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Differentially expressed cDNA clones from fetal rat liver were isolated using suppression subtractive hybridization, combined with an efficient screening strategy. Approximately 30,000 clones were screened, yielding 643 genes whose expression was induced, of which 201 clones were distinct and 68 represented ESTs or newly discovered genes of unknown function. Based on their expression patterns in different organs, fetal liver, liver regeneration models, and gut epithelial progenitor cell lines, the subtracted clones presented in this work were placed into four categories: (1) hepatoblast-specific genes; (2) hematopoietic cell-specific genes; (3) genes expressed in hepatoblasts, in hematopoietic cells, and at varying levels in other tissues; and (4) genes overexpressed in fetal liver, in models of activation of liver progenitor cells, and in epithelial progenitor cell lines. Hepatoblast-specific clones and those representing genes induced during liver regeneration are under further study to define their specific function(s) in liver cell growth control and/or differentiation.  相似文献   

The aim of our work is to identify new genes and proteins involved in the control of the proliferation of thyroid cells as putative protooncogenes and antioncogenes. Several strategies are discussed. A first study has allowed to identify three new genes. Further search will use the differential display and gene arrays methodology. The role of the identified proteins coded by the genes is studied in vitro by the search of partner proteins by the double hybrid method and in vivo by mice gene knockout technology.  相似文献   

cDNA libraries of human fetal liver were constructed in pBR322 and λgt10 vectors. The libraries were screened for liver-specific clones by differential hybridization. This procedure revealed 25 and 32 liver-specific clones in plasmid and phage libraries, respectively. The majority of these clones were represented with serum albumin, fetal Gγ-globin and Aγ-globin cDNA inserts. Three types of 3′-non-coding region were found in 5 sequenced albumin cDNAs. In one type mRNA the distance between the AATAAA signal and polyadenylation site was 15 nucleotides, in 2 other types this distance was 10 and 6 nucleotides. The polyadenylation site in the Gγ-globin cDNA was located 2 nucleotides further from AATAAA signal, while in the Aγ-globin cDNA it was 2 nucleotides closer to the signal as compared with the results published previously.  相似文献   

In human, the two subunits of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) arise from a common precursor encoded by a multigene family. Until now, a single specific coding sequence for this precursor (type I) has been identified in human placenta and liver. In the present study, we have isolated from a human kidney cDNA library, a GGT specific clone (0.8 Kb). The sequence of which (type II) i) covers the carboxy terminal part of the GGT precursor, ii) exhibits 22 point mutations and a 30 bp deletion as compared to the type I GGT sequence. The sequencing of a human genomic clone reveals that this type II GGT mRNA is encoded by a different gene than the type I GGT mRNA. Both type I and type II GGT mRNAs are expressed in human liver, while almost exclusively type II GGT mRNA is detected in human kidney.  相似文献   

Identification of novel mRNAs expressed in oligodendrocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To identify new proteins, which are expressed in oligodendrocytes and which may have a functional role in myelination, a rat oligodendrocyte cDNA library was screened using differential and subtractive screening techniques. Ten clones that have elevated levels of expression in brain were isolated. Two of these clones were characterized further and one clone, pC26.H2, was found to be closely related to mouse stearoyl-CoA desaturase 2 (SCD2), which catalyzes the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acid. From Northern blot and in situ hybridization studies, SCD2 mRNA was expressed primarily in brain with lower levels found in lung and spleen. In brain sections, SCD2 mRNA was found primarily in oligodendrocytes, although mRNA was detected at a low level in neurons, in particular in Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Northern blot analysis of the other clone, p973.HB, indicated that it was expressed more selectively in brain. In mixed glial cultures oligodendrocytes were the only cells that expressed this mRNA, whereas in brain, neurons expressed this mRNA at a higher level than in oligodendrocytes. This clone is being actively pursued because of its unique expression exclusively in oligodendrocytes and neurons.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Marjorie B. Lees.  相似文献   

Differences between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and normal prostate tissue at the level of mRNA expression provide an opportunity to identify candidate genes for this disease. A cDNA subtraction procedure was used to isolate differentially expressed genes in BPH. The subtraction was done by solution hybridization of BPH cDNA against excess normal prostate cDNA. We identified known, EST, and novel genes by sequence and database analysis of the subtracted cDNAs. Several of these cDNAs were used as probes in Northern blotting analysis to confirm over-expression of their corresponding mRNAs in BPH tissues. One highly upregulated sequence of interest shared identity with a known mRNA encoding human NELL2, a protein containing epidermal growth factor-like domains. NELL2 was not previously reported to be expressed in prostate and may code for a novel prostatic growth factor. In situ hybridization analysis of hyperplastic prostate specimens demonstrated that NELL2 mRNA expression is predominantly localized in basal cells of the epithelium. Disease-related changes in the levels of NELL2 may contribute to alterations in epithelial-stromal homeostasis in BPH. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:669-670, 2001)  相似文献   

