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Human telomeric G-quadruplex structures are known to be promising targets for an anticancer therapy. In the past decade, several research groups have been focused on the design of new ligands trying to optimize the interactions between these small molecules and the G-quadruplex motif. In most of these studies, the target structures were the single quadruplex units formed by short human DNA telomeric sequences (typically 21-26 nt). However, the 3′-terminal single-stranded human telomeric DNA is actually 100-200 bases long and can form higher-order structures by clustering several consecutive quadruplex units (multimers). Despite the increasing number of structural information on longer DNA telomeric sequences, very few data are available on the binding properties of these sequences compared with the shorter DNA telomeric sequences.In this paper we use a combination of spectroscopic (CD, UV and fluorescence) and calorimetric techniques (ITC) to compare the binding properties of the (TTAGGG)8TT structure formed by two adjacent quadruplex units with the binding properties of the (AG3TT)4 single quadruplex structure. The three side-chained triazatruxene derivative azatrux and TMPyP4 cationic porphyrin were used as quadruplex ligands. We found that, depending on the drug, the number of binding sites per quadruplex unit available in the multimer structure was smaller or greater than the one expected on the basis of the results obtained from individual quadruplex binding studies. This work suggests that the quadruplex units along a multimer structure do not behave as completely independent. The presence of adjacent quadruplexes results in a diverse binding ability not predictable from single quadruplex binding studies. The existence of quadruplex-quadruplex interfaces in the full length telomeric overhang may provide an advantageous factor in drug design to enhance both affinity and selectivity for DNA telomeric quadruplexes.  相似文献   

Recently, the two-repeat human telomeric d(TAGGGTTAGGGT) sequence has been shown to form interconverting parallel and antiparallel G-quadruplex structures in solution. Here, we examine the structures formed by the two-repeat Tetrahymena telomeric d(TGGGGTTGGGGT) sequence, which differs from the human sequence only by one G-for-A replacement in each repeat. We show by NMR that this sequence forms two novel G-quadruplex structures in Na+-containing solution. Both structures are asymmetric, dimeric G-quadruplexes involving a core of four stacked G-tetrads and two edgewise loops. The adjacent strands of the G-tetrad core are alternately parallel and antiparallel. All G-tetrads adopt syn.syn.anti.anti alignments, which occur with 5'-syn-anti-syn-anti-3' alternations along G-tracks. In the first structure (head-to-head), two loops are at one end of the G-tetrad core; in the second structure (head-to-tail), two loops are located on opposite ends of the G-tetrad core. In contrast to the human telomere counterpart, the proportions of the two forms here are similar for a wide range of temperatures; their unfolding rates are also similar, with an activation enthalpy of 153 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The localisation and dynamics of sodium counterions around the DNA duplex d(AGCGTACTAGTACGCT)2 corresponding to the trp operator fragment used in the crystal structure of the half site complex has been studied by a 1.4 ns molecular dynamics simulation in explicit solvent. A continuous and well-defined counterion density is shown to be present around the minor groove, while density patches are found in the major groove in regions where DNA bending is observed. A residence time analysis reveals the dynamic nature of these distributions. The resulting picture agrees with previous theoretical and experimental studies of A-tract DNA sequences, and is consistent with the polyelectrolyte condensation model. Received: 12 August 1999 / Revised version: 11 November 1999 / Accepted: 7 December 1999  相似文献   

The NMR structure of the parallel-stranded DNA quadruplex d(TTAGGGT)(4), containing the human telomeric repeat, has been determined in solution in complex with a fluorinated pentacyclic quino[4,3,2-kl]acridinium cation (RHPS4). RHPS4 has been identified as a potent inhibitor of telomerase at submicromolar levels (IC(50) value of 0.33(+/-0.13)microM), exhibiting a wide differential between telomerase inhibition and acute cellular toxicity. All of the data point to RHPS4 exerting its chemotherapeutic potency through interaction with, and stabilisation of, four-stranded G-quadruplex structures. RHPS4 forms a dynamic interaction with d(TTAGGGT)(4), as evident from 1H and 19F linewidths, with fast exchange between binding sites induced at 318 K. Perturbations to DNA chemical shifts and 24 intermolecular nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs) identify the 5'-ApG and 5'-GpT steps as the principle intercalation sites; a structural model has been refined using NOE-restrained molecular dynamics. The central G-tetrad core remains intact, with drug molecules stacking at the ends of the G-quadruplex. The partial positive charge on position 13-N of the acridine ring appears to act as a "pseudo" potassium ion and is positioned above the centre of the G-tetrad in the region of high negative charge density. In both ApG and GpT intercalation sites, the drug is seen to converge to the same orientation in which the pi-system of the drug overlaps primarily with two bases of each G-tetrad. The drug is held in place by stacking interactions with the G-tetrads; however, there is some evidence for a more dynamic, weakly stabilised A-tetrad that stacks partially on top of the drug at the 5'-end of the sequence. Together, the interactions of RHPS4 increase the t(m) of the quadruplex by approximately 20 degrees C. There is no evidence for drug intercalation within the G-quadruplex; however, the structural model strongly supports end-stacking interactions with the terminal G-tetrads.  相似文献   

