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A novel phytase with preferable characteristics from Yersinia intermedia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Yersinia intermedia strain producing phytase was isolated from glacier soil. The phytase gene, appA, was isolated by degenerate PCR and TAIL-PCR. The full-length fragment contained 2354bp with a 1326-bp open reading frame encoding 441 amino acids. APPA contained the active site RHGXRXP and HD sequence motifs that are typical of histidine acid phosphatases. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the detection of phytase activity and cloning of the relevant gene from Y. intermedia. The gene was overexpressed in Pichia pastoris, and the purified recombinant APPA had a specific activity for sodium phytate of 3960U/mg, which is higher than that of the Citrobacter braakii phytase (previously the highest specific activity known). Recombinant APPA had high activity from pH 2 to 6 (optimum 4.5) and optimal temperature of 55 degrees C; the enzyme was resistant to pepsin and trypsin. These characteristics suggest that APPA may be highly suitable for use in the feed industry.  相似文献   

Modern genomic sequencing technologies produce a large amount of data with reduced cost per base; however, this data consists of short reads. This reduction in the size of the reads, compared to those obtained with previous methodologies, presents new challenges, including a need for efficient algorithms for the assembly of genomes from short reads and for resolving repetitions. Additionally after abinitio assembly, curation of the hundreds or thousands of contigs generated by assemblers demands considerable time and computational resources. We developed Simplifier, a stand-alone software that selectively eliminates redundant sequences from the collection of contigs generated by ab initio assembly of genomes. Application of Simplifier to data generated by assembly of the genome of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis strain 258 reduced the number of contigs generated by ab initio methods from 8,004 to 5,272, a reduction of 34.14%; in addition, N50 increased from 1 kb to 1.5 kb. Processing the contigs of Escherichia coli DH10B with Simplifier reduced the mate-paired library 17.47% and the fragment library 23.91%. Simplifier removed redundant sequences from datasets produced by assemblers, thereby reducing the effort required for finalization of genome assembly in tests with data from Prokaryotic organisms.


Simplifier is available at http://www.genoma.ufpa.br/rramos/softwares/simplifier.xhtmlIt requires Sun jdk 6 or higher.  相似文献   

Many of the diverse functions of neuropeptides are still elusive. As they are ideally suited to modulate traditional signaling, their added actions are not always detectable under standard laboratory conditions. The search for function assignment to peptide encoding genes can therefore greatly benefit from molecular information. Specific molecular changes resulting from neuropeptide signaling may direct researchers to yet unknown processes or conditions, for which studying these signaling systems may eventually lead to phenotypic confirmation. Here, we applied gel-based proteomics after pdf-1 neuropeptide gene knockout in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans. It has previously been described that pdf-1 null mutants display a locomotion defect, being slower and making more turns and reversals than wild type worms. The vertebrate functional homolog of PDF-1, vasocative intestinal peptide (VIP), is known to influence a plethora of processes, which have so far not been investigated for pdf-1. Because proteins represent the actual effectors inside an organism, proteomic analysis can guide our view to novel pdf-1 actions in the nematode worm. Our data show that knocking out pdf-1 results in alteration of levels of proteins involved in fat metabolism, stress resistance and development. This indicates a possible conservation of VIP-like actions for pdf-1 in C. elegans.  相似文献   

NDPK-A, product of the nm23-H1 gene, is one of the two major isoforms of human nucleoside diphosphate kinase. We analyzed the binding of its nucleotide substrates by fluorometric methods. The binding of nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) substrates was detected by following changes of the intrinsic fluorescence of the H118G/F60W variant, a mutant protein engineered for that purpose. Nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) substrate binding was measured by competition with a fluorescent derivative of ADP, following the fluorescence anisotropy of the derivative. We also determined an X-ray structure at 2.0A resolution of the variant NDPK-A in complex with ADP, Ca(2+) and inorganic phosphate, products of ATP hydrolysis. We compared the conformation of the bound nucleotide seen in this complex and the interactions it makes with the protein, with those of the nucleotide substrates, substrate analogues or inhibitors present in other NDP kinase structures. We also compared NDP kinase-bound nucleotides to ATP bound to protein kinases, and showed that the nucleoside monophosphate moieties have nearly identical conformations in spite of the very different protein environments. However, the beta and gamma-phosphate groups are differently positioned and oriented in the two types of kinases, and they bind metal ions with opposite chiralities. Thus, it should be possible to design nucleotide analogues that are good substrates of one type of kinase, and poor substrates or inhibitors of the other kind.  相似文献   

