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Experience from case studies of biologicalinvasions in aquatic ecosystems has motivated aset of proposed empirical rules forunderstanding patterns of invasion and impactson native species. Further evidence is neededto better understand these patterns, andperhaps contribute to a useful predictivetheory of invasions. We reviewed the case ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)invasions in the western United States andtheir impacts on native cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki). Unlike many biologicalinvasions, a considerable body of empiricalresearch on brook trout and cutthroat trout isavailable. We reviewed life histories of eachspecies, brook trout invasions, their impactson cutthroat trout, and patterns and causes ofsegregation between brook trout and cutthroattrout. We considered four stages of theinvasion process: transport, establishment,spread, and impacts to native species. Most ofthe research we found focused on impacts. Interspecific interactions, especiallycompetition, were commonly investigated andcited as impacts of brook trout. In many casesit is not clear if brook trout invasions have ameasurable impact. Studies of speciesdistributions in the field and a variety ofexperiments suggest invasion success of brooktrout is associated with environmental factors,including temperature, landscape structure,habitat size, stream flow, and humaninfluences. Research on earlier stages ofbrook trout invasions (transport,establishment, and spread) is relativelylimited, but has provided promising insights. Management alternatives for controllingbrook trout invasions are limited, and actions tocontrol brook trout focus on direct removal,which is variably successful and can haveadverse effects on native species. Themanagement applicability of research has beenconfounded by the complexity of the problem andby a focus on understanding processes atsmaller scales, but not on predicting patternsat larger scales. In the short-term, animproved predictive understanding of brooktrout invasions could prove to be most useful,even if processes are incompletely understood. A stronger connection between research andmanagement is needed to identify more effectivealternatives for controlling brook troutinvasions and for identifying managementpriorities.  相似文献   

Understanding how ecosystem processes influencing fish distribution operate across spatial scales is important to understand biological invasions. Salmonids, originally from the Northern Hemisphere, have been repeatedly introduced throughout the world, making them an ideal group to test hypotheses about factors driving invasions. We assessed the influence of environmental variables at the watershed scale on the abundance and structure of salmonid assemblages in the breeding streams of the Upper Limay river basin, Rio Negro, Argentina. We combined field captures with digital map data and geographic information systems to examine landscape-level patterns of salmonid abundance in 35 representative sub-basins of the environmental gradient. We employed a hierarchical cluster analysis and classification and regression tree models to relate the abundance of salmonids and types of species assemblages with environmental characteristics at watershed level. We found stream localization, precipitation regime, altitude and air temperature to be important predictors of the abundance and assemblage structure of salmonids. Total catches showed an increasing gradient of catch-per-unit-effort from west to east and from north to south, with Oncorhynchus mykiss being the most abundant species. O. mykiss relative abundance was westward skewed, where smaller catchments with steeper and shaded valleys are drained by less productive streams with more irregular hydrological regimes, like those found in this species' North American native range. In contrast, the abundance of Salmo trutta abundance was eastward skewed, where larger, sunnier and more gently sloped catchments result in more productive streams with stable hydrological regimes, like those found in that species' European native range. Thus, differential salmonid abundance could result from the interplay between the evolutionary fingerprint left by each species' native environment (especially flow and temperature regimes) and the availability of those conditions in new environments to which they have been translocated. By furthering our understanding of how landscape conditioned invasion success, these findings can help guide the management of economically important introduced fish.  相似文献   

