeler. Target DNA sequences were highly stimulatory at multiple positions flanking the nucleosome and had the strongest influence when separated from the nucleosome by 23 or fewer base pairs. These results suggest that the DNA-binding domain's affinity for extranucleosomal DNA is the key determinant for the direction that Chd1 shifts the nucleosome.  相似文献   

Chromatin assembly in a crude DEAE (CD) fraction from budding yeast is ATP dependent and generates arrays of physiologically spaced nucleosomes which significantly protect constituent DNA from restriction endonuclease digestion. The CD fractions from mutants harboring deletions of the genes encoding histone-binding factors (NAP1, ASF1, and a subunit of CAF-I) and SNF2-like DEAD/H ATPases (SNF2, ISW1, ISW2, CHD1, SWR1, YFR038w, and SPT20) were screened for activity in this replication-independent system. ASF1 deletion substantially inhibits assembly, a finding consistent with published evidence that Asf1p is a chromatin assembly factor. Surprisingly, a strong assembly defect is also associated with deletion of CHD1, suggesting that like other SNF2-related groups of nucleic acid-stimulated ATPases, the chromodomain (CHD) group may contain a member involved in chromatin reconstitution. In contrast to the effects of disrupting ASF1 and CHD1, deletion of SNF2 is associated with increased resistance of chromatin to digestion by micrococcal nuclease. We discuss the possible implications of these findings for current understanding of the diversity of mechanisms by which chromatin reconstitution and remodeling can be achieved in vivo.  相似文献   

The ATPase ISWI can be considered the catalytic core of several multiprotein nucleosome remodeling machines. Alone or in the context of nucleosome remodeling factor, the chromatin accessibility complex (CHRAC), or ACF, ISWI catalyzes a number of ATP-dependent transitions of chromatin structure that are currently best explained by its ability to induce nucleosome sliding. In addition, ISWI can function as a nucleosome spacing factor during chromatin assembly, where it will trigger the ordering of newly assembled nucleosomes into regular arrays. Both nucleosome remodeling and nucleosome spacing reactions are mechanistically unexplained. As a step toward defining the interaction of ISWI with its substrate during nucleosome remodeling and chromatin assembly we generated a set of nucleosomes lacking individual histone N termini from recombinant histones. We found the conserved N termini (the N-terminal tails) of histone H4 essential to stimulate ISWI ATPase activity, in contrast to other histone tails. Remarkably, the H4 N terminus, but none of the other tails, was critical for CHRAC-induced nucleosome sliding and for the generation of regularity in nucleosomal arrays by ISWI. Direct nucleosome binding studies did not reflect a dependence on the H4 tail for ISWI-nucleosome interactions. We conclude that the H4 tail is critically required for nucleosome remodeling and spacing at a step subsequent to interaction with the substrate.  相似文献   

Mi-2 and ISWI, two members of the Snf2 superfamily of ATPases, reside in separate ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling complexes. These complexes differ in their biochemical properties and are believed to perform distinct functions in the cell. We have compared the remodelling activity of recombinant Drosophila Mi-2 (dMi-2) with that of recombinant ISWI. Both proteins are nucleosome-stimulated ATPases and promote nucleosome mobilization. However, dMi-2 and ISWI differ in their interaction with nucleosome core particles, in their substrate requirements and in the direction of nucleosome mobilization. We have used antibodies to immobilize a complex containing dMi-2 and the dRPD3 histone deacetylase from Drosophila embryo extracts. This complex shares the nucleosome-stimulated ATPase and nucleosome mobilization properties of recombinant dMi-2, demonstrating that these activities are maintained in a physiological context. Its functional properties distinguish dMi-2 from both SWI2/SNF2 and ISWI, defining a new family of ATP-dependent remodelling machines.  相似文献   