The preferred residence sites and the conformation of DNA‐bound polyamines are central to understanding the regulatory roles of polyamines. To this end, we have used a series of selective 13C‐edited and selective total correlation spectroscopy‐edited one‐dimensional (1D) nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy NMR experiments to determine a number of intramolecular 1H nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) connectivities in 13C‐labelled spermine bound to the thrombin‐binding aptamer. The results provide evidence that the aptamer‐bound spermine adopts a conformation that optimizes electrostatic and hydrogen bond contacts with the aptamer backbone. The distance between the nitrogen atoms of the central aminobutyl is reduced by an increase in the population of gauche conformers at the C6–C7 bonds, which results in either a curved or S‐shaped spermine conformation. Molecular modelling contributes insight toward the mode of spermine binding of these spermine structures within the narrow grooves of DNA quadruplexes. In each case, the N5 ammonium group makes hydrogen bonds with two nearby phosphates across the narrow groove. Our results have implications for the understanding of chromatin structure and the rational design of quadruplex‐binding drugs. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The two potassium ion channels KirBac1.1 and KcsA are compared in a Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation study. The location and motion of the potassium ions observed in the simulations are compared to those in the X-ray structures and previous simulations. In our simulations several of the crystallography resolved ion sites in KirBac1.1 are occupied by ions. In addition to this, two in KirBac1.1 unresolved sites where occupied by ions at sites that are in close correspondence to sites found in KcsA. There is every reason to believe that the conserved alignment of the selectivity filter in the potassium ion channel family corresponds to a very similar mechanism for ion transport across the filter. The gate residues, Phe146 in KirBac1.1 and Ala111 in KcsA acted in the simulations as effective barriers which never were passed by ions nor water molecules.  相似文献   

Human telomeric DNA consists of tandem repeats of the sequence 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3'. Guanine-rich DNA, such as that seen at telomeres, forms G-quadruplex secondary structures. Alternative forms of G-quadruplex structures can have differential effects on activities involved in telomere maintenance. With this in mind, we analyzed the effect of sequence and length of human telomeric DNA on G-quadruplex structures by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and circular dichroism. Telomeric oligonucleotides shorter than four, 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3' repeats formed intermolecular G-quadruplexes. However, longer telomeric repeats formed intramolecular structures. Altering the 5'-d(TTAGGG)-3' to 5'-d(TTAGAG)-3' in any one of the repeats of 5'-d(TTAGGG)(4)-3' converted an intramolecular structure to intermolecular G-quadruplexes with varying degrees of parallel or anti-parallel-stranded character, depending on the length of incubation time and DNA sequence. These structures were most abundant in K(+)-containing buffers. Higher-order structures that exhibited ladders on polyacrylamide gels were observed only for oligonucleotides with the first telomeric repeat altered. Altering the sequence of 5'-d(TTAGGG)(8)-3' did not result in the substantial formation of intermolecular structures even when the oligonucleotide lacked four consecutive telomeric repeats. However, many of these intramolecular structures shared common features with intermolecular structures formed by the shorter oligonucleotides. The wide variability in structure formed by human telomeric sequence suggests that telomeric DNA structure can be easily modulated by proteins, oxidative damage, or point mutations resulting in conversion from one form of G-quadruplex to another.  相似文献   


The telomeric DNA oligomers, d(TTAGGG)n where n=1, 2, 4, could self-associate into the multi-stranded structures in appropriate condition and exhibited a different CD spectra. The present of Na+ was more advantage to facilitate the formation of anti-parallel conformation, but the present of K+ enhanced their thermal stability. Spectroscopic analysis of 3, 3′- diethyloxadicarbocyanine (DODC) showed the formation of hairpin quadruplex structures for d(TTAGGG)2 and d(TTAGGG)4, but d(TTAGGG) could not. The four-stranded tetraplexes and branched nanowire formed in the present of K+ or Na+ alone were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The ability to self-assemble of d(TTAGGG)n into four-stranded tetraplexes and nanowires depends strongly on the number of repeating units and ionic environment. A model to explain how these structures formed is proposed.  相似文献   

