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Fibre type composition, fibre areas, capillaries, enzyme activities and intramuscular substrates were analysed on skeletal muscle samples from reindeer. The muscles contained 10-20% Type I fibres and a higher percentage of Type IIB (40-60%) than Type IIA fibres (20-40%). All fibre types revealed medium or dark staining intensity for oxidative capacity. Glycolytic capacity was greatest in Type IIB fibres. All fibres stained for glycogen, while Type I and IIA fibres stained for lipids. The mean number of capillaries in contact with fibres of each type, relative to fibre type area was high in all muscle types. The metabolic profile of reindeer muscle indicates that energy, to a great extent, is produced through oxidative pathways.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory capacities of 51 reindeer calves (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.) aged 1-35 days were studied at -26.5 to +35.0 degrees C ambient temperatures at Kaamanen reindeer research station, Finland (69 degrees 10' N) during calving periods in May 1981 and May-July 1982. The newborn calves aged 1-4 days maintained a high body temperature (Tre) (mean +40.2 degrees C) even at the lowest experimental temperature of -22.5 degrees C by increasing their metabolic rate five-fold above the level at +11.0 degrees C. Heat production of the new-born calves was largely based on the metabolism of brown adipose tissue, stimulated by cold-induced discharge of the sympathetic nervous transmitter, noradrenaline (NA). Sensitivity of the calves to exogenous NA disappeared during the first 3-4 weeks of life. Thermal conductance of the calves was low at low ambient temperatures, but rose strongly as Ta increased above +10 degrees C. The extensive peripheral cooling, especially in the feet, was demonstrated in the calves aged 1-10 days. The lowest foot temperature (+10.5 degrees C) was measured in a 4-day-old calf at -14.5 degrees C. Slight shivering thermogenesis was recorded in the calves aged 1-4 days and occasionally in the older calves at low values of Ta. Shivering appears to be a reserve mechanism against severe cold. At about +20 degrees C and above the calves increased their Tre (approximately 1 degree C), oxygen consumption and heart rate. In the newborn calves oxygen consumption rose four- to five-fold and in 1-month-old calves about two-fold. Fast growing calves (maximum 400 g/day) appear to be more stressed by heat than by cold exposure.  相似文献   

The audiogram of two yearling male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) were determined using a conditioned suppression/avoidance procedure. During testing, the animal was drinking from a metal bowl while pure tone signals were played at random intervals and followed by an electric shock in the bowl. By breaking contact with the bowl at sound signals, the animal avoided the shock. The animals detected sounds at intensities of 60 dB or less from 70 Hz to 38 kHz. The frequency range of best sensitivity was relatively flat from 1 kHz to 16 kHz, with a best sensitivity of 3 dB at 8 kHz. The hearing ability of reindeer is similar to the hearing ability of other ungulates.  相似文献   

Two winter-insulated Norwegian reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) were exposed to air temperatures of 10, 20, 30, and 38 degrees C while standing at rest in a climatic chamber. The direction of airflow through nose and mouth, and the total and the nasal minute volumes, respectively, were determined during both closed- and open-mouth panting. The animals alternated between closed- and open-mouth panting, but the proportion of open-mouth panting increased with increasing heat load. The shifts from closed- to open-mouth panting were abrupt and always associated with a rise in respiratory frequency and respiratory minute volume. During open-mouth panting, the direction of airflow was bidirectional in both nose and mouth, but only 2.4 +/- (SD) 1.1% of the air was routed through the nose. Estimates suggest that the potential for selective brain cooling is markedly reduced during open-mouth panting in reindeer as a consequence of this airflow pattern.  相似文献   

