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The density and spatial location of bacteria were investigated within different horizons of an upland grassland soil before and after a liming treatment to increase the numbers of large soil fauna. Bacterial cells were located by image analysis of stained thin sections and densities calculated from these data. Excrement from macro- and meso-fauna was identified using micromorphology and the densities of bacteria on specific areas of excrement measured by image analysis. There were significant differences among horizons in the density of bacterial cells, with the minimum density found in the horizon with least evidence of earthworm activity, but no difference in density between the organic H and organo-mineral Ah horizons. Soil improvement by liming significantly increased bacterial densities in all three horizons, with the greatest increase found in the horizon with the smallest density before liming. There were no differences in bacterial density between areas dominated by excrement from earthworms and excrement from enchytraeids, although densities in both areas were significantly increased by liming. Variability in bacterial density at spatial scales of less than 1 mm was linked to the occurrence of excrement. Bacterial densities within areas of both types of excrement were significantly greater than those in the surrounding soil. However, the frequency distribution of the ratios of density in excrement to that in the soil was bimodal, with a majority of occurrences having a ratio near 1 and only some 20-30% having a much larger ratio. These variations can probably be explained by variations in the age of the excrement and its suitability as a substrate.  相似文献   

华北太行山前平原农田土壤养分的空间变异性研究   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:21  
采用地统计方法,分别对栾城县(面积约30490hm^2)和中国科学院栾城生态农业试验站示范区(15hm^2)农田耕层土壤养分的空间变异特征进行了研究.结果表明,在2个不同采样间距下,各土壤养分含量均具有空间相关性,县域范围近似以1km网格采样,最大相关距离为4.2~15.6km,在示范区以20m网格采样,则为112~223m;在同一采样间距下,土壤有机质、全氮、全磷、速效养分(N、P、K)含量的空间变异结构也各不相同,具有块金方差效应,半方差图分别遵从高斯和球函数模型.认识本区土壤的这种空间变异结构有助于实现对农田土壤养分的分区和合理管理.  相似文献   

田块尺度下土壤磷素的空间变异性   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
姜勇  梁文举  张玉革 《应用生态学报》2005,16(11):2086-2091
采用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,对中国科学院沈阳生态实验站30 m×42 m样地进行网格法分层(0~10和10~20 cm)取样,研究了田块尺度下土壤全P和Olsen-P的空间变异特征.结果表明,49对样本土壤Olsen-P的变异系数(4.5%~5.42%)远高于全P(11.8%~13.33%);全P和Olsen-P具有较好的空间结构且具有较相近的空间相关距离.最佳理论模型的参数显示各变量空间变异主要受结构性因素的影响,各变量半方差变异函数的C/(C0+C)均高于%.全P和Olsen-P之间及在2个土层之间均具有较相似的空间分布格局.变异系数结合空间格局分析可以大大降低试验取样的数量.  相似文献   

Wind is known to affect the spatial heterogeneity of soil resources in arid and semiarid systems, but multi-year, quantified observations are largely absent. We studied the effects of wind erosion on the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) and other soil nutrients at the Jornada Experimental Range, in southern New Mexico. Enhanced wind erosion was encouraged by grass cover reduction in a Sporobolus-mesquite dominated site (SM) and a Bouteloua-mesquite dominated site (BM). The scale and magnitude of spatial dependence for the soil analytes were quantified using geostatistical analyses. Results of this study show that soil organic matter related analytes such as SOC, TN, Navail, and SO4 2- are among the first to be eroded and redistributed; cations such as Ca2+ and Mg2+ may not be removed and redistributed significantly; and other ions such as K+, Na+ and Cl showed no discernible pattern of change. Geostatistics show that wind appeared to increase the scale of spatial autocorrelation, but decrease the scale of spatial dependence of most soil analytes over 2–3 windy seasons. In the wind enhanced plot of the SM site, up to 99% of the spatial dependence of SOC was autocorrelated at the distance of 1.45 m before the initiation of wind erosion, but the spatial dependence dropped significantly to only 60% at a larger autocorrelation distance of 2.76 m after three windy seasons. Similar but less significant changes were observed for SOC in the BM site. Despite the differential effects of wind on the soil analytes, we conclude that the overall results of wind on the grass cover reduction plots are the disappearance of small, strong fertile islands, which may be related to grasses; and the reinforcement of large fertile islands, which are likely related to mesquite shrubs. In addition, the change of the spatial patterns of SOC and other soil nutrients induced by enhanced wind erosion may persist and reinforce soil islands associated with shrubs, thus allowing a positive feedback for further desertification in this arid grassland.  相似文献   

