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The nucleotide sequences of the termini of the mature pseudorabies virus genome and of the junction between these termini in concatemeric DNA were compared. To ensure conservation of unmodified 5' and 3' termini, the end fragments obtained directly (uncloned) from mature viral DNA were sequenced. The sequence obtained from 5' and 3' end labeling revealed that whereas the L terminus was blunt ended, the S terminus had a 2-base (GG) 3' overhang. The sequences spanning the junction between the termini present in concatemeric DNA was also determined and compared with that expected when the two ends of the mature DNA were juxtaposed. This comparison showed that in concatemeric DNA the ends of the mature genome had become joined by blunt-end ligation of one of the strands and that the 2-nucleotide gap on the other strand had been repaired. A significant degree of homology between the sequences spanning the junction between the ends of the varicella-zoster virus and pseudorabies virus genomes was found.  相似文献   

The sequence of 4.4 kilobase pairs (kbp) from the conventional right terminus of the A + T-rich light-DNA (L-DNA) sequences of the herpesvirus saimiri (HVS) genome contains a leftward-directed open reading frame (ORF) for a 1,299-residue protein. The molecular weight predicted for the protein (143,000) is in good agreement with the estimates of 150,000 to 160,000 for the major nonglycosylated polypeptide of the virion tegument (the 160K polypeptide), previously shown to be encoded by this region of the genome. The first initiation codon of the ORF is only 250 nucleotides from the junction of the L-DNA component with the G + C-rich terminal reiterations (i.e., heavy or H-DNA) of the genome. An unusually A + T-rich sequence (43 of 45 nucleotides are A or T, relative to a mean composition of 40% G + C for the ORF) occurs some 75 bp 5' to this initiation codon, and the first adenylation signal (AATAAA) on this DNA strand occurs 18 bp 3' to the termination codon. The amino acid sequence predicted for the 160K protein of HVS is homologous over most of its length to the 1,318-residue protein encoded by the leftmost major ORF of the G + C-rich genome of Epstein-Barr virus (BNRF1, the 140K nonglycosylated membrane antigen). No homology to either of these proteins is evident among the products predicted from the complete sequence of the alpha herpesvirus varicella-zoster virus. Thus gamma herpesviruses with coding sequences which differ in mean nucleotide composition by some 20% G + C have homologous proteins encoded at similar positions with respect to genome termini, with the right end of HVS being homologous to the left end of Epstein-Barr virus.  相似文献   

Several attenuated strains of pseudorabies virus contain genomes that carry a deletion in their short unique (Us) component. The sizes of the deletions are different in the various attenuated strains; the deletions may include part of one of the inverted repeats as well as part of the Us region of the genome. In most cases, the deletion includes the gene encoding the glycoprotein gI. The attenuated strains with a deletion in their S component have a common history of having been cultivated in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF). We show here that passage of wild-type virus in CEF promotes the emergence of populations of virions with a deletion in their S component. The emergence of these mutants is the result of their growth advantage over the wild type and is related to the lack of expression of gI, as shown by the following. (i) The Norden strain (which has a deletion in the Us) was marker rescued to restore an intact Us. The nonrescued Norden strain had a growth advantage over the rescued Norden strain in CEF. (ii) Passage of wild-type (gI+) virus in CEF but not in rabbit kidney or pig kidney cells resulted invariably in the emergence of virions whose genomes had a deletion in the S component. (iii) Passage of a gI- mutant in CEF did not result in the emergence of such virions. The emergence of virions with a deletion in their S component thus appears to be linked to gI expression. We conclude that gI is deleterious to the growth of pseudorabies virus in CEF and that this effect is cell type specific.  相似文献   

The translocation of the 325 leftmost bp of the genome of pseudorabies virus (PrV) to the internal junction between the L and S components confers upon the virus a growth advantage relative to wild-type PrV in chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) and chickens and a growth disadvantage in rabbit kidney (RK) cells and mice. To clarify the molecular basis for the species-specific growth characteristics of the translocation mutants, we have compared several parameters of the virus growth cycle in CEFs and RK cells infected with wild-type PrV and with translocation mutants. The salient findings are as follows. (i) The synthesis of early-late and late proteins is not as effective in CEFs as it is in RK cells, and these proteins, in particular, the major capsid proteins, accumulate less abundantly in CEFs than in RK cells. (ii) Cleavage of concatemeric DNA to genome-size molecules is also not as effective in CEFs as it is in RK cells. (iii) The internal junction present in translocation mutants is a functional cleavage site. (iv) In RK cells, translocation mutants are hypercleaved and a significant proportion of the total viral DNA is cleaved into subgenomic fragments. (v) In CEFs infected with translocation mutants, subgenomic fragments also accumulate but most of the viral DNA remains in concatemeric form. A model which postulates that the cell-specific growth advantage or disadvantage of the translocation mutants is related to the presence of a second cleavage site within their genomes and is affected by the efficiency of cleavage of concatemeric DNA in particular infected cell types is presented. The significance of these findings as they relate to the evolution of herpesviruses with class 2- and class 3-like genomes is discussed.  相似文献   

