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The floral biology and breeding system of Alpinia blepharocalyx were studied in Yunnan province, southwest China. Our results indicate that populations of A. blepharocalyx have two floral morphs, which differ in flowering behaviour: the cataflexistylous morph in which the stigma is held erect above the dehiscent anther when anthesis begins in the morning and becomes curved under the anther at afternoon, and the anaflexistylous morph in which the receptive stigma is curved under the indehiscent anther first and moves into a reflexed superior position above the anther as it begins to shed pollen in the afternoon; the flowering period of both floral morphs is 12 hours; the stylar movements in the two floral morphs are synchronous, and they have similar traits to those found in other Alpinia species previously reported. Also, on average, cataflexistylous flowers are larger than anaflexistylous flowers, especially the labellum and corolla tube length; moreover, the P/O ratio of the two floral morphs is significantly different: the cataflexistylous morph has more pollen grains and fewer ovules than the anaflexistylous morph; the evolutionary significance of this comparison is discussed. Cataflexistylous flowers were observed to produce a lower concentration of nectar than that of anaflexistylous flowers before 11:00 a.m., but they then have higher nectar concentration; cataflexistylous flowers always have more nectar than anaflexistylous flowers. Flowers of A. blepharocalyx were visited by fewer insects at a lower frequency, including honey bees (Apis cerana cerana) and two species of carpenter bees (Xylocopa spp.). No significant differences were found in the fruit set among the hand-pollination treatments regardless of selfing (geitonogamy and autogamy) or crossing (intermorph and intramorph); but all hand-pollination treatments exhibited much higher fruit set than the controls; meanwhile, no fruit set occurred in the unpollinated bagged plants. Pollen tube growth was examined using fluorescence microscopy following self, intramorph, and intermorph hand pollinations at different times of the day; the pollen tubes of both floral morphs have the same growth rate and the capability to reach the ovary. Both the results of pollen tube growth and fruit sets under different pollination conditions show that A. blepharocalyx is self-compatible and dependent upon insects for pollination. The distinctive flexistyly mechanism of A. blepharocalyx is likely a floral mechanism that promotes effective intermorph pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Opuntia brunneogemmia andO. viridirubra occur sympatrically in the Serra do Sudeste, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Their flowers have 450–600 thigmonastic stamens and provide large amounts of pollen and nectar for bees. Bees of 41 species were registered at the flowers ofO. brunneogemmia and 30 at the flowers ofO. viridirubra. Females of three oligolectic species are the only effective pollinators:Ptilothrix fructifera (Anthophoridae),Lithurgus rufiventris (Megachilidae), andCephalocolletes rugata (Colletidae). During their visits inOpuntia-flowers, bees touch the filaments and stimulate the movement of the stamens to the centre of the flower. At the end of this movement, the anthers are densely packed around the style. As a consequence the pollen is presented in an easily accessible upper layer of anthers and various, nearly inaccessible lower layers. The lower layers contain about 80% of the pollen reward. Only females of the three oligolectic pollinators exploit the pollen from the lower layers and reach the nectar furrow. Therefore, through their stamen movements,Opuntia flowers hide most of their pollen from flower visitors but favour effectively pollinating, oligolectic bees.  相似文献   

Individual flowers ofMoraea inclinata are nectariferous and last about six hours. They appear to be pollinated largely by bees in the familyHalictidae (Lasioglossum spp.,Nomia spp.,Zonalictus) and to a lesser extent by bees in the familyAnthophoridae (Amegilla). The mechanism of bee-pollination inM. inclinata is the Iris type; i.e., each flower consists of three pollination units (an outer tepal, a partly exserted anther, and the opposed style branch which terminates in a pair of petal-like crests). Bees rarely visit more than one pollination unit per flower. Transferral of pollen to the bee is passive and nototribic although all bees collected on the flowers were female and 55% of the bees carried pollen loads with 2–5 pollen taxa in their scopae.Moraea brevistyla flowers are nectariferous but lack scent and last two days. They are visited infrequently by bees and only one femaleLasioglossum spec. carried the pollen ofM. brevistyla. Unlike flowers ofM. inclinata those ofM. brevistyla deposit pollen only on the head and thorax. Bee-mediated autogamy in both species is avoided due to the erratic foraging patterns of the bees and the flexibility of each stigma lobe as the bee backs out of the flower. Approximately 2–4 flowers in the inflorescences of both species (6–8 flowers/infloresence) develop into capsules.  相似文献   

