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Cartilage damage and wear can lead to severe diseases, such as osteoarthritis, thus, many studies on the cartilage wear process have already been performed to better understand the cartilage wear mechanism. However, most characterization methods focus on the cartilage surface or the total wear extent. With the advantages of high spatial resolution and easy characterization, Raman microspectroscopy was employed for the first time to characterize full‐depth changes in the cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) after wear test. Sections from the cartilage samples after wear were compared with sections from the control group. Univariate and multivariate analyses both indicated that collagen content loss at certain depths (20%‐30% relative to the cartilage surface) is possibly the dominating alteration during wear rather than changes in collagen fiber orientation or proteoglycan content. These findings are consistent with the observations obtained by scanning electron microscopy and histological staining. This study successfully used Raman microspectroscopy efficiently assess full‐depth changes in cartilage ECM after wear test, thus providing new insight into cartilage damage and wear.   相似文献   

Summary We studied the histologic and ultrastructural features of embryonic chick cartilage after the cartilage had been incubated in serum-free medium that contained hormones and growth factors known to stimulate in vitro cartilage growth. Pelvic cartilages from 9 d chick embryos were incubated in BGJb (Fitton-Jackson modification) medium alone (control) or medium containing one of the following:N 6 monobutyryl cyclic AMP 0.5 mM, forskolin 100 μM, triiodothyronine (T3) 10 nM, insulin 45 nM, or somatomedin C 0.67 nM. At the end of 3 d of incubation the cartilages were fixed in buffered formalin. Significant growth (increases in size, wet and dry weight) was seen with each treatment group. N6-Monobutyryl cAMP treated cartilage had an increased number of flattened immature chondrocytes with large nuclei and prominent nucleoli. The histologic and ultrastructural features of forskolin treated cartilage were indistinguishable from N6-monobutyryl cAMP treatment. The T3 treated cartilage contained large hypertrophic chondrocytes with prominent lacunar typical of mature cartilage. T3 Treated cartilage had considerable vacuole formation and dilated endoplasmic reticulum. Insulin and somatomedin treated cartilage had histologic appearance similar to control cartilage. Thus, the effects of various hormones on embryonic cartilage growth in vitro can be separated as to whether growth is the result of chondrocytic hyperplasia (cyclic AMP mediated), chondrocytic hypertrophy with maturation (T3), or a combination of both hyperplasia and hypertrophy (insulin and somatomedin-C). This study was supported by a grant (K08 AM 01021-01) from the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, Diabetes, and Kidney Diseases, Bethesda, MD, and a Basil O'Connor Starter Grant (0-400) from the March of Dimes.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are red‐ and far red light photoreceptors in higher plants. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has three phytochromes (phyA, phyB and phyC), which play distinct as well as cooperative roles in light perception. To gain a better understanding of individual phytochrome functions in rice, expression patterns of three phytochrome genes were characterized using promoter‐GUS fusion constructs. The phytochrome genes PHYA and PHYB showed distinct patterns of tissue‐ and developmental stage‐specific expression in rice. The PHYA promoter‐GUS was expressed in all leaf tissues in etiolated seedlings, while its expression was restricted to vascular bundles in expanded leaves of light‐grown seedlings. These observations suggest that light represses the expression of the PHYA gene in all cells except vascular bundle cells in rice seedlings. Red light was effective, but far red light was ineffective in gene repression, and red light‐induced repression was not observed in phyB mutants. These results indicate that phyB is involved in light‐dependent and tissue‐specific repression of the PHYA gene in rice.  相似文献   

