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The advent and maturation of algorithms for estimating species trees—phylogenetic trees that allow gene tree heterogeneity and whose tips represent lineages, populations and species, as opposed to genes—represent an exciting confluence of phylogenetics, phylogeography, and population genetics, and ushers in a new generation of concepts and challenges for the molecular systematist. In this essay I argue that to better deal with the large multilocus datasets brought on by phylogenomics, and to better align the fields of phylogeography and phylogenetics, we should embrace the primacy of species trees, not only as a new and useful practical tool for systematics, but also as a long‐standing conceptual goal of systematics that, largely due to the lack of appropriate computational tools, has been eclipsed in the past few decades. I suggest that phylogenies as gene trees are a “local optimum” for systematics, and review recent advances that will bring us to the broader optimum inherent in species trees. In addition to adopting new methods of phylogenetic analysis (and ideally reserving the term “phylogeny” for species trees rather than gene trees), the new paradigm suggests shifts in a number of practices, such as sampling data to maximize not only the number of accumulated sites but also the number of independently segregating genes; routinely using coalescent or other models in computer simulations to allow gene tree heterogeneity; and understanding better the role of concatenation in influencing topologies and confidence in phylogenies. By building on the foundation laid by concepts of gene trees and coalescent theory, and by taking cues from recent trends in multilocus phylogeography, molecular systematics stands to be enriched. Many of the challenges and lessons learned for estimating gene trees will carry over to the challenge of estimating species trees, although adopting the species tree paradigm will clarify many issues (such as the nature of polytomies and the star tree paradox), raise conceptually new challenges, or provide new answers to old questions.  相似文献   

This is a time of unprecedented transition in DNA sequencing technologies. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) clearly holds promise for fast and cost-effective generation of multilocus sequence data for phylogeography and phylogenetics. However, the focus on non-model organisms, in addition to uncertainty about which sample preparation methods and analyses are appropriate for different research questions and evolutionary timescales, have contributed to a lag in the application of NGS to these fields. Here, we outline some of the major obstacles specific to the application of NGS to phylogeography and phylogenetics, including the focus on non-model organisms, the necessity of obtaining orthologous loci in a cost-effective manner, and the predominate use of gene trees in these fields. We describe the most promising methods of sample preparation that address these challenges. Methods that reduce the genome by restriction digest and manual size selection are most appropriate for studies at the intraspecific level, whereas methods that target specific genomic regions (i.e., target enrichment or sequence capture) have wider applicability from the population level to deep-level phylogenomics. Additionally, we give an overview of how to analyze NGS data to arrive at data sets applicable to the standard toolkit of phylogeography and phylogenetics, including initial data processing to alignment and genotype calling (both SNPs and loci involving many SNPs). Even though whole-genome sequencing is likely to become affordable rather soon, because phylogeography and phylogenetics rely on analysis of hundreds of individuals in many cases, methods that reduce the genome to a subset of loci should remain more cost-effective for some time to come.  相似文献   

Reconstructing a tree of life by inferring evolutionary history is an important focus of evolutionary biology. Phylogenetic reconstructions also provide useful information for a range of scientific disciplines such as botany, zoology, phylogeography, archaeology and biological anthropology. Until the development of protein and DNA sequencing techniques in the 1960s and 1970s, phylogenetic reconstructions were based on fossil records and comparative morphological/physiological analyses. Since then, progress in molecular phylogenetics has compensated for some of the shortcomings of phenotype-based comparisons. Comparisons at the molecular level increase the accuracy of phylogenetic inference because there is no environmental influence on DNA/peptide sequences and evaluation of sequence similarity is not subjective. While the number of morphological/physiological characters that are sufficiently conserved for phylogenetic inference is limited, molecular data provide a large number of datapoints and enable comparisons from diverse taxa. Over the last 20 years, developments in molecular phylogenetics have greatly contributed to our understanding of plant evolutionary relationships. Regions in the plant nuclear and organellar genomes that are optimal for phylogenetic inference have been determined and recent advances in DNA sequencing techniques have enabled comparisons at the whole genome level. Sequences from the nuclear and organellar genomes of thousands of plant species are readily available in public databases, enabling researchers without access to molecular biology tools to investigate phylogenetic relationships by sequence comparisons using the appropriate nucleotide substitution models and tree building algorithms. In the present review, the statistical models and algorithms used to reconstruct phylogenetic trees are introduced and advances in the exploration and utilization of plant genomes for molecular phylogenetic analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