Chorismate synthase catalyzes the conversion of 5-enolpyruvylshikimate 3-phosphate to chorismate in the shikimate pathway, which represents an attractive target for discovering antimicrobial agents and herbicides. Chorismate serves as a common precursor for the synthesis of aromatic amino acids and many aromatic compounds in microorganisms and plants. Chorismate synthase requires reduced FMN as a cofactor but the catalyzed reaction involves no net redox change. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of chorismate synthase from Helicobacter pylori in both FMN-bound and FMN-free forms. It is a tetrameric enzyme, with each monomer possessing a novel "beta-alpha-beta sandwich fold". Highly conserved regions, including several flexible loops, cluster together around the bound FMN to form the active site. The unique FMN-binding site is formed largely by a single subunit, with a small contribution from a neighboring subunit. The isoalloxazine ring of the bound FMN is significantly non-planar. Our structure illuminates the essential functional roles played by the cofactor.  相似文献   

The structure of lipid A from Azospirillum lipoferum, a plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium, was investigated. It was determined by chemical analysis, mass spectrometric methods, as well as 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Because of the presence of substituents, the investigated lipid A differs from typical enterobacterial lipid A molecules. Its backbone is composed of a beta-(1,6)-linked D-glucosamine disaccharide but lacks phosphate residues. Moreover, the reducing end of the backbone (position C-1) is substituted with alpha-linked d-galacturonic acid. 3-hydroxypalmitoyl residues are exclusively connected to amino groups of the glucosamine disaccharide. Hydroxyls at positions C-3 and C-3' are esterified with 3-hydroxymyristic acids. Primary polar fatty acids are partially substituted by nonpolar fatty acids (namely, 18:0, 18:1 or 16:0), forming acyloxyacyl moieties.  相似文献   

A novel bioactive peptide (polypedarelaxin 1) was identified from the skin secretions of the tree frog, Polypedates pingbianensis. Polypedarelaxin 1 is composed of 21 amino acid residues with a sequence of QGGLLGKVSNLANDALGILPI. Its primary structure was further confirmed by cDNA cloning and mass spectrometry analysis. Polypedarelaxin 1 was found to elicit concentration-dependent relaxation effects on isolated rat ileum. It has no antimicrobial and serine protease inhibitory activities. BLAST search revealed that polypedarelaxin 1 did not show similarity to known proteins or peptides. Especially, polypedarelaxin 1 do not contain conserved structural motifs of other amphibian myotropic peptides, such as bradykinins, bombesins, cholecystokinin (CCK), and tachykinins, indicating that polypedarelaxin 1 belongs to a novel family of amphibian myotropic peptide.  相似文献   

The exotic multicolored Asian lady beetle, Harmonia axyridis, became established and recently spread across much of North America and southern Canada. In a habitat now used by both the invading H. axyridis and a native lady beetle, Olla v-nigrum, we discovered that the native lady beetle was commonly infected by Beauveria bassiana; whereas, the exotic H. axyridis, was not. Laboratory assays revealed that B. bassiana isolates collected from naturally infected O. v-nigrum were pathogenic to adult O. v-nigrum but not to adult H. axyridis. In contrast, the GHA strain of B. bassiana was not significantly pathogenic to O. v-nigrum nor H. axyridis. Late-season field collections revealed significantly higher B. bassiana infection of O. v-nigrum than H. axyridis. Our results lead us to hypothesize that low susceptibility of H. axyridis to B. bassiana (found to infect O. v-nigrum) may provide an intraguild advantage to H. axyridis over O. v-nigrum; this may also occur with other species of native lady beetles and other endemic entomopathogens in different habitats and regions.  相似文献   

This work reports the implementation and optimization of a method for high-throughput analysis of metabolites produced by the breakdown of natural polysaccharides by microorganisms. Our simple protocol enables simultaneous separation and quantification of more than 40 different sugars and sugar derivatives, in addition to several organic acids in complex media, using 50-mul samples and a standard gas chromatography-mass spectrometry platform that was fully optimized for this purpose. As an implementation proof-of-concept, we assayed extracellular metabolite levels of three bacterial strains cultivated on complex medium rich in polysaccharides and under identical growth conditions. We demonstrate that the metabolic footprinting profile data distinguish among sample types such as typical metabolomics data. Moreover, we demonstrate that the differential metabolite-level data provide insight on specific fibrolytic activity of the different microbial strains and lay the groundwork for integrated proteome-metabolome studies of fiber-degrading microorganisms.  相似文献   

