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An in vitro liquid culture oospore production method yielding 5 × 103 oospores/ml was used to follow the sequential events of gametangial copulation and oospore formation in Lagenidium giganteum. Observations were made with Nomarski differential interference microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. After septation and division of fungal thalli into a chain-like series of links, certain individual subthalli differentiated into gametaniga, oogonia, and antheridia. Antheridia issued a fertilization tube which made contact with, and fused to a single oogonium. Copulative behavior was relatively synchronous and necessitated physical contact between thalli. Sexual reproduction was manifested by the migration and condensation of gametes. Plasmogamy was achieved following the introduction of the male gamete into the oogonium. The fused gametes gave rise to a zygote. Small amounts of periplasm remained in the oogonium. Zygote maturation into a fully developed oospore was characterized by the deposition of a multilaminated oospore wall, the coalescence of lipids into a highly refractive central reserve globule surrounded by a layer of fine-grained cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Ammonia-assimilating enzymes in bryophytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ammonia can be incorporated into amino acids by reductive amination of oxoglutarate, or by the glutamate synthase cycle via glutamine. The majority of plants possess the enzymes necessary for the operation of both these pathways although nitrogen is thought to be assimilated via the glutamate synthase cycle in most cases. Measurements of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase, and glutamate synthase activities are presented from a selection of bryophytes. The genus Sphagnum was found to be unique in lacking measurable glutamate dehydrogenase activity. The relevance of this in the nitrogen-poor acid bog is briefly considered.  相似文献   

Sterol compositions of six species of bryophytes were studied. The major sterols identified were campesterol, 22-dihydrobrassicasterol, sitosterol, clionasterol, stigmasterol, cholesterol, 24-methyl-5,22-cholestadienol and 24-methyl-5,7,22-cholestatrienol. The quantitative determinations of the α- and β-epimers of 24-methyl and 24-ethylcholesterols were made based on 220 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy and capillary gas chromatography. Sterol compositions of bryophytes from other studies are reviewed, and possible sterol biosynthetic pathways in bryophytes are discussed.  相似文献   

Gametangial development and oospore formation were studied, with emphasis on cell wall morphogenesis, on mated cultures (A1xA2) of Phytophthora capsici. In this species, the oogonial and antheridial hyphae interact to produce a typical amphigynous antheridium. The following developmental steps were recognized: 1) contact between oogonial and antheridial initials; 2) penetration of the antheridial initial by the oogonial initial; 3) reemergence of the oogonial initial; 4) oogonial expansion; 5) gametangial delimitation and oogonial wall thickening; 6) penetration of the oogonium by the antheridial fertilization tube; 7) oosphere formation; 8) periplasm degeneration and outer oospore wall formation; and 9) inner oospore wall formation. Electron micrographs were obtained of steps 3–9. Steps 1 and 2 were reconstructed from subsequent events. Steps 3–6 are stages of active wall formation with clear indication of intensive dictyosome activity leading to the formation of numerous wall-destined vesicles of two different sizes and electron densities. No vesicles were seen associated with the development of the inner oospore wall; however, by this stage of development the oosphere cytoplasm exhibited an overall intense electron density that obscured fine detail. Cytoplasmic appearance changed enormously during differentiation, from a developing oogonium rich in mitochondria, ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes and their vesicles, through an oosphere filled with large finger-print vacuoles and lipid-like bodies, to a mature oospore with a large central vacuole (ooplast) surrounded by a cortex of numerous lipid-like bodies; other organelles are confined to the interstitial space between these storage bodies.  相似文献   


A brief overview is given of the importance of Scotland for Atlantic bryophytes within Europe and worldwide. The life strategies of Atlantic species are discussed and the main habitats of Atlantic bryophytes listed. A consideration of the use of distribution data to identify ‘hotspots’ and sites for conservation is made. Grimmia britannica A.J.E. Smith and Marsupella profunda Lindb. are added to the list of Atlantic species in Britain and Ireland.  相似文献   

Summary The levels of several redox enzymes in a chlorate-resistant mutant of Proteus mirabilis, which is partially affected in the formation of formate hydrogenlyase, thiosulfate reductase and tetrathionate reductase, were compared with those of the wild type. The composition of the electron transport system of both strains was almost the same in cells grown aerobically, but very different in cells grown anaerobically. In the mutant, the cytochrome content increased twofold, whereas the level of the anaerobic enzymes is strongly diminished. The anaerobic formation of electron transport components in the mutant was, in contrast to that of the wild type, not influenced significantly by azide. During anaerobic growth with nitrate low levels of a functional nitrate reductase system were formed in the mutant. Under these conditions the formation of formate dehydrogenase, formate hydrogenlyase, formate oxidase, thiosulfate reductase, tetrathionate reductase, cytochrome b563,5 and partly that of cytochrome a2, was repressed. The repressive effect of nitrate, however, was completely abolished by azide. Therefore, it seems likely that a functional nitrate reductase system, rather than nitrate, controls the formation of the enzymes repressible by nitrate.  相似文献   

