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The objective of this study was to determine the expression, distribution in the column, and overall frequency of sagittal clefting of the vertebral body in the skeletons of two Canadian Inuit groups. One group, referred to as Thule-Historic, lived along the coast northwest of Hudson Bay, while the other, known as the Sadlermiut, were limited to Southampton Island and Coats Island north of Hudson Bay. The Thule-Historic people are thought to be the ancestors of the present-day Inuit of this region, whereas the much smaller, relatively isolated Sadlermiut became extinct during the winter of 1902-1903. The sagittal clefting results were also compared with those obtained for two other vertebral developmental problems, segmentation error and spina bifida. Sagittal clefting was found to occur with high frequency in the two Inuit series, especially in the region T6-T10. Segmentation errors were found to occur in approximately the same region of the column, while spina bifida produced a completely different pattern, occurring primarily at T11 and S1. The T11 involvement is limited to females, while S1 involvement occurs primarily in males. Sagittal clefting and spina bifida occur in the same individual more frequently than sagittal clefting and segmentation error. Possibly reflecting the smaller population size and isolated location of the Sadlermiut, sagittal clefting was found with greater frequency and intensity in the skeletons of this group than in those of the Thule-Historic Inuit. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2003.  相似文献   

Inner vertebral architecture is poorly known, except in human and laboratory animals. In order to document this topic at a broad comparative level, a 2D‐histomorphometric study of vertebral centra was conducted in a sample of 98 therian mammal species, spanning most of the size range and representing the main locomotor adaptations known in therian taxa. Eleven variables relative to the development and geometry of trabecular networks were extracted from CT scan mid‐sagittal sections. Phylogeny‐informed statistical tests were used to reveal the respective influences of phylogeny, size, and locomotion adaptations on mammalian vertebral structure. The use of random taxon reshuffling and squared change parsimony reveals that 9 of the 11 characteristics (the two exceptions are total sectional area and structural polarization) contain a phylogenetic signal. Linear discriminant analyses suggest that the sampled taxa can be arranged into three categories with respect to locomotion mode: a) terrestrial + flying + digging + amphibious forms, b) coastal oscillatory aquatic taxa, and c) pelagic oscillatory aquatic forms represented by oceanic cetaceans. Pairwise comparison tests and linear regressions show that, when specific size increases, the length of trabecular network (Tt.Tb.Le), as well as trabecular proliferation in total sections (Pr.Tb.Tt), increase with positive allometry. This process occurs in all locomotion categories but is particularly pronounced in pelagic oscillators. Conversely, mean trabecular width has a lesser increase with size in pelagic oscillators. Trabecular orientation is not influenced by size. All tests were corrected for multiple testing. By using six structural variables or indices, locomotion mode can be predicted with a 97.4% success rate for terrestrial forms, 66.7% for coastal oscillatory, and 81.3% for pelagic oscillatory. The possible functional meaning of these results and their potential use for paleobiological inference of locomotion in extinct taxa are discussed. J. Morphol., 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

During a 13‐yr study near Utqia?vik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, we documented the prevalence of nest reuse in eight arctic‐breeding shorebirds. We evaluated whether nest reuse saved individuals time and energy, enhanced nest survival, or was related to nest density. We documented 208 (6.2%) cases of nest reuse among 3336 nesting attempts. Nest reuse occurred in all years but the first and in all species, with greatest reuse in semipalmated sandpiper (10.9%) and American golden‐plover (10.0%). While most cases of nest reuse occurred with conspecifics, many cases of heterospecific nest reuse were also observed, indicating high niche overlap in nest site preferences among species. We found that individuals reusing old nests may have benefited by nesting earlier, but nest reuse did not generally enhance nest survival. A significant positive relationship was also found between nest reuse and nest density at the community level and for four of the eight species, suggesting high inter‐ or intraspecific competition combined with limited suitable nest sites may force individuals to reuse old nests. Our observations also suggest that upland nesting species may be the most dependent on old nest sites. Preferential development of these sites may therefore have a previously unknown detrimental effect on these species, although further study is needed to better determine the impact of such habitat loss.  相似文献   

