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Synchronizing behavior with other conspecifics has been suggested as serving a function of increased foraging efficiency. However, the potential costs associated with synchronization of behavior have rarely been studied. Adélie penguins Pygoscelis adeliae sometimes dive synchronously in small open waters surrounded by fast sea ice. We examined the diving behavior of three couples and one trio, which were observed to dive synchronously among groups of 12–47 birds for 1.7–4.5 h duration, with time-depth recorders. Timing of diving and surfacing differed slightly between individuals, and one bird tended to initiate diving earlier than the other. Although the duration of the dives differed only slightly between these birds, the maximum depth of the dives differed to a large extent, with one member tending to dive consistently deeper than the other bird in two out of the four cases. Vertical distances between tagged birds in the undulatory phases of the dives (presumed feeding time) were greater than those in the descent and ascent phases, suggesting independent foraging by group members. Duration of the undulatory phase of the dives tended to be shorter in deeper-diving individuals than the others in the synchronously diving group, suggesting a potential cost of reduced feeding time to synchronize diving and surfacing with other birds. A digital video image relating to the article is available at .  相似文献   

Between 1993 and 1995, the diving behavior and movement patterns of 23 weaned Weddell seal pups (Leptonychotes weddellii) were tracked in the Ross Sea. Antarctica, using satellite-linked time-depth recorders. Regression analyses revealed that for seals of between 8 and 27 weeks old, age was poorly correlated with the dive depth, duration, or frequency. However, changes in dive parameters suggested that Weddell seal pups were attempting to maximize dive time, but the manner in which this was done depended on age and time of day. Movement patterns indicated that most Weddell seal pups left their natal area by the end of February, and traveled north along the Antarctic continent coastline. Several individuals returned to McMurdo Sound, but others were last located more than 400 km from McMurdo. Routes followed suggest that pups can use the pack ice habitat, but prefer to remain closer to the coastline than do adults. Accepted: 21 July 1998  相似文献   

Seals may delay costly physiological processes (e.g. digestion) that are incompatible with the physiological adjustments to diving until after periods of active foraging. We present unusual profiles of metabolic rate (MR) in grey seals measured during long-term simulation of foraging trips (4-5 days) that provide evidence for this. We measured extremely high MRs (up to almost seven times the baseline levels) and high heart rates during extended surface intervals, where the seals were motionless at the surface. These occurred most often during the night and occurred frequently many hours after the end of feeding bouts. The duration and amount of oxygen consumed above baseline levels during these events was correlated with the amount of food eaten, confirming that these metabolic peaks were related to the processing of food eaten during foraging periods earlier in the day. We suggest that these periods of high MR represent a payback of costs deferred during foraging.  相似文献   

Novel observations collected from video, acoustic and conductivity sensors showed that Antarctic fur seals consistently exhale during the last 50-85% of ascent from all dives (10-160 m, n > 8000 dives from 50 seals). The depth of initial bubble emission was best predicted by maximum dive depth, suggesting an underlying physical mechanism. Bubble sound intensity recorded from one seal followed predictions of a simple model based on venting expanding lung air with decreasing pressure. Comparison of air release between dives, together with lack of variation in intensity of thrusting movement during initial descent regardless of ultimate dive depth, suggested that inhaled diving lung volume was constant for all dives. The thrusting intensity in the final phase of ascent was greater for dives in which ascent exhalation began at a greater depth, suggesting an energetic cost to this behaviour, probably as a result of loss of buoyancy from reduced lung volume. These results suggest that fur seals descend with full lung air stores, and thus face the physiological consequences of pressure at depth. We suggest that these regular and predictable ascent exhalations could function to reduce the potential for a precipitous drop in blood oxygen that would result in shallow-water blackout.  相似文献   