Investigations into the phylogenetics of closely related animal species are dominated by the use of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data. However, the near-ubiquitous use of mtDNA to infer phylogeny among closely related animal lineages is tempered by an increasing number of studies that document high rates of transfer of mtDNA genomes among closely related species through hybridization, leading to substantial discordance between phylogenies inferred from mtDNA and nuclear gene sequences. In addition, the recent development of methods that simultaneously infer a species phylogeny and estimate divergence times, while accounting for incongruence among individual gene trees, has ushered in a new era in the investigation of phylogeny among closely related species. In this study we assess if DNA sequence data sampled from a modest number of nuclear genes can resolve relationships of a species-rich clade of North American freshwater teleost fishes, the darters. We articulate and expand on a recently introduced method to infer a time-calibrated multi-species coalescent phylogeny using the computer program *BEAST. Our analyses result in well-resolved and strongly supported time-calibrated darter species tree. Contrary to the expectation that mtDNA will provide greater phylogenetic resolution than nuclear gene data; the darter species tree inferred exclusively from nuclear genes exhibits a higher frequency of strongly supported nodes than the mtDNA time-calibrated gene tree.  相似文献   

Despite the broad adoption of multispecies coalescent (MSC) methods for nuclear phylogenomics, they have yet to be applied to mitochondrial (mt) genomic data. As the potential sources of phylogenomic bias that MSC methods can address, such as incomplete lineage sorting, horizontal gene transfer and gene tree heterogeneity, have been found in mt genomic data, these approaches may improve the accuracy of phylogenetic inference with these data. In the present study, we examined the behaviour of MSC methods in reconstructing the phylogeny of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), a group for which mt genomic data are known to have strong resolving power. Traditional concatenation methods of analysing mt genomes for Lepidoptera infer topologies highly congruent with those generated from independent nuclear datasets. Individual mt gene trees performed poorly in recovering consensus relationships at deep levels (i.e. superfamily monophyly and inter-relationships) and only moderately well for shallow relationships (i.e. within Papilionoidea). In contrast, MSC analyses with ASTRAL performed strongly with almost complete concordance to both concatenated mt genome analyses and independent nuclear analyses at both deep and shallow phylogenetic scales. Outgroup choice had a limited impact on tree accuracy, with even phylogenetically distant outgroups still resulting in topologies highly congruent with results from nuclear datasets, although MSC analyses appeared to be marginally more affected by outgroup choice than concatenation analyses. In general, discordance between concatenation and MSC analyses was found at nodes whose resolution varied between previous nuclear phylogenomic studies. The sensitivity of individual relationships to analysis with MSC vs concatenation can thus be used to test the robustness of phylogenetic hypotheses. For insect phylogenetics, MSC is a reliable inference method for mt genomic data and is thus a useful complement to the already widely used concatenation approaches.  相似文献   

Use of DNA markers to study bird migration   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The molecular methods that are presently being used for studying phylogenetics, phylogeography and population genetics can also be applied to study bird migration. They are powerful and can supplement the information obtained from ringing, telemetry, morphometrics, ringing, radar tracking and isotope analysis. This short review describes the principles, scopes and limitations DNA methods and DNA markers that are relevant for migration research, such as DNA sequences, short tandem repeats (microsatellites), single nucleotide polymorphisms, amplified fragment length polymorphism, inter simple sequence repeats and molecular sexing.  相似文献   

