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The augmentation of categorical outcomes with underlying Gaussian variables in bivariate generalized mixed effects models has facilitated the joint modeling of continuous and binary response variables. These models typically assume that random effects and residual effects (co)variances are homogeneous across all clusters and subjects, respectively. Motivated by conflicting evidence about the association between performance outcomes in dairy production systems, we consider the situation where these (co)variance parameters may themselves be functions of systematic and/or random effects. We present a hierarchical Bayesian extension of bivariate generalized linear models whereby functions of the (co)variance matrices are specified as linear combinations of fixed and random effects following a square‐root‐free Cholesky reparameterization that ensures necessary positive semidefinite constraints. We test the proposed model by simulation and apply it to the analysis of a dairy cattle data set in which the random herd‐level and residual cow‐level effects (co)variances between a continuous production trait and binary reproduction trait are modeled as functions of fixed management effects and random cluster effects.  相似文献   

In a linear mixed effects model, it is common practice to assume that the random effects follow a parametric distribution such as a normal distribution with mean zero. However, in the case of variable selection, substantial violation of the normality assumption can potentially impact the subset selection and result in poor interpretation and even incorrect results. In nonparametric random effects models, the random effects generally have a nonzero mean, which causes an identifiability problem for the fixed effects that are paired with the random effects. In this article, we focus on a Bayesian method for variable selection. We characterize the subject‐specific random effects nonparametrically with a Dirichlet process and resolve the bias simultaneously. In particular, we propose flexible modeling of the conditional distribution of the random effects with changes across the predictor space. The approach is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to identify subsets of fixed effects and random effects to be included in the model. Simulations are provided to evaluate and compare the performance of our approach to the existing ones. We then apply the new approach to a real data example, cross‐country and interlaboratory rodent uterotrophic bioassay.  相似文献   

We propose a general Bayesian approach to heteroskedastic error modeling for generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) in which linked functions of conditional means and residual variances are specified as separate linear combinations of fixed and random effects. We focus on the linear mixed model (LMM) analysis of birth weight (BW) and the cumulative probit mixed model (CPMM) analysis of calving ease (CE). The deviance information criterion (DIC) was demonstrated to be useful in correctly choosing between homoskedastic and heteroskedastic error GLMM for both traits when data was generated according to a mixed model specification for both location parameters and residual variances. Heteroskedastic error LMM and CPMM were fitted, respectively, to BW and CE data on 8847 Italian Piemontese first parity dams in which residual variances were modeled as functions of fixed calf sex and random herd effects. The posterior mean residual variance for male calves was over 40% greater than that for female calves for both traits. Also, the posterior means of the standard deviation of the herd-specific variance ratios (relative to a unitary baseline) were estimated to be 0.60 ± 0.09 for BW and 0.74 ± 0.14 for CE. For both traits, the heteroskedastic error LMM and CPMM were chosen over their homoskedastic error counterparts based on DIC values.  相似文献   

Kinney SK  Dunson DB 《Biometrics》2007,63(3):690-698
We address the problem of selecting which variables should be included in the fixed and random components of logistic mixed effects models for correlated data. A fully Bayesian variable selection is implemented using a stochastic search Gibbs sampler to estimate the exact model-averaged posterior distribution. This approach automatically identifies subsets of predictors having nonzero fixed effect coefficients or nonzero random effects variance, while allowing uncertainty in the model selection process. Default priors are proposed for the variance components and an efficient parameter expansion Gibbs sampler is developed for posterior computation. The approach is illustrated using simulated data and an epidemiologic example.  相似文献   

