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We have isolated and characterised microsatellite loci from Pelargonium sp. to explore the potential of these markers for cultivar identification. Small-insert libraries from a zonal (Pelargonium x hortorum cv. Isabell) and an ivy-leaved variety (P. peltatum cv. Guenievre gergue) were enriched for d(AG), d(AC), d(CAA), d(GAA) and d(GATA) repeats. Of 141 positive clones sequenced, 133 contained a microsatellite. Primers for PCR amplification were designed to the flanking regions of 57 microsatellites, resulting in interpretable amplification products of the expected size for 29 loci. Seventeen primer pairs amplifying 18 loci were used to fingerprint 44 di- and tetra-ploid Pelargonium accessions representative of commercially available varieties. Multilocus genotypes obtained at 3 loci distinguished among all accessions, except for three known flower colour sports and a fourth, phenotypically very similar, variety. Allelic composition was also identical within two other sport ’families’ typed at the same 18 loci. UPGMA and principal co-ordinate analysis of pairwise distance matrices derived from PCR amplification patterns revealed four distinct assemblages. The first group consisted of tetraploid P. x hortorum varieties; a second group contained diploid P. x hortorum, a third, tetraploid P. peltatum accessions, while a fourth, very distinct, group consisted solely of diploid P. peltatum varieties. Polymorphism in P. peltatum was equal or greater than in P. x hortorum at 17 of the 18 loci, indicating that the analysed P. peltatum varieties form a genetically more variable array. Received: 5 November 1999 / Accepted: 12 January 2000  相似文献   

Construction of a reference linkage map for melon.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
A map of melon (Cucumis melo L.) with 411 markers (234 RFLPs, 94 AFLPs, 47 RAPDs, 29 SSRs, five inter-SSRs, and two isozymes) and one morphological trait (carpel number) was constructed using the F2 progeny of a cross between the Korean accession P1161375 and the Spanish melon type 'Pinyonet Piel de Sapo'. RFLPs were obtained using 212 probes from different genomic and cDNA melon libraries, including 16 Arabidopsis ESTs, 13 Cucumis known genes, and three resistant gene homologues. Most loci (391) mapped to 12 major linkage groups, spanning a total genetic distance of 1197 cM, with an average map interval of 3 cM/marker. The remaining 21 loci (six RAPDs and 15 AFLPs) were not linked. A majority (66%) of the markers were codominant (RFLPs, SSRs, and isozymes), making them easily transferable to other melon crosses. Such markers can be used as a reference, to merge other melon and cucumber maps already constructed. Indeed, some of them (23 SSRs, 14 RFLPs, one isozyme, and one morphological trait) could act as anchor points with other published cucurbit maps.  相似文献   

Sugarcane varieties are complex polyploids carrying in excess of 100 chromosomes and are derived from interspecific hybridisation between the domesticated Saccharum officinarum and the wild relative S. spontaneum. A map was constructed in Denotes variety covered by Australian plant breeding rights., an Australian cultivar, from a segregating F1 population, using 40 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations, five randomly amplified DNA fingerprints (RAF) primers and 72 simple sequence repeat (SSR) primers. Using these PCR-based marker systems, we generated 1,365 polymorphic markers, of which 967 (71%) were single-dose (SD) markers. Of these SD 967 markers, 910 were distributed on 116 linkage groups (LGs) with a total map length of 9,058.3 cM. Genome organisation was significantly greater than observed in previously reported maps for Saccharum spp. With the addition of 123 double-dose markers, 36 (3:1) segregating markers and a further five SD markers, 1,074 markers were mapped onto 136 LGs. Repulsion phase linkage detected preferential pairing for 40 LGs, which formed 11 LG pairs and three multi-chromosome pairing groups. Using SSRs, double-dose markers and repulsion phase linkage, we succeeded in forming 127 of the 136 LGs into eight homo(eo)logy groups (HG). Two HGs were each represented by two sets of LGs. These sets of LGs potentially correspond to S. officinarum chromosomes, with each set aligning to either end of one or two larger LGs. The larger chromosomes in the two HGs potentially correspond to S. spontaneum chromosomes. This suggestion is consistent with the different basic chromosome number of the two species that are hybridised to form sugarcane cultivars, S. spontaneum (x=8) and S. officinarum (x=10), and illustrates the structural relationship between the genomes of these two species. The discrepancy of coverage between HGs highlights the difficulty in mapping large parts of the genome.  相似文献   