We examine in vitro nucleosome assembly by nucleosome assembly protein-1 (NAP-1) and ATP-utilizing chromatin assembly and remodeling factor (ACF). In contrast to previous studies that used relaxed, circular plasmids as templates, we have found that negatively supercoiled templates reveal the distinct roles of NAP-1 and ACF in histone deposition and the formation of an ordered nucleosomal array. NAP-1 can efficiently deposit histones onto supercoiled plasmids. Furthermore, NAP-1 exhibits a greater affinity for histones H2A-H2B than does naked DNA, but in the presence of H3-H4, H2A-H2B are transferred from NAP-1 to the plasmid templates. These observations underscore the importance of a high affinity between H2A-H2B and NAP-1 for ordered transfer of core histones onto DNA. In addition, recombinant ACF composed of imitation switch and Acf1 can extend closely packed nucleosomes, which suggests that recombinant ACF can mobilize nucleosomes. In the assembly reaction with a supercoiled template, ACF need not be added simultaneously with NAP-1. Regularly spaced nucleosomes are generated even when recombinant ACF is added after core histones are transferred completely onto the DNA. Atomic force microscopy, however, suggests that NAP-1 alone fails to accomplish the formation of fine nucleosomal core particles, which are only formed in the presence of ACF. These results suggest a model for the ordered deposition of histones and the arrangement of nucleosomes during chromatin assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

Interactions of the yeast chromatin-remodeling complexes SWI/SNF and RSC with nucleosomes were probed using site-specific DNA photoaffinity labeling. 5 S rDNA was engineered with photoreactive nucleotides incorporated at different sites in DNA to scan for the subunits of SWI/SNF in close proximity to DNA when SWI/SNF is bound to the 5 S nucleosome or to the free 5 S rDNA. The Swi2/Snf2 and Snf6 subunits of SWI/SNF were efficiently cross-linked at several positions in the nucleosome, whereas only Snf6 was efficiently cross-linked when SWI/SNF was bound to free DNA. DNA photoaffinity labeling of RSC showed that the Rsc4 subunit is in close proximity to nucleosomal DNA and not when RSC is bound to free DNA. After remodeling, the Swi2/Snf2 and Rsc4 subunits are no longer detected near the nucleosomal DNA and are evidently displaced from the surface of the nucleosome, indicating significant changes in SWI/SNF and RSC contacts with DNA after remodeling.  相似文献   

Energy-dependent nucleosome remodeling emerges as a key process endowing chromatin with dynamic properties. However, the principles by which remodeling ATPases interact with their nucleosome substrate to alter histone-DNA interactions are only poorly understood. We have identified a substrate recognition domain in the C-terminal half of the remodeling ATPase ISWI and determined its structure by X-ray crystallography. The structure comprises three domains, a four-helix domain with a novel fold and two alpha-helical domains related to the modules of c-Myb, SANT and SLIDE, which are linked by a long helix. An integrated structural and functional analysis of these domains provides insight into how ISWI interacts with the nucleosomal substrate.  相似文献   

For activation or repression of genes in eukaryotic organisms, the chromatin structure has to be adapted. This action is performed at least in part by dedicated motor proteins, the chromatin remodeling complexes. Recently, investigators have shown some interest in explaining how specific nucleosomes are targeted for chromatin remodeling. For this purpose, two kinetic proofreading scenarios for gene activation and repression have been put forward. We reanalyze both scenarios and show their common points and differences. Further, we propose that in gene repression by ISWI/ACF remodelers, which involves the generation of regular nucleosomal arrays, an additional proofreading step may be active.  相似文献   

The nucleosome remodeling factor NURF is a four-subunit, ISWI-containing chromatin remodeling complex that catalyzes nucleosome sliding in an ATP-dependent fashion, thereby modulating the accessibility of the DNA. To elucidate the mechanism of nucleosome sliding, we have investigated by hydroxyl radical footprinting how NURF makes initial contact with a nucleosome positioned at one end of a DNA fragment. NURF binds to two separate locations on the nucleosome: a continuous stretch of linker DNA up to the nucleosome entry site and a region asymmetrically surrounding the nucleosome dyad within the minor grooves, close to residues of the histone H4 tail that have been implicated in the activation of ISWI activity. Kinetic analysis reveals that nucleosome sliding occurs in apparent increments or steps of 10 bp. Furthermore, single nucleoside gaps as well as nicks about two helical turns before the dyad interfere with sliding, indicating that structural stress at this region assists the relative movement of DNA. These findings support a sliding model in which the position-specific tethering of NURF forces a translocating ISWI ATPase to pump a DNA distortion over the histone octamer, thereby changing the translational position of the nucleosome.  相似文献   

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