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Blood samples collected from deceased tissue donors for mandatory transfusion microbiology testing may be taken either at the time of tissue donation, or residual samples may be retrieved from hospital laboratories where they were originally used for ante-mortem tests. In the latter case, sample labelling may not conform to the required standard, which stipulates that three independent identifiers be provided. If no alternative adequately labelled sample is available for testing the donated tissues may have to be discarded, which can adversely affect tissue sufficiency. An alternative method to ensure that the blood sample to be tested is from the intended deceased donor is to confirm the identity of the blood sample by Deoxyribonucleic Nucleic Acid (DNA) Short Tandem Repeats (STR) analysis, then comparing the DNA profile with the DNA from the donated tissues. If the two DNA profiles are identical, probability calculations can demonstrate the chance of the two samples of DNA being from the same or different individuals. The authors have used this approach to salvage deceased tissue donations.  相似文献   

Predicting the consequences of environmental changes, including human‐mediated climate change on species, requires that we quantify range‐wide patterns of genetic diversity and identify the ecological, environmental, and historical factors that have contributed to it. Here, we generate baseline data on polar bear population structure across most Canadian subpopulations (n = 358) using 13,488 genome‐wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified with double‐digest restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD). Our ddRAD dataset showed three genetic clusters in the sampled Canadian range, congruent with previous studies based on microsatellites across the same regions; however, due to a lack of sampling in Norwegian Bay, we were unable to confirm the existence of a unique cluster in that subpopulation. These data on the genetic structure of polar bears using SNPs provide a detailed baseline against which future shifts in population structure can be assessed, and opportunities to develop new noninvasive tools for monitoring polar bears across their range.  相似文献   

We studied 155 human short tandem repeat (STR) DNA markers in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There is no difference in number of alleles per locus among STRs of different motif length (di-, tri-, or tetranucleotide repeats). We investigated 42 of the most informative STRs in greater detail using DNA isolated from a panel of 41 African-born, captive-housed chimpanzees. They reveal a wealth of genetic variability in chimpanzees, with an average of six alleles and 70.6% heterozygosity. The average paternity exclusion probability is 51.6%, and the best three STRs jointly provide >95% mean exclusion probability. Used in combination to define a multiple-locus genotype, the five most informative focal STRs can potentially uniquely identify every chimpanzee alive in the world. Although the subjects are of unknown geographical origin, homozygosity tests indicate little evidence for population subdivision. These markers represent the basis of a powerful battery of genetic tests, including individual identification, e.g., in poaching, paternity testing, or reconstruction of pedigrees among captive and wild chimpanzee breeding populations.  相似文献   

Genetic markers are indispensable for molecular and statistical genetic research involving nonhuman primates. Genetic markers must be used to ascertain parentage and to confirm the accuracy of pedigrees based solely on housing or demographic records; otherwise, the results of pedigree, linkage, or quantitative genetic analyses may be unreliable. Until recently, most genetic markers used in nonhuman primates were plasma proteins or isozyme polymorphisms, which were required in large numbers, because levels of genetic variation revealed by these markers were rather low. We compared the newer, PCR-amplified short tandem repeat markers (STRs) with a panel of classical biochemical polymorphic markers, for paternity determination among captive-bred rhesus monkeys. The STR markers exhibited an average genetic diversity of 64% and an expected paternity exclusion probability of 0.443. Both of these were greater than the average 54.5% genetic diversity and 0.298 exclusion probability exhibited by the biochemical markers. The STRs were much more efficient than the biochemical markers for parentage determination, since they required only half the amount of genetic typing data to resolve an average paternity case. Thus, the results of applying these two classes of genetic markers in paternity tests were somewhat different than expected on the basis of theoretical exclusion probabilities. These differences were probably due to inbreeding and other genetic differences among breeding colonies. Because they are more informative and provide rapid and efficient genetic data, STRs are now the method of choice for parentage determination and pedigree corroboration among nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Vietnam is one of the most important countries for pig domestication, and a total of 26 local breeds have been reported. In the present study, genetic relationships among the various pig breeds were investigated using 90 samples collected from local pigs (15 breeds) in 15 distantly separated, distinct areas of the country and six samples from Landrace pigs in Hanoi as an out‐group of a common Western breed. All samples were genotyped using the Illumina Porcine SNP60 v2 Genotyping BeadChip. We used 15 160–15 217 SNPs that showed a high degree of polymorphism in the Vietnamese breeds for identifying genetic relationships among the Vietnamese breeds. Principal components analysis showed that most pigs indigenous to Vietnam formed clusters correlated with their original geographic locations. Some Vietnamese breeds formed a cluster that was genetically related to the Western breed Landrace, suggesting the possibility of crossbreeding. These findings will be useful for the conservation and management of Vietnamese local pig breeds.  相似文献   