We report dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotides for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) analysis to be applicable for practical plant breeding and cultivar identification. Competitive hybridization of a digoxigenin-labeled oligonucleotide having the sequence of a mutant allele (or a wild-type allele) together with an unlabeled oligonucleotide having the sequence of a wild-type allele (or a mutant allele) was highly effective to reduce background signals in dot-blot hybridization. All 100 tested genes (200 alleles) in rice having SNPs or insertions/deletions were detected in an allele-specific manner. Genotypes of 43 rice cultivars were identified by this technique, and eight SNP markers were found to be sufficient for distinguishing all the cultivars from each other. Dot-blot analysis was also applied to genotyping of Wx and Sd1 of F4 plants in a conventional breeding program. Since dot-blot analysis with competitive hybridization provides a highly reliable, simple, and cost-effective technique for SNP analysis of a large number of samples, this technique is expected to realize the practical use of a novel breeding method, in which plants or breeding lines are selected by SNP analyses of many genes in a laboratory.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

As a popular flowering species with many cultivars, Cymbidium ensifolium (L.) is commercially important in horticulture. However, so far little has been known about genetic diversity and conservation genetics of this species. Understanding of the genetic variation and relationships in cultivars of C.?ensifolium is a prerequisite for development of future germplasm conservation and cultivar improvement. Here we report assessment of genetic variations in C.?ensifolium cultivars using the DNA fingerprinting technique of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR). A total of 239 ISSR loci were identified and used for evaluation of genetic variation with a selection of 19 ISSR primers. Among these ISSR loci, 99.16% were polymorphic with wide genetic variation as shown by Nei??s gene diversity (H?=?0.2431) among 85 tested cultivars. ISSR fingerprinting profiles showed that each cultivar had its characteristic DNA pattern, indicating unequivocal cultivar identification at molecular level. Eighteen cultivar-specific ISSR markers were identified in seven cultivars. The cultivar Sijiwenhan was confirmed as hybrid by four ISSR primers. Several cultivars with same name but different geographical origins were distinguished based on their ISSR profiles. A dendrogram generated with ISSR markers could group 73 of 85 cultivars into four major clusters. Further analysis of ISSR variation revealed that about 69% of total genetic variation in this species is due to genetic divergence inside geographical groups. Our results suggest that both germplasm collection and in?situ conservation are important for future planning of C.?ensifolium species conservation.  相似文献   

Wang XL  Gao XW  Li G  Wang HL  Geng SD  Kang F  Nie XX 《遗传》2011,33(12):1398-1408
以遗传性状差异较大的甜瓜材料日本安农二号与新疆哈密瓜K413杂交产生的143个F2单株为作图群体,以AFLP与SSR分子标记为主构建了包含12个连锁群、142个遗传标记位点的甜瓜遗传图谱,其中包括121个AFLP标记、16个SSR标记、3个STS标记、2个性状标记,连锁群总长度为1 014.2 cM。应用复合区间作图法对甜瓜果实的大小、长宽比、糖度、硬度以及甜瓜种子的长、宽、形状、重量等性状进行遗传定位与分析。基因定位结果显示控制果肉颜色的基因位于C9连锁群AFLP分子标记NDAA与NCFA之间。其他性状表现为数量性状控制,共检测到25个数量性状基因座,不同性状基因座位有重叠分布的特点。其中C5连锁群标记NCA-N73C区间检测到QTLs Sl5.1、Sw5.1和Swt5.1分别控制种子长、宽和千粒重,分别可解释表型变异的17%、19%和23%。该区域包含的来自母本安农二号的基因位点对甜瓜种子的长、宽、千粒重均有明显的抑制作用;位于C8连锁群标记N73A与NFDA间的QTL通过影响种子的宽度从而影响种子的形状与重量;同样位于C8连锁群的果实长宽比QTL Fs8.1在F2和F3中均检测到,分别解释表型变异的25%和19%,表现为部分显性,来自安农二号的等位基因抑制甜瓜果实伸长,生成圆形甜瓜;还发现控制甜瓜果实心糖、边糖、果实硬度的QTL各一个。  相似文献   

