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Pseudomonas syringae is a bacterial phytopathogen that utilizes the type III secretion system to inject effector proteins into plant host cells. Pseudomonas syringae can infect a wide range of plant hosts, including agronomically important crops such as tomatoes and beans. The ability of P. syringae to infect such numerous hosts is caused, in part, by the diversity of effectors employed by this phytopathogen. Over 60 different effector families exist in P. syringae; one such family is HopF, which contains over 100 distinct alleles. Despite this diversity, research has focused on only two members of this family: HopF1 from P. syringae pathovar phaseolicola 1449B and HopF2 from P. syringae pathovar tomato DC3000. In this study, we review the research on HopF family members, including their host targets and molecular mechanisms of immunity suppression, and their enzymatic function. We also provide a phylogenetic analysis of this expanding effector family which provides a basis for a proposed nomenclature to guide future research. The extensive genetic diversity that exists within the HopF family presents a great opportunity to study how functional diversification on an effector family contributes to host specialization.  相似文献   

Many gram-negative plant pathogenic bacteria employ type III secretion systems to deliver effector proteins directly into the host cell during infection. On susceptible hosts, type III effectors aid pathogen growth by manipulating host defense pathways. On resistant hosts, some effectors can activate specific host disease resistance (R) genes, leading to generation of rapid and effective immune responses. The biochemical basis of these processes is poorly understood. The HopX (AvrPphE) family is a widespread type III effector among phytopathogenic bacteria. We determined that HopX family members are modular proteins composed of a conserved putative cysteine-based catalytic triad and a conserved potential target/cofactor interaction domain. HopX is soluble in host cells. Putative catalytic triad residues are required for avirulence activity on resistant bean hosts and for the generation of a cell-death response in specific Arabidopsis genotypes. The putative target/cofactor interaction domain is also required for these activities. Our data suggest that specific interaction with and modification of a cytosolic host target drives HopX recognition in resistant hosts and may contribute to virulence in susceptible hosts. Surprisingly, the Legionella pneumophila genome was found to contain a protein with similarity to HopX in sequence and domain arrangement, suggesting that these proteins might also contribute to animal pathogenesis and could be delivered to plant and animal hosts by diverse secretion systems.  相似文献   

To infect plants, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato delivers ~30 type III effector proteins into host cells, many of which interfere with PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI). One effector, AvrPtoB, suppresses PTI using a central domain to bind host BAK1, a kinase that acts with several pattern recognition receptors to activate defense signaling. A second AvrPtoB domain binds and suppresses the PTI-associated kinase Bti9 but is conversely recognized by the protein kinase Pto to activate effector-triggered immunity. We report the crystal structure of the AvrPtoB-BAK1 complex, which revealed structural similarity between these two AvrPtoB domains, suggesting that they arose by intragenic duplication. The BAK1 kinase domain is structurally similar to Pto, and a conserved region within both BAK1 and Pto interacts with AvrPtoB. BAK1 kinase activity is inhibited by AvrPtoB, and mutations at the interaction interface disrupt AvrPtoB virulence activity. These results shed light on a structural mechanism underlying host-pathogen coevolution.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae utilizes the type III secretion system to translocate effector proteins into plant cells, where they can contribute to the pathogen's ability to infect and cause disease. Recognition of these effectors by resistance proteins induces defense responses that typically include a programmed cell death reaction called the hypersensitive response. The YopJ/HopZ family of type III effector proteins is a common family of effector proteins found in animal- and plant-pathogenic bacteria. The HopZ family in P. syringae includes HopZ1a(PsyA2), HopZ1b(PgyUnB647), HopZ1c(PmaE54326), HopZ2(Ppi895A) and HopZ3(PsyB728a). HopZ1a is predicted to be most similar to the ancestral hopZ allele and causes a hypersensitive response in multiple plant species, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Therefore, it has been proposed that host defense responses have driven the diversification of this effector family. In this study, we further characterized the hypersensitive response induced by HopZ1a and demonstrated that it is not dependent on known resistance genes. Further, we identified a novel virulence function for HopZ2 that requires the catalytic cysteine demonstrated to be required for protease activity. Sequence analysis of the HopZ family revealed the presence of a predicted myristoylation sequence in all members except HopZ3. We demonstrated that the myristoylation site is required for membrane localization of this effector family and contributes to the virulence and avirulence activities of HopZ2 and HopZ1a, respectively. This paper provides insight into the selective pressures driving virulence protein evolution by describing a detailed functional characterization of the diverse HopZ family of type III effectors with the model plant Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