The glacial-interglacial cycles of the upper Pleistocene have had a major impact on the recent evolutionary history of Arctic species. To assess the effects of these large-scale climatic fluctuations to a large, migratory Arctic mammal, we assessed the phylogeography of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) as inferred from mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation in the control region. Phylogenetic relationships among haplotypes seem to reflect historical patterns of fragmentation and colonization rather than clear-cut relationships among extant populations and subspecies. Three major haplogroups were detected, presumably representing three separate populations during the last glacial. The most influential one has contributed to the gene pool of all extant subspecies and seems to represent a large and continuous glacial population extending from Beringia and far into Eurasia. A smaller, more localized refugium was most likely isolated in connection with ice expansion in western Eurasia. A third glacial refugium was presumably located south of the ice sheet in North America, possibly comprising several separate refugial populations. Significant demographic population expansion was detected for the two haplogroups representing the western Eurasian and Beringian glacial populations. The former apparently expanded when the ice cap retreated by the end of the last glacial. The large continuous one, in contrast, seems to have expanded by the end of the last interglacial, indicating that the warm interglacial climate accompanied by marine transgression and forest expansion significantly confined population size on the continental mainland. Our data demonstrate that the current subspecies designation does not reflect the mtDNA phylogeography of the species, which in turn may indicate that morphological differences among subspecies have evolved as adaptive responses to postglacial environmental change.  相似文献   

Keratoconjunctivitis outbreaks occur each summer in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) herds in western Alaska, USA. This condition has not been well characterized nor has a definitive primary etiologic agent been identified. We evaluated the eyes of 660 calves near Nome, Alaska, between 29 June and 14 July 2005. Clinical signs of keratoconjunctivitis were observed in 26/660 calves (3.9%). Samples were collected from the conjunctival sac of both affected (n=22) and unaffected (n=24) animals for bacterial culture, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay testing for Chlamydophila psittaci, and for polymerase chain reaction assays for Mycoplasma and Moraxella spp. No primary bacterial or viral etiologic agent(s) were isolated or identified. The cause of keratoconjunctivitis among reindeer calves was not determined, but it could involve an anaerobic bacteria, a difficult-to-isolate viral agent, stress associated with repeated handling, ocular foreign bodies, exposure to corral dust or arthropods, or a combination.  相似文献   

In a sample of reindeer from South Georgia, 4 males were abnormal in that 1 had bilateral cryptorchid testis, 2 each had 1 cryptorchid testis and 1 had a vestigial testis. The antlers of the cryptorchid males were small, but the antler cycle itself was hardly affected.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA variation was examined in one of the southem most populations of domestic reindeer, inhabiting Tyva Republic (Tuva). In Tuvinian population sequence polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region was demonstrated. In a sample of 29 individuals 7 mitotypes were distinguished, pointing to the preservation of rather high level of genetic diversity in this population.  相似文献   

Reindeer calves (n = 632) were slaughtered in November/December (n = 476) or in January (n = 156). Dressed weights and amount of perirenal fat were recorded, and the reproductive organs were collected. A separate group of 130 reindeer calves were weighed at 7 months of age and were followed up with repeated weighings and pregnancy examinations up to 21 months. The onset of puberty and the pregnancy rate were significantly influenced by body weight and the amount of perirenal fat. Approximately 60 g of perirenal fat and 22 kg dressed weight were found at the lower limits for pregnancy. A total of 222 (35%) animals had reached puberty and 126 (20%) were pregnant when examined after slaughter. Animals which conceived during their first autumn showed only a moderate weight gain the following year, and the calf mortality rate in these animals was 47.4%. It was concluded that calf pregnancies are common among the reindeer of Southern Norway and that measures need to be taken to prevent them.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of moderate undernutrition on the fatty acid composition of adipose tissues in reindeer calves (<1 year) between early winter and late spring. Calves studied in early winter (December) had grazed on natural pastures and were in good condition, while the calves in spring (April) had been maintained on a negative energy balance since December, had lost approximately 16% of body weight and were in a moderate undernutritional state. The fatty acid composition of total lipids in adipose tissues (perirenal-abdominal, peristernal, scapular, intralumbar, and caudal locations) had a high proportion of oleic acid (35-47%) in both seasons. The proportion of oleic acid was significantly lower (29%), and that of palmitic acid (31%) was higher in the adipose tissue of cardiac groove as compared to other locations. There were only small differences in the fatty acid composition of adipose tissues between early winter and spring. However, the proportions of the principal C18-polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid, were significantly lower in all adipose tissues in calves in poor than in good condition. The observations suggest that linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids may be selectively mobilized from adipose tissues of undernourished reindeer during winter.  相似文献   

