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Recognition of the stop codon by the translation machinery is essential to terminating translation at the right position and to synthesizing a protein of the correct size. Under certain conditions, the stop codon can be recognized as a coding codon promoting translation, which then terminates at a later stop codon. This event, called stop codon readthrough, occurs either by error, due to a dedicated regulatory environment leading to generation of different protein isoforms, or through the action of a readthrough compound. This review focuses on the mechanisms of stop codon readthrough, the nucleotide and protein environments that facilitate or inhibit it, and the therapeutic interest of stop codon readthrough in the treatment of genetic diseases caused by nonsense mutations.  相似文献   

Stop codon readthrough (SCR) is the process of continuation of translation beyond the stop codon, generating protein isoforms with C-terminal extensions. SCR has been observed in viruses, fungi, and multicellular organisms, including mammals. However, SCR is largely unexplored in plants. In this study, we have analyzed ribosome profiling datasets to identify mRNAs that exhibit SCR in Arabidopsis thaliana. Analyses of the ribosome density, ribosome coverage, and three-nucleotide periodicity of the ribosome profiling reads in the mRNA region downstream of the stop codon provided strong evidence for SCR in mRNAs of 144 genes. We show that SCR generated putative evolutionarily conserved nuclear localization signals, transmembrane helices, and intrinsically disordered regions in the C-terminal extensions of several of these proteins. Furthermore, gene ontology functional enrichment analysis revealed that these 144 genes belong to three major functional groups—translation, photosynthesis, and abiotic stress tolerance. Using a luminescence-based readthrough assay, we experimentally demonstrated SCR in representative mRNAs belonging to each of these functional classes. Finally, using microscopy, we show that the SCR product of one gene that contains a nuclear localization signal at the C-terminal extension, CURT1B, localizes to the nucleus as predicted. Based on these observations, we propose that SCR plays an important role in plant physiology by regulating protein localization and function.  相似文献   

The nucleotide context surrounding stop codons significantly affects the efficiency of translation termination. In eukaryotes, various 3′ contexts that are unfavorable for translation termination have been described; however, the exact molecular mechanism that mediates their effects remains unknown. In this study, we used a reconstituted mammalian translation system to examine the efficiency of stop codons in different contexts, including several previously described weak 3′ stop codon contexts. We developed an approach to estimate the level of stop codon readthrough in the absence of eukaryotic release factors (eRFs). In this system, the stop codon is recognized by the suppressor or near-cognate tRNAs. We observed that in the absence of eRFs, readthrough occurs in a 3′ nucleotide context-dependent manner, and the main factors determining readthrough efficiency were the type of stop codon and the sequence of the 3′ nucleotides. Moreover, the efficiency of translation termination in weak 3′ contexts was almost equal to that in the tested standard context. Therefore, the ability of eRFs to recognize stop codons and induce peptide release is not affected by mRNA context. We propose that ribosomes or other participants of the elongation cycle can independently recognize certain contexts and increase the readthrough of stop codons. Thus, the efficiency of translation termination is regulated by the 3′ nucleotide context following the stop codon and depends on the concentrations of eRFs and suppressor/near-cognate tRNAs.  相似文献   

The arrangement of the stop codon and its 3′-flanking codon relative to the components of translation termination complexes of human 80S ribosomes was studied using mRNA analogs containing the stop signal UPuPuPu (Pu is A or G) and the photoreactive perfluoroarylazido group, which was linked to a stop-signal or 3′-flanking nucleotide (positions from +4 to +9 relative to the first nucleotide of the P-site codon). Upon mild UV irradiation, the analogs crosslinked to components of the model complexes, mimicking the state of the 80S ribosome at translation termination. Termination factors eRF1 and eRF3 did not change the relative arrangement of the stop signal and 18S rRNA. Crosslinking to eRF1 was observed for modified nucleotides in positions +5 to +9 (that for stop-codon nucleotide +4 was detected earlier). The eRF1 fragments crosslinked to the mRNA analogs were identified. Fragment 52–195, including the N domain and part of the M domain, crosslinked to the analogs carrying the reactive group at A or G in positions +5 to +9 or at the terminal phosphate of nucleotide +7. The site crosslinking to mRNA analogs containing modified G in positions +5 to +7 was assigned to eRF1 fragment 82–166 (beyond the NIKS motif). All but one analog (that with modified G in position +4) crosslinked to the C domain of eRF1 (fragment 330–422). The efficiency of crosslinking to the C domain was higher than to the N domain in most cases. It was assumed that the C domain of eRF1 bound in the A site is close to nucleotides +5 to +9, especially +7 and +8, and that eRF1 undergoes substantial conformational changes when binding to the ribosome.  相似文献   

