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This work describes the antiparasitic and cytotoxic activities of three plant species from the Cerrado biome, Northeastern Brazil. Significant antiparasitic inhibition was observed against Trypanosoma cruzi (63.86%), Leishmania brasiliensis (92.20%) and Leishmania infantum (95.23%) when using ethanol extract from leaves of Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. (Malvaceae), at a concentration of 500 μg/mL. However, low levels of inhibition were observed when assessing leishmanicidal and trypanocidal (Clone CL-B5) activities of crude ethanol extracts from leaves and bast tissue of Luehea paniculata (Malvaceae) and leaves and bark of Prockia crucis (Salicaceae) at a concentration of 500 μg/mL. The extracts revealed the presence of phenolic acids such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid and rosmarinic acid, as well as flavonoids such as rutin, luteolin, apigenin and quercetin – the latter detected only in G. ulmifolia. G. ulmifolia extract displayed higher leishmanicidal activity probably due to the presence of quercetin, a potent known leishmanicidal compound. A cytotoxicity test indicated values over 50% at the highest concentration (1000 μg/mL) for all natural products, which were considered cytotoxic. This points out the need for further tests to enable future in vivo trials, including antineoplastic activity on human tumor cells.  相似文献   

Many factors may affect reproduction of animal-pollinated species. In this study, the effects of pollen limitation, attractive traits (flower number, plant height and flower width) and flowering phenological traits (flowering onset, duration and synchrony) on female reproduction, as well as the patterns of variation in fruit and seed production within plants, were investigated in Paeonia ostii “Feng Dan” over two flowering seasons (2018 and 2019). Fruit set was very high (90%), and pollen supplementation did not increase fruit and seed production in either year, indicating no pollen limitation. Fruit set, ovule number per fruit and mean individual seed weight per fruit were not affected by any of the six attractive and phenological traits in either year, whereas seed number per fruit was related to the three attractive traits in one or both years. Seed number per plant was positively affected by the three attractive traits and best explained by flower number in both years, but the effect of each of the three phenological traits on seed number per plant differed between years. Within plants, the fruit set, ovule number, seed set and seed number per fruit declined from early- to late-opening flowers, presumably because of resource preemption, but the mean individual seed weight did not vary across the flowering sequence. Our study shows that attractive traits of Paeonia ostii “Feng Dan” are more important than flowering phenological traits in the prediction of total seed production per plant.  相似文献   

Long-term climate–growth relationships, were examined in tree rings of four co-occurring tree species from semi-arid Acacia savanna woodlands in Ethiopia. The main purpose of the study was to prove the presence of annual tree rings, evaluate the relationship between radial growth and climate parameters, and evaluate the association of El Niño and drought years in Ethiopia. The results showed that all species studied form distinct growth boundaries, though differences in distinctiveness were revealed among the species. Tree rings of the evergreen Balanites aegyptiaca were separated by vessels surrounding a thin parenchyma band and the growth boundary of the deciduous acacias was characterized by thin parenchyma bands. The mean annual diameter increment ranged from 3.6 to 5.0 mm. Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal showed more enhanced growth than Acacia tortilis and B. aegyptiaca. High positive correlations were found between the tree-ring width chronologies and precipitation data, and all species showed similar response to external climate forcing, which supports the formation of one tree-ring per year. Strong declines in tree-ring width correlated remarkably well with past El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events and drought/famine periods in Ethiopia. Spectral analysis of the master tree-ring chronology indicated occurrences of periodic drought events, which fall within the spectral peak equivalent to 2–8 years. Our results proved the strong linkage between tree-ring chronologies and climate, which sheds light on the potential of dendrochronological studies developing in Ethiopia. The outcome of this study has important implications for paleoclimatic reconstructions and in restoration of degraded lands.  相似文献   

As global temperatures rise, variation in annual climate is also changing, with unknown consequences for forest biomes. Growing forests have the ability to capture atmospheric CO2 and thereby slow rising CO2 concentrations. Forests’ ongoing ability to sequester C depends on how tree communities respond to changes in climate variation. Much of what we know about tree and forest response to climate variation comes from tree‐ring records. Yet typical tree‐ring datasets and models do not capture the diversity of climate responses that exist within and among trees and species. We address this issue using a model that estimates individual tree response to climate variables while accounting for variation in individuals’ size, age, competitive status, and spatially structured latent covariates. Our model allows for inference about variance within and among species. We quantify how variables influence aboveground biomass growth of individual trees from a representative sample of 15 northern or southern tree species growing in a transition zone between boreal and temperate biomes. Individual trees varied in their growth response to fluctuating mean annual temperature and summer moisture stress. The variation among individuals within a species was wider than mean differences among species. The effects of mean temperature and summer moisture stress interacted, such that warm years produced positive responses to summer moisture availability and cool years produced negative responses. As climate models project significant increases in annual temperatures, growth of species like Acer saccharum, Quercus rubra, and Picea glauca will vary more in response to summer moisture stress than in the past. The magnitude of biomass growth variation in response to annual climate was 92–95% smaller than responses to tree size and age. This means that measuring or predicting the physical structure of current and future forests could tell us more about future C dynamics than growth responses related to climate change alone.  相似文献   