In direct contrast to mostHibbertia spp., the flowers ofH. fasciculata R. Br. ex D. C. bear only a single whorl of stamens and these stamens are arranged separately (not in typical bundles). The short filaments are appressed to the three carpels so that the inflated, porose and introrsive anthers form a centralized cluster obscuring the three ovaries. The three slender styles emerge at right angles from between the filaments. These styles curve upward and the stigmas form the three points of a triangle; each stigma is approximately one millimeter outside the centralized cluster of anthers. The flowers are nectarless and bear a bright yellow corolla. A pungent and unpleasant fragrance appears to be concentrated within the pollenkitt. When native bees attempt to forage for the pollen, within the cluster of anthers, the ventrally deposited loads of pollen, on the bees' abdomens, contact the outer triangle of stigmas. The major pollinators ofH. fasciculata are female bees in the polylectic genera,Lasioglossum (subgenusChilalictus, Halictidae) andLeioproctus (Colletidae). These bees carry an average of more than two pollen taxa when they are caught foraging onH. fasciculata. 78% of the 47 bees, captured onH. fasciculata carried the pollen from at least one sympatric taxon bearing nectariferous flowers (e.g., genera in theMyrtaceae, Compositae, andEpacridaceae). The pollination biology ofH. fasciculata is assessed in relation to the known radiation of bee-pollinated flowers in the genusHibbertia, and within theDilleniaceae s. l.  相似文献   

Schrankia nuttalii flowers through late spring on the tallgrass prairie. Although each stem produces an average of 26 capitate inflorescences only 12% of those inflorescences will open each day to disperse and receive polyads. Each inflorescence may live up to 48 hours but anthers abscise by late afternoon on the first day and the filaments change color and lose their scent. The 78–93 florets comprising each inflorescence open synchronously before dawn or during early morning hours. First day inflorescences ofS. nuttallii are herkogamous and fragrant. They are nectarless. Bombyliid flies and male bees are infrequent floral foragers so the major pollinators include female bees representing five families;Anthophoridae, Apidae, Colletidae, Halictidae, andMegachilidae. All foraging insects ignore second day inflorescences although stigmas are still receptive. Although 97% of all bees collected onS. nuttallii carrySchrankia polyads in their scopae or corbiculae 59% also carry the pollen/pollinaria of one or more coblooming angiosperms. At least 98% of all bees carrying mixed pollen loads incorporate the pollen/pollinaria of one or more nectariferous taxa (e.g.Asclepias spp.,Asteraceae, Convolvulaceae, Delphinium spec., etc.). Species of halictid bees are more likely to carry pure loads ofS. nuttallii polyads (70%) than bees of the four remaining families. Due to the nectarless florets and high degree of polylectic foraging bee-pollination inS. nuttallii converges more closely with the pollination systems of some AustralianAcacia spp. than with most other xeric/tropical genera of mimosoids studied in the western hemisphere.  相似文献   

In hermaphrodite neotropicalLauraceae a highly evolved dichogamous system is present which represents a kind of temporal dioecy. This system involves the existence of two flower morphs which are characterized by reciprocal phases of receptivity of the stigmas and pollen release. In some genera (Persea, Cinnamomum), nectar is produced as a reward for the flower visitors, while in other genera (Aniba, Clinostemon, Licaria), nectar is absent and pollen seems to be the only reward. This implies that in this case the flowers in the female stage must be deceptive flowers. In dioecious species of the generaOcotea andNectandra, both the male and female flowers attract the visitors with nectar. The pollen-ovule ratio of theLauraceae is comparatively low. — The type of reproductive system that characterizes theLauraceae, comprising functional dioecy, small, inconspicuously coloured flowers, pollination by small bees, and large, one-seeded fruits dispersed by birds, is quite prominent among trees of various families in the tropical lowland forest. The relationship between the different modes of flowering within theLauraceae and the causes for the correlation of their reproductive traits are discussed.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

