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Abstract Diurnal and seasonal water relations were measured in understorey species from a Banksia woodland. The shrubs exhibited various responses to summer drought. Stirlingia latifolia had high xylem pressure potential and transpiration in late summer. Adenanthos cygnorum maintained high xylem pressure potential year round with dawn values around ? 0.3 MPa and minimum values around ?1.3 MPa, but showed severe restriction of transpiration in late summer. Eremaea pauciflora and Jacksonia floribunda had high transpiration and xylem pressure potential levels in early summer, but exhibited water stress in late summer when transpiration rates were low and minimum xylem pressure potentials were as low as ? 5.5 MPa. Late summer xylem pressure potentials in 27 other shrub species were, in general, inversely related to root system depth with minimum values below ? 5.0 MPa in some species. The water relations of S. latifolia, E. pauciflora and J. floribunda indicated a phreatophytic habit: all possessed deep roots of sufficient size to reach groundwater that was located 6–7 m deep at the study site. Stirlingia latifolia functioned phreatophytically year round, while E. pauciflora and J. floribunda were phreatophytes until the falling water table carried ground-water beyond the reach of their roots in late summer. However, most understorey species depended on soil-stored water. Water use by the understorey was greatest in early summer.  相似文献   

D. R. Young  W. K. Smith 《Oecologia》1979,43(2):195-205
Summary The temperature and water relations of the herbaceous, understory, congeners Arnica cordifolia and Arnica latifolia were evaluated in relation to the sunfleck dynamics of their respective microhabitats. Arnica cordifolia microhabitats had more frequent, longer, and more intense sunflecks than those of A. latifolia which led to higher leaf temperatures (31°C versus 15°C) and transpirational fluxes (65 g cm-2 s-1 versus 16 g cm-2 s-1). Stomatal closure did not occur in response to high leaf temperatures and low stem water potentials during natural sunfleck exposures, even though plants were observed to wilt during midday, especially A. cordifolia. Experimentally, an artificial midday sunfleck of about 165 min caused plants of A. cordifolia not to regain turgor after 8 h in shade compared to a sunfleck duration of about 90 min for plants of A. latifolia. However, these sunfleck intervals occurred naturally only during the early morning and late afternoon when solar intensities were minimal. Also, A. cordifolia populations had over twice as many plants that were sunlit (>40% of total) compared with A. latifolia (<20% of total) at any particular time during a day. The small-scale distribution of both species appears tightly coupled to the sunfleck dynamics of their respective microhabitats due to the lack of stomatal action which would reduce transpiration and improve plant water status under sunlit conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. In arid zones dominant woody plants are capable of causing changes in microclimate and soil properties likely to affect species composition, as well as the establishment and spatial distribution of plant species. In North American and European deserts species richness appears to be higher under the canopy of shrubs and trees, in contrast with Chilean deserts where it seems to be lower. Since Prosopis flexuosa (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae) is the most conspicuous tree in the central Monte desert, Argentina, we analysed the effect of this species on the composition and abundance of the shrub and herbaceous layers and on soil properties. We considered two mesohabitats: ‘under P. flexuosa canopy’ and ‘intercanopy areas’. In addition, we analysed the differences between two microhabitats under canopies: ‘northern part of the canopy’ and ‘southern part of the canopy’. Results indicate that species composition and soil properties are affected by both mesohabitats and microhabitats. We found a higher number of shrubs under canopies, whereas that of grasses and perennial forbs increased in intercanopy areas. Concentrations of organic matter, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, factors limiting biological productivity in Monte desert soils, were significantly higher under than outside P. flexuosa canopies. Electrical conductivity and concentrations of Na+, Ca++, Mg++ were higher in the northern than in the southern microhabitats. No differences in species richness, evenness or diversity were found between mesohabitats or between microhabitats. We conclude that P. flexuosa modifies the spatial pattern of plant species in the shrub and herbaceous layers and the chemical conditions of the soil, generating spatial heterogeneity on different scales.  相似文献   

Summary A greenhouse study in which 24, 54 and 71 per cent roots of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were pruned on the 73rd day from the date of planting (anthesis stage) showed that during a 7-day period following root pruning, total transpiration and leaf water potential were significantly lower (P=0.05) and the stomatal resistance was significantly higher (P=0.05) where 54 and 71 per cent roots were pruned, as compared to no root pruning or 24 per cent root pruning. The leaf relative water content, however, showed no significant differences. Thus about one-fourth root sytem could be reduced without adversely affecting the plant-water status.  相似文献   