We studied bred and unbred female reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) during 12 wk of winter when ambient temperatures were low and nitrogen (N) demand for fetal growth is highest in pregnant females. Animals were fed a complete pelleted diet ad lib. that contained 2.54% N in dry matter that was 80% +/- 2% (X +/- SD) digestible. Female reindeer lost 64% +/- 14% of body fat but gained 34% +/- 11% of lean mass from 10 wk prepartum to parturition. These changes were equivalent to average balances of -14.14 +/- 2.35 MJ d(-1) and 10 +/- 3 g N d(-1). Blood cells, serum, and urine declined in (15)N/(14)N in late winter as body protein was gained from the diet. Blood cells of newborn calves were more enriched in (15)N and (13)C than that of their mothers, indicating the deposition of fetal protein from maternal stores. To quantify pathways of N flow in reindeer, N balance was measured by confining animals to cages for 10 d at 4 wk from parturition. N balance was inversely related to (15)N/(14)N in urea-N but not related to (15)N/(14)N of blood cells, creatinine, and feces. The proportion of urea-N derived from body protein increased above 0.46 as N balance fell below -200 mg N kg(-0.75) d(-1). Proportions of urea-N from body protein were -0.01 +/- 0.21 in pregnant females before and after caging and were consistent with average body protein gain in winter. Storage of protein allows reindeer and caribou to tolerate diets that are low in N without impairing fetal development.  相似文献   

Kol NV  Korolev AL  Zakharov IA 《Genetika》2006,42(1):110-112
Mitochondrial DNA variation was examined in one of the southern most populations of domestic reindeer, inhabiting Tyva Republic (Tuva). In Tuvinian population sequence polymorphism of the mitochondrial DNA D loop region was demonstrated. In a sample of 29 individuals 7 mitotypes were distinguished, pointing to the preservation of rather high level of genetic diversity in this population.  相似文献   

The results of the first analysis of the reindeer population inhabiting the south of Siberia, the Republic of Tyva (Tuva), performed by use of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique, are reported. Using ISSR-PCR with two primers, a total of 71 fragments of different size were detected. Furthermore, for the population examined the indices of the mean pairwise similarity and the mean heterozygosity were calculated. The approach used can be recommended as a useful tool for the genetic diversity monitoring in population of reindeer.  相似文献   

In free-living (FL) reindeer eating a natural mixed winter diet dominated by lichens, captive (CF) reindeer fed pure lichens ad libitum, and CF reindeer subsequently starved for 1 day (CS1 reindeer) or 4 days (CS4 reindeer), the dominant rumen anaerobic bacteria were characterized, their population densities were estimated, and ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid concentrations were determined. In the FL reindeer, the total median viable anaerobic bacterial population ranged from 18 x 10(8) to 35 x 10(8) cells per ml of rumen fluid (n = 4), compared with 26 x 10(8) to 34 x 10(8) and 0.09 x 10(8) to 0.1 x 10(8) cells per ml of rumen fluid in CF reindeer (n = 2) and CS4 reindeer (n = 2), respectively. The median bacterial population adhering to the rumen solids ranged from 260 x 10(8) to 450 x 10(8), 21 x 10(8) to 38 x 10(8), and 0.5 x 10(8) cells per g (wet weight) of rumen solids in FL, CF, and CS4 reindeer, respectively. Although there were variations in the rumen bacterial composition among the FL reindeer (n = 4), strains of Bacteroides, Fibrobacter, Streptococcus, and Clostridium dominated in the rumen fluid. Streptococcus spp. and Clostridium spp. were the dominant bacteria in the CF reindeer (n = 2), while in the CS4 reindeer (n = 2) the dominant bacteria were Fusobacterium spp., members of the family Enterobacteriaceae, and Eubacterium spp. Transmission electron micrographs of lichen particles from the rumen of one FL reindeer, one CF reindeer, and one CS4 reindeer show bacteria resembling Bacteroides spp. adhering to the lichen particles, evidently digesting the lichen hyphae from the inside.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A histological and histochemical study of biopsy specimens from the Lapland reindeer antler indicated that the intercellular matrix of the cartilage that forms the partitions of longitudinal channels becomes calcified at virtually the initial stage of formation. The lacunae at the peripheries of the cartilaginous partitions are invaded by osteoblasts in a process comparable to endochondral ossification. The very centres of the partitions evidently become directly converted into bone without the presence of e.g. osteoclasts. The osseous partitions are remodelled by osteoclasts. The antler increases in diameter by periosteal apposition.  相似文献   