人类NKX2.5基因(NK2 homeobox 5,NKX2.5)提前终止密码子(Premature termination codon,PTC)突变会引起房间隔缺损、房室传导阻滞等先天性心脏病。目前,已报道的NKX2.5 PTC突变有8个(E109X、Q149X、Q170X、Q187X、Q198X、Y256X、Y259X和C264X)。为了检测tRNA抑制子是否对PTC突变诱导通读产生有功能的全长蛋白,文章将8个NKX2.5 PTC突变克隆到pcDNA3.1(-)载体,将NKX2.5全长和E109X、Q149X及C264X克隆到pEGFP-N1载体,形成NKX2.5-EGFP融合质粒。将NKX2.5-EGFP与对应的tRNA抑制子质粒分别或共转染后观察绿色荧光数量定性判断tRNA抑制子是否诱导通读。Western blotting检测通读后全长蛋白和截短蛋白表达并计算通读效率。Real-time PCR检测NKX2.5下游重要调控基因Cx43 mRNA的表达判断通读后蛋白功能。结果表明,文章成功构建了8个基于pcDNA3.1(-)的NKX2.5表达质粒、4个基于pEGFP-N1的质粒;tRNA抑制子tRNA am能有效通读Q149X、Q170X、Q187X和Q198X,且对后三者的通读效率均在50%以上;tRNA op能有效通读C264X,通读效率约50%左右;tRNA oc不能通读NKX2.5 PTC突变;各通读后样本Cx43 mRNA相对表达量增加7%~41.7%;tRNA am和tRNA op能有效通读NKX2.5 PTC突变,产生具有功能的全长蛋白,但tRNA抑制子对细胞的其他影响还不明确,有待于进一步观察。  相似文献   

The initiation and elongation stages of translation are directed by codon-anticodon interactions. In contrast, a release factor protein mediates stop codon recognition prior to polypeptide chain release. Previous studies have identified specific regions of eukaryotic release factor one (eRF1) that are important for decoding each stop codon. The cavity model for eukaryotic stop codon recognition suggests that three binding pockets/cavities located on the surface of eRF1's domain one are key elements in stop codon recognition. Thus, the model predicts that amino acid changes in or near these cavities should influence termination in a stop codon-dependent manner. Previous studies have suggested that the TASNIKS and YCF motifs within eRF1 domain one play important roles in stop codon recognition. These motifs are highly conserved in standard code organisms that use UAA, UAG, and UGA as stop codons, but are more divergent in variant code organisms that have reassigned a subset of stop codons to sense codons. In the current study, we separately introduced TASNIKS and YCF motifs from six variant code organisms into eRF1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to determine their effect on stop codon recognition in vivo. We also examined the consequences of additional changes at residues located between the TASNIKS and YCF motifs. Overall, our results indicate that changes near cavities two and three frequently mediated significant effects on stop codon selectivity. In particular, changes in the YCF motif, rather than the TASNIKS motif, correlated most consistently with variant code stop codon selectivity.  相似文献   

真核基因起始与终止密码子旁侧序列的特征对于确定cDNA开放阅读框架 (ORF)和预测基因组序列中的编码区 (CDS)非常重要。基于高质量RefSeq数据库 ,在较大数据规模下统计分析了起始密码子旁侧序列所具有的“Kozak规则” ,发现不同物种之间存在差别。同时分析了不同终止密码子旁侧序列的统计学特征 ,给出了相应的正则表达式。由于发现多种基因中存在同相位起始、终止密码子串联使用的情况 ,亦对此进行了讨论。  相似文献   