The production of recombinant proteins in plants is often achieved by transient expression, e.g. following the injection or vacuum infiltration of Agrobacterium tumefaciens into tobacco leaves. We investigated the associated plant defence responses, revealing that callose deposition is triggered by T–DNA transfer and that subsets of secondary metabolites accumulate in response to mechanical wounding or the presence of bacteria. We also tested the ability of five co‐expressed type III effector proteins from Pseudomonas syringae to modulate these defence responses and increase the yield of two model proteins, the fluorescent marker DsRed and monoclonal antibody 2G12. HopF2 and AvrRpt2 induced necrotic lesions 5 days post‐injection (dpi) even at low doses (OD600 nm = 0.0078), and increased the concentration of certain secondary metabolites. HopAO1 significantly reduced the number of callose deposits at 2 dpi compared to cells expressing DsRed and 2G12 alone, whereas HopI1 reduced the concentration of several secondary metabolites at 5 dpi compared to cells expressing DsRed and 2G12 alone. Co‐expression with HopAO1, AvrPtoB or HopI1 increased the concentrations of DsRed and 2G12 increased by ~6% but this was not a significant change. In contrast, HopF2 and AvrRpt2 significantly reduced the concentrations of DsRed and 2G12 by 34% and 22%, respectively. Our results show that type III effector proteins can modulate plant defence responses and secondary metabolite profiles but that transient co‐expression is not sufficient to increase the yields of target recombinant proteins in tobacco.  相似文献   

Plant cells have two defense systems that detect bacterial pathogens. One is a basal defense system that recognizes complex pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). A second system uses disease-resistance (R) proteins to recognize type lll effector proteins that are delivered into the plant cell by the pathogen's type III secretion system. Here we show that these two pathways are linked. We find that two Pseudomonas syringae type III effectors, AvrRpt2 and AvrRpm1, inhibit PAMP-induced signaling and thus compromise the host's basal defense system. RIN4 is an Arabidopsis protein targeted by AvrRpt2 and AvrRpm1 for degradation and phosphorylation, respectively. We find that RIN4 is itself a regulator of PAMP signaling. The R proteins, RPS2 and RPM1, sense type III effector-induced perturbations of RIN4. Thus, R proteins guard the plant against type III effectors that inhibit PAMP signaling and provide a mechanistic link between the two plant defense systems.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000 is a pathogen of tomato and Arabidopsis: The hrp-hrc-encoded type III secretion system (TTSS), which injects bacterial effector proteins (primarily called Hop or Avr proteins) into plant cells, is required for pathogenicity. In addition to being regulated by the HrpL alternative sigma factor, most avr or hop genes encode proteins with N termini that have several characteristic features, including (i) a high percentage of Ser residues, (ii) an aliphatic amino acid (Ile, Leu, or Val) or Pro at the third or fourth position, and (iii) a lack of negatively charged amino acids within the first 12 residues. Here, the well-studied effector AvrPto was used to optimize a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase (Cya) reporter system for Hrp-mediated translocation of P. syringae TTSS effectors into plant cells. This system includes a cloned P. syringae hrp gene cluster and the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana. Analyses of truncated AvrPto proteins fused to Cya revealed that the N-terminal 16 amino acids and/or codons of AvrPto are sufficient to direct weak translocation into plant cells and that longer N-terminal fragments direct progressively stronger translocation. AvrB, tested because it is poorly secreted in cultures by the P. syringae Hrp system, was translocated into plant cells as effectively as AvrPto. The translocation of several DC3000 candidate Hop proteins was also examined by using Cya as a reporter, which led to identification of three new intact Hop proteins, designated HopPtoQ, HopPtoT1, and HopPtoV, as well as two truncated Hop proteins encoded by the naturally disrupted genes hopPtoS4::tnpA and hopPtoAG::tnpA. We also confirmed that HopPtoK, HopPtoC, and AvrPphE(Pto) are translocated into plant cells. These results increased the number of Hrp system-secreted proteins in DC3000 to 40. Although most of the newly identified Hop proteins possess N termini that have the same features as the N termini of previously described Hop proteins, HopPtoV has none of these characteristics. Our results indicate that Cya should be a useful reporter for exploring multiple aspects of the Hrp system in P. syringae.  相似文献   

Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria require a type III secretion apparatus for pathogenesis, presumably to deliver Avr effector proteins directly into plant cells. To extend previous studies of Avr effectors that employed plasmids encoding Avr proteins, we developed a system that permits the integration of any gene into the Pseudomonas syringae genome in single copy. With this system, we confirmed earlier findings showing that P. syringae pv. maculicola strain PsmES4326 expressing the AvrRpt2 effector induces a resistance response in plants with the cognate R gene, RPS2. Chromosomally located avrRpt2, however, provoked a stronger resistance response than that observed with plasmid-expressed AvrRpt2 in RPS2+ plants. Additionally, chromosomal expression of AvrRpt2 conferred a fitness advantage on P. syringae grown in rps2- plants, aiding in growth within leaves and escape to leaf surfaces that was difficult to detect with plasmid-borne avrRpt2. Finally, with the use of the genomic integration system, we found that a chimeric protein composed of the N terminus of the heterologous AvrRpml effector and the C-terminal effector region of AvrRpt2 was delivered to plant cells. Because the C terminus of AvrRpt2 cannot translocate into plant cells on its own, this indicates that the N-terminal region can direct secretion and translocation during an infection, which supports the view that Avr proteins have a modular design. This work establishes a readily manipulatable system to study type III effectors in a biologically realistic context.  相似文献   

The hrp type III secretion system (TTSS) of Pseudomonas syringae translocates effector proteins into the cytoplasm of host cells. Proteolysis of HrpR by Lon has been shown to negatively regulate the hrp TTSS. The inability to bypass Lon-associated effects on the regulatory system by ectopic expression of the known regulators suggested a second site of action for Lon in TTSS-dependent effector secretion. In this study we report that TTSS-dependent effectors are subject to the proteolytic degradation that appears to be rate-limiting to secretion. The half-lives of the effectors AvrPto, AvrRpt2, HopPsyA, HopPsyB1, HopPtoB2, HopPsyV1, HopPtoG and HopPtoM were substantially higher in bacteria lacking Lon. TTSS-dependent secretion of several effectors was enhanced from Lon mutants. A primary role for chaperones appears to be protection of effectors from Lon-associated degradation prior to secretion. When coexpressed with their cognate chaperone, HopPsyB1, HopPsyV1 and HopPtoM were at least 10 times more stable in strains expressing Lon. Distinct Lon-targeting and chaperone-binding domains were identified in HopPtoM. The results imply that Lon is involved at two distinct levels in the regulation of the P. syringae TTSS: regulation of assembly of the secreton and modulation of effector secretion.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 type III secretion system (TTSS) is required for bacterial pathogenicity on plants and elicitation of the hypersensitive response (HR), a programmed cell death (PCD) that occurs on resistant plants. Cosmid pHIR11 enables non-pathogens to elicit an HR dependent upon the TTSS and the effector HopPsyA. We used pHIR11 to determine that effectors HopPtoE, avirulence AvrPphEPto, AvrPpiB1Pto, AvrPtoB, and HopPtoF could suppress a HopPsyA-dependent HR on tobacco and Arabidopsis. Mixed inoculum and Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression experiments confirmed that suppressor action occurred within plant cells. These suppressors, with the exception of AvrPpiB1Pto, inhibited the expression of the tobacco pathogenesis-related (PR) gene PR1a. DC3000 suppressor mutants elicited an enhanced HR consistent with these mutants lacking an HR suppressor. Additionally, HopPtoG was identified as a suppressor on the basis of an enhanced HR produced by a hopPtoG mutant. Remarkably, these proteins functioned to inhibit the ability of the pro-apoptotic protein, Bax to induce PCD in plants and yeast, indicating that these effectors function as anti-PCD proteins in a trans-kingdom manner. The high proportion of effectors that suppress PCD suggests that suppressing plant immunity is one of the primary roles for DC3000 effectors and a central requirement for P. syringae pathogenesis.  相似文献   