The presence of rooted macrophytes, mostly the milfoil Myriophyllum sibiricum, was manipulated in enclosures in the littoral zone of a Colorado reservoir. The presence of macrophytes significantly increased the abundance of major invertebrate taxa by 70–1725% and increased the emission of methane 127%. The increase in abundance of most invertebrates was probably due to the habitat and surfaces provided by milfoil as stable isotope analyses indicated that milfoil was an insignificant carbon source for all of the invertebrate taxa, except for the milfoil midge Cricotopus myriophylli. Cricotopus is known to specialize on milfoil (other members of the genus specialize on Hydrilla or are generalists), had an isotopic signature that indicated a diet of milfoil, and was about 15 times more abundant when milfoil was present than when it was absent. Milfoil had no detectable effect on the total particulate phosphorus (TPP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP), and Chl a of water within the enclosures. However, enclosures containing milfoil had higher concentrations of SRP in the pore water of surface sediments than enclosures that had milfoil removed. SRP in pore water dropped below 2 μg/L at >2 cm sediment depth and DOP increased progressively from nearly zero at the surface to about 150 μg/L at 15 cm depth, regardless of vegetation. Thus, milfoil had significant effects on many, but not all, measures of littoral ecosystem structure and function that were monitored.  相似文献   

Fatty acid biosynthesis is essential for the survival of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) is an essential precursor in this pathway. We have determined the 3-D crystal structure of M. tuberculosis citrate lyase beta-subunit (CitE), which as annotated should cleave protein bound citryl-CoA to oxaloacetate and a protein-bound CoA derivative. The CitE structure has the (beta/alpha)(8) TIM barrel fold with an additional alpha-helix, and is trimeric. We have determined the ternary complex bound with oxaloacetate and magnesium, revealing some of the conserved residues involved in catalysis. While the bacterial citrate lyase is a complex with three subunits, the M. tuberculosis genome does not contain the alpha and gamma subunits of this complex, implying that M. tuberculosis CitE acts differently from other bacterial CitE proteins. The analysis of gene clusters containing the CitE protein from 168 fully sequenced organisms has led us to identify a grouping of functionally related genes preserved in M. tuberculosis, Rattus norvegicus, Homo sapiens, and Mus musculus. We propose a novel enzymatic function for M. tuberculosis CitE in fatty acid biosynthesis that is analogous to bacterial citrate lyase but producing acetyl-CoA rather than a protein-bound CoA derivative.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins and proteases play a crucial role in cell survival under conditions of environmental stress. The heat shock protein Hsp31, produced by gene hchA at elevated temperatures in Escherichia coli, is a homodimeric protein consisting of a large A domain and a smaller P domain connected by a linker. Two catalytic triads are present per dimer, with the Cys and His contributed by the A domain and an Asp by the P domain. A new crystal Form II confirms the dimer and catalytic triad arrangement seen in the earlier crystal Form I. In addition, several loops exhibit increased flexibility compared to the previous Hsp31 dimer structure. In particular, loops D2 and D3 are intriguing because their mobility leads to the exposure of a sizable hydrophobic patch made up by surface areas of both subunits near the dimer interface. The residues creating this hydrophobic surface are completely conserved in the Hsp31 family. At the same time, access to the catalytic triad is increased. These observations lead to the hypothesis for the functioning of Hsp31 wherein loops D2 and D3 play a key role: first, at elevated temperatures, by becoming mobile and uncovering a large hydrophobic area that helps in binding to client proteins, and second, by removing the client protein from the hydrophobic patch when the temperature decreases and the loops adopt their low-temperature positions at the Hsp31 surface. The proposed mode of action of flexible loops in the functioning of Hsp31 may be a general principle employed by other chaperones.  相似文献   

Nance-Horan Syndrome (NHS) is a rare X-linked syndrome characterized by congenital cataract which leads to profound vision loss, characteristic dysmorphic features and specific dental anomalies. Microcornea, microphthalmia and mild or moderate mental retardation may accompany these features. Heterozygous females often manifest similarly but with less severe features than affected males. We describe two brothers who have the NHS phenotype and their carrier mother who had microcornea but not cataract. We identified a previously unreported frameshift mutation (c.558insA) in exon 1 of the NHS gene in these patients and their mother which is predicted to result in the incorporation of 11 aberrant amino acids prior to a stop codon (p.E186Efs11X). We also discussed genotype–phenotype correlation according to relevant literature.  相似文献   