The spatial variation of soil pH and soil organic matter (SOM) in the urban area of Xuzhou, China, was investigated in this study. Conventional statistics, geostatistics, and a geographical information system (GIS) were used to produce spatial distribution maps and to provide information about land use types. A total of 172 soil samples were collected based on grid method in the study area. Soil pH ranged from 6.47 to 8.48, with an average of 7.62. SOM content was very variable, ranging from 3.51 g/kg to 17.12 g/kg, with an average of 8.26 g/kg. Soil pH followed a normal distribution, while SOM followed a log-normal distribution. The results of semi-variograms indicated that soil pH and SOM had strong (21%) and moderate (44%) spatial dependence, respectively. The variogram model was spherical for soil pH and exponential for SOM. The spatial distribution maps were achieved using kriging interpolation. The high pH and high SOM tended to occur in the mixed forest land cover areas such as those in the southwestern part of the urban area, while the low values were found in the eastern and the northern parts, probably due to the effect of industrial and human activities. In the central urban area, the soil pH was low, but the SOM content was high, which is mainly attributed to the disturbance of regional resident activities and urban transportation. Furthermore, anthropogenic organic particles are possible sources of organic matter after entering the soil ecosystem in urban areas. These maps provide useful information for urban planning and environmental management.  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统(GIS)和地统计学研究了河北省遵化市土壤表层(0~20cm)碱解氮、全氮、速效钾、速效磷和有机质等5种养分要素的空间变异规律.应用GIS能够将系统变量的属性数据同地理数据相结合,使大区域范围内进行地统计学分析变得较为方便.研究表明,全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、有机质变异函数曲线的理论模型符合球状模型,速效钾的理论模型表现为指数模型和有基台值的线性模型的套合结构;碱解氮、全氮、速效磷、有机质的空间变异主要是由随机性因素引起的,但程度有所差异,全氮和有机质由随机性因素引起的空间异质性程度较高,碱解氮和速效磷较低;速效钾的空间变异则主要是由结构性因素引起;5种养分要素的空间自相关程度都属于中等的空间自相关,但空间变异的尺度范围不同,碱解氮和速效磷变异尺度基本相近,为5和5.5km;全氮较大,为14.5km;有机质为8.5km;速效钾的变异尺度有两个,0~3.5km主要以指数模型为主,3.5~25.5km范围内以有基台值的线性模型为主.5种养分要素的各向同性的范围不同,碱解氮和速效磷在整个范围(0~28km)都表现出各向同性,全氮和有机质的其次,为0~10km;速效钾的较小,为0~8km.  相似文献   