Foraging sites, diet, and diving behavior of chick-rearing Adélie penguins, Pygoscelis adeliae, in fast sea-ice areas were investigated during two consecutive seasons with contrasting sea-ice conditions. During 1995/1996, fast sea ice covered the foraging range of penguins during the whole breeding season. In contrast, during 1996/1997, sea ice covered the area in December 1996, but gradually thinned and finally broke up, so that open sea appeared along the coast during February 1997. Foraging sites were concentrated in a small area in 1995/1996 and spread over a wider area in 1996/1997 as more small open-water areas were available. In both seasons, parents traveled to more distant foraging sites as the season progressed and, consequently, the foraging-trip duration increased. In both years, Euphausia superba and Pagothenia borchgrevinki dominated the diet in the early part of the season, while later in the season penguins fed mainly on E. superba in 1995/1996 and Pagothenia borchgrevinki and E. crystallorophias in 1996/1997. In 1995/1996, penguins tended to dive deeper—albeit for a relatively shorter duration—when feeding mainly on krill compared to when feeding on fish. In 1996/1997, there was no difference in the dive depth and duration between krill- and fish-eating trips. Our results suggest that prey distribution changes annually and seasonally, probably according to sea-ice conditions, and that consequently penguins modify their foraging sites, diving patterns, and diet according to these changes.  相似文献   

Records of the predaceous diving beetles of the genus Eretes Laporte, 1833 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae) in Central Europe are summarised. While old records from the beginning of the twentieth century from the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Romania belong to Eretes griseus (Fabricius, 1781), a species which has not been recaptured in Central Europe for nearly the last hundred years, recently collected specimens from Hungary and Slovakia belong to E. sticticus (Linnaeus, 1767) and represent its first records in these countries as well as in Central Europe. The first specimens were collected at light during hot summer nights and may document a recent spreading of the species from the Mediterranean. In addition, the occurrence of E. sticticus is formally confirmed in Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Israel, Libya, South European Territory of Russia, and Tunisia.  相似文献   

Marine tetrapods have evolved different sensory solutions to meet the ecological challenges of foraging at depth. It has been proposed that pinipeds, like ichthyosaurs, evolved large eyeballs for such demands. Here, we test this hypothesis using morphological and diving data from a comprehensive data set (n= 54 species; 435 individual specimens), including living and extinct pinnipeds and other select carnivorans as outgroup taxa. We used bony orbit size as a proxy for eyeball size, and recorded associated skull measurements to control for relative changes in orbit size; for diving depth, we used the deepest dive depth reported in the literature. Our analyses included both standard regressions and those corrected for phylogeny (i.e., independent contrasts). Standard regression statistics showed orbit size was a significantly good predictor of diving depth for phocids and for pinnipeds overall, although there was no correlation for otariids. In contrast, independent contrasts showed little support for a relationship between orbit size and diving depth for any group broader than family level, although this approach did demonstrate deep diving has evolved multiple times in crown Pinnipedia. Lastly, using select fossil taxa, we highlight the need to test adaptive hypotheses using comparative data in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Many diving seabirds and marine mammals have been found to regularly exceed their theoretical aerobic dive limit (TADL). No animals have been found to dive for durations that are consistently shorter than their TADL. We attached time-depth recorders to 7 blue whales and 15 fin whales (family Balaenopteridae). The diving behavior of both species was similar, and we distinguished between foraging and traveling dives. Foraging dives in both species were deeper, longer in duration and distinguished by a series of vertical excursions where lunge feeding presumably occurred. Foraging blue whales lunged 2.4 (+/-1.13) times per dive, with a maximum of six times and average vertical excursion of 30.2 (+/-10.04) m. Foraging fin whales lunged 1.7 (+/-0.88) times per dive, with a maximum of eight times and average vertical excursion of 21.2 (+/-4.35) m. The maximum rate of ascent of lunges was higher than the maximum rate of descent in both species, indicating that feeding lunges occurred on ascent. Foraging dives were deeper and longer than non-feeding dives in both species. On average, blue whales dived to 140.0 (+/-46.01) m and 7.8 (+/-1.89) min when foraging, and 67.6 (+/-51.46) m and 4.9 (+/-2.53) min when not foraging. Fin whales dived to 97.9 (+/-32.59) m and 6.3 (+/-1.53) min when foraging and to 59.3 (+/-29.67) m and 4.2 (+/-1.67) min when not foraging. The longest dives recorded for both species, 14.7 min for blue whales and 16.9 min for fin whales, were considerably shorter than the TADL of 31.2 and 28.6 min, respectively. An allometric comparison of seven families diving to an average depth of 80-150 m showed a significant relationship between body mass and dive duration once Balaenopteridae whales, with a mean dive duration of 6.8 min, were excluded from the analysis. Thus, the short dive durations of blue whales and fin whales cannot be explained by the shallow distribution of their prey. We propose instead that short duration diving in large whales results from either: (1) dispersal behavior of prey; or (2) a high energetic cost of foraging.  相似文献   