The formation of disulfide bonds between cysteine residues is a rate-limiting step in protein folding. To control this oxidative process, different organisms have developed different systems. In bacteria, disulfide bond formation is assisted by the Dsb protein family; in eukarya, disulfide bond formation and rearrangement are catalyzed by PDI. In thermophilic organisms, a potential key role in disulfide bond formation has recently been ascribed to a new cytosolic Protein Disulphide Oxidoreductase family whose members have a molecular mass of about 26 kDa and are characterized by two thioredoxin folds comprising a CXXC active site motif each. Here we report on the functional and structural characterization of ApPDO, a new member of this family, which was isolated from the archaeon Aeropyrum pernix K1. Functional studies have revealed that ApPDO can catalyze the reduction, oxidation and isomerization of disulfide bridges. Structural studies have shown that this protein has two CXXC active sites with fairly similar geometrical parameters typical of a stable conformation. Finally, a theoretical calculation of the cysteine pK(a) values has suggested that the two active sites have similar functional properties and each of them can impart activity to the enzyme. Our results are evidence of functional similarity between the members of the Protein Disulphide Oxidoreductase family and the eukaryotic enzyme PDI. However, as the different three-dimensional features of these two biological systems strongly suggest significantly different mechanisms of action, further experimental studies will be needed to make clear how different three-dimensional structures can result in systems with similar functional behavior.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c6A is a unique dithio-cytochrome present in land plants and some green algae. Its sequence and occurrence in the thylakoid lumen suggest that it is derived from cytochrome c6, which functions in photosynthetic electron transfer between the cytochrome b6f complex and photosystem I. Its known properties, however, and a strong indication that the disulfide group is not purely structural, indicate that it has a different, unidentified function. To help in the elucidation of this function the crystal structure of cytochrome c6A from Arabidopsis thaliana has been determined in the two redox states of the heme group, at resolutions of 1.2 A (ferric) and 1.4 A (ferrous). These two structures were virtually identical, leading to the functionally important conclusion that the heme and disulfide groups do not communicate by conformational change. They also show, however, that electron transfer between the reduced disulfide and the heme is feasible. We therefore suggest that the role of cytochrome c6A is to use its disulfide group to oxidize dithiol/disulfide groups of other proteins of the thylakoid lumen, followed by internal electron transfer from the dithiol to the heme, and re-oxidation of the heme by another thylakoid oxidant. Consistent with this model, we found a rapid electron transfer between ferro-cytochrome c6A and plastocyanin, with a second-order rate constant, k2=1.2 x 10(7) M(-1) s(-1).  相似文献   

Wei JF  Li T  Wei XL  Sun QY  Yang FM  Chen QY  Wang WY  Xiong YL  He SH 《Biochimie》2006,88(10):1331-1342
Group IIA phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) are major components in Viperidae/Crotalidae venom. In the present study, a novel PLA(2) named promutoxin with Arg at the site 49 has been purified from the venom of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus by chromatography. It consists of 122 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 13,656 Da assessed by MALDI-TOF. It has the structural features of snake venom group IIA PLA(2)s, but has no PLA(2) enzymatic activity. Promutoxin shows higher amino acid sequence identity to the K49 PLA(2)s (72-95%) than to D49 PLA(2)s (52-58%). Promutoxin exhibits potent myotoxicity in the animal model with as little as 1 microg of promutoxin causing myonecrosis and myoedema in the gastrocnemius muscle of mice. Promutoxin is also able to stimulate the release of IL-12, TNFalpha, IL-6 and IL-1beta from human monocytes, and induce IL-2, TNFalpha and IL-6 release from T cells, indicating that this snake venom group IIA PLA(2) is actively involved in the inflammatory process in man caused by snake venom poisoning.  相似文献   

Fibrinogen-related proteins play important roles in innate immunity. We isolated a fibrinogen-related protein gene (MjFREP1) in kuruma shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus. MjFREP1 encoded a protein of 270 amino acids, including a 223 amino acid fibrinogen-like domain. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis shows that MjFREP1 is mainly expressed in the gills and the expression is significantly upregulated by Vibrio anguillarum, Staphylococcus aureus, or white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) challenge. Recombinant MjFREP1 fibrinogen-like domain agglutinates Gram-positive bacteria Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus megaterium, and S. aureus in the presence of calcium ions. The fibrinogen-like domain of MjFREP1 binds peptidoglycans, LPS, bacteria, and the VP28 of WSSV. These results suggest that the MjFREP1 may play an important role in the shrimp immune response against different pathogens.  相似文献   

A discrete time model was built to understand the origin of the sex-specific population structure of the human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni. We have estimated both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of this parasite taking into account all the experimental published values on differential male and female life-history traits all along the life cycle. We considered in our model male and female life-history traits when both separated and together. The model showed that both male/female individual ratio and male/female genotype ratio of S. mansoni adults are biased toward males in each combination. This bias was more important in male/female genotype ratio than in the male/female individual ratio for the same initial values of cercarial development success. This model could explain the sex specific population structure of this parasite. Firstly, we showed that the male-biased individual ratio finds its origin in the vertebrate host. Secondly, we showed that the male-biased genotype ratio originates prior to any interrelationship between adult worms and could generate by itself a sex-specific genetic structure.  相似文献   

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