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Light regulates various aspects of plant growth, and the photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) mediates many responses to red light. In a screen for Arabidopsis mutants with phenotypes similar to those of phyB mutants, we isolated two new elf3 mutants. One has weaker morphological phenotypes than previously identified elf3 alleles, but still abolishes circadian rhythms under continuous light. Like phyB mutants, elf3 mutants have elongated hypocotyls and petioles, flower early, and have defects in the red light response. However, we found that elf3 mutations have an additive interaction with a phyB null mutation, with phyA or hy4 null mutations, or with a PHYB overexpression construct, and that an elf3 mutation does not prevent nuclear localization of phyB. These results suggest that either there is substantial redundancy in phyB and elf3 function, or the two genes regulate distinct signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The circadian clock governs rhythms with 24 hours that allow organisms to anticipate daily changing environmental time cues. In Arabidopsis, the circadian clock is conceptually composed of three parts; input pathways for light and temperature signals, oscillators and output pathways for physiological processes including leaf movement, gene expression rhythms and flowering time. Oscillators consist of three interlocking loops, named morning, central and evening loops. Components of the central oscillator contain LHY, CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 (CCA1) and TIMING OF CAB EXPRESSION (TOC1). The oscillator can be reset by light signals through input pathways. Genetic studies have revealed the components involved in light input pathways. The elf3 (early flowering 3) mutant was isolated by insensitivity to photoperiod showing long hypocotyls, elongated petioles and pale leaves characteristic of plants defective in light perception. Therefore the ELF3 has been proposed to act on light input pathways. The aim of this study is to test whether LHY and ELF3 encode interacting components of a circadian light input pathway. To address this possibility, lhy-1 elf3-1 (LHY overexpressing-mutant X ELF3 loss of function-mutant) and lhy-11 elf3-1 (LHY loss of function-mutant X ELF3 loss of function-mutant) double mutants were constructed. Their visual phenotypes and CAB (Chlorophyll a/b binding protein) expression patterns demonstrate that LHY may function downstream of ELF3 and that this interaction is disrupted when LHY expression is placed under the control of the 35S promoter. In addition, ELF3 is required for vigorous rhythms of LHY gene expression and LHY protein levels.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the flowering time is regulated through the circadian clock that measures day-length and modulates the photoperiodic CO-FT output pathway in accordance with the external coincidence model. Nevertheless, the genetic linkages between the major clock-associated TOC1, CCA1 and LHY genes and the canonical CO-FT flowering pathway are less clear. By employing a set of mutants including an extremely early flowering toc1 cca1 lhy triple mutant, here we showed that CCA1 and LHY act redundantly as negative regulators of the photoperiodic flowering pathway. The partly redundant CCA1/LHY functions are largely, but not absolutely, dependent on the upstream TOC1 gene that serves as an activator. The results of examination with reference to the expression profiles of CO and FT in the mutants indicated that this clock circuitry is indeed linked to the CO-FT output pathway, if not exclusively. For this linkage, the phase control of certain flowering-associated genes, GI, CDF1 and FKF1, appears to be crucial. Furthermore, the genetic linkage between TOC1 and CCA1/LHY is compatible with the negative and positive feedback loop, which is currently believed to be a core of the circadian clock. The results of this study suggested that the circadian clock might open an exit for a photoperiodic output pathway during the daytime. In the context of the current clock model, these results will be discussed in connection with the previous finding that the same clock might open an exit for the early photomorphogenic output pathway during the night-time.  相似文献   

Flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana is promoted by long-day (LD) photoperiods such that plants grown in LD flower earlier, and after the production of fewer leaves, than plants grown in short-day (SD) photoperiods. The early-flowering 3 ( elf 3) mutant of Arabidopsis , which is insensitive to photoperiod with regard to floral initiation has been characterized. elf 3 mutants are also altered in several aspects of vegetative photomorphogenesis, including hypocotyl elongation. When inhibition of hypocotyl elongation was measured, elf 3 mutant seedlings were less responsive than wild-type to all wavelengths of light, and most notably defective in blue and green light-mediated inhibition. When analyzed for the flowering-time phenotype, elf 3 was epistatic to mutant alleles of the blue-light receptor encoding gene, HY 4. However, when elf 3 mutants were made deficient for functional phytochrome by the introduction of hy 2 mutant alleles, the elf 3 hy 2 double mutants displayed the novel phenotype of flowering earlier than either single mutant while still exhibiting photoperiod insensitivity, indicating that a phytochrome-mediated pathway regulating floral initiation remains functional in elf 3 single mutants. In addition, the inflorescences of one allelic combination of elf 3 hy 2 double mutants form a terminal flower similar to the structure produced by tfl 1 single mutants. These results suggest that one of the signal transduction pathways controlling photoperiodism in Arabidopsis is regulated, at least in part, by photoreceptors other than phytochrome, and that the activity of the Arabidopsis inflorescence and floral meristem identity genes may be regulated by this same pathway.  相似文献   

