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The nitro analogs of aspartate and argininosuccinate were synthesized and tested as substrates and inhibitors of argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase, respectively. The Vmax for 3-nitro-2-aminopropionic acid was found to be 60% of the maximal rate of aspartate utilization in the reaction catalyzed by argininosuccinate synthetase. Only the nitronate form of this substrate, in which the C-3 hydrogen is ionized, was substrate active, indicating a requirement for a negatively charged group at the beta carbon. The V/K of the nitro analog of aspartate was 85% of the value of aspartate after correcting for the percentage of the active nitronate species. The nitro analog of argininosuccinate, N3-(L-1-carboxy-2-nitroethyl)-L-arginine, was a strong competitive inhibitor of argininosuccinate lyase but was not a substrate. The pH dependence of the observed pKi was consistent with the ionized carbon acid (pK = 8.2) in the nitronate configuration as the inhibitory material. The pH-independent pKi of 2.7 microM is 20 times smaller than the Km of argininosuccinate at pH 7.5. These results suggest that the tighter binding of the nitro analog relative to the substrate is due to the similarity in structure to a carbanionic intermediate in the reaction pathway.  相似文献   

The stereochemical course of the argininosuccinate synthetase reaction has been determined. The SP isomer of [alpha-17O,alpha-18O,alpha beta-18O]ATP is cleaved to (SP)-[16O,17O,18O]AMP by the action of argininosuccinate synthetase in the presence of citrulline and aspartate. The overall stereochemical transformation is therefore net inversion, and thus the enzyme does not catalyze the formation of an adenylylated enzyme intermediate prior to the synthesis of citrulline adenylate. The RP isomer of adenosine 5'-O-(2-thiotriphosphate) (ATP beta S) is a substrate in the presence of Mg2+, but the SP isomer is a substrate when Cd2+ is used as the activating divalent cation. Therefore, the lambda screw sense configuration of the beta,gamma-bidentate metal--ATP complex is preferred by the enzyme as the actual substrate. No significant discrimination could be detected between the RP and SP isomers of adenosine 5'-O-(1-thiotriphosphate) (ATP alpha S) when Mg2+ or Mn2+ are used as the divalent cation. Argininosuccinate synthetase has been shown to require a free divalent cation for full activity in addition to the metal ion needed to complex the ATP used in the reaction.  相似文献   

In a recent study, we have shown that N10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase prefers (Sp)-MgATP beta S over the Rp isomer in the forward reaction. In this report the stereochemistry of ATP beta S produced from prochiral ADP beta S in the reverse reaction was determined. The ATP beta S product was purified and tested as a substrate for hexokinase (preference for the Rp isomer), adenylate kinase (preference for the Sp isomer) and N10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase. A comparison of kinetic constants for the product and the authentic Sp and Rp isomers shows that the product is the Sp diastereomer. 31P NMR was also used to identify the product as (Sp)-ATP beta S.  相似文献   

Mechanism and stereochemistry of the 5-aminolaevulinate synthetase reaction   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1. Two mechanisms for the biosynthesis of 5-aminolaevulinate from glycine and succinyl-CoA (3-carboxypropionyl-CoA) are considered. One of the mechanisms involves the retention of both the C-2 H atoms of glycine during the synthesis of 5-aminolaevulinate, whereas the other predicts the retention of only one of the C-2 H atoms of glycine. 2. Highly purified 5-aminolaevulinate synthetase from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides was used to show that the C-2 H atom of glycine with R configuration is specifically removed during the biosynthesis of 5-aminolaevulinate. 3. The mechanism of the condensation therefore differs from the analogous reaction of the biosynthesis of sphinganine from palmitoyl-CoA and serine, in which the C-2 H of serine is retained (Wiess, 1963).  相似文献   

C Ghose  F M Raushel 《Biochemistry》1985,24(21):5894-5898
The reactions catalyzed by argininosuccinate synthetase have been examined by the use of static and dynamic quench techniques. The time course of the forward reaction (22 degrees C) at pH 8.0 is characterized by a "burst" of AMP formation upon quenching with acid that is equivalent to 0.59 mol of enzyme. The pre-steady-state rate is followed by a slower steady-state rate of 0.60 s-1. The rate constant for the transient phase is 9.7 s-1. The time course for the formation of argininosuccinate is linear and shows neither a "lag" nor a burst phase. These results have been interpreted to mean that the mechanism for the formation of argininosuccinate consists of at least two distinct chemical steps with the formation of citrulline adenylate as a reactive intermediate. In the presence of aspartate the rate constant for the formation of citrulline adenylate (6.2 s-1) from ATP and citrulline is 7 times faster than the rate of formation of argininosuccinate from aspartate and citrulline adenylate (0.9 s-1). This suggests that the second step is predominantly rate limiting. The rate constant for the formation of citrulline adenylate in the absence of enzyme-bound aspartate (0.01 s-1) is 600 times slower than when aspartate is present. This indicates that the binding of aspartate to the enzyme regulates the formation of the intermediate. These results are in complete accord with our previously published steady-state kinetic scheme showing sequential addition of substrates.  相似文献   