Spore formation in bacteria poses a number of biological problems of fundamental significance. Asymmetric cell division at the onset of sporulation is a powerful model for studying basic cell-cycle problems, including chromosome segregation and septum formation. Sporulation is one of the best understood examples of cellular development and differentiation. Fascinating problems posed by sporulation include the temporal and spatial control of gene expression, intercellular communication and various aspects of cell morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Prteus mirabilis can form four reductases after anaerobic growth: nitrate reductase A, chlorate reductase C, thiosulfate reductase and tetrathionate reductase. The last three enzymes are formed constitutively. Nitrate reductase is formed only after growth in the presence of nitrate, which causes repression of the formation of thiosulfate reductase, chlorate reductase C, tetrathionate reductase and hydrogenase. Formic dehydrogenase assayed with methylene blue as hydrogen acceptor is formed under all conditions.Two groups of chlorate resistant mutants were obtained. One group does not form the reductases and formic dehydrogenase. The second group does not form nitrate reductase, chlorate reductase and hydrogenase, but forms formic dehydrogenase and small amounts of formic hydrogenlyase after growth without hydrogen acceptor or after growth in the presence of thiosulfate or tetrathionate. Nitrate prevents the formation of formic dehydrogenase, thiosulfate reductase and tetrathionate reductase in this group of mutants. Only after growth with thiosulfate or tetrathionate the reductases for these compounds are formed. Anaerobic growth of the wild type in complex medium without a fermentable carbon source is strongly stimulated by the presence of nitrate. Tetrathionate and thiosulfate have no effect at all or only a small effect. The results show that in the presence of tetrathionate or thiosulfate the bacterial metabolism is fully anaerobic, as these cells also contain formic hydrogenlyase.  相似文献   

金城 《微生物学通报》2011,38(9):1449-1449
单核细胞增生李斯特菌(Listeria monocyiogenes)能引起人和动物脑膜炎、败血症、流产和单核细胞增多等症状,临床发病率在美国和欧洲等西方发达国家大约为2-8例/10万人,死亡率20%-30%或更高,被WHO列为关系食品卫生安全的重要病源细菌之一一[1-2].该菌能在多数固体表面形成生物被膜,在食品生产、加工、运输和保藏过程中,一旦发生细菌感染并形成生物被膜便难以将其彻底清除,严重威胁着食品卫生安全[3],但其生物被膜形成的具体分子机制尚不清楚[4].  相似文献   


The oceanic bryophyte element of the vegetation of British and Irish Atlantic oakwoods is not only the richest bryophyte flora in Europe, it is also one of the richest bryophyte floras in the world. The oceanic climate and the buffering provided by the tree canopy are critical in maintaining the constant humidity and equable temperatures which provide the basis for this diversity. Though the initial impression of these woodlands is of a homogeneous green carpet over both rocks and trees, most good woodlands will have over 200 different species of moss and liverwort, many of which are very specific as regards micro-habitat. Within the woodlands, a recently glaciated landscape gives much exposed rock of different aspect, texture and chemistry, and also turbulent burns in deep ravines which enhance the humidity. These niches are exploited by different bryophyte communities which may contain a number of species that are very rare in European terms and for which we have a special responsibility. Any management plans for these woodlands should take account of this variety of micro-habitat, and monitoring of the effects on bryophyte populations of any resulting change in the structure of ground vegetation is vital.  相似文献   

苔藓植物的多样性研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
苔藓是具有较多种类的一类绿色植物群,是生物多样性的重要组成成分。缘于苔藓的可变水性、体表直接吸收水分和营养以及独特的繁殖与传播方式,苔藓几乎存在于所有的生态系统之中。除极地冻原、温带苔藓沼泽等以苔藓为优势的植被类型外,苔藓还通常在维管束植物群落中形成自己的群落。苔藓是重要的初级生产者之一,在物质循环中起着重要的作用,影响森林植被的水分平衡,也是某些演替过程中的重要先锋植物。苔藓与其它生物类群的生活和生存有密切联系,尤其是苔藓群落所营造的生境,促进和保护了生物多样性。苔藓与人类生活的关系日益密切。由于苔藓与生境的强烈相关性,其多样性所受到的威胁主要源于生境的破坏,加之人们对苔藓的了解远远少于其它高等植物,这种威胁更应引起关注。  相似文献   

Putting the fight in bryophytes   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

The formation of new adipocytes occurs either at the stage of multiplication or differentiation or both. It seems possible that the formation of new fat cells is dependent on the average cell weight in a given adipose tissue depot, but there may also be other regional, local regulatory factors. Multiplication of fat cells has been suggested to be stimulated by 17-beta-oestradiol while the differentiation of adipocytes is stimulated by growth hormone, glucocorticoids, insulin, insulin-like growth factor and female sex hormones. There are, probably, other factors acting in circulation or locally. The factors promoting growth of new fat cells with overfeeding are at present unknown. Some hypothetical possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

Streptokinase may be less effective at saving lives in patients with heart attacks because it explosively generates plasmin in the bloodstream at sites distant from fibrin clots. We hypothesized that this rapid plasmin generation is due to SK's singular capacity to nonproteolytically generate the active protease SK x Pg*, and we examined whether the kringle domains regulate this process. An SK mutant lacking Ile-1 (deltaIle1-SK) does not form SK x Pg*, although it will form complexes with plasmin that can activate plasminogen. When compared to SK, deltaIle1-SK diminished the generation of plasmin in plasma by more than 30-fold, demonstrating that the formation of SK x Pg* plays an important role in SK activity in the blood. The rate of SK x Pg* formation (measured by an active site titrant) was much slower in Glu-Pg, which contains five kringle domains, than in Pg forms containing one kringle (mini-Pg) or no kringles (micro-Pg). In a similar manner, Streptococcus uberis Pg activator (SUPA), an SK-like molecule, generated SUPA x Pg* much slower with bovine Pg than bovine micro-Pg. The velocity of SK x Pg* formation was regulated by agents that influence the conformation of Pg through interactions with the kringle domains. Chloride ions, which maintain the compact Pg conformation, hindered SK x Pg* formation. In contrast, epsilon-aminocaproic acid, fibrin, and fibrinogen, which induce an extended Pg conformation, accelerated the formation of SK x Pg*. In summary, the explosive generation of plasmin in blood or plasma, which diminishes SK's therapeutic effects, is attributable to the formation of SK x Pg*, and this process is governed by kringle domains.  相似文献   

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