植被覆盖对土壤线虫营养类群空间分布的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
以中国科学院沈阳生态实验站的裸地和撂荒地为研究对象,采用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,研究裸地和撂荒地土壤线虫总数及各营养类群的空间分布特征.结果表明,裸地和撂荒地植物寄生线虫与土壤pH呈显著负相关;撂荒地土壤线虫总数的平均值显著大于裸地,分别为每百克干土1 485.3和464.0条;撂荒地土壤线虫总数、植物寄生线虫和食细菌线虫的块金值/基台值(27.3%~45.6%)低于裸地(49.5%~100%),裸地和撂荒地土壤线虫总数及各营养类群的空间分布格局均有明显差异,表明植被覆盖对土壤线虫的空间分布有较大影响.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区林草景观界面雨后土壤水分空间变异规律   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
对黄土丘陵区刺槐林-草地景观界面上雨后土壤表层(0~10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)水分的空间变异规律进行了研究.经典统计学分析表明,草地两层的土壤含水量分别高于林地;林草界面两层的土壤含水量均为弱变异程度,并具有明显的生态梯度.移动窗口法分析表明,林草界面对土壤表层和亚表层的水分影响范围为边界两侧4 m、3 m,影响域分别为8 m、6m.地统计学分析表明,草地两层土壤含水量空间分布均表现为纯块金效应,林地两层均可拟合成线性模型,而林草界面两层均可拟合成球状模型;林草界面土壤表层、亚表层水分空间依赖性和空间自相关较强,其空间结构异质性明显高于林地和草地.克立格制图描述的林草界面土壤水分的空间分布格局为从边界处向两侧的一定距离范围内,土壤含水量呈条带状分布,而在较远的距离,水分的空间分布呈现出几个明显的斑块状.  相似文献   

基于地理信息系统 (GIS)和地统计学研究了河北省遵化市土壤表层 ( 0~ 2 0cm )碱解氮、全氮、速效钾、速效磷和有机质等 5种养分要素的空间变异规律 .应用GIS能够将系统变量的属性数据同地理数据相结合 ,使大区域范围内进行地统计学分析变得较为方便 .研究表明 ,全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、有机质变异函数曲线的理论模型符合球状模型 ,速效钾的理论模型表现为指数模型和有基台值的线性模型的套合结构 ;碱解氮、全氮、速效磷、有机质的空间变异主要是由随机性因素引起的 ,但程度有所差异 ,全氮和有机质由随机性因素引起的空间异质性程度较高 ,碱解氮和速效磷较低 ;速效钾的空间变异则主要是由结构性因素引起 ;5种养分要素的空间自相关程度都属于中等的空间自相关 ,但空间变异的尺度范围不同 ,碱解氮和速效磷变异尺度基本相近 ,为 5和5 .5km ;全氮较大 ,为 14 .5km ;有机质为 8.5km ;速效钾的变异尺度有两个 ,0~ 3 .5km主要以指数模型为主 ,3 .5~ 2 5 .5km范围内以有基台值的线性模型为主 .5种养分要素的各向同性的范围不同 ,碱解氮和速效磷在整个范围 ( 0~ 2 8km )都表现出各向同性 ,全氮和有机质的其次 ,为 0~ 10km ;速效钾的较小 ,为 0~ 8km .  相似文献   

江门市新会区耕地土壤养分空间变异特征   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
运用地统计学方法,结合GIS技术研究了江门市新会区土壤pH值、有机质、阳离子交换量、全氮、有效磷和缓效钾种养分要素的空间分布特征.结果表明,各变量符合正态分布或经对数转换后符合正态分布.半方差函数分析结果显示,除全氮具有强空间相关外,其余均具有中等空间相关性.Kriging插值结果表明,研究区域耕地土壤pH值和阳离子交换量在东北部最高,有机质含量在中部和东北部较高;全氮含量在1.5~2.0g·kg-1的面积占研究区域耕地面积的74.7%,主要分布于研究区域西部和东部地区;有效磷含量>40mg·kg-1的面积占研究区域耕地面积的48.7%,主要分布于研究区域东北部和西部;缓效钾含量在10~350mg·kg-1的面积占研究区域耕地面积的48.1%,主要分布于研究区域东部、东北部和中部.  相似文献   

二化螟种群空间格局的经典分析与地统计学比较研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
为揭示二化螟幼虫空间格局特征并阐明经典格局分析的局限性与地统计分析的优越性,从2个原始样本出发,另构建了一系列格栅样本、随机样本和顺序样本并进行了比较研究。结果表明,经典格局分析不能有效区分频次分布相同但分布型或聚集程度不同的样本,存在受样方大小、格栅初始点位置和样本容量大小影响等许多局限性,其中受格栅初始点位置影响是首次报道;而地统计学半变异函数能有效刻划二化螟种群空间分布格局,表征其聚集强度和空间异质性,且受样方大小、格栅初始点位置和样本容量大小的影响较小,二化螟种群在低密度下呈随机分布;在高密度下呈聚集分布,聚集强度为0.1056,空间依赖范围为193cm,在高密度下二化螟种群空间分布存在几何异向性,行方向上的聚集强度(0.2716)明显高于列方向(0.0867),但行方向上的空间依赖范围(115cm)小于列方向(264cm)。  相似文献   