One of the major challenges for researchers studying phylogeography and shallow-scale phylogenetics is the identification of highly variable and informative nuclear loci for the question of interest. Previous approaches to locus identification have generally required extensive testing of anonymous nuclear loci developed from genomic libraries of the target taxon, testing of loci of unknown utility from other systems, or identification of loci from the nearest model organism with genomic resources. Here, we present a fast and economical approach to generating thousands of variable, single-copy nuclear loci for any system using next-generation sequencing. We performed Illumina paired-end sequencing of three reduced-representation libraries (RRLs) in chorus frogs (Pseudacris) to identify orthologous, single-copy loci across libraries and to estimate sequence divergence at multiple taxonomic levels. We also conducted PCR testing of these loci across the genus Pseudacris and outgroups to determine whether loci developed for phylogeography can be extended to deeper phylogenetic levels. Prior to sequencing, we conducted in silico digestion of the most closely related reference genome (Xenopus tropicalis) to generate expectations for the number of loci and degree of coverage for a particular experimental design. Using the RRL approach, we: (i) identified more than 100,000 single-copy nuclear loci, 6339 of which were obtained for divergent conspecifics and 904 of which were obtained for heterospecifics; (ii) estimated average nuclear sequence divergence at 0.1% between alleles within an individual, 1.1% between conspecific individuals that represent two different clades, and 1.8% between species; and (iii) determined from PCR testing that 53% of the loci successfully amplify within-species and also many amplify to the genus-level and deeper in the phylogeny (16%). Our study effectively identified nuclear loci present in the genome that have levels of sequence divergence on par with mitochondrial loci commonly used in phylogeography. Specifically, we estimated that ~7% of loci in the chorus frog genome are >3% divergent within species; this translates to a prediction of approximately 50,000 single-copy loci in the genome with >3% divergence. Moreover, successful amplification of many loci at deeper phylogenetic levels indicates that the RRL approach represents an efficient method for rapid identification of informative loci for both phylogenetics and phylogeography. We conclude by making recommendations for minimizing the cost and maximizing the efficiency of locus identification for future studies in this field.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in phylogenetics is to develop systematic methods for constructing evolutionary or phylogenetic trees. For a set of species X, an edge-weighted phylogenetic X-tree or phylogenetic tree is a (graph theoretical) tree with leaf set X and no degree 2 vertices, together with a map assigning a non-negative length to each edge of the tree. Within phylogenetics, several methods have been proposed for constructing such trees that work by trying to piece together quartet trees on X, i.e. phylogenetic trees each having four leaves in X. Hence, it is of interest to characterise when a collection of quartet trees corresponds to a (unique) phylogenetic tree. Recently, Dress and Erdös provided such a characterisation for binary phylogenetic trees, that is, phylogenetic trees all of whose internal vertices have degree 3. Here we provide a new characterisation for arbitrary phylogenetic trees.  相似文献   

In this review we discuss the use of non-coding DNA at the intraspecific level in plants. Both nuclear and organelle non-coding regions are widely used in interspecific phylogenetic approaches. However, they are also valuable in analyses on the intraspecific level. Besides taxonomy, that is, defining subspecies or varieties, large fields for the application of non-coding DNA are population genetic and phylogeographic studies. Population genetics tries to explain the genetic patterns within species mostly by the amount of extant gene flow among populations, while phylogeography explicitly tries to reconstruct historic events. Depending on the study different molecular markers can be used, varying between very fast evolving microsatellites or some more slowly changing regions like intergenic spacers and introns. Here, we focus mainly on the use of non-coding regions in phylogeographic analyses. Mostly used in this context are regions of the genomes of the chloroplasts and mitochondria. In phylogeography, the correct estimation of allele or haplotype relationships is particularly important. As tree-based methods are mostly insufficient to depict relationships within species, network approaches are better suitable to infer gene or locus genealogies. Problematic for phylogeographic studies are alleles shared among multiple species, which could result from either hybridization or incomplete lineage sorting. Especially the latter can severely influence the interpretation of the phylogeographic patterns. Therefore, it seems necessary for us to also include close relatives of the species under study in phylogeographic analyses. Not only the sample design but also the analysis methods are currently changing, as some new methods such as statistical phylogeography were emerging recently and widely used methods like nested clade analysis might not be reliable in every case. During the last few years, a multitude of studies were published, which mainly analyzed phylogeographic patterns in European and North American plants. Phylogeographic studies in other regions of the earth are still comparably rare, although questions like the influence of the ice age on the vegetation in the tropics or southern hemisphere are still open and phylogeography provides an excellent remedy to answer them.  相似文献   