100-ns molecular dynamics simulations of fluid 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) bilayers, both pure and containing 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl (NBD) acyl-chain labeled fluorescent analogs (C6-NBD-PC and C12-NBD-PC), are described. These molecules are widely used as probes for lipid structure and dynamics. The results obtained here for pure DPPC agree with both experimental and theoretical published works. We verified that the NBD fluorophore of both derivatives loops to a transverse location closer to the interface than to the center of the bilayer. Whereas this was observed previously in experimental literature works, conflicting transverse locations were proposed for the NBD group. According to our results, the maximum of the transverse distribution of NBD is located around the glycerol backbone/carbonyl region, and the nitro group is the most external part of the fluorophore. Hydrogen bonds from the NH group of NBD (mostly to glycerol backbone lipid O atoms) and to the nitro O atoms of NBD (from water OH groups) are continuously observed. Rotation of NBD occurs with ∼ 2.5-5 ns average correlation time for these probes, but very fast, unresolved reorientation motions occur in < 20 ps, in agreement with time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy measurements. Finally, within the uncertainty of the analysis, both probes show lateral diffusion dynamics identical to DPPC.  相似文献   

Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) is the predominant water channel in the central nervous system, where it has been reported to be involved in many pathophysiological roles including water transport. In this paper, the AQP4 tetramer was modeled from its PDB structure file, embedded in a palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC) lipid bilayer, solvated in water, then minimized and equilibrated by means of molecular dynamics simulations. Analysis of the equilibrated structure showed that the central pore along the fourfold axis of the tetramers is formed with hydrophobic amino acid residues. In particular, Phe-195, Leu-191 and Leu-75, form the narrowest part of the pore. Therefore water molecules are not expected to transport through the central pore, which was confirmed by MD simulations. Each monomer of the AQP4 tetramers forms a channel whose walls consist mostly of hydrophilic residues. There are eight water molecules in single file observed in each of the four channels, transporting through the selectivity filter containing Arg-216, His-201, Phe-77, Ala-210, and the two conserved Asn-Pro-Ala (NPA) motifs containing Asn-213 and Asn-97. By using Brownian dynamics fluctuation–dissipation-theorem (BD-FDT), the overall free-energy profile was obtained for water transporting through AQP4 for the first time, which gives a complete map of the entire channel of water permeation.  相似文献   

The present study has employed a combination of spectroscopic, calorimetric and computational methods to explore the binding of the three side-chained triazatruxene derivative, termed azatrux, to a human telomeric G-quadruplex sequence, under conditions of molecular crowding. The binding of azatrux to the tetramolecular parallel [d(TGGGGT)]4 quadruplex in the presence and absence of crowding conditions, was also characterized. The data indicate that azatrux binds in an end-stacking mode to the parallel G-quadruplex scaffold and highlights the key structural elements involved in the binding. The selectivity of azatrux for the human telomeric G-quadruplex relative to another biologically relevant G-quadruplex (c-Kit87up) and to duplex DNA was also investigated under molecular crowding conditions, showing that azatrux has good selectivity for the human telomeric G-quadruplex over the other investigated DNA structures.  相似文献   

G‐quadruplex forming sequences are widely distributed in human genome and serve as novel targets for regulating gene expression and chromosomal maintenance. They offer unique targets for anticancer drug development. Here, the interaction of berberine (BC) and two of its analogs bearing substitution at 9 and 13‐position with human telomeric G‐quadruplex DNA sequence has been investigated by biophysical techniques. Both the analogs exhibited several‐fold higher binding affinity than berberine. The Scatchard binding isotherms revealed non‐cooperative binding. 9‐ω‐amino hexyl ether analog (BC1) showed highest affinity (1.8 × 106 M?1) while the affinity of the 13‐phenylpropyl analog (BC2) was 1.09 × 106 M?1. Comparative fluorescence quenching and polarization anisotropy of the emission spectra gave evidence for a stronger stacking interaction of the analogs compared to berberine. The thiazole orange displacement assay has clearly established that the analogs were more effective in displacing the end stacked dye in comparison to berberine. However, the binding of the analogs did not induce any major structural perturbation in the G‐quadruplex structure, but led to higher thermal stability. Energetics of the binding indicated that the association of the analogs was exothermic and predominantly entropy driven phenomenon. Increasing the temperature resulted in weaker binding; the enthalpic contribution increased and the entropic contribution decreased. A small negative heat capacity change with significant enthalpy–entropy compensation established the involvement of multiple weak noncovalent interactions in the binding process. The 9‐ω‐amino hexyl ether analog stabilized the G‐quadruplex structure better than the 13‐phenyl alkyl analog. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We study the unfolding of a parallel G-quadruplex from human telomeric DNA by mechanical stretching using steered molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. We find that the force curves and unfolding processes strongly depend on the pulling sites. With pulling sites located on the sugar-phosphate backbone, the force-extension curve shows a single peak and the unfolding proceeds sequentially. Pulling sites located on the terminal nucleobases lead to a force-extension curve with two peaks and the unfolding is more cooperative. Simulations of the refolding of partially unfolded quadruplexes show very different behavior for the two different pulling modalities. In particular, starting from an unfolded state prepared by nucleobase pulling leads to a long-lived intermediate state whose existence is also corroborated by the free energy profile computed with the Jarzynski equation. Based on this observation, we propose a novel folding pathway for parallel G-quadruplexes with the human telomere sequence.  相似文献   