This study investigates the age‐ and sex‐related patterns in vertebral bone mineral density (BMD) and the relationship between BMD and vertebral osteophytosis (VO), using a specialized peripheral densitometer in a skeletal sample excavated from the British medieval village Wharram Percy. A total of 58 individuals were divided by sex into three broad age categories (18–29, 30–49, 50+ years.). Each fourth intact vertebral centra was scored for VO and 5‐mm thick coronal sections scanned in a specialized peripheral densitometer (GE Lunar Piximus DXA). Changes in BMD associated with age, sex, and VO severity were examined in the whole vertebral section, a strictly trabecular region, and a primarily cortical region of bone separately. Significant change in vertebral BMD was found to occur by middle age with little or no statistical change in BMD between middle and old age. Females appear to suffer greater bone loss at an earlier age with no change in BMD between middle and old age, whereas males show a more steady loss of BMD across the age groups. The bone mineral content and BMD of the cortical region is higher in individuals with pronounced/severe osteophytosis. The unusual age‐ and sex‐related patterns of change in vertebral BMD at Wharram Percy are compared with the patterns of age‐related change from recent longitudinal population‐based studies. The results emphasize the different pattern of bone loss in young adulthood seen in trabecular regions of the skeleton and highlight the importance of consideration of degenerative joint disease in BMD studies. The influence of lifestyle factors on vertebral BMD in this medieval population is also discussed. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study examines the potential linkage between social organization and trauma in a sample of cercopithecids from Cameroon. Skeletal trauma is described in a museum collection of eight sympatric monkey species. Macroscopic analysis was carried out on a total of 139 complete skeletons of mangabeys, colobines and guenons. Species in multi‐male groups were found to have higher fracture frequencies than those in uni‐male groups. These higher frequencies may be related to intra‐specific male–male aggression; however, similarities in fracture patterning between males and females in multi‐male groups suggest that other factors may be involved. Although fracture etiology may not be identified with certainty, this study suggests that predation may indirectly be a cause of traumatic injuries in those species of cercopithecid monkeys displaying multi‐male social organizations. The data presented also highlight the utility of museum collections as an additional resource in analyses of primate behavior, demonstrating that behavioral information does not die when the animal does. Am. J. Primatol. 71:567–573, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ecological diversification into new environments presents new mechanical challenges for locomotion. An extreme example of this is the transition from a terrestrial to an aquatic lifestyle. Here, we examine the implications of life in a neutrally buoyant environment on adaptations of the axial skeleton to evolutionary increases in body size. On land, mammals must use their thoracolumbar vertebral column for body support against gravity and thus exhibit increasing stabilization of the trunk as body size increases. Conversely, in water, the role of the axial skeleton in body support is reduced, and, in aquatic mammals, the vertebral column functions primarily in locomotion. Therefore, we hypothesize that the allometric stabilization associated with increasing body size in terrestrial mammals will be minimized in secondarily aquatic mammals. We test this by comparing the scaling exponent (slope) of vertebral measures from 57 terrestrial species (23 felids, 34 bovids) to 23 semi‐aquatic species (pinnipeds), using phylogenetically corrected regressions. Terrestrial taxa meet predictions of allometric stabilization, with posterior vertebral column (lumbar region) shortening, increased vertebral height compared to width, and shorter, more disc‐shaped centra. In contrast, pinniped vertebral proportions (e.g. length, width, height) scale with isometry, and in some cases, centra even become more spool‐shaped with increasing size, suggesting increased flexibility. Our results demonstrate that evolution of a secondarily aquatic lifestyle has modified the mechanical constraints associated with evolutionary increases in body size, relative to terrestrial taxa.  相似文献   

Continued Arctic warming and sea‐ice loss will have important implications for the conservation of ringed seals, a highly ice‐dependent species. A better understanding of their spatial ecology will help characterize emerging ecological trends and inform management decisions. We deployed satellite transmitters on ringed seals in the summers of 2011, 2014, and 2016 near Utqia?vik (formerly Barrow), Alaska, to monitor their movements, diving, and haul‐out behavior. We present analyses of tracking and dive data provided by 17 seals that were tracked until at least January of the following year. Seals mostly ranged north of Utqia?vik in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas during summer before moving into the southern Chukchi and Bering Seas during winter. In all seasons, ringed seals occupied a diversity of habitats and spatial distributions, from near shore and localized, to far offshore and wide‐ranging in drifting sea ice. Continental shelf waters were occupied for >96% of tracking days, during which repetitive diving (suggestive of foraging) primarily to the seafloor was the most frequent activity. From mid‐summer to early fall, 12 seals made ~1‐week forays off‐shelf to the deep Arctic Basin, most reaching the retreating pack‐ice, where they spent most of their time hauled out. Diel activity patterns suggested greater allocation of foraging efforts to midday hours. Haul‐out patterns were complementary, occurring mostly at night until April‐May when midday hours were preferred. Ringed seals captured in 2011—concurrent with an unusual mortality event that affected all ice‐seal species—differed morphologically and behaviorally from seals captured in other years. Speculations about the physiology of molting and its role in energetics, habitat use, and behavior are discussed; along with possible evidence of purported ringed seal ecotypes.  相似文献   

