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Li Z  Ratliff EA  Sharkey TD 《Plant physiology》2011,155(2):1037-1046
Isoprene emission from broadleaf trees is highly temperature dependent, accounts for much of the hydrocarbon emission from plants, and has a profound effect on atmospheric chemistry. We studied the temperature response of postillumination isoprene emission in oak (Quercus robur) and poplar (Populus deltoides) leaves in order to understand the regulation of isoprene emission. Upon darkening a leaf, isoprene emission fell nearly to zero but then increased for several minutes before falling back to nearly zero. Time of appearance of this burst of isoprene was highly temperature dependent, occurring sooner at higher temperatures. We hypothesize that this burst represents an intermediate pool of metabolites, probably early metabolites in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway, accumulated upstream of dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMADP). The amount of this early metabolite(s) averaged 2.9 times the amount of plastidic DMADP. DMADP increased with temperature up to 35°C before starting to decrease; in contrast, the isoprene synthase rate constant increased up to 40°C, the highest temperature at which it could be assessed. During a rapid temperature switch from 30°C to 40°C, isoprene emission increased transiently. It was found that an increase in isoprene synthase activity is primarily responsible for this transient increase in emission levels, while DMADP level stayed constant during the switch. One hour after switching to 40°C, the amount of DMADP fell but the rate constant for isoprene synthase remained constant, indicating that the high temperature falloff in isoprene emission results from a reduction in the supply of DMADP rather than from changes in isoprene synthase activity.  相似文献   

Smith EA  Macfarlane GT 《Anaerobe》1997,3(5):327-337
The abilities of slurries of human faecal bacteria to ferment 20 different amino acids were investigated in batch culture incubations. Ammonia, short chain fatty acids, and in some cases, amines, were the principal products of dissimilatory metabolism. The types of SCFA produced were dependent on the chemical compositions of the test substrates. Thus, acetate and butyrate were formed from the acidic amino acid glutamate, while acetate and propionate predominated in aspartate fermentations. Breakdown of the basic amino acids lysine and arginine was rapid, and yielded butyrate and acetate, and ornithine and citrulline, respectively. The major products of histidine deamination were also acetate and butyrate. However, fermentation of sulphur-containing amino acids was slow and incomplete. Acetate, propionate and butyrate were formed from cysteine, whereas the main products of methionine metabolism were propionate and butyrate. The simple aliphatic amino acids alanine and glycine were fermented to acetate, propionate and butyrate, and acetate and methylamine, respectively. Branched-chain amino acids were slowly fermented by colonic bacteria, with the main acidic products being branched-chain fatty acids one carbon atom shorter than the parent amino acid. Low concentrations of amines were also detected in these fermentations. Aliphatic-hydroxy amino acids were rapidly deaminated by large intestinal microorganisms. Serine was primarily fermented to acetate and butyrate, while threonine was mainly metabolised to propionate. Proline was poorly utilized by intestinal bacteria, but hydroxyproline was efficiently fermented to acetate and propionate. The aromatic amino acids tyrosine, phenylalanine and tryptophan were broken down to a range of phenolic and indolic compounds.  相似文献   

Single exposure of adult male rats to low environmental temperature (LET, 12 ± 0.5°C) for 2 h significantly increased the hypothalamic and striatal GABA levels without affecting those in other regions of brain. The activity of glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) was elevated in hypothalamus (H) and corpus striatum (CS) under these conditions. GABA accumulation rate (measured with ethanolamine-O-sulfate, an inhibitor of GABA-transaminase) was also increased in both H and CS of rats exposed to LET for 2 h. Unlike after a single exposure, the repeated exposure (2 h/day) for 7, 15, and 30 onsecutive days did not change the hypothalamic GABA metabolism. No change in GABA metabolism was observed in CS when rats were repeatedly exposed to LET for 7 consecutive days. Prolongation of repeated exposure to LET (2 h/day) for 15 and 30 consecutive days decreased the striatal GABA level and increased the activity of GABA-transaminase, although GAD activity was not altered under these conditions. These results suggest that single exposure to LET accelerates GABA synthesis and may reduce the GABAergic activity in both H and CS; whereas repeated exposure to LET for 15 or 30 consecutive days enhances GABAergic activity with the stimulation of GABA utilization only in CS without affecting its synthesizing process. Thus, it may be suggested that the hypothalamic and striatal GABA system may play a characteristic role in response to short-and long-term exposure to LET.  相似文献   

