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Breeding of oilseeds focuses on 3 prime objectives: 1) Selection and breeding needed for the introduction of an established oilseed crop to a new area; 2) oil quantity and quality; and 3) meal quantity and quality. One obvious way of increasing the quantity of both oil and meal is to increase yielding ability of cultivars. Oil content has been increased by reducing the thickness of the ovary wall, where the latter is part of the harvest, and/or the seed coat. Usually, increases in oil content achieved in this way are accompanied by an increase in protein content. Oil quality is measured primarily by fatty acid composition, the ideal fatty acid composition depending on the use of the oil. In rapeseed and mustard species the quality of the oil for edible use has been greatly improved by removing the erucic and eicosenoic acids. In sajflower 2 types of oil are available commercially, one with high levels (75–80%) of linoleic acid and another with high levels (75-80%) of oleic acid, the 2 types having different uses. An added component of oil quality is stability of fatty acid composition over a range of environments. Oilseed meals have been improved by increasing protein content, by changing the amino acid profile of the protein, and by reducing levels of toxic compounds.  相似文献   

Fats and oils for food uses are now plentiful on a worldwide basis. Tallow, lard and fish oils, as well as vegetable oils, such as those derived from soybean, sunflower, palm, rapeseed, peanut and cottonseed, are often overproduced. Although many of these products are also used for industrial chemicals, they often are not of the most favorable composition for nonfood applications. A search for new oil-seed crops with more advantageous oil composition has led to the development of excellent candidates that are now close to commercial acceptance. Among them areCrambe, Limnanthes, Vernonia, Sapium andSimmondsia. Other crops are at a much lower stage of development but also have excellent potential. They includeCuphea, Foeniculum, Stokesia, Lesquerella andLunaria. In this age of searching for renewable resources to replace petrochemicals and imported strategic materials, a well-organized research and development program on new oilseed crops could soon result in American self-sufficiency for industrial oils and fatty acids.  相似文献   

Increasing attention is being given to the prospects for the genetic engineering of oilseed crops, both in the industrial and academic sectors. The process of creating genetically stable new crops with desirable vegetable oil composition and content is necessarily complex. The modification of seed storage lipids appears to be feasible and there exists a broad knowledge base on lipid biosynthetic enzymes, but applied research and product development will depend on gaining a better understanding of the biochemical bases of lipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Metabolically engineered oilseed crops with enhanced seed tocopherol   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Tocochromanols (tocopherols and tocotrienols) are important lipid soluble antioxidants and are an essential part of the mammalian diet. Oilseeds are particularly rich in tocochromanols with an average concentration 10-fold higher than other plant tissues. Here we describe a systematic approach to identify rate-limiting reactions in the tocochromanol biosynthetic pathway, and the application of this knowledge to engineer tocochromanol biosynthesis in oilseed crops. Seed-specific expression of genes encoding limiting tocochromanol pathway enzymes in soybean increased total tocochromanols up to 15-fold from 320 ng/mg in WT seed to 4800 ng/mg in seed from the best performing event. Although WT soybean seed contain only traces of tocotrienols, these transgenic soybean accumulated up to 94% of their tocochromanols as tocotrienols. Upon crossing transgenic high tocochromanol soybean with transgenic high alpha-tocopherol soybean, the vitamin E activity in the best performing F2-seed was calculated to be 11-fold higher than the average WT soybean seed vitamin E activity.  相似文献   

Growing evidence suggests that omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (VLC-PUFAs), especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5Δ5,8,11,14,17) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6Δ4,7,10,13,16,19) play critical roles in human health and development. VLC-PUFAs are mainly found in fish, some fungi, marine bacteria and microalgae. Currently, the predominant dietary sources of VLC-PUFAs are marine fish and seafood. However, the increasing demand for fish and fish oils is putting enormous pressure on marine ecosystems leading to a depletion of fish stocks while commercial cultivation of marine microorganisms and aquaculture are not sustainable and cannot compensate for the shortage in fish supply. Therefore, there is an obvious requirement for an alternative and sustainable source for VLC-PUFAs. Over the last decade, many genes encoding the primary VLC-PUFAs biosynthetic activities became available providing a toolkit for the “reverse-engineering” of transgenic plants to produce fish oils. In this review, we will describe the recent advances in this field and the insights they give us into the complexities of metabolic engineering of oil-seed crops producing VLC-PUFAs.  相似文献   