The Neotropical region represents one of the greatest biodiversity hot spots on earth. Despite its unparalleled biodiversity, regional comparative phylogeographic studies are still scarce, with most focusing on model clades (e.g. birds) and typically examining a handful of loci. Here, we apply a genome‐wide comparative phylogeographic approach to test hypotheses of codiversification of freshwater fishes in the trans‐Andean region. Using target capture methods, we examined exon data for over 1,000 loci combined with complete mitochondrial genomes to study the phylogeographic history of five primary fish species (>150 individuals) collected from eight major river basins in Northwestern South America and Lower Central America. To assess their patterns of genetic structure, we inferred genealogical concordance taking into account all major aspects of phylogeography (within loci, across multiple genes, across species and among biogeographic provinces). Based on phylogeographic concordance factors, we tested four a priori biogeographic hypotheses, finding support for three of them and uncovering a novel, unexpected pattern of codiversification. The four emerging inter‐riverine patterns are as follows: (a) Tuira + Atrato, (b) Ranchería + Catatumbo, (c) Magdalena system and (d) Sinú + Atrato. These patterns are interpreted as shared responses to the complex uplifting and orogenic processes that modified or sundered watersheds, allowing codiversification and speciation over geological time. We also find evidence of cryptic speciation in one of the species examined and instances of mitochondrial introgression in others. These results help further our knowledge of the historical geographic factors shaping the outstanding biodiversity of the Neotropics.  相似文献   

Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) is one of the major cultivated and most-consumed citrus species. With the goal of enhancing the genomic resources in citrus, we surveyed, developed and characterized microsatellite markers in the ≈347 Mb sequence assembly of the sweet orange genome. A total of 50,846 SSRs were identified with a frequency of 146.4 SSRs/Mbp. Dinucleotide repeats are the most frequent repeat class and the highest density of SSRs was found in chromosome 4. SSRs are non-randomly distributed in the genome and most of the SSRs (62.02%) are located in the intergenic regions. We found that AT-rich SSRs are more frequent than GC-rich SSRs. A total number of 21,248 SSR primers were successfully developed, which represents 89 SSR markers per Mb of the genome. A subset of 950 developed SSR primer pairs were synthesized and tested by wet lab experiments on a set of 16 citrus accessions. In total we identified 534 (56.21%) polymorphic SSR markers that will be useful in citrus improvement. The number of amplified alleles ranges from 2 to 12 with an average of 4 alleles per marker and an average PIC value of 0.75. The newly developed sweet orange primer sequences, their in silico PCR products, exact position in the genome assembly and putative function are made publicly available. We present the largest number of SSR markers ever developed for a citrus species. Almost two thirds of the markers are transferable to 16 citrus relatives and may be used for constructing a high density linkage map. In addition, they are valuable for marker-assisted selection studies, population structure analyses and comparative genomic studies of C. sinensis with other citrus related species. Altogether, these markers provide a significant contribution to the citrus research community.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association (GWA) studies based on GBLUP models are a common practice in animal breeding. However, effect sizes of GWA tests are small, requiring larger sample sizes to enhance power of detection of rare variants. Because of difficulties in increasing sample size in animal populations, one alternative is to implement a meta‐analysis (MA), combining information and results from independent GWA studies. Although this methodology has been used widely in human genetics, implementation in animal breeding has been limited. Thus, we present methods to implement a MA of GWA, describing the proper approach to compute weights derived from multiple genomic evaluations based on animal‐centric GBLUP models. Application to real datasets shows that MA increases power of detection of associations in comparison with population‐level GWA, allowing for population structure and heterogeneity of variance components across populations to be accounted for. Another advantage of MA is that it does not require access to genotype data that is required for a joint analysis. Scripts related to the implementation of this approach, which consider the strength of association as well as the sign, are distributed and thus account for heterogeneity in association phase between QTL and SNPs. Thus, MA of GWA is an attractive alternative to summarizing results from multiple genomic studies, avoiding restrictions with genotype data sharing, definition of fixed effects and different scales of measurement of evaluated traits.  相似文献   

Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta are two of the most commonly used laboratory macaques, yet their genetic differences at a genome‐wide level remain unclear. We analysed the multilocus DNA sequence data of 54 autosomal loci obtained from M. fascicularis samples from three different geographic origins and M. mulatta samples of Burmese origin. M. fascicularis shows high nucleotide diversity, four to five times higher than humans, and a strong geographic population structure between Indonesian‐Malaysian and Philippine macaques. The pattern of divergence and polymorphism between M. fascicularis and M. mulatta shows a footprint of genetic exchange not only within their current hybrid zone but also across a wider range for more than 1 million years. However, genetic admixture may not be a random event in the genome. Whereas randomly selected genic and intergenic regions have the same evolutionary dynamics between the species, some cytochrome oxidase P450 (CYP) genes (major chemical metabolizing genes and potential target genes for local adaptation) have a significantly larger species divergence than other genes. By surveying CYP3A5 gene sequences of more than a hundred macaques, we identified three nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms that were highly differentiated between the macaques. The mosaic pattern of species divergence in the genomes may be a consequence of genetic differentiation under ecological adaptation and may be a salient feature in the genomes of nascent species under parapatry.  相似文献   



Short Tandem Repeat (STR) genetic markers hold great potential in forensic investigations, molecular diagnostics and molecular genetics research. AmpFlSTR® Identifiler™ PCR amplification kit is a multiplex system for co-amplification of 15 STR markers used worldwide in forensic investigations. This study attempts to assess forensic validity of these STRs in Pakistani population and to investigate its applicability in quick and simultaneous diagnosis and tracing parental source of common chromosomal aneuploidies.


Samples from 554 healthy Pakistani individuals from 5 different ethnicities were analyzed for forensic parameters using Identifiler STRs and 74 patients' samples with different aneuploidies were evaluated for diagnostic strengths of these markers.


All STRs hold sufficient forensic applicability in Pakistani population with paternity index between 1.5 and 3.5, polymorphic information content from 0.63 to 0.87 and discrimination power ≥ 0.9 (except TPOX locus). Variation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was observed at some loci reflecting selective breeding and intermarriages trend in Pakistan. Among aneuploidic samples, all trisomies were precisely detectable while aneuploidies involving sex chromosomes or missing chromosomes were not clearly detectable using Identifiler STRs. Parental origin of aneuploidy was traceable in 92.54% patients.


The studied STR markers are valuable tools for forensic application in Pakistan and utilizable for quick and simultaneous identification of some common trisomic conditions. Adding more sex chromosome specific STR markers can immensely increase the diagnostic and forensic potential of this system.  相似文献   

Selection processes are believed to be an important evolutionary driver behind the successful establishment of nonindigenous species, for instance through adaptation for invasiveness (e.g. dispersal mechanisms and reproductive allocation). However, evidence supporting this assumption is still scarce. Genome scans have often identified loci with atypical patterns of genetic differentiation (i.e. outliers) indicative of selection processes. Using microsatellite‐ and AFLP‐based genome scans, we looked for evidence of selection following the introduction of the mollusc Crepidula fornicata. Native to the northwestern Atlantic, this gastropod has become an emblematic invader since its introduction during the 19th and 20th centuries in the northeastern Atlantic and northeastern Pacific. We examined 683 individuals from seven native and 15 introduced populations spanning the latitudinal introduction and native ranges of the species. Our results confirmed the previously documented high genetic diversity in native and introduced populations with little genetic structure between the two ranges, a pattern typical of marine invaders. Analysing 344 loci, no outliers were detected between the introduced and native populations or in the introduced range. The genomic sampling may have been insufficient to reveal selection especially if it acts on traits determined by a few genes. Eight outliers were, however, identified within the native range, underlining a genetic singularity congruent with a well‐known biogeographical break along the Florida. Our results call into question the relevance of AFLP genome scans in detecting adaptation on the timescale of biological invasions: genome scans often reveal long‐term adaptation involving numerous genes throughout the genome but seem less effective in detecting recent adaptation from pre‐existing variation on polygenic traits. This study advocates other methods to detect selection effects during biological invasions—for example on phenotypic traits, although genome scans may remain useful for elucidating introduction histories.  相似文献   