The maturation of pseudorabies virus DNA from the replicative concatemeric form to molecules of genome length was examined using nine DNA+ temperature-sensitive mutants of pseudorabies virus, each belonging to a different complementation group. At the nonpermissive temperature, cells infected with each of the mutants synthesized concatemeric DNA. Cleavage of the concatemeric DNA to genome-length viral DNA was defective in all the DNA+ ts mutants tested, indicating that several viral gene products are involved in the DNA maturation process. In none of the ts mutant-infected cells were capsids with electron-dense cores (containing DNA) formed. Empty capsids with electron-translucent cores were, however, formed in cells infected with six of the nine temperature-sensitive mutants; in cells infected with three of the mutants, no capsid assembly occurred. Because these three mutants are deficient both in maturation of DNA and in the assembly of viral capsids, we conclude that maturation of viral DNA is dependent upon the assembly of capsids. In cells infected with two of the mutants (tsN and tsIE13), normal maturation of viral DNA occurred after shiftdown of the cells to the permissive temperature in the presence of cycloheximide, indicating that the temperature-sensitive proteins involved in DNA maturation became functional after shiftdown. Furthermore, because cycloheximide reduces maturation of DNA in wild-type-infected cells but not in cells infected with these two mutants, we conclude that a protein(s) necessary for the maturation of concatemeric DNA, which is present in limiting amounts during the normal course of infection, accumulated in the mutant-infected cells at the nonpermissive temperature. Concomitant with cleavage of concatemeric DNA, full capsids with electron-dense cores appeared after shiftdown of tsN-infected cells to the permissive temperature, indicating that there may be a correlation between maturation of DNA and formation of full capsids. The number of empty and full capsids (containing electron-dense cores) present in tsN-infected cells incubated at the nonpermissive temperature, as well as after shiftdown to the permissive temperature in the presence of cycloheximide, was determined by electron microscopy and by sedimentation analysis in sucrose gradients. After shiftdown to the permissive temperature in the presence of cycloheximide, the number of empty capsids present in tsN-infected cells decreased with a concomitant accumulation of full capsids, indicating that empty capsids are precursors to full capsids.  相似文献   

We have looked for conserved DNA sequences between four herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein genes encoding gB, gC, gD, and gE and pseudorabies virus (PRV) DNA, HSV-1 DNA fragments representing these four glycoprotein-coding sequences were hybridized to restriction enzyme fragments of PRV DNA by the Southern blot procedure. Specific hybridization was observed only when HSV-1 gB DNA was used as probe. This region of hybridization was localized to a 5.2-kilobase (kb) region mapping at approximately 0.15 map units on the PRV genome. Northern blot (RNA blot) analysis, with a 1.2-kb probe derived from this segment, revealed a predominant hybridizing RNA species of approximately 3 kb in PRV-infected PK15 cells. DNA sequence analysis of the region corresponding to this RNA revealed a single large open reading frame with significant nucleotide homology with the gB gene of HSV-1 KOS 321. In addition, the beginning of the sequenced PRV region also contained the end of an open reading frame with amino acid homology to HSV-1 ICP 18.5, a protein that may be involved in viral glycoprotein transport. This sequence partially overlaps the PRV gB homolog coding sequence. We have shown that the PRV gene with homology to HSV-1 gB encoded the gII glycoprotein gene by expressing a 765-base-pair segment of the PRV open reading frame in Escherichia coli as a protein fused to beta-galactosidase. Antiserum, raised in rabbits, against this fusion protein immunoprecipitated a specific family of PRV glycoproteins of apparent molecular mass 110, 68, and 55 kilodaltons that have been identified as the gII family of glycoproteins. Analysis of the predicted amino acid sequence indicated that the PRV gII protein shares 50% amino acid homology with the aligned HSV-1 gB protein. All 10 cysteine residues located outside of the signal sequence, as well as 4 of 6 potential N-linked glycosylation sites, were conserved between the two proteins. The primary protein sequence for HSV-1 gB regions known to be involved in the rate of virus entry into the cells and cell-cell fusion, as well as regions known to be associated with monoclonal antibody resistance, were highly homologous with the PRV protein sequence. Furthermore, monospecific antibody made against PRV gII immunoprecipitated HSV-1 gB from infected cells. Taken together, these findings suggest significant conservation of structure and function between the two proteins and may indicate a common evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The role of the nonessential glycoproteins gI, gp63, and gIII in the release of pseudorabies virus from different cell lines was investigated. We show that these glycoproteins may have a beneficial or deleterious effect on virus release depending on the type of cell in which the virus is grown. Inactivation of the genes encoding either gI, gp63, or gIII has no detectable effect on virus release from rabbit kidney cells. Inactivation of gI or gp63 strongly promotes virus release from chicken embryo fibroblasts, whereas inactivation of gIII reduces virus release from these cells. A defect in both gI and gIII or in both gp63 and gIII diminishes virus release from rabbit kidney cells but improves release from chicken embryo fibroblasts. We demonstrate that all three nonessential glycoproteins contribute to one specific aspect of viral growth, namely, virus release, and that they affect virus release in conjunction with each other. Furthermore, our results show that the manifestation of the role of each of these viral functions in virus growth may differ in different cell types, i.e., that release is affected by these viral functions in conjunction with some unknown cellular function.  相似文献   