Streams are important sites of nutrient transport and transformation in the landscape but little is known about the way in which individual taxa or individual habitats (riffles and pools) influence nutrient dynamics within stream reaches. We used 5-week additions of a stable isotope (15NH4Cl) tracer to investigate nitrogen dynamics in pools and riffles of two New Zealand streams, one with native fish (Galaxias depressiceps) and the other with invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta). In New Zealand, brown trout initiate a trophic cascade leading to increased algal biomass that we predicted would lead to higher N uptake and retention. Uptake of NO3, but not ammonium, was greater in the trout stream. Rather than causing a large increase in N demand, trout may induce a reallocation of N uptake and retention among food web compartments in different habitats. The largest differences between streams were apparent in riffles, where most uptake and retention of N occurred. In the trout stream, uptake rate by epilithon in riffles was more than six times greater than uptake rates of any other compartment. In the Galaxias stream, several compartments in both habitats had similar uptake rates. Epilithon also accounted for a larger percentage of the 15N retained in the study reach in the trout stream (51%) than the Galaxias stream (34%). Our results show that an individual predatory taxon (in our case an invader) can influence N dynamics in streams but that the magnitude and location of the impact depend on a range of abiotic and biotic factors involved in N dynamics in streams.  相似文献   

Invasion of habitats by exotic shrubs is often associated with a decrease in the abundance of native species, particularly trees. This is typically interpreted as evidence for direct resource competition between the invader and native species. However, this may also reflect indirect impacts of the exotic shrubs through harboring high densities of seed predators––known as apparent competition. Here I present data from separate seed predation experiments conducted with two shrub species exotic to North America; Rosa multiflora, an invader of abandoned agricultural land, and Lonicera maackii, an invader of disturbed or secondary forest habitats. Both experiments showed significantly greater risks of seed predation for tree seeds located under shrub canopies when compared to open microhabitats within the same site. These results indicate the potential importance of indirect impacts of exotic species invasions on native biota in addition to the direct impacts that are typically the focus of research.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The amphipod Gammarus pulex , introduced to Irish rivers with the aim of enhancing trout feeding, is displacing the native Gammarus duebeni celticus . These two species are generally associated with different environmental conditions and macroinvertebrate communities, confounding assessment of effects of the invader as compared with the native on fish populations. Here, we uncouple effects of the two Gammarus species from environmental gradients.
2. A weir dissects a lowland stretch of the River Lissan, slowing the upstream invasion by G. pulex and resulting in contiguous G. pulex , mixed species and G. d. celticus reaches. Total invertebrate abundance and biomass in the benthos were significantly higher in the G. pulex reach, driven by high invader abundance, with low abundance of other taxa. Gammarus pulex was particularly prominent in night-time drift.
3. Correspondingly, densities and biomass of 0+ trout were significantly higher in the G. pulex reach, while instantaneous loss rates were lower. Fish growth rates were similar among the three reaches.
4. In the G. pulex reach, this invader dominated the diet of 0+ trout, leading to ingestion of significantly higher invertebrate biomass than fish in the other reaches. Fish generally preyed on Gammarus in proportion to its abundance, but exhibited some positive selection for G. pulex in the invaded reach.
5. The negative effects of the invader on native invertebrates are contrasted with positive effects on juvenile trout. This indicates changes in energy flux after invasion, with differential resource use or assimilation by G. pulex probable underlying mechanisms. As the frequency of amphipod invasions increases globally, investigations of their role as strong interactors at multiple levels of ecological organisation is required if the consequences of deliberate and unintentional introductions are to be predicted, and ultimately, prevented.  相似文献   