Storage forms of N were studied in below-ground structures of nine boreal forest understorey plants. The ericaceous shrubs Vacciniumvitis-idaea and V.myrtillus, the fern Gymnocarpium dryopteris, the grass Deschampsia flexuosa, and the herbs Epilobium angustifolium, Maianthemum bifolium, Solidago virgaurea, Geranium sylvaticum and Trientalis europaea were sampled in early summer and late autumn from plots fertilised with a complete mixture of nutrients and from non-fertilised control plots. Concentrations of total nitrogen, insoluble and soluble proteins, free amino acids and nitrate were measured, and changes in absolute and relative concentrations of these N fractions between early summer and late autumn were used to identify the forms in which the plants store N. In all species studied, the concentration of free amino acids increased both between summer and autumn and in response to fertilisation, while the concentration of protein N increased only in response to fertilisation. Thus, free amino acids appear to have a central role in N storage. In all of the species except G. dryopteris, D. flexuosa and S. virgaurea, arginine dominated the pool of free amino acids and thus arginine was the major form of stored N in most species. In D. flexuosa and S. virgurea, however, asparagine and arginine together were the major forms of stored N, while glutamine was the major free amino acid, and N storage form, in G. dryopteris. Received: 10 March 1996 / Accepted: 22 December 1996  相似文献   

Question: Do tree species, with different litter qualities, affect the within‐forest distribution of forest understorey species on intermediate to base‐rich soils? Since habitat loss and fragmentation have caused ancient forest species to decline, those species are the main focus of this study. Location: Three ancient forests, along a soil gradient from acidification‐sensitive to base‐rich, were studied: Limbrichterbosch and Savelsbos in The Netherlands and Holtkrat in Denmark. Methods: Canopy and soil surveys along transects generated data for Redundancy Analysis on tree – humus relationships. We analysed the distribution of forest plant species with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. The explanatory factors were soil characteristics (pH, organic matter, loam content and thickness of the humus layers), external crown projection, ground water and canopy data. We further analysed the relationship between forest species and humus characteristics with Spearman correlations. Results: Tree species have a significant impact on humus characteristics through the nature of their litter. Humus characteristics significantly explain the distribution of forest understorey species. The pH of the first 25 cm mineral soil and the thickness of the F‐ (fermentation) layer are the primary factors affecting the distribution of ancient forest species. Conclusion: This study indicates that the species composition of the forest canopy affects the distribution of forest understorey species. Ancient forest species are more abundant and frequent underneath trees with base‐rich litter. On acidification‐sensitive soils these relationships were stronger than on more base‐rich, loamy soils.  相似文献   

The relationship of water deficit, actual water content, area, water loss and stomatal behaviour in leaves of different insertion levels of three members of Indian arid zoneConvolvulaceae—Merremia aegyptia, M. dissecta andIpomoea pes-caprae were measured simultaneously in the month of May, 1974, when field conditions were extremely adverse for growth. The two former species loose far more water than the latter. The values measured varied considerably with the leaf insertion levels and they reversed inI. pes-caprae when compared withMerremia species.  相似文献   

Question: In the population dynamics of four understorey shrub species (Hp, Hydrangea paniculata Sieb, et Zucc.; Lu, Lindera umbellata Thunb. var. membranacea (Maxim.) Momiyama; Ms, Magnolia salicifolia (Sieb, et Zucc.) Maxim.; Vf, Viburnum furcatum Blume ex Maxim.), (1) What is the relative importance of seedling regeneration versus vegetative growth? (2) Can these shrubs persist stably for a long time in the understorey? (3) What kind of variation in demographic features is observed among these shrubs? Location: 780m a.s.l., north‐eastern Japan. Methods: Population dynamics were analyzed by using stage‐classified matrix models. Models were mainly constructed from five years stem‐census data, including current‐year seedlings and sprouts. Results: Current‐year sprouts emerged every year in every species. Current‐year seedlings emerged every year in Lu and Vf, but densities were very low. In every species, population growth rate (A) was close to the equilibrium value 1.0 and no statistical difference was found among species. The stable stage‐distribution predicted from the matrix model was similar to the observed distribution for Lu, Ms and Vf, but much different for Hp. Elasticity matrix was also similar among Lu, Ms and Vf, but was quite different for Hp. Conclusions: Lu, Ms and Vf were considered as climax shrubs that can regenerate and maintain their population stably in the understorey, even if canopy gaps form infrequently. Hp is a pioneer shrub that require more frequent formation of canopy gaps for long‐term persistence in the understorey.  相似文献   

