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Transaldolase catalyzes transfer of a dihydroxyacetone moiety from a ketose donor to an aldose acceptor. During catalysis, a Schiff-base intermediate between dihydroxyacetone and the epsilon-amino group of a lysine residue at the active site of the enzyme is formed. This Schiff-base intermediate has been trapped by reduction with potassium borohydride, and the crystal structure of this complex has been determined at 2.2 A resolution. The overall structures of the complex and the native enzyme are very similar; formation of the intermediate induces no large conformational changes. The dihydroxyacetone moiety is covalently linked to the side chain of Lys 132 at the active site of the enzyme. The Cl hydroxyl group of the dihydroxyacetone moiety forms hydrogen bonds to the side chains of residues Asn 154 and Ser 176. The C3 hydroxyl group interacts with the side chain of Asp 17 and Asn 35. Based on the crystal structure of this complex a reaction mechanism for transaldolase is proposed.  相似文献   

Lumazine synthase catalyzes the penultimate step in the synthesis of riboflavin in plants, fungi, and microorganisms. The enzyme displays two quaternary structures, the pentameric forms in yeast and fungi and the 60-meric icosahedral capsids in plants and bacteria. To elucidate the structural features that might be responsible for differences in assembly, we have determined the crystal structures of lumazine synthase, complexed with the inhibitor 5-nitroso-6-ribitylamino-2,4-pyrimidinedione, from spinach and the fungus Magnaporthe grisea to 3.3 and 3.1 A resolution, respectively. The overall structure of the subunit and the mode of inhibitor binding are very similar in these enzyme species. The core of the subunit consists of a four-stranded parallel beta-sheet sandwiched between two helices on one side and three helices on the other. The packing of the five subunits in the pentameric M. grisea lumazine synthase is very similar to the packing in the pentameric substructures in the icosahedral capsid of the plant enzyme. Two structural features can be correlated to the differences in assembly. In the plant enzyme, the N-terminal beta-strand interacts with the beta-sheet of the adjacent subunit, thus extending the sheet from four to five strands. In fungal lumazine synthase, an insertion of two residues after strand beta1 results in a completely different orientation of this part of the polypeptide chain and this conformational difference prevents proper packing of the subunits at the trimer interface in the icosahedron. In the spinach enzyme, the beta-hairpin connecting helices alpha4 and alpha5 participates in the packing at the trimer interface of the icosahedron. Another insertion of two residues at this position of the polypeptide chain in the fungal enzyme disrupts the hydrogen bonding in the hairpin, and the resulting change in conformation of this loop also interferes with proper intrasubunit contacts at the trimer interface.  相似文献   

The UBR‐box is a 70‐residue zinc finger domain present in the UBR family of E3 ubiquitin ligases that directly binds N‐terminal degradation signals in substrate proteins. UBR6, also called FBXO11, is an UBR‐box containing E3 ubiquitin ligase that does not bind N‐terminal signals. Here, we present the crystal structure of the UBR‐box domain from human UBR6. The dimeric crystal structure reveals a unique form of domain swapping mediated by zinc coordination, where three independent protein chains come together to regenerate the topology of the monomeric UBR‐box fold. Analysis of the structure suggests that the absence of N‐terminal residue binding arises from the lack of an amino acid binding pocket.  相似文献   