We analyzed 21 paragroup Q* Y chromosomes from South American aboriginal and urban populations. Our aims were to evaluate the phylogenetic status, geographic distribution, and genetic diversity in these groups of chromosomes and compare the degree of genetic variation in relation to Q1a3a haplotypes. All Q* chromosomes from our series and five samples from North American Q* presented the derivate state for M346, that is present upstream to M3, and determined Q1a3* paragroup. We found a restrictive geographic distribution and low frequency of Q1a3* in South America. We assumed that this low frequency could be reflecting extreme drift effects. However, several estimates of gene diversity do not support the existence of a severe bottleneck. The mean haplotype diversity expected was similar to that for South American Q1a3* and Q1a3a (0.478 and 0.501, respectively). The analysis of previous reports from other research groups and this study shows the highest frequencies of Q* for the West Corner and the Grand Chaco regions of South America. At present, there is no information on whether the phylogenetic status of Q* paragoup described in previous reports is similar to that of Q1a3* paragroup though our results support this possibility. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phenology of arctic ecosystems is driven primarily by abiotic forces, with temperature acting as the main determinant of growing season onset and leaf budburst in the spring. However, while the plant species in arctic ecosystems require differing amounts of accumulated heat for leaf‐out, dynamic vegetation models simulated over regional to global scales typically assume some average leaf‐out for all of the species within an ecosystem. Here, we make use of air temperature records and observations of spring leaf phenology collected across dominant groupings of species (dwarf birch shrubs, willow shrubs, other deciduous shrubs, grasses, sedges, and forbs) in arctic and boreal ecosystems in Alaska. We then parameterize a dynamic vegetation model based on these data for four types of tundra ecosystems (heath tundra, shrub tundra, wet sedge tundra, and tussock tundra), as well as ecotonal boreal white spruce forest, and perform model simulations for the years 1970–2100. Over the course of the model simulations, we found changes in ecosystem composition under this new phenology algorithm compared with simulations with the previous phenology algorithm. These changes were the result of the differential timing of leaf‐out, as well as the ability for the groupings of species to compete for nitrogen and light availability. Regionally, there were differences in the trends of the carbon pools and fluxes between the new phenology algorithm and the previous phenology algorithm, although these differences depended on the future climate scenario. These findings indicate the importance of leaf phenology data collection by species and across the various ecosystem types within the highly heterogeneous Arctic landscape, and that dynamic vegetation models should consider variation in leaf‐out by groupings of species within these ecosystems to make more accurate projections of future plant distributions and carbon cycling in Arctic regions.  相似文献   

A molecular characterization of alleles O1, O1variant (O1v), and the mutation G542A of the ABO blood group was performed in two Amerindian populations of Chile, the Aymara (n = 84) and the Huilliche (n = 75). In addition, a sample of 82 individuals of Santiago belonging to the mixed Chilean population was typed for comparative purposes. The polymorphisms which allow for molecular differentiation of different alleles of the O blood group were studied in genomic DNA. The mutations G188, G261-, G542A, T646A, and C771T, described for alleles O1, O1v, and G542A, were determined using the PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) technique. All individuals studied were group O homozygotes for the deletion G261-, which defines the O1 alleles. Results obtained indicate that allele O1v exhibits frequencies of 0.65, 0.81, and 0.60 in Aymara, Huilliche, and Santiago populations, respectively. The frequencies of allele O1(G542A) were 0.119, 0.113, and 0.079 in the same populations. Frequencies for alleles O1 and O1v obtained in the Chilean populations studied concur with the results obtained by other authors, respecting the greater frequency of allele O1v as well as with its heterogeneous distribution in aboriginal South American populations. In Chilean populations, Allele G542A exhibits lower frequencies than those described for indigenous populations from Brazil and may be used as an Amerind admixture marker.  相似文献   