Complex and integrative approaches may be necessary to understand the abundant-centre model and the patterns in genetic diversity that may be explained by this model. Here we developed an integrated framework to study spatial patterns in genetic diversity within local populations, coupling genetic data, niche modelling and landscape genetics, and applied this framework to evaluate population structure of Caryocar brasiliense, an endemic tree from the Brazilian Cerrado. We showed different geographical patterns for genetic diversity, allelic richness and inbreeding levels, estimated using microsatellite data for ten local populations. Ecological suitability was estimating by combining five niche modelling techniques. Genetic diversity tend to follow a central-periphery model and is associated with ecological variables. On the other hand, inbreeding levels may be alternatively explained by isolation processes and habitat fragmentation more related to intense recent human occupation in the southern border of the biome, or by deeper historical patterns in the origin of the populations. Although still suffering from some of the problems of central-periphery analysis (small number of local populations), our analyses show how these patterns can be better investigated and offering a better understanding of the processes structuring genetic diversity within species’ geographic ranges.  相似文献   

Many tree-ring-based climate reconstructions are based on the assumption that the climate reaction of trees is independent of their size. Here, we test this assumption for New Zealand kauri (Agathis australis), one of the longest tree ring-based proxies for the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The most recent kauri chronology contains a large amount of archaeological material, e.g. timber for which the original tree size is often unknown. We analyzed the climate–growth relationship of different-sized kauri in a pristine forest using different temporal scales, i.e. annually, monthly and daily data on tree growth and climate conditions. Trees of different life stages exhibited approximately the same seasonal growth peaks during austral spring (October and November). The dormancy period overlaps with the period where weekly air temperature maxima are below ca. 17–18 °C, and where the corresponding daily minima are below ca. 8 °C. However, both correlation functions between annual growth and seasonal climate as well as Kalman filter regressions between daily growth and climate conditions suggest an influence of tree size on the climate–growth relationship for kauri. Smaller trees (DBH < 40 cm) contain weaker climate signals than larger trees. Therefore, the precautionary stripping of near-pith material (first 20 cm) from kauri chronologies may result in more uniform responses to climate forcing and thus enhance the reliability of long-term climate reconstructions.  相似文献   

Aims Climate and soil are among the most important factors determining variation in tree communities, but their effects have not been thoroughly elucidated to date for many vegetation features. In this study, we evaluate how climate and soil gradients affect gradients of vegetation composition, species diversity and dominance, structure and functional traits (seed mass and wood density) using over 327 000 trees in 158 sites distributed along environmental gradients in the transitions among the Atlantic forest, Cerrado and Caatinga in Minas Gerais State (MG), Brazil (nearly 600 000 km2).  相似文献   

Here we compare dental microwear textures from specimens of the fossil genus Mesopithecus (Cercopithecidae, Colobinae) from the late Miocene of Eastern Europe with dental microwear textures from four extant primate species with known dietary differences. Results indicate that the dental microwear textures of Mesopithecus differ from those of extant leaf eaters Alouatta palliata and Trachypithecus cristatus and instead resemble more closely those of the occasional hard-object feeders Cebus apella and Lophocebus albigena. Microwear texture data presented here in combination with results from previous analyses suggest that Mesopithecus was a widespread, opportunistic feeder that often consumed hard seeds. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that early colobines may have preferred hard seeds to leaves.  相似文献   