Two EST-derived marker systems for cultivar identification in tree peony   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews), a woody deciduous shrub, belongs to the section Moutan DC. in the genus of Paeonia of the Paeoniaceae family. To increase the efficiency of breeding, two EST-derived marker systems were developed based on a tree peony expressed sequence tag (EST) database. Using target region amplification polymorphism (TRAP), 19 of 39 primer pairs showed good amplification for 56 accessions with amplicons ranging from 120 to 3,000 bp long, among which 99.3% were polymorphic. In contrast, 7 of 21 primer pairs demonstrated adequate amplification with clear bands for simple sequence repeats (SSRs) developed from ESTs, and a total of 33 alleles were found in 56 accessions. The similarity matrices generated by TRAP and EST-SSR markers were compared, and the Mantel test (r = 0.57778, P = 0.0020) showed a moderate correlation between the two types of molecular markers. TRAP markers were suitable for DNA fingerprinting and EST-SSR markers were more appropriate for discriminating synonyms (the same cultivars with different names due to limited information exchanged among different geographic areas). The two sets of EST-derived markers will be used further for genetic linkage map construction and quantitative trait locus detection in tree peony.  相似文献   

Recent advances in technologies for high-throughout single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genotyping have improved efficiency and cost so that it is now becoming reasonable to consider the use of SNPs for genomewide linkage analysis. However, a suitable screening set of SNPs and a corresponding linkage map have yet to be described. The SNP maps described here fill this void and provide a resource for fast genome scanning for disease genes. We have evaluated 6,297 SNPs in a diversity panel composed of European Americans, African Americans, and Asians. The markers were assessed for assay robustness, suitable allele frequencies, and informativeness of multi-SNP clusters. Individuals from 56 Centre d'Etude du Polymorphisme Humain pedigrees, with >770 potentially informative meioses altogether, were genotyped with a subset of 2,988 SNPs, for map construction. Extensive genotyping-error analysis was performed, and the resulting SNP linkage map has an average map resolution of 3.9 cM, with map positions containing either a single SNP or several tightly linked SNPs. The order of markers on this map compares favorably with several other linkage and physical maps. We compared map distances between the SNP linkage map and the interpolated SNP linkage map constructed by the deCode Genetics group. We also evaluated cM/Mb distance ratios in females and males, along each chromosome, showing broadly defined regions of increased and decreased rates of recombination. Evaluations indicate that this SNP screening set is more informative than the Marshfield Clinic's commonly used microsatellite-based screening set.  相似文献   

A set of biochemical keys which provide fast and presumptive identification for Vibrio spp. is presented. They have been specially designed for environmental isolates, and can be used for strains that are Gram-negative, give a positive oxidase test, grow on TCBS medium and are facultative anaerobes. The keys are constituted by 28 tests and a maximum of 10 tests are needed for the most complicated identification. They have been designed for routine purposes, especially for studies with a high number of isolates. Some tests are included in enzyme-activity based kits that could be used with these keys through certain results, principally for environmental isolates, should be confirmed by standard methods.  相似文献   