Movements of prey organisms across ecosystem boundaries often subsidize consumer populations in adjacent habitats. Human disturbances such as habitat degradation or non-native species invasions may alter the characteristics or fate of these prey subsidies, but few studies have measured the direct effects of this disruption on the growth and local abundance of predators in recipient habitats. Here we present evidence, obtained from a combined experimental and comparative study in northern Japan, that an invading stream fish usurped the flux of allochthonous prey to a native fish, consequently altering the diet and reducing the growth and abundance of the native species. A large-scale field experiment showed that excluding terrestrial invertebrates that fell into the stream with a mesh greenhouse reduced terrestrial prey in diets of native Dolly Varden charr (Salvelinus malma) by 46–70%, and reduced their growth by 25% over six weeks. However, when nonnative rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were introduced, they monopolized these prey and caused an even greater reduction of terrestrial prey in charr diets of 82–93%, and reduced charr growth by 31% over the same period. Adding both greenhouse and rainbow trout treatments together produced similar results to adding either alone. Results from a comparative field study of six other stream sites in the region corroborated the experimental findings, showing that at invaded sites rainbow trout usurped the terrestrial prey subsidy, causing a more than 75% decrease in the biomass of terrestrial invertebrates in Dolly Varden diets and forcing them to shift their foraging to insects on the stream bottom. Moreover, at sites with even low densities of rainbow trout, biomass of Dolly Varden was more than 75% lower than at sites without rainbow trout. Disruption of resource fluxes between habitats may be a common, but unidentified, consequence of invasions, and an additional mechanism contributing to the loss of native species Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Introductions of exotic species pose a significant threat to the persistence of many native populations, including many inland fishes. In 1994, piscivorous lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) were discovered in Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA, one of the last strongholds of the native Yellowstone cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki bouvieri). Predation by lake trout is expected to lead to a substantial decline in the native cutthroat trout population, which may have significant negative consequences for terrestrial predators that depend on cutthroat trout for prey and for the recreational fishery of the Park. We developed a matrix demographic model for the cutthroat trout population in Yellowstone Lake to identify the life stages that are most critical for understanding population dynamics. Parameter estimates (vital rates) were manipulated to explore the possible consequences of lake trout invasion. Comparisons of our results with current estimates of population trend and age structure suggested that our model reflected current conditions of the system. Elasticity analysis of the model revealed that population growth was most sensitive to annual survival of young trout, the group that is expected to be most vulnerable to lake trout predation. Projection of our deterministic model suggested that, in addition to a decline in abundance of cutthroat trout, the effects of lake trout may be manifest as changes in age and breeding structure of the population. Simulations of a stochastic version of the model indicated that a 60% or greater decline in the cutthroat trout population could be expected within 100 years if the lake trout population were permitted to grow uncontrolled. However, an effective control strategy that prevented the establishment of a large population of lake trout substantially reduced population decline, although the reduction in the availability of adult trout to terrestrial predators and anglers may be still be substantial (20–40%). In addition to current control activities in place in the Park, we recommend a renewed emphasis on understanding and monitoring juvenile life stages of cutthroat trout. Our results demonstrate the value of existing data sets for developing models to estimate the potential impact of biological invasions on the management and conservation of native populations, especially when opportunities and resources for additional empirical studies are limited.  相似文献   

Synopsis We examined the influence of biotic and abiotic factors on the distribution, abundance, and condition of salmonid fishes along a stream gradient. We observed a longitudinal change in fish distribution with native cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki utah, and introduced brown trout, Salmo trutta, demonstrating a distinct pattern of allopatry. Cutthroat trout dominated high elevation reaches, while reaches at lower elevations were dominated by brown trout. A transition zone between these populations was associated with lower total trout abundance, consistent changes in temperature and discharge, and differences in dietary preference. Variation in cutthroat trout abundance was best explained by a model including the abundance of brown trout and diel temperature, whereas variation in brown trout abundance was best explained by a model including the abundance of cutthroat trout and discharge. These results suggest the potential for condition-mediated competition between the two species. The results from our study can aid biologists in prioritizing conservation activities and in developing robust management strategies for cutthroat trout.  相似文献   

Ortega YK  McKelvey KS  Six DL 《Oecologia》2006,149(2):340-351
Although exotic plant invasions threaten natural systems worldwide, we know little about the specific ecological impacts of invaders, including the magnitude of effects and underlying mechanisms. Exotic plants are likely to impact higher trophic levels when they overrun native plant communities, affecting habitat quality for breeding songbirds by altering food availability and/or nest predation levels. We studied chipping sparrows (Spizella passerina) breeding in savannas that were either dominated by native vegetation or invaded by spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosa), an exotic forb that substantially reduces diversity and abundance of native herbaceous plant species. Chipping sparrows primarily nest in trees but forage on the ground, consuming seeds and arthropods. We found that predation rates did not differ between nests at knapweed and native sites. However, initiation of first nests was delayed at knapweed versus native sites, an effect frequently associated with low food availability. Our seasonal fecundity model indicated that breeding delays could translate to diminished fecundity, including dramatic declines in the incidence of double brooding. Site fidelity of breeding adults was also substantially reduced in knapweed compared to native habitats, as measured by return rates and shifts in territory locations between years. Declines in reproductive success and site fidelity were greater for yearling versus older birds, and knapweed invasion appeared to exacerbate differences between age classes. In addition, grasshoppers, which represent an important prey resource, were substantially reduced in knapweed versus native habitats. Our results strongly suggest that knapweed invasion can impact chipping sparrow populations by reducing food availability. Food chain effects may be an important mechanism by which strong plant invaders impact songbirds and other consumers.  相似文献   

