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Biosynthesis of complex natural products like polyketides and nonribosomal peptides using Escherichia coli as a heterologous host provides an opportunity to access these molecules. The value in doing so stems from the fact that many compounds hold some therapeutic or other beneficial property and their original production hosts are intractable for a variety of reasons. In this work, metabolic engineering and induction variable optimization were used to increase production of the polyketide‐nonribosomal peptide compound yersiniabactin, a siderophore that has been utilized to selectively remove metals from various solid and aqueous samples. Specifically, several precursor substrate support pathways were altered through gene expression and exogenous supplementation in order to boost production of the final compound. The gene expression induction process was also analyzed to identify the temperatures and inducer concentrations resulting in highest final production levels. When combined, yersiniabactin production was extended to ~175 mg L?1. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 32:1412–1417, 2016  相似文献   

Polyketides are a group of natural products that have gained much interest due to their use as antibiotics, cholesterol lowering agents, immunosuppressors, and as other drugs. Many organisms that naturally produce polyketides are difficult to cultivate and only produce these metabolites in small amounts. It is therefore of general interest to transfer polyketide synthase (PKS) genes from their natural sources into heterologous hosts that can over-produce the corresponding polyketides. In this study we demonstrate the heterologous expression of 6-methylsalicylic acid synthase (6-MSAS), naturally produced by Penicillium patulum, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In order to activate the PKS a 4'-phosphopantetheinyl transferase (PPTase) is required. We therefore co-expressed PPTases encoded by either sfp from Bacillus subtilis or by npgA from Aspergillus nidulans. The different strains were grown in batch cultures. Growth and product concentration were measured and kinetic parameters were calculated. It was shown that both PPTases could be efficiently used for activation of PKS's in yeast as good yields of 6-MSA were obtained with both enzymes.  相似文献   

Aims: Escherichia coli has emerged as a viable heterologous host for the production of complex, polyketide natural compounds. In this study, polyketide biosynthesis was compared between different E. coli strains for the purpose of better understanding and improving heterologous production. Methods and Results: Both B and K‐12 E. coli strains were genetically modified to support heterologous polyketide biosynthesis [specifically, 6‐deoxyerythronolide B (6dEB)]. Polyketide production was analysed using a helper plasmid designed to overcome rare codon usage within E. coli. Each strain was analysed for recombinant protein production, precursor consumption, by‐product production, and 6dEB biosynthesis. Of the strains tested for biosynthesis, 6dEB production was greatest for E. coli B strains. When comparing biosynthetic improvements as a function of mRNA stability vs codon bias, increased 6dEB titres were observed when additional rare codon tRNA molecules were provided. Conclusions: Escherichia coli B strains and the use of tRNA supplementation led to improved 6dEB polyketide titres. Significance and Impact of the Study: Given the medicinal potential and growing field of polyketide heterologous biosynthesis, the current study provides insight into host‐specific genetic backgrounds and gene expression parameters aiding polyketide production through E. coli.  相似文献   

Aims: Paromamine is a vital and common intermediate in the biosynthesis of 4,5 and 4,6‐disubstituted 2‐deoxystreptamine (DOS)‐containing aminoglycosides. Our aim is to develop an engineered Escherichia coli system for heterologous production of paromamine. Methods and Results: We have constructed a mutant of E. coli BL21 (DE3) by disrupting glucose‐6‐phosphate isomerase (pgi) of primary metabolic pathway to increase glucose‐6‐phosphate pool inside the host. Disruption was carried out by λ Red/ET recombination following the protocol mentioned in the kit. Recombinants bearing 2‐deoxy‐scyllo‐inosose (DOI), DOS and paromamine producing genes were constructed from butirosin gene cluster and heterologously expressed in engineered host designed as E. coli BL21 (DE3) Δpgi. Secondary metabolites produced by the recombinants fermentated in 2YTG medium were extracted, and analysis of the extracts showed there is formation of DOI, DOS and paromamine. Conclusions: Escherichia coli system is engineered for heterologous expression of paromamine derivatives of aminoglycoside biosynthesis. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report of heterologous expression of paromamine gene set in E. coli. Hence a new platform is established in E. coli system for the production of paromamine which is useful for the exploration of novel aminoglycosides by combinatorial biosynthesis of 4,5‐ and 4,6‐disubtituted route of DOS‐containing aminoglycosides.  相似文献   