AFLP在芒果品种鉴定中的应用   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
房经贵  乔玉山  章镇 《广西植物》2001,21(3):281-283,286
利用 AFLP分子标记技术对 1 6个芒果 (Mangif era indica L.)品种以及 7个芒果砧木材料进行了初步研究 ,6对 AFLP选择性引物共产生 2 0 4条清晰谱带。同时利用品种间共有谱带率 (Band-sharing)对某些品种间的遗传关系进行了分析。 1 6个栽培品种间的平均共有谱带率为 83 % ,变异幅度为 70 %~ 94% ,7个砧木间的平均共有谱带率则为 80 % ,变异幅度为 5 3 %~ 96%。  相似文献   

A new contiguous genetic linkage map of the HXB/BXH set of rat recombinant inbred (RI) strains was constructed to enhance QTL mapping power and precision, and thereby make the RI strain set a better genomics resource. The HXB/BXH rat RI strains were developed from a cross between the hypertensive SHR/OlaIpcv and normotensive BN-Lx/Cub rat strains and have been shown useful for identifying quantitative trait loci (QTL) for a variety of cardiovascular, metabolic, and behavioral phenotypes. In the current analysis, the DNAs from 31 existing strains, 1 substrain, and 4 extinct strains were genotyped for a selection of polymorphic microsatellite marker loci, predominantly polymorphic framework markers from high-density integrated rat genome maps. The resulting linkage map consists of 245 microsatellite markers spanning a total length of 1789 cM with an average inter-marker distance of ~8.0 cM. This map covers the rat genome contiguously and completely with the exception of two locations on Chromosomes (Chrs) 11 and 16. The new genotypic information obtained also permitted further genetic characterization of the RI strain set including strain independence, genetic similarity among the individual strains, and non-syntenic associations between loci.  相似文献   

 The objectives of this study were to evaluate the usefulness of a fluorescent-analysis method for genotyping PCR-based tomato microsatellite markers (or STMSs) and to establish the value of these markers to generate unique DNA profiles of tomato cultivars. The analyses were performed using forward primers labelled with a fluorochrom and using an ALF express DNA sequencer. In general, analysis of the tomato STMSs revealed distinct allelic peaks. PCR artefacts like stuttering and differential amplification were observed for several tomato STMS markers, but in most cases these artefacts did not seriously hamper allele designation. Comparison of fluorescent and silver-stained allelic profiles revealed a similar distribution of alleles among the test cultivars. Sixteen tomato cultivars were DNA-typed for 20 selected STMS markers using the fluorescent approach. Length polymorphism among the PCR products was detected with 18 of these markers, yielding gene diversity values from 0.06 to 0.74. The number of alleles per microsatellite locus ranged from 2 to 8. As few as four STMSs were sufficient to differentiate between all 16 cultivars, indicating that these markers are especially suitable for a species like tomato which has low levels of variation as detected by other types of markers. Received: 5 February 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers generated from expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences represent useful tools for genotyping and their development is relatively easy because of the public availability of EST databases. We report design and application of EST–SSRs to assess the level of genetic diversity among thirty-five asparagus cultivars and to fingerprint DePaoli, a new variety released by University of California, Riverside. DNA was isolated from bulks of pooled cladophylls coming from five plants of each variety to reduce the number of DNA extractions and PCR reactions. Allele frequencies were estimated from the intensity of the bands in two bulks and two individual plant samples for each variety. Although asparagus varieties derive from a limited germplasm pool, eight EST–SSR loci differentiated all of the analyzed cultivars. Moreover, UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) and neighbor-joining trees, as well as principal components analysis separated the cultivars into clusters corresponding to the geographical areas where they originated.  相似文献   

Summary Repetitive DNA sequences present in the grapevine genome were investigated as probes for distinguishing species and cultivars. Microsatellite sequences, minisatellite sequences, tandemly arrayed genes and highly repetitive grapevine sequences were studied. The relative abundance of microsatellite and minisatellite DNA in the genome varied with the repeat sequence and determined their usefulness in detecting RFLPs. Cloned Vitis ribosomal repeat units were characterised and showed length heterogeneity (9.14–12.15 kb) between and within species. A highly repetitive DNA sequence isolated from V. vinifera was found to be specific only to those species classified as Euvitis. DNA polymorphisms were found between Vitis species and between cultivars of V. vinifera with all classes of repeat DNA sequences studied. DNA sequences suitable for DNA fingerprinting gave genotype-specific patterns for all of the cultivars and species examined. The DNA polymorphisms detected indicates a moderate to high level of heterozygosity in grapevine cultivars.On leave from the Biochemical Research Institute, Nippon Menard Cosmetic Co, Ltd, Ogaki Gifuken, 503 Japan  相似文献   

