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Complexin is an important protein that functions during Ca2+-dependent neurotransmitter release. Substantial evidence supports that complexin performs its role through rapid interaction with SNARE complex with high affinity. However, alpha-SNAP/NSF, which can disassemble the cis-SNARE complex in the presence of MgATP, competes with complexin to bind to SNARE complex. In addition, injection of alpha-SNAP into chromaffin cells enhances the size of the readily releasable pool, and mutation disrupting the ATPase activity of NSF results in the accumulation of SNARE complex. Thus, whether high concentrations of complexin could result in a reverse result is unclear. In this paper, we demonstrate that when stably overexpressed in PC12 cells, high levels of complexin result in the accumulation of SNARE complex. This in turn leads to a reduction in the size of the readily releasable pool of large dense core vesicles. These results suggest that high levels of complexin seem to prevent SNARE complex recycling, presumably by displacing NSF and alpha-SNAP from SNARE complex.  相似文献   

To enable fusion between biological membranes, t‐SNAREs and v‐SNARE present in opposing bilayers, interact and assemble in a circular configuration forming ring‐complexes, which establish continuity between the opposing membranes, in presence of calcium ions. The size of a t‐/v‐SNARE ring complex is dictated by the curvature of the opposing membrane. Hence smaller vesicles form small SNARE‐ring complexes, as opposed to large vesicles. Neuronal communication depends on the fusion of 40–50 nm in diameter membrane‐bound synaptic vesicles containing neurotransmitters at the nerve terminal. At the presynaptic membrane, 12–17 nm in diameter cup‐shaped neuronal porosomes are present where synaptic vesicles transiently dock and fuse. Studies demonstrate the presence of SNAREs at the porosome base. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), electron microscopy (EM), and electron density measurement studies demonstrate that at the porosome base, where synaptic vesicles dock and transiently fuse, proteins, possibly comprised of t‐SNAREs, are found assembled in a ring conformation. To further determine the structure and arrangement of the neuronal t‐/v‐SNARE complex, 50 nm t‐and v‐SNARE proteoliposomes were mixed, allowing t‐SNARE‐vesicles to interact with v‐SNARE vesicles, followed by detergent solubilization and imaging of the resultant t‐/v‐SNARE complexes formed using both AFM and EM. Our results demonstrate formation of 6–7 nm membrane‐directed self‐assembled t‐/v‐SNARE ring complexes, similar to, but twice as large as the ring structures present at the base of neuronal porosomes. The smaller SNARE ring at the porosome base may reflect the 3–4 nm base diameter, where 40–50 nm in diameter v‐SNARE‐associated synaptic vesicle transiently dock and fuse to release neurotransmitters.  相似文献   

Munc18-1, a member of the Sec1/Munc18 (SM) protein family, is essential for synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Munc18-1 binds tightly to the SNARE protein syntaxin 1, but the physiological significance and functional role of this interaction remain unclear. Here we show that syntaxin 1 levels are reduced by 70% in munc18-1 knockout mice. Pulse-chase analysis in transfected HEK293 cells revealed that Munc18-1 directly promotes the stability of syntaxin 1, consistent with a chaperone function. However, the residual syntaxin 1 in munc18-1 knockout mice is still correctly targeted to synapses and efficiently forms SDS-resistant SNARE complexes, demonstrating that Munc18-1 is not required for syntaxin 1 function as such. These data demonstrate that the Munc18-1 interaction with syntaxin 1 is physiologically important, but does not represent a classical chaperone-substrate relationship. Instead, the presence of SNARE complexes in the absence of membrane fusion in munc18-1 knockout mice indicates that Munc18-1 either controls the spatially correct assembly of core complexes for SNARE-dependent fusion, or acts as a direct component of the fusion machinery itself.  相似文献   