A rapid and efficient plant propagation system through shoot tip explants was established in Vitex trifolia L., a medicinally important plant belonging to the family Verbenaceae. Multiple shoots were induced directly on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium consisting of different cytokinins, 6-benzyladenine (BA), kinetin (Kin) and 2-isopentenyl adenine (2-iP), BA at an optimal concentration of 5.0 μM was most effective in inducing multiple shoots where 90 % explants responded with an average shoot number (4.4±0.1) and shoot length (2.0±0.1 cm) after 6 weeks of culture. Inclusion of NAA in the culture medium along with the optimum concentration of BA promoted a higher rate of shoot multiplication and length of the shoot, where 19.2±0.3 well-grown healthy shoots with an average shoot length of 4.4±0.1 cm were obtained on completion of 12 weeks culture period. Ex vitro rooting was achieved best directly in soilrite when basal portion of the shoots were treated with 500 μM indole-3-butyric acid for 15 min which was the most effective in inducing roots, as 95 % of the microshoots produced roots. Plantlets went through a hardening phase in a controlled plant growth chamber, prior to ex-vitro transfer. Micropropagated plants grew well, attained maturity and flowered with 92 % survival rate. The results of this study provide the first report on in vitro plant regeneration of Vitex trifolia L. using shoot tip explants.  相似文献   

Summary The slow reassociating fraction of mouse DNA (unique DNA), when allowed to reassociate in 0.14 m sodium phosphate buffer at 50 °C showed a biphasic melting curve with a transition at 78–80 °C. On the basis of this feature, the slow reassociating DNA was separated preparatively into two fractions: unique DNA I and II. Their duplexes showed differences with respect to thermal stability, S1 nuclease resistance and rate of reassociation. About one third of the sequences in each fraction were fraction-specific. The conclusion was drawn that for unique DNA I these should be the low repetitive or single copy related sequences (multigene families) and for unique DNA II—the unrelated single copy sequences or recent families of low repetitive not yet diverged sequences.  相似文献   

Anthropometric assessment of nutritional status is reported for three Tupí-Mondê-speaking groups from Rond?nia and Mato Grosso, Brazil. This region of the Amazon basin is experiencing rapid development through government-oriented colonization. The Gavi?o, Suruí, and Zoró had their first contacts with Brazilian national society at different times, and the nature and degree of their participation in regional markets varies. Height, weight, sitting height, subischial leg length, upper arm circumference, triceps skin-fold thickness, and upper arm muscle and fat areas are reported for children 0-10.9 years of age. Like other Amazonian Amerindians, Tupí-Mondê children are short for their age but normal or above normal in weight for height with respect to the National Center for Health Statistics reference. Hence stunting levels are high (55.4%) and wasting levels are low (0.8%). There are also deficits in body composition parameters, especially in upper arm circumference and estimated muscle and fat areas. We interpret the results as evidence of suboptimal nutritional status, reflecting the interaction between poor diet and infectious and parasitic diseases. The Gavi?o, with the longest period of contact, present the lowest level of stunting. This finding is attributed to the use of cash income from rubber tapping and nut gathering to purchase of food items and health care. Differences in height between the three groups are mostly due to leg length, instead of sitting height, reinforcing the idea that environmental conditions can alter body proportions.  相似文献   

Population dynamics models remain largely deterministic, although the presence of random fluctuations in nature is well recognized. This deterministic approach is based on the implicit assumption that systems can be separated into a deterministic part that captures the essential features of the system and a random part that can be neglected. But is it possible, in general, to understand population dynamics without the explicit consideration of random fluctuations? Here, we suggest perhaps not, and argue that the dynamics of many systems are a result of interactions between the deterministic nonlinear skeleton and noise.  相似文献   

Methanogenic archaeans are organisms of considerable ecological and biotechnological interest that produce methane through a restricted metabolic pathway, which culminates in the reaction catalyzed by the Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) enzyme, and results in the release of methane. Using a metagenomic approach, the gene of the α subunit of mcr (mcrα) was isolated from sediment sample from an anoxic zone, rich in decomposing organic material, obtained from the Tucuruí hydroelectric dam reservoir in eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The partial nucleotide sequences obtained were 83 to 95% similar to those available in databases, indicating a low diversity of archaeans in the reservoir. Two orders were identified - the Methanomicrobiales, and a unique Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) forming a clade with the Methanosarcinales according to low bootstrap values. Homology modeling was used to determine the three-dimensional (3D) structures, for this the partial nucleotide sequence of the mcrα were isolated and translated on their partial amino acid sequences. The 3D structures of the archaean Mcrα observed in the present study varied little, and presented approximately 70% identity in comparison with the Mcrα of Methanopyrus klanderi. The results demonstrated that the community of methanogenic archaeans of the anoxic C1 region of the Tucurui reservoir is relatively homogeneous.  相似文献   