Summary The frequencies of floral morphs in populations of tristylous Eichhornia paniculata often deviate from the theoretical expectation of equality. This variation is associated with the breakdown of tristyly and the evolution of self-fertilization. Differences in morph frequencies could result from selection pressures due to variable levels of insect visitation to populations and contrasting foraging behavior among the floral morphs. We estimated pollinator densities in 16 populations and quantified visitation sequences to morphs in five populations of E. paniculata in northeastern Brazil. Foraging behavior among floral morphs was measured as the frequency of visits to morphs relative to their frequency in the population (preference) and number of flights between inflorescences of the same versus different morphs (constancy). Pollinator density (number/m2/minute) was not correlated with population size, plant density or morph diversity. Pollinator densities varied most among populations of less than 200 plants. Whether pollinators discriminated among the morphs, depended on whether they primarily collected nectar or pollen. In four populations, nectar-feeding bees (Ancyloscelis and Florilegus spp.) and butterflies showed no consistent preference or constancy among the morphs. In contrast, pollen-collecting bees (Trigona sp.) visited a lower proportion of longstyled inflorescences than expected and tended to visit more mid-and short-styled inflorescences in succession, once they were encountered. Pollinator constancy for morphs did not result from differences in inflorescence production or spatial patchiness among the morphs. Although non-random pollinator visitation to morphs in heterostylous populations could potentially affect mating and hence morph frequencies, the observed visitation patterns in this study do not provide evidence that pollinators play a major role in influencing floral morph frequencies.  相似文献   

Flexible pedicels are characteristic of birdpollinated plants, yet have received little attention in studies of hummingbird-flower interactions. A major implication of flexible pedicels is that flowers may move during pollination. We examined whether such motion affected interactions between ruby-throated hummingbirds (Archilochus colubris) and jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) by increasing pollen deposition and by altering the effectiveness of nectar removal. For I. capensis, flower mobility enhanced pollen deposition: birds had significantly longer contact with anthers and more pollen deposited on their bills and crowns when foraging at mobile flowers than at flowers that had been experimentally immobilized. In contrast, flower mobility imposed a cost on hummingbirds by significantly increasing their handling times and reducing their extraction rates relative to their interactions with immobile flowers. Field observations indicated that the motion observed during hummingbird visits did not occur when bees (Bombus spp., Apis mellifera) visited I. capensis flowers, which suggests that the mobility of I. capensis flowers is an adaptation for hummingbird pollination.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of the pollinators of tristylous Pontederia cordata was studied to determine if differences in floral morphology would lead to preferential visitation of the floral morphs. Although nectar production is not different in the three floral morphs, differences in the production and size of pollen grains produced by the three anther levels results in the morphs offering variable amounts of resources to pollen-collecting insects. Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) and the solitary bee Melissodes apicata used P. cordata primarily as a nectar source and therefore did not seem to exhibit any morph preference. In contrast, honeybees visited flowers mainly for pollen and preferred to forage on long-level anthers of the short-and mid-styled morphs. An analysis of the composition of corbicular pollen loads indicated that, relative to the frequency of production in the population: 1) honeybees collected an excess of pollen from long-level anthers; 2) bumblebees collected the three types of pollen without any apparent preference; and 3) M. apicata preferentially collected pollen from the short-level anthers — presumably because their proboscides are modified by the presence of tiny hairs. The results suggest that P. cordata in Ontario is serviced by a diverse, unspecialized pollinator fauna which is not co-adapted to the tristylous floral polymorphism.  相似文献   