Since the discovery and implication of N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor (NSF)‐attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins in membrane fusion almost two decades ago, there have been significant efforts to understand their involvement at the molecular level. In the current study, we report for the first time the molecular interaction between full‐length recombinant t‐SNAREs and v‐SNARE present in opposing liposomes, leading to the assembly of a t‐/v‐SNARE ring complex. Using high‐resolution electron microscopy, the electron density maps and 3D topography of the membrane‐directed SNARE ring complex was determined at nanometre resolution. Similar to the t‐/v‐SNARE ring complex formed when 50 nm v‐SNARE liposomes meet a t‐SNARE‐reconstituted planer membrane, SNARE rings are also formed when 50 nm diameter isolated synaptic vesicles (SVs) meet a t‐SNARE‐reconstituted planer lipid membrane. Furthermore, the mathematical prediction of the SNARE ring complex size with reasonable accuracy, and the possible mechanism of membrane‐directed t‐/v‐SNARE ring complex assembly, was determined from the study. Therefore in the present study, using both lipososome‐reconstituted recombinant t‐/v‐SNARE proteins, and native v‐SNARE present in isolated SV membrane, the membrane‐directed molecular assembly of the neuronal SNARE complex was determined for the first time and its size mathematically predicted. These results provide a new molecular understanding of the universal machinery and mechanism of membrane fusion in cells, having fundamental implications in human health and disease.  相似文献   

Sec1/Munc18-like (SM) proteins functionally interact with SNARE proteins in vesicular fusion. Despite their high sequence conservation, structurally disparate binding modes for SM proteins with syntaxins have been observed. Several SM proteins appear to bind only to a short peptide present at the N terminus of syntaxin, designated the N-peptide, while Munc18a binds to a 'closed' conformation formed by the remaining portion of syntaxin 1a. Here, we show that the syntaxin 16 N-peptide binds to the SM protein Vps45, but the remainder of syntaxin 16 strongly enhances the affinity of the interaction. Likewise, the N-peptide of syntaxin 1a serves as a second binding site in the Munc18a/syntaxin 1a complex. When the syntaxin 1a N-peptide is bound to Munc18a, SNARE complex formation is blocked. Removal of the N-peptide enables binding of syntaxin 1a to its partner SNARE SNAP-25, while still bound to Munc18a. This suggests that Munc18a controls the accessibility of syntaxin 1a to its partners, a role that might be common to all SM proteins.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial adenosine diphosphate/adenosine triphosphate (ADP/ATP) carrier has been recently crystallized in complex with its specific inhibitor carboxyatractyloside (CATR). In the crystal structure, the six-transmembrane helix bundle that defines the nucleotide translocation pathway is closed on the matrix side due to sharp kinks in the odd-numbered helices. The closed conformation is further sealed by the loops protruding into the matrix that interact through an intricate network of charge-pairs. To gain insight into its structural dynamics we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studies of the ADP/ATP carrier with and without its cocrystallized inhibitor. The two trajectories sampled a conformational space around two different configurations characterized by distinct salt-bridge networks with a significant shift from inter- to intrarepeat bonding on the matrix side in the absence of CATR. Analysis of the geometrical parameters defining the transmembrane helices showed that even-numbered helices can undergo a face rotation, whereas odd-numbered helices can undergo a change in the wobble angle with a conserved proline acting as molecular hinge. Our results provide new information on the dynamical properties of the ADP/ATP carrier and for the first time yield a detailed picture of a stable carrier conformation in absence of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

The tryptophanyl emission decay of the mesophilic beta-galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae free in buffer and entrapped in agarose gel is investigated as a function of temperature and compared to that of the hyperthermophilic enzyme from Sulfolobus solfataricus. Both enzymes are tetrameric proteins with a large number of tryptophanyl residues, so the fluorescence emission can provide information on the conformational dynamics of the overall protein structure rather than that of the local environment. The tryptophanyl emission decays are best fitted by bimodal Lorentzian distributions. The long-lived component is ascribed to close, deeply buried tryptophanyl residues with reduced mobility; the short-lived one arises from tryptophanyl residues located in more flexible external regions of each subunit, some of which are involved in forming the catalytic site. The center of both lifetime distribution components at each temperature increases when going from the free in solution mesophilic enzyme to the gel-entrapped and hyperthermophilic enzyme, thus indicating that confinement of the mesophilic enzyme in the agarose gel limits the freedom of the polypeptide chain. A more complex dependence is observed for the distribution widths. Computer modeling techniques are used to recognize that the catalytic sites are similar for the mesophilic and hyperthermophilic beta-galactosidases. The effect due to gel entrapment is considered in dynamic simulations by imposing harmonic restraints to solvent-exposed atoms of the protein with the exclusion of those around the active site. The temperature dependence of the tryptophanyl fluorescence emission decay and the dynamic simulation confirm that more rigid structures, as in the case of the immobilized and/or hyperthermophilic enzyme, require higher temperatures to achieve the requisite conformational dynamics for an effective catalytic action and strongly suggest a link between conformational rigidity and enhanced thermal stability.  相似文献   