Effects of heat shock on amino Acid metabolism of cowpea cells   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
When cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) cells maintained at 26°C are transferred to 42°C, rapid accumulation of γ-aminobutyrate (>10-fold) is induced. Several other amino acids (including β-alanine, alanine, and proline) are also accumulated, but less extensively than γ-aminobutyrate. Total free amino acid levels are increased approximately 1.5-fold after 24 hours at 42°C. Heat shock also leads to release of amino acids into the medium, indicating heat shock damage to the integrity of the plasmalemma. Some of the changes in metabolic rates associated with heat shock were estimated by monitoring the 15N labeling kinetics of free intracellular, extracellular and protein-bound amino acids of cultures supplied with 15NH4+, and analyzing the labeling data by computer simulation. Preliminary computer simulation models of nitrogen flux suggest that heat shock induces an increase in the γ-aminobutyrate synthesis rate from 12.5 nanomoles per hour per gram fresh weight in control cells maintained at 26°C, to as high as 800 nanomoles per hour per gram fresh weight within the first 2 hours of heat shock. This 64-fold increase in the γ-aminobutyrate synthesis rate greatly exceeds the expected (Q10) change of metabolic rate of 2.5- to 3-fold due to a 16°C increase in temperature. We suggest that this metabolic response may in part involve an activation of glutamate decarboxylase in vivo, perhaps mediated by a transient cytoplasmic acidification. Proline appears to be synthesized from glutamate and not from ornithine in cowpea cells. Proline became severalfold more heavily labeled than ornithine, citrulline and arginine in both control and heat-shocked cultures. Proline synthesis rate was increased 2.7-fold by heat shock. Alanine, β-alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine synthesis rates were increased 1.6-, 3.5-, 2.0-, 5.0-, and 6.0-fold, respectively, by heat shock. In contrast, the phenylalanine synthesis rate was decreased by 50% in response to heat shock. The differential effects of heat stress on metabolic rates lead to flux and pool size redistributions throughout the entire network of amino acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 curves of photosynthesis and activities of the four C4 enzymes and Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase (RUBPc) were compared in two populations of the C4 grass Echinochloa crus-galli from contrasting thermal environments (Québec and Mississippi). Analyses were conducted both before and after 14 h of chilling at 7°C under high light conditions. This comparison provides the opportunity to assess which steps of the C4 pathway are more susceptible to become limiting at low temperatures. Both populations maintained, after chilling, a pattern of CO2 fixation typical of C4 plants with photosynthesis saturating at low external CO2 concentrations. However, the chilling treatment led to reductions in carbon uptake and in the activities of the C4 enzymes. RUBPc activity was not significantly affected by chilling. Reductions in photosynthesis and in C4 enzyme activities following the chilling treatment were significantly larger for plants of the Mississippi population. The enzyme data suggest that two steps of the C4 pathway, NADP+-malate dehydrogenase and pyruvate Pi dikinase, are likely to be associated with the reduction of CO2 uptake in C4 plants under cool conditions. When the experiment was replicated under enriched atmospheric CO2 (675 l l-1 CO2), similar differences were observed between the two populations. CO2 enrichment resulted in an increase of activity for phospho-enol-pyruvate carboxylase and NADP+-malate dehydrogenase while activities of phospho-enol-pyruvate carboxylase and NADP+-malic enzyme were less reduced following chilling. Such an interaction was not observed for gas exchange parameters but net photosynthesis was lower when plants were grown under enriched CO2.  相似文献   

In the young leaves of pea (Pisum sativum L.) plants, there was a diurnal variation in the levels of amino acids. In the light, total amino nitrogen increased for the first few hours, then stabilized; in the dark, there was a transient decrease followed by a gradual recovery. Asparagine, homoserine, alanine, and glutamine accounted for much of these changes. The incorporation of 15N into various components of the young leaves was followed after supply of 15N-nitrate. 15N appeared most rapidly in ammonia, due to reduction in the leaf, and this process took place predominantly in the light. A large proportion of the primary assimilation took place through the amide group of glutamine, which became labeled and turned over rapidly; labeling of glutamic acid and alanine was also rapid. Asparagine (amide group) soon became labeled and showed considerable turnover. Slower incorporation and turnover were found for aspartic acid, γ-aminobutyric acid, and homoserine. Synthesis and turnover of all of the amino acids continued at a low rate in the dark. γ-Aminobutyric acid was the only compound found to label more rapidly in the dark than in the light.  相似文献   

1. The effect of exogenous cortisone on concentration of free amino acids in serum, skeletal muscle, kidney, small intestine and liver was studied. 2. The amino acid pool in serum, skeletal muscle and small intestine decreased significantly. 3. Glutamine synthesis increased significantly in skeletal muscle. 4. Levels of branched amino acids increased in serum and small intestine. 5. Levels of alanine increased in kidney and liver.  相似文献   

