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Cellana grata is large, relatively long lived (3 years), withone winter breeding season each year which can be correlatedwith major seasonal climatic and hydro-logical events, e.g.,winter reduction in temperature and higher seas. C. grata ischaracterised by a relatively low value of mean annual reproductiveeffort (males: 23%; females: 18%). Patelloida pygmaea is small,short lived (1 year), with one spring breeding season each yearand devotes a large proportion of metabolic energy for reproduction.P. pygmaea showed a higher value of mean annual reproductiveeffort (males: 46%; females: 31%) than C. grata. Mature gonads of Cellana grata first appeared in June and itreached a peak maturity (100%) in September, remaining so untilDecember, i.e., the maturation of the gonads coincided withincreasing water temperatures, with spawning associated witha decrease in water temperature. Gonadal development by Patelloidapygmaea began in either July or August and reached a peak inDecember, remaining so until a major peak in spawning took placebetween April and May, i.e., gonad maturation coincided witha decline in water temperature, with spawning following thesubsequent increase. Limpet gonadal cycles are likely gearedto temperature and food supply. Spawning occurred between Novemberand December, when wave heights are typically 1 m higher thanin summer. (Received 1 December 1992; accepted 25 June 1993)  相似文献   

The life cycle of the trochid snail Diloma suavis (Philippi, 1849),was studied on an intertidal rocky shore at Shirahama, Wakayama Prefecture,where two mytilid bivalves, Septifer virgatus (Wiegmann) andHormomya mutabilis (Gould), formed vertically contiguous musselbeds in the upper-middle and lower zones, respectively. At lowtide in April, the snail density increased with decreasing shoreheight and was greatest at the middle level of the H. mutabilisbed. Then, the density decreased towards the lower littoralfringe. Newly settled juveniles smaller than 2 mm in shell heightappeared abundantly in late summer and autumn within algal turfon the lower shore. As snails grew larger than 2 mm, they appearedwithin the gaps of the H. mutabilis bed and the S. virgatusbed. They increased in size monotonically towards the next summer,but rate of growth in shell height tended to be great in autumnand small in winter. Seasonal change in the density of snailsfound within the gaps of the mussel beds was remarkable during athree year period, increasing from autumn to winter and then decreasingtowards next summer. Reproduction occurred in summer, and adultsnails disappeared by September. It is thus suggested that this specieshas a one year lifespan and shows a habitat shift from algal turfto the gaps of the mussel beds with growth. (Received 12 October 1998; accepted 2 March 1999)  相似文献   

Elysia timida is a common and endemic inhabitant of shallowand very well lit waters in the Mediterranean. This sacoglossanslug retains functional symbiotic chloroplasts derived fromits algal food, Acetabularia acetabulum, although the chloroplastsare not transmitted in the spawn. After hatching and until day12, Elysia timida juveniles do not retain these chloroplastsin the digestive gland. However, newly hatched juveniles retainchloroplasts from Cladophora dalmatica. Development varies seasonallybetween direct (December to April) and lecithotrophic (October,November and May), and this variation may be an adaptation toseasonal calcification of the algal food Acetabularia acetabulum. (Received 12 February 1991; accepted 15 July 1992)  相似文献   

Foraging activity of two mid- to low- shore species of limpet,Patella granulans (Prosobranchia) and Siphonaria concinna (Pulmonata)from an exposed shore on the Eastern Cape coast of South Africawas monitored. In both species, activity was compared duringspring and neap tides and, in P. granularis between summer andwinter. Rhythms of activity of the two species were similar,with foraging excursions being mainly associated with nocturnallow tide times, although some P. granularis foraged during daytimelow tides. It is suggested that foraging excursions in P. granularisare triggered by wave action. Both species foraged further onspring tides than on neap tides and this is suggested to bea result of the limited time limpets have to forage. P. granulariswas also found to forage further during summer when comparedto winter and the possibility that seasonal micro-algal productivityinfluences foraging distances in limpets is discussed. The foraging activity of both species could be divided into3 distinct phases, a relatively rapid outward phase, a muchslower foraging phase and a rapid homeward phase. Whether ornot these limpets graze throughout an excursion is not known.S. concinna was found to home to a fixed scar, although duringthe experiment some scar-swapping occurred. P. granularis didnot home to a fixed scar but possessed a ‘home range’(approx. 5 cm2) to which it returned after each excursion. Patella granularis was found to move randomly during foraging,whilst S. concinna foraged in a non-random direction -whichtook individuals upshore. No tidal-influence is thought to bepresent in this case and the possibility of a learning componentin the foraging behaviour of certain limpet species in relationto the return to optimal feeding patches is discussed. (Received 18 May 1996; accepted 2 September 1996)  相似文献   