The robust structural integrity of the epoxy plays an important role in ensuring the long-term service life of its applications, which is affected by the absorbed moisture. In order to understand the mechanism of the moisture effect, the knowledge of the interaction and dynamics of the water molecules inside the epoxy is of great interest. Molecular dynamics simulation is used in this work to investigate the structure and bonding behaviour of the water molecules in the highly cross-linked epoxy network. When the moisture concentration is low, the water molecules are well dispersed in the cross-linked structure and located in the vicinity of the epoxy functional groups, which predominantly form the hydrogen bond (H-bond) with the epoxy network, resulting in the low water mobility in the epoxy. At the high concentration, the water favourably forms the large cluster due to the predominant water–water H-bond interaction, and the water molecules diffuse primarily inside the cluster, which leads to the high water mobility and the accelerated H-bond dynamics. The variation of the bonding behaviour and dynamics of the water molecules reported here could be exploited to understand the material change and predict the long-term performance of the epoxy-based products during the intended service life.  相似文献   

Argonaute-2 (AGO2), a member of the Argonaute family, is the only member possessing catalytic and RNA silencing activity. In here, a molecular dynamics (MDs) simulation was performed using the crystal structure of human AGO2 protein complex with miR-20a. miR-20a is involved with various kind of biological process like heart and lung development, oncogenic process, etc. In precise, MD simulation was carried out with AGO2 protein complex with wild type, two mutant sites and four mutant sites in guided microRNA (miRNA). It has been noted that root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) of atomic positions of nucleic acid for wild type and two mutant sites guided miRNA has the same pattern of fluctuations, which stabilizes around 0.27 nm after 2 ns. Cα atom of AGO2 protein in the complex shows that this complex with wild type and two mutant site mutation duplex has a stable RMSD value after 20 ns, ranging between 0.14 and 0.21 nm. From the root-mean-square fluctuation (RMSF), we observed an increased pattern of fluctuations for the atoms of four mutant complex of AGO2-miR-20a complex. This increased RMSF of non-mutated nucleic acids is contributed by U-A bond breaking at the site of the nucleotide of U2 of guided miRNA, as observed from the duplex structure taken at different time steps of the simulation. Superimposed structure of the miRNA-mRNA duplex for the three complexes depicts that the three miRNA-mRNA duplexes are stable during the simulation. Current work demonstrates the possible correlations between the conformational changes of this AGO2-miR-20a duplex structure and the interactions of different atoms.  相似文献   

Apoptosis (programmed cell death) is a process by which cells died after completing physiological function or after a severe genetic damage. Apoptosis is mainly regulated by the Bcl-2 family of proteins. Anti apoptotic protein Bcl-2 prevents the Bax activation/oligomerization to form heterodimer which is responsible for release of the cytochrome c from mitochondria to the cytosol in response to death signal. Quercetin and taxifolin (natural polyphenols) efficiently bound to hydrophobic groove of Bcl-2 and altered the structure by inducing conformational changes. Taxifolin was found more efficient when compared to quercetin in terms of interaction energy and collapse of hydrophobic groove. Taxifolin and quercetin were found to dissociate the Bcl-2-Bax complex during 12?ns MD simulation. The effect of taxifolin and quercetin was, further validated by the MD simulation of ligand-unbound Bcl-2-Bax which showed stability during the simulation. Obatoclax (an inhibitor of Bcl-2) had no significant dissociation effect on Bcl-2-Bax during simulation which favored the previous experimental results and disruption effect of taxifolin and quercetin.  相似文献   