We report the crystal structure of a termination complex containing release factor RF1 bound to the 70S ribosome in response to an amber (UAG) codon at 3.6‐Å resolution. The amber codon is recognized in the 30S subunit‐decoding centre directly by conserved elements of domain 2 of RF1, including T186 of the PVT motif. Together with earlier structures, the mechanisms of recognition of all three stop codons by release factors RF1 and RF2 can now be described. Our structure confirms that the backbone amide of Q230 of the universally conserved GGQ motif is positioned to contribute directly to the catalysis of the peptidyl‐tRNA hydrolysis reaction through stabilization of the leaving group and/or transition state. We also observe synthetic‐negative interactions between mutations in the switch loop of RF1 and in helix 69 of 23S rRNA, revealing that these structural features interact functionally in the termination process. These findings are consistent with our proposal that structural rearrangements of RF1 and RF2 are critical to accurate translation termination.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanism of stop codon recognition by the release factor eRF1 in complex with eRF3 has been described in great detail; however, our understanding of what determines the difference in termination efficiencies among various stop codon tetranucleotides and how near-cognate (nc) tRNAs recode stop codons during programmed readthrough in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is still poor. Here, we show that UGA-C as the only tetranucleotide of all four possible combinations dramatically exacerbated the readthrough phenotype of the stop codon recognition-deficient mutants in eRF1. Since the same is true also for UAA-C and UAG-C, we propose that the exceptionally high readthrough levels that all three stop codons display when followed by cytosine are partially caused by the compromised sampling ability of eRF1, which specifically senses cytosine at the +4 position. The difference in termination efficiencies among the remaining three UGA-N tetranucleotides is then given by their varying preferences for nc-tRNAs. In particular, UGA-A allows increased incorporation of Trp-tRNA whereas UGA-G and UGA-C favor Cys-tRNA. Our findings thus expand the repertoire of general decoding rules by showing that the +4 base determines the preferred selection of nc-tRNAs and, in the case of cytosine, it also genetically interacts with eRF1. Finally, using an example of the GCN4 translational control governed by four short uORFs, we also show how the evolution of this mechanism dealt with undesirable readthrough on those uORFs that serve as the key translation reinitiation promoting features of the GCN4 regulation, as both of these otherwise counteracting activities, readthrough versus reinitiation, are mediated by eIF3.  相似文献   

The two codon-specific eubacterial release factors (RF1: UAA/UAG and RF2: UAA/UGA) have specific tripeptide motifs (PXT/SPF) within an exposed recognition loop shown in recent structures to interact with stop codons during protein synthesis termination. The motifs have been inferred to be critical for codon specificity, but this study shows that they are insufficient to determine specificity alone. Swapping the motifs or the entire loop between factors resulted in a loss of codon recognition rather than a switch of codon specificity. From a study of chimeric eubacterial RF1/RF2 recognition loops and an atypical shorter variant in Caenorhabditis elegans mitochondrial RF1 that lacks the classical tripeptide motif PXT, key determinants throughout the whole loop have been defined. It reveals that more than one configuration of the recognition loop based on specific sequence and size can achieve the same desired codon specificity. This study has provided unexpected insight into why a combination of the two factors is necessary in eubacteria to exclude recognition of UGG as stop.  相似文献   