Adult marine mammal muscles rely upon a suite of adaptations for sustained aerobic metabolism in the absence of freely available oxygen (O2). Although the importance of these adaptations for supporting aerobic diving patterns of adults is well understood, little is known about postnatal muscle development in young marine mammals. However, the typical pattern of vertebrate muscle development, and reduced tissue O2 stores and diving ability of young marine mammals suggest that the physiological properties of harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) pup muscle will differ from those of adults. We examined myoglobin (Mb) concentration, and the activities of citrate synthase (CS), β-hydroxyacyl coA dehydrogenase (HOAD), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in muscle biopsies from harbor seal pups throughout the nursing period, and compared these biochemical parameters to those of adults. Pups had reduced O2 carrying capacity ([Mb] 28–41% lower than adults) and reduced metabolically scaled catabolic enzyme activities (LDH/RMR 20–58% and CS/RMR 29–89% lower than adults), indicating that harbor seal pup muscles are biochemically immature at birth and weaning. This suggests that pup muscles do not have the ability to support either the aerobic or anaerobic performance of adult seals. This immaturity may contribute to the lower diving capacity and behavior in younger pups. In addition, the trends in myoglobin concentration and enzyme activity seen in this study appear to be developmental and/or exercise-driven responses that together work to produce the hypoxic endurance phenotype seen in adults, rather than allometric effects due to body size.  相似文献   

1.  The geographical range sizes of individual species vary considerably in extent, although the factors underlying this variation remain poorly understood, and could include a number of ecological and evolutionary processes. A favoured explanation for range size variation is that this result from differences in fundamental niche breadths, suggesting a key role for physiology in determining range size, although to date empirical tests of these ideas remain limited.
2.  Here we explore relationships between thermal physiology and biogeography, whilst controlling for possible differences in dispersal ability and phylogenetic relatedness, across 14 ecologically similar congeners which differ in geographical range extent; European diving beetles of the genus Deronectes Sharp (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae). Absolute upper and lower temperature tolerance and acclimatory abilities are determined for populations of each species, following acclimation in the laboratory.
3.  Absolute thermal tolerance range is the best predictor of both species' latitudinal range extent and position, differences in dispersal ability (based on wing size) apparently being less important in this group. In addition, species' northern and southern range limits are related to their tolerance of low and high temperatures respectively. In all cases, absolute temperature tolerances, rather than acclimatory abilities are the best predictors of range parameters, whilst the use of independent contrasts suggested that species' thermal acclimation abilities may also relate to biogeography, although increased acclimatory ability does not appear to be associated with increased range size.
4.  Our study is the first to provide empirical support for a relationship between thermal physiology and range size variation in widespread and restricted species, conducted using the same experimental design, within a phylogenetically and ecologically controlled framework.  相似文献   

In our study of the development of diving in Galápagos fur seals, we analysed changes in diving activity and body mass trends over the lunar cycle. Based on previously observed lunar cycles in colony attendance patterns, we hypothesized a greater impact of prey migrations of deep scattering layer organisms on younger fur seals. Using electronic dive recorders, we determined that seals dived less and deeper on moonlit nights than at new moon, and incurred body mass losses. These changes in foraging over the lunar cycle correlate with the suppression of the vertical migration of prey by lunar light. All effects were more pronounced in juveniles than adult females, with greater relative mass loss during full moon, which must (i) negatively affect long-term juvenile growth rates, (ii) lengthen periods of maternal dependence, and (iii) contribute to the lowest reproductive rate reported for seals. This underlines the importance of studying ontogeny in order to understand life histories, and for determining the susceptibility of animal populations to fluctuations in food availability.  相似文献   