X-ray quality crystals of class I deoxyribose-5-phosphate aldolase from Escherichia coli have been obtained for the unliganded enzyme and in complex with its substrate, 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate. The enzyme catalyzes the reversible cleavage of 2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate to acetaldehyde and D-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. The unliganded and complex crystals are prismatic long rods and belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121 with cell dimensions a = 183.1 Å, b = 61.4 Å, c = 49.3 Å and a = 179.2 Å, b = 60.5, Å, c = 49.1 Å, respectively. Two molecules in the asymmetric unit are related by a noncrystallo-graphic 2-fold axis. The crystals are stable in the X-ray beam and diffract to at least 2.6 Å. A new method, reverse screening, designed to minimize protein utilization during the screening process was used to determine supersaturation and crystallization conditions. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Anthracyclines are aromatic polyketide antibiotics, and several of these compounds are widely used as anti-tumor drugs in chemotherapy. Aclacinomycin-10-hydroxylase (RdmB) is one of the tailoring enzymes that modify the polyketide backbone in the biosynthesis of these metabolites. RdmB, a S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase homolog, catalyses the hydroxylation of 15-demethoxy-epsilon-rhodomycin to beta-rhodomycin, one step in rhodomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces purpurascens. The crystal structure of RdmB, determined by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction to 2.1A resolution, reveals that the enzyme subunit has a fold similar to methyltransferases and binds S-adenosyl-L-methionine. The N-terminal domain, which consists almost exclusively of alpha-helices, is involved in dimerization. The C-terminal domain contains a typical alpha/beta nucleotide-binding fold, which binds S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and several of the residues interacting with the cofactor are conserved in O-methyltransferases. Adjacent to the S-adenosyl-L-methionine molecule there is a large cleft extending to the enzyme surface of sufficient size to bind the substrate. Analysis of the putative substrate-binding pocket suggests that there is no enzymatic group in proximity of the substrate 15-demethoxy-epsilon-rhodomycin, which could assist in proton abstraction and thus facilitate methyl transfer. The lack of a suitably positioned catalytic base might thus be one of the features responsible for the inability of the enzyme to act as a methyltransferase.  相似文献   

Class II fructose 1,6-bisphosphate aldolases (FBP-aldolases) catalyse the zinc-dependent, reversible aldol condensation of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) to form fructose 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP). Analysis of the structure of the enzyme from Escherichia coli in complex with a transition state analogue (phosphoglycolohydroxamate, PGH) suggested that substrate binding caused a conformational change in the beta5-alpha7 loop of the enzyme and that this caused the relocation of two glutamate residues (Glu181 and Glu182) into the proximity of the active site. Site-directed mutagenesis of these two glutamate residues (E181A and E182A) along with another active site glutamate (Glu174) was carried out and the mutant enzymes characterised using steady-state kinetics. Mutation of Glu174 (E174A) resulted in an enzyme which was severely crippled in catalysis, in agreement with its position as a zinc ligand in the enzyme's structure. The E181A mutant showed the same properties as the wild-type enzyme indicating that the residue played no major role in substrate binding or enzyme catalysis. In contrast, mutation of Glu182 (E182A) demonstrated that Glu182 is important in the catalytic cycle of the enzyme. Furthermore, the measurement of deuterium kinetic isotope effects using [1(S)-(2)H]DHAP showed that, for the wild-type enzyme, proton abstraction was not the rate determining step, whereas in the case of the E182A mutant this step had become rate limiting, providing evidence for the role of Glu182 in abstraction of the C1 proton from DHAP in the condensation direction of the reaction. Glu182 lies in a loop of polypeptide which contains four glycine residues (Gly176, Gly179, Gly180 and Gly184) and a quadruple mutant (where each glycine was converted to alanine) showed that flexibility of this loop was important for the correct functioning of the enzyme, probably to change the microenvironment of Glu182 in order to perturb its pK(a) to a value suitable for its role in proton abstraction. These results highlight the need for further studies of the dynamics of the enzyme in order to fully understand the complexities of loop closure and catalysis in this enzyme.  相似文献   

The helicase superfamily 2 (SF2) proteins are involved in essentially every step in DNA and RNA metabolism. The radD (yejH) gene, which belongs to SF2, plays an important role in DNA repair. The RadD protein includes all seven conserved SF2 motifs and has shown ATPase activity. Here, we first reported the structure of RadD from Escherichia coli containing two RecA-like domains, a zinc finger motif, and a C-terminal domain. Based on the structure of RadD and other SF2 proteins, we then built a model of the RedD-ATP complex.  相似文献   