Douglas  Marianne S.V.  Smol  John P. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,431(2-3):193-204
Meretta Lake (Resolute Bay, Cornwallis Island, Nunavut, Canada) is a polar lake that has been receiving sewage since 1949 via a series of watercourses and utilidors from the so-called `North Base' of the Canadian Department of Transport. The lake's physical, chemical and biological characteristics were studied between 1968 and 1972 as part of the Char Lake Project, which was a component of the International Biological Programme (IBP). This was the first detailed study of high arctic lake eutrophication. However, since the time of the IBP, use of the North Base has declined markedly. Between 1992 and 1999, we re-sampled Meretta Lake for a suite of limnological variables, and compared our findings to those gathered during IBP. Our data indicate that, although Meretta Lake was still more eutrophic in the 1990s than near-by, undisturbed high arctic lakes, it presently has much lower nutrient concentrations and other trophic state variables than it did during IBP. These concentrations continued to decline in the 1990s, coincident with further decreases in usage of the base. Our most recent data indicate that Meretta Lake nutrient levels are now near `natural' background levels. Furthermore, phytoplankton are characterised by higher abundances of cryptophytes than those recorded in the early 1970s, again indicating less eutrophic conditions. Diatom-based, paleolimnological techniques recorded marked species assemblage shifts coincident with the eutrophication from the North Base. However, similar to the phytoplankton data, species assemblage changes were different from those recorded following eutrophication in more temperate regions, with periphytic diatoms overwhelmingly dominating the assemblages.  相似文献   

In all stomiid genera there is an occipito‐vertebral gap between the skull and the first vertebra bridged only by the flexible notochord. Morphological studies from the early 20th century suggested that some stomiid genera have 1–10 of the anteriormost centra reduced or entire vertebrae missing in this region. Our study reviews this previous hypothesis. Using a new approach, we show that only in Chauliodus, Eustomias and Leptostomias gladiator vertebral centra are actually lost, with their respective neural arches and parapophyses persisting. We present results from a comparative analysis of the number and insertion sites of the anteriormost myosepta in 26 of the 28 stomiid genera. Generally in teleosts the first three myosepta are associated with the occiput, and the fourth is the first vertebral myoseptum. The insertion site of the fourth myoseptum plays an important role in this analysis, because it provides a landmark for the first vertebra. Lack of association of the fourth myoseptum with a vertebra is thus evidence that the first vertebra is reduced or absent. By counting the occipital and vertebral myosepta the number of reduced vertebrae in Chauliodus, Eustomias and Leptostomias gladiator can be inferred. Proper identification of the spino‐occipital nerves provides an additional source of information about vertebral reduction. In all other stomiid genera the extensive occipito‐ vertebral gap is not a consequence of the reduction of vertebrae, but of an elongation of the notochord. The complex structure and ontogeny of the anterior part of the vertebral column of stomiids are discussed comparatively. J. Morphol. 271:1006–1022, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In areas of the North Pacific that are largely free of overfishing, climate regime shifts – abrupt changes in modes of low‐frequency climate variability – are seen as the dominant drivers of decadal‐scale ecological variability. We assessed the ability of leading modes of climate variability [Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), Arctic Oscillation (AO), Pacific‐North American Pattern (PNA), North Pacific Index (NPI), El Niño‐Southern Oscillation (ENSO)] to explain decadal‐scale (1965–2008) patterns of climatic and biological variability across two North Pacific ecosystems (Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea). Our response variables were the first principle component (PC1) of four regional climate parameters [sea surface temperature (SST), sea level pressure (SLP), freshwater input, ice cover], and PCs 1–2 of 36 biological time series [production or abundance for populations of salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), groundfish, herring (Clupea pallasii), shrimp, and jellyfish]. We found that the climate modes alone could not explain ecological variability in the study region. Both linear models (for climate PC1) and generalized additive models (for biology PC1–2) invoking only the climate modes produced residuals with significant temporal trends, indicating that the models failed to capture coherent patterns of ecological variability. However, when the residual climate trend and a time series of commercial fishery catches were used as additional candidate variables, resulting models of biology PC1–2 satisfied assumptions of independent residuals and out‐performed models constructed from the climate modes alone in terms of predictive power. As measured by effect size and Akaike weights, the residual climate trend was the most important variable for explaining biology PC1 variability, and commercial catch the most important variable for biology PC2. Patterns of climate sensitivity and exploitation history for taxa strongly associated with biology PC1–2 suggest plausible mechanistic explanations for these modeling results. Our findings suggest that, even in the absence of overfishing and in areas strongly influenced by internal climate variability, climate regime shift effects can only be understood in the context of other ecosystem perturbations.  相似文献   