Molecular underpinnings of complex psychiatric disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) remain largely unresolved. Increasingly, structural variations in discrete chromosomal loci are implicated in ASD, expanding the search space for its disease etiology. We exploited the high genetic heterogeneity of ASD to derive a predictive map of candidate genes by an integrated bioinformatics approach. Using a reference set of 84 Rare and Syndromic candidate ASD genes (AutRef84), we built a composite reference profile based on both functional and expression analyses. First, we created a functional profile of AutRef84 by performing Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis which encompassed three main areas: 1) neurogenesis/projection, 2) cell adhesion, and 3) ion channel activity. Second, we constructed an expression profile of AutRef84 by conducting DAVID analysis which found enrichment in brain regions critical for sensory information processing (olfactory bulb, occipital lobe), executive function (prefrontal cortex), and hormone secretion (pituitary). Disease specificity of this dual AutRef84 profile was demonstrated by comparative analysis with control, diabetes, and non-specific gene sets. We then screened the human genome with the dual AutRef84 profile to derive a set of 460 potential ASD candidate genes. Importantly, the power of our predictive gene map was demonstrated by capturing 18 existing ASD-associated genes which were not part of the AutRef84 input dataset. The remaining 442 genes are entirely novel putative ASD risk genes. Together, we used a composite ASD reference profile to generate a predictive map of novel ASD candidate genes which should be prioritized for future research.  相似文献   

张益芝  戴国礼  秦垦  马海军 《广西植物》2018,38(9):1205-1214
该研究以42份宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum)为材料,对其中5个品系来自3个不同采集日期样品的花部性状进行了观察,同时对宁夏枸杞42个品系的16项花器官形态学指标进行了测定,并采用组间单因素方差分析法、主成分分析法和聚类分析法对宁夏枸杞种内的花部形态差异进行了研究。结果表明:宁夏枸杞花器官性状差异较大且多样性丰富,组间单因素方差分析表明宁夏枸杞花部性状在不同时间内采集无显著差异,即宁夏枸杞的花器官形态具有一定稳定性,因此可选用花器官形态作为区分宁夏枸杞种内不同品系的鉴别指标;主成分分析表明有关花瓣外缘色泽、花瓣正-背面脉络、花瓣形状、花瓣背部色泽、花喉色泽、雌雄蕊位置6个花部性状的累积贡献率达到84.791%,在宁夏枸杞品系的分类中起到了主要作用;聚类分析表明在欧式距离为7.5处可将枸杞的42个品系分成五类,能够将宁夏枸杞进行区分。该研究筛选出了能反映宁夏枸杞花器官形态差异的6个主要指标,并将42份宁夏枸杞分为五类,初步建立了宁夏枸杞种内品系间的形态学鉴别方法,可为宁夏枸杞的形态学研究及品系鉴定等提供依据。  相似文献   



Eucalypts are the most widely planted hardwood trees in the world occupying globally more than 18 million hectares as an important source of carbon neutral renewable energy and raw material for pulp, paper and solid wood. Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) in Eucalyptus have been localized on pedigree-specific RAPD or AFLP maps seriously limiting the value of such QTL mapping efforts for molecular breeding. The availability of a genus-wide genetic map with transferable microsatellite markers has become a must for the effective advancement of genomic undertakings. This report describes the development of a novel set of 230 EMBRA microsatellites, the construction of the first comprehensive microsatellite-based consensus linkage map for Eucalyptus and the consolidation of existing linkage information for other microsatellites and candidate genes mapped in other species of the genus.  相似文献   

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