影响天然林下层植物物种多样性的林分因子的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以我国东北过伐林区3种典型森林类型为对象,用多元逐步回归方法来研究影响天然林下层植物多样性的林分因子,尤其是与森林经营有关的林分因子,从而通过经营来维持和增加物种多样性。研究表明,与经营有关的因子中对下层植物多样性有显著影响的有林分郁闭度、公顷株数和树种多样性。因此,在林分发展的一定阶段,应采取合理经营措施如采伐来控制林分密度,保持多树种的混交,来维持和增加树种多样性。  相似文献   

The shoots of cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. T5) wilt if their roots are exposed to chilling temperatures of around 5 °C. Under the same treatment, a chilling‐tolerant congener (Lycopersicon hirsutum LA 1778) maintains shoot turgor. To determine the physiological basis of this differential response, the effect of chilling on both excised roots and roots of intact plants in pressure chambers were investigated. In excised roots and intact plants, root hydraulic conductance declined with temperature to nearly twice the extent expected from the temperature dependence of the viscosity of water, but the response was similar in both species. The species differed markedly, however, in stomatal behaviour: in L. hirsutum, stomatal conductance declined as root temperatures were lowered, whereas the stomata of L. esculentum remained open until the roots reached 5 °C, and the plants became flaccid and suffered damage. Grafted plants with the shoots of one genotype and roots of another indicated that the differential stomatal behaviour during root chilling has distinct shoot and root components.  相似文献   

连栽对桉树人工林下物种多样性的影响   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
采用时空序列和定位监测相结合的方法,对广西国有东门林场桉树人工林的物种多样性及其维持机制进行了研究.结果表明,桉树连栽导致人工林植物多样性减少,在667 m2样方内,第2代林的植物种类比第1代林减少了54.43%;对18块4 m2样方监测(1998~2003年)结果,第2代林植物多样性比第1代林减少了50%,物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener指数分别比第1代林减少39.39%和17.76%.桉树人工林连栽导致群落物种多样性降低,改变了群落的物种组成及特征.不同连栽代数群落的生活型谱存在明显差异,第1代林以小高位芽、藤本高位芽和矮高位芽植物为主,而第2代林则以草本高位芽植物、地上芽植物为多;第1代林的k-对策种和r-对策种分别为69.32%和30.68%,第2代林则分别是47.83%和52.17%,可见连栽使草本植物、地上芽植物和r-对策种的数量增加,木本植物和k-对策种的数量减少.可以认为,土壤中种子库和营养体对物种多样性维持有重要作用,提出了桉树人工林群落物种多样性维持机制的初始植物繁殖体组成假说.在一个经营周期内(6~7年),桉树人工林维持的植物多样性的高低取决于初始植物繁殖体组成的丰富程度,高强度干扰的连栽方式使某些高竞争力的物种或仅以种子(果实)传播的物种丧失,造成下一代林地初始植物繁殖体组成多样性的降低,从而使连栽林地的物种多样性逐代减少.  相似文献   

Ned Fetcher 《Oecologia》1979,40(2):229-233
Summary Diurnal curves of xylem pressure potential (P) and leaf conductance (C) were measured for five tree species of the lowland tropical forest on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Measurements were taken just before and just after the beginning of the rainy season. The species studied were: Cordia alliodora, Faramea occidentalis, Heisteria concinna, Macquira costaricana, and Trichilia cipo.For all species, predawn (base P) and daytime values of P increased markedly after the beginning of the rainy season. Diurnal patterns of C were quite diverse. C. alliodora showed a decline in C during the day whereas F. occidentaus, H. concinna, and M. costaricana showed little change. Conductance of the last three species was lower before the first rains. T. cipo exhibited more complicated behavior for P and C. Before the rainy season, low values of base P and midday P were observed (-26 bars and-39 bars, respectively). Conductance was also low. After the first rains, base P increased to-4 bars. At this time, midday P and C appeared to respond to vapor pressure deficit (VPD), being less on a day with high VPD than on a day with low VPD.  相似文献   

A detailed biometrical study of the exotic understorey invader Prunus serotina (Ehrh.) was carried out in a mixed coniferous forest stand in northern Belgium. Based on detailed destructive measurements of eight selected model trees, allometric relations of tree height, crown projected area, woody and leaf dry mass and leaf area on tree diameter at breast height (DBH) were derived. The scaling-up procedure from the tree to the stand level was done using the frequency distribution of DBH obtained at the selected experimental plot. The vertical and radial distributions of the tree foliage were estimated by the “cloud” technique. The vertical profile of leaf area showed a bimodal distribution pattern with maxima at heights of 4 and 6 m above the ground. The leaf area index (LAI) of the understorey Prunus serotina as estimated by the described up-scaling procedure (5.1) was significantly higher than the LAI (2.6) as measured by a plant canopy analyser and was also significantly higher than the LAI of the overstorey species Scots pine (1.5–3.0). The LAI of a neighbouring Rhododendron understorey reached only 1.25. This study emphasises the importance of an exotic understorey species in the total leaf area of mixed coniferous forests which might have important implications for the energy and mass exchanges of the entire forest.  相似文献   



Plants of Agave spp. perform Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and are highly drought-tolerant, but little is known concerning seed germination under low water availability. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of substrate water potential (ΨW) on seed germination and contrast hydrotime parameters of seven valuable and commercially-important Agave species from different geographical distributions and climatic regions of Mexico. Our hypothesis was that seed germination of Agave species is not affected by low water availability independently of seed biomass and the climate of their distribution area.


