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Mezidruhový hybridSalvia němecii (S. nutans x 8. juri?i?ii), popsaný autorem ji? d?íve, je plně plodný. Proto byly na 238 rostlinách F2 generace sledovány tyto znaky: typ svazk? cévních v 159;apíku, poměr délky ?apíku k délce ?epele, délko?í?kový index ?epele listové a ?lenitost ?epele, vyjád?ená poměrem ideální obrysové ploehy listu k jeho skute?né plo?e. V?ecky tyto charakteristiky srovnány se situací u rodi?ovských druh? i F1 hybrida. Bylo zji?těno:
  1. 1.
    Typ II svazk? cévních je jednodu?e a úplně dominantní nad typem III (?těpný poměr 172 : 66, X2(1) = 0.94, p =0–35).,  相似文献   

Information on richness of plant resources, and their forms of use and management in the biosphere reserve Tehuacan-Cuicatlan, Mexico is analyzed. This 10 000 km2 region hosts nearly 2700 vascular plant species, and it is acknowledged as one of the arid areas with the highest floristic diversity in North America. The seven indigenous ethnic groups that live in this region have cultural roots that date back almost 10 000 years. Based upon ethnobotanical and floristic studies, as well as bibliographical sources, a total of 808 useful plant species were identified, most of them (90%) being native, and 44 species being endemic to the region. A total of 681 species are wild plants, 109 are weeds and ruderal plants, and 86 are domesticated crops. However, it was noted that considerable overlap exists between the species of these 3 categories. For example, while wild and ruderal plants (706 species) are foraged by both humans and domestic animals, 59 species of this group are also managed in situ. On the other hand, 168 wild, ruderal and domesticated species are cultivated. The Tehuacán-Cuicatlan Valley is one of the richest regions of Mexico in plant resources. Local knowledge on use and management of plants is a valuable source of information for designing conservation and social development strategies for the biosphere reserve.  相似文献   

Summary Square-root (or Ratkowsky) models are a special case of Blehrádek's temperature rate-relationship first published in 1926 and widely used in several fields of biology. Blehrádek-type models also describe microbial growth, and have been extended for use in food microbiology by the inclusion of terms for water activity and pH. The parameters of the square root-type models are defined and their determination described. Favorable features of square root-type models include parsimony, parameter estimation properties, and ease of use. Square root-type models have been developed for a number of organisms of concern to the food industry and have also been adopted for use in a number of electronic devices used in predictive microbiology. Criticisms of square root-type models are also considered.Mention of brand or firm names does not constitute an endorsement by the US Department of Agriculture over others of a similar nature not mentioned.  相似文献   

This work proposes the establishment of core zones in the Biosphere Reserve of Tehuacán-Cuicatlán (BRTC), based on plant species richness and endemism. A total of 561 species of the four most important plant families in the region (Asteraceae, Cactaceae, Leguminosae and Poaceae) as well as 174 endemic species of these and other families were used in the analyses. Distribution of these taxa was analyzed using two different iterative complementarity methods. Significant correlations were found between patterns of species richness and endemic plants distribution in the study area. These results were combined with other analysis where two different indices (species richness index and human population index) were used. The results suggest the delimitation of four core zones within the Biosphere Reserve, covering a total area of 105,300 ha. The core zones represent 21.8% of the area, and would protect 72.54% of the species from the selected plant families and 67.8% of endemic species.  相似文献   

The dendrochronological characteristics of 52 tree species from the semi-tropical forests of the Yucatán Peninsula were opportunistically explored in a salvage dendrochronological study. The existence of clear growth rings in these trees is a key prerequisite for further studies and a convincing demonstration of the dendrochronological potential of tropical tree species will allow the development of future research programs concerning the ecology of the species and inferences about past environmental changes detected from tree rings. Many aspects of the conservation and management of Yucatec forests should be urgently addressed to aid in the development of improved strategies beyond the scope of more traditional agricultural uses. Development of tree-ring analyses from selected local species can be of substantial assistance in these initiatives.  相似文献   

Резюме Исследовалось течен ие внутрикожной стаф илококковой инфекции у кроликов,-к ак нормальных, так и акти вно сенсибилизирова нных повторными инфекция ми и пассивно сенсиби лизированных сенсибилизированны х клетками селезенки и перитонеального экс судата сенсибилизированны х животных. Для развити я стафилококковой ин фекции имеет значение повыш енная чувствительно сть позднего (туберкулин ового) типа, могущая пе реноситься клетками. В сенсибили зированной ткани инфекция проте кает интенсивнее и дл ительнее, с более массивным и дли тельным сохранением микробо в в ткани, чем у контрол ьных кроликов. Эти результ аты подтверждают значение сенсибилиз ации для патогенеза стафилококковой инф екции.
The significance of sensitization in experimental staphylococcal infection II. Průběh místni infekce při aktivní a pasivní sensibilisaciII. The course of local infection in actively and passively sensitized rabbits
Souhrn Sledovali jsme průběh intradermální stafylokokové infekce u králiků normálních, aktivně sensibilisovanych opakovanymi infekcemi a pasivně sensibilisovanych buňkami sleziny a peritoneálního exsudátu sensibilisovanych zvířat. Přecitlivělost pozdního (tuberkulinového) typu, přenosná buňkami, má vyznam pro rozvoj stafylokokové infekce. Infekce v sensibilisované tkáni probíhá intensivněji a déle, s větším a trvalejším udrzením mikrobů v tkáni nez u králí ků kontrolních. Tyto vysledky potvrzují vyznam sensibilisace pro patogenesu stafylokokové infekce. Summary The author studied the course of intradermal staphylococcal infection in normal rabbits, in rabbits made hypersensitive by repeated staphylococcal infections and in rabbits passively sensitized by the administration of spleen cells and peritoneal exudate from hypersensitive animals. Hypersensitivity to staphylococcal antigen of the delayed (tuberculin) type, which can be transmitted by cells, is important in the development of staphylococcal infection. In sensitized tissue the course of the infection is more intensive and longer, and the bacteria remain in the tissues in larger numbers and for a longer period than in the controls.

Summary A population sample of 416 unrelated donors from eské Budjovice (southorn Bohemia) was investigated for the phenotypes of phosphoglucomutase (PGM). The calculated frequencies of the allelles PGM 1 1 and PGM 1 2 , 0.770 and 0.230, respectively, correspond to the expected frequencies of the phenotypes PGM 1=0.593, PGM 2-1=0.354, and PGM 2=0.0529. No rare phonotype was detected.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a bioclimatic approach to (1) differentiate populations of the endemic Mexican columnar cactus Neobuxbaumia tetetzo within the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley and (2) evaluate, under two possible future scenarios (years 2050 and 2080), the effects of climate change on the total species distribution in this area, as well as on groups of populations defined by their bioclimatic models. Four population groups were identified, and principal component analysis showed that the variables that explained more than 40% of the climatic variation were precipitation of the wettest quarter and temperature seasonality. Bioclimatic models under the different scenarios indicated that when the overall species distribution was analyzed, this area will probably have contracted by 19.5% by the year 2050 and 47.05% by the year 2080, whereas the separate analysis of population groups projected area contractions of 18.4% by the year 2050 and 51.95% by the year 2080. These results demonstrate the importance of exploring new approaches for evaluating and predicting current and future distribution of plant species.  相似文献   

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