The use of bioreactors for cartilage tissue engineering has become increasingly important as traditional batch‐fed culture is not optimal for in vitro tissue growth. Most tissue engineering bioreactors rely on convection as the primary means to provide mass transfer; however, convective transport can also impart potentially unwanted and/or uncontrollable mechanical stimuli to the cells resident in the construct. The reliance on diffusive transport may not necessarily be ineffectual as previous studies have observed improved cartilaginous tissue growth when the constructs were cultured in elevated volumes of media. In this study, to approximate an infinite reservoir of media, we investigated the effect of continuous culture on cartilaginous tissue growth in vitro. Isolated bovine articular chondrocytes were seeded in high density, 3D culture on Millicell? filters. After two weeks of preculture, the constructs were cultivated with or without continuous media flow (5–10 μL/min) for a period of one week. Tissue engineered cartilage constructs grown under continuous media flow significantly accumulated more collagen and proteoglycans (increased by 50–70%). These changes were similar in magnitude to the reported effect of through‐thickness perfusion without the need for large volumetric flow rates (5–10μL/min as opposed to 240–800 μL/min). Additionally, tissues grown in the reactor displayed some evidence of the stratified morphology of native cartilage as well as containing stores of intracellular glycogen. Future studies will investigate the effect of long‐term continuous culture in terms of extracellular matrix accumulation and subsequent changes in mechanical function. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Isothermal microcalorimeters (IMC) are highly sensitive instruments that allow the measurement of heat flow in the microwatt range. Due to their detection of minute thermal heat, IMC techniques have been used in numerous biological applications, including the study of fermentation processes, pharmaceutical development, and cell metabolism. In this work, with the ultimate goal of establishing a rapid and real‐time method to predict the proliferative capacity of human articular chondrocytes (HAC), we explored to use of IMC to characterize one of the crucial steps within the process of cartilage tissue engineering, namely the in vitro expansion of HAC. We first established an IMC‐based model for the real‐time monitoring of heat flow generated by HAC during proliferation. Profiles of the heat and heat flow curves obtained were consistent with those previously shown for other cell types. The average heat flow per HAC was determined to be 22.0 ± 5.3 pW. We next demonstrated that HAC proliferation within the IMC‐based model was similar to proliferation under standard culture conditions, verifying its relevance for simulating the typical cell culture application. HAC growth and HAC heat over time appeared correlated for cells derived from particular donors. However, based on the results from 12 independent donors, no predictive correlation could be established between the growth rate and the heat increase rate of HAC. This was likely due to variability in the biological function of HAC derived from different donors, combined with the complexity of tightly couple metabolic processes beyond proliferation. In conclusion, IMC appears to be a promising technique to characterize cell proliferation. However, studies with more reproducible cell sources (e.g., cell lines) could be used before adding the complexity associated with primary human cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011;108: 3019–3024. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The skin is a highly complex organ, responsible for sensation, protection against the environment (pollutants, foreign proteins, infection) and thereby linked to the immune and sensory systems in the neuro‐immuno‐cutaneous (NIC) system. Cutaneous innervation is a key part of the peripheral nervous system; therefore, the skin should be considered a sensory organ and an important part of the central nervous system, an ‘active interface’ and the first connection of the body to the outside world. Peripheral nerves are a complex class of neurons within these systems, subsets of functions are conducted, including mechanoreception, nociception and thermoception. Epidermal and dermal cells produce signalling factors (such as cytokines or growth factors), neurites influence skin cells (such as via neuropeptides), and peripheral nerves have a role in both early and late stages of the inflammatory response. One way this is achieved, specifically in the cutaneous system, is through neuropeptide release and signalling, especially via substance P (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and nerve growth factor (NGF). Cutaneous, neuronal and immune cells play a central role in many conditions, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, vitiligo, UV‐induced immunosuppression, herpes and lymphomas. Therefore, it is critical to understand the connections and interplay between the peripheral nervous system and the skin and immune systems, the NIC system. Relevant in vitro tissue models based on human skin equivalents can be used to gain insight and to address impact across research and clinical needs.  相似文献   