为了研究Ⅲ型泌出效应因子在丁香假单胞大豆致病变种中的作用,利用反向PCR技术,首次从丁香假单胞大豆致病变种全基因组中克隆得到两个效应因子HopAB1和HopAF1基因的同源物,分别命名为HopAB1s和HopAF1s。生物信息学分析表明,HopAB1s基因全长是1 572 bp,编码523个氨基酸;HopAF1s基因全长是855 bp,编码284个氨基酸。即基因的登录号分别为JF826562和JF826563。保守功能区预测显示HopAB1s在N末端包含一个E3泛素连接酶功能区。将这2个基因克隆到PVX二元表达载体并转化农杆菌,利用农杆菌介导的瞬时侵染技术在本生烟中表达,发现2个效应因子均能抑制由鼠凋亡因子激发的细胞程序性死亡;将烟草疫霉接种在表达效应基因的区域,发现效应因子能促进烟草疫霉侵染烟草,因此本研究得到的两个效应因子是免疫抑制因子,为进一步研究该菌的致病机理奠定基础。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is a model phytopathogenic bacterium that uses the type III secretion system (T3SS) to cause lethal diseases in staple crops and thus presents a threat to food security worldwide. Great progress has been made in delineating the biochemical mechanisms and cellular targets of T3SS effectors, but less is known about the signalling pathways and molecular mechanisms of T3SS regulators. In recent years, thanks to the popularity and power of genome-wide mutant screening and high-throughput sequencing, new regulatory proteins (such as RhpR, AefR, AlgU and CvsR) and proteases (such as Lon and RhpP) have been identified as T3SS regulators in P. syringae pathovars. The detailed mechanisms of previously illustrated regulators (such as HrpRS, HrpL and HrpGV) have also been further studied. Notably, the two-component system RhpRS has been determined to play key roles in the modulation of T3SS via direct regulation of hrpRS and other virulence-related pathways by sensing changes in environmental signals. In addition, secondary messengers (such as c-di-GMP and ppGpp) have been shown to fine-tune the activity of T3SS. Overall, these studies have suggested the existence of a highly intricate regulatory network for T3SS, which controls the pathogenicity of P. syringae. This short review summarizes studies of P. syringae T3SS regulation and the known mechanisms of key regulators.  相似文献   

AvrB is a Pseudomonas syringae type III effector protein that is translocated into host plant cells during attempted pathogenesis. Arabidopsis harboring the corresponding resistance protein RPM1 can detect AvrB and mount a rapid host defense response, thus avoiding active infection. In the plant cell, AvrB induces phosphorylation of RIN4, a key component in AvrB/RPM1 recognition. Although the AvrB/RPM1 system is among the best characterized of the numerous bacterial effector/plant resistance protein systems involved in plant disease resistance and pathogenesis, the details of the molecular recognition mechanism are still unclear. To gain further insights, the crystal structure of AvrB was determined. The 2.2 A structure exhibits a novel mixed alpha/beta bilobal fold. Aided by the structural information, we demonstrate that one lobe is the determinant of AvrB/RPM1 recognition specificity. This structural information and preliminary structure-function studies provide a framework for the future understanding of AvrB function on the molecular level.  相似文献   

The injection of nearly 30 effector proteins by the type III secretion system underlies the ability of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 to cause disease in tomato and other host plants. The search for effector functions is complicated by redundancy within the repertoire and by plant resistance (R)-gene sentinels, which may convert effector virulence activities into a monolithic defense response. On the premise that some effectors target universal eukaryotic processes and that yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) lacks R genes, the DC3000 effector repertoire was expressed in yeast. Of 27 effectors tested, HopAD1, HopAO1, HopD1, HopN1, and HopU1 were found to inhibit growth when expressed from a galactose-inducible GAL1 promoter, and HopAA1-1 and HopAM1 were found to cause cell death. Catalytic site mutations affecting the tyrosine phosphatase activity of HopAO1 and the cysteine protease activity of HopN1 prevented these effectors from inhibiting yeast growth. Expression of HopAA1-1, HopAM1, HopAD1, and HopAO1 impaired respiration in yeast, as indicated by tests with ethanol glycerol selective media. HopAA1-1 colocalized with porin to yeast mitochondria and was shown to cause cell death in yeast and plants in a domain-dependent manner. These results support the use of yeast for the study of plant-pathogen effector repertoires.  相似文献   

The type III secretion systems (T3SS) and secreted effectors (T3SEs) are essential virulence factors in Gram‐negative bacteria. During the arms race, plants have evolved resistance (R) genes to detect specific T3SEs and activate defence responses. However, this immunity can be efficiently defeated by the pathogens through effector evolution. HopZ1 of the plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae is a member of the widely distributed YopJ T3SE family. Three alleles are known to be present in P. syringae, with HopZ1a most resembling the ancestral allelic form. In this study, molecular mechanisms underlying the sequence diversification‐enabled HopZ1 allelic specificity is investigated. Using domain shuffling experiments, we present evidence showing that a central domain upstream of the conserved catalytic cysteine residue determines HopZ1 recognition specificity. Random and targeted mutagenesis identified three amino acids involved in HopZ1 allelic specificity. Particularly, the exchange of cysteine141 in HopZ1a with lysine137 at the corresponding position in HopZ1b abolished HopZ1a recognition in soybean. This position is under strong positive selection, suggesting that the cysteine/lysine mutation might be a key step driving the evolution of HopZ1. Our data support a model in which sequence diversification imposed by the plant R gene‐associated immunity has driven HopZ1 evolution by allowing allele‐specific substrate‐binding.  相似文献   

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