Arginine is an intermediate in the elimination of excess nitrogen and is the substrate for nitric oxide synthesis. Arginine synthesis has been reported in brain tissue. We have studied the activity of the arginine biosynthetic enzymes argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase in dexamethasone and/or dibutyryl cyclic AMP treated rat astrocyte cultures. Argininosuccinate lyase activity was stimulated by treatment with either effector and an additive effect was obtained when both agents were added simultaneously. Argininosuccinate synthetase was also increased in dexamethasone treated astrocytes. The effect of dibutyryl cyclic AMP on argininosuccinate synthetase was variable, suggesting a role for additional factors in its regulation as compared to argininosuccinate lyase. Regulation of arginine synthesis in astrocytes may be important to insure that arginine is not limiting for nitric oxide synthesis in neural tissue.  相似文献   

Argininosuccinate synthetase catalyzes the ATP-dependent condensation of a citrulline with an aspartate to give argininosuccinate. The three-dimensional structures of the enzyme from Thermus thermophilus HB8 in its free form, complexed with intact ATP, and complexed with an ATP analogue (adenylyl imidodiphosphate) and substrate analogues (arginine and succinate) have been determined at 2.3-, 2.3-, and 1.95-A resolution, respectively. The structure is essentially the same as that of the Escherichia coli argininosuccinate synthetase. The small domain has the same fold as that of a new family of "N-type" ATP pyrophosphatases with the P-loop specific for the pyrophosphate of ATP. However, the enzyme shows the P-loop specific for the gamma-phosphate of ATP. The structure of the complex form is quite similar to that of the native one, indicating that no conformational change occurs upon the binding of ATP and the substrate analogues. ATP and the substrate analogues are bound to the active site with their reaction sites close to one another and located in a geometrical orientation favorable to the catalytic action. The reaction mechanism so far proposed seems to be consistent with the locations of ATP and the substrate analogues. The reaction may proceed without the large conformational change of the enzyme proposed for the catalytic process.  相似文献   

L C Surh  A L Beaudet  W E O'Brien 《Gene》1991,99(2):181-189
The cDNA and gene encoding murine argininosuccinate synthetase were cloned and characterized. The cDNA sequence predicts a peptide of 412 amino acids (aa) including the initiator methionine. There is 98% identity with the aa sequence of the human enzyme. The 3'-untranslated region of the cDNA includes two regions of sequence which are conserved between mouse, rat, human and cow. The murine gene contains 16 exons with the start codon occurring in exon 3. Although alternative splicing occurs in primates to include or exclude exon 2, exon 2 sequences were included in the murine mRNA in all tissues and developmental stages examined. The inclusion of exon 2 in murine mRNA, compared to the usual exclusion in human mRNA, may be explained by differences in the donor splice sequences for exon 2.  相似文献   

Acid-base catalysis in the argininosuccinate lyase reaction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pH variation of the kinetic parameters, Vmax and V/K, was examined for the forward and reverse reaction of bovine liver argininosuccinate lyase. In the forward reaction the Vmax profile showed one group that must be unprotonated for activity over the pH range 5-10. The V/K profile for argininosuccinate showed one group that must be unprotonated and two groups that must be protonated for activity. The Vmax profile for the reverse reaction showed only one group that must be protonated for activity. These results support the proposal that catalysis is facilitated in the forward reaction by a general base that abstracts a proton from C-3 of argininosuccinate and a general acid that donates a proton to the guanidinium nitrogen during carbon-nitrogen bond cleavage. The enzyme is completely inactivated by diethyl pyrocarbonate or a water-soluble carbodiimide at pH 6. These experiments suggest that a histidine and a carboxyl group are at or near the active site and are essential for catalytic activity. The observed shifts of the pH profiles of the forward reaction with temperature and organic solvent (25% dioxane) were also consistent with a histidine and carboxylate group.  相似文献   