The entry of herpesviruses into cells involves two distinct stages: attachment or adsorption to the cell surface followed by internalization. The virus envelope glycoproteins have been implicated in both stages. Pseudorabies virus attaches to cells by an early interaction that involves the viral glycoprotein gIII and a cellular heparinlike substance. We examined the role of gIII in the attachment process by analysis of a set of viruses carrying defined gIII mutations. The initial attachment of gIII mutants with an internal deletion of 134 amino acids (PrV2) to MDBK cells was indistinguishable from that of wild-type virus. The adsorption of these mutants was, however, much more sensitive than that of wild-type virus to competing heparin. Furthermore, while attachment of wild-type virus to MDBK cells led to a rapid loss of sensitivity to heparin, this was not the case with PrV2, which could be displaced from the cell surface by heparin after it had attached to the cells. We conclude that glycoprotein gIII is involved in two distinct steps of virus attachment and that the second of these steps but not the first is defective in PrV2.  相似文献   

We have identified a DNA sequence in adenovirus type 16 which contains recognition signals for encapsidation of the viral DNA. The sequence acts in cis to direct the encapsidation of DNA from the end of the viral genome where it is located. The sequence is normally contained in the first 390–400 bp of the left end of the genome. The location was determined by analyzing a series of spontaneous mutants of Ad16 which carried reduplications of 200 to >500 bp of left end sequences at the right end of the genome, thus giving rise to enlarged inverted terminal repetitions (ITR). In plaque-purified (PP) Ad16 prototype virus the subgenomic DNA found in incomplete virus particles exclusively represents left end sequences. When the reduplication mutants were analyzed, we found that a reduplication of about 390 bp enabled subgenomic DNA molecules containing the right end to be encapsidated into incomplete particles as well. A reduplication of about 290 bp, however, did not allow subgenomic DNA containing the right end to be encapsidated. The difference in encapsidation described could not be attributed to an asymetric DNA replication in the mutants, since subgenomic DNA originating from both ends of the genome was produced in equal amounts in the infected cells. We conclude that an essential part of the encapsidation sequence must be located between 290 and 390 bp from the left end of the Ad16 genome.  相似文献   

