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Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) were prepared by the aqueous two-phase extraction of synaptic membranes in the presence of n-octyl glucoside. Incubation of postsynaptic densities with [gamma-32P]ATP resulted in the incorporation of 32P into a range of proteins. Isolation of glycoproteins from 32P-labelled PSDs by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A-agarose identified the postsynaptic glycoprotein of apparent Mr 180,000 (gp180) as a substrate for endogenous protein kinase(s). When the phosphorylation reaction was performed in the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin, there was an overall 13-fold increase in the phosphorylation of PSD proteins. The largest effects of calmodulin were associated with two proteins of molecular weights 51,000 and 60,000, which showed average calmodulin-dependent increases in phosphorylation of 68-fold. The phosphorylation of gp180 was increased 7.5-fold in the presence of calmodulin. Fifty percent of maximum phosphorylation of proteins and glycoproteins occurred with a free Ca2+ concentration of 0.3 X 10(-6) M. The amounts 12.6 micrograms/ml and 9.1 micrograms/ml of calmodulin were required for 50% of maximum phosphorylation of proteins and glycoproteins, respectively. Peptide mapping experiments identified three major phosphorylation sites in gp180. The phosphorylation of all three sites was increased in the presence of calmodulin. Phosphoamino acid analysis of gp180 revealed that [32P]phosphoserine and [32P]phosphothreonine were both produced during the phosphorylation reaction, with phosphoserine being the predominant product. The phosphorylation of both amino acids was increased in the presence of calmodulin. [32P]phosphotyrosine was also identified as a product of the phosphorylation of gp180.  相似文献   

Abstract: The major postsynaptic density protein, proposed to be a calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, becomes phosphorylated when a postsynaptic density preparation from rat cerebral cortex is incubated in medium containing calcium and calmodulin. Upon longer incubation, however, the level of phosphorylation declines, suggesting the presence of a phosphatase activity. When Microcystin-LR, a phosphatase inhibitor, is included in the phosphorylation medium, the decline in phosphorylation is prevented and a higher maximal level of phosphorylation can be achieved. Under these conditions, the maximal phosphorylation of major postsynaptic density protein is accompanied by a nearly complete shift in its electrophoretic mobility from 50 kDa to 54 kDa, similar to that described for the a subunit of the soluble calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II. Of the four major groups of serine/threonine protein phosphatases, the enzyme responsible for the dephosphorylation of major postsynaptic density protein is neither type 2C, which is insensitive to Microcystin-LR, nor type 2B, which is calcium-dependent. As Microcystin-LR is much more potent than okadaic acid in inhibiting the dephosphorylation of major postsynaptic density protein, it is likely that the postsynaptic density-associated phosphatase is a type 1. The above results indicate that the relatively low level of phosphorylation of the major postsynaptic density protein observed in preparations containing postsynaptic densities is not due to a difference between the cytoplasmic and postsynaptic density-associated calcium/calmodulin-dependent kinases as previously proposed, but to a phosphatase activity, presumably belonging to the type 1 group.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have previously described a monoclonal antibody, PAC 1, that recognises two postsynaptic density (PSD)-enriched glycoproteins (pgps) of apparent Mr 130,000 (pgp130) and 117,000 (pgp117). Immunodevelopment of western blots of rat forebrain homogenate, synaptic membrane (SM), and PSD samples with PAC 1 and an N-cadherin antiserum shows that pgp130 and N-cadherin are of identical apparent Mr and show identical patterns of enrichment in these fractions. The apparent molecular masses of pgp130 and N-cadherin are both lowered by 11 kDa following removal of N -linked carbohydrate with endoglycosidase-F containing N -glycopeptidase. The two molecules show an identical pattern of migration when separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. A single 130-kDa band immunoprecipitated from solubilised PSD preparations by the N-cadherin antiserum is recognised by PAC 1 