The pulmonate limpets Siphonaria japonica and Siphonana siriusoccur over a wide range of local habitat types in terms of exposureto wave action and salinity. This is a study of these two specieson three different shore types in Hong Kong, ranging from anextremely exposed, high salinity (32–35) shore at Caped'Aguilar to a sheltered, low salinity (16–33) shore atTai Lam Chung. Both species are restricted to the low shore,year round. S. japonica is a winter breeder and recruitmentoccurred between October and January. The recruitment of S.sirius could not be recognised from the size-frequency histograms.The algal standing crop at Tai Lam Chung was higher than atWu Kwai Sha during the winter period, i.e., between Octoberand April. Seasonal fluctuations in growth rate were recordedfor both Siphonaria species with the time of fastest growthoccurring in winter. S. japonica grew faster at Tai Lam Chungthan at Wu Kwai Sha. Food availability is thought to be an importantfactor affecting growth. (Received 17 September 1993; accepted 16 June 1994)  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of Patelloida profunda albonotata, P. saccharina,P. pygmaea and Nipponacmaea schrenkii (Lottiidae) are describedby transmission electron microscopy. All have ect-aquasperm,typical of invertebrates using external fertilization. The spermof all four species have a cylindrical nucleus (length: breadth> 4: 1 in P. p. albonotata and P. saccharina; <4: 1 inP. pygmaea and N. schrenkii) which tapers towards the roundedanterior end. All have an acrosome with a posterior acrosomallobe which extends into the centre of the subacrosomal space.In P. p. albonotata and P. saccharina the acrosomal contentsare undifferentiated and the posterior lobe extends to the nucleus,being separated from it by flocculent material. In P. pygmaeathe acrosomal contents are differentiated, the lobe is relativelyshort and the subacrosomal space is filled with material witha fibrous appearance. The acrosome of N. schrenkii is undifferentiatedand the posterior lobe is no more than a bulge. The sperm ofP. p. albonotata and N. sacchrina have a small (0.25 µmlong) cytoplasmic collar which surrounds the axoneme anteriorlywhereas in P. pygmaea and N. schrenkii the cytoplasmic collaris longer (1 µm) and is swollen by an electron-dense vesicle.The composition and function of this vesicle is unknown. Thespermatozoa of Patelloida and Nipponacmaea have structural featureswhich are similar to sperm of the Lottiidae providing some supportfor the placement of these genera in the Lottiidae as proposedby Lindberg & Hedegaard (1996) and Sasaki & Okutani(1993) respectively. The similarities of the sperm of P. pygmaeato N.schrenkii raise some doubts about the tax-onomic statusof the former species. Spermiogenesis in all four species issimilar to that described for other Acmaeoidea and Patelloidea.In P. pygmaea and N. schrenkii, however, in addition to theacrosomal vesicle, the Golgi body produces a number of electron-densevesicles which fuse and eventually form a single vesicle inthe collar of the mid-piece. (Received 24 October 1996; accepted 10 February 1997)  相似文献   

The dominant Antarctic copepod species Calanoides acutus, Calanuspropinquus, Rhincalanus gigas and Metridia gerlachei were investigatedwith respect to their abundance, vertical distribution, developmentalstage composition, dry weight and lipid content. The specimenswere sampled during three expeditions to the eastern WeddellSea in summer (January/February 1985), late winter/early spring(October/November 1986) and autumn (April/May 1992) between0 and 1000 m depth to follow the seasonal development of thepopulations. Three species were most abundant in April, onlyC.propinquus reached highest concentrations in February. A seasonalmigration pattern was evident in all four species, but was mostpronounced in C.acutus. In October/November, they inhabiteddeeper water layers, their ascent started by mid-November andin mid-February the species concentrated in the upper 50 m,except for M.gerlachei (50–100 m). Their descent was observedin April/May. The stage composition changed dramatically withseason, the older developmental stages (CIII–CVI) dominatedthe populations in late winter/early spring, whereas youngerstages (CI and CII) prevailed during summer (C.acutus, C.propinquus)or autumn (R.gigas, M.gerlachei). Only C.acutus ceased feedingin autumn and diapaused at depth. Strong differences betweenseasons were also detected in dry weight and lipid levels, withminima in late winter/early spring and maxima in summer (C.acutus,R.gigas) or autumn (C.propinquus, M.gerlachei). Lipid reservesseem to be most important for the older stages of C.acutus andC.propinquus. Based on these seasonal data, different life cyclestrategies are suggested for the four species.  相似文献   