Li B  Sun M  He B  Yu J  Zhang YD  Zhang YL 《Cell research》2002,12(1):39-45
INTRODUCTIONUterine leiomyomas (ULs) have been consideredto be of uniceIIular origin[l1. It is one of the mostcommon benign tumors, occurring in 20% to 30% ofwomen[2], accounting for significant morbidity andusually need major surgery[3] which might causesome side effects afterwards[4]. Therefore, to de-velop certain drug treatments instead has been thehope of these patients for a long time. Using alter-native approaches fOr studying patients sufferingfrom leiomyoma in various ethnic gr…  相似文献   

Jung MH  Kim SC  Jeon GA  Kim SH  Kim Y  Choi KS  Park SI  Joe MK  Kimm K 《Genomics》2000,69(3):281-286
The search for differentially expressed genes in gastric cancer may help define molecular alterations and molecular diagnosis of gastric cancer. Using the differential display PCR technique, we identified 18 genes that are differentially expressed between normal and tumor human gastric tissues. Their expressions were verified with reverse Northern blot analysis and Northern blot analysis. Oxidative phosphorylation-related genes, antizyme inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase, protein phosphatase-1beta, 35-kDa peroxisomal membrane protein, and cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance receptor were highly expressed in tumor tissue, whereas pepsinogen A, Na-K ATPase alpha subunit, nerve growth factor receptor, and alpha-tropomyosin were highly expressed in normal tissue. In addition, 3 unknown genes were found to be differentially expressed in paired gastric tissues. These differentially expressed genes may provide significant opportunities for further understanding of gastric carcinogenesis and the molecular diagnosis of gastric cancer.  相似文献   

This is the first report on the large-scale identification and comparison of proteins in non-model organisms, Ficedula flycatchers. It highlights the potential of proteomics approaches in both non-sequenced and non-model organisms for identification of differentially expressed proteins. Not surprisingly, more than 55% of the proteins failed to be identified even though the MS spectra were of high quality. Nevertheless, the protein information obtained in this study will serve as a valuable resource for continued research.  相似文献   

There are some papers in the literature on the trace element contents of fetal livers of 20-wk gestation time and over. However, there is very little information on this subject for fetal livers of less than 20-wk gestation. We have initiated a program on the measurement of trace elements in fetal livers of 12–22-wk gestation, using thick-target X-ray fluorescence analysis. The liver samples were obtained from freshly aborted fetuses. After removing blood from the samples, they were chopped into small pieces and freeze dried. The resulting material was ground into fine powder and compressed into 3-mm thick pellets, with boric acid backing. A similar pellet was also made of NBS—Bovine Liver—which was used as the standard for calculating the absolute concentrations of different trace elements. The measurements were carried out using a commercial Wave-Length-Dispersive XRF-System. Different X-ray tubes were used for different sets of elements in order to maximize the detection sensitivity. The results are compared with those of fetal liver of longer gestation and adult livers.  相似文献   

To search for genes that could be involved in genetic disorders primarily involving the retina and the cochlea, we tried to identify mRNAs preferentially expressed in retina and cochlea and to establish their chromosomal localization. Two approaches were employed. First, a mouse subtracted library (retina + cochlea against liver + brain) was generated. Randomly selected cDNA clones were sequenced and compared to databases. Tissue expression of some of them was analyzed by RT-PCR. Using radiation hybrid cell lines, the mouse chromosomal localization was determined for those showing the highest level in the retina and the cochlea. Second, human Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) with preferential expression in the retina and the cochlea were searched for in databases, and chromosomal localization was also established. From 171 sequenced clones, 73 were classified as known genes (with 17 clones coding for 6 genes), 86 were homologous to ESTs, and 12 were unidentified. Of 108 selected clones, 22 (18.5%) had the highest level of expression in the retina and/or the cochlea, while expression was higher in another tissue or ubiquitous for 60 (55.5%) and 22 (20.4%) of them, respectively. By RT-PCR, one clone similar to the mouse Asic3 cDNA (proton-gated channel) was found mainly in the retina and cochlea, but its human ortholog was widely expressed. We selected 17 ESTs from the UniGene database with restricted expression including in the retina and cochlea. We mapped 10 of these ESTs as well as four mouse clones from the subtracted library. Some of them localized to morbid intervals. The combined information from expression analysis and chromosomal localization allowed for the identification of potential candidate genes for retinal diseases (CORD8, CORD9) and syndromic blindness/deafness/renal defects.  相似文献   