on western blots. We conclude that pgp130 is N-cadherin. Development of western blots of two-dimensional gel separations of SM and PSD glycoproteins shows that N-cadherin is a major glycoprotein component of PSDs. The immunoprecipitation experiments show that the Mr of N-cadherin is greater than that of the major pgp, PSD gp116. The PAC 1 antibody recognises two concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins with apparent molecular masses of 136 and 127 kDa in liver samples. The 136-kDa band is also recognised by the N-cadherin antiserum. These observations, together with data showing that the PAC 1 epitope is intracellular, suggest that PAC 1 is a pan-cadherin antibody and recognises an epitope on the conserved cadherin intracellular carboxyl-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effects of the exposure of hippocampal slices to brief periods of ischemic-like conditions on the tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins and glycoproteins were investigated. Freshly prepared hippocampal slices contained a range of tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins and two prominent tyrosine-phosphorylated glycoproteins of apparent Mr 110,000 (GP110) and 180,000, which we have previously shown to correspond to the postsynaptic density (PSD)-associated glycoprotein PSD-GP180. When hippocampal slices were incubated in oxygenated Krebs-Ringer buffer containing 10 mM glucose (KRB), there was a transient increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of a protein of Mr 42,000 (p42) and a pronounced increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of GP110. After these initial changes, the tyrosine phosphorylation of all proteins remained constant for at least 60 min. In vitro “ischemia” was achieved by transferring slices that had been preincubated for 60 min in KRB to KRB that had been equilibrated with N2 instead of O2 and that did not contain glucose. Tyrosine-phosphorylated GP110 and PSD-GP180 could no longer be detected after 10 min of exposure of the slices to ischemic-like conditions. GP110 was rapidly rephosphorylated on tyrosine after transfer of slices back to oxygenated, glucose-containing buffer. In contrast, short periods of ischemia (5 or 10 min) resulted in the long-term loss of phosphotyrosine [Tyr(P)]-PSD-GP180 so that it was not detected even after 60 min of reincubation in oxygenated KRB. The sustained decrease in tyrosine phosphorylation of PSD-GP180 after ischemia was Ca2+ dependent, the levels of Tyr(P)-PSD-GP180 slowly increasing to preischemic values if Ca2+ was omitted from the incubation media. Reoxygenation of ischemic slices also resulted in the Ca2+-dependent, transient tyrosine phosphorylation of p42. The major PSD-associated, tyrosine-phosphorylated glycoprotein of molecular mass 180 kDa has recently been identified as the NR2B subunit of the NMDA receptor. The results suggest that changes in tyrosine phosphorylation after an ischemic insult may modulate the NMDA receptor or signal transduction pathways in the postsynaptic cell and are consistent with a role for tyrosine phosphorylation in the sequence of events leading to neuronal cell damage and death.  相似文献   

The relationship between postnatal age and protein tyrosine kinase activity in synaptosomes prepared from the rat forebrain was studied. Synaptosomal particulate and soluble fractions, as well as total homogenates, the cell soluble fraction, and P3, were prepared from rats ranging in postnatal age from 5 to 60 days and analyzed for (a) tyrosine kinase activity using polyglutamyltyrosine (4:1) as the substrate, (b) the presence of endogenous substrates for tyrosine phosphorylation using polyclonal antibodies specific for phosphotyrosine, and (c) levels of pp60src. Enzyme activity, expressed per milligram of protein, in the total homogenate, P3, and both the cell and synaptosomal soluble fractions was highest in the brains of young animals (postnatal days 5-10) and decreased thereafter to adult levels. In contrast, tyrosine kinase activity in the synaptosomal particulate fraction exhibited a unique biphasic developmental profile, increasing to maxima at postnatal days 10 and 20 before decreasing to adult values. Endogenous substrates for tyrosine phosphorylation were identified by incubating subcellular fractions with 2 mM ATP in the presence of sodium orthovanadate and probing nitrocellulose blots of proteins separated by gel electrophoresis with antiphosphotyrosine antibodies. Several phosphotyrosine-containing proteins were detected