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Serum from the tunicate Ciona intestinalis contains a low titer, natural agglutinin for a variety of vertebrate erythrocytes. Primary injections of 8.5 × 103 human erythrocytes or 7.0 × 102 duck erythrocytes into the tunic tissues or perivisceral cavity were agglutinated and then cleared by phagocytosis within 24 hr. Higher concentrations of human or duck erythrocytes injected into the tunic tissues were encapsulated. Concomitant with clearance or encapsulation, serum agglutinin levels decreased and then returned to normal within 24 hr. Tunicates are classified taxonomically with the vertebrates in the phylum Chordata. Since phagocytosis and encapsulation reactions are typical of most invertebrates, the results of this study suggest that tunicate internal defense mechanisms are more closely allied to invertebrates than to vertebrates.  相似文献   

Ciona intestinalis is considered a widespread and easily recognizable tunicate, the sister group of vertebrates. In recent years, molecular studies suggested that C. intestinalis includes at least two cryptic species, named ‘type A’ and ‘type B’, morphologically indistinguishable. It is dramatic to certify that two different species may be hidden under the name of a species widely used as a model species in biological researches. This raised the problem of identifying diagnostic morphological characters capable of distinguishing these types. We compared the morphology of specimens belonging to the two types and found that only type A specimens possess tunic tubercular prominences, allowing unambiguous discrimination. Remarkably, these structures were already described as distinctive of the Japanese species Ciona robusta, Hoshino and Tokioka, 1967; later synonymized under C. intestinalis (sensu Millar, 1953). In this study, we have confirmed that C. intestinalis type A corresponds to C. robusta. Based on the geographic distribution of C. intestinalis type B, and considering that the original C. intestinalis species was described from North European waters, we determined that C. intestinalis type B corresponds to C. intestinalis as described by Millar in 1953 and possibly to Linnaeus' Ascidia intestinalis L., 1767 for which we have deposited a neotype (from Roscoff, France) and for which we retain the name Ciona intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1767).  相似文献   

Hox genes are organized in genomic clusters. In all organisms where their role has been studied, Hox genes determine developmental fate along the antero-posterior axis. Hence, these genes represent an ideal system for the understanding of relationships between the number and expression of genes and body organization. We report in this paper that the ascidian Ciona intestinalis genome appears to contain a single Hox gene complex which shows absence of some of the members found in all chordates investigated up to now. Furthermore, the complex appears to be either unusually long or split in different subunits. We speculate that such an arrangement of Hox genes does not correspond to the chordate primordial cluster but occurred independently in the ascidian lineage.  相似文献   

Cranial sensory placodes are focused areas of the head ectoderm of vertebrates that contribute to the development of the cranial sense organs and their associated ganglia. Placodes have long been considered a key character of vertebrates, and their evolution is proposed to have been essential for the evolution of an active predatory lifestyle by early vertebrates. Despite their importance for understanding vertebrate origins, the evolutionary origin of placodes has remained obscure. Here, we use a panel of molecular markers from the Six, Eya, Pax, Dach, FoxI, COE and POUIV gene families to examine the tunicate Ciona intestinalis for evidence of structures homologous to vertebrate placodes. Our results identify two domains of Ciona ectoderm that are marked by the genetic cascade that regulates vertebrate placode formation. The first is just anterior to the brain, and we suggest this territory is equivalent to the olfactory/adenohypophyseal placodes of vertebrates. The second is a bilateral domain adjacent to the posterior brain and includes cells fated to form the atrium and atrial siphon of adult Ciona. We show this bares most similarity to placodes fated to form the vertebrate acoustico-lateralis system. We interpret these data as support for the hypothesis that sensory placodes did not arise de novo in vertebrates, but evolved from pre-existing specialised areas of ectoderm that contributed to sensory organs in the common ancestor of vertebrates and tunicates.  相似文献   



The metzincins are a large gene superfamily of proteases characterized by the presence of a zinc protease domain, and include the ADAM, ADAMTS, BMP1/TLL, meprin and MMP genes. Metzincins are involved in the proteolysis of a wide variety of proteins, including those of the extracellular matrix. The metzincin gene superfamily comprises eighty proteins in the human genome and ninety-three in the mouse. When and how the level of complexity apparent in the vertebrate metzincin gene superfamily arose has not been determined in detail. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of vertebrate metzincins using genes from both Ciona intestinalis and Danio rerio to provide new insights into the complex evolution of this gene superfamily.