The caatinga semi-arid ecosystem of northeastern Brazil is characterized by a dry, spiny and predominantly deciduous shrub/forest vegetation, and many species there are potential sources of renewable resources for the oleochemical industry. The present research determined the oil content and fatty acid profiles of seeds from eight caatinga species. Seed oils were extracted in a Soxhlet system, and their fatty acid content identified by GC–MS. Oil content varied between 20.2% in Tabebuia impetiginosa (Mart.) Standl. (Bignoniaceae) and 46.4% in Barnebya harleyi (W.R. Anderson & B. Gates) Malpighiaceae. Anemopaegma laeve DC. (Bignoniaceae) had the highest oleic acid content (63.4%), while high levels of linoleic acid were found in Banisteriopsis pubipetala (Juss.) Cuatrec. (42.8%) and B. harleyi (31.9%) (both Malpighiaceae). Palmitic acid was the major fatty acid (50%) in Hippocratea volubilis (L.) (Celastraceae). High levels of linoleic and linolenic acids were found in Croton adamantinus Mull. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), averaging 44.2% and 45.2% respectively. Gadoleic acid in was the most abundant fatty acid in the oil produced by Serjania lethalis A. St. Hill. (Sapindaceae), averaging 69.6%. B. pubipetala, B. harleyi, C. adamantinus, and H. volubilis were identified as promising species for cultivation.  相似文献   

Oilseed crops play an important role in the agricultural economy. Apart from being an integral component of human diet and industrial applications, they are also gaining importance as replacement to fossil fuels for meeting the energy needs. The last two decades have been marked by several important events in genetic engineering and identification of gene targets for enhancing seed oil content in oilseed crops, and will aid the successful development of new generation high yielding oil crops. Specifically, genetic engineering has shown real breakthrough in enhancing oil content in oilseed rape, camelina, soybean and maize. Moreover, ongoing research efforts to decipher the possibilities of genetic modifications of key regulators of oil accumulation along with physiological and biochemical studies to understand lipid biosynthesis will set a platform to produce transgenic oilseed crops with enhanced oil content. In this review, we briefly describe different genetic engineering approaches explored by different researchers for enhancing oil content. Further, we discuss a few promising and potential approaches and challenges for engineering oil content in oilseed crops.  相似文献   


Plant disease caused by pathogenic fungal infection causes maximum crop damage. Among different fungal diseases, rot caused by Sclerotinia spp.; is a primary concern for vegetables and oilseed industry. Disease management using Chemical fungicides is a potential hazard and leads to the development of many fungicide-resistant strains. Hypovirulence associated mycoviruses is a possible environment-friendly solution, and current studies are aiming to exploit their potential as biocontrol agents. The use of the mycovirus mediated hypovirulent approach has emerged as a new technique to identify successful biocontrol agents. Most mycoviruses are known to have RNA genomes, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or single-stranded RNA (ssRNA). A total of six dsRNA mycoviruses and a one ssDNA mycovirus have been reported from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum till date which includes the most recent entry as published by Hamid and his group in 2018. In contrast to dsRNA mycovirus, ssDNA mycovirus reported from Sclerotinia sclerotiorum has significant potential to be used as a biocontrol agent in the fields. Despite several reports on mycoviruses of Sclerotinia, not much could be done to explore its commercial importance. The present review describes the recent developments in the area of mycoviruses of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and associated biocontrol potential.  相似文献   

Nitrogen and sulphur, both vital structural elements, are especially needed for the synthesis of proteins and oils. Investigations revealed the required application of sulphur is one half to one third the amount of nitrogen, and the ratio becomes narrower in mustard (Brassica juncea L.), followed by wheat and rice. The efficiency of an increased level of nitrogen required a proportionately higher amount of sulphur. A critical investigation on the effective utilization of applied vis-à-vis absorbed nitrogen in wheat and mustard envisaged accumulation of NO3-N in vegetative parts when sulphur remained proportionately low. Application of sulphur hastened the chemical reduction of absorbed NO3- for its effective utilization. The effect was more pronounced in mustard than in wheat. Easily available forms of sulphur, like ammonium sulphate and gypsum, as compared to pyrite or elemental sulphur, maintained adequate N to S ratio in rice, resulting in a reduction in the percent of unfilled grain, a major consideration in rice yield. A narrow N to S ratio, with both at higher levels, increased the oil content but raised the saponification value of the oil, a measure of free fatty acids. Whereas, a proportionately narrow N to S ratio at moderate dose resulted in adequately higher seed and oil yield with relatively low saponification value, associated with increased iodine value of the oil, indicating respectively low free fatty acids and higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, an index for better quality of the oil.  相似文献   