【背景】茶园根际土壤的细菌群落结构与茶园生境土壤营养循环密切相关,其组成及多样性可以作为健康茶园的一个生物指标。【方法】采用PCR.变性梯度凝胶电泳(PCR—DGGE)分子指纹图谱技术,检测安溪铁观音种植区不同海拔茶园根际土壤样本的细菌群落结构,利用Shannon.Wiener多样性指数分析其多样性,采用非加权组平均法进行聚类分析得到其分布特征,利用蒙特卡罗检验和冗余分析分别揭示影响细菌群落分布的环境因子及细菌群落分布和环境变量之间的关系。【结果】茶园根际土壤细菌的DGGE结果显示,检测到的14种主要细菌中有11种细菌是不可培养的,3种细菌是可培养的,分别属于根瘤菌属、中华根瘤菌属和苍白杆菌属。聚类分析得到,同一海拔梯度茶园根际土壤细菌群落结构相似。Shan-non—Wiener多样性指数分析表明,400m海拔处茶园根际土壤细菌群落多样性最高。蒙特卡罗检验分析得到环境因子协同作用对茶园根际土壤细菌群落结构贡献率为59.6%。冗余分析显示,茶园根际土壤细菌群落结构与海拔密切相关。【结论与意义】茶园根际土壤细菌群落结构分布与海拔梯度密切相关,考虑不同海拔高度土壤细菌群落对茶园营养循环的影响,在铁观音的健康栽培和管理过程中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

模拟油藏条件下内源微生物群落空间分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【背景】油藏内源微生物群落是开展内源微生物驱油技术的物质基础,由于油藏多孔介质取样技术难度大、成本高,实施内源微生物驱油后从注入端到产出端多孔介质中的内源微生物空间分布规律尚不明确。【目的】通过室内长岩心连续驱替实验模拟油藏内源微生物驱油过程,分析实施后不同空间位点油砂上吸附的内源微生物群落结构,揭示从注入端到产出端内源微生物群落的空间分布规律。【方法】借助高通量测序技术及荧光定量PCR技术解析不同空间位点油砂原位微生物群落信息。【结果】注入端到产出端不同空间位点生态环境的差异及菌属间的相互作用造成油藏内源微生物群落空间分布差异,存在明显的好氧、厌氧空间演替变化规律。岩心前端主要存在一些好氧类的产生物表面活性剂类微生物如假单胞菌属,岩心中部主要存在兼性和厌氧类的微生物如地芽孢杆菌、厌氧杆菌属,岩心末端主要分布严格厌氧类细菌和产甲烷古菌,厌氧类微生物代谢产生的H2、CO2和乙酸分子可以为产甲烷古菌提供代谢底物。【结论】通过室内物模油砂研究,首次明确了内源微生物群落在多孔介质中从注入端到产出端的空间分布规律,证实油藏内源微生物的好氧、厌氧空间接替分布规律,深化了对油藏内源微生物的认识。  相似文献   