1995年,Cocchi等[1]发现RANTES、MIP-1α和MIP-1β等β-趋化因子具有抗HIV-1感染活性.1997年,Feng等[2]和Deng等[3]证实β-趋化因子受体CXCR4和CCR5分别是HIV-1侵染T淋巴细胞和巨噬细胞的辅助受体(co-receptor).T淋巴细胞嗜性(T-tropism)分离株被称为X4毒株,巨噬细胞嗜性(M-tropism)分离株则被称为R5毒株[4].RANTES与CCR5有着高度的亲和力,二者的结合可对HIV-1的细胞附着产生空间位阻效应,并下调CCR5在细胞表面的表达.这一结果使RANTES抗HIV-1感染机制在分子水平上得到合理的解释.最近,Garzino-Demo等[5]证明,β-趋化因子的诱导分泌与HIV-1感染后疾病进程的控制有着密切的关系,而且人群中β-趋化因子水平存在着显著的个体差异,表明β-趋化因子对艾滋病具有潜在的预防和治疗价值.为此,我们在克隆人RAN-TES基因的基础上,在体外转录与翻译系统中实现了该基因的表达,有利于今后进一步开展艾滋病的基因治疗.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that the effect of GH on bone tissue is reduced with aging. In this study we tested the hypothesis that the action of GH on osteoblastic cells is donor-age-dependent by investigating the effect of GH on the development of osteoblastic phenotype in cultures of cells from adolescents (13-16 years old), young adults (18-35 years old), and adults (36-49 years old). Osteoblastic cells derived from human alveolar bone were cultured with or without GH for periods of up to 21 days, and parameters of in vitro osteogenesis and gene expression of osteoblastic markers were evaluated. GH increased culture growth, collagen content and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in cultures from adolescents and young adults, whereas non-significant effect was observed in cultures from adults. While GH significantly increased the bone-like formation in cultures from adolescents, a slightly effect was observed in cultures from young adults and no alteration was detected in cultures from adults. Results from real-time PCR demonstrated that GH upregulated ALP, osteocalcin, type I collagen, and Cbfa1 mRNA levels in cultures from adolescents. In addition, cultures from young adults showed higher ALP mRNA expression and the expression of all evaluated genes was not affected by GH in cultures from adults. These results indicate that the GH effect on both in vitro osteogenesis and gene expression of osteoblastic markers is donor-age-dependent, being more pronounced on cultures from adolescents.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of A. galanga extract on metabolism and gene expression involved in the interleukin-1β (IL-1β) response of human chondrocyte and synovial fibroblast. A. galanga extract inhibited IL-1β enhanced matrix breakdown of the cartilage explants in a dose-dependent manner. It suppressed uronic acid loss from the tissue and decreased the release of sulfated GAG and hyaluronan into the medium. MMP-2 and MMP-9 activity in the culture medium of chondrosarcomas and synovial fibroblasts were significantly reduced in the presence of A. galanga extract, which also suppressed the production of MMP-1,-3 and-13. The A. galanga extract also significantly increased type II collagen, SOX9 and aggrecan gene expression, suggesting an ability to enhance anabolic activity. At a high dose of A. galanga extract there was a down-regulation of aggrecan gene expression. Comparison with Diacerein® showed its general anti-inflammatory potential to be similar. The A. galanga extract was shown to inhibit IL-1β-stimulated cartilage matrix degradation in both systems. Additionally, the extract showed the potential to up-regulate certain chondrocyte anabolic genes. It may, therefore, offer some cartilage protective and anti-inflammatory properties as a therapeutic agent in arthritis.  相似文献   

Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-4 (TIMP-4), the newest member of the TIMP family, blocks the activities of several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) implicated in the arthritic cartilage erosion. By utilizing semi-quantitative RT-PCR, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry, we investigated whether the TIMP-4 gene is expressed in human non-arthritic and osteoarthritic (OA) cartilage. Directly analyzed femoral head cartilage showed TIMP-4 RNA expression in 2 of 9 non-arthritic and 12 of 14 OA patients. Femoral head cartilage from 6 of 9 OA patients had elevated TIMP-4 protein compared to the low-level expression in 3 of 8 non-arthritic controls. In most patients, there was correlation between TIMP-4 RNA and protein expression. TIMP-4 protein was also detected immunohistochemically in the upper zone of OA cartilage. The widespread TIMP-4 RNA and protein expression and augmentation in femoral OA cartilage suggests its important role in joint tissue remodeling and pathogenesis of OA. Increased TIMP levels in arthritic cartilage may not be a sufficiently effective defense against cartilage resorption by excessive multiple MMPs and aggrecanases.  相似文献   

利用体外特定点突变技术,将原核生物核糖体结合位点及十碱基间隔子(spacer)引科兔肝经胞色素b_5 cDNA的5′端,并构建了一个兔红血球b_5cDNA克隆,重组入表达载体pKK223-3质粒中,在大肠杆菌中成功地表达了兔肝和红血球两种形式的b_5蛋白。产量分别为每毫升培养液1.5μg和4.5μg。  相似文献   

Localized etiolation of branches in the crown of a 30-year-old chestnut tree produced plant material that responded much better to establishment and multiplication in vitro than unetiolated material, whose cultures were very difficult to maintain (response being measured in terms of the percentage of cultures established, the mean number of shoots formed per explant, the number of 8-mm segments per new shoot, the length of longest shoot in each culture, and the coefficient of multiplication). Only 22% of the initial explants from unetiolated material were successfully established, as against 79% for etiolated material, with similar differences between the coefficients of multiplication of the two lines in successive cultures. Accordingly, partial etiolation of branches is proposed as a suitable pretreatment for in vitro propagation of selected mature trees, when physiologically juvenile materials such as stump sprouts, epicormic shoots or root suckers are not available.  相似文献   

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