Although several genome‐wide association (GWA) studies of human personality have been recently published, genetic variants that are highly associated with certain personality traits remain unknown, due to difficulty reproducing results. To further investigate these genetic variants, we assessed biological pathways using GWA datasets. Pathway analysis using GWA data was performed on 1089 Korean women whose personality traits were measured with the Revised NEO Personality Inventory for the 5‐factor model of personality. A total of 1042 pathways containing 8297 genes were included in our study. Of these, 14 pathways were highly enriched with association signals that were validated in 1490 independent samples. These pathways include association of: Neuroticism with axon guidance [L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) interactions]; Extraversion with neuronal system and voltage‐gated potassium channels; Agreeableness with L1CAM interaction, neurotransmitter receptor binding and downstream transmission in postsynaptic cells; and Conscientiousness with the interferon‐gamma and platelet‐derived growth factor receptor beta polypeptide pathways. Several genes that contribute to top‐ranked pathways in this study were previously identified in GWA studies or by pathway analysis in schizophrenia or other neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we report the first pathway analysis of all five personality traits. Importantly, our analysis identified novel pathways that contribute to understanding the etiology of personality traits.  相似文献   

The decline in the reproductive efficiency of dairy cows, especially those with high producing potential, has become a challenging problem. In this study, a selective DNA pooling approach was applied to a cow population whose oocytes were fertilized and cultured to obtain phenotypic records of fertilization rate and blastocyst rate. Using a stringent 5% genome‐wide significance level, 22 and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were found to be associated with fertilization rate and blastocyst rate, respectively. SNPs that showed significant association in selective DNA pooling were further evaluated by individual genotyping. Interestingly, the majority of the SNP associations were confirmed by individual genotyping, testifying to the effectiveness of selective DNA pooling using a high‐density SNP genotyping array. This study is the first application of the selective DNA pooling approach using the BovineSNP50 array in cattle.  相似文献   

Genome‐scale modeling of mouse hybridoma cells producing monoclonal antibodies (mAb) was performed to elucidate their physiological and metabolic states during fed‐batch cell culture. Initially, feed media nutrients were monitored to identify key components among carbon sources and amino acids with significant impact on the desired outcome, for example, cell growth and antibody production. The monitored profiles indicated rapid assimilation of glucose and glutamine during the exponential growth phase. Significant increase in mAb concentration was also observed when glutamine concentration was controlled at 0.5 mM as a feeding strategy. Based on the reconstructed genome‐scale metabolic network of mouse hybridoma cells and fed‐batch profiles, flux analysis was then implemented to investigate the cellular behavior and changes in internal fluxes during the cell culture. The simulated profile of the cell growth was consistent with experimentally measured specific growth rate. The in silico simulation results indicated (i) predominant utilization of glycolytic pathway for ATP production, (ii) importance of pyruvate node in metabolic shifting, and (iii) characteristic pattern in lactate to glucose ratio during the exponential phase. In future, experimental and in silico analyses can serve as a promising approach to identifying optimal feeding strategies and potential cell engineering targets as well as facilitate media optimization for the enhanced production of mAb or recombinant proteins in mammalian cells. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2009;102: 1494–1504. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Sixteen microsatellite loci were identified and characterized for American shad (Alosa sapidissima). The number of alleles per locus observed ranged from eight to 32 and averaged 15.4 alleles. Average observed heterozygosity was 81.1%. The markers were screened using four other species from the family Clupeidae. Amplification success among Alosa species was 79.2% with 81.6% polymorphism among those markers that amplified successfully. Amplification success was poor in Dorosoma (31.3%). Due to allelic diversity and estimates of heterozygosity, these markers can be useful in A. sapidissima for population level analyses, parentage assignment and broodstock management.  相似文献   