Streptomyces are important industrial bacteria that produce pharmaceutically valuable polyketides. However, mass production on an industrial scale is limited by low productivity, which can be overcome through metabolic engineering and the synthetic biology of the host strain. Recently, the introduction of an auto-inducible expression system depending on microbial physiological state has been suggested as an important tool for the industrial-scale production of polyketides. In this study, titer improvement by enhancing the pool of CoA-derived precursors required for polyketide production was driven in a quorum sensing (QS)-dependent manner. A self-sustaining and inducer-independent regulatory system, named the QS-based metabolic engineering of precursor pool (QMP) system, was constructed, wherein the expression of genes involved in precursor biosynthesis was regulated by the QS-responsive promoter, scbAp. The QMP system was applied for neoaureothin production in a heterologous host, Streptomyces coelicolor M1152, and productivity increased by up to 4-fold. In particular, the engineered hyperproducers produced high levels of neoaureothin without adversely affecting cell growth. Overall, this study showed that self-regulated metabolic engineering mediated by QS has the potential to engineer strains for polyketide titer improvement.  相似文献   

The recent use of heterologous hosts to produce natural products has shown significant potential, although limitations still exist regarding optimal production titers. In this study, we utilize micro‐scale cultures and well‐defined screening methods to identify key medium components that influence the heterologous production of the complex polyketide 6‐deoxyerythronolide B (6dEB) through E. coli. It was determined that tryptone had a significant effect on 6dEB production and could supplement substrate requirements and improve recombinant protein levels of the essential deoxyerythronolide B synthase (DEBS) which catalyze 6dEB conversion. As a result, the study (1) demonstrates the feasibility of micro‐scale cultures to study E. coli 6dEB production and effectively model larger‐scale cultures; (2) identifies an enhanced medium which generates over 160 mg L?1 6dEB (a 22‐fold improvement over current culture media); and (3) provides new insight and understanding related to the heterologous production of 6dEB from E. coli. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2009  相似文献   

Herein, we report the development of a microbial bioprocess for high‐level production of 5‐aminolevulinic acid (5‐ALA), a valuable non‐proteinogenic amino acid with multiple applications in medical, agricultural, and food industries, using Escherichia coli as a cell factory. We first implemented the Shemin (i.e., C4) pathway for heterologous 5‐ALA biosynthesis in E. coli. To reduce, but not to abolish, the carbon flux toward essential tetrapyrrole/porphyrin biosynthesis, we applied clustered regularly interspersed short palindromic repeats interference (CRISPRi) to repress hemB expression, leading to extracellular 5‐ALA accumulation. We then applied metabolic engineering strategies to direct more dissimilated carbon flux toward the key precursor of succinyl‐CoA for enhanced 5‐ALA biosynthesis. Using these engineered E. coli strains for bioreactor cultivation, we successfully demonstrated high‐level 5‐ALA biosynthesis from glycerol (~30 g L?1) under both microaerobic and aerobic conditions, achieving up to 5.95 g L?1 (36.9% of the theoretical maximum yield) and 6.93 g L?1 (50.9% of the theoretical maximum yield) 5‐ALA, respectively. This study represents one of the most effective bio‐based production of 5‐ALA from a structurally unrelated carbon to date, highlighting the importance of integrated strain engineering and bioprocessing strategies to enhance bio‐based production.  相似文献   

Methylmalonic aciduria (MMA) is a disorder of organic acid metabolism resulting from a functional defect of the mitochondrial enzyme, methylmalonyl‐CoA mutase (MCM). The main treatments for MMA patients are dietary restriction of propiogenic amino acids and carnitine supplementation. Liver or combined liver/kidney transplantation has been used to treat those with the most severe clinical manifestations. Thus, therapies are necessary to help improve quality of life and prevent liver, renal and neurological complications. Previously, we successfully used the TAT‐MTS‐Protein approach for replacing a number of mitochondrial‐mutated proteins. In this targeted system, TAT, an 11 a.a peptide, which rapidly and efficiently can cross biological membranes, is fused to a mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS), followed by the mitochondrial mature protein which sends the protein into the mitochondria. In the mitochondria, the TAT‐MTS is cleaved off and the native protein integrates into its natural complexes and is fully functional. In this study, we used heterologous MTSs of human, nuclear‐encoded mitochondrial proteins, to target the human MCM protein into the mitochondria. All fusion proteins reached the mitochondria and successfully underwent processing. Treatment of MMA patient fibroblasts with these fusion proteins restored mitochondrial activity such as ATP production, mitochondrial membrane potential and oxygen consumption, indicating the importance of mitochondrial function in this disease. Treatment with the fusion proteins enhanced cell viability and most importantly reduced MMA levels. Treatment also enhanced albumin and urea secretion in a CRISPR/Cas9‐engineered HepG2 MUT (‐/‐) liver cell line. Therefore, we suggest using this TAT‐MTS‐Protein approach for the treatment of MMA.  相似文献   