Stop codon read-through (SCR) is a process of continuation of translation beyond a stop codon. This phenomenon, which occurs only in certain mRNAs under specific conditions, leads to a longer isoform with properties different from that of the canonical isoform. MTCH2, which encodes a mitochondrial protein that regulates mitochondrial metabolism, was selected as a potential read-through candidate based on evolutionary conservation observed in the proximal region of its 3′ UTR. Here, we demonstrate translational read-through across two evolutionarily conserved, in-frame stop codons of MTCH2 using luminescence- and fluorescence-based assays, and by analyzing ribosome-profiling and mass spectrometry (MS) data. This phenomenon generates two isoforms, MTCH2x and MTCH2xx (single- and double-SCR products, respectively), in addition to the canonical isoform MTCH2, from the same mRNA. Our experiments revealed that a cis-acting 12-nucleotide sequence in the proximal 3′ UTR of MTCH2 is the necessary signal for SCR. Functional characterization showed that MTCH2 and MTCH2x were localized to mitochondria with a long t1/2 (>36 h). However, MTCH2xx was found predominantly in the cytoplasm. This mislocalization and its unique C terminus led to increased degradation, as shown by greatly reduced t1/2 (<1 h). MTCH2 read-through–deficient cells, generated using CRISPR-Cas9, showed increased MTCH2 expression and, consistent with this, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential. Thus, double-SCR of MTCH2 regulates its own expression levels contributing toward the maintenance of normal mitochondrial membrane potential.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genomic RNA contains an internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in its 5′ untranslated region, the structure of which is essential for viral protein translation. The IRES includes a predicted pseudoknot interaction near the AUG start codon, but the results of previous studies of its structure have been conflicting. Using mutational analysis coupled with activity and functional assays, we verified the importance of pseudoknot base pairings for IRES-mediated translation and, using 35 mutants, conducted a comprehensive study of the structural tolerance and functional contributions of the pseudoknot. Ribosomal toeprinting experiments show that the entirety of the pseudoknot element positions the initiation codon in the mRNA binding cleft of the 40S ribosomal subunit. Optimal spacing between the pseudoknot and the start site AUG resembles that between the Shine–Dalgarno sequence and the initiation codon in bacterial mRNAs. Finally, we validated the HCV IRES pseudoknot as a potential drug target using antisense 2′-OMe oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

Each of the four nucleotides (A, C, G and T) was introduced as the base following the stop codon to investigate the effect of this fourth base on translational termination efficiency during the heterologous expression of human erythropoietin (hEPO) in E. coli. The efficiency of peptide chain termination in E. coli was markedly dependent on the fourth base. The choice of the fourth base was crucial to prevent the expression of undesirable proteins due to the translational infidelity such as frameshifting and stop codon read-through, and translational termination efficiency could be improved with adenosine as the fourth base.  相似文献   

Translation initiation in eukaryotes involves more than a dozen protein factors. Alterations in six factors have been found to reduce the fidelity of start codon recognition by the ribosomal preinitiation complex in yeast, a phenotype referred to as Sui(-). No small molecules are known that affect the fidelity of start codon recognition. Such compounds would be useful tools for probing the molecular mechanics of translation initiation and its regulation. To find compounds with this effect, we set up a high-throughput screen using a dual luciferase assay in S. cerevisiae. Screening of over 55,000 compounds revealed two structurally related molecules that decrease the fidelity of start codon selection by approximately twofold in the dual luciferase assay. This effect was confirmed using additional in vivo assays that monitor translation from non-AUG start codons. Both compounds increase translation of a natural upstream open reading frame previously shown to initiate translation at a UUG. The compounds were also found to exacerbate increased use of UUG as a start codon (Sui(-) phenotype) conferred by haploinsufficiency of wild-type eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 1, or by mutation in eIF1. Furthermore, the effects of the compounds are suppressed by overexpressing eIF1, which is known to restore the fidelity of start codon selection in strains harboring Sui(-) mutations in various other initiation factors. Together, these data strongly suggest that the compounds affect the translational machinery itself to reduce the accuracy of selecting AUG as the start codon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The most common form of congenital muscular dystrophy is caused by a deficiency in the alpha2 chain of laminin-211, a protein of the extracellular matrix. A wide variety of mutations, including 20 to 30% of nonsense mutations, have been identified in the corresponding gene, LAMA2. A promising approach for the treatment of genetic disorders due to premature termination codons (PTCs) is the use of drugs to force stop codon readthrough. METHODS: Here, we analyzed the effects of two compounds on a PTC in the LAMA2 gene that targets the mRNA to nonsense-mediated RNA decay, in vitro using a dual reporter assay, as well as ex vivo in patient-derived myotubes. RESULTS: We first showed that both gentamicin and negamycin promote significant readthrough of this PTC. We then demonstrated that the mutant mRNAs were strongly stabilized in patient-derived myotubes after administration of negamycin, but not gentamicin. Nevertheless, neither treatment allowed re-expression of the laminin alpha2-chain protein, pointing to problems that may have arisen at the translational or post-translational levels. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our results emphasize that achievement of a clinical benefit upon treatment with novel readthrough-inducing agents would require several favourable conditions including PTC nucleotide context, intrinsic and induced stability of mRNA and correct synthesis of a full-length active protein.  相似文献   