Seed germination (at 25°C and in the dark) between 85 and 100% for all species occurred within 80–180 h at -0.03 MPa and 250–430 h at -1.0 MPa. Seed germination at -1.5 MPa declined to less than 50% (p < 0.05) for A. asperrima and A. cupreata but did not change significantly for A. americana var. marginata, A. lechuguilla and A. striata, although they showed the lowest mean base water potential (-2.01 to -2.64 MPa). Seed germination of 40% Agave species, from arid and semi-arid climates in this study, was not affected by the lower ΨW.


Germination of seeds of Agave species is moderately affected by low water availability, is partially dependent of their ecological distribution, and is independent of seed mass.  相似文献   

1. Shade-tolerant species that inhabit the understorey have a range of leaf lifetimes (from 1 to 8 years), which may indicate a variety of strategies for dealing with increases in light associated with tree-fall gaps. We hypothesized that species with long-lived leaves should be more tolerant of an increase in light levels than species with short-lived leaves.
2. In understorey plants of 12 shade-tolerant rain-forest species, photoinhibition, measured as a reduction in the chlorophyll fluorescence parameter F v/ F m when leaf discs were exposed to 1h at 1000μmol m–2s–1, was greater in species with short-lived leaves than species with long-lived leaves.
3. Less photoinhibition in species with long-lived leaves was not associated with higher levels of non-photochemical dissipation (NPQ) of absorbed light, but may be the result of a higher yield of photosystem II compared with short-lived leaves.
4. Thus, species with long-lived leaves are more tolerant of abrupt increases in light that occur when tree-fall gaps are formed than species with short-lived leaves.
5. Discs from leaves of all species growing in tree-fall gaps had higher levels of NPQ, yield of photosystem II and more rapid recovery from photoinhibition than leaves developed in the understorey; however, there were no differences among species with short- and long-lived leaves.  相似文献   

Abstract. The nutrient status was studied in permanent plots of four plant communities, two rich-fen communities and two wooded grassland communities, all formerly used for haymaking. The concentrations of N, P and K in plant material of dominant and subdominant species (above- and below-ground) were measured in plots experimentally scythed annually or biennially for two decades, and in plots unscythed for four decades. Three of the communities had an N:P ratio of 14 or less, indicating N-limitation; the most fertile grassland community had particularly low values for the N:P ratio (6–12), as did a majority of the species, including all tall-herb species. A species-rich community of fen-margin vegetation in the lowest productive rich fen, had an N: P ratio of 17–19 in the above-ground biomass, which indicates P-limitation of nutrients. Molinia caerulea and Thalictrum alpinum were found to be the vascular plants with the highest N:P ratio, indicating P-limitation of nutrients. Calculations of N:K and K:P ratios indicated possible K-limitation in the rich-fen communities, especially for Thalictrum alpinum, the species with the highest N:K value. No expected change from N- to P-limited growth was found; in contrast, a reduction in the N:P ratio was found in the annually scythed plots of the rich fens, suggesting that reduced biomass production is mainly a result of disturbance by scything. As expected, a reduction in the concentration of K was detected in the scythed plots.  相似文献   

The nitrification activity of a thermophilic heterotrophic bacterium, Bacillus MS30 isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent, was studied under various growth conditions. Nitrification was estimated from the nitrogen balance calculations in the culture media. The results showed that this isolate actively nitrified in culture conditions similar to those prevailing in hydrothermal sites. Therefore, its ecological significance was considered. In standard aerobic conditions, MS30 produced nitrite from ammonia and acetate (1.13 mumol NO2-.mg-1 dry wt), but nitrate was never produced, and a low nitrite reduction was often observed. Higher nitrification activities were observed in defined optimal conditions (simple carbon substrate, 65 degrees C, pH 7.5, and 15 g sea salts.L-1). In addition, discrepancies between the optima for growth and nitrification were observed, showing the ability of MS30 to adapt to changing environmental conditions typical of hydrothermal sites.  相似文献   

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