Modulation of the maternal immune system by the placenta is a mechanism by which the fetus ensures its own survival in a genetically foreign environment. The immunoinhibitor CD274 (also called B7-H1 or PD-L1) is highly expressed in the placenta, positioned to interact with maternal leukocytes. Further, immunoblot analysis of first- and second-trimester placental lysates showed that CD274 expression is low in the first trimester but dramatically rises around the onset of the second trimester. As this coincides with the expected onset of maternal blood flow to the placenta and a corresponding rise in local oxygen tension, we explored the possibility that oxygen regulates CD274 expression in trophoblast cells by culturing term trophoblast cells under oxygen concentrations similar to those found in vivo. Indeed, CD274 protein levels paralleled the in vivo situation: expression increased with rising oxygen concentrations. Furthermore, downregulation of CD274 mRNA by low oxygen was rapid, occurring within 4-12 h. We conclude that oxygen is a potential mediator of CD274 expression in vivo such that it is induced coincidentally on exposure of fetal tissues to maternal blood. Further, the regulation of this immunomodulator by oxygen may implicate its alteration during and involvement in the pathogenesis of complications of pregnancy such as preeclampsia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The decision for a cell to enter the DNA synthesis (S) phase of the cell cycle or to arrest in quiescence is likely to be determined by genes expressed in the late G1 phase, at the restriction point. Loss of restriction point control is associated with malignant cellular transformation and cancer. For this reason, identifying genes that are differentially expressed in late G1 phase versus quiescence is important for understanding the molecular basis of normal and malignant growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The differential display (DD) method detects mRNA species that are different between sets of mammalian cells, allowing their recovery and cloning of the corresponding cDNAs. Using this technique, we compared mRNAs from synchronized human breast cancer cells (21 PT) in quiescence and in late G1. RESULTS: Six mRNAs differentially expressed in late G1 or in quiescence were identified. One mRNA expressed 10 hr after serum induction showed 99% homology to a peptide transporter involved in antigen presentation of the class I major histocompatibility complex (TAP-1) mRNA. Another mRNA expressed specifically in quiescence and down-regulated 2 hr following serum induction showed 98% homology to human NADP+ -dependent cytoplasmic malic enzyme (EC1.1.1.40) mRNA, which is an important enzyme in fatty acid synthesis and lipogenesis. Three others showed high homology to different mRNAs in the GeneBank, corresponding to genes having unknown functions. Finally, one mRNA revealed no significant homology to known genes in the GeneBank. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that DD is an efficient and powerful method for the identification of growth-related genes which may have a role in cancer development.  相似文献   

人类乳癌易感基因1(BRCA1)是乳癌,卵巢癌和前列腺癌的危险因素之一,而且表现出许多的生物功能,采用Western Blotting和半定量RT-PCR的方法,我们检测了内源性BRCA1蛋白质和mRNA在从十一种人类肿瘤组织中建立的四十三种肿瘤细胞系的表达水平。在不同的肿瘤细胞中BRCA1的表达水平是各不一样的。而且并没有发现BRCA1的表达和细胞的内源性p53基因状况有明显的相关性。通过采用细胞转染乳头状瘤病毒-E6致癌基因或采用畸变的p53基因(143Ala→Val)而导致的p53基因功能失活并不对内源性BRCA1本底表达水平产生任何的影响,胆两种与p53功能有关p21(-/-)和Gadd45基因剔除则轻微地增加BRCA1蛋白质的表达。因此,虽然我们目前还不清楚BRCA1在人类肿瘤细胞中不同表达的功能意义,但本文的结果为进一步研究BRCA1在不同种瘤细胞系的生物功能提供了有价值的背景资料。  相似文献   

Four different human breast cancer cell lines were examined to search for genes associated with tumor growth and metastasis. Each of these cell lines, MDA-MB-453, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231 and MDA-MB-435, displays different phenotypic characteristics ranging from poorly to highly tumorigenic and metastatic. The differences in gene expression profiles of these cell lines generated by differential display technique should allow one to identify candidates as putative oncogenes or tumor/metastasis suppressor genes. A novel cDNA expressed in the highly tumorigenic and metastatic cell line, MDA-MB-435, was identified and isolated by this approach. The function for this gene, designated ALP56 (aspartic-like protease 56 kDa), in tumor progression is suggested by the homology of the encoded protein to aspartic proteases, such as cathepsin D. The amino acid residues in two catalytic domains of this family are highly conserved in those domains of ALP56. Northern hybridization indicated that the expression of ALP56 is associated with growth and metastasis of MDA-MB-435 tumors in immunodeficient mice. In situ hybridization of biopsies from breast cancer and colon cancer patients indicated that ALP56 is upregulated in human primary tumors and liver metastasis. These results suggest that this novel gene correlates with human tumor progression.  相似文献   

Diffuse infiltrating gliomas are the most common tumors of the central nervous system. Gliomas are classified by the WHO according to their histopathological and clinical characteristics into four classes: grade I (pilocytic astrocytoma), grade II (diffuse astrocytoma), grade III (anaplastic astrocytoma), and grade IV (glioblastoma multiforme). Several genes have already been correlated with astrocytomas, but many others are yet to be uncovered. By analyzing the public SAGE data from 21 patients, comprising low malignant grade astrocytomas and glioblastomas, we found COL6A1 to be differentially expressed, confirming this finding by real time RT-PCR in 66 surgical samples. To the best of our knowledge, COL6A1 has never been described in gliomas. The expression of this gene has significantly different means when normal glia is compared with low-grade astrocytomas (grades I and II) and high-grade astrocytomas (grades III and IV), with a tendency to be greater in higher grade samples, thus rendering it a powerful tumor marker.  相似文献   

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