Experiencing psychological trauma during childhood and/or adolescence is associated with an increased risk of psychosis in adulthood. However, we lack a clear knowledge of how developmental trauma induces vulnerability to psychotic symptoms. Understanding the psychological processes involved in this association is crucial to the development of preventive interventions and improved treatments. We sought to systematically review the literature and combine findings using meta‐analytic techniques to establish the potential roles of psychological processes in the associations between developmental trauma and specific psychotic experiences (i.e., hallucinations, delusions and paranoia). Twenty‐two studies met our inclusion criteria. We found mediating roles of dissociation, emotional dysregulation and post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms (avoidance, numbing and hyperarousal) between developmental trauma and hallucinations. There was also evidence of a mediating role of negative schemata, i.e. mental constructs of meanings, between developmental trauma and delusions as well as paranoia. Many studies to date have been of poor quality, and the field is limited by mostly cross‐sectional research. Our findings suggest that there may be distinct psy­chological pathways from developmental trauma to psychotic phenomena in adulthood. Clinicians should carefully ask people with psychosis about their history of developmental trauma, and screen patients with such a history for dissociation, emotional dysregulation and PTSD symptoms. Well conducted research with prospective designs, including neurocognitive assessment, is required in order to fully understand the biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying the association between developmental trauma and psychosis.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional multicenter study aimed to evaluate serum CXCL‐10, as an activity marker for vitiligo, and compare it with other putative serum and tissue markers. Serum CXCL‐10 was compared to interferon gamma (IFN‐γ), interleukin 6 (IL‐6), and IL‐17 using ELISA in 55 non‐segmental vitiligo patients (30 active and 25 stable) and 30 healthy controls. Marginal skin biopsy was taken for immunohistochemical evaluation of CD8+T cells and CXCL‐10+ve cells. Serum levels of CXCL‐10, IL‐17, and IL‐6 were elevated in all vitiligo patients compared to controls (p < .05). All investigated serum markers were higher in active versus stable vitiligo. Tissue expression of CXCL‐10+ve cells and CD8+ve T cells was stronger in vitiligo patients compared to controls, and tissue CXCL‐10+ve cell expression was stronger in active versus stable cases. Positive correlations were noted between the different serum and tissue markers. CXCL‐10 was the most specific, whereas IL‐6 was the most sensitive serum marker to distinguish active from stable disease.  相似文献   

In brachiating gibbons, it is thought that there is little movement in the hindlimb joints and that lateral body movement is quite limited. These hypotheses are based on naked‐eye observations, and no quantitative motion analyses of the hindlimbs have been reported. This study quantitatively describes the three‐dimensional movements of the lower trunk and distal thigh during continuous‐contact brachiation in a white‐handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) to evaluate the roles of the trunk and hindlimb. The results revealed that the lower trunk moved both laterally and vertically. The lateral movement of the lower trunk resulted from the lateral inclination of the trunk by gravity. The vertical movement of the trunk was converted into forward velocity, indicating an exchange between potential and kinetic energy. We also observed flexion and extension of the hip, although the excursion was within a small range. In addition, the lateral movement of the hindlimb in thedirection opposite to that of trunk movement helped to reduce the lateral sway of the body. These results suggest that during continuous‐contact brachiation a gibbon uses hip flexion and extension motions to increase the kinetic energy in the swing. In addition, fine motions of the hip may restrict the lateral sway of the center of body mass. Am J Phys Anthropol 142:650–654, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Molar crown morphology varies among primates from relatively simple in some taxa to more complex in others, with such variability having both functional and taxonomic significance. In addition to the primary cusps, crown surface complexity derives from the presence of crests, cuspules, and crenulations. Developmentally, this complexity results from the deposition of an enamel cap over a basement membrane (the morphology of which is preserved as the enamel‐dentine junction, or EDJ, in fully formed teeth). However, the relative contribution of the enamel cap and the EDJ to molar crown complexity is poorly characterized. In this study we examine the complexity of the EDJ and enamel surface of a broad sample of primate (including fossil hominin) lower molars through the application of micro‐computed tomography and dental topographic analysis. Surface complexity of the EDJ and outer enamel surface (OES) is quantified by first mapping, and then summing, the total number of discrete surface orientation patches. We investigate the relative contribution of the EDJ and enamel cap to crown complexity by assessing the correlation in patch counts between the EDJ and OES within taxa and within individual teeth. We identify three patterns of EDJ/OES complexity which demonstrate that both crown patterning early in development and the subsequent deposition of the enamel cap contribute to overall crown complexity in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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