A population of the protobranch bivalve Nuculoma tenuis at adepth of c. 54 m in Loch Etive, West Scotland, was sampled monthlyfrom September 1986 to October 1988. The density of N. tenuisin the samples, and the relative proportions of adults and postlarvae,varied markedly from month to month suggesting patchiness atthe scale of the sampling. There was evidence for spatial segregationof adults and postlarvae. A seasonal reproductive cycle occurred,with a synchronised spawnout in winter; the exact timing appearingto vary in successive years by up to 2 months. Despite markedlyseasonal spawning, no recruitment peak was evident in shell-lengthfrequencies, and benthic postlarvae were present throughoutthe year. This corroborates findings from an earlier laboratorystudy, suggesting a prolonged phase of meiobenthic developmentin this species. (Received 1 February 1995; accepted 15 March 1995)  相似文献   

The seasonal variation and life history of the pelagic chaetognatha,Sagitta elegans Verrill, in Toyama Bay, southern Japan Sea,were investigated using a time series of 0–500 m verticalhauls with a Norpac net from 1 February 1990 to 30 January 1991.Nine species of one genus occurred in Toyama Bay throughoutthe year, including the cold-water species S.elegans. Therewas no remarkable variation in abundance throughout the year,although many individuals were collected in August. Juvenilesoccurred mostly in spring and summer, from late March to August.Adults (Stage 3) occurred in all seasons, except summer. Thebody length of adults ranged from 26 to 30 mm. There were twoprincipal spawning periods. One was in March-May and the otherwas in August. Life spans of both cohorts were 10–12 months.Copepods were major prey of S.elegans inhabiting Toyama Bay.The annual mean food-containing ratio (FRC) was 6.1%, but values>10% occurred in February, April, May, July and September.  相似文献   

Robin Kennish 《Oecologia》1997,109(2):209-218
 Rocky shores in Hong Kong experience marked seasonal differences in climate resulting in seasonal changes in macroalgal assemblages. The tropical rocky shore crab, Grapsus albolineatus, feeds selectively on filamentous algae through the year but the abundance of these algae and foliose algae is greatly reduced during the summer when encrusting algae dominate the shores and the crab’s diet. This switch in diet may have implications for the reproductive output of this crab. Standing crop of algae varied greatly through the year, peaking in March and April, when the nutritional quality of the algae was also highest. On the shore, available algal protein and energy were both lowest in July. The crab selected an algal diet rich in nutrients than that available to it on the shore for all months of the year except September to December for protein, and July and August for energy. The input of animal matter considerably increased the protein content of the diet, but made little difference to the energy content. Growth and body condition were greatest during March and June, coinciding with the peak in algal biomass. Storage of nutrients in the hepatopancreas of G. albolineatus commenced in November, coinciding with the increase in biomass and quality of algae on the shores, and then, peaking in May and June, these nutrients were utilised by the reproductive organs during the reproductive season which ran from April to November. The middle of the reproductive season coincided with the period when the standing crop of algae on the shore was at its lowest levels and poorest quality. Cycles of growth, reproduction and storage in G. albolineatus appear to be directly influenced by seasonal patterns of algal food availability. Nutrient storage in the hepatopancreas, during periods when food is nutritionally rich and is most abundant, does not guarantee reproductive success of the crab, but appears to be a prerequisite. Selection of an optimal diet (energy- and protein-rich) in a seasonal environment by ingesting abundant nutrient-rich algal species and the opportunistic consumption of animal matter strongly influences growth and reproductive output of G. albolineatus. Received: 18 March 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