Much uncertainty remains about traits linked with successful invasion – the establishment and spread of non‐resident species into existing communities. Using a 20‐year experiment, where 50 non‐resident (but mostly native) grassland plant species were sown into savannah plots, we ask how traits linked with invasion depend on invasion stage (establishment, spread), indicator of invasion success (occupancy, relative abundance), time, environmental conditions, propagule rain, and traits of invaders and invaded communities. Trait data for 164 taxa showed that invader occupancy was primarily associated with traits of invaders, traits of recipient communities, and invader‐community interactions. Invader abundance was more strongly associated with community traits (e.g. proportion legume) and trait differences between invaders and the most similar resident species. Annuals and invaders with high‐specific leaf area were only successful early in stand development, whereas invaders with conservative carbon capture strategies persisted long‐term. Our results indicate that invasion is context‐dependent and long‐term experiments are required to comprehensively understand invasions.  相似文献   

Both exotic and native species have been shown to evolve in response to invasions, yet the impacts of rapidly evolving interactions between novel species pairs have been largely ignored in studies of invasive species spread. Here, I use a mathematical model of an interacting invasive predator and its native prey to determine when and how evolutionary lability in one or both species might impact the dynamics of the invader's spatial advance. The model shows that evolutionarily labile invaders continually evolve better adapted phenotypes along the moving invasion front, offering an explanation for accelerating spread and spatial phenotype clines following invasion. I then analytically derive a formula to estimate the relative change in spread rate due to evolution. Using parameter estimates from the literature, this formula shows that moderate heritabilities and selection strengths are sufficient to account for changes in spread rates observed in historical and ongoing invasions. Evolutionarily labile native species can slow invader spread when genes flow from native populations with exposure to the invader into native populations ahead of the invasion front. This outcome is more likely in systems with highly diffuse native dispersal, net directional movement of natives toward the invasion front, or human inoculation of uninvaded native populations.  相似文献   

In central Europe, both brown trout Salmo trutta and European grayling Thymallus thymallus are threatened native salmonid species with high value in recreational angling and nature conservation. On the other hand, rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis are intensively stocked non-native species of high angling value but no value for nature conservation. This study tested if harvest rates of native salmonids are negatively correlated to intensive stocking and harvest rates of non-native salmonids in inland freshwater recreational fisheries. Data were collected from 250 fishing sites (river and stream stretches) over 13 years using mandatory angling logbooks. Logbooks were collected from individual anglers by the Czech Fishing Union in the regions of Prague and Central Bohemia, Czechia (central Europe) and processed by the author of this study. In result, anglers harvested 200,000 salmonids with total weight of 80 tons over 13 years. Intensive stocking of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly lower harvests of native salmonids. Inversely, intensive harvests of multiple salmonid species lead to slightly higher harvest of native salmonids. Recapture rates of stocked salmonids were relatively low (0.6%–3.7%), proving fish stocking moderately ineffective. Since the effects of non-native salmonid stocking and harvest rates on native salmonid harvest were significant but not strong, it is suggested that rivers and streams that support fishing for non-native salmonids still support fishing for native salmonids. However, this idea does not apply for fishing sites with really high intensity of non-native salmonid stocking – harvest rates of natives were very low on these fishing sites.  相似文献   

