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异戊二烯是橡胶合成的重要前体物质。为了提高菌株的异戊二烯产量,本实验室在研究中构建了一株异戊二烯产气的菌株BW-01,基于蛋白质预算理论的指导,理性设计通过改变质粒拷贝数、增加稀有密码子等合成生物学手段调控关键限速酶编码基因表达,从而提高大肠杆菌外源MVA代谢途径的异戊二烯产量。摇瓶发酵实验中我们构建的新产气菌株BW-07比原有的产气菌株BW-01的产量提高了73%,达到了761.1 mg/L。为后续菌株改造及进行发酵罐实验奠定了基础。  相似文献   

To increase expression of lycopene synthetic genes crtE, crtB, crtI, and ipiHP1, the four exogenous genes were cloned into a high copy pTrc99A vector with a strong trc promoter. Recombinant Escherichia coli harboring pT-LYCm4 produced 17 mg/L of lycopene. The mevalonate lower pathway, composed of mvaK1, mvaK2, mvaD, and idi, was engineered to produce pSSN12Didi for an efficient supply of the lycopene building blocks, isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). Mevalonate was supplied as a substrate for the mevalonate lower pathway. Lycopene production in E. coli harboring pT-LYCm4 and pSSN12Didi with supplementation of 3.3 mM mevalonate was more than threefold greater than bacteria with pT-LYCm4 only. Lycopene production was dependent on mevalonate concentration supplied in the culture. Clump formation was observed as cells accumulated more lycopene. Further clumping was prevented by adding the surfactant Tween 80 0.5% (w/v), which also increased lycopene production and cell growth. When recombinant E. coli harboring pT-LYCm4 and pSSN12Didi was cultivated in 2YT medium containing 2% (w/v) glycerol as a carbon source, 6.6 mM mevalonate for the mevalonate lower pathway, and 0.5% (w/v) Tween 80 to prevent clump formation, lycopene production was 102 mg/L and 22 mg/g dry cell weight, and cell growth had an OD(600) value of 15 for 72 h.  相似文献   

甲羟戊酸途径(MVA途径)被引入重组大肠杆菌中,能够提高重组大肠杆菌中萜类化合物的合成能力。但因重组大肠杆菌中萜类化合物合成途径中间产物积累,导致细胞生长和萜类化合物合成受到限制。本研究在稳定表达MVA途径以及优化2-甲基-D-赤藻糖醇-4-磷酸途径(MEP途径)、番茄红素合成途径关键基因表达的重组大肠杆菌LYC103中,用质粒高表达MVA途径和番茄红素合成途径关键基因,挖掘该途径的限速步骤。结果表明,ispA、crtE、mvaK1、idi和mvaD基因过表达后,细胞生长没有明显变化,番茄红素产量依次提高了13.5%、16.5%、17.95%、33.7%和61.1%,说明这几个基因可能是合成番茄红素的限速步骤。mvaK1、mvaK2、mvaD三个基因在同一操纵子上,用mRNA稳定区(RNA stabilizing region)进行启动子文库(mRSL)调控mvaK1,相当于对3个基因同时调控。用高效基因组编辑技术(CAGO)对mvaK1基因的mRNA稳定区进行启动子文库的调控,得到菌株LYC104。番茄红素产量与对照菌株LYC103相比增加了2倍,细胞生长提高了32%。然后,利用CR...  相似文献   