The study of the proteins that bind to telomeric DNA in mammals has provided a deep understanding of the mechanisms involved in chromosome-end protection. However, very little is known on the binding of these proteins to nontelomeric DNA sequences. The TTAGGG DNA repeat proteins 1 and 2 (TRF1 and TRF2) bind to mammalian telomeres as part of the shelterin complex and are essential for maintaining chromosome end stability. In this study, we combined chromatin immunoprecipitation with high-throughput sequencing to map at high sensitivity and resolution the human chromosomal sites to which TRF1 and TRF2 bind. While most of the identified sequences correspond to telomeric regions, we showed that these two proteins also bind to extratelomeric sites. The vast majority of these extratelomeric sites contains interstitial telomeric sequences (or ITSs). However, we also identified non-ITS sites, which correspond to centromeric and pericentromeric satellite DNA. Interestingly, the TRF-binding sites are often located in the proximity of genes or within introns. We propose that TRF1 and TRF2 couple the functional state of telomeres to the long-range organization of chromosomes and gene regulation networks by binding to extratelomeric sequences.  相似文献   

We report the analysis of a 250 ps molecular dynamics simulation of the dodecamer d(CGCAAATTT-GCG)2 immersed in a rectangular box of 3469 water molecules with 22 Na+ counterions. The internal dynamics of the molecule were investigated by studying the relevant autocorrelation functions related to the 13C-NMR relaxation parameters of the C1′-H1′ bonds of the sugar rings. The calculated effective correlation times τ e (∼13 ps) and the order parameter S2 (∼0.82) of the Lipari and Szabo formalism (Lipari and Szabo 1982a, b) are in satisfactory agreement with those determined previously by NMR (Gaudin et al. 1995, 1996). 1H-1H NOE buildups have also been measured experimentally and agree with those computed from the simulation. These results validate the simulation, and a more detailed analysis of the internal dynamics of the dodecamer was undertaken. Analysis of the distributions and of the autocorrelation functions of the glycosidic angle flucuations χ shows that the rotational motion of the sugar rings about their glycosidic bond conforms to a restricted diffusion mechanism. The amplitude of the motions and the diffusion constant are 20° and 17.109 rad2s–1 respectively. These values are in good agreement with 13C NMR data. Furthermore the simulation allows us to rule out another model also consistent with the experiment, consisting of a two-state jump between a syn and an anti conformation. Received: 19 November 1996 / Accepted: 17 March 1997  相似文献   

Summary The influence of water binding on the conformational dynamics of the cyclic decapeptide antamanide dissolved in the model lipophilic environment chloroform is investigated by NMR relaxation measurements. The water-peptide complex has a lifetime of 35 s at 250 K, which is longer than typical lifetimes of water-peptide complexes reported in aqueous solution. In addition, there is a rapid intracomplex mobility that probably involves librational motions of the bound water or water molecules hopping between different binding sites. Water binding restricts the flexibility of antamanide. The experimental findings are compared with GROMOS molecular dynamics simulations of antamanide with up to eight bound water molecules. Within the simulation time of 600 ps, no water molecule leaves the complex. Additionally, the simulations show a reduced flexibility for the complex in comparison with uncomplexed antamanide. Thus, there is a qualitative agreement between the experimental NMR results and the computer simulations.  相似文献   

We report the results of molecular dynamics simulations of a charged bead-monomer chain molecule with charge distribution adopted from immunoglobulin-binding domain B1 of protein-g. The beads of the model are connected by invariable bonds and interact with each other via the Coulomb potential. To study the low-temperature conformational space of the designed model we use standard canonical, microcanonical and multicanonical molecular dynamics simulations. We find that at low temperature T = T c the chain undergoes a continuous freezing transition into one of many low-energy conformations. Below T c the molecule is a compact globule composed of an inner core, containing mostly charged monomers, and an outer corona, consisting of all the rest neutral units. All frozen conformations have almost equal potential energy but differ in structure. The potential energy surface of the model does not posses a pronounced ground-state minimum--an essential feature of protein-like heteropolymers.  相似文献   

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