in the synaptosomal particulate and P3 fractions, including proteins of Mr 180K, 145K, 120K, 100K, 77K, 68K, 62K, 54K, 52K, and 42K. In the cell soluble fraction a protein doublet of Mr 54/52K and a 120K protein were the major phosphotyrosine-containing proteins. The 54/52K doublet was the major protein tyrosine kinase substrate in the synaptosomal soluble fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) was radioactively labelled with 32P both in intact brain and in myelin membrane preparations. Chemical deglycosylation of the phosphorylated products revealed that only one of the MAG isoforms (L-MAG) is labelled in vitro. Furthermore, the phosphorylation events in vivo and in vitro are confined to the cytoplasmic portion of the L-MAG isoform. Tryptic mapping of L-MAG labelled both in vivo and in vitro revealed that the majority of the sites phosphorylated in intact brain are also phosphorylated in myelin membrane preparations; however, the extent of phosphorylation at individual sites is variable. The results demonstrate that partially purified myelin membrane preparations can be used to study the enzymes responsible for MAG phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events in vivo.  相似文献   

The major postsynaptic density protein (mPSDp), comprising greater than 50% of postsynaptic density (PSD) protein, is an endogenous substrate for calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation as well as a calmodulin-binding protein in PSD preparations. The results in this investigation indicate that mPSDp is highly homologous with the major calmodulin-binding subunit (p) of tubulin-associated calmodulin-dependent kinase (TACK), and that PSD fractions also contain a protein homologous with the sigma-subunit of TACK. Homologies between mPSDp and a 63,000 dalton PSD protein and the rho- and sigma-subunits of TACK were established by the following criteria: (1) identical apparent molecular weights; (2) identical calmodulin-binding properties; (3) manifestation of Ca2+-calmodulin-stimulated autophosphorylation; (4) identical isoelectric points; (5) identical calmodulin binding and autophosphorylation patterns on two-dimensional gels; (6) homologous two-dimensional tryptic peptide maps; and (7) similar phosphoamino acid-specific phosphorylation of tubulin. The results suggest that mPSDp is a calmodulin-binding protein involved in modulating protein kinase activity in the postsynaptic density and that a tubulin kinase system homologous with TACK exists in a membrane-bound form in the PSD.  相似文献   

The P0 protein in mammalian PNS myelin is known to undergo several posttranslational modifications, such as glycosylation, acylation, sulfation, and phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of purified P0 protein in vitro was studied comparatively using three enzymes, i.e., calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C), calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaM kinase II), and the catalytic subunit of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (A kinase). The phosphorylation of P0 protein by CaM kinase II was the greatest, followed by that by protein kinase C; phosphorylation by A kinase, however, was much lower. In order to identify phosphorylation sites, P0 protein was phosphorylated with [32P]ATP and each kinase and then digested with lysylendopeptidase. The resulting phosphopeptides were isolated by HPLC. Subsequent amino acid sequence analysis and comparison with the known sequence of P0 protein revealed that Ser181 and Ser204 were strongly phosphorylated by both protein kinase C and CaM kinase II. In addition, Ser214 was also phosphorylated by protein kinase C, but not by CaM kinase II. Because all of these sites are located in the cytoplasmic domain of P0 protein, phosphorylation may be important for maintenance of the major dense line of PNS myelin.  相似文献   

