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通过定性、定量分析,比较中美脑科学研究的投入、产出差距及各自的重点布局领域,以期对中国的脑科学发展提供借鉴。主要通过分析梳理两国的重大计划、规划以及重要资助机构对脑科学研究的投入和布局,比较两国对脑科学研究的投入情况;综合运用多个数据库和分析工具,定量分析了中美脑科学的论文、专利产出量及影响力。分析结果表明,中国脑科学领域还需要加大投入,重点加强相关技术的研究与开发,提高研究的质量和影响力。  相似文献   

脑科学和脑功能MR成像   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:在对大脑认知功能进行脑功能成像研究之中,随着磁共振成像技术的发展,人们现在可以对脑的认知功能,如视觉、运动、语言和记忆等功能中枢进行成像。本文首先介绍了脑科学的发展历程,并从脑功能MR成像的方法出发,分析了其成像机理,探讨了用脑功能MR成像为手段对脑科学—认知科学进行的方法研究,最后对脑功能MR成像应用于脑科学的研究作了展望。  相似文献   

正脑科学研究是人类认识自然和认识自我的最大挑战之一,此研究热潮正在世界范围内兴起.西方发达国家纷纷推出大型战略性脑科学研究计划,其中2013年美国总统奥巴马宣布启动的"脑计划"(BRAIN Initiative),此计划侧重于研发新型脑研究技术,目的在于探索大脑功能的神经环路结构基础和功能.欧洲联盟"人脑计划"所关注的是利用已知脑连接图谱数据,应用超级计算机来"模拟脑".日本启动的"脑科学与教育"计划,将脑科学研究作为国家教育发展的一项战略任务,进行面向教育理论和实际的应用  相似文献   

人类大脑是自然界最复杂的系统之一.大脑结构与功能之谜是人类认识自身的终极疆域,对于推动科技创新发展与人类文明进步具有极其重要的意义.载人航天是现代科技革命的重要领域之一,美国、俄罗斯等航天大国已利用空间资源开展脑科学研究.我国空间站的建设,将提供空间脑科学研究的系统创新平台,极大地推进中国空间脑科学计划进程.本文综述了在空间环境或模拟空间环境下,脑发育及生物学机制、认知规律与机制、生物节律和睡眠对脑功能的影响、群脑协同等方面的空间脑科学研究进展,并简述和展望了我国空间脑科学研究的发展方向.  相似文献   

脑科学是当今国际科技研究的前沿领域。脑是最复杂的器官,其中尚有诸多重大的基础科学问题有待解决。开展脑科学研究需多学科人员协同攻关,对于建立新学科将有极大的促进作用,对于人类健康和社会发展具有巨大的推动作用。简述了神经科学在结构成像方面的基础性需求,介绍了小鼠全脑可视化的发展历程以及近几年的代表性研究,并展望了全脑可视化研究的发展趋势,对可能存在的难点予以说明。  相似文献   

杜久林  杨雄里 《生命科学》1997,9(6):292-295,W005
随着世纪之交的来临,对脑的奥妙的探索越来越受到人们的重视,脑科学将在21世纪的自然科学的发展中占据重要的地位。90年代以来,欧美都相继开展了大规模的脑科学研究计划。在这个历史背景下,日本经过长时间酝酿后,于1996年推出了“脑科学时代”(TheAgeofBrainScience)庞大计划纲要(以下简称“纲要”),拟在20年内,以每年1000亿日元的支持强度,大力推进脑研究,将使日本的脑科学达到甚至领先于国际水平。“纲要”由三个部分组成。首先分析了目前国际脑科学研究现状及日本施科学研究中存在的问题;其次,针对脑科学未来的发展方向…  相似文献   

脑科学是理解人和自然的“终极疆域”,现已成为重要的科学和技术前沿领域之一。该文主要从研究计划、研究进展、产品研发与产业发展的视角分析2022年脑科学与类脑智能领域的进展,并对未来发展趋势加以展望。2022年,美国、中国等国家/地区的脑计划取得较大进展;在脑图谱绘制、脑发育与脑认知功能解析、脑疾病机制探索及类脑智能技术与产品开发方面取得重要研究突破;脑疾病药物研发管线丰富,将推动相关产业快速发展。未来,借助各类新技术,研究人员将在多尺度解析脑认知功能,识别其中的功能障碍,开发出多种有效的脑疾病治疗药物;脑科学与人工智能等领域相互借鉴,推动类脑智能领域快速发展并广泛应用;数据治理和伦理安全的突破有助于脑科学与类脑智能研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

神经生物学教学实践引发的几点理性思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
21世纪是生命科学、特别是脑科学的世纪。在世纪之交 ,1999年我国脑科学家韩济生院士主编并出版了巨著第二版《神经科学原理》 ,2 0 0 0年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主KandelER主编并出版了权威性著作的第四版《PrinciplesofNeuralScience》。这两部巨著的出版既是脑科学时代到来的一个侧面的代表 ,更预示出中外科学家将在 2 1世纪把神经科学研究与教学推向更高、更新的阶段。一、教学安排首都医科大学 1983年开始给研究生开设以神经生理学内容为主的神经生物学 ,随后又陆续充实有关的神经化学和神经形态学方…  相似文献   