Coupled expression of the M1 and BM2 open-reading frames (ORFs) of influenza B from the dicistronic segment 7 mRNA occurs by a process of termination-dependent reinitiation. The AUG start codon of the BM2 ORF overlaps the stop codon of the upstream M1 ORF in the pentanucleotide UAAUG, and BM2 synthesis is dependent upon translation of the M1 ORF and termination at the stop codon. Here, we have investigated the mRNA sequence requirements for BM2 expression. Termination-reinitiation is dependent upon 45 nucleotide (nt) of RNA immediately upstream of the UAAUG pentanucleotide, which includes an essential stretch complementary to 18S rRNA helix 26. Thus, similar to the caliciviruses, base-pairing between mRNA and rRNA is likely to play a role in tethering the 40S subunit to the mRNA following termination at the M1 stop codon. Consistent with this, repositioning of the M1 stop codon more than 24 nt downstream from the BM2 start codon inhibited BM2 expression. RNA structure probing revealed that the RNA upstream of the UAAUG overlap is not highly structured, but upon encountering the M1 stop codon by the ribosome, a stem-loop may form immediately 5' of the ribosome, with the 18S rRNA complementary region in the apical loop and in close proximity to helix 26. Mutational analysis reveals that the normal requirements for start site selection in BM2 expression are suspended, with little effect of initiation codon context and efficient use of noncanonical initiation codons. This suggests that the full complement of initiation factors is not required for the reinitiation process.  相似文献   

The high-resolution NMR structure of the N-domain of human eRF1, responsible for stop codon recognition, has been determined in solution. The overall fold of the protein is the same as that found in the crystal structure. However, the structures of several loops, including those participating in stop codon decoding, are different. Analysis of the NMR relaxation data reveals that most of the regions with the highest structural discrepancy between the solution and solid states undergo internal motions on the ps-ns and ms time scales. The NMR data show that the N-domain of human eRF1 exists in two conformational states. The distribution of the residues having the largest chemical shift differences between the two forms indicates that helices α2 and α3, with the NIKS loop between them, can switch their orientation relative to the β-core of the protein. Such structural plasticity may be essential for stop codon recognition by human eRF1.  相似文献   

RNA helicases play important roles in cellular processes such as pre-mRNA splicing, rRNA processing, ribosomal biogenesis, and translation. A full-length DEAD box RNA helicase cDNA (CfrHlc113) was isolated from the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. CfrHlc113 contained the eight functional motifs, which are highly conserved in the DEAD box RNA helicase family, and an arginine-serine-aspartate (RSD) domain at its N-terminal end. CfrHlc113 was highly homologous to Rattus norvegicus HEL117 and human prp5 genes, both of which are suggested to be involved in RNA splicing. The results of Northern and Western blotting showed that expression of the CfrHlc113 gene was low or undetectable in eggs, larvae, pupae, and adults. High levels of expression were, however, detected in the three in vitro cultured cell lines, CF-203, CF-124T, and CF-70, which were developed from the midgut, ovaries, and neonate larvae, respectively. Immunocytochemistry revealed that CfrHlc113 protein was present exclusively in the nuclei of these cell lines.  相似文献   

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