Synaptic plasma membranes from chicken brain were used to isolate a postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction using an aqueous two-phase polymer system and the detergent n-octyl glucoside. The protein and glycoprotein composition and the morphology of the day-old chicken brain PSD fraction were compared with a PSD fraction isolated from 12-week-old chicken brain. The PSD fraction from day-old chicken brain contained predominantly PSDs although, like the fraction from 12-week-old chicken, there was some membrane contamination. The major polypeptides in the day-old chicken fraction resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis comigrated with alpha- and beta-tubulin (Mr 57,000 and 55,000) and actin (Mr 45,000). The major PSD polypeptide (mPSDp) of 12-week-old chicken forebrain, which has a molecular weight of 52,000 was not a major component in day-old chicken. A polypeptide of molecular weight 63,000 was also far more prominent in the 12-week-old chicken PSD fraction whereas the reverse was true for a polypeptide of 31,000. Day-old chicken brain PSDs contained at least 14 concanavalin A-binding glycoproteins of high (greater than 85,000) molecular weight, the two most prominent having molecular weights of 170,000 and 180,000. In contrast to the polypeptide composition, the glycoprotein pattern of day-old chicken PSDs was very similar to that of the 12-week-old bird. Intraperitoneally injected [3H]fucose was incorporated into the glycoproteins of synaptic plasma membranes and PSDs from day-old chickens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The proposed structural protein of peripheral nerve myelin, P0, has been shown to have several covalent modifications. In addition to being glycosylated, sulfated, and acylated, P0 is phosphorylated, with the intracellular site of this latter addition being in question. By employing nerve injury models that exhibit different levels of P0 biosynthesis in the absence and presence of myelin assembly, we have examined the cellular location of P0 phosphorylation. It is demonstrated that there is comparable P0 phosphorylation in both normal and crush-injured adult rat sciatic nerves, although the level of biosynthesis of P0 differs between these myelin maintaining and actively myelinating nerve models, respectively. The glycoprotein does not appear to be phosphorylated readily in the transected adult sciatic nerve, a preparation in which P0 biosynthesis is observed but that lacks myelin membrane. These observations suggest that the modification is not associated with the biosynthesis or maturation of P0 in the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi, but that it instead occurs after myelin assembly. That P0 phosphorylation occurs in the normal nerve even when translation is inhibited by cycloheximide treatment lends further support to this conclusion. P0 is shown to be phosphorylated on one or more serine residues, with all or most of the phosphate group(s) being labile as evidenced by pulse-chase analysis. Addition of a biologically active phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate or 4 beta-phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate, substantially increases the extent of [32P]orthophosphate incorporation into the glycoprotein of normal and crushed nerve but not transected nerve. Biologically inactive 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate has no effect on P0 phosphorylation. Similarly, the addition of the cyclic AMP analog 8-bromo-cyclic AMP causes no appreciable changes in P0 labeling. These findings indicate that the phorbol ester-sensitive enzyme, protein kinase C, may be responsible for the phosphorylation of P0 within the myelin membrane.  相似文献   

We have used synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) and postsynaptic densities (PSDs) to study protein phosphorylation at the synapse in the developing chick forebrain and in 1-day-old chick forebrain following training on a passive avoidance task. Endogenous phosphorylation patterns in SPMs and PSDs prepared by extraction with n-octylglucoside isolated from chick forebrain were investigated by labelling with [32P]ATP. The phosphoprotein components of the SPM and PSD fractions were separated using sodium dodecyl sulphate gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography and densitometry of the Coomassie Blue protein staining pattern revealed phosphate incorporation into several SPM components including those of molecular mass 52, 37, and 29 kilodaltons (kDa). Bands of similar molecular mass were not phosphorylated in PSD fractions. This difference in phosphorylation between SPMs and PSDs was not due to the detergent n-octylglucoside. In a developmental study in which SPM and PSD fractions were prepared from 1-day-old, 14-day-old, and 21-day-old chickens, the phosphorylation patterns of SPMs were similar throughout, but striking differences occurred in PSDs, both in the level of phosphorylation and in the components phosphorylated. A time-course study was carried out in which phosphorylation of SPMs and PSDs from 1-day-old chicks trained on a passive avoidance task was compared with patterns from control chicks trained on