We coupled protein-protein docking procedure with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to investigate the electron transfer (ET) complex Azurin-Cytochrome c551 whose transient character makes difficult a direct experimental investigation. The ensemble of complexes generated by the docking algorithm are filtered according to both the distance between the metal ions in the redox centres of the two proteins and to the involvement of suitable residues at the interface. The resulting best complex (BC) is characterized by a distance of 1.59 nm and involves Val23 and Ile59 of Cytochrome c551. The ET properties have been evaluated in the framework of the Pathways model and compared with experimental data. A 60 ns long MD simulation, carried on at full hydration, evidenced that the two protein molecules retain their mutual spatial positions upon forming the complex. An analysis of the ET properties of the complex, monitored at regular time intervals, has revealed that several different ET paths are possible, with the occasional intervening of water molecules. Furthermore, the temporal evolution of the geometric distance between the two redox centres is characterized by very fast fluctuations around an average value of 1.6 nm, with periodic jumps at 2 nm with a frequency of about 70 MHz. Such a behaviour is discussed in connection with a nonlinear dynamics of protein systems and its possible implications in the ET process are explored.  相似文献   

SNARE‐dependent membrane fusion requires the disassembly of cis‐SNARE complexes (formed by SNAREs anchored to one membrane) followed by the assembly of trans‐SNARE complexes (SNAREs anchored to two apposed membranes). Although SNARE complex disassembly and assembly might be thought to be opposing reactions, the proteins promoting disassembly (Sec17p/Sec18p) and assembly (the HOPS complex) work synergistically to support fusion. We now report that trans‐SNARE complexes formed during vacuole fusion are largely associated with Sec17p. Using a reconstituted proteoliposome fusion system, we show that trans‐SNARE complex, like cis‐SNARE complex, is sensitive to Sec17p/Sec18p mediated disassembly. Strikingly, HOPS inhibits the disassembly of SNARE complexes in the trans‐, but not in the cis‐, configuration. This selective HOPS preservation of trans‐SNARE complexes requires HOPS:SNARE recognition and is lost when the apposed bilayers are dissolved in Triton X‐100; it is also observed during fusion of isolated vacuoles. HOPS thus directs the Sec17p/Sec18p chaperone system to maximize functional trans‐SNARE complex for membrane fusion, a new role of tethering factors during membrane traffic.  相似文献   


Single-domain antibodies also known as nanobodies are recombinant antigen-binding domains that correspond to the heavy-chain variable region of camelid antibodies. Previous experimental studies showed that the nanobodies have stable and active structures at high temperatures. In this study, the thermal stability and dynamics of nanobodies have been studied by employing molecular dynamics simulation at different temperatures. Variations in root mean square deviation, native contacts, and solvent-accessible surface area of the nanobodies during the simulation were calculated to analyze the effect of different temperatures on the overall conformation of the nanobody. Then, the thermostability mechanism of this protein was studied through calculation of dynamic cross-correlation matrix, principal component analyses, native contact analyses, and root mean square fluctuation. Our results manifest that the side chain conformation of some residues in the complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) and also the interaction between α-helix region of CDR3 and framework2 play a critical role to stabilize the protein at a high temperature.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant polyphenol in green tea and it has been reported to have many beneficial properties against many different types of illnesses and infections. However, the exact mechanism/s underlying its biological effects are unknown. It has been previously shown that EGCG is capable of binding to and disrupting the membrane, so that some of its effects on biological systems could be ascribed to its capacity to incorporate into the biological membrane and modulate its structure. In this work, we have used atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) to discern the location and orientation of EGCG in model membranes and the possible existence of specific interactions with membrane lipids. For that goal, we have used in our simulation two complex model membranes, one resembling the plasma membrane (PM) and the other one the late endosome (LE) membrane. Our results support that EGCG tends to associate with the membrane and exists inside it in a relatively stable and steady location with a low propensity to be associated with other EGCG molecules. Interestingly, EGCG forms hydrogen bonds with POPC and POPE in the PM system but POPC and BMP and no POPE in the LE. These data suggest that the broad beneficial effects of EGCG could be mediated, at least in part, through its membranotropic effects and therefore membrane functioning.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

