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Background: Rattans are widespread throughout paleo-tropical forests; however, there is no information on their contribution to above-ground biomass (AGB).

Aims: This study established biomass baseline values for 11 different rattan species in a Malaysian primary forest, and calculated the overall rattan AGB contribution and dynamics during two years.

Methods: All rattan stems in five 100 m × 100 m study plots were counted in 2011 and 2013. Biometric non-invasive measurements were carried out on 11 climbing and non-climbing species and total rattan biomass for both years calculated was compared.

Results: Rattans contributed with 3.1 Mg ha?1 to the forest AGB. There was no significant change in rattan biomass between the years.

Conclusions: These preliminary results are the first published on the AGB contribution of rattans to Malaysian primary forests. Further studies are required to ascertain values across forest types and over time to reliably estimate the contribution of rattan species to ABG and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

A solute mass balance for a 23.4 ha catchment of undisturbed rainforest in the central Amazon Basin was computed from detailed measurements of water and solute fluxes via rainfall, streamflow, and subsurface outflow over an annual cycle. Annual atmospheric deposition fluxes are lower than previously reported among mass balance studies conducted in the Amazon. Nutrient export fluxes are lower than previously reported for the Amazon, despite the fact that export fluxes via flow paths not previously measured were included. Given that climatic conditions were representative of a one in 10 wet year, the ecosystem was expected to show a net loss of nutrients rather than net gain. Instead, an excess of nutrient inputs via rainfall over ecosystem outflows was detected, ranging in annual quantities from 0.30 to 0.50 of the measured input. Among several mechanisms that could reconcile this budget, two are supported by the information presently available while two others cannot be evaluated without further research. Interannual variability in the amount of water available for runoff at the spatial scale of small catchments varies by a factor of two, in contrast to rainfall variability of ±20%, and may be a critical control on the apparent changes in ecosystem storage detected by annual-scale nutrient budgets in rainforests. Entrainment of materials from the terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere, including particulates containing elements which do not exist as gases, may be a particularly important loss pathway in rainforests existing on deeply weathered or nutrient poor soils.  相似文献   

The investigation of crop and soil-crop conditions among Andoke and Witoto cultivators in southeast Colombia is used as a basis for assessing Geertz' (1963) model of swidden cultivation. In this respect, the extent to which maniocdominated swiddens in the study area simulate the structure and composition of the forest climax community is questioned. As Geertz (1963) indicates, an initial nutrient boost for crop cultivation results from the preliminary burning of forest debris, but weed competition, rather than progressive loss of soil fertility, is reported to be the primary cause of abandoning manioc cultivation after 2–3 years. While the Andoke and Witoto crop system remains adaptive at the individual field level, particularly in its constituent species, its fundamental adaptation is considered to be its integration into the broader field and fallow system that juxtaposes crop production with extended periods of forest regeneration.  相似文献   

The lowland dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia support a substantial proportion of the world’s biodiversity. They are of considerable environmental and economic value at the local, regional and global scale, providing many goods and services to a growing population. The forests of this region are among the fastest disappearing in the world and restoration is urgently required. This paper provides a review of the ecological constraints to restoration of lowland dipterocarp forest in Southeast Asia. It focuses on the production of planting stock, the significance of site-species matching and post-planting site maintenance. It identifies gaps in our knowledge and highlights priority areas of research. Adopting a long-term view is essential for restoring as well as conserving the dipterocarp forests of Southeast Asia. An immediate strategy for the conservation and management of dwindling genetic resources of these important timber species is essential. This will provide the foundations for sourcing seed and production of planting material for longer term restoration. The importance of species-site matching, mycorrhizal fungi and post-planting maintenance for restoration are apparent. Financing is a major limiting factor to dipterocarp forest restoration. Trading in carbon, private finance and environmental markets afford considerable opportunities for restoring these forests providing their total value is recognised. Despite the wealth of ecological knowledge we already have for scientifically-informed forest restoration, without the backing of governments and corporate stakeholders, forest restoration will not gain the urgently required momentum.  相似文献   