Bees foraging for nectar should choose different inflorescences from those foraging for both pollen and nectar, if inflorescences consist of differing proportions of male and female flowers, particularly if the sex phases of the flowers differ in nectar content as well as the occurrence of pollen. This study tested this prediction using worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) foraging on inflorescences of Lavandula stoechas. Female flowers contained about twice the volume of nectar of male flowers. As one would predict, bees foraging for nectar only chose inflorescences with disproportionately more female flowers: time spent on the inflorescence was correlated with the number of female flowers, but not with the number of male flowers. Inflorescence size was inversely correlated with the number of female flowers, and could be used as a morphological cue by these bees. Also as predicted, workers foraging for both pollen and nectar chose inflorescences with relatively greater numbers of both male and female flowers: time spent on these inflorescences was correlated with the number of male flowers, but not with the number of females flowers. A morphological cue inversely associated with such inflorescences is the size of the bract display. Choice of flowers within inflorescences was also influenced predictably, but preferences appeared to be based upon corolla size rather than directly on sex phase.  相似文献   

Summary Can bees accurately gauge accumulating bodily pollen as they harvest pollen from flowers? Several recent reports conclude that bees fail to assess pollen harvest rates when foraging for nectar and pollen. A native nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cavanilles) that is visited exclusively for pollen by both solitary and social bees (eg. Ptiloglossa and Bombus) was studied in SE Arizona and SW New Mexico. The flowers have no nectaries. Two experiments were deployed that eliminated pollen feedback to the bees by experimentally manipulating flowers prior to bee visits. The two methods were 1) plugging poricidal anthers with glue and 2) emptying anthers of pollen by vibration prior to bee visitation. Both experiments demonstrated that bees directly assess pollen harvest on a flower-by-flower basis, and significantly tailor their handling times, number of vibratile buzzes per flower and grooming bouts according to the ongoing harvest on a given flower. In comparison to experimental flowers, floral handling times were extended for both Bombus and Ptiloglossa on virgin flowers. Greater numbers of intrafloral buzzes and numbers of times bees groomed pollen and packed it into their scopae while still on the flower were also more frequent at virgin versus experimental flowers. Flowers with glued andreocia received uniformly brief visits from Bombus and Ptiloglossa with fewer sonications and virtually no bouts of grooming. Curtailed handling with few buzzes and grooms also characterized visits to our manually harvested flowers wherein pollen was artificially depleted. Sonicating bees respond positively to pollen-feedback while harvesting from individual flowers, and therefore we expect them to adjust their harvesting tempo according to the currency of available pollen (standing crop) within Solanum floral patches.  相似文献   

Summary The genus Capparis is represented in Israel by three taxons of the section spinosa. The pollinators of the three taxa are hawkmoths, crepuscular bees of the genus Proxylocopa and various daily bees. However, the efficiency of the different pollinators is very varied with respect to the individual taxons. Hawkmoths were frequently observed as pollinators of C. spinosa var. aravensis and C. ovata, but rarely on C. spinosa var. aegyptia. All the other bees, on the other hand, were found abundantly on all three taxons, all over the country. The three taxa all provide different rewards for their particular pollinators. Bees visiting C. spinosa var. aegyptia are provided with a lot of pollen but a relatively small amount of nectar, with a low sugar content. C. spinosa var. aravensis and C. ovata (the flowers visited more by hawkmoths), have less pollen but a higher amount of nectar which has a higher concentration of sugar. In drier habitats the emphasis of the reward provided by the flowers is nectar, whilst in the Mediterranean habitats it is the pollen which is the reward, without any connection to the systematic origin of the plant.  相似文献   