The continuing pollinator crisis is due, in part, to the lack of year‐round floral resources. In intensive farming regions, such as the Upper Midwest (UMW) of the USA, natural and pastoral vegetation largely has been replaced by annual crops such as maize (Zea mays L.), soyabean (Glycine max L.) and wheat (Triticum spp.). Neither the energy (nectar) nor protein (pollen) needs of pollinating and other beneficial insects are being met sufficiently by the new, high‐intensity, agricultural landscape. Several potentially useful oilseed crops can be grown in the UMW, and many of these oilseeds are highly attractive to beneficial insects. Prior research showed that some of these oilseeds produced abundant nectar, but their corresponding values for pollen production are unknown. Accordingly, the aim of our research was to document pollen (and protein) production per unit area of twelve oilseed crops grown in Minnesota and associate these values with levels of beneficial insect visitation during anthesis. Our results show that oilseed crops such as camelina (Camelina sativa L.), flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) and pennycress (Thlaspi arvense L.) produce relatively little pollen (≤40 kg/ha); borage (Borago officinalis L.), calendula (Calendula officinalis L.), canola (Brassica napus L.), crambe (Crambe abyssianica Hochst) and cuphea (Cuphea viscosissima Jacq. × Cuphea lanceolata W. T. Aiton) produce bountiful pollen resources (50–150 kg/ha); and oilseed echium (Echium plantagineum L.) generates massive amounts of pollen (>400 kg/ha), about 50% of which is protein. Our study is unique in presenting a season‐long perspective of pollen production in alternative oilseed crops, a resource valuable to pollen‐feeding insects such as managed and wild bees. Diversification of UMW landscapes that includes alternative oilseed crops such as oilseed echium and cuphea can potentially provide a ready source of pollen and protein to help combat pollinator decline.  相似文献   

As a developing country with relatively limited arable land, China is making great efforts for development and use of genetically modified (GM) crops to boost agricultural productivity. Many GM crop varieties have been developed in China in recent years; in particular, China is playing a leading role in development of insect-resistant GM rice lines. To ensure the safe use of GM crops, biosafety risk assessments are required as an important part of the regulatory oversight of such products. With over 20 years of nationwide promotion of agricultural biotechnology, a relatively well-developed regulatory system for risk assessment and management of GM plants has been developed that establishes a firm basis for safe use of GM crops. So far, a total of seven GM crops involving ten events have been approved for commercial planting, and 5 GM crops with a total of 37 events have been approved for import as processing material in China. However, currently only insect-resistant Bt cotton and disease-resistant papaya have been commercially planted on a large scale. The planting of Bt cotton and disease-resistant papaya have provided efficient protection against cotton bollworms and Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV), respectively. As a consequence, chemical application to these crops has been significantly reduced, enhancing farm income while reducing human and non-target organism exposure to toxic chemicals. This article provides useful information for the colleagues, in particular for them whose mother tongue is not Chinese, to clearly understand the biosafety regulation and commercial use of genetically modified crops in China.  相似文献   

A series of rotation experiments at five sites over four years has explored the environmental and agronomic implications of growing herbicide tolerant oilseed rape and sugar beet. This paper reports on the population dynamics of volunteer rape (Brassica napus). The experiments compared four winter oilseed rape (WOSR) cultivars: a conventional cultivar (Apex) and three developmental cultivars either genetically modified (GM) to be tolerant to glyphosate or glufosinate, or conventionally bred to be tolerant to herbicides of the imidazolinone group. Seed losses at harvest averaged 3575 seeds m(-2) but ranged from less than 2000 up to more than 10000 seeds m(-2). There was a rapid decline in seed numbers during the first few months after harvest, resulting in a mean loss of seeds of 60%. In subsequent seasons, the seedbank declined much more slowly at four of the five sites (ca 20% per year) and the models predicted 95% seed loss after approximately 9 years. Seed decline was much faster at the fifth site. There were no clear differences between the four cultivars in either the numbers of seeds shed at harvest or in their subsequent persistence. The importance of the persistence of GM rape seeds, in the context of the coexistence of GM and non-GM crops and the role of good management practices that minimize seed persistence, are discussed.  相似文献   