萜类化合物的直接前体物质异戊烯焦磷酸(IPP)和二甲基烯丙基焦磷酸酯(DMAPP)可以由2-甲基-D-赤藻糖醇-4-磷酸途径(MEP途径)和甲羟戊酸途径(MVA途径)合成。在已经优化MEP合成途径、番茄红素合成途径关键基因表达的重组大肠杆菌LYC101中,引入MVA途径基因,进一步提高重组大肠杆菌合成萜类化合物的能力。质粒pALV23和pALV145是本实验室在研究MVA途径基因协调表达时,用核糖体结合位点(RBS)文库连接MVA途径各基因构建质粒文库,而筛选到的有效提高β-胡萝卜素产量的质粒。首先比较了两个质粒分别在低产和高产番茄红素的菌株中对番茄红素合成的影响。结果表明,两个质粒在高、低产番茄红素的菌株中都可以有效提高番茄红素产量。在高产菌LYC101中pALV23比pALV145使番茄红素产量更高。然后,用CRISPR-Cas9系统辅助同源重组的方法,将MVA途经基因和启动子一共6.7kb的条带整合到LYC101菌株的染色体上,得到遗传稳定的菌株LYC102。LYC102的番茄红素产率达40.9mg/g,是出发菌株LYC101产率的2.19倍,比用质粒表达MVA途径基因的菌株提高了20%。在重组大肠杆菌中同时表达MVA途径和MEP途径,可以有效提高萜类化合物产率;文中构建了不含质粒的、遗传稳定的高产番茄红素菌株,为产业化合成番茄红素提供基础;同时构建平台菌株,可以用于其他萜类化合物合成。  相似文献   

紫苏醇,即[4-异丙烯基-1-环己烯]甲醇,是一种具有类似芳樟醇和松油醇特殊气味的单环单萜烯醇。在医药、食品和化妆品等行业具有广阔市场空间和研究价值。文中研究了以工程大肠杆菌通过甲羟戊酸途径合成紫苏醇的方法。首先在大肠杆菌中构建来源于粪肠球菌的MVA代谢途径合成柠檬烯,随后柠檬烯通过细胞色素P450烷烃羟化酶的羟基化转化为紫苏醇。然后将构建的紫苏醇合成菌株在摇瓶发酵条件下进行优化,研究发现工程大肠杆菌以葡萄糖为原料,通过MVA代谢途径可合成约50.12 mg/L的紫苏醇。本研究构建合成紫苏醇的MVA代谢途径也可用于其他萜类化合物的合成,为今后生物法合成萜类化合物提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

Mevalonate is a useful metabolite synthesized from three molecules of acetyl-CoA, consuming two molecules of NADPH. Escherichia coli ( E. coli) catabolizes glucose to acetyl-CoA via several routes, such as the Embden–Meyerhof–Parnas (EMP) and the oxidative pentose phosphate (oxPP) pathways. Although the oxPP pathway supplies NADPH, it is disadvantageous in terms of acetyl-CoA supply, compared with the EMP pathway. In this study, the optimal flux ratio between the EMP and oxPP pathways on the mevalonate yield was investigated. Expression level of pgi was controlled by isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) inducible promoter in an engineered mevalonate-producing E. coli strain. The relationship between the flux ratio and mevalonate yield was evaluated by changing the flux ratio by varying IPTG concentration. At the stationary phase, the mevalonate yield was maximum at an EMP flux of 39.7%, and was increased by 25% compared with that with no flux control (EMP flux of 70.4%). The optimal flux ratio was consistent with the theoretical value based on the mass balance of NADPH. The flux ratio between EMP and oxPP pathways affects the synthesis fluxes of mevalonate and acetate from acetyl-CoA. Fine tuning of the flux ratio would be necessary to achieve an optimized production of metabolites that require NADPH.  相似文献   

[目的]法尼醇(FOH,C15H26O)是一种具有芳香气味的非环状倍半萜醇,被广泛应用于化妆品和医学药物的工业化生产,也可作为航空燃料的理想替代品.具有食品级安全性的酿酒酵母细胞能够合成内源性法尼醇,但其产量很低,无法满足工业生产的需要.因此,需要采用代谢工程手段,改造法尼醇合成途径,以有效提高法尼醇在酿酒酵母中的产量...  相似文献   