Wang X  Guo X  He M  Zhang H 《Biometrics》2011,67(3):987-995
Analysis of data from twin and family studies provides the foundation for studies of disease inheritance. The development of advanced theory and computational software for general linear models has generated considerable interest for using mixed-effect models to analyze twin and family data, as a computationally more convenient and theoretically more sound alternative to the classical structure equation modeling. Despite the long history of twin and family data analysis, some fundamental questions remain unanswered. We addressed two important issues. One is to determine the necessary and sufficient conditions for the identifiability in the mixed-effects models for twin and family data. The other is to derive the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio test, which is novel due to the fact that the standard regularity conditions are not satisfied. We considered a series of specific yet important examples in which we demonstrated how to formulate mixed-effect models to appropriately reflect the data, and our key idea is the use of the Cholesky decomposition. Finally, we applied our method and theory to provide a more precise estimate of the heritability of two data sets than the previously reported estimate.  相似文献   

The relationship between the modern univariate mixed model for analyzing longitudinal data, popularized by Laird and Ware (1982, Biometrics 38, 963-974), and its predecessor, the classical multivariate growth curve model, summarized by Grizzle and Allen (1969, Biometrics 25, 357-381), has never been clearly established. Here, the link between the two methodologies is derived, and balanced polynomial and cosinor examples cited in the literature are analyzed with both approaches. Relating the two models demonstrates that classical covariance adjustment for higher-order terms is analogous to including them as random effects in the mixed model. The polynomial example clearly illustrates the relationship between the methodologies and shows their equivalence when all matrices are properly defined. The cosinor example demonstrates how results from each method may differ when the total variance-covariance matrix is positive definite, but that the between-subjects component of that matrix is not so constrained by the growth curve approach. Additionally, advocates of each approach tend to consider different covariance structures. Modern mixed model analysts consider only those terms in a model's expectation (or linear combinations), and preferably the most parsimonious subset, as candidates for random effects. Classical growth curve analysts automatically consider all terms in a model's expectation as random effects and then investigate whether "covariance adjusting" for higher-order terms improves the model. We apply mixed model techniques to cosinor analyses of a large, unbalanced data set to demonstrate the relevance of classical covariance structures that were previously conceived for use only with completely balanced data.  相似文献   

The genetic variance–covariance matrix ( G ) is a quantity of central importance in evolutionary biology due to its influence on the rate and direction of multivariate evolution. However, the predictive power of empirically estimated G ‐matrices is limited for two reasons. First, phenotypes are high‐dimensional, whereas traditional statistical methods are tuned to estimate and analyse low‐dimensional matrices. Second, the stability of G to environmental effects and over time remains poorly understood. Using Bayesian sparse factor analysis (BSFG) designed to estimate high‐dimensional G ‐matrices, we analysed levels variation and covariation in 10,527 expressed genes in a large (n = 563) half‐sib breeding design of three‐spined sticklebacks subject to two temperature treatments. We found significant differences in the structure of G between the treatments: heritabilities and evolvabilities were higher in the warm than in the low‐temperature treatment, suggesting more and faster opportunity to evolve in warm (stressful) conditions. Furthermore, comparison of G and its phenotypic equivalent P revealed the latter is a poor substitute of the former. Most strikingly, the results suggest that the expected impact of G on evolvability—as well as the similarity among G ‐matrices—may depend strongly on the number of traits included into analyses. In our results, the inclusion of only few traits in the analyses leads to underestimation in the differences between the G ‐matrices and their predicted impacts on evolution. While the results highlight the challenges involved in estimating G , they also illustrate that by enabling the estimation of large G ‐matrices, the BSFG method can improve predicted evolutionary responses to selection.  相似文献   

Multivariate linear models are increasingly important in quantitative genetics. In high dimensional specifications, factor analysis (FA) may provide an avenue for structuring (co)variance matrices, thus reducing the number of parameters needed for describing (co)dispersion. We describe how FA can be used to model genetic effects in the context of a multivariate linear mixed model. An orthogonal common factor structure is used to model genetic effects under Gaussian assumption, so that the marginal likelihood is multivariate normal with a structured genetic (co)variance matrix. Under standard prior assumptions, all fully conditional distributions have closed form, and samples from the joint posterior distribution can be obtained via Gibbs sampling. The model and the algorithm developed for its Bayesian implementation were used to describe five repeated records of milk yield in dairy cattle, and a one common FA model was compared with a standard multiple trait model. The Bayesian Information Criterion favored the FA model.  相似文献   