We have identified 19 metzincin genes in the ciona genome and 83 in the zebrafish genome. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the expansion of the metzincin gene superfamily in vertebrates has occurred predominantly by the simple duplication of pre-existing genes rather than by the appearance and subsequent expansion of new metzincin subtypes (the only example of which is the meprin gene family). Despite the number of zebrafish metzincin genes being relatively similar to that of tetrapods (e.g. man and mouse), the pattern of gene retention and loss within these lineages is markedly different. In addition, we have studied the evolution of the related TIMP gene family and identify a single ciona and four zebrafish TIMP genes.


The complexity seen in the vertebrate metzincin gene families was mainly acquired during vertebrate evolution. The metzincin gene repertoire in protostomes and invertebrate deuterostomes has remained relatively stable. The expanded metzincin gene repertoire of extant tetrapods, such as man, has resulted largely from duplication events associated with early vertebrate evolution, prior to the sarcopterygian-actinopterygian split. The teleost repertoire of metzincin genes in part parallels that of tetrapods but has been significantly modified, perhaps as a consequence of a teleost-specific duplication event.  相似文献   

D Georges  C Schwabe 《FASEB journal》1999,13(10):1269-1275
The fossil record of tunicates reaches back to the upper Cambrian period. Ascidians have mobile, tadpole-like juvenile forms with a notochord, which inspired the classification of tunicates as Urochordata, i.e., predecessors of vertebrates. The genome of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis contains a relaxin coding region that is organized like a mammalian gene, i.e., signal peptide, B-chain domain, connecting peptide domain, followed by the A-chain domain with a stop codon after cysteine A-22. RNA-derived cDNA encodes a relaxin that is identical to the circulating form of the porcine hormone. In contrast to the porcine gene, the ascidian gene has no intron in the C-peptide domain, and in that respect is similar to the bombyxin gene of the silkworm. During the spawning period, only enough relaxin could be extracted and isolated from gonads of C. intestinalis for a partial sequence analysis. Remarkable as it may be, these findings suggest that relaxin is identical in pigs, whales, and the tunicate C. intestinalis.  相似文献   

Summary The origin of proteinaceous yolk in oocytes of Ciona, intestinalis appears to involve the activity of two kinds of vesicles derived from the Golgi complex. One kind of vesicle contains a granular product of considerable density while the contents of the other type of vesicle are of low density. Both types of vesicles become widely dispersed in the ooplasm during vitellogenesis. The high-density vesicle exhibits greater size variation than the lowdensity vesicle. The growing yolk globules possess an external often folded membrane enclosing both granular and vesicular elements. The granular-vesicular bodies are observed in wide size ranges and they appear to arise and increase in size by fusion or incorporation of numerous high-density vesicles, low-density vesicles, and smaller granular-vesicular bodies. The relationship of the developing yolk globules to ribosomes, pinocytotic vesicles, and vesicular endoplasmic reticulum is illustrated.This investigation was supported by research grants (GM-09229, HD-00699) from the National Instituts of Health, U. S. Public Health Service and a Career Development Award (GM-11,524) from the National Institute of General Medical Science.  相似文献   

Ciona intestinalis (the common sea squirt) is the closest living chordate relative to vertebrates with cosmopolitan presence worldwide. It has a relatively simple nervous system and development, making it a widely studied alternative model system in neuroscience and developmental biology. The use of Ciona as a model organism has increased significantly after the draft genome was published. In this study, we describe the first proteome map of the neural complex of C. intestinalis. A total of 544 proteins were identified based on 1DE and 2DE FTMS/ITMSMS analyses. Proteins were annotated against the Ciona database and analyzed to predict their molecular functions, roles in biological processes, and position in constructed network pathways. The identified Ciona neural complex proteome was found to map onto vertebrate nervous system pathways, including cytoskeleton remodeling neurofilaments, cell adhesion through the histamine receptor signaling pathway, γ‐aminobutyric acid‐A receptor life cycle neurophysiological process, glycolysis, and amino acid metabolism. The proteome map of the Ciona neural complex is the first step toward a better understanding of several important processes, including the evolution and regeneration capacity of the Ciona nervous system.  相似文献   