Human lymphoblasts in long-term culture have the enzyme activities necessary to convert citrulline to arginine: argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase. Upon transfer from arginine-supplemented to citrulline-supplemented medium, lymphoblasts exhibit a lag period before resuming exponential growth. During this lag the specific activity of argininosuccinate synthetase increases an average of 60-fold. Argininosuccinate lyase activity remains unchanged. If normal lymphoblasts are starved in arginine-deficient medium without citrulline or if argininosuccinate lyase--deficient lymphoblasts are transferred to citrulline-containing medium, argininosuccinate synthetase activity increases linearly for several days and reaches even higher levels. Cycloheximide blocks the increase in enzyme activity. Cells grown in citrulline medium and pulse labeled with 35S-methionine incorporate more 35S-methionine into argininosuccinate synthetase protein than cells grown in arginine; the rate of disappearance of radioactively labeled enzyme is the same in citrulline- and arginine-grown cells. Arginine or a closely related metabolite thus appears to repress the synthesis of argininosuccinate synthetase of human lymphoblasts in culture.  相似文献   

Anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), an iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenase, catalyses the penultimate step in anthocyanin biosynthesis by oxidation of the 2R,3S,4S-cis-leucoanthocyanidins. It has been believed that in vivo the products of ANS are the anthocyanidins. However, in vitro studies on ANS using optically active cis- and trans-leucocyanidin substrates identified cyanidin as only a minor product; instead both quercetin and dihydroquercetin are products with the distribution being dependent on the C-4 stereochemistry of the leucocyanidin substrates.  相似文献   

W E O'Brien 《Biochemistry》1979,18(24):5353-5356
This communication describes the purification and characterization of argininosuccinate synthetase from human liver. By numerous criteria including electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate containing gels, electrophoresis in nondissociating gels, and analytical ultracentrifugation, the protein is homogeneous at a specific activity of 4.2 mumol/(min mg) assayed at 37 degrees C in the direction of argininosuccinate synthesis. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 183,000, as determined by gel filtration. Electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate yielded a single band migrating with an Rf corresponding to 43,000 daltons. Thus, the enzyme is considered to contain four subunits of identical molecular weight. The s20,w of the enzyme is 8.2 S. Antibodies were prepared in rabbits directed against the purified protein. These antibodies react specifically with argininosuccinate synthetase, as determined by electrophoretic analysis of the immunoadsorbed product from crude extracts of human liver. The human enzyme has very similar properties to those published for the beef and rat liver enzymes.  相似文献   

The enzymatic conversion of leukotriene A4 into 5,6-dihydroxy-7,9,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid, catalyzed by mouse liver cytosolic epoxide hydrolase (EC, was recently described (Haeggstr?m, J., Meijer, J. and R?dmark, O. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 6332-6337). In the present study, we report analytical data confirming the stereochemistry of this novel enzymatic metabolite of leukotriene A4. By steric analysis of the vicinal diol and comparison with synthetic material, the structure was established as (5S,6R)-dihydroxy-7,9-trans-11,14-cis-eicosatetraenoic acid. Apparent kinetic constants of this reaction were determined and found to be 5 microM and 550 nmol.mg-1.min-1, for Km and Vmax, respectively. Also, a semipurified preparation of human liver cytosolic epoxide hydrolase avidly catalyzed the same hydrolysis of leukotriene A4 (apparent Km was 8 microM). The enzyme was not inactivated by leukotriene A4, as judged by time-course experiments with a second substrate addition.  相似文献   

Citrullinemia is an autosomal recessive disease caused by deficiency of argininosuccinate synthetase. In order to characterize mutations, RNA was isolated from cultured fibroblasts from 13 unrelated patients with neonatal citrullinemia. Ten mutations were identified by sequencing of amplified cDNA. Seven single base missense mutations were identified: Gly14----Ser, Ser180----Asn, Arg157----His, Arg304----Trp, Gly324----Ser, Arg363----Trp, and Gly390----Arg. Six of these missense mutations involved conversion of a CpG dinucleotide in the sense strand to TpG or CpA, and six of the seven mutations alter a restriction enzyme site in the cDNA. Two mutations were observed in which the sequences encoded by a single exon (exon 7 or 13) were absent from the cDNA. One mutation is a G----C substitution in the last position of intron 15 resulting in splicing to a cryptic splice site within exon 16. There is extreme heterogeneity of mutations causing citrulinemia. This heterogeneity may prove typical for less common autosomal recessive human genetic diseases.  相似文献   

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