Plants regulate their time to flowering by gathering information from the environment. Photoperiod and temperature are among the most important environmental variables. Sub-optimal, but not near-freezing, temperatures regulate flowering through the thermosensory pathway, which overlaps with the autonomous pathway. Here we show that ambient temperature regulates flowering by two genetically distinguishable pathways, one requiring TFL1 and another requiring ELF3 . The delay in flowering time observed at lower temperatures was partially suppressed in single elf3 and tfl1 mutants, whereas double elf3 tfl1 mutants were insensitive to temperature. tfl1 mutations abolished the temperature response in cryptochrome mutants that are deficient in photoperiod perception, but not in phyB mutants, which have a constitutive photoperiodic response. In contrast to tfl1 , elf3 mutations were able to suppress the temperature response in phyB mutants, but not in cryptochrome mutants. Gene expression profiles revealed that the tfl1 and elf3 effects are due to the activation of different sets of genes, and identified CCA1 and SOC1/AGL20 as being important cross-talk points. Finally, genome-wide gene expression analysis strongly suggests a general and complementary role for ELF3 and TFL1 in temperature signalling.  相似文献   

Regulation of flowering time by Arabidopsis MSI1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The transition to flowering is tightly controlled by endogenous programs and environmental signals. We found that MSI1 is a novel flowering-time gene in Arabidopsis. Both partially complemented msi1 mutants and MSI1 antisense plants were late flowering, whereas ectopic expression of MSI1 accelerated flowering. Physiological experiments revealed that MSI1 is similar to genes from the autonomous promotion of flowering pathway. Expression of most known flowering-time genes did not depend on MSI1, but the induction of SOC1 was delayed in partially complemented msi1 mutants. Delayed activation of SOC1 is often caused by increased expression of the floral repressor FLC. However, MSI1 function is independent of FLC. MSI1 is needed to establish epigenetic H3K4 di-methylation and H3K9 acetylation marks in SOC1 chromatin. The presence of these modifications correlates with the high levels of SOC1 expression that induce flowering in Arabidopsis. Together, the control of flowering time depends on epigenetic mechanisms for the correct expression of not only the floral repressor FLC, but also the floral activator SOC1.  相似文献   

Plants are capable of coordination of their growth and development with ambient temperatures. EARLY FLOWERING3 (ELF3), an essential component of the plant circadian clock, is also involved in ambient temperature sensing, as well as in inhibiting the expression and protein activity of the thermoresponsive regulator phytochrome interacting factor 4 (PIF4). The ELF3 activity is subjected to attenuation in response to warm temperature; however, how the protein level of ELF3 is regulated at warm temperature remains less understood. Here, we report that the E3 ligase XB3 ORTHOLOG 5 IN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA, XBAT35, mediates ELF3 degradation. XBAT35 interacts with ELF3 and ubiquitinates ELF3. Loss-of-function mutation of XBAT35 increases the protein level of ELF3 and confers a short-hypocotyl phenotype under warm temperature conditions. Thus, our findings establish that XBAT35 mediates ELF3 degradation to lift the inhibition of ELF3 on PIF4 for promoting thermoresponsive hypocotyl growth in plants.  相似文献   

EAF1 regulates vegetative-phase change and flowering time in Arabidopsis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have identified a new locus that regulates vegetative phase change and flowering time in Arabidopsis. An early-flowering mutant, eaf1 (early flowering 1) was isolated and characterized. eaf1 plants flowered earlier than the wild type under either short-day or long-day conditions, and showed a reduction in the juvenile and adult vegetative phases. When grown under short-day conditions, eaf1 plants were slightly pale green and had elongated petioles, phenotypes that are observed in mutants altered in either phytochrome or the gibberellin (GA) response. eaf1 seed showed increased resistance to the GA biosynthesis inhibitor paclobutrazol, suggesting that GA metabolism and/or response had been altered. Comparison of eaf1 to other early-flowering mutants revealed that eaf1 shifts to the adult phase early and flowers early, similarly to the phyB (phytochrome B) and spy (spindly) mutants. eaf1 maps to chromosome 2, but defines a locus distinct from phyB, clf (curly leaf), and elf3 (early-flowering 3). These results demonstrate that eaf1 defines a new locus involved in an autonomous pathway and may affect GA regulation of flowering.  相似文献   

Flowering of the facultative long-day plant Arabidopsis is controlled by several endogenous and environmental factors, among them gibberellins (GAs) and day length. The promotion of flowering by long days involves an endogenous clock that interacts with light cues provided by the environment. Light, and specifically photoperiod, is also known to regulate the biosynthesis of GAs, but the effects of GAs and photoperiod on flowering are at least partially separable. Here, we have used a short-period mutant, toc1, to investigate the role of the circadian clock in the control of flowering time by GAs and photoperiod. We show that toc1 affects expression of several floral regulators and a GA biosynthetic gene, but that these effects are independent.  相似文献   