Saville BR  Herring AH 《Biometrics》2009,65(2):369-376
Summary .  Deciding which predictor effects may vary across subjects is a difficult issue. Standard model selection criteria and test procedures are often inappropriate for comparing models with different numbers of random effects due to constraints on the parameter space of the variance components. Testing on the boundary of the parameter space changes the asymptotic distribution of some classical test statistics and causes problems in approximating Bayes factors. We propose a simple approach for testing random effects in the linear mixed model using Bayes factors. We scale each random effect to the residual variance and introduce a parameter that controls the relative contribution of each random effect free of the scale of the data. We integrate out the random effects and the variance components using closed-form solutions. The resulting integrals needed to calculate the Bayes factor are low-dimensional integrals lacking variance components and can be efficiently approximated with Laplace's method. We propose a default prior distribution on the parameter controlling the contribution of each random effect and conduct simulations to show that our method has good properties for model selection problems. Finally, we illustrate our methods on data from a clinical trial of patients with bipolar disorder and on data from an environmental study of water disinfection by-products and male reproductive outcomes.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Davidian M 《Biometrics》2001,57(3):795-802
Normality of random effects is a routine assumption for the linear mixed model, but it may be unrealistic, obscuring important features of among-individual variation. We relax this assumption by approximating the random effects density by the seminonparameteric (SNP) representation of Gallant and Nychka (1987, Econometrics 55, 363-390), which includes normality as a special case and provides flexibility in capturing a broad range of nonnormal behavior, controlled by a user-chosen tuning parameter. An advantage is that the marginal likelihood may be expressed in closed form, so inference may be carried out using standard optimization techniques. We demonstrate that standard information criteria may be used to choose the tuning parameter and detect departures from normality, and we illustrate the approach via simulation and using longitudinal data from the Framingham study.  相似文献   

A hybrid estimator in nonlinear and generalised linear mixed effects models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

MacNab YC 《Biometrics》2003,59(2):305-315
We present Bayesian hierarchical spatial models for spatially correlated small-area health service outcome and utilization rates, with a particular emphasis on the estimation of both measured and unmeasured or unknown covariate effects. This Bayesian hierarchical model framework enables simultaneous modeling of fixed covariate effects and random residual effects. The random effects are modeled via Bayesian prior specifications reflecting spatial heterogeneity globally and relative homogeneity among neighboring areas. The model inference is implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Specifically, a hybrid Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm (Neal, 1995, Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks; Gustafson, MacNab, and Wen, 2003, Statistics and Computing, to appear) is used for posterior sampling of the random effects. To illustrate relevant problems, methods, and techniques, we present an analysis of regional variation in intraventricular hemorrhage incidence rates among neonatal intensive care unit patients across Canada.  相似文献   

This article presents two‐component hierarchical Bayesian models which incorporate both overdispersion and excess zeros. The components may be resultants of some intervention (treatment) that changes the rare event generating process. The models are also expanded to take into account any heterogeneity that may exist in the data. Details of the model fitting, checking and selecting alternative models from a Bayesian perspective are also presented. The proposed methods are applied to count data on the assessment of an efficacy of pesticides in controlling the reproduction of whitefly. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Dropouts are common in longitudinal study. If the dropout probability depends on the missing observations at or after dropout, this type of dropout is called informative (or nonignorable) dropout (ID). Failure to accommodate such dropout mechanism into the model will bias the parameter estimates. We propose a conditional autoregressive model for longitudinal binary data with an ID model such that the probabilities of positive outcomes as well as the drop‐out indicator in each occasion are logit linear in some covariates and outcomes. This model adopting a marginal model for outcomes and a conditional model for dropouts is called a selection model. To allow for the heterogeneity and clustering effects, the outcome model is extended to incorporate mixture and random effects. Lastly, the model is further extended to a novel model that models the outcome and dropout jointly such that their dependency is formulated through an odds ratio function. Parameters are estimated by a Bayesian approach implemented using the user‐friendly Bayesian software WinBUGS. A methadone clinic dataset is analyzed to illustrate the proposed models. Result shows that the treatment time effect is still significant but weaker after allowing for an ID process in the data. Finally the effect of drop‐out on parameter estimates is evaluated through simulation studies.  相似文献   