Detailed study of the cone Lycostrobus chinleana Daugherty shows that the fossil was incorrectly attributed to the Lycopodiales by the author and to the quillworts by Retallack and that it actually should be assigned to the Equisetales. The cone, which occurs in the Upper Triassic Chinle Formation at several localities in the southwestern United States, is ∼2.5 cm wide and nearly 6 cm long and consists of a stout axis bearing whorls of peltate sporangiophores. Each sporangiophore is composed of a slender stalk and a hexagonal disk, which typically bears a single, generally long, lanceolate, forward-directed leaf-like umbo tip on the outer surface and several recurrent sporangia on the inner surface. Small round to oval trilete spores occur in the sporangia. Since the leaf-like umbo tip is similar to the sterile leaves found in certain calamite cones and the recurrent sporangia are equisetalean-like, it appears that the cone may represent a intermediate stage between Calamites and modern Equisetum. According to this hypothesis, the nonbracteate Equisetum cone could have developed from a bracteate calamite cone, through reduction and fusion of the bracts and the sporangiophores, rather than by the loss of whorls of bracts of the Calamites cone as suggested earlier by others. As a result of this study the cone is assigned to the new Equisetalean genus Equicalastrobus and redescribed under the name E. chinleana (Daugherty) Grauvogel-Stamm and Ash, n. comb.  相似文献   

Ring analysis was carried out on 39 Rhizophora mangle trees from two salineand one brackish forest sites on apeninsula in north Brazil. All trees showedconstant growth over their entire lifespan, however the distinctiveness of growthrings was greater in trees from the salineareas than in trees from the brackish site.The mean radial increments form a patternof three distinct groups (`fast', `medium',and `slow' growth). Although all threegrowth groups contained trees from eachstudy site, trees from the brackish and thefrequently inundated saline area presenteda significantly higher growth rate (3.3 mmy-1) than the trees growing in asaline, seldom inundated area. Radiocarbonanalysis showed that R. mangle formsannual rings in the region. The mean age ofeach forest, derived from the mean stemradius, the growth rates, and the treeaffiliation to each growth group, explainsforest's density and basal area. For thetrees from a saline area belonging to themedium growth group (mean increment 2.5 mmy-1), the cambial growth correlatessignificantly with the precipitation in thetransition months between the dry and therainy season. The slowest growing trees(1.2 mm y-1) showed a closerelationship between the ring width and thenumber of months with rainfall < 50 mm.Based on these results, we propose that thelocal abiotic factors influence theindividual growth rates but their effect onthe forest structure is modified by bioticfactors, such as neighborhoodcompetition.  相似文献   

In pear, fruit ripening is not homogeneous, which leads to problems in harvest and storage management. To identify factors affecting the ripening homogeneity, structural, biochemical and molecular parameters were investigated. Fruits were sampled from trees trained with three different systems, spindle, V-shaped and bi-axis, and were further grouped on the basis of canopy position (top or bottom) and branch type (short-old-spurs, 3-year-old or older branches, 2-year-old branches and twigs). This study confirmed that the position in the canopy plays a crucial role in fruit ripening in V-shaped and bi-axis training systems. Fruit on the spindle training system was unaffected by the position of the canopy, albeit showing a large variability within the fruit of each part of the canopy. Such variability is much lower in the bi-axis and V-shaped systems. The spindle training system had no similarity in homogeneity indices between the molecular and physiological measurements. Partial least square discriminate analysis (PLS-DA) showed differences in training system, branch type and canopy position separated by the different physiological and molecular parameters. Short-old-spurs and twigs had the highest homogeneity and least variability in all training systems and branch types. In addition, partial least square path modelling (PLS-PM) was able to identify a high correlation between physiological measurements and ripening compared to that of molecular data.  相似文献   

In this paper random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was used to evaluate the degree of among-population differentiation and associated spatial patterns of genetic divergence for Dipteryx alata Vogel populations from Cerrado region of central Brazil, furnishing support for future programs of conservation of this species. We analyzed patterns of genetic and spatial population structure using 45 RAPD loci scored for 309 trees, sampled from five different regions with two populations each. Genetic structure analysis suggested that panmixia null hypothesis can be rejected, with significant among-population components of 15%. Hierarchical partition by Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) shows that 5% of genetic variation is within regions, whereas 10% of variation is among regions, and these results were confirmed by a Bayesian analyses on HICKORY. The Mantel correlogram revealed that this divergence is spatially structured, so that local populations situated at short geographic distances could not be considered independent units for conservation and management. However, genetic discontinuities among populations were found in the northwest and southeast parts of the study area, corresponding to regions of recent socio-economic expansion and high population density, respectively. Taking both geographic distances and genetic discontinuities into account it is possible to establish a group of population to be conserved, covering most of D. alata geographic distribution and congruent with previously established priority areas for conservation in the Cerrado region.  相似文献   

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