正最近两年,"脑科学"、"脑计划"成了热门词语.似乎周围的人都在谈论脑科学,科研一线的脑科学家们在谈论,其他领域的科学家们、非科学家们也在谈论脑科学.在广泛谈论脑科学的同时,大家谈论更多的是"中国脑计划",逐步从开始的"应不应该做",到后来的"应该做哪些领域、做哪些技术".第一个问题,就不需要过多探讨了.即使没有欧洲、美国、加拿大、日本等纷纷启动的脑计划,中国也一直在做脑科学相关的研究.从国家自然科学基金委员会、科学技术部、中国科学院等,都一直在支  相似文献   

科学家们对大脑本质的认识,是物理的还是整体论的,是功能定位的还是不定位的,一直争论不休。脑科学的突破性进展澄清了争论中在概念上的混乱状态。文章着重讨论了这种进展的几个方面:计算观在脑科学中的确立与发展,大脑的实验与模型研究对计算概念的影响,联系主义模型以及生物神经网络的研究对理解大脑信息表达与处理机制的促进作用。  相似文献   

Psychological evidence suggests that laypeople understand the world around them in terms of intuitive ontologies which describe broad categories of objects in the world, such as ‘person’, ‘artefact’ and ‘animal’. However, because intuitive ontologies are the result of natural selection, they only need to be adaptive; this does not guarantee that the knowledge they provide is a genuine reflection of causal mechanisms in the world. As a result, science has parted ways with intuitive ontologies. Nevertheless, since the brain is evolved to understand objects in the world according to these categories, we can expect that they continue to play a role in scientific understanding. Taking the case of human evolution, we explore relationships between intuitive ontological and scientific understanding. We show that intuitive ontologies not only shape intuitions on human evolution, but also guide the direction and topics of interest in its research programmes. Elucidating the relationships between intuitive ontologies and science may help us gain a clearer insight into scientific understanding.  相似文献   

新世纪中推动生物科学发展的“Bio-X”   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近二年国际上正掀起建立以生物科学为中心的交叉学科研究中心或研究所等实体的热潮。其中最引入注目的是美国斯坦福大学以诺贝尔物理学奖获得者朱棣文教授等人组建的“Bio-X”研究中心。Bio-X中的Bio为生物学,X泛指物理学、化学、工程学、医学等其它学科,在新世纪到来之时,生物科学中有不少迅速发展的领域迫切需要多学科交叉共同研究和参与,特别是:后基因组、基于同步辐射的结构生物学、单分子测量、纳米技术、脑科学、生物医学工程等。  相似文献   

The work of Claude Fortier is linked to the history of neuroendocrinology. Through him and his pioneer work in Montreal with Hans Selye, the < Man of stress >, and at Laval University in Quebec City in his own laboratory, where all researchers involved in the study of the hypothalamo-hypophysial adrenal axis have been through, it is the whole saga of the search for the neuropeptide CRH (corticotropin releasing factor), and the harsh fight for the Nobel distinction that can be related. Among Claude Fortier's scientific discoveries, the feedback mechanisms of glucocorticoid hormones on brain and pituitary function, the presence of both mineralo and glucocorticoid receptors in some brain structures, and the introduction of computer science in biomedical research, can be cited. The consequences of these discoveries are illustrated in the pathologies linked to stress (anxiety, depression, addiction). Claude Fortier was not only a great figure in biomedical science, honored by several distinctions, but also an important personality in the policy of research in which he played a prominent role in Quebec medical research and allowed it to rank among the best in the world.  相似文献   

再论可持续性科学: 新形势与新机遇   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近10年来,可持续性科学蓬勃发展,已成为21世纪全球普遍关注的一个重要的新科学领域.然而,在大力提倡可持续发展和生态文明建设的中国,可持续性科学尚未引起科学家和实践者的足够重视.为促进可持续性科学在中国的发展,2014年邬建国等曾撰文介绍什么是可持续性科学.本文进一步探讨了这一问题,并补充阐述了可持续性科学与可持续发展研究的关系、可持续性科学的科学范式及其8个基本论题.基于对可持续性科学发展动态的分析,作者认为,一方面,可持续性科学已进入系统推进的成熟发展期;另一方面,虽然我国可持续发展研究、实践与教育的热情高涨,但在可持续性科学领域起步较晚,落后于主要发达国家和南非.为此,本文在文献综述的基础上,提出促进中国发展可持续性科学的“三位一体”策略:一是“请进来”以服务中国实践;二是“走出去”以贡献中国智慧;三是“中西医结合”以引领学科发展.  相似文献   