In the case of the mixed linear model the random effects are usually assumed to be normally distributed in both the Bayesian and classical frameworks. In this paper, the Dirichlet process prior was used to provide nonparametric Bayesian estimates for correlated random effects. This goal was achieved by providing a Gibbs sampler algorithm that allows these correlated random effects to have a nonparametric prior distribution. A sampling based method is illustrated. This method which is employed by transforming the genetic covariance matrix to an identity matrix so that the random effects are uncorrelated, is an extension of the theory and the results of previous researchers. Also by using Gibbs sampling and data augmentation a simulation procedure was derived for estimating the precision parameter M associated with the Dirichlet process prior. All needed conditional posterior distributions are given. To illustrate the application, data from the Elsenburg Dormer sheep stud were analysed. A total of 3325 weaning weight records from the progeny of 101 sires were used.  相似文献   

Ten Have TR  Localio AR 《Biometrics》1999,55(4):1022-1029
We extend an approach for estimating random effects parameters under a random intercept and slope logistic regression model to include standard errors, thereby including confidence intervals. The procedure entails numerical integration to yield posterior empirical Bayes (EB) estimates of random effects parameters and their corresponding posterior standard errors. We incorporate an adjustment of the standard error due to Kass and Steffey (KS; 1989, Journal of the American Statistical Association 84, 717-726) to account for the variability in estimating the variance component of the random effects distribution. In assessing health care providers with respect to adult pneumonia mortality, comparisons are made with the penalized quasi-likelihood (PQL) approximation approach of Breslow and Clayton (1993, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, 9-25) and a Bayesian approach. To make comparisons with an EB method previously reported in the literature, we apply these approaches to crossover trials data previously analyzed with the estimating equations EB approach of Waclawiw and Liang (1994, Statistics in Medicine 13, 541-551). We also perform simulations to compare the proposed KS and PQL approaches. These two approaches lead to EB estimates of random effects parameters with similar asymptotic bias. However, for many clusters with small cluster size, the proposed KS approach does better than the PQL procedures in terms of coverage of nominal 95% confidence intervals for random effects estimates. For large cluster sizes and a few clusters, the PQL approach performs better than the KS adjustment. These simulation results agree somewhat with those of the data analyses.  相似文献   

Due to reductions in both time and cost, group testing is a popular alternative to individual-level testing for disease screening. These reductions are obtained by testing pooled biospecimens (eg, blood, urine, swabs, etc.) for the presence of an infectious agent. However, these reductions come at the expense of data complexity, making the task of conducting disease surveillance more tenuous when compared to using individual-level data. This is because an individual's disease status may be obscured by a group testing protocol and the effect of imperfect testing. Furthermore, unlike individual-level testing, a given participant could be involved in multiple testing outcomes and/or may never be tested individually. To circumvent these complexities and to incorporate all available information, we propose a Bayesian generalized linear mixed model that accommodates data arising from any group testing protocol, estimates unknown assay accuracy probabilities and accounts for potential heterogeneity in the covariate effects across population subgroups (eg, clinic sites, etc.); this latter feature is of key interest to practitioners tasked with conducting disease surveillance. To achieve model selection, our proposal uses spike and slab priors for both fixed and random effects. The methodology is illustrated through numerical studies and is applied to chlamydia surveillance data collected in Iowa.  相似文献   

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