Based on a structure-assisted sequence alignment we designed 11 focused libraries at residues in the active site of transaldolase B from Escherichia coli and screened them for their ability to synthesize fructose 6-phosphate from dihydroxyacetone and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate using a newly developed color assay. We found one positive variant exhibiting a replacement of Phe(178) to Tyr. This mutant variant is able not only to transfer a dihydroxyacetone moiety from a ketose donor, fructose 6-phosphate, onto an aldehyde acceptor, erythrose 4-phosphate (14 units/mg), but to use it as a substrate directly in an aldolase reaction (7 units/mg). With a single amino acid replacement the fructose-6-phosphate aldolase activity was increased considerably (>70-fold compared with wild-type). Structural studies of the wild-type and mutant protein suggest that this is due to a different H-bond pattern in the active site leading to a destabilization of the Schiff base intermediate. Furthermore, we show that a homologous replacement has a similar effect in the human transaldolase Taldo1 (aldolase activity, 14 units/mg). We also demonstrate that both enzymes TalB and Taldo1 are recognized by the same polyclonal antibody.  相似文献   

Bacterial ATP-binding cassette transport systems for high-affinity uptake of zinc and manganese use a cluster 9 solute-binding protein. Structures of four cluster 9 transport proteins have been determined previously. However, the structural determinants for discrimination between zinc and manganese remain under discussion. To further investigate the variability of metal binding sites in bacterial transporters, we have determined the structure of the zinc-bound transport protein ZnuA from Escherichia coli to 1.75 A resolution. The overall structure of ZnuA is similar to other solute-binding transporters. A scaffolding alpha-helix forms the backbone for two structurally related globular domains. The metal-binding site is located at the domain interface. The bound zinc ion is coordinated by three histidine residues (His78, His161 and His225) and one glutamate residue (Glu77). The functional role of Glu77 for metal binding is unexpected, because this residue is not conserved in previously determined structures of zinc and manganese-specific transport proteins. The observed metal coordination by four protein residues differs significantly from the zinc-binding site in the ZnuA transporter from Synechocystis 6803, which binds zinc via three histidine residues. In addition, the E. coli ZnuA structure reveals the presence of a disulfide bond in the C-terminal globular domain that is not present in previously determined cluster 9 transport protein structures.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the Escherichia coli trehalose repressor (TreR) in a complex with its inducer trehalose-6-phosphate was determined by the method of multiple isomorphous replacement (MIR) at 2.5 A resolution, followed by the structure determination of TreR in a complex with its noninducer trehalose at 3.1 A resolution. The model consists of residues 61 to 315 comprising the effector binding domain, which forms a dimer as in other members of the LacI family. This domain is composed of two similar subdomains each consisting of a central beta-sheet sandwiched between alpha-helices. The effector binding pocket is at the interface of these subdomains. In spite of different physiological functions, the crystal structures of the two complexes of TreR turned out to be virtually identical to each other with the conformation being similar to those of the effector binding domains of the LacI and PurR in complex with their effector molecules. According to the crystal structure, the noninducer trehalose binds to a similar site as the trehalose portion of trehalose-6-phosphate. The binding affinity for the former is lower than for the latter. The noninducer trehalose thus binds competitively to the repressor. Unlike the phosphorylated inducer molecule, it is incapable of blocking the binding of the repressor headpiece to its operator DNA. The ratio of the concentrations of trehalose-6-phosphate and trehalose thus is used to switch between the two alternative metabolic uses of trehalose as an osmoprotectant and as a carbon source.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) produced by Vibrio cholerae and heat-labile enterotoxin (LT-I), produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, are AB5 heterohexamers with an ADP-ribosylating A subunit and a GM1 receptor binding B pentamer. These toxins are among the most potent mucosal adjuvants known and, hence, are of interest both for the development of anti-diarrheal vaccines against cholera or enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea and also for vaccines in general. However, the A subunits of CT and LT-I are known to be relatively temperature sensitive. To improve the thermostability of LT-I an additional disulfide bond was introduced in the A1 subunit by means of the double mutation N40C and G166C. The crystal structure of this double mutant of LT-I has been determined to 2.0 A resolution. The protein structure of the N40C/G166C double mutant is very similar to the native structure except for a few local shifts near the new disulfide bond. The introduction of this additional disulfide bond increases the thermal stability of the A subunit of LT-I by 6 degrees C. The enhancement in thermostability could make this disulfide bond variant of LT-I of considerable interest for the design of enterotoxin-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Sucrose non-fermenting (Snf1)-related kinase (SNRK) is a novel member of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family and is involved in many metabolic processes. Here we report the crystal structure of an N-terminal SNRK fragment containing kinase and adjacent ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains. This structure shows that the UBA domain binds between the N- and C-lobes of the kinase domain. The mode of UBA binding in SNRK largely resembles that in AMPK and brain specific kinase (BRSK), however, unique interactions play vital roles in stabilizing the KD-UBA interface of SNRK. We further propose a potential role of the UBA domain in the regulation of SNRK kinase activity. This study provides new insights into the structural diversities of the AMPK kinase family.  相似文献   