Reduced species diversity on islands is well documented. The present paper examines the ecological separation of diurnal squirrels on Siberut Island, Indonesia, and contrasts the results with those of studies on the neighbouring mainland.  相似文献   

Relocating plants from swidden fallows to gardens in Southwestern China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As upland farmers in Southeast Asia change from shifting cultivation to permanent agriculture and lose access to swidden-fallow forests and their resources, they are introducing economically important forest and fallow plants into their house gardens. We describe this process in Daka, a village of Hani ethnicity in Yunnan Province, China. Daka smallholders collect both seeds and seedlings from fallow forests and transfer the plants to house gardens, initiating the transformation of wild species to a cultivated or semi-domesticated one. Two kinds of species are commonly transferred from swidden fallows to house gardens. Some are particularly rare, others are plants in great demand. Between 1998 and 2000 Daka households earned an average of US$68.20 annually from the products of fallow forests. We also found that villagers harvest and use 76 plant species from fallow forests and 126 species from house gardens. Twenty-two species found in house gardens that had been transferred from fallow forests. Households vary widely in the frequency with which they engage in this pattern. We believe that local knowledge of these practices is a potentially important resource in the development of other areas of smallholder farming.  相似文献   

Summary  Donaghy's Corridor is a 1.2 km × 100 m planting of rain forest species on the Atherton Tableland, Queensland, designed to link an isolated fragment (498 ha) to adjacent continuous forest (80 000 ha). Vegetation and fauna monitoring commenced immediately after the linkage was completed. Vegetation surveys showed 119 plant species established in the linkage in 3 years, and 35 of these were not known to occur within the extant linkage either as planted stock or as natural individuals existing prior to project commencement. There were differences between the fauna trapped within the restoration, adjacent open pasture habitats, forest interior sites and forest edge sites. Differences likely reflect variation in species habitat preferences and the habitat suitability of the planted vegetation. Now over 10 years old, Donaghy's Corridor has developed a complex forest structure, with the tallest planted stems exceeding 20 m in height. This feature article provides information about the planning, implementation and monitoring of the linkage, and shows how restoring landscape and ecological connectivity can be a locally effective strategy to counter forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Tree species can generally be classified into two groups, heterobaric and homobaric leafed species, according to whether bundle-sheath extensions (BSEs) are found in the leaf (heterobaric leaf) or not (homobaric leaf). In this study, we study whether the leaf type is related to the growth environment and/or life form type, even in a tropical rain forest, where most trees have evergreen leaves that are generally homobaric. Accordingly, we investigated the distribution of leaf morphological differences across different life forms of 250 tree species in 45 families in a tropical rainforest. In total, 151 species (60%) in 36 families had homobaric leaves, and 99 species (40%) in 21 families had heterobaric leaves. We found that the proportion of heterobaric and homobaric leaf species differed clearly across taxonomic groups and life form types, which were divided into five life form types by their mature tree heights (understory, subcanopy, canopy, and emergent species) and as canopy gap species. Most understory (94%) and subcanopy (83%) species such as Annonaceae had homobaric leaves. In contrast, heterobaric leaf trees appeared more frequently in the canopy species (43%), the emergent species (96%) (such as Dipterocarpaceae), and the canopy gap species (62%). Our results suggest that tree species in the tropical rainforest adapt to spatial differences in the environmental conditions experienced at the mature height of each tree species, such as light intensity and vapor pressure difference, by having differing leaf types (heterobaric or homobaric) because these types potentially have different physiological and/or mechanical functions.  相似文献   

David Lamb 《Oecologia》1980,47(2):257-263
Summary It has been suggested that soil nitrification is inhibited as a succession develops. This hypothesis was examined in a sub tropical rain forest succession containing five successional stages. Soil mineral nitrogen was measured at the time of collection and after 20 days incubation in the laboratory or field. Sampling was carried out during the wet season and dry season. There was little difference in the ammonium nitrogen concentration at the various sites but increasing amounts of nitrate nitrogen were generally found in each older successional stage.The data show that nitrification inhibition is not an invariable consequence of successional development. Instead the pattern of nitrogen mineralisation is probably related to the overall soil fertility and to the pool of available soil nitrogen.  相似文献   