Tachykinins (TKs) are the most prevalent vertebrate brain/gut peptides. In this study, we originally identified authentic TKs and their receptor from a protochordate, Ciona intestinalis. The Ciona TK (Ci-TK) precursor, like mammalian gamma-preprotachykinin A (gamma-PPTA), encodes two TKs, Ci-TK-I and -II, including the -FXGLM-NH(2) vertebrate TK consensus. Mass spectrometry of the neural extract revealed the production of both Ci-TKs. Ci-TK-I contains several Substance P (SP)-typical amino acids, whereas a Thr is exceptionally located at position 4 from the C terminus of Ci-TK-II. The Ci-TK gene encodes both Ci-TKs in the same exon, indicating no alternative generation of Ci-TKs, unlike the PPTA gene. These results suggested that the alternative splicing of the PPTA gene was established during evolution of vertebrates. The only Ci-TK receptor, Ci-TK-R, was equivalently activated by Ci-TK-I, SP, and neurokinin A at physiological concentrations, whereas Ci-TK-II showed 100-fold less potent activity, indicating that the ligand selectivity of Ci-TK-R is distinct from those of vertebrate TK receptors. Ci-TK-I, like SP, also elicited the typical contraction on the guinea pig ileum. The Ci-TK gene was expressed in neurons of the brain ganglion, small cells in the intestine, and the zone 7 in the endostyle, which corresponds to the vertebrate thyroid gland. Furthermore, the Ci-TK-R mRNA was distributed in these three tissues plus the gonad. These results showed that Ci-TKs play major roles in sexual behavior and feeding in protochordates as brain/gut peptides and endocrine/paracrine molecules. Taken together, our data revealed the biochemical and structural origins of vertebrate TKs and their receptors.  相似文献   

We present evidence that notochord and muscle differentiation are crucial for morphogenesis of the ascidian tail. We developed a novel approach for embryological manipulation of the developing larval tissues using a simple method to introduce DNA into Ciona intestinalis and the several available tissue-specific promoters. With such promoters, we misexpressed the Xenopus homeobox gene bix in notochord or muscle of Ciona embryos as a means of interfering with development of these tissues. Ciona embryos expressing bix in the notochord from the 64-cell stage develop into larvae with very short tails, in which the notochord precursors fail to intercalate and differentiate. Larvae with mosaic expression of bix have intermediate phenotypes, in which a partial notochord is formed by the precursor cells that did not receive the transgene while the precursors that express the transgene cluster together and fail to undergo any of the cell-shape changes associated with notochord differentiation. Muscle cells adjacent to differentiated notochord cells are properly patterned, while those next to the notochord precursor cells transformed by bix exhibit various patterning defects. In these embryos, the neural tube extends in the tail to form a nerve cord, while the endodermal strand fails to enter the tail region. Similarly, expression of bix in muscle progenitors impairs differentiation of muscle cells, and as a result, notochord cells fail to undergo normal extension movements. Hence, these larvae have a shorter tail, due to a block in the elongation of the notochord. Taken together, these observations suggest that tail formation in ascidian larvae requires not only signaling from notochord to muscle cells, but also a "retrograde" signal from muscle cells to notochord.  相似文献   