夜间低温对两种热带树苗叶片活性氧代谢的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
3d的夜间低温(4℃)处理和恢复3d后,对人工模拟林下光环境的西双版纳热带雨林中层树种藤黄(Garcinia hanburyi)和上层树种团花(Anthocephalus chinensis)幼苗叶片中O2,H2O2,保护酶(SOD,CAT,APX)活性和膜脂过氧化产物MDA的变化过程进行了测定,研究结果表明,随着低温时间的延长,2种幼苗叶片H2O2,MDA含量和O2-产生速率上升,藤黄的保护酶活性也上升,但团花的保护酶(SOD,CAT)活性在第2天有所下降,低温消除后,藤黄的活性氧和MDA含量有所减少,团花变化不明显,这表明,热带上层树种团花和中层树种藤黄是以不同的方式响应低温,上层树种比中层树种受体温的伤害重。  相似文献   

Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscte promotes the production of alanine, an important precursor in hepatic gluconeogenesis. There is controversy concerning the origin of the carbon skeleton of alanine produced in muscle, specifically whether it is derived from carbohydrate via glycolysis (the glucose-alanine cycle) or from amino acid precursors (viz. glutamate, valine, isoleucine, methionine, aspartate, asparagine) via a pathway involving phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase and pyruvate kinase, or NADP-malate dehydrogenase (malic enzyme). The relevant literature is reviewed and it is concluded that neogenic flux from amino acids is unlikely to be of major quantitative importance for provision of the carbon skeleton of alanine either in vitro or in vivo. Evidence is presented that branched-chain amino acid oxidation in muscle is incomplete and that the branched-chain 2-oxo acids and the products of their partial oxidation (including glutamine) are released. The role of these metabolites is discussed in the context of fuel homeostasis in starvation.  相似文献   

Abián J  Gelpí E  Pagès M 《Plant physiology》1991,95(4):1277-1283
Partially purified protein extracts from maize (Zea mays L.) embryos, whether treated or not with abscisic acid (ABA), were incubated with linoleic acid (LA) and 1-[14C]LA. The resulting LA metabolites were monitored by high performance liquid chromatography with a radioactivity detector and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. α- and γ-ketol metabolites arising from 9-lipoxygenase activity were the more abundant compounds detected in the incubates, although the corresponding metabolites produced by 13-lipoxygenase were also present in the samples. In addition, a group of stereoisomers originating from two isomeric trihydroxy acids (9, 12, 13-trihydroxy-10-octadecenoic and 9, 10, 13-trihydroxy-11-octadecenoic acids) are described. Important variations in the relative proportions of the LA metabolites were observed depending on the embryo developmental stage and on ABA treatment. Two new ABA-induced compounds have been detected. These compounds are present in embryos at all developmental stages, being more abundant in old (60 days) embryos. Furthermore, ABA induction of these compounds is maximum at very young developmental stages, decreasing as maturation progresses. A tentative structure for these compounds (10-oxo-9, 13-dihydroxy-11-octadecenoic acid and 12-oxo-9, 13-dihydroxy-10-octadecenoic acid) is also provided. This study revealed an early stage in maize embryogenesis characterized by a higher relative sensitivity to ABA. The physiological importance of ABA on LA metabolism is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of a mixture of amino acids, with a branched chain, on the protein-nitrogen metabolism in irradiated animals was investigated. Repeated intraperitoneal administrations of the drug was shown to reduce the severity of radiation affection and to normalize nitrogen metabolism decreasing the postirradiation nitrogen losses by the organism.  相似文献   

Both breeding and wintering assemblages of birds in Britain exhibit positive interspecific relationships between population size and geographic range size, such that the average density of species is greater if they are more widely distributed Species in common to both assemblages, that is resident species, had greater population sizes, geographic range sizes, and densities in winter In contrast, whilst winter migrants had higher abundances than summer migrants, the range sizes of the former were disproportionately larger still, resulting in a lower density for species that only winter in Britain than for those that only breed Such differences aside, the overall form of the abundance-range size relationship is remarkably similar between the two assemblages and their constituent subsets of species  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase activity in immature `Carignane' grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.) had a temperature optimum of about 38 C, whereas malic enzyme activity rose with increasing temperature between 10 and 46 C. In vitro temperature inactivation rates for the PEP carboxylase were markedly greater than for the malic enzyme activity. From the simultaneous action of malic acid-producing enzymes (PEP carboxylase and malic dehydrogenase) and malic acid-degradating enzyme (malic enzyme) systems at different temperatures, the greatest tendency for malic acid accumulation in immature grape berries was at 20 to 25 C. Time-course measurements of enzymic activity from heated, intact berries revealed greater in vivo temperature stability for the malic enzyme activity than for the PEP carboxylase activity.  相似文献   