a water-coated bead and untrained chicks. In SPMs prepared from forebrains removed 10 mins following training, a consistent but nonsignificant decrease (-21%) in phosphorylation of a 52 kDa band occurred in chicks with passive avoidance training compared with water-trained and untrained chicks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Calcium/calmodulin (CaM)-dependent protein kinase II (CaM-kinase II) contained within the postsynaptic density (PSD) was shown to become partially Ca2+-independent following initial activation by Ca2+/CaM. Generation of this Ca2+-independent species was dependent upon autophosphorylation of both subunits of the enzyme in the presence of Mg2+/ATP/Ca2+/CaM and attained a maximal value of 74 +/- 5% of the total activity within 1-2 min. Subsequent to the generation of this partially Ca2+-independent form of PSD CaM-kinase II, addition of EGTA to the autophosphorylation reaction resulted in further stimulation of 32PO4 incorporation into both kinase subunits and a loss of stimulation of the kinase by Ca2+/CaM. Examination of the sites of Ca2+-dependent autophosphorylation by phosphoamino acid analysis and peptide mapping of both kinase subunits suggested that phosphorylation of Thr286/287 of the alpha- and beta-subunits, respectively, may be responsible for the transition of PSD CaM-kinase II to the Ca2+-independent species. A synthetic peptide 281-309 corresponding to a portion of the regulatory domain (residues 281-314) of the soluble kinase inhibited syntide-2 phosphorylation by the Ca2+-independent form of PSD CaM-kinase II (IC50 = 3.6 +/- 0.8 microM). Binding of Ca2+/CaM to peptide 281-309 abolished its inhibitory property. Phosphorylation of Thr286 in peptide 281-309 also decreased its inhibitory potency. These data suggest that CaM-kinase II in the PSD possesses regulatory properties and mechanisms of activation similar to the cytosolic form of CaM-kinase II.  相似文献   

Abstract: Myelin membrane prepared from mouse sciatic nerve possesses both kinase and substrates to incorporate [32P]PO43− from [γ-32P]ATP into protein constituents. Among these, P0 glycoprotein is the major phosphorylated species. To identify the phosphorylated sites, P0 protein was in vitro phosphorylated, purified, and cleaved by CNBr. Two 32P-phosphopeptides were isolated by HPLC. The exact localization of the sequences around the phosphorylated sites was determined. The comparison with rat P0 sequence revealed, besides a Lys172 to Arg substitution, that in the first peptide, two serine residues (Ser176 and Ser181) were phosphorylated, Ser176 appearing to be modified subsequently to Ser181. In the second peptide, Ser197, Ser199, and Ser204 were phosphorylated. All these serines are clustered in the C-terminal region of P0 protein. This in vitro study served as the basis for the identification of the in vivo phosphorylation sites of the C terminal region of P0. We found that, in vivo, Ser181 and Ser176 are not phosphorylated, whereas Ser197, Ser199, Ser204, Ser208, and Ser214 are modified to various extents. Our results strongly suggest that the phosphorylation of these serine residues alters the secondary structure of this domain. Such a structural perturbation could play an important role in myelin compaction at the dense line level.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dystrophin associates with a 58-kDa and an 87-kDa protein in the postsynaptic membrane of the Torpedo electric organ. We have previously shown that the 87-kDa protein is a major phosphotyrosine-containing protein in these membranes. Immunoprecipitation of the 87-kDa protein from phosphorylated postsynaptic membranes results in coimmunoprecipitation of additional phosphoproteins. These phosphoproteins are identified as dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein. Monoclonal antibodies to dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein immunoprecipitate phosphorylated forms of these proteins from postsynaptic membranes phosphorylated in vitro. Phosphoamino acid analysis reveals that dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein are phosphorylated on serine and tyrosine residues. In addition, both dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein are shown to be phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in vivo. These results suggest that the synaptic function of dystrophin and its associated proteins, the 58-kDa and 87-kDa proteins, may be modulated by tyrosine and serine protein Phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Postmortem Accumulation of Tubulin in Postsynaptic Density Preparations   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