Two border disease virus (BDV) pairs each consisting of cytopathogenic (cp) and non-cp viruses have been analyzed at the molecular level. Within the NS2-3 (p125) encoding region of both cp viruses, insertions of cellular sequences were identified which were absent in the corresponding non-cp isolates. A comparative sequence analysis revealed that within each pair the cp and non-cp viruses are almost identical. This strongly suggests that the cp BDV isolates developed from the non-cp viruses by RNA recombination between the viral genome and cellular sequences. Nonstructural protein NS3 (p80) was demonstrated after infection with both cp BDV strains. In addition, fusion proteins composed of cellular and viral sequences were identified. In contrast, expression of NS3 and the fusion proteins was not found after infection with the respective non-cp counterparts.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from C57 B16 mice were modified with varying concentrations of several haptens coupled in different ways, then assayed for their ability to induce a cytotoxic response against hapten-modified target cells when cocultured with syngeneic spleen cells. Haptens such as TNBS, DNBS, Fl-NCS, and AB-NCS which couple via the ?-amino groups of lysine were all capable of generating high levels of cytotoxicity when tested against hapten-coupled syngeneic tumor. One hapten, DNBM, which coupled via -COOH groups was effective in generating cell-mediated cytotoxicity. By contrast, similar haptens such as ABA and DNBA which couple as diazonium salts via tyrosine and histidine groups were not found to generate cytotoxic responses over wide ranges of concentrations. Possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Two pseudorabies virus vaccine strains (Bartha and Norden) that have a similar deletion in the short unique (Us) region of the genome have been identified previously (B. Lomniczi, M. L. Blankenship, and T. Ben-Porat, J. Virol. 49:970-979, 1984). These strains do not code for the glycoprotein gI, a glycoprotein that has been mapped on the wild type virus genome by T. C. Mettenleiter, N. Lukacs, and H. J. Rziha (J. Virol. 53:52-57, 1985) to the sequences deleted from the vaccine strain. Restoration of these deleted sequences to the Bartha strain genome restores to the virus the ability to specify the gI glycoprotein. The Bartha vaccine strain grows as well as wild-type virus in pig kidney and in rabbit kidney (RK) cells, but is not released efficiently from and forms small plaques in RK cells. The rescued Bartha 43/25a strain (which has an intact Us) is released considerably more efficiently than the Bartha vaccine strain, but less efficiently than wild-type virus from RK cells; it also forms larger plaques on RK cells than does the parental Bartha vaccine strain. The Norden vaccine strain, which has a deletion in the Us, is released better from RK cells than is the Bartha strain, but not as well as is wild-type virus. We conclude that whereas the sequences in the Us that are deleted from the Bartha and Norden strain genomes specify functions that play a role in the release of virions from some cell types, at least one other function (which is defective in the Bartha strain but not in the Norden strain) also affects release of virus from these cells. Since restoration to the Bartha strain of an intact Us restores to the virus both the ability to grow in chicken brains (B. Lomniczi, S. Watanabe, T. Ben-Porat, and A. S. Kaplan, J. Virol. 52:198-205, 1984) and to be released from RK cells, the possibility that the lack of virulence of the Bartha vaccine strain may be related to its limited release from some target cells is discussed.  相似文献   

To study the function of the envelope glycoprotein gH of pseudorabies virus, a gH null mutant was constructed. A premature translation termination codon was introduced in the gH gene by linker insertion mutagenesis, and a mutant virus was rescued by using a cell line that expresses the wild-type protein. Mutant virus isolated from complementing cells was unable to form plaques on noncomplementing cells, indicating that gH is essential in the life cycle of the virus. Immunological staining and electron microscopy showed that the mutant virus produced noninfectious progeny and was unable to spread from infected to uninfected cells by cell-cell fusion. Thus, similar to gH of herpes simplex virus, gH of pseudorabies virus is required for entry and cell-to-cell spread.  相似文献   



The recent availability of genome sequences has provided unparalleled insights into the broad-scale patterns of transposable element (TE) sequences in eukaryotic genomes. Nevertheless, the difficulties that TEs pose for genome assembly and annotation have prevented detailed, quantitative inferences about the contribution of TEs to genomes sequences.  相似文献   

The sequences of several hundred nucleotides around the junctions between the L and S components in concatemeric DNA and in mature virion DNA were ascertained. The two ends of the mature genome (which are joined in concatemeric DNA) show no sequence homology. Several directly repeated elements are present near both ends of the genome. Furthermore, the last 82 nucleotides at the left end of the L component (and of the genome) are repeated in inverted form (inverted repeat within the L component [IRL]) approximately 350 to 600 nucleotides downstream (depending on the virus isolate) bracketing the UL2 component. A comparison between the sequences at the right and left ends of the L component of the genome showed patchy homology, probably representing a vestigial inverted repeat bracketing the L component (IRL). Furthermore, less than 5% of the genomes have an L component that is in the orientation opposite to that of most of the viral genomes, indicating that the vestigial IRL that brackets the UL sequence may be sufficient to mediate inversion of the L component in some of the genomes. On the other hand, the UL2 component, which is bracketed by a perfect IRL, does not invert to a greater extent than does the L component (if it inverts at all). Analysis of the nucleotide sequence at the concatemeric junction of three different pseudorabies virus isolates showed almost complete sequence conservation. The sequence and organization of the repeated elements in the different isolates were almost identical, despite their different histories and origins. The high degree of conservation of these repeated elements implies that they may fulfill an essential function in the life cycle of the virus.  相似文献   

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