Of light and length: regulation of hypocotyl growth in Arabidopsis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
At all stages, plant development results from a complex integration of multiple endogenous and environmental signals. The sedentary nature of plants strongly enhances the impact of the environment on plant development as compared to animal development. The embryonic and postembryonic seedling stem, called the hypocotyl, of the model species Arabidopsis (thale cress) has proved to be an excellent system for studying such signal interplay in the regulation of growth and developmental responses. The extension of the hypocotyl, which is regulated by a network of interacting factors, including light and plant hormones, is such a process. These regulatory factors often reciprocally regulate their biosynthesis and/or signalling. Here we present the current state of knowledge about the regulation of hypocotyl growth by a large repertoire of internal and external cues.  相似文献   

In a screen for MADS box genes which activate and/or repress flowering in rice, we identified a gene encoding a MADS domain protein (OsSOC1) related to the Arabidopsis gene AtSOC1. AtSOC1 and OsSOC1 show a 97% amino acid similarity in their MADS domain. The rice gene contains a large first intron of 27.6 kb compared to the 1 kb intron in Arabidopsis. OsSOC1 is located on top of the short arm of chromosome 3, tightly linked to the heading date locus, Hd9. OsSOC1 is expressed in vegetative tissues, and expression is elevated at the time of floral initiation, 40-50 days after sowing, and remains uniformly high thereafter, similar to the expression pattern of AtSOC1. The constitutive expression of OsSOC1 in Arabidopsis results in early flowering, suggesting that the rice gene is a functional equivalent of AtSOC1. We were not able to identify FLC-like sequences in the rice genome; however, we show that ectopic expression of the Arabidopsis FLC delays flowering in rice, and the up-regulation of OsSOC1 at the onset of flowering initiation is delayed in the AtFLC transgenic lines. The reciprocal recognition and flowering time effects of genes introduced into either Arabidopsis or rice suggest that some components of the flowering pathways may be shared. This points to a potential application in the manipulation of flowering time in cereals using well characterized Arabidopsis genes.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of three factors on the induction of flowering in Arabidopsis thaliana , i.e. vernalization, day length and DNA demethylation. Seven natural late flowering genotypes and 13 late flowering mutants were used in the experiments. The effect of the vernalization and the short day (SD) was uniform in all genotypes used, resulting in shortening (vernalization) or extension of the period before the appearance of the first flower primordia. On the other hand, the effect of the demethylating agent (5-azacytidine [5-azaC]) was not uniform in the genotypes used. In all natural late genotypes (except Lu-1 ), the shortening of the flowering time (FT) after 5-azaC treatment was observed. On the contrary, only five mutants – dl , pm , M63 , M73 and fca-1 – showed a shortening of the FT, while in the majority of the late flowering mutants, no significant response (earlier flowering) was found. The different response to the vernalization and demethylation treatment in late flowering mutants shows the possibility of two different pathways leading to the flowering, both of which are regulated by DNA demethylation. The different response of natural and induced late flowering genotypes after 5-azaC treatment shows that genes that play a role in flower development are of a different nature.  相似文献   

Chromatin-mediated regulation of flowering time in Arabidopsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The response of plants or animals to different environmental regimes may take the form of specialization of their life history patterns to match the prevailing conditions in a geographical area. In turn, the evolution of different life histories implies that there are trade-offs between distinct components of the life cycle. We investigate some of the possible explanations for the existence of distinct types of populations in the weed Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae), differentiated by flowering schedule. The so-called early flowering and late flowering "ecotypes" are hypothesized to result from adaptation to harsh winters or short seasons as opposed to mild winters or long seasons, respectively. We carried out two experiments in which we studied the reaction of natural populations to an increase in season length and to conditions simulating mild winter or spring. Unfortunately, only one of our accessions turned out to be a late flowering population; however, it did have a fitness disadvantage when the season was too short, although it had a higher reproductive output at the end of longer growing seasons. Most populations reacted to the simulation of a mild winter by extending their vegetative phase and increasing their reproductive output; however, this could be offset by increased winter mortality under harsh conditions. Character correlations (phenotypic integration) showed contrasting patterns of change in response to the two environmental factors: at the shortest season's length many correlations were negative, displaying a trade-off between vegetative and reproductive traits; during longer seasons, all correlations were positive and there was no evidence of vegetative-reproductive trade-offs. Exposure to cold did not trigger any major change in the pattern of character correlations.  相似文献   

? In this study, we used a combination of theoretical (models) and experimental (field data) approaches to investigate the interaction between light and temperature signalling in the control of Arabidopsis flowering. ? We utilised our recently published phenology model that describes the flowering time of Arabidopsis grown under a range of field conditions. We first examined the ability of the model to predict the flowering time of field plantings at different sites and seasons in light of the specific meteorological conditions that pertained. ? Our analysis suggested that the synchrony of temperature and light cycles is important in promoting floral initiation. New features were incorporated into the model that improved its predictive accuracy across seasons. Using both laboratory and field data, our study has revealed an important seasonal effect of night temperatures on flowering time. Further model adjustments to describe phytochrome (phy) mutants supported our findings and implicated phyB in the temporal gating of temperature-induced flowering. ? Our study suggests that different molecular pathways interact and predominate in natural environments that change seasonally. Temperature effects are mediated largely during the photoperiod during spring/summer (long days) but, as days shorten in the autumn, night temperatures become increasingly important.  相似文献   

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