Abstract: Postsynaptic density (PSD) preparations isolated from canine cerebral cortex that had been left at 0–37°C for various times were found to become enriched in two bands in a time- but not temperature-dependent manner. The two bands were identified as tubulin subunits by gel mobility and immunology. Of all the isolated synaptic structures the increase in tubulin occurred primarily in the PSD fraction. The increase of tubulin also occurred in PSD preparations isolated from canine cerebellum and rat forebrain. Results obtained when PSD fractions were isolated from canine brain obtained as rapidly as possible after the death of the animal indicate that the maximum amount of tubulin in the PSD preparations is 2.5% of total Coomassie blue-stained protein as determined by scanning of gel electrophoretograms. These results imply that tubulin is probably not a major structural protein of the PSD as it exists in situ.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors purified from porcine cerebrum were phosphorylated by protein kinase C purified from the same tissue. More than 1 mol of phosphate was incorporated per mole of receptor, with both serine and threonine residues being phosphorylated. Neither the degree nor the rate of the phosphorylation was affected by the presence or absence of acetylcholine. GTP-sensitive high-affinity binding with acetylcholine was observed for muscarinic receptors reconstituted with GTP-binding proteins (Gi or Go), irrespective of whether muscarinic receptors or the GTP-binding proteins had been phosphorylated by protein kinase C or not. This indicates that the interaction between purified muscarinic receptors and purified GTP-binding proteins in vitro is not affected by their phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Abstract: The composition of tissue gangliosides is thought to result mainly from the active regulation and selective expression of specific enzymes responsible for their metabolism. In the last few years, we have purified several rat brain sialyltransferases to homogeneity; the availability of these highly purified enzymes enabled us to investigate their regulation and expression at the molecular level. Thus, we studied the regulation of sialyltransferase activities, in particular, CMP-NeuAc:GM1 and CMP-NeuAc:LacCer sialyltransferases by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation mechanism. Protein kinase C was added to a standard enzyme assay mixture containing [γ-32P]ATP, and the activity of the enzyme was measured after various incubation times. We found that treatment of several sialyltransferases by protein kinase C decreased their activities in a time-dependent manner. Analyses of 32P-labeled amino acids revealed that the major phosphorylation site of CMP-NeuAc:GM1 α2→3 sialyltransferase (ST-IV) was serine and that for CMP-NeuAc:LacCer α2→3 sialyltransferase (ST-I) was primarily threonine. Partial recovery of the enzyme activity could be achieved by treatment of the phosphorylated sialyltransferases with rat brain protein phosphatase. We conclude that the activities of sialyltransferases can be modulated by protein kinase C and protein phosphatase and this may represent a potential regulatory mechanism for ganglioside biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: To clarify the regulatory mechanism of the N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) receptor/channel by several protein kinases, we examined the effects of purified type II of protein kinase C (PKC-II), endogenous Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMK-II), and purified cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase on NMDA receptor/ channel activity in the postsynaptic density (PSD) of rat brain. Purified PKC-II and endogenous CaMK-II catalyzed the phosphorylation of 80–200-kDa proteins in the PSD and l -glutamate-(or NMDA)-induced increase of (+)-5-[3H]methyl-10, 11-dihydro-5 H -dibenzo[a, d]cyclohepten-5, 10-imine maleate ([3H]MK-801; open channel blocker for NMDA receptor/channel) binding activity was significantly enhanced. However, the pretreatment of PKC-II-and CaMK-II-catalyzed phosphorylation did not change the binding activity of l -[3H]glutamate, cis -4-[3H](phospho-nomethyl)piperidine-2-carboxylate ([3H]CGS-19755; competitive NMDA receptor antagonist), [3H]glycine, α-[3H]-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionate, or [3H]-kainate in the PSD. Pretreatment with PKC-II-and CaMK-II-catalyzed phosphorylation enhanced l -glutamate-induced increase of [3H]MK-801 binding additionally, although purified cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase did not change l -glutamate-induced [3H]MK-801 binding. From these results, it is suggested that PKC-II and/or CaMK-II appears to induce the phosphorylation of the channel domain of the NMDA receptor/channel in the PSD and then cause an enhancement of Ca2+ influx through the channel.