Isoprene, a key building block of synthetic rubber, is currently produced entirely from petrochemical sources. In this work, we engineered both the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway and the mevalonate (MVA) pathway for isoprene production in E. coli. The synergy between the MEP pathway and the MVA pathway was demonstrated by the production experiment, in which overexpression of both pathways improved the isoprene yield about 20-fold and 3-fold, respectively, compared to overexpression of the MEP pathway or the MVA pathway alone. The 13C metabolic flux analysis revealed that simultaneous utilization of the two pathways resulted in a 4.8-fold increase in the MEP pathway flux and a 1.5-fold increase in the MVA pathway flux. The synergy of the dual pathway was further verified by quantifying intracellular flux responses of the MEP pathway and the MVA pathway to fosmidomycin treatment and mevalonate supplementation. Our results strongly suggest that coupling of the complementary reducing equivalent demand and ATP requirement plays an important role in the synergy of the dual pathway. Fed-batch cultivation of the engineered strain overexpressing the dual pathway resulted in production of 24.0 g/L isoprene with a yield of 0.267 g/g of glucose. The synergy of the MEP pathway and the MVA pathway also successfully increased the lycopene productivity in E. coli, which demonstrates that it can be used to improve the production of a broad range of terpenoids in microorganisms.  相似文献   

The amplification of gltA gene encoding citrate synthase of TCA cycle was required for the efficient conversion of acetyl-CoA, generated during vanillin production from ferulic acid, to CoA, which is essential for vanillin production. Vanillin of 1.98 g/L was produced from the E. coli DH5alpha (pTAHEF-gltA) with gltA amplification in 48 h of culture at 3.0 g/L of ferulic acid, which was about twofold higher than the vanillin production of 0.91 g/L obtained by the E. coli DH5alpha (pTAHEF) without gltA amplification. The icdA gene encoding isocitrate dehydrogenase of TCA cycle was deleted to make the vanillin producing E. coli utilize glyoxylate bypass which enables more efficient conversion of acetyl-CoA to CoA in comparison with TCA cycle. The production of vanillin by the icdA null mutant of E. coli BW25113 harboring pTAHEF was enhanced by 2.6 times. The gltA amplification of the glyoxylate bypass in the icdA null mutant remarkably increased the production rate of vanillin with a little increase in the amount of vanillin production. The real synergistic effect of gltA amplification and icdA deletion was observed with use of XAD-2 resin reducing the toxicity of vanillin produced during culture. Vanillin of 5.14 g/L was produced in 24 h of the culture with molar conversion yield of 86.6%, which is the highest so far in vanillin production from ferulic acid using recombinant E. coli.  相似文献   

Squalene is a lipophilic and non-volatile triterpene with many industrial applications for food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Metabolic engineering focused on optimization of the production pathway suffer from little success in improving titers because of a limited space of the cell membrane accommodating the lipophilic product. Extension of cell membrane would be a promising approach to overcome the storage limitation for successful production of squalene. In this study, Escherichia coli was engineered for squalene production by overexpression of some membrane proteins. The highest production of 612 mg/L was observed in the engineered E. coli with overexpression of Tsr, a serine chemoreceptor protein, which induced invagination of inner membrane to form multilayered structure. It was also observed an increase in unsaturated fatty acid in membrane lipids composition, suggesting cellular response to maintain membrane fluidity against squalene accumulation in the engineered strain. This study potentiates the capability of E. coli for squalene production and provides an effective strategy for the enhanced production of such compounds.  相似文献   

Numerous high‐value recombinant proteins that are produced in bacteria are exported to the periplasm as this approach offers relatively easy downstream processing and purification. Most recombinant proteins are exported by the Sec pathway, which transports them across the plasma membrane in an unfolded state. The twin‐arginine translocation (Tat) system operates in parallel with the Sec pathway but transports substrate proteins in a folded state; it therefore has potential to export proteins that are difficult to produce using the Sec pathway. In this study, we have produced a heterologous protein (green fluorescent protein; GFP) in Escherichia coli and have used batch and fed‐batch fermentation systems to test the ability of the newly engineered Tat system to export this protein into the periplasm under industrial‐type production conditions. GFP cannot be exported by the Sec pathway in an active form. We first tested the ability of five different Tat signal peptides to export GFP, and showed that the TorA signal peptide directed most efficient export. Under batch fermentation conditions, it was found that TorA‐GFP was exported efficiently in wild type cells, but a twofold increase in periplasmic GFP was obtained when the TatABC components were co‐expressed. In both cases, periplasmic GFP peaked at about the 12 h point during fermentation but decreased thereafter, suggesting that proteolysis was occurring. Typical yields were 60 mg periplasmic GFP per liter culture. The cells over‐expressed the tat operon throughout the fermentation process and the Tat system was shown to be highly active over a 48 h induction period. Fed‐batch fermentation generated much greater yields: using glycerol feed rates of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 mL h?1, the cultures reached OD600 values of 180 and periplasmic GFP levels of 0.4, 0.85, and 1.1 g L?1 culture, respectively. Most or all of the periplasmic GFP was shown to be active. These export values are in line with those obtained in industrial production processes using Sec‐dependent export approaches. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2012; 109: 2533–2542. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