Feral pigs (Sus scrofa) are a widespread invasive species, and cause biotic disturbance. This study evaluated the impacts associated with ground disturbance by feral pigs in the North Island of New Zealand. Exclosure cages were erected over feral pig-disturbed ground and visually undisturbed ground (the latter as controls). Buried resin bags and litter bags were located in these plots to examine differences in soil nutrients and decomposition rates and seedling/sapling recruitment (abundance, species composition and richness) was monitored over 21 months. No difference was found in the litter decomposition between the disturbed and visually undisturbed plots. Significantly more nitrate (NO3-N/NO2-N) was found in the disturbed exclosures. Seedling density was not significantly affected by feral pig disturbance. However, seedling/sapling species richness was lower in disturbed areas. Species composition changes occurred at disturbed sites with species increasing and decreasing in density after feral pig disturbance. However, no pattern was observed between species that were negatively affected by feral pig disturbance. This study shows that feral pig disturbance affects vegetation through direct removal, but also indirectly through increased nitrate, potentially leading to seedling and sapling species composition changes. Feral pigs are known to return to previously disturbed areas to re-disturb. These areas may remain in a re-disturbed state if not protected, and through continued disturbance and increased nitrate, ecosystem changes may occur, especially in characteristically nutrient poor environments.  相似文献   

Green PT  O'Dowd DJ  Lake PS 《Oecologia》2008,156(2):373-385
The influence of keystone consumers on community structure is frequently context-dependent; the same species plays a central organising role in some situations, but not others. On Christmas Island, in the Indian Ocean, a single species of omnivorous land crab, Gecarcoidea natalis, dominates the forest floor across intact rainforest. We hypothesised that this consumer plays a key role in regulating seedling recruitment and in controlling litter dynamics on the island, independent of the type of vegetation in which it occurred. To test this hypothesis, we conducted crab exclusion experiments in two forest types on the island and followed the dynamics of seedling recruitment and litter processing for six years. To determine if these effects were likely to be general across the island, we compared land crab densities and seedling abundance and diversity at ten sites across island rainforest. Surveys across island rainforest showed that seedlings of species susceptible to predation by land crabs are consistently rare. Abundance and diversity of these species were negatively correlated to red crab abundance. Although red land crabs may be important determinants of seedling recruitment to the overstorey, differences in overstorey and seedling composition at the sites suggests that recruitment of vulnerable trees still occurs at a temporal scale exceeding that of this study. These “windows” of recruitment may be related to infrequent events that reduce the effects of land crabs. Our results suggest that unlike the context dependence of most keystone consumers in continental systems, a single consumer, the red land crab, consistently controls the dynamics of seedling recruitment across this island rainforest.  相似文献   

中国棕榈藤资源及其分布特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
棕榈藤是一种重要的非木材林产品,在全球生物多样性保护和经济发展方面起着重要的作用。通过查阅相关文献、野外调查和标本鉴定,对中国棕榈藤植物的种类组成、地理分布类型及特点进行了研究。结果表明:(1)中国分布有较丰富的棕榈藤植物资源,共计3属40种(含变种),在云南、海南、广西等12个省区均有分布,其生长习性以攀援型为主。(2)中国棕榈藤植物表现出明显的水平和垂直地带性分布规律;水平地域性分布明显,形成了西南(云南西双版纳)和东南(海南省)两大分布中心,而其他区域分布的种类相对较少;海拔1000m以下地区分布的种类较多,有一定数量的广布种。(3)中国棕榈藤植物可划分为10个分布区类型,其中,以热带亚洲(印度-马来西亚)分布型的种类为主,特有种也占有一定比例;种类的分布与中南半岛、南亚棕榈藤植物区系有密切的联系。  相似文献   

According to their traditional classification, the Jinuo's community forests consisted of watershed forest, auspicious forest, sacred forest, shellac forest, village/clan boundary forest, fire protection forest, burial forest and swidden fallow forest. Every type of forest was managed through traditional regulations. The village or clan headman and his assistant were the representatives to implement the traditional management system. Because it was popular with local villagers and there was strict punishment of offenders, the management system was effective. In recent years, the constantly changing forest management policies has not helped either to preserve biodiversity, or to develop forestry. Instead, forest ecosystems have been destroyed. After studying the community forests in the Jinuo community, the authors strongly recommend that the indigenous forest management system be strengthened. Modern forestry policy itself cannot implement sustainable, productive forestry and conserve biodiversity unless it is combined with the indigenous management system of the community.  相似文献   