Possible competition between polyamine and ethylene metabolisms was studied in two types of transgenic poplar (Populus nigra × maximowiczii) cells: (a) constitutively expressing a mouse ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, EC cDNA under the control of double 35S cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) promoter (cell line 2E), and (b) constitutively expressing a Datura S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC, EC cDNA under the control of a single 35S CaMV promoter (line PS-18). The 2E cells contained significantly higher putrescine (Put) as well as spermidine (Spd) contents than the non-transgenic (NT) cells. The PS-18 cells contained three- to five-fold lower amounts of Put than the NT cells; their Spd content was either comparable to NT cells (at 3 d of culture) or it was higher than the NT cells (at 6 d of culture). The production of ethylene in the 2E cells was generally higher than in the NT cells throughout the 7-d culture period. Ethylene production in the PS-18 cells was comparable to NT cells. The cellular content of 1-aminocyclo-propane-1-carboxylic acid in the NT and 2E cells was quite similar, while it was slightly lower in the PS-18 cells. It is concluded that in poplar cells the cellular pool of S-adenosylmethionine is probably large enough to satisfy the demand for both polyamine and ethylene production and no competition between the two pathways is apparent.  相似文献   

Barbara van Cleve  Klaus Apel 《Planta》1993,189(1):157-160
The synthesis of storage proteins in trees of poplar (Populus x canadensis Moench) could not only be induced by a shift from long-day to short-day conditions but also by either a low-temperature treatment or by nitrogen feeding under continuous long-day conditions. The synthesis of the protein did not depend on the cessation of growth and the formation of a terminal bud. The accumulation of the storage protein was in all cases preceded by a drastic increase in the level of the corresponding mRNA.Abbreviations cDNA copy DNA - kDA kilodalton  相似文献   

Nitrate supplied to legume plants inhibits the activity of nitrogenase in Rhizobium bacteroids in root nodules. The accumulation of amino N which is known to occur in Glycine max (L.) Merr. nodules as nitrogenase activity declines was studied in more detail by analysis of changes in free amino acid composition in response to high nitrate supply. A 6-fold increase in asparagine concentration in Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids was found about the time of maximum nitrogenase inhibition. However, the accumulation of amino acids in soybean nodules lagged behind the inhibition of nitrogenase. Furthermore, in studies of a second legume, Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) inoculated with two different strains of Rhizobium phaseoli, a high nitrate treatment inhibited nitrogenase but had no significant effect on amino acid composition of nodules. The possibility that nitrate may interfere with the supply of carbon substrates to bacteroids was examined by the analysis of organic acids in legume nodules supplied with nitrate. Nitrate had a small (10-20%) negative effect on the concentration of tricarboxylic acid cycle acids in P. vulgaris nodules. However, in G. max nodules, high nitrate treatment resulted in significant increases in the concentration of malate, succinate, fumarate, and citrate. Thus, carbon deprivation of bacteroids also seems unlikely as a cause of the inhibition of nitrogenase by nitrate. There was a transient increase in ammonium concentration in P. vulgaris nodules in response to high nitrate treatment. This effect was rapid relative to other effects of nitrate on nodule composition and was roughly coincident with the rapid decline in acetylene reduction activity.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were incubated at 5-30 degrees C for 48 h and the effect of temperature on ethanolic fermentation in the seedlings was investigated in terms of low-temperature adaptation. Activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH, EC and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC, EC in roots and shoots of the seedlings were low at temperatures of 20-30 degrees C, whereas temperatures of 5, 7.5 and 10 degrees C significantly increased ADH and PDC activities in the roots and shoots. Temperatures of 5-10 degrees C also increased ethanol concentrations in the roots and shoots. The ethanol concentrations in the roots and shoots at 7.5 degrees C were 16- and 12-times greater than those in the roots and shoots at 25 degrees C, respectively. These results indicate that low temperatures (5-10 degrees C) induced ethanolic fermentation in the roots and shoots of the seedlings. Ethanol is known to prevent lipid degradation in plant membrane, and increased membrane-lipid fluidization. In addition, an ADH inhibitor, 4-methylpyrazole, decreased low-temperature tolerance in roots and shoots of rice seedlings and this reduction in the tolerance was recovered by exogenous applied ethanol. Therefore, production of ethanol by ethanolic fermentation may lead to low-temperature adaptation in rice plants by altering the physical properties of membrane lipids.  相似文献   

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