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Neuronal Kinesin Heavy and Light Chains In Vivo   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract: The microtubule-based motor protein kinesin is thought to drive anterograde organelle transport in axons, but nothing is known about how its force-generating activity or organelle-binding properties are regulated. Studies in other motility systems suggest that protein phosphorylation is a reasonable candidate for this function. I report here that the kinesin heavy chain (HC) and light chain (LC), as well as the 160-kDa kinesin-associated protein kinectin, are phosphorylated in vivo in cultures of chick sympathetic neurons and PC12 cells labeled metabolically with 32P. In neurons, both kinesin chains are phosphorylated exclusively on serine residues, and limiting tryptic digestion demonstrated that the phosphorylation sites are clustered in a region of ˜5 kDa for the HC and ˜14 kDa for the LC. Partial tryptic digestion of 32P-labeled HC followed by immunoblotting with SUK4 monoclonal anti-HC and fluorography showed that the sites of HC phosphorylation are outside the globular N-terminal head region where kinesin's microtubulebinding and mechanochemical activities reside. Treatment of metabolically labeled neurons with forskolin, phorbol esters, or calcium ionophore did not alter the extent of phosphorylation, the phosphoamino acid composition, or the V8 protease phosphopeptide maps of the HC, LC, and 160-kDa protein, with one exception: treatment with calcium ionophore reduced the specific activity of the LC. In addition, when kinesin from PC12 cells was compared with that from PC12-derived cell lines lacking protein kinase A activity, neither the extent of phosphorylation nor the phosphopeptide maps were altered for either chain. Phosphopeptide mapping experiments also showed that postlysis kinase activity can phosphorylate both the neuronal HC and LC at sites not phosphorylated in vivo.  相似文献   

Synaptic membranes were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP, and glycoproteins were isolated by affinity chromatography on concanavalin A agarose. Glycoproteins accounted for 1.5-2.5% of the total 32P incorporated into synaptic membrane proteins. Ca2+ and calmodulin enhanced the phosphorylation of synaptic membrane glycoproteins approximately threefold. In the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin, the rate of glycoprotein dephosphorylation was also increased three- to four-fold. Gel electrophoretic analysis identified several synaptic membrane glycoproteins that incorporated 32P, with the most highly labeled glycoprotein under basal phosphorylating conditions having an apparent Mr of 205,000 (gpiii). Ca2+ and calmodulin produced a marked increase in the phosphorylation of a glycoprotein with an apparent Mr of 180,000 (gpiv) and lesser increases in the labeling of three other glycoproteins. Membranes that had been labeled with [gamma-32P]ATP were extracted with Triton X-100 under conditions that yield a detergent-insoluble residue enriched in postsynaptic structures. The Triton X-100 insoluble residue accounted for 20-25% of the 32P associated with synaptic membrane glycoproteins. Gpiv and other glycoproteins, the phosphorylation of which was stimulated by calmodulin, were located exclusively in the Triton X-100 insoluble residue, whereas gpiii and other calmodulin-insensitive glycoproteins partitioned predominantly into the Triton X-100-soluble fraction. Phosphopeptide maps and phosphoamino acid analysis of gpiv isolated from synaptic membranes and a postsynaptic glycoprotein of apparent Mr of 180,000 (gp180) isolated from synaptic junctions indicated that the former protein was identical to the previously identified postsynaptic-specific gp180. In addition to phosphoserine and phosphothreonine, gpiv also contained phosphotyrosine, identifying it as a substrate for tyrosine-protein kinase as well as for Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

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