Changes in blood-gas, acid–base, and plasma-ion status were investigated in the bimodally respiring turtle, Rheodytes leukops, during prolonged dives of up to 12 h. Given that R. leukops routinely submerges for several hours, the objective of this study was to determine whether voluntarily diving turtles remain aerobic and simultaneously avoid hypercapnic conditions over increasing dive lengths. Blood PO2, PCO2, and pH, as well as plasma concentrations of lactate, glucose, Na+, K+, Cl, total Ca, and total Mg were determined in venous blood collected from the occipital sinus. Blood PO2 declined significantly with dive length; however, oxy-haemoglobin saturation remained greater than 30% for all R. leukops sampled. No changes were observed in blood PCO2, pH, [HCO3], or plasma glucose, with increasing dive length. Despite repeated dives lasting more than 2 h, plasma lactate remained less than 3 mmol l–1 for all R. leukops sampled, indicating the absence of anaerobiosis. Compensatory acid–base adjustments associated with anaerobiosis (e.g. declining [Cl], increasing total [Ca] and [Mg]) were likewise absent, with plasma-ion concentrations remaining stable with increasing dive length. Results indicate that R. leukops utilises aquatic respiration to remain aerobic during prolonged dives, thus effectively avoiding the development of a metabolic and respiratory acidosis.  相似文献   

Gonad maturation in wild Cybister brevis Aubé, 1838 from Japan was investigated to determine the physiological mating season. Breeding experiments showed that hatching occurred from May to September, and the peak was observed in July. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) in collected females (ovary development) showed the highest value in May. The GSIs were low in other seasons. On the other hand, the GSIs in collected males (testes and accessory glands) remained at constant values during the experimental period. Interestingly, high sperm motility was exhibited in May and September, whereas it was low in December and March. This indicates the maturation difference between females and males. Females mature only at the beginning of the breeding season (May), but males do so from May to September. This result suggests that males have a wide-ranging maturation period and earlier sexual maturation than females, ensuring a successful fertilization.  相似文献   

Anisomeriini diving beetles contain only two enigmatic species, representing a remarkable disjunction between the Pacific Juan Fernández Islands (Anisomeria bistriata) and the South Atlantic Tristan da Cunha Archipelago (Senilites tristanicola). They belong to the Colymbetinae, which contain 140 species worldwide. Here we aim to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the Anisomerinii and use > 9000 bp DNA sequence data from 13 fragments of 12 loci for a comprehensive sampling of Colymbetinae species. Analyses under different optimization criteria converge on very similar topologies, and show unambiguously that Anisomeria bistriata and Senilites tristanicola belong to the Neotropical Rhantus signatus species group, a comparatively recent clade within Colymbetinae. Anisomeriini therefore are synonomized with Colymbetini and both species are transferred to Rhantus accordingly, resulting in secondary homonymy of Rhantus bistriatus (Brullé, 1835) with Rhantus bistriatus (Bergsträsser, 1778). We propose the replacement name Rhantus selkirki Jäch, Balke & Michat nom. nov. for the Juan Fernández species. Presence of these species on remote islands is therefore not relictary, but the result of more recent range expansions out of mainland South America. Finally, we suggest that Carabdytini should be synonymized with Colymbetini. Our study underpins the Hennigian principle that a natural classification can be derived only from the search for shared apomorphies between species, not from differences.  相似文献   

Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae) individuals frequently live in association with tank bromeliads, including Aechmea bracteata, in Quintana Roo (Mexico). Whereas C. salei females without egg sacs hunt over their entire host plant, females carrying egg sacs settle above the A. bracteata reservoirs they have partially sealed with silk. There they avoid predators that use sight to detect their prey, as is known for many bird species. Furthermore, if a danger is more acute, these females dive with their egg sacs into the bromeliad reservoir. An experiment showed that this is not the case for males or females without egg sacs. In addition to the likely abundance of prey found therein, the potential of diving into the tank to protect offspring may explain the close association of this spider with bromeliads. These results show that, although arboreal, C. salei evolved a protective behavior using the water of tank bromeliads to protect offspring.  相似文献   

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