E. coli Nissle 1917 (EcN) has long been used as an over‐the‐counter probiotic and has shown potential to be used as a live biotherapeutic. It contains two stably replicating cryptic plasmids, pMUT1, and pMUT2, the function of which is unclear but the presence of which may increase the metabolic burden on the cell, particularly in the context of added recombinant plasmids. In this work, we present a clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats‐Cas9‐based method of curing cryptic plasmids, producing strains cured of one or both plasmids. We then assayed heterologous protein production from three different recombinant plasmids in wild‐type and cured EcN derivatives and found that production of reporter proteins was not significantly different across strains. In addition, we replaced pMUT2 with an engineered version containing an inserted antibiotic resistance reporter gene and demonstrated that the engineered plasmid was stable over 90 generations without selection. These findings have broad implications for the curing of cryptic plasmids and for stable heterologous expression of proteins in this host. Specifically, curing of cryptic plasmids may not be necessary for optimal heterologous expression in this host.  相似文献   

聚酮化合物是通过聚酮合成途径产生的一大类结构和生物活性多样的次级代谢产物,是链霉菌产生的主要次级代谢产物,具有重要的经济价值。为了在链霉菌中提高聚酮化合物产量,以满足工业生产需求,近年来,代谢工程的方法被广泛应用,例如,过表达合成途径中限速酶或途径特异性激活蛋白、强化前体供应、去除产物反馈抑制、合成基因簇异源表达等。本文将从代谢工程改造实例入手,全面综述链霉菌中聚酮化合物高效生物合成的研究方法及进展,并对利用合成生物学策略智能动态适配各个相关途径,进而提高该类化合物产量的研究思路进行展望。  相似文献   

Renewable energy is one of the key issues for sustainable development. Compared with alcohols and esters, alkanes—with the highest energy density—are a better liquid fuel. In this study, we focused on medium‐chain alkanes, the main compounds of jet fuels. To control the chain length of alkanes, a chain length specific thioesterase from Umbellularia californica, a fatty acyl‐CoA reductase Acinetobacter sp. M‐1 that prefers lauroyl‐CoA and myristoyl‐CoA, and a decarbonylase from Nostoc punctiforme were engineering into Escherichia coli cells. The combination of genes, which determines the chain length of products, was carefully designed to control the product spectrum. Undecane and tridecane were produced with a concentration of 2.21 ± 0.18 and 1.83 ± 0.12 mg?g?1, respectively. A total of 4.01 ± 0.43 mg?g?1 pentadecane was also detected in the final products. The results showed the feasibility to use microorganisms as cell factories for alkane production. The product spectrum revealed that the chosen genes played a key role in the production of chain length specific alkanes.  相似文献   

Systems biotechnology has been established as a highly potent tool for bioprocess development in recent years. The applicability to complex metabolic processes such as protein synthesis and secretion, however, is still in its infancy. While yeasts are frequently applied for heterologous protein production, more progress in this field has been achieved for bacterial and mammalian cell culture systems than for yeasts. A critical comparison between different protein production systems, as provided in this review, can aid in assessing the potentials and pitfalls of applying systems biotechnology concepts to heterologous protein producing yeasts. Apart from modelling, the methodological basis of systems biology strongly relies on postgenomic methods. However, this methodology is rapidly moving so that more global data with much higher sensitivity will be achieved in near future. The development of next generation sequencing technology enables an unexpected revival of genomic approaches, providing new potential for evolutionary engineering and inverse metabolic engineering.  相似文献   

Due to its availability, low‐price, and high degree of reduction, glycerol has become an attractive carbon source for the production of fuels and reduced chemicals. Using the platform we have established from the identification of key pathways mediating fermentative metabolism of glycerol, this work reports the engineering of Escherichia coli for the conversion of glycerol into 1,2‐propanediol (1,2‐PDO). A functional 1,2‐PDO pathway was engineered through a combination of overexpression of genes involved in its synthesis from the key intermediate dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and the manipulation of the fermentative glycerol utilization pathway. The former included the overexpression of methylglyoxal synthase (mgsA), glycerol dehydrogenase (gldA), and aldehyde oxidoreductase (yqhD). Manipulation of the glycerol utilization pathway through the replacement of the native E. coli PEP‐dependent dihydroxyacetone kinase (DHAK) with an ATP‐dependent DHAK from C. freundii increased the availability of DHAP allowing for higher 1,2‐PDO production. Analysis of the major fermentative pathways indentified ethanol as a required co‐product while increases in 1,2‐PDO titer and yield were achieved through the disruption of the pathways for acetate and lactate production. Combination of these key metabolic manipulations resulted in an engineered E. coli strain capable of producing 5.6 g/L 1,2‐PDO, at a yield of 21.3% (w/w). This strain also performed well when crude glycerol, a by‐product of biodiesel production, was used as the substrate. The titer and yield achieved in this study were favorable to those obtained with the use of E. coli for the production of 1,2‐PDO from common sugars. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2011; 108:867–879. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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