王好才  夏敏  刘圣恩  王燚  展鹏飞  王行 《生态学报》2021,41(7):2663-2675
了解高原泥炭沼泽湿地生态系统土壤微生物群落结构组成、多样性及空间分布特征对认识高原湿地生态特征及演化过程至关重要。利用高通量测序技术,在局域尺度上研究了四川若尔盖高原泥炭沼泽湿地土壤细菌群落结构与多样性特征。通过进一步测定土壤及植物基本理化指标,量化采样点之间的地理距离,比较了细菌群落不同成员(稀有种和丰富种)的空间周转差异,分析了土壤环境变量和空间因子对细菌群落结构的相对贡献。结果表明:若尔盖泥炭土壤细菌群落主要由绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)(26.25%)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(23.21%)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)(10.56%)等优势物种门类组成;土壤细菌群落结构表现出较强的空间依赖关系,群落结构相似性随采样点地理距离增加而逐渐降低,细菌群落的周转速率表现为总细菌群落 > 丰富种 > 稀有种;Mantel检验结果显示,地上生物量与细菌群落呈极显著相关性(P<0.01),其中,影响稀有种空间分布特征的环境因子还包括土壤硫含量、活性磷、Mn和土壤pH值;方差分解分析表明,局域尺度上的土壤因子对若尔盖高原泥炭沼泽土壤细菌群落构建的相对贡献大于空间因子,土壤异质性是影响微生物空间分布特征的关键因素。研究为开展高原湿地泥炭土壤微生物多样性调查及揭示微生物群落构建机制提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Soil heavy metal concentrations exhibit significant space-time trends due to their accumulation along the time axis and the varying distances from the pollution sources. Thus, concentration trends cannot be ignored when performing spatiotemporal soil heavy metal predictions in an area. In this work, datasets were used of soil cadmium (Cd) concentrations in the Qingshan district (Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China) sampled during the period 2010–2014. Spatiotemporal Kriging with four Trend models (STKT) and non-separable space-time correlation was implemented to assimilate multi-temporal data in the mapping of Cd distribution within the contaminated soil area. Soil Cd trends were represented by four different space-time polynomial functions, and a non-separable power function-exponential variogram model of Cd distribution was assumed. Plots of the predicted space-time Cd distributions revealed a marked tendency of the Cd concentrations over time to spread from the southwest part to the entire study area (higher soil Cd concentrations are found in the southwest part of the Qingshan area, whereas the temporal Cd trend is characterized by a constant increase from 2010 to 2014). Thus, the maps indicate that the entire study area is contaminated by Cd, a situation that seems to be stable over time. STKT can reduce prediction errors in practically and statistically significant ways. A numerical comparison of the STKT technique vs. the mainstream Spatiotemporal Ordinary Kriging (STOK) technique showed that STKT can perform better than STOK when the trend model's goodness of fit to the Cd data was satisfactory (producing minimal data fit error statistics), implying that adequate trend modeling is a key issue for space-time prediction accuracy purposes. In particular, quantitative results obtained at the Qingshan region showed that, by incorporating local Cd values and distance-based dependence structures the STKT techniques produced the best prediction error statistics, resulting in considerable prediction error reductions (the level of which depend on the trend model specification; e.g., in the case of STKT with trend model 3 the improvement comparing to STOK was almost 30%). Future studies of Cd contamination in the region (sampling design optimization) can benefit from the results of the geostatistical analysis of the present paper (variogram and trend modeling, etc.).  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that different minerals in soil select distinct bacterial communities in their microhabitats. Mica (M), basalt (B) and rock phosphate (RP) were incubated separately in soil planted with Trifolium subterraneum, Lolium rigidum or left unplanted. After 70 days, the mineral and soil fractions were separated by sieving. Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis was used to determine whether the bacterial community structure was affected by the mineral, fraction and plant treatments. Principal coordinate plots showed clustering of bacterial communities from different fraction and mineral treatments, but not from different plant treatments. Permutational multivariate anova ( permanova ) showed that the microhabitats of M, B and RP selected bacterial communities different from each other in unplanted and L. rigidum , and in T. subterraneum , bacterial communities from M and B differed ( P <0.046). permanova also showed that each mineral fraction selected bacterial communities different from the surrounding soil fraction ( P <0.05). This study shows that the structure of bacterial communities in soil is influenced by the mineral substrates in their microhabitat and that minerals in soil play a greater role in bacterial ecology than simply providing an inert matrix for bacterial growth. This study suggests that mineral heterogeneity in soil contributes to the spatial variation in bacterial communities.  相似文献   

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