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l-Phenylalanine is an important amino acid commercially, and therefore optimization of its manufacture is of interest. We constructed a range of mutant alleles of AroG, the enzyme involved in the first step of phenylalanine biosynthesis. Three single-site mutant alleles were constructed (aroG8, aroG15, and aroG29), which were then combined to generate three double-site aroG fbr mutant alleles (aroG8/15, aroG8/29, and aroG15/29). Enzymatic activity, feedback inhibition, and fermentation were analyzed in all of the mutants. All double-site mutants, except AroG15/29, showed higher enzymatic activity and greater resistance to feedback inhibition than their respective single-site mutants. The E. coli strain carrying the aroG8/15 allele produced a phenylalanine titer of 26.78 g/l, a 116 % improvement over the control phenylalanine overproducing strain (12.41 g/l). Our findings provide an effective method for modifying phenylalanine biosynthetic genes, which may be applied to optimize the commercial manufacture of phenylalanine.  相似文献   

Aromatic metabolites in Escherichia coli and other microorganisms are derived from two common precursors: phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and erythrose 4-phosphate (E4P). During growth on glucose, the levels of both E4P and PEP are insufficient for high throughput of aromatics because of the low carbon flux through the pentose pathway and the use of PEP in the phosphotransferase system. It has been shown that transketolase and PEP synthase are effective in relieving this limitation and promoting high throughput of aromatics. To determine whether transaldolase, another E4P-producing enzyme, is also a limiting factor in directing carbon flux to the aromatic pathway, E. coli transaldolase gene (tal) was cloned and overexpressed in an aroB strain which excretes 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP), the first intermediate in the aromatic pathway. We found that overexpression of transaldolase did significantly increase the production of DAHP from glucose. This result further supports the contention that the supply of E4P is limiting when glucose is the carbon source. However, overexpression of transaldolase in strains which already overexpress transketolase did not show a further increase in production of aromatics. This result was attributed to the saturation of E4P supply when TktA was overexpressed. The flux control of DAHP production was discussed on the basis of Metabolic Control Analysis. (c) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Rising concerns about climate change and sustainable energy have attracted efforts towards developing environmentally friendly alternatives to fossil fuels. Biosynthesis of n-butane, a highly desirable petro-chemical, fuel additive and diluent in the oil industry, remains a challenge. In this work, we first engineered enzymes Tes, Car and AD in the termination module to improve the selectivity of n-butane biosynthesis, and ancestral reconstruction and a synthetic RBS significantly improved the AD abundance. Next, we did ribosome binding site (RBS) calculation to identify potential metabolic bottlenecks, and then mitigated the bottleneck with RBS engineering and precursor propionyl-CoA addition. Furthermore, we employed a model-assisted strain design and a nonrepetitive extra-long sgRNA arrays (ELSAs) and quorum sensing assisted CRISPRi to facilitate a dynamic two-stage fermentation. Through systems engineering, n-butane production was increased by 168-fold from 0.04 to 6.74 mg/L. Finally, the maximum n-butane production from acetate was predicted using parsimonious flux balance analysis (pFBA), and we achieved n-butane production from acetate produced by electrocatalytic CO reduction. Our findings pave the way for selectively producing n-butane from renewable carbon source.  相似文献   

L-高丝氨酸是一种非必需氨基酸,在工业生产中常被用作重要的平台化合物和添加剂.为提高产物合成效率,本文以实验室构建的L-高丝氨酸高产工程菌大肠杆菌Escherichia coli H0-0作为底盘菌株进行代谢改造.首先对ppc和pyccgP458S基因进行过表达来优化柠檬酸循环,然后通过thrAC1034T和lysCc...  相似文献   

代谢工程方法改造大肠杆菌生产胸苷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胸苷是抗艾滋病药物司他夫定(3′-脱氧-2′,3′-双脱氢胸苷)和叠氮胸苷的重要前体物质。应用代谢工程方法对大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)生物合成胸苷进行了研究。通过敲除E.coli BL21嘧啶回补途径的deo A、tdk和udp三个基因,BS03工程菌株能够积累21.6 mg/L胸苷。为了增加合成胸苷前体物核糖-5-磷酸和NADPH的供给,进一步敲除pgi和pyr L使工程菌BS05胸苷的产量提高到90.5 mg/L。而通过过表达胸苷合成途径的ush A、thy A、dut、ndk、nrd A和nrd B六个基因,菌株BS08胸苷的产量能达到272 mg/L。通过分批补料发酵,BS08最终可以积累1 248.8 mg/L的胸苷。本研究结果表明经过代谢工程改造的E.coli BL21具有良好的胸苷合成能力和应用潜力。  相似文献   