Daniel Andler 《PSN》2005,3(2):74-87
It is a matter of considerable controversy whether cognitive neuroscience, thanks in large part to functional neuroimaging techniques, is in the process of becoming a new science of the brain and moving into the heart of cognitive science. What are the foundations of this new field ? How will neuroscience and cognitive science coexist in the future ? The paper will attempt to situate neuroimagery in the theoretical framework of fundamental neuroscience, and will show the extent to which cognitive neuroscience depends on it, as it depends on the rest of cognitive science, within which it stands as one research program among several. Should it lead, in a distant future, to a completed science of the brain’s functionalities, such a science would likely not replace cognitive psychology and allied disciplines. Instead, I envisage a form of strong complementarity between the two branches, exclusive of any form of reduction.  相似文献   

An attempt to illustrate the development of bioorganic chemistry in Russia and all over the world has been made. The development of a new field of science was accompanied by the emergence of specialized journals, organizations, departments and institutions for research in this field. A brief report about the four most important world journals on bioorganic chemistry is represented. The analysis of publications of world scientific institutions, having the word “bioorganic” in their title since 1972 to the middle of 2008, has been made with the help of information from Web Science. The publication distribution among countries, institutions, languages, journals, and the list of the most productive authors clearly demonstrate the leading role of the USSR and Russia and of the Institute of Natural Compound Chemistry, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, in the creation and development of this field of science in the world. The publication distribution among the areas of knowledge displays a close connection between bioorganic chemistry and a number of the other fields of science, first of all, biochemistry and molecular biology, and also organic chemistry.  相似文献   

2016年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2016年中国植物科学持续稳步发展, 表现在中国植物科学家在国际主流高影响力学术期刊发表文章的数量稳中有升, 中国植物科学领域的期刊逆风出行, 进入研究性期刊世界前三甲行列。中国科学家在植物学诸多领域取得了丰硕的成果。水稻(Oryza sativa)产量性状杂种优势的分子遗传机制解析入选2016年中国科学十大进展; 植物受精过程中雌雄配子体信号识别机制的研究和独脚金内酯的受体感知机制入选2016年生命科学十大进展。我国植物科学, 特别是以水稻为代表的作物研究在国际学术界已占有一席之地。例如, 在水稻组学(如基因组和转录组等)资源和技术平台的建立、重测序的开发及功能基因的克隆和调控网络的解析方面取得了系列重要成果(如揭示了独脚金内酯信号转导的“去抑制化激活”机制、从分子水平上阐释了水稻籼粳杂种不育和广亲和性基因S5的作用机理及发现了控制水稻耐冷的基因组位点), 已经引领世界水稻乃至作物科学研究。该文对2016年中国本土植物科学若干领域取得的重要研究进展进行了概括性评述, 旨在全面追踪当前中国植物科学领域的发展前沿和研究热点, 与读者共享我国科学家所取得的杰出成就。  相似文献   

This paper utilizes the framework of Karl Popper’s 3-world ontology to make the case that forensic science is a specialized coding system that establishes meaningful connections between the world of biology (world 1) and the world of human society (world 3). Forensic science is a cross-disciplinary endeavor that uses scientific methods to determine what transpired in a crime so the legal system can determine how to prosecute the offender(s). On a Popperian analysis of forensic science, world 1 consists of evidence gathered at the crime scene, which enables investigators to develop a detailed reconstruction of the incident for consideration under the legal and ethical codes of society, which are products of world 3. Understanding forensic science in this way serves two purposes: first, it extends Marcello Barbieri’s code biology into the realm of philosophical considerations in science, law and ethics; and second, it situates forensic science within the larger context of debates in contemporary philosophy of science.  相似文献   

The coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic has impacted educational systems worldwide during 2020, including primary and secondary schooling. To enable students of a local secondary school in Brisbane, Queensland, to continue with their practical agricultural science learning and facilitate online learning, a “Grass Gazers” citizen science scoping project was designed and rapidly implemented as a collaboration between the school and a multidisciplinary university research group focused on pollen allergy. Here, we reflect on the process of developing and implementing this project from the perspective of the school and the university. A learning package including modules on pollen identification, tracking grass species, measuring field greenness, using a citizen science data entry platform, forensic palynology, as well as video guides, risk assessment and feedback forms were generated. Junior agriculture science students participated in the learning via online lessons and independent data collection in their own local neighborhood and/or school grounds situated within urban environments. The university research group and school coordinator, operating in their own distributed work environments, had to develop, source, adopt, and/or adapt material rapidly to meet the unique requirements of the project. The experience allowed two‐way knowledge exchange between the secondary and tertiary education sectors. Participating students were introduced to real‐world research and were able to engage in outdoor learning during a time when online, indoor, desk‐based learning dominated their studies. The unique context of restrictions imposed by the social isolation policies, as well as government Public Health and Department of Education directives, allowed the team to respond by adapting teaching and research activity to develop and trial learning modules and citizen science tools. The project provided a focus to motivate and connect teachers, academic staff, and school students during a difficult circumstance. Extension of this citizen project for the purposes of research and secondary school learning has the potential to offer ongoing benefits for grassland ecology data acquisition and student exposure to real‐world science.  相似文献   

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