To learn more about the evolution of the cholinesterases (ChEs), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase in the vertebrates, we investigated the AChE activity of a deuterostome invertebrate, the urochordate Ciona intestinalis, by expressing in vitro a synthetic recombinant cDNA for the enzyme in COS-7 cells. Evidence from kinetics, pharmacology, molecular biology, and molecular modeling confirms that the enzyme is AChE. Sequence analysis and molecular modeling also indicate that the cDNA codes for the AChE(T) subunit, which should be able to produce all three globular forms of AChE: monomers (G(1)), dimers (G(2)), and tetramers (G(4)), and assemble into asymmetric forms in association with the collagenic subunit collagen Q. Using velocity sedimentation on sucrose gradients, we found that all three of the globular forms are either expressed in cells or secreted into the medium. In cell extracts, amphiphilic monomers (G(1)(a)) and non-amphiphilic tetramers (G(4)(na)) are found. Amphiphilic dimers (G(2)(a)) and non-amphiphilic tetramers (G(4)(na)) are secreted into the medium. Co-expression of the catalytic subunit with Rattus norvegicus collagen Q produces the asymmetric A(12) form of the enzyme. Collagenase digestion of the A(12) AChE produces a lytic G(4) form. Notably, only globular forms are present in vivo. This is the first demonstration that an invertebrate AChE is capable of assembling into asymmetric forms. We also performed a phylogenetic analysis of the sequence. We discuss the relevance of our results with respect to the evolution of the ChEs in general, in deuterostome invertebrates, and in chordates including vertebrates.  相似文献   

Summary For the purpose used in understanding thyroid phylogenesis, the fine structure and the iodine metabolism of the endostyle of Ascidians,Ciona intestinalis, was studied by electron microscopy and electron microscopic autoradiography. There are 8 kinds of zones in the endostyle.Zone 1, 3, and 5 cells, especially zone 1 cells, are characterized by numerous long cilia. These cells which show no indications of protein-secretion but numerous small vesicles and cytoplasmic filaments might play a role in catching and transporting food, absorption of liquid and supporting the endostylar construction.Zone 2, 4, and 6 cells are large and characterized by well developed rough endoplasmic reticulum and numerous electron-dense secretory granules which are considered to be synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transported to the Golgi apparatus to mature. They, which are somewhat similar to the pancreatic exocrine cells in fine structure, are believed to secrete the proteinous or mucoproteinous substances which might be related to the digestion of food.Zone 7 and 8 cells which might be homologous to the thyroid cell of the higher vertebrate contains poorly developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, small Golgi apparatus, a few multivesicular bodies, a few lysosomes, and numerous small vesicles. In addition zone 8 cells bear cilia on their apical surface. The cytoplasmic characteristics of these cell types, especially of zone 8 cells, are fairly similar to those of type 2C and type 3 cells of the endostyle of a larval lamprey, though the rough endoplasmic reticulum is not so well developed. By electron microscopic autoradiography numerous silver grains were observed on the apical cell membrane region of zone 7 and 8 cells, especially of zone 8 cells, 1, 4, 6, 16 and 24 hours after immersion in sea water containing125I. This fact suggests that the iodination takes place in the apical cell membrane region of these cells. The materials in the endostylar lumen is washed away during the fixation and dehydrating processes of the tissue. Therefore, the possibility of iodination of thyroglobulin-like substances taking place within the endostylar lumen cannot be ruled out. Grains were also found in the multivesicular bodies and lysosomes after 4, 6, 16 and 24 hours, especially 16 and 24 hours. It seems that the organic iodine might be reabsorbed into the cytoplasm of these cells.This investigation was supported by research grant from Dr. Henry C. Buswell Research Fellowship.On leave from Department of Anatomy, Hiroshima University, School of Medicine, as a Visiting Research Professor. The authors wish to express their hearty thanks to Dr. Oliver P. Jones for his valuable criticism.  相似文献   

Transferrins are bilobal glycoproteins responsible for iron binding, transport, and delivery in many higher organisms. The two homologous lobes of transferrins are thought to have evolved by gene duplication of an ancestral monolobal form. In the present study, a 37.7-kDa primitive monolobal transferrin (nicatransferrin, or nicaTf) from the serum of the model ascidian species Ciona intestinalis was isolated by using an immobilized iron-affinity column and characterized by using mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. The protein binds one equivalent of iron(III) and exhibits an electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum that is anion-dependent. The UV/vis spectrum of nicaTf has a shoulder at 330 nm in both the iron-depleted and the iron-replete forms, but does not display the approximately 460 nm tyrosine-to-iron charge transfer band common to vertebrate serum transferrins under the conditions investigated. This result suggests that iron may adopt a different binding mode in nicaTf compared with the more highly evolved transferrin proteins. This difference in binding mode could have implications for the physiological role of the protein in the ascidian. The genome of C. intestinalis has genes for both a monolobal and a bilobal transferrin, and the sequences of both proteins are discussed in light of the known features of vertebrate serum transferrins as well as other transferrin homologs.  相似文献   