Genealogical discordance, or when different genes tell distinct stories although they evolved under a shared history, often emerges from either coalescent stochasticity or introgression. In this study, we present a strong case of mito‐nuclear genealogical discordance in the Australian rainforest lizard species complex of Saproscincus basiliscus and S. lewisi. One of the lineages that comprises this complex, the Southern S. basiliscus lineage, is deeply divergent at the mitochondrial genome but shows markedly less divergence at the nuclear genome. By placing our results in a comparative context and reconstructing the lineages' demography via multilocus and coalescent‐based approximate Bayesian computation methods, we test hypotheses for how coalescent variance and introgression contribute to this pattern. These analyses suggest that the observed genealogical discordance likely results from introgression. Further, to generate such strong discordance, introgression probably acted in concert with other factors promoting asymmetric gene flow between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, such as selection or sex‐biased dispersal. This study offers a framework for testing sources of genealogical discordance and suggests that historical introgression can be an important force shaping the genetic diversity of species and their populations.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the feeding behavior ofPresbytis rubicunda at Sepilok, north Borneo. Emphasis is given to describing the fruit-eating behavior of this small colobine monkey, which specializes in eating seeds from large, dull-colored, and fleshless fruits. The seed predation is conspicuously different from the seed dispersal effected by sympatric monogastric primates and is characteristic of colobine frugivory at other forest sites. Most seed-eating occurred during the period of maximum fruit production and fewer small-seeded, animal-dispersed fruits were eaten at other times.  相似文献   

Elevational gradients are powerful natural experiments for the investigation of ecological responses to changing climates. Automated modified Pennsylvania light traps were used to sample macro‐moth assemblages for three consecutive nights at each of 24 sites ranging from 200 m asl to 1200 m asl within continuous tropical rainforest at Eungella, Queensland, Australia (21°S, 148°E). A total of 13 861 individual moths representing approximately 713 morphospecies and 10 045 individuals belonging to approximately 607 morphospecies where sampled during November 2013 and March 2014 respectively. Moth assemblages exhibited a strong elevational signal during both sampling seasons; we grouped these into lowland and upland assemblages. The dispersal pattern of moth assemblages across the landscape reflected the stratification of vegetation communities across elevation and correlated with shifts in eco‐physical variables, most notably temperature and substrate organic matter. Regional historical biogeographical events likely contributed to the observed patterns. The analysis presented here identifies a set of statistically defined elevationally restricted moths which may be of use as part of a multi‐taxon predictor set for monitoring future ecosystem level changes associated with elevation and, by implication, with climate.  相似文献   

Evolutionary significance of a flat-leaved Pinus in Vietnamese rainforest   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Pines are generally absent from tropical rainforests. An important exception, Pinus krempfii, is a unique tree that bears flattened needles and competes with evergreen angiosperm trees in southern Vietnam. Here, the photosynthetic and hydraulic physiology of P. krempfii leaves were examined to determine whether this species departs from the widespread pattern of high-light-demanding photosynthetic physiology displayed in needle-leaved Pinus species. Maximum photosynthesis and light saturation of photosynthesis, as well as stem and leaf hydraulic efficiencies, were all very low in P. krempfii compared with other Pinus species. These characteristics were consistent with our observations of P. krempfii seedling regeneration under the forest canopy. By possessing shade tolerance coupled with the production of flattened leaves, P. krempfii has converged morphologically and physiologically with many genera of the southern hemisphere conifer family Podocarpaceae. This convergence extends to a key feature of leaf anatomy, the production of tubular sclereids in the leaf for radial transport of water from the vein to the margin. These observations suggest that few adaptive possibilities are open to conifers when moving into tropical rainforest, meaning that Pinus is forced into direct competition with southern hemisphere conifers for a narrow niche in the equatorial zone.  相似文献   

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