以青蒿素为基础的联合药物疗法 (ACTs) 被认为是目前治疗恶性疟疾的最有效方法。然而青蒿素供应不足且价格昂贵,限制了ACTs的广泛使用。采用基因工程手段构建异源类异戊二烯生物合成途径,利用大肠杆菌发酵能高效合成抗疟药青蒿素前体——紫穗槐-4,11-二烯。首先在大肠杆菌Escherichia coli DHGT7中引入人工合成的紫穗槐-4,11-二烯合酶基因,利用大肠杆菌内源的法尼基焦磷酸,成功获得了紫穗槐-4,11-二烯。为提高前体供给,引入粪肠球菌的甲羟戊酸途径,紫穗槐-4,11-二烯的产量提高了13  相似文献   

3-脱氢莽草酸是芳香族氨基酸合成代谢途径中的一种重要中间产物。除可作为一种高效的抗氧化剂,还可用于合成己二酸、香草醛等一些重要的化工产品,具有重要的应用价值。相关研究证明具有去酪氨酸反馈抑制的3-脱氧-D-阿拉伯庚酮糖-7-磷酸合成酶基因aroFFBR以及转酮醇酶基因tktA可以有效影响3-脱氢莽草酸的过量合成。通过增加aroFFBR和tktA串联过量表达的拷贝数,可使工程菌株在摇瓶发酵条件下3-脱氢莽草酸产量提高2.93倍。通过同源重组无痕基因敲除技术依次敲除出发菌大肠杆菌Escherichia coli AB2834的乳酸、乙酸、乙醇等副产物合成途径中的重要基因ldhA、ackA-pta和adhE,可使工程菌株的3-脱氢莽草酸产量进一步提高,达到了1.83 g/L,是初始出发菌株大肠杆菌E.coli AB2834产量的6.7倍。利用5 L发酵罐进行分批补料发酵,62 h后工程菌株3-脱氢莽草酸产量达到了25.48 g/L。本研究可为构建有应用前景的3-脱氢莽草酸生产菌株提供重要参考。  相似文献   

代谢工程大肠杆菌利用甘油高效合成L-乳酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以甘油为碳源高效合成L-乳酸有助于推进油脂水解产业和生物可降解材料制造业的共同发展。为此,首先分别从凝结芽胞杆菌Bacillus coagulans CICIM B1821和大肠杆菌Escherichia coli CICIM B0013中克隆了L-乳酸脱氢酶基因BcoaLDH和D-乳酸脱氢酶 (LdhA) 的启动子片段PldhA。将两条DNA片段连接组成了表达盒PldhA-BcoaLDH。然后将上述表达盒通过同源重组删除FMN为辅酶的L-乳酸脱氢酶编码基因lldD的同时克隆入ldhA基因缺失菌株E. coli CICIM B0013-080C (ack-pta pps pflB dld poxB adhE frdA ldhA)的染色体上,获得了L-乳酸高产菌株E. coli CICIM B0013-090B (B0013-080C,lldD::PldhA-BcoaLDH)。考察了菌株CICIM B0013-090B不同培养温度下代谢利用甘油和合成L-乳酸的特征后,建立并优化了一种新型L-乳酸变温发酵工艺。在7 L发酵罐上,发酵27 h,积累L-乳酸132.4 g/L,产酸强度4.90 g/(L·h),甘油到L-乳酸的得率为93.7%,L-乳酸的光学纯度达到99.95%。  相似文献   