1. Genetic polymorphisms of flowering plants can influence pollinator foraging but it is not known whether heritable foraging polymorphisms of pollinators influence their pollination efficacies. Honey bees Apis mellifera L. visit cranberry flowers for nectar but rarely for pollen when alternative preferred flowers grow nearby. 2. Cranberry flowers visited once by pollen‐foraging honey bees received four‐fold more stigmatic pollen than flowers visited by mere nectar‐foragers (excluding nectar thieves). Manual greenhouse pollinations with fixed numbers of pollen tetrads (0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) achieved maximal fruit set with just eight pollen tetrads. Pollen‐foraging honey bees yielded a calculated 63% more berries than equal numbers of non‐thieving nectar‐foragers, even though both classes of forager made stigmatic contact. 3. Colonies headed by queens of a pollen‐hoarding genotype fielded significantly more pollen‐foraging trips than standard commercial genotypes, as did hives fitted with permanently engaged pollen traps or colonies containing more larvae. Pollen‐hoarding colonies together brought back twice as many cranberry pollen loads as control colonies, which was marginally significant despite marked daily variation in the proportion of collected pollen that was cranberry. 4. Caloric supplementation of matched, paired colonies failed to enhance pollen foraging despite the meagre nectar yields of individual cranberry flowers. 5. Heritable behavioural polymorphisms of the honey bee, such as pollen‐hoarding, can enhance fruit and seed set by a floral host (e.g. cranberry), but only if more preferred pollen hosts are absent or rare. Otherwise, honey bees' broad polylecty, flight range, and daily idiosyncrasies in floral fidelity will obscure specific pollen‐foraging differences at a given floral host, even among paired colonies in a seemingly uniform agricultural setting.  相似文献   

Turnera hermannioides is a ruderal distylic subshrub, native to NE-Brazil. In the Catimbau National Park, situated within the semi-arid Caatinga region, we studied the pollination ecology of this species, emphasizing (1) effective pollinators; (2) characteristics of short- and long-styled flowers; (3) intra- and intermorph pollen flow; and (4) fruit and seed set. Short and long-styled morphs differ in pollen size and ornamentation, stigmatic surface, style and stamen length and nectar production. The flowers are obligate intermorphic outcrossers and depend on animals for pollination. The flowers of T. hermannioides attracted insect visitors of 25 species, among them butterflies, beetles, but mainly bees. Polylectic bees, such as Apis mellifera, stingless bees, and solitary Callonychium brasiliense were the most frequent visitors and the principal pollinators. The frequency of visits, however, was very low (on average 1.9 visits/flower/day), resulting in a low and unbalanced legitimate pollen flow, i.e. a much lower number of pollen grains from short-styled flowers reaching stigmas of long-styles than vice versa, which in turn compromised fruit and seed set. Surprisingly, Protomeliturga catimbaui and P. turnerae, both oligolectic on flowers of the Turneraceae-clade of the Passifloraceae s.l., were very rare flower visitors and did not contribute significantly to the pollination of Turnera hermannioides. We discuss how the low visitation rate and the inefficiency of pollinators (i.e. inefficiency in promoting legitimate pollination) compromise pollen flow and, consequently, fruit and seed set in this species.  相似文献   

The morphology and function of the flowers of three species of the genusCallicarpa, C. glabra, C. nisnimurae andC. subpubescens, endemic to the Bonin Islands, revealed that all three species were dioecious. Male plants had short-styled flowers with sterile ovaries, while female plants had long-styled flowers with non-germinating inaperturate pollen grains. Such dioecism has never been reported from the family Verbenaceae. This curious sexual system with non-germinating pollen grains may have been maintained as a reward to insect pollinators.  相似文献   

Distyly has been interpreted as a mechanism that promotes cross-pollination among conspecific plants and as one of the routes leading to the evolution of dioecy. In one of the possible evolutionary pathways, pollinators may disrupt intermorph pollen flow, and, as a consequence, floral morphs may gradually specialize as either male or female (functional dioecy). Natural patterns of pollen deposition and fruit and seed production were estimated in Palicourea demissa (Rubiaceae) and used as parameters to assess functional gender differences between floral morphs. Pollen flow was asymmetrical in P. demissa. Long-styled flowers were more effective than short-styled flowers in pollen deposition towards compatible stigmas, whereas short-styled flowers were more effective in legitimate pollen receipt. Accordingly, short-styled plants produced more fruits and viable seeds than long-styled plants. The contributions of male and female function to the potential functional gender were equivalent in both morphs. However, the realized functional gender deviated significantly from the potential functional gender in both morphs, in which short-styled plants were more successful through their female function, but long-styled plants through their male function. If pollinators disrupt the complementarities of pollen transfer between the two morphs (asymmetric pollen flow), the expression of a more profitable gender is expected in each morph. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that dioecy may evolve in distylous populations through the gradual specialization of each morph as either male or female.  相似文献   