The seasonality of Delesseria sanguinea, Membranoptera alata, and Phycodrys rubens (Rhodophyta) was studied at Helgoland (North Sea, Germany) and Roscoff (Brittany, France). Plants were collected at bimonthly intervals, and growth and reproduction were monitored. Growth of blades was observed mainly in spring, although small blades were found on plants of M. alata and P. rubens all year round. In summer, plants started to degenerate and in autumn they became fertile. The reproductive season of D. sanguinea lasted from October to February/April at both locations, whereas reproductive plants of M. alata and P. rubens were found until April at Helgoland and until June and August, respectively, in Roscoff: Lower winter temperatures at Helgoland than at Rascoff may have caused these differences in the duration of the reproductive season. Using published data, the seasonal patterns at Helgoland and Roscoff were compared to those found at other locations (e.g. Barents Sea; Maine, USA; Isle of Man, UK) and local temperature/daylength conditions. Blade growth was synchronized across all populations and occurred in spring, when temperatures were usually still suboptimal for growth. Maximum reproduction was generally found in the colder half of the year but started earlier in autumn in the Barents Sea. Adaptive strategies in the seasonal control of growth and reproduction are discussed. Adequate timing of the history events (e.g. appearance of juveniles in spring) appears more important than maximal growth and reproduction of adults during the season with the most favorable temperatures.  相似文献   

Brian  Morton 《Journal of Zoology》1995,235(3):485-500
Exposed rocky shores in Hong Kong are dominated at mid-tidal levels by a broad band of the mytilid Septifer virgatus. A 48-month study of a population inhabiting the shores at Cape d'Aguilar has been undertaken. The species matures at a shell length of ≅ 15 mm, about one year after recruitment. Septifer virgatus is dioecious with a slight, but insignificant, female bias overall. There is, however, a significant juvenile male bias. Generally, most adult individuals remain mature year round, although spawning is limited to two periods in spring (February to March) and autumn (September to December) with subsequent recruitment into the adult population. The species lives for ≅ 4–5 years, although older individuals, possibly up to 12 years of age and with a maximum recorded shell length of 65 mm, occur as solitary individuals lower down the shore. Mortality in winter mainly affects newly recruited juveniles. A heavy mortality of adults in summer is thought to be related to high rock temperatures at midday (≅ 50°C), concurrent with low spring tides.
The life-history tactics and sexual strategy of Septifer virgatus can be correlated with seasonal changes in hydrography. There are a number of similarities with other local mytilids, notably the dioecious condition and the bimodal pattern of spawning and recruitment. Such similarities are discussed in relation to the habitats occupied by these species.  相似文献   

Patelloida pygmaea (Dunker) and its closely allied species,P. heroldi (Dunker) and P. conulus (Dunker) have caused nomenclaturalconfusion because of their variable shell morphology and distinctivehabitats. According to current nomenclature, these species ofPatelloida have been synonymized and treated as one specieswith two ecological forms. Patelloida pygmaea lives on the shellof Crassostrea gigas (Ostreidae), P. pygmaea form heroldi occurson intertidal rocks on sheltered shores and P. pygmaea formconulus is found on the shell of Batillaria multiformis (Batillariidae).Their taxonomic relationships and possible species status are,however, unclear. Using two mitochondrial genes (fragments ofCOI and 16S ribosomal RNA; total 1192 sites), we analysed 88specimens of P. pygmaea, P. pygmaea form heroldi and P. pygmaeaform conulus from 37 localities in East Asia. In the resultingmolecular phylogenetic trees, the specimens of Patelloida fallinto four clades with high bootstrap probabilities; these cladescorrespond taxonomically to P. pygmaea, P. conulus, P. heroldiand a fourth previously unrecognized taxon, Patelloida ryukyuensisn. sp., described here. A minimum-spanning network for 29 uniquemitochondrial COI haplotypes obtained from 45 specimens in thesame bay in central Japan form three distinct clusters, consistingof P. pygmaea, P. conulus and P. heroldi, respectively. Thissuggests that reproductive isolation has been established betweeneach group. A detailed examination of radular and shell morphologiesof the four taxa clarifies the morphological distinction betweenthese species. The four species form a rather young clade inthe genus Patelloida that diverged during the Pliocene. Theyprovide an example of habitat segregation in a restricted marineenvironment. (Received 21 December 2004; accepted 11 March 2005)  相似文献   