Use of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) for Cu phytoextraction and oilseed production on Cu-contaminated topsoils was investigated in afield trial at a former wood preservation site. Six commercial cultivars and two mutant lines were cultivated in plots with and without the addition of compost (5% w/w) and dolomitic limestone (0.2% w/w). Total soil Cu ranged from 163 to 1170 mg kg(-1). In soil solutions, Cu concentration varied between 0.16-0.93 mg L(-1). The amendment increased soil pH, reduced Cu exposure and promoted sunflower growth. Stem length, shoot and capitulum biomasses, seed yield, and shoot and leaf Cu concentrations were measured. At low total soil Cu, shoot Cu mineralomass was higher in commercial cultivars, Le., Salut, Energic, and Countri, whereas competition and shading affected morphological traits of mutants. Based on shoot yield (7 Mg DW ha(-1)) and Cu concentration, the highest removal was 59 g Cu ha(-1). At high total soil Cu, shoot Cu mineralomass peaked for mutants (e.g., 52 g Cu ha(-1) for Mutant 1 line) and cultivars Energic and Countri. Energic seed yield (3.9 Mg air-DW ha(-1)) would be sufficient to produce oil Phenotype traits and shoot Cu removal depended on sunflower types and Cu exposure.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Oilseed crops are expected to become an important feedstock for production of renewable jet fuel. The objective of this study is to determine...  相似文献   

Ben-Ari G 《Plant cell reports》2012,31(8):1357-1369
The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) affects a wide range of stages of plant development as well as the plant's response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Manipulation of ABA signaling in commercial crops holds promising potential for improving crop yields. Several decades of research have been invested in attempts to identify the first components of the ABA signaling cascade. It was only in 2009, that two independent groups identified the PYR/PYL/RCAR protein family as the plant ABA receptor. This finding was followed by a surge of studies on ABA signal transduction, many of them using Arabidopsis as their model. The ABA signaling cascade was found to consist of a double-negative regulatory mechanism assembled from three protein families. These include the ABA receptors, the PP2C family of inhibitors, and the kinase family, SnRK2. It was found that ABA-bound PYR/RCARs inhibit PP2C activity, and that PP2Cs inactivate SnRK2s. Researchers today are examining how the elucidation of the ABA signaling cascade in Arabidopsis can be applied to improvements in commercial agriculture. In this article, we have attempted to review recent studies which address this issue. In it, we discuss various approaches useful in identifying the genetic and protein components involved. Finally, we suggest possible commercial applications of genetic manipulation of ABA signaling to improve crop yields.  相似文献   

Of the several possible sources of tomato mosaic virus, seeds and root debris in the soil are considered to be of greatest importance. A survey of 374,000 seedlings on ten commercial holdings found 0.05% of them infected, and although these were removed virus had been spread to other young plants which did not show infection when transplanted into the growing houses, seven of twenty-two of which contained a few infected plants when sampled shortly after planting. Virus overwintering on clothing, and debris on structures, are thought to be of minor importance, and smoking tobacco is seldom a source of infection for the tomato crop. A further survey of seventy-eight samples from tomato crops in Britain confirmed the 1960-61 survey: all were infected with tomato strains of TMV, none with tobacco strains, but one of the 187 infected seedlings referred to above was carrying a tobacco strain. Petunia was not as satisfactory as a special cultivar of White Burley tobacco for distinguishing between the tobacco and tomato TMV isolates. Observations and tests on a commercial holding showed that TMV was readily carried from plants in infected glasshouses into clean ones by workers, and once introduced, spread rapidly within the crop.  相似文献   

The oriental fruit moth (OFM), Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), has been an economic pest of apples (Malus spp.) and peaches (Prunus spp.; both Rosaceae) in the eastern USA since the 1930s. Successful management of G. molesta with insecticides requires careful timing of these products based on sex‐pheromone trap captures of male moths. In Pennsylvania, apple and peach orchards are often planted adjacently. Factors such as trap distance from release points, host crop, and wind were considered in relation to male moth movement within and between hosts. Our practical objective was to understand male G. molesta dispersal within and between these two hosts to achieve better management. Recapture of moths decreased over distance; the majority of moths were recaptured 50–100 m from the release point regardless of crop type. Male G. molesta released into commercial apple and peach orchards were most likely to remain in the crop of release and to not exhibit host shifts over the season, even after peach fruit were harvested. Our analyses of wind direction data with respect to recapture showed that the likelihood of recapture was similar regardless of the orientation of the traps relative to the mean wind direction at peak flight times. The apple and peach host crops appeared to affect male G. molesta dispersal to the extent that wind in orchards affects their perception of pheromone. Crop effects were most likely due to the traps closest to the release points being in the same crop as the release points.  相似文献   

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