Wenjun Zheng 《Proteins》2014,82(7):1376-1386
The SNARE complex, consisting of three proteins (VAMP2, syntaxin, and SNAP‐25), is thought to drive membrane fusion by assembling into a four‐helix bundle through a zippering process. In support of the above zippering model, a recent single‐molecule optical tweezers experiment by Gao et al. revealed a sequential unzipping of SNARE along VAMP2 in the order of the linker domain → the C‐terminal domain → the N‐terminal domain. To offer detailed structural insights to this unzipping process, we have performed all‐atom and coarse‐grained steered molecular dynamics (sMD) simulations of the forced unfolding pathways of SNARE using different models and force fields. Our findings are summarized as follows: First, the sMD simulations based on either an all‐atom force field (with an implicit solvent model) or a coarse‐grained Go model were unable to capture the forced unfolding pathway of SNARE as observed by Gao et al., which may be attributed to insufficient simulation time and inaccurate force fields. Second, the sMD simulations based on a reparameterized coarse‐grained model (i.e., modified elastic network model) were able to predict a sequential unzipping of SNARE in good agreement with the findings by Gao et al. The key to this success is to reparameterize the intrahelix and interhelix nonbonded force constants against the pair‐wise residue–residue distance fluctuations collected from all‐atom MD simulations of SNARE. Therefore, our finding supports the importance of accurately describing the inherent dynamics/flexibility of SNARE (in the absence of force), in order to correctly simulate its unfolding behaviors under force. This study has established a useful computational framework for future studies of the zippering function of SNARE and its perturbations by point mutations with amino‐acid level of details, and more generally the forced unfolding pathways of other helix bundle proteins. Proteins 2014; 82:1376–1386. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The results of a 125 psec molecular dynamics simulation of a lac headpiece-operator complex in aqueous solution are reported. The complex satisfies essentially all experimental distance information derived from two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2-D-NMR) studies. The interaction between lac repressor headpiece and its operator is based on many direct- and water-mediated hydrogen bonds and nonpolar contacts which allow the formation of a tight complex. No stable hydrogen bonds between side chains and bases are found, while specific contacts occur between both nonpolar groups and, to a lesser extent, through water-mediated hydrogen bonds. The simulated complex structure in water is intrinsically stable without application of nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) distance restraints, while being compatible with most of the available biochemical, genetic, and chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP) data.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the interaction between the SNARE Tlg1 and Vps51   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Membrane fusion in cells involves the interaction of SNARE proteins on apposing membranes. Formation of SNARE complexes is preceded by tethering events, and a number of protein complexes that are thought to mediate this have been identified. The VFT or GARP complex is required for endosome-Golgi traffic in yeast. It consists of four subunits, one of which, Vps51, has been shown to bind specifically to the SNARE Tlg1, which participates in the same fusion event. We have determined the structure of the N-terminal domain of Tlg1 bound to a peptide from the N terminus of Vps51. Binding depends mainly on residues 18-30 of Vps51. These form a short helix which lies in a conserved groove in the three-helix bundle formed by Tlg1. Surprisingly, although both Vps51 and Tlg1 are required for transport to the late Golgi from endosomes, removal of the Tlg1-binding sequences from Vps51 does not block such traffic in vivo. Thus, this particular interaction cannot be crucial to the process of vesicle docking or fusion.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor type 1 receptor (ALK5) is kinase associated with a wide variety of pathological processes, and inhibition of ALK5 is a good strategy to treat many kinds of cancer and fibrotic diseases. Recently, a series of compounds have been synthesized as ALK5 inhibitors. However, the study of their selectivity against other potential targets remains elusive. In this research, a data-set of ALK5 inhibitors were collected and studied based on the combination of 2D-QSAR, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation. The quality of QSAR models were assessed statistically by F, R2, and R2ADJ, proved to be credible. The cross-validations for the models (q2LOO = 0.571 and 0.629, respectively) showed their robustness, while the external validations (r2test = 0.703 and 0.764, respectively) showed their predictive power. Besides, the predicted binding free energy results calculated by MM/GBSA method were in accordance with the experimental data, and the van der Waals energy term was the factor that had the most significant impact on ligand binding. What is more, several important residues were found to significantly affect the binding affinity. Finally, based on our analyses above, a proposed series of molecules were designed.  相似文献   

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