The life cycle, population dynamics, growth and secondary productionof the land snail C. vindobonensis were studied in northernGreece. Demographic analysis of the populations of C. vindobonensisrevealed that a) three cohorts were present in the field throughoutthe year, b) the reproductive period started in late April-Mayand the newly hatched snails appeared in the beginning of June,and c) increased growth rates were observed during spring andearly summer, but also during autumn for the newly hatched snails. According to von Bertalanffy's method C. vindobonensis needs7 years to attain its maximum size measured in the field. Mortalityrate is very high during the first year of life, while lifeexpectancy is higher during the second year of life and decreasesafterwards. Net reproductive rate (Ro) was equal to 3.1 andthe finite capacity for increase (antilogerc) was equal to 1. Estimated annual secondary production with Hynes' frequencymethod revealed a mean standing crop (B) of 0.99 g/m2/year anda production (P) of 1.3 ± 0.11 g/m2/year. Annual turnoverratio (P/B) was equal to 1.31. (Received 7 April 1997; accepted 2 October 1997)  相似文献   

The nature and seasonal extent of microbial fouling on Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) LeJol., Fucus vesiculosus L., Polysiphonia lanosa (L.) Tandy and Chondrus crispus Stackh. were observed by scanning electron microscopy. Bacterial filaments and smaller rod and coccoid forms dominated the fouling communities on all species, with pennate diatoms constituting a minor component in contrast to results with plastic substrates on which pennate diatoms dominated and preceded bacterial colonization. The total percent microbial coverage on the surfaces of all four seaweed species was determined by monthly stereological analyses of representative composite micrographs. These showed a simultaneous decline between April and May which could represent the die-off of the cold water bacterial flora when water temperature increased past the threshold for obligate psychrophiles. Microbial colonization patterns were directly correlated (P = 0.005) with maximum coverage in April and November–December and reduced levels from May to October. Significant inverse (P < 0.041) correlations between total percent coverage and water temperature indicate distinct seasonal cycles, however, the patterns of dominance by filamentous bacteria and rod and coccoid forms were markedly different. Total coverage patterns of both rhodophytes showed no apparent seasonal cycle and were not related to water temperature. Rod and coccoid bacteria were apparently suppressed year round on P. lanosa relative to the other species. These interspecific differences in seasonal fouling patterns are discussed in light of possible modes of regulation, especially algal antibiosis.  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates in BorgeBay, Signy Island, were determined at monthly intervals betweenApril 1990 and June 1991. At least 24 different ciliate taxawere recorded from samples preserved in Lugol's iodine, includingthe tintinnids Codonellopsis balechi, Cymalocylis convallaria,Laackmaniella naviculaefera and Salpingella sp., and the aloricatetaxa Didinium sp. and Mesodinium rubrum. Ciliate abundance andbiomass exhibited a clear seasonal cycle with high values duringthe austral summer and low values in the austral winter. Abundanceranged from 0.3 103l–1 in September to 2.3 103l–1in January, while biomass ranged from 0.5 µg C l–1in October to 12.6 µg C l–1 in December. Small ciliatesdominated abundance throughout the year, and biomass duringwinter. Larger ciliates contributed most to biomass during summer.Aloricate ciliates were common throughout the year, while tintinnidscontributed substantially to abundance and biomass only duringsummer. Salpingella sp. was the commonest tintinnid, but C.convallariacontributed most to tintinnid biomass. The seasonal patternof ciliate abundance and biomass matched that of chlorophylla concentration and bacterial biomass, suggesting tight trophiccoupling between ciliates and other components of the pelagicmicrobial community. 1Present address: Scott Polar Research Institute, Universityof Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1ER, UK  相似文献   

The encapsulation of eggs ofMetaphycus swirskii Annecke &; Mynhardt (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by the pyriform scale,Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Coccidae), collected in the coastal plain of Israel, was determined during April 1986 to May 1987. The rates of encapsulation were low in November (13.0%) and relatively high in April, May, August and September (32.0–89.0%). The seasonal variations in the encapsulation of eggs ofM. stanleyi Compere and/orM. swirskii byP. pyriformis infesting avocado (Persea americana) and jambolan (Syzygium cumini) were studied at Miqwe Yisra'el (coastal plain) during October 1986 to February 1988. Encapsulation rates were similar in scales infesting either of the two host plants. They were highest during July to August (49.0–75.0%) and lowest during December to February (0.9–10.0%). Encapsulation incidence at Miqwe Yisra'el was correlated with the ambient temperatures (r=0.89). The rate of encapsulation of parasitoid eggs (M. stanleyi and/orM. galbus Annecke) recorded inP. pyriformis sent to Israel from Spain in September 1987 was 42.2%. The high rates of encapsulation ofMetaphycus spp. eggs byP. pyriformis during the summer, may interfere with efficient biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