We review recent models to estimate phylogenetic trees under the multispecies coalescent. Although the distinction between gene trees and species trees has come to the fore of phylogenetics, only recently have methods been developed that explicitly estimate species trees. Of the several factors that can cause gene tree heterogeneity and discordance with the species tree, deep coalescence due to random genetic drift in branches of the species tree has been modeled most thoroughly. Bayesian approaches to estimating species trees utilizes two likelihood functions, one of which has been widely used in traditional phylogenetics and involves the model of nucleotide substitution, and the second of which is less familiar to phylogeneticists and involves the probability distribution of gene trees given a species tree. Other recent parametric and nonparametric methods for estimating species trees involve parsimony criteria, summary statistics, supertree and consensus methods. Species tree approaches are an appropriate goal for systematics, appear to work well in some cases where concatenation can be misleading, and suggest that sampling many independent loci will be paramount. Such methods can also be challenging to implement because of the complexity of the models and computational time. In addition, further elaboration of the simplest of coalescent models will be required to incorporate commonly known issues such as deviation from the molecular clock, gene flow and other genetic forces.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the nuclear ITS2 rRNA primary sequence and secondary structure in Veneridae and comparatively with 20 Bivalvia taxa to test the phylogenetic resolution of this marker and its suitability for molecular diagnosis at different taxonomic levels. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian trees based on primary sequences were congruent with (profile-) neighbor-joining trees based on a combined model of sequence-structure evolution. ITS2 showed higher resolution below the subfamily level, providing a phylogenetic signal comparable to (mitochondrial/nuclear) gene fragments 2-5 times longer. Structural elements of the ITS2 folding, such as specific mismatch pairing and compensatory base changes, provided further support for the monophyly of some groups and for their phylogenetic relationships. Veneridae ITS2 folding is structured in six domains (DI-VI) and shows five striking sequence-structure features. Two of them, the Basal and Apical STEMs, are common to Bivalvia, while the presence of both the Branched STEM and the Y/R stretches occurs in five superfamilies of the two Heterodonta orders Myoida and Veneroida, thus questioning their reciprocal monophyly. Our results validated the ITS2 as a suitable marker for venerids phylogenetics and taxonomy, and underlined the significance of including secondary structure information for both applications at several systematic levels within bivalves.  相似文献   

Various methodological approaches using molecular sequence data have been developed and applied across several fields, including phylogeography, conservation biology, virology and human evolution. The aim of these approaches is to obtain predictive estimates of population history from DNA sequence data that can then be used for hypothesis testing with empirical data. This recent work provides opportunities to evaluate hypotheses of constant population size through time, of population growth or decline, of the rate of growth or decline, and of migration and growth in subdivided populations. At the core of many of these approaches is the extraction of information from the structure of phylogenetic trees to infer the demographic history of a population, and underlying nearly all methods is coalescent theory. With the increasing availability of DNA sequence data, it is important to review the different ways in which information can be extracted from DNA sequence data to estimate demographic parameters.  相似文献   

External morphological characters are the basis of our understanding of diversity and species relationships in many darter clades. The past decade has seen the publication of many studies utilizing mtDNA sequence data to investigate darter phylogenetics, but only recently have nuclear genes been used to investigate darter relationships. Despite a long tradition of use in darter systematics few studies have examined the phylogenetic utility of external morphological characters in estimating relationships among species in darter clades. We present DNA sequence data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cytb) gene, the nuclear encoded S7 intron 1, and discretely coded external morphological characters for all 20 species in the darter clade Nothonotus. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses result in phylogenies that are in broad agreement with previous studies. The cytb gene tree is well resolved, while the nuclear S7 gene tree lacks phylogenetic resolution, node support, and is characterized by a lack of reciprocal monophyly for many of the Nothonotus species. The phylogenies resulting from analysis of the morphological dataset lack resolution, but nodes present are found in the cytb and S7 gene trees. The highest resolution and node support is found in the Bayesian combined data phylogeny. Based on our results we propose continued exploration of the phylogenetic utility of external morphological characters in other darter clades. Given the extensive lack of reciprocal monophyly of species observed in the S7 gene tree we predict that nuclear gene sequences may have limited utility in intraspecific phylogeographic studies of Nothonotus darters.  相似文献   

Analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences have often produced different mammalian tree topologies, undermining confidence in the merit of molecular approaches with respect to "traditional" morphological classification. The recent sequencing of the complete mitochondrial genomes of two additional rodents (Spalax judaei and Jaculus jaculus) and one lagomorph (Ochotona princeps) has prompted us to reinvestigate the issue. Using Bayesian phylogenetics, we found phylogenetic relationships between mammalian species highly congruent with previous results based on nuclear genes. Our results show the existence of four primary lineages of placental mammals: Xenarthra, Afrotheria, Laurasiatheria, and Euarchontoglires. Relationships between and within these lineages strongly suggest that the gene trees may also be congruent with the underlying species phylogeny.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread perception that evolutionary inference from molecular sequences is a statistical problem, there has been very little attention paid to questions of experimental design. Previous consideration of this topic has led to little more than an empirical folklore regarding the choice of suitable genes for analysis, and to dispute over the best choice of taxa for inclusion in data sets. I introduce what I believe are new methods that permit the quantification of phylogenetic information in a sequence alignment. The methods use likelihood calculations based on Markov-process models of nucleotide substitution allied with phylogenetic trees, and allow a general approach to optimal experimental design. Two examples are given, illustrating realistic problems in experimental design in molecular phylogenetics and suggesting more general conclusions about the choice of genomic regions, sequence lengths and taxa for evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA sequences and microsatellites are useful tools for phylogenetic as well as population genetic analyses of plants. Chloroplast microsatellites tend to be less variable than nuclear microsatellites and therefore they may not be as powerful as nuclear microsatellites for within-species population analysis. However, chloroplast microsatellites may be useful for phylogenetic analysis between closely related taxa when more conventional loci, such as ITS or chloroplast sequence data, are not variable enough to resolve phylogenetic relationships in all clades. To determine the limits of chloroplast microsatellites as tools in phylogenetic analyses, we need to understand their evolution. Thus, we examined and compared phylogenetic relationships of species within the genus Clusia, using both chloroplast sequence data and variation at seven chloroplast microsatellite loci. Neither ITS nor chloroplast sequences were variable enough to resolve relationships within some sections of the genus, yet chloroplast microsatellite loci were too variable to provide any useful phylogenetic information. Size homoplasy was apparent, caused by base substitutions within the microsatellite, base substitutions in the flanking regions, indels in the flanking regions, multiple microsatellites within a fragment, and forward/reverse mutations of repeat length resulting in microsatellites of identical base composition that were not identical by descent.  相似文献   

DNA sequence variations of chalcone synthase (Chs) and Apetala3 gene promoters from 22 cruciferous plant species were analyzed to identify putative conserved regulatory elements. Our comparative approach confirmed the existence of numerous conserved sequences which may act as regulatory elements in both investigated promoters. To confirm the correct identification of a well-conserved UV-light-responsive promoter region, a subset of Chs promoter fragments were tested in Arabidopsis thaliana protoplasts. All promoters displayed similar light responsivenesses, indicating the general functional relevance of the conserved regulatory element. In addition to known regulatory elements, other highly conserved regions were detected which are likely to be of functional importance. Phylogenetic trees based on DNA sequences from both promoters (gene trees) were compared with the hypothesized phylogenetic relationships (species trees) of these taxa. The data derived from both promoter sequences were congruent with the phylogenies obtained from coding regions of other nuclear genes and from chloroplast DNA sequences. This indicates that promoter sequence evolution generally is reflective of species phylogeny. Our study also demonstrates the great value of comparative genomics and phylogenetics as a basis for functional analysis of promoter action and gene regulation.  相似文献   

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