The processes underlying plant invasions have been the subject of much ecological research. Understanding mechanisms of plant invasions are difficult to elucidate from observations, yet are crucial for ecological management of invasions. Hieracium lepidulum, an asteraceous invader in New Zealand, is a species for which several explanatory mechanisms can be raised. Alternative mechanisms, including competitive dominance, disturbance of resident vegetation allowing competitive release or nutrient resource limitation reducing competition with the invader are raised to explain invasion. We tested these hypotheses in two field experiments which manipulated competitive, disturbance and nutrient environments in pre‐invasion and post‐invasion vegetation. H. lepidulum and resident responses to environmental treatments were measured to allow interpretation of underlying mechanisms of establishment and persistence. We found that H. lepidulum differed in functional response profile from native species. We also found that other exotic invaders at the sites were functionally different to H. lepidulum in their responses. These data support the hypothesis that different invaders use different invasion mechanisms from one another. These data also suggest that functional differentiation between invaders and native resident vegetation may be an important contributing factor allowing invasion. H. lepidulum appeared to have little direct competitive effect on post‐invasion vegetation, suggesting that competition was not a dominant mechanism maintaining its persistence. There was weak support for disturbance allowing initial establishment of H. lepidulum in pre‐invasion vegetation, but disturbance did not lead to invader dominance. Strong support for nutrient limitation of resident species was provided by the rapid competitive responses with added nutrients despite presence of H. lepidulum. Rapid competitive suppression of H. lepidulum once nutrient limitation was alleviated suggests that nutrient limitation may be an important process allowing the invader to dominate. Possible roles of historical site degradation and/or invader‐induced soil chemical/microbial changes in nutrient availability are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant invasions are known to have negative impacts on native plant communities, yet their influence on higher trophic levels has not been well documented. Past studies investigating the effects of invasive plants on herbivores and carnivores have been largely observational in nature and thus lack the ability to tease apart whether differences are a cause or consequence of the invasion. In addition, understanding how plant traits and plant species compositions change in invaded habitats may increase our ability to predict when and where invasive plants will have effects that cascade to animals. To assess effects on arthropods, we experimentally introduced a non‐native plant (Microstegium vimineum, Japanese stiltgrass) in a community re‐assembly experiment. We also investigated possible mechanisms through which the invader could affect associated arthropods, including changes in native plant species richness, above‐ground plant biomass, light availability and vegetation height. In experimentally invaded plots, arthropod abundance was reduced by 39%, and species richness declined by 19%. Carnivores experienced greater reductions in abundance than herbivores (61% vs 31% reduction). Arthropod composition significantly diverged between experimentally invaded and control plots, and particular species belonging to the abundant families Aphididae (aphids), Formicidae (ants) and Phalacridae (shining flower beetles) contributed the most to compositional differences. Among the mechanisms we investigated, only the reduction in native plant species richness caused by invasion was strongly correlated with total arthropod abundance and richness. In sum, our results demonstrate negative impacts of M. vimineum invasion on higher trophic levels and suggest that these effects occur, in part, indirectly through invader‐mediated reductions in the richness of the native plant community. The particularly strong response of carnivores suggests that plant invasion could reduce top–down control of herbivorous species for native plants.  相似文献   

1. Invasive predators negatively affect native prey to varying degrees across landscapes, and spatial configuration of invader‐free refugia may affect prey distributions across invaded river networks. In New Zealand, introduced trout (Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss) create source‐sink dynamics in native Galaxias vulgaris populations, and their co‐occurrence with trout may be enhanced by immigration from trout‐free reaches. 2. We investigated how network configuration of trout‐free demographic sources affected the distribution of G. vulgaris across trout‐invaded riverscapes. Using quantitative biomass surveys and spatially extensive presence–absence surveys, the interaction between habitat variability and location relative to sources in limiting distributions of G. vulgaris in trout‐invaded reaches was assessed. 3. Galaxias vulgaris biomass at invaded sink sites decreased with increasing network distance to the nearest trout barrier. The maximum distance to barriers at which G. vulgaris occurred in the riverscape was limited, so that galaxiids were excluded from small and stable streams far from sources. 4. Large predatory trout (i.e. >150 mm fork length) occurred in high densities at stable sites all year round and were seasonally excluded from sites disturbed by flooding. Large streams probably provide increased refugia for galaxiids to avoid predation from trout, but narrowness and habitat stability may act synergistically to extirpate G. vulgaris from sites that are too far from sources to receive regular immigrants. 5. The interaction between immigration and habitat configuration in mediating effects of trout on G. vulgaris distributions indicates the spatial dependency of predator–prey interactions in river networks. 6. These results indicate creating new invader‐free source habitat should enhance co‐occurrence in nearby invader‐occupied reaches. Moreover, adding source habitat in sink streams far from existing sources, and ensuring barriers prevent future invasion, will also allow native fish dispersal between sources and sinks and will maximise the conservation gains from management across invaded riverscapes.  相似文献   