Y. Jin  T. Zhou  X. Geng  S. Liu  A. Chen  J. Yao  C. Jiang  S. Tan  B. Su  Z. Liu 《Animal genetics》2017,48(2):233-236
Heat tolerance is a complex and economically important trait for catfish genetic breeding programs. With global climate change, it is becoming an increasingly important trait. To better understand the molecular basis of heat stress, a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) was carried out using the 250 K catfish SNP array with interspecific backcross progenies, which derived from crossing female channel catfish with male F1 hybrid catfish (female channel catfish × male blue catfish). Three significant associated SNPs were detected by performing an EMMAX approach for GWAS. The SNP located on linkage group 14 explained 12.1% of phenotypical variation. The other two SNPs, located on linkage group 16, explained 11.3 and 11.5% of phenotypical variation respectively. A total of 14 genes with heat stress related functions were detected within the significant associated regions. Among them, five genes—TRAF2, FBXW5, ANAPC2, UBR1 and KLHL29— have known functions in the protein degradation process through the ubiquitination pathway. Other genes related to heat stress include genes involved in protein biosynthesis (PRPF4 and SYNCRIP), protein folding (DNAJC25), molecule and iron transport (SLC25A46 and CLIC5), cytoskeletal reorganization (COL12A1) and energy metabolism (COX7A2, PLCB1 and PLCB4) processes. The results provide fundamental information about genes and pathways that is useful for further investigation into the molecular mechanisms of heat stress. The associated SNPs could be promising candidates for selecting heat‐tolerant catfish lines after validating their effects on larger and various catfish populations.  相似文献   

Sichuan taimen (Hucho bleekeri) is critically endangered fish listed in The Red List of Threatened Species compiled by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Specific locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF‐seq)‐based genotyping was performed for Sichuan taimen with 43 yearling individuals from three locations in Taibai River (a tributary of Yangtze River) that has been sequestered from its access to the ocean for more than 30 years since late 1980s. Applying the inbreeding level and genetic relatedness estimation using 15,396 genome‐wide SNP markers, we found that the inbreeding level of this whole isolated population was at a low level (2.6 × 10?3 ± 0.079), and the means of coancestry coefficients within and between the three sampling locations were all very low (close to 0), too. Genomic differentiation was negatively correlated with the geographical distances between the sampling locations (p < .001), and the 43 individuals could be considered as genetically independent two groups. The low levels of genomic inbreeding and relatedness indicated a relatively large number of sexually mature individuals were involved in reproduction in Taibai River. This study suggested a genomic‐relatedness‐guided breeding and conservation strategy for wild fish species without pedigree information records.  相似文献   

Both migraine and bipolar affective disorder (BPAD) are complex phenotypes with significant genetic and nongenetic components. Epidemiological and clinical studies have showed a high degree of comorbidity between migraine and BPAD, and overlapping regions of linkage have been shown in numerous genome‐wide linkage studies. To identify susceptibility factors for the BPAD/migraine phenotype, we conducted a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) in 1001 cases with bipolar disorder collected through the NIMH Genetics Initiative for Bipolar Disorder and genotyped at 1 m single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as part of the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN). We compared BPAD patients without any headache (n = 699) with BPAD patients with doctor diagnosed migraine (n = 56). The strongest evidence for association was found for several SNPs in a 317‐kb region encompassing the uncharacterized geneKIAA0564 {e.g. rs9566845 [OR = 4.98 (95% CI: 2.6–9.48), P = 7.7 × 10?8] and rs9566867 (P = 8.2 × 10?8)}. Although the level of signficance was significantly reduced when using the Fisher's exact test (as a result of the low count of cases with migraine), rs9566845 P = 1.4 × 10?5 and rs9566867 P = 1.5 × 10?5, this region remained the most prominent finding. Furthermore, marker rs9566845 was genotyped and found associated with migraine in an independent Norwegian sample of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients with and without comorbid migraine (n = 131 and n = 324, respectively), OR = 2.42 (1.18–4.97), P = 0.013. This is the first GWAS examining patients with bipolar disorder and comorbid migraine. These data suggest that genetic variants in the KIAA0564 gene region may predispose to migraine headaches in subgroups of patients with both BPAD and ADHD.  相似文献   

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