Agmatine is a kind of important biogenic amine. The chemical synthesis route is not a desirable choice for industrial production of agmatine. To date, there are no reports on the fermentative production of agmatine by microorganism. In this study, the base Escherichia coli strain AUX4 (JM109 ?speC ?speF ?speB ?argR) capable of excreting agmatine into the culture medium was first constructed by sequential deletions of the speC and speF genes encoding the ornithine decarboxylase isoenzymes, the speB gene encoding agmatine ureohydrolase and the regulation gene argR responsible for the negative control of the arg regulon. The speA gene encoding arginine decarboxylase harboured by the pKK223‐3 plasmid was overexpressed in AUX4, resulting in the engineered strain AUX5. The batch and fed‐batch fermentations of the AUX5 strain were conducted in a 3‐L bioreactor, and the results showed that the AUX5 strain was able to produce 1.13 g agmatine L?1 with the yield of 0.11 g agmatine g?1 glucose in the batch fermentation and the fed‐batch fermentation of AUX5 allowed the production of 15.32 g agmatine L?1 with the productivity of 0.48 g agmatine L?1 h?1, demonstrating the potential of E. coli as an industrial producer of agmatine.  相似文献   

The global market of butanol is increasing due to its growing applications as solvent, flavoring agent, and chemical precursor of several other compounds. Recently, the superior properties of n-butanol as a biofuel over ethanol have stimulated even more interest. (Bio)butanol is natively produced together with ethanol and acetone by Clostridium species through acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation, at noncompetitive, low titers compared to petrochemical production. Different butanol production pathways have been expressed in Escherichia coli, a more accessible host compared to Clostridium species, to improve butanol titers and rates. The bioproduction of butanol is here reviewed from a historical and theoretical perspective. All tested rational metabolic engineering strategies in E. coli to increase butanol titers are reviewed: manipulation of central carbon metabolism, elimination of competing pathways, cofactor balancing, development of new pathways, expression of homologous enzymes, consumption of different substrates, and molecular biology strategies. The progress in the field of metabolic modeling and pathway generation algorithms and their potential application to butanol production are also summarized here. The main goals are to gather all the strategies, evaluate the respective progress obtained, identify, and exploit the outstanding challenges.  相似文献   

Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology - l-Tryptophan is an important aromatic amino acid that is used widely in the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. Compared with the...  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering has achieved encouraging success in producing foreign metabolites in a variety of hosts. However, common strategies for engineering metabolic pathways focus on amplifying the desired enzymes and deregulating cellular controls. As a result, uncontrolled or deregulated metabolic pathways lead to metabolic imbalance and suboptimal productivity. Here we have demonstrated the second stage of metabolic engineering effort by designing and engineering a regulatory circuit to control gene expression in response to intracellular metabolic states. Specifically, we recruited and altered one of the global regulatory systems in Escherichia coli, the Ntr regulon, to control the engineered lycopene biosynthesis pathway. The artificially engineered regulon, stimulated by excess glycolytic flux through sensing of an intracellular metabolite, acetyl phosphate, controls the expression of two key enzymes in lycopene synthesis in response to flux dynamics. This intracellular control loop significantly enhanced lycopene production while reducing the negative impact caused by metabolic imbalance. Although we demonstrated this strategy for metabolite production, it can be extended into other fields where gene expression must be closely controlled by intracellular physiology, such as gene therapy.  相似文献   

羟基酪醇是重要精细化学品,作为天然抗氧化剂被广泛应用于食品、医药领域.利用合成生物学技术生产羟基酪醇具有重要意义.本文克隆并功能鉴定了来源于大肠杆菌Escherichia coli BL21的羟化酶编码基因HpaBC,结果表明该酶的两个亚基均能成功表达并能催化酪醇生成羟基酪醇.通过CRISPR-Cas9技术将由tac启...  相似文献   

Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is an essential cofactor for various enzymes in mammals. In vivo, it is synthesized from GTP via the three-step pathway of GTP cyclohydrolase I (GCHI), 6-pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase (PTPS) and sepiapterin reductase (SPR). BH4 is a medicine used to treat atypical hyperphenylalaninemia. It is currently synthesized by chemical means, which consists of many steps, and requires costly materials and complicated procedures. To explore an alternative microbial method for BH4 production, we utilized recombinant DNA technology to construct recombinant Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains carrying genes expressing GCHI, PTPS and SPR enzymes. These strains successfully produced BH4, which was detected as dihydrobiopterin and biopterin, oxidation products of BH4. In order to increase BH4 productivity we made further improvements. First, to increase the de novo GTP supply, an 8-azaguanine resistant mutant was isolated and an additional guaBA operon was introduced. Second, to augment the activity of GCHI, the folE gene from E. coli was replaced by the mtrA gene from Bacillus subtilis. These modifications provided us with a strain showing significantly higher productivity, up to 4.0 g of biopterin/L of culture broth. The results suggest the possibility of commercial BH4 production by our method.  相似文献   

Genetic engineering of ethanol production in Escherichia coli   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The genes encoding essential enzymes of the fermentative pathway for ethanol production in Zymomonas mobilis, an obligately ethanologenic bacterium, were inserted into Escherichia coli under the control of a common promoter. Alcohol dehydrogenase II and pyruvate decarboxylase from Z. mobilis were expressed at high levels in E. coli, resulting in increased cell growth and the production of ethanol as the principal fermentation product from glucose. These results demonstrate that it is possible to change the fermentation products of an organism, such as E. coli, by the addition of genes encoding appropriate enzymes which form an alternative system for the regeneration of NAD+.  相似文献   