Glioma is a common brain malignancy for which new drug development is urgently needed because of radiotherapy and drug resistance. Recent studies have demonstrated that artemisinin (ARS) compounds can display antiglioma activity, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Using cell lines and mouse models, we investigated the effects of the most soluble ARS analogue artesunate (ART) on glioma cell growth, migration, distant seeding and senescence and elucidated the underlying mechanisms. Artemisinin effectively inhibited glioma cell growth, migration and distant seeding. Further investigation of the mechanisms showed that ART can influence glioma cell metabolism by affecting the nuclear localization of SREBP2 (sterol regulatory element‐binding protein 2) and the expression of its target gene HMGCR (3‐hydroxy‐3‐methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase), the rate‐limiting enzyme of the mevalonate (MVA) pathway. Moreover, ART affected the interaction between SREBP2 and P53 and restored the expression of P21 in cells expressing wild‐type P53, thus playing a key role in cell senescence induction. In conclusion, our study demonstrated the new therapeutic potential of ART in glioma cells and showed the novel anticancer mechanisms of ARS compounds of regulating MVA metabolism and cell senescence.  相似文献   

Numerous high‐value therapeutic proteins are produced in Escherichia coli and exported to the periplasm, as this approach simplifies downstream processing and enables disulfide bond formation. Most recombinant proteins are exported by the Sec pathway, which transports substrates across the plasma membrane in an unfolded state. The Tat system also exports proteins to the periplasm, but transports them in a folded state. This system has attracted interest because of its tendency to transport correctly folded proteins, but this trait renders it unable to export proteins containing disulfide bonds since these are normally acquired only in the periplasm; reduced substrates tend to be recognized as incorrectly folded and rejected. In this study we have used a series of novel strains (termed CyDisCo) which oxidise disulfide bonds in the cytoplasm, and we show that these cells efficiently export a range of disulfide‐containing proteins when a Tat signal peptide is attached. These test proteins include alkaline phosphatase (PhoA), a phytase containing four disulfide bonds (AppA), an antiinterleukin 1β scFv and human growth hormone. No export of PhoA or AppA is observed in wild‐type cells lacking the CyDisCo factors. The PhoA, AppA and scFv proteins were exported in an active form by Tat in the CyDisCo strain, and mass spectrometry showed that the vast majority of the scFv protein was disulfide‐bonded and correctly processed. The evidence indicates that this combination of Tat + CyDisCo offers a novel means of exporting active, correctly folded disulfide bonded proteins to the periplasm. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 30:281–290, 2014  相似文献   

Microbial production of mevalonate from renewable feedstock is a promising and sustainable approach for the production of value-added chemicals. We describe the metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to enhance mevalonate production from glucose and cellobiose. First, the mevalonate-producing pathway was introduced into E. coli and the expression of the gene atoB, which encodes the gene for acetoacetyl-CoA synthetase, was increased. Then, the deletion of the pgi gene, which encodes phosphoglucose isomerase, increased the NADPH/NADP+ ratio in the cells but did not improve mevalonate production. Alternatively, to reduce flux toward the tricarboxylic acid cycle, gltA, which encodes citrate synthetase, was disrupted. The resultant strain, MGΔgltA-MV, increased levels of intracellular acetyl-CoA up to sevenfold higher than the wild-type strain. This strain produced 8.0 g/L of mevalonate from 20 g/L of glucose. We also engineered the sugar supply by displaying β-glucosidase (BGL) on the cell surface. When cellobiose was used as carbon source, the strain lacking gnd displaying BGL efficiently consumed cellobiose and produced mevalonate at 5.7 g/L. The yield of mevalonate was 0.25 g/g glucose (1 g of cellobiose corresponds to 1.1 g of glucose). These results demonstrate the feasibility of producing mevalonate from cellobiose or cellooligosaccharides using an engineered E. coli strain.  相似文献   

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