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There is good evidence that die three rarer British predatory mammals, the Polecat, Pine Marten and Wild Cat, owe their present restricted distribution to intense human persecution. Since this persecution has now diminished considerably, it would be feasible to attempt to reintroduce them to parts of Britain where they were exterminated last century. More important, however, would be attempts to reintroduce mammals which became totally extinct in historic times, including Aurochs, Boar, Brown Bear, Beaver and Wolf. The last of these survived the longest, and is a prime candidate for consideration. There are good ecological reasons for attempting to reintroduce it to Rhum, where the large herd of Red Deer has to be culled by one sixth each year in an attempt to reduce overgrazing and starvation. Evidence of studies in North America suggests that Wolf predation would be a far more efficient way of controlling the Red Deer; and it would be more in keeping with the management objectives of a National Nature Reserve. Similarly an attempt should be made to use genetically 'reconstituted' Tarpan and Aurochs to diversify the grazing, rather than domestic ponies and cattle.  相似文献   

Changing attitudes towards British mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This century has seen major changes in the composition of the British mammal fauna and the abundance of many species, but attitudes towards mammals have changed significantly only relatively recently. The influence of the Mammal Society, popular books, conservation campaigns, radio and television are considered. The passing of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 is identified as a turning point and major catalyst in developing new and positive attitudes, especially towards bats. Attitudes of an essentially urban public towards animals are increasingly unrelated to questions of economic utility and are becoming more paternalistic and protective. They also foster popular campaigns to ban blood sports which need careful appraisal because saving individuals of some common species may lead to loss of whole populations of others as a result of habitat changes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the distribution and abundance of small mammals in Swaziland in relation to quantified habitat features. Eighteen habitat sites were sampled at seven different locations in all four geographical regions of Swaziland. Small mammal diversity (as described by the Shannon diversity index) was positively correlated with vegetation density. A total of twelve species of rodents and seven species of shrews were captured; however, only six species were caught at more than three sites. Small mammal biomasses and densities were highest at the highveld and middleveld sites. Tall grassland at all elevations supported a high diversity of small mammals. Highveld montane forest supported a high biomass and diversity of species, while no species were captured in moist forest in the Lubombo mountains.  相似文献   

British Tertiary mammals are best represented in the Eocene and earliest Oligocene epochs. Additional occurrences are from the Miocene and Late Pliocene. The Eocene is marked by the occurrence of various extinct orders as well as the appearances of some of the earliest and must primitive artiodactyls and perissodactyls. The appearances in the Early Eocene and Early Oligocene represent major dispersal events, reflecting penecontemporaneous palaeogeographic changes. In the intervening timespan Britain was part of an European island, sharing its endemic terrestrial fauna. From the late Middle Eocene to earliest Oligocene, the British record is detailed enough to trace successive changes in the patterns of diversity and faunal turnover, which may relate to changing climate as well as to the dispersal events. It has been shown that changes in patterns of ecological diversity through the Eocene and earliest Oligocene match vegetational changes judged from plant fossils. They suggest a gradual transition from closed forest in the Early Eocene to a more open environment with reedmarsh and wooded patches by the end of the epoch.  相似文献   

Species response to environmental change may vary from adaptation to the new conditions, to dispersal towards territories with better ecological settings (known as habitat tracking), and to extinction. A phylogenetically explicit analysis of habitat tracking in Caenozoic large mammals shows that species moving over longer distances during their existence survived longer. By partitioning the fossil record into equal time intervals, we showed that the longest distance was preferentially covered just before extinction. This supports the idea that habitat tracking is a key reaction to environmental change, and confirms that tracking causally prolongs species survival. Species covering longer distances also have morphologically less variable cheek teeth. Given the tight relationship between cheek teeth form and habitat selection in large mammals, this supports the well-known, yet little tested, idea that habitat tracking bolsters morphological stasis.  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the stratigraphical distribution of British Mesozoic mammals, with notes on the localities where they are known and comments on their likely mode of life. Complete species lists are included.  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of five species of small mammals were studied on a 6.6 ha trapping grid in heathland on an undulating, deep, sandy podzol at Cranbourne, Victoria. The 120 sites were sorted into groups using a polythetic, agglomerative, non-hierarchical clustering procedure with (i) floristic and (ii) structural data. The dispersion of 4051 trap captures over 28 months was studied in relation to these groupings. Rattus lutreolus showed no preference for any of the structural groups, but good differentiation was obtained with the floristic groups. Dispersion of R. lutreolus was related to a sedge-food index, and seasonal change in R. lutreolus dispersion was related to change in rainfall. The preference of R. rattus for areas of wet heath of high structural complexity was best revealed using the structural classification. The results for the other species tended to favour the floristic rather than structural groups. Pseudomys novaehollandiae and Isoodon obesulus preferred dry heath of a younger successional stage. Mus musculus captures showed a preference for the dry heath generally. This preference was most pronounced in spring when the population was declining. The wet community species (R. lutreolus, R. rattus) tended to be food specialists and habitat generalists and the dry community species P. novaehollandiae, I. obesulus, M. musculus), exhibited converse traits.  相似文献   