The male reproductive cycle of Philodryas patagoniensis in south Brazil was described through morpho‐anatomical and histological analysis of individuals deposited in zoological collections. Spermatogenesis occurred during late autumn–winter (June–September) and spermiogenesis occurred in spring–summer (October–March). The volume of the testes was smaller (quiescent) in winter, while the tubular diameter and the epithelial height of the seminiferous tubule were larger in summer (January–March). The ductus deferens presented spermatozoa all over the year and had no seasonal variation in diameter. The length of the kidney was larger in winter–spring (July–December), although the tubular diameter and epithelium height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) were larger only in winter (July–September). Total testicular regression was observed in late autumn (May), simultaneously with the peak in SSK. Therefore, at the individual level, males exhibit a discontinuous cyclical reproduction. Considering the population level, the reproductive cycle is seasonal semisynchronous, with most of the individuals showing a reproductive peak in spring–summer (October–March). Here, we present evidence to support the importance of the microscopic approach to reproductive cycle studies. Finally, we discuss the intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing P. patagoniensis reproductive patterns.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out on the non-tidal reaches of the River Ely, South Wales, from October 1979 to October 1980. The seasonal variations of the chlorophyll-a content of the phytoplankton was unimodal with one maximum in May and a minimum in December. The chlorophyll-a content varied from 0.277 to 41.259 mg m?3. The primary productivity showed a bimodal seasonal distribution with two maxima in May and September and lower values throughout the remainder of the year, particularly in winter. The value for the primary productivity varied from 0.269 to 24.302 mg C m?3 h?1. A positive correlation was obtained between chlorophyll-a content and primary productivity. The seasonal distribution of the dominant algal species and the saprobity of the River Ely were also studied. The diatom species almost showed a similar seasonal periodicity. Their concentrations were low during the winter months and high during most of the spring and summer months. Many of the dominant diatom species found in the phytoplankton populations were either considered by the other authors as saprobic (Nitzchia palea) or as inhabitants of eutrophic waters (Gomphonema parvulum, Navicula cryptocephala and Synedra ulna). Chlamydomonas spp. were the most abundant green algae followed by Chlorella vulgaris. The effect of sewage effluent disposal and cattle excreta at three of the sampling sites might partly explain the presence of high Chlamydomonas spp. populations at those sites. Physical factors (low flow rates, high transparency and water temperature) and organic pollution at some sampling sites seemed to play an important role in increasing the number of algal species during spring and summer. The non-tidal reaches of the River Ely were found to be β-mesosaprobic above and below Station 5 and α-mesosaprobic at the latter station and therefore, the river can be considered as polluted at Station 5 and mildly polluted at the others.  相似文献   

为了阐明红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren的发生危害规律,为制定红火蚁的监测与防治措施提供科学依据,本研究调查了广州地区(113°45′E,22°43′N)红火蚁工蚁巢外活动日节律和季节性变化,以及有翅蚁的婚飞活动。结果表明,工蚁巢外活动日节律随季节或月份的不同而存在着明显差异:其中12-2月份的日活动节律为单峰型,即在中午温度较高时数量较大,而在5-10月份的日活动节律为双峰型,即在上午或下午工蚁数量较大,其余月份的活动为不明显的双峰型。工蚁巢外活动数量和时间随季节的不同而有显著差异。其中以6月和10月份的日活动数量最多,而在1月和2月份的活动数量最少,时间最短,其余月份活动数量居中。工蚁在阵雨前后的活动数量明显多于晴天,但处于降雨时刻的巢外工蚁数量极少。蚁巢受侵扰后出巢工蚁数量在30 s内最大,之后便随时间的延长而逐渐减少,该种现象可以用房室函数进行描述。另外,工蚁的巢外数量会随侵扰强度的加大而增加。在试验区内全年都可见到红火蚁婚飞,但婚飞活动主要集中在3-5月份,每日婚飞活动主要发生在下午,并主要发生在雨前或雨后。上述结果对于了解我国红火蚁的发生危害规律和提升其监控技术水平有较大参考价值。  相似文献   

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