Observations on native populations of JapaneseEpimedium have revealed that two types of effective pollinators can be recognized. One of the two types, which consists of small bees (mainlyAndrena spp. andLasioglossum spp.), is characterized by nondiscriminating behavior for collecting pollen and is commonly found inEpimedium. The other type, which comprises medium sizedTetralonia nipponensis and largerBombus diversus queens as main components, showed flower-dependent foraging fidelity associated with nectar-sucking behavior.T. nipponensis with a shorter proboscis pollinated flowers with a shorter spur ofE. trifoliatobinatum and of a part ofE. s sempervirens, while the queen ofB. diversus with a longer proboscis pollinated longer spurred flowers ofE. grandiflorum andE. sempervirens. In the populations of putative hybrid-derivatives which show gradational variations of spur length, bees of the pollencollecting type pollinated any flower non-discriminately while bees of the nectar-foraging type tended to visit the flowers with spur lengths corresponding to their proboscis length. These observations suggest that the pollen-collecting bees play an important role for gene flow among theEpimedium species, and the nectar-foraging bees reinforce the isolation between the species by their selective pollination. Reproductive isolation between species ofEpimedium is discussed in relation with some practical behavior, such as flying power, of the pollinators.  相似文献   

Heterostyly is thought to have evolved because it confers efficiency of cross-pollination. While it can be an alternative to an incompatibility mechanism in tube-shaped flowers, its effectiveness in dish-shaped flowers, such as those of Fagopyrum esculentum, has not been demonstrated. Stigmatic pollen loads were examined over the daily course of pollination in a planted field of this crop species. Natural pollination by bees resulted in 23% of the pollen on pin flowers and 69% on thrum flowers being legitimate. Both flower morphs therefore received the two pollen types in about the same proportions. Pin pollen constituted 74% of the pollen delivered to stigmata, even though the two morphs are present in equal numbers. Pin flowers collected about 75 pollen, and thrum flowers about 25 pollen by the end of the day of anthesis. The net result was about 15 compatible pollen per flower on both floral morphs. These results indicate that heterostyly is associated with excess pin-pollen delivery rather than excess legitimate-pollen delivery in F. esculentum.  相似文献   

Insect pollination occurred inThelymitra nuda R. Br. on sunny days when the ambient temperature exceeded 20 °C. The flower buds on a raceme opened subsynchronously displaying the brightly-colored, actinomorphic perianth and exposed the contrastingly-colored, scented and ornamented column. InT. nuda the staminodes and the filament of the fertile stamen are fused to one another producing an inflated hood over the anther. This staminodal hood is terminated in two non-ornamental, but brightly-colored, central lobes and two terete lateral lobes bearing approximately 400 white trichomes. Each trichome bears a double chain of 30–40 spherical, rugulose cells. Female bees, in the genusLasioglossum (Halictidae), were observed to land directly on the hood and curled their bodies around the four lobed tip of the staminodal complex. The bees attempted to forage on the lobes as if they were collecting pollen from fertile, poricidal stamens. These bees applied thoracic vibration to the yellowish central lobes and actively scraped the trichome clusters (Pseudopollen) with their forelegs. Bees carried the pollinaria ofT. nuda dorsally on their abdomens. Abdominal contact with the rostellum appeared to occur when the female bee disengaged herself from the staminodal hood. Observations made of bees on co-blooming flowers, and analyses of pollen loads collected by bees suggested that the orchid flower mimics the guild of blue-purple flowers that lack floral nectar but offer pollen in poricidal anthers. The models ofT. nuda are co-bloomingLiliaceae in the generaDichopogon andThysanotus. However, nectarless, buzz-pollinated flowers are also extensively distributed over the orchid’s range. More than 30% of the flowers in theT. nuda population had their pollinaria removed, suggesting a high capacity for cross-pollination in an orchid genus usually considered to be self-pollinated via mechanical autogamy. This study confirmed previous predictions that column modifications represented a trend towards pseudanthery.  相似文献   

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