Habitat structural complexity influences biotic diversity and abundance, but its influence on marine ecosystems has not been widely addressed. Recent advances in computer vision and robotics allow quantification of structural complexity at higher‐resolutions than previously achieved. This provides an important opportunity to determine the ecological role of habitat structural complexity in marine ecosystems. We used high‐resolution three‐dimensional (3D) maps to test multiple structural complexity metrics, depth and benthic biota as surrogates of fish assemblages across hundreds of meters on subtropical reefs. Non‐parametric multivariate statistics were used to determine the relationship between these surrogates and the entire fish assemblage. Fish were divided into functional groups, which were used to further investigate the relationship between surrogates and fish abundance using generalized linear models. Fish community composition and abundance were strongly related to habitat complexity metrics, benthic biota and depth. Surface rugosity and its variance had a significant positive influence on the abundance of piscivores and sediment infauna predators, and a negative effect on the abundance of predators, herbivores, planktivores and cleaners. Final models for fish functional groups explained up to 68% of the variance. The best metrics to explain the variance in fish abundance were benthic biota (25 ±7.5% of variance explained, mean ± SE) and complexity metrics (16 ±6.6%, mean ± SE). Our results show that high‐resolution 3D maps and derived metrics can predict a large percentage of variance in fish abundance and potentially serve as useful surrogates of fish abundance across all functional groups in spatially dynamic reefs.  相似文献   

Capsule Territory distribution for ten species was most strongly positively influenced by the presence of hedges and woodland edge.

Aims To describe and rank the importance of different habitat predictors on the distribution of bird territories.

Methods We derived territory maps for ten bird species across 25 sites on English lowland farmland in 2002. We related habitat predictors to the distribution of these species using information theoretic methods.

Results Habitat predictors were ranked as follows (numbers in parentheses indicate the number of species with a strong effect): hedge presence (8), boundary height (7), woodland edge (6), tree presence in boundary (4), brassica (mainly oil seed rape) (3), within‐field vegetation height (3), boundary strip (3), boundary width (3), tilled fields (3), winter set‐aside (2), ditch (1), winter stubble fields (1).

Conclusions Non‐cropped habitats had the most consistent positive effects across all ten species, with crop types and their margins exerting smaller effects.  相似文献   

Large and exciting raptors like white-tailed eagle and red kite have been restored to the skies of Scotland and England, and now there are advanced plans to return the beaver. These successes encourage debate on other missing animals, with the elusive Eurasian lynx as the next best candidate.  相似文献   

The study of mammals in Britain has progressed from studies of distribution and differentiation to the present time, when new challenges face mammal workers. We need to build upon past achievements and use both new technology and old-fashioned dedicated observation to learn why what mammal is whew.  相似文献   

Summary Species-area data from a study of marsh birds are used to test five predictions generated by the equilibrium theory of island biogeography. Three predictions are supported: we found a significant species-area relationship, a non-zero level of turnover, and a variance-mean ratio of 0.5. One prediction is rejected: the extinction rates were not greater on small islands. The results of one test are equivocal: the number of species on each island was not always the same. As Gilbert (1980) suggests, a strong species-area relationship alone does not validate the theory. The avian communities we studied were on habitat islands, not true islands, and underwent complete extinction annually. Thus caution must be used before applying the theory to these and other habitat islands.  相似文献   

Habitat selection, which is mainly a consequence of competition and predation, allows species to coexist. The present study was conducted in two reserves in an Atlantic Forest area in Santa Catarina State, southern Brazil, and provided information on several large mammal species through photographic records. Records were related to certain environmental parameters, such as width of passages (trails and roads), vegetation density and proximity to water, in order to assess the relationship between each mammal species and its microhabitat. Thirty-two camera trap stations were placed during 17 months for 150.8 (±62.2) days on average. Terrestrial mammals tended to use different habitats: Puma concolor used mainly dirt roads and open areas; Leopardus pardalis, Cerdocyon thous and Nasua nasua used more large trails and intermediate-forested sites; and Cuniculus paca, Dasypus novemcinctus, Leopardus tigrinus, Eira barbara and Leopardus wiedii were recorded more often on narrow trails and in densely forested sites. Some of these forest species, such as D. novemcinctus, C. paca and L. pardalis, also showed relationships with watercourses. Information on habitat selection allows more effort to be addressed to the habitat associated with focal species, and indicates the significance of environmental heterogeneity, which makes it possible for species to coexist.  相似文献   

Radio-tracking equipment designed by the late G. E. Ashwell is described. Detailed instructions are given for building transmitters suitable for foxes and rats so that the circuits can be made by people with only limited electronic knowledge. Constructional details are also provided for receiver aerials. The address of a firm that can supply receivers is given. The function and performance of each part of the equipment is described and details provided of the methods used by the authors to track mammals. The handling of mammals and attachment of transmitters is covered briefly. Some comments are included on the limitations of radio-tracking as a means of studying wild mammals.  相似文献   

Pattern analysis was used to investigate the habitat preferences of five small mammal species in tropical open-forest of the Northern Territory. Fifty-one sites were classified by faunal abundance and the groups examined for significant differences in vegetation structural attributes and plant species in both dry and wet seasons. The omnivore Isoodon macrourus showed strong association with floristic and vegetation structural attributes only in the dry season, when areas with a dense understorey of small trees and shrubs and a high percentage of leaf litter cover were favoured. Of the two primarily carnivorous species, Antechinus bellus was related strongly with floristic and structural attributes in both seasons and showed a consistent preference for areas with relatively dense low-level foliage (< 2m). By contrast, Dasyurus hallucatus was associated more with the structurally simple open-forest types. Of the two mainly herbivorous species Mesembdomys gouldii showed associations only withfioristics in both seasons, while the habitat relationships of Trichosurus arnhemensis were very weak due to its low abundance in the study area. The number and strength of animal/habitat relationships were greatest in the dry season. Forest types with dense mid-level foliage and abundant hollow logs and leaf litter had the greatest mammal richness and abundance; these areas may be critical to the survival of local mammal populations. A comparison of site-groups, defined independently on the basis of fauna, floristics or structure, showed that animal groups overlapped one to six of the habitat groups. The animal's perception of s‘habitat’ may thus differ from that of humans, or that defined by measurement of habitat attributes.  相似文献   

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