Species Invasiveness in Biological Invasions: A Modelling Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The study of invasiveness, the traits that enable a species to invade a habitat, and invasibility, the habitat characteristics that determine its susceptibility to the establishment and spread of an invasive species, provide a useful conceptual framework to formulate the biological invasion problem in a modelling context. Another important aspect is the complex interaction emerging among the invader species, the noninvader species already present in the habitat, and the habitat itself. Following a modelling approach to the biological invasion problem, we present a spatially explicit cellular automaton model (Interacting Multiple Cellular Automata (IMCA)). We use field parameters from the invader Gleditsia triacanthos and the native Lithraea ternifolia in montane forests of central Argentina as a case study to compare outputs and performance of different models. We use field parameters from another invader, Ligustrum lucidum, and the native Fagara coco from the same system to run the cellular automaton model. We compare model predictions with invasion values from aerial photographs. We discuss in detail the importance of factors affecting species invasiveness, and give some insights into habitat invasibility and the role of interactions between them. Finally, we discuss the relevance of mathematical modelling for studying and predicting biological invasions. The IMCA model provided a suitable context for integrating invasiveness, invasibility, and the interactions. In the invasion system studied, the presence of an invader's juvenile bank not only accelerated the rate of invasion but was essential to ensure invasion. Using the IMCA model, we were able to determine that not only adult survival but particularly longevity of the native species influenced the spread velocity of the invader, at least when a juvenile bank is present. Other factors determining velocity of invasion detected by the IMCA model were seed dispersal distance and age of reproductive maturity. We derived relationships between species' adult survival, fecundity and longevity of both theoretical and applied relevance for biological invasions. Invasion velocities calculated from the aerial photographs agreed well with predictions of the IMCA model.  相似文献   

Implementation of the Water Framework Directive requires tools for measuring and monitoring the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems. Several indices are in use in the Iberian Peninsula, although there has been little comparison among them. We sampled the fish assemblage and limnological features of the Tordera stream (NE Spain) quarterly from September 2001 to May 2003 to evaluate the usefulness of several fish metrics and to compare habitat quality and biotic indices currently in use. Data for eight biotic and abiotic indices for this and three other Catalan river basins were also compiled in order to analyse the relationships among indices. In the Tordera stream, fish abundance and richness increased with stream order except in the last sampling site that had the lowest fish abundance owing to the effects of drought and water abstraction. Although most indices were positively correlated, some displayed low or null correlations particularly for the Tordera basin which is more affected by water abstraction and less by pollution; a commonly used physico-chemical index (ISQA) was the least correlated. In a regional fish index (IBICAT) under development, the brown trout (Salmo trutta) has been previously considered as introduced in the Tordera basin. Here, we report an old published record that demonstrates that trout was present before 1845 and we argue that its status should be considered as uncertain given the current information available. Whether brown trout is treated as native or introduced to this river basin has profound effects on the results of fish metrics because of its dominance in the upper reaches. We briefly discuss the role of introduced species, particularly in headwater streams, in the development of fish indices. Our study exemplifies the need for careful, basin-specific assessment of native/introduced status in the development of fish metrics. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