Compared to ethanol, butanol offers many advantages as a substitute for gasoline because of higher energy content and higher hydrophobicity. Typically, 1-butanol is produced by Clostridium in a mixed-product fermentation. To facilitate strain improvement for specificity and productivity, we engineered a synthetic pathway in Escherichia coli and demonstrated the production of 1-butanol from this non-native user-friendly host. Alternative genes and competing pathway deletions were evaluated for 1-butanol production. Results show promise for using E. coli for 1-butanol production.  相似文献   

Efficient biosynthesis of L-tyrosine from glucose is necessary to make biological production economically viable. To this end, we designed and constructed a modular biosynthetic pathway for L-tyrosine production in E. coli MG1655 by encoding the enzymes for converting erythrose-4-phosphate (E4P) and phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to L-tyrosine on two plasmids. Rational engineering to improve L-tyrosine production and to identify pathway bottlenecks was directed by targeted proteomics and metabolite profiling. The bottlenecks in the pathway were relieved by modifications in plasmid copy numbers, promoter strength, gene codon usage, and the placement of genes in operons. One major bottleneck was due to the bifunctional activities of quinate/shikimate dehydrogenase (YdiB), which caused accumulation of the intermediates dehydroquinate (DHQ) and dehydroshikimate (DHS) and the side product quinate; this bottleneck was relieved by replacing YdiB with its paralog AroE, resulting in the production of over 700 mg/liter of shikimate. Another bottleneck in shikimate production, due to low expression of the dehydroquinate synthase (AroB), was alleviated by optimizing the first 15 codons of the gene. Shikimate conversion to L-tyrosine was improved by replacing the shikimate kinase AroK with its isozyme, AroL, which effectively consumed all intermediates formed in the first half of the pathway. Guided by the protein and metabolite measurements, the best producer, consisting of two medium-copy-number, dual-operon plasmids, was optimized to produce >2 g/liter L-tyrosine at 80% of the theoretical yield. This work demonstrates the utility of targeted proteomics and metabolite profiling in pathway construction and optimization, which should be applicable to other metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Global energy and environmental problems have stimulated increasing efforts toward synthesizing liquid biofuels as transportation energy. Compared to the traditional biofuel, ethanol, advanced biofuels should offer advantages such as higher energy density, lower hygroscopicity, lower vapor pressure, and compatibility with existing transportation infrastructure. However, these fuels are not synthesized economically using native organisms. Metabolic engineering offers an alternative approach in which synthetic pathways are engineered into user-friendly hosts for the production of these fuel molecules. These hosts could be readily manipulated to improve the production efficiency. This review summarizes recent progress in the engineering of Escherichia coli to produce advanced biofuels.  相似文献   

Guanosine 5′-diphosphate (GDP)-fucose is the indispensible donor substrate for fucosyltransferase-catalyzed synthesis of fucose-containing biomolecules, which have been found involving in various biological functions. In this work, the salvage pathway for GDP-fucose biosynthesis from Bacterioides fragilis was introduced into Escherichia coli. Besides, the biosynthesis of guanosine 5′-triphosphate (GTP), an essential substrate for GDP-fucose biosynthesis, was enhanced via overexpression of enzymes involved in the salvage pathway of GTP biosynthesis. The production capacities of metabolically engineered strains bearing different combinations of recombinant enzymes were compared. The shake flask fermentation of the strain expressing Fkp, Gpt, Gmk and Ndk obtained the maximum GDP-fucose content of 4.6 ± 0.22 μmol/g (dry cell mass), which is 4.2 fold that of the strain only expressing Fkp. Through fed-batch fermentation, the GDP-fucose content further rose to 6.6 ± 0.14 μmol/g (dry cell mass). In addition to a better productivity than previous fermentation processes based on the de novo pathway for GDP-fucose biosynthesis, the established schemes in this work also have the advantage to be a potential avenue to GDP-fucose analogs encompassing chemical modification on the fucose residue.  相似文献   

丙二酸是一种重要的有机二元羧酸,其应用价值遍及化工、医药、食品等领域。本文以大肠杆菌为底盘细胞,过表达了ppc、aspC、panD、pa0132、yneI和pyc基因,成功构建了丙二酸合成重组菌株大肠杆菌BL21(TPP)。该菌株在摇瓶发酵条件下,丙二酸产量达到0.61 g/L。在5 L发酵罐水平,采用间歇补料的方式丙二酸的积累量达3.32 g/L。本研究应用了融合蛋白技术,将ppc和aspC、pa0132和yneI分别进行融合表达,构建了工程菌BL21(SCR)。在摇瓶发酵水平,该菌株丙二酸的积累量达到了0.83 g/L,较出发菌株BL21(TPP)提高了36%。在5 L发酵罐中,工程菌BL21(SCR)的丙二酸产量最高达5.61 g/L,较出发菌株BL21(TPP)提高了69%。本研究实现了丙二酸在大肠杆菌中的生物合成,为构建丙二酸合成的细胞工厂提供了理论依据和技术基础,同时也对其他二元羧酸的生物合成具有启发和指导意义。  相似文献   

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