Two non-pregnant and five pregnant 1.5-year-old semi-domestic reindeer were used to study the effect of cloprostenol given during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle, or at two stages of pregnancy (early December, n = 3, and mid-January, n = 2). Blood samples were collected at 3-hourly intervals from immediately prior to treatment until 6–8 days after treatment, after which blood samples were collected every second day. Prior to each blood collection, the animals were observed for signs of oestrus. Plasma progesterone, oestradiol-17β, luteinizing hormone (LH) and 15-ketodihydro-PGF were analyzed to characterize variations in ovarian function.Treatment with cloprostenol resulted in an immediate and rapid decrease in plasma progesterone concentrations in all treated animals. The fall in plasma progesterone was associated with increase in 15-ketodihydro-PGF. Oestrus, indicated by standing behaviour, was observed on three out of four occasions in the two non-pregnant animals. The average duration of standing behaviour (oestrus) was 27 h (range: 24–30 h).Of the pregnant females that were treated with cloprostenol in the beginning of December (n = 3), two aborted between 72 and 96 h after treatment. One of these developed pyometra after abortion. In one female the foetus died 2 days after treatment, but was retained within the uterus until slaughter 2.5 months later. One of the two females that were treated in mid-January aborted between 62–65 h after injection. The other female retained a live foetus until slaughter in February. There were few endocrinological differences between animals that aborted and those that did not, though aborting animals had lower progesterone concentrations for a longer period of time after treatment.It was concluded that cloprostenol can be used during the luteal phase of the oestrous cycle to induce luteolysis and oestrus. When given during pregnancy, cloprostenol can induce abortion, though undesired side effects make it inappropriate for practical use.  相似文献   

Non-random association of females has been reported in many social species, with kinship being the main mechanism in shaping these associations. Understanding the patterns of association during rut is particularly important in polygynous animals, as this may have implications for inbreeding vulnerability and genetic structuring of populations. However, these patterns are highly dynamic and may be influenced by the population sex ratio and male age structure. We examined females' association in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), a highly polygynous ungulate, to determine whether genetically related females associate more often than non-kin during rut and whether this association was influenced by the aforementioned factors. During three rutting seasons the male age structure and the sex ratio of the herd was manipulated: two extremely female biased sex ratios, one with only adult males and one with only young males, whereas the third being closer to a more even sex ratio and male age structure. We found that genetic relatedness influenced female association in the mixed male age group, but not in the adult and young male age groups. Highly related females (relatedness ??0.5) associated more closely than unrelated females. Further, period of the rut as well as male age structure and sex ratio had a significant effect on female association. Our study suggests that the female reindeer association during rut is not only influenced by preference for kin but also by male?Cmale competition and male age as well.  相似文献   

Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Alaska are semidomestic livestock descended from 1280 animals introduced from Siberia, Russia, approximately 100 years ago. Genetic variation at 18 microsatellite DNA loci and the cytochrome b gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was quantified in reindeer from Alaska, Siberia (Russia), and Scandinavia and compared with wild North American caribou. Mean sequence divergence among 15 mtDNA haplotypes in reindeer was 0.007 substitutions per nucleotide site, and reindeer mtDNA is polyphyletic with caribou mtDNA. Microsatellite allele and mtDNA haplotype frequencies are similar between Alaskan and Russian reindeer and differentiated between these and Scandinavian reindeer. The frequencies of microsatellite alleles and mtDNA haplotypes are different in reindeer and wild caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti, Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus, and Rangifer tarandus caribou). Alaskan reindeer have maintained a genetic variation comparable to that in Russia and differentiated from that of wild caribou, >100 years after their introduction to Alaska.  相似文献   

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