To manage the impacts of biological invasions, it is important to determine the mechanisms responsible for the effects invasive species have on native populations. When predation by an invader is the mechanism causing declines in a native population, protecting the native species will involve elucidating the factors that affect native vulnerability. To examine those factors, this study measured how a native species responded to an introduced predator, and whether the native response could result in a refuge from predation. Predation by the green crab, Carcinus maenas, has contributed to the decline in numbers of native soft-shell clams, Mya arenaria, and efforts to eradicate crabs have proven futile. We tested how crab foraging affected clam burrowing, and how depth in the sediment affected clam survival. Clams responded to crab foraging by burrowing deeper in the sediment. Clams at shallow depths were more vulnerable to predation by crabs. Results suggest soft-shell clam burrowing is an inducible defense in response to green crab predation because burrowing deeper results in a potential refuge from predation by crabs. For restoring the native clam populations, tents could exclude crabs and protect clams, but when tents must be removed, exposing the clams to cues from foraging crabs should induce the clams to burrow deeper and decrease vulnerability. In general, by exposing potential native prey to cues from introduced predators, we can test how the natives respond, identify whether the response results in a potential refuge, and evaluate the risks to native species survival in invaded communities.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are typically the outcome of complex patterns of introduction, establishment, and spread, and genetic methods are excellent tools to resolve such histories for non-native organisms. The mealy plum aphid, Hyalopterus pruni, is an invasive pest of dried plum in California. We examined nine microsatellite loci and DNA sequences from three mitochondrial genes (1,148 bp) in populations throughout the native and invaded ranges of H. pruni to assess key invasion parameters, including geographic origins of invasive populations, number of introductions, and levels of genetic diversity and gene flow. Our results provide evidence for multiple invasions of H. pruni into North America, suggesting that aphids in California may have been introduced from Spain, and aphids in the eastern United States and Vancouver, Canada were likely introduced from central or northern Europe. H. pruni populations in California were characterized by low genetic diversity relative to native populations, while the two other North American populations were less genetically impoverished. Gene flow among introduced populations was low, but does appear to occur with some regularity. These findings provide a framework for more detailed studies of H. pruni, but also represent a model for how population genetics approaches can be used to study invasion biology and aid the development of optimized management methods for agricultural pests. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Invasion ecology urgently requires predictive methodologies that can forecast the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and potential invasive species. We argue that many ecologically damaging invaders are characterised by their more efficient use of resources. Consequently, comparison of the classical ‘functional response’ (relationship between resource use and availability) between invasive and trophically analogous native species may allow prediction of invader ecological impact. We review the utility of species trait comparisons and the history and context of the use of functional responses in invasion ecology, then present our framework for the use of comparative functional responses. We show that functional response analyses, by describing the resource use of species over a range of resource availabilities, avoids many pitfalls of ‘snapshot’ assessments of resource use. Our framework demonstrates how comparisons of invader and native functional responses, within and between Type II and III functional responses, allow testing of the likely population-level outcomes of invasions for affected species. Furthermore, we describe how recent studies support the predictive capacity of this method; for example, the invasive ‘bloody red shrimp’ Hemimysis anomala shows higher Type II functional responses than native mysids and this corroborates, and could have predicted, actual invader impacts in the field. The comparative functional response method can also be used to examine differences in the impact of two or more invaders, two or more populations of the same invader, and the abiotic (e.g. temperature) and biotic (e.g. parasitism) context-dependencies of invader impacts. Our framework may also address the previous lack of rigour in testing major hypotheses in invasion ecology, such as the ‘enemy release’ and ‘biotic resistance’ hypotheses, as our approach explicitly considers demographic consequences for impacted resources, such as native and invasive prey species. We also identify potential challenges in the application of comparative functional responses in invasion ecology. These include incorporation of numerical responses, multiple predator effects and trait-mediated indirect interactions, replacement versus non-replacement study designs and the inclusion of functional responses in risk assessment frameworks. In future, the generation of sufficient case studies for a meta-analysis could test the overall hypothesis that comparative functional responses can indeed predict invasive species impacts.  相似文献   

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