Elphick MR  Satou Y  Satoh N 《Gene》2003,302(1-2):95-101
The G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptors CB(1) and CB(2) are activated by Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis, and mediate physiological effects of endogenous cannabinoids ('endocannabinoids'). CB(1) genes have been identified in mammals, birds, amphibians and fish, whilst CB(2) genes have been identified in mammals and in the puffer fish Fugu rubripes. Therefore, both CB(1) and CB(2) receptors probably occur throughout the vertebrates. However, cannabinoid receptor genes have yet to be identified in any invertebrate species and the evolutionary origin of cannabinoid receptors is unknown. Here we report the identification of CiCBR, a G-protein coupled receptor in a deuterostomian invertebrate - the urochordate Ciona intestinalis - that is orthologous to vertebrate cannabinoid receptors. The CiCBR cDNA encodes a protein with a predicted length (423 amino-acids) that is the intermediate of human CB(1) (472 amino-acids) and human CB(2) (360-amino-acid) receptors. Interestingly, the protein-coding region of the CiCBR gene is interrupted by seven introns, unlike in vertebrate cannabinoid receptor genes where the protein-coding region is typically intronless. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CiCBR forms a clade with vertebrate cannabinoid receptors but is positioned outside the CB(1) and CB(2) clades of a phylogenetic tree, indicating that the common ancestor of CiCBR and vertebrate cannabinoid receptors predates a gene (genome) duplication event that gave rise to CB(1)- and CB(2)-type receptors in vertebrates. Importantly, the discovery of CiCBR and the absence of orthologues of CiCBR in protostomian invertebrates such as Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans indicate that the ancestor of vertebrate CB(1) and CB(2) cannabinoid receptors originated in a deuterostomian invertebrate.  相似文献   

Large insert genomic bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries were constructed from a basal chordate, the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Insert analyses of randomly selected clones indicated that in the first library the mean insert size was 135 kb and predicted a 15-fold coverage of the Ciona genome, and in the second library the mean insert size was 165 kb and predicted a 5-fold coverage of the genome. These first large insert genomic libraries of the ascidian should increase the speed of genomic analyses of basal chordates.  相似文献   

Snider L  Tapscott SJ 《Cell》2003,113(7):811-812
Previously, skeletal muscle regeneration appeared to be very different from embryonic specification of muscle, but in this issue of Cell, Polesskaya et al. show that Wnt signaling induces myogenesis in adult muscle stem cells in a manner analogous to muscle induction in the somite.  相似文献   

Eggs of the hermaphrodite, self-sterile ascidian, Ciona intestinalis , were washed with acid seawater (pH 3.2), and the washing solution was then adjusted to pH 8.2. This solution was found to inhibit only the binding of non-autologous sperm to the vitelline coat (VC) of eggs, indicating that it contained self-nonself recognition activity. This activity was heat-stable and insensitive to trypsin, but was destroyed by V-8 protease and α-glucosidase. Both the hydrophobic and hydrophilic components of a lyophilized powder of the extract showed allo-recognizing activity. On TLC, the hydrophobic components gave a major spot of glucose (Glc) and a peptide spot(s) containing mainly glutamic acid and/or glutamine (Glx). The glucosyl conjugate was purified by HPLC and shown to block sperm-egg binding to various extents. Individual peptide subfractions had no inhibitory activity, but in combination they showed inhibitory activity. These findings suggest that the acid extract of Ciona eggs contains a Glc-enriched nonspecific inhibitor of sperm-egg binding, which could be the primary effector of self-incompatibility, and Glx-enriched modulators, which serve as acceptors of allo-sperm. The cooperative interactions of these components may be responsible for the diversity of allo-recognition in Ciona gametes.  相似文献   

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