Branching enzymes (BEs) catalyze the formation of branch points in glycogen and amylopectin by cleavage of α-1,4 glycosidic bonds and subsequent transfer to a new α-1,6 position. BEs generally belong to glycoside hydrolase family 13 (GH13); however TK1436, isolated from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakaraensis KOD1, is the first GH57 member, which possesses BE activity. To date, the only BE structure that had been determined is a GH13-type from Escherichia coli. Herein, we have determined the crystal structure of TK1436 in the native state and in complex with glucose and substrate mimetics that permitted mapping of the substrate-binding channel and identification of key residues for glucanotransferase activity. Its structure encompasses a distorted (β/α)(7)-barrel juxtaposed to a C-terminal α-helical domain, which also participates in the formation of the active-site cleft. The active site comprises two acidic catalytic residues (Glu183 and Asp354), the polarizer His10, aromatic gate-keepers (Trp28, Trp270, Trp407, and Trp416) and the residue Tyr233, which is fully conserved among GH13- and GH57-type BEs. Despite TK1436 displaying a completely different fold and domain organization when compared to E. coli BE, they share the same structural determinants for BE activity. Structural comparison with AmyC, a GH57 α-amylase devoid of BE activity, revealed that the catalytic loop involved in substrate recognition and binding, is shortened in AmyC structure and it has been addressed as a key feature for its inability for glucanotransferase activity. The oligomerization has also been pointed out as a possible determinant for functional differentiation among GH57 members.  相似文献   

Six single-Trp mutants were engineered by individually reintroducing each of the native Trp residues into a functional lactose permease mutant devoid of Trp (Trp-less permease; Menezes ME, Roepe PD, Kaback HR, 1990, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 87:1638-1642), and fluorescent properties were studied with respect to solvent accessibility, as well as alterations produced by ligand binding. The emission of Trp 33, Trp 78, Trp 171, and Trp 233 is strongly quenched by both acrylamide and iodide, whereas Trp 151 and Trp 10 display a decrease in fluorescence in the presence of acrylamide only and no quenching by iodide. Of the six single-Trp mutants, only Trp 33 exhibits a significant change in fluorescence (ca. 30% enhancement) in the presence of the substrate analog beta,D-galactopyranosyl 1-thio-beta,D-galactopyranoside (TDG). This effect was further characterized by site-directed fluorescent studies with purified single-Cys W33-->C permease labeled with 2-(4'-maleimidylanilino)-naphthalene-6-sulfonic acid (MIANS). Titration of the change in the fluorescence spectrum reveals a 30% enhancement accompanied with a 5-nm blue shift in the emission maximum, and single exponential behavior with an apparent KD of 71 microM. The effect of substrate binding on the rate of MIANS labeling of single-Cys 33 permease was measured in addition to iodide and acrylamide quenching of the MIANS-labeled protein. Complete blockade of labeling is observed in the presence of TDG, as well as a 30% decrease in accessibility to iodide with no change in acrylamide quenching. Overall, the findings are consistent with the proposal (Wu J, Frillingos S, Kaback HR, 1995a, Biochemistry 34:8257-8263) that ligand binding induces a conformational change at the C-terminus of helix I such that Pro 28 and Pro 31, which are on one face, become more accessible to solvent, whereas Trp 33, which is on the opposite face, becomes less accessible to the aqueous phase. The findings regarding accessibility to collisional quenchers are also consistent with the predicted topology of the six native Trp residues in the permease.  相似文献   

W D Davies  J Pittard  B E Davidson 《Gene》1985,33(3):323-331
Defective transducing phages carrying aroG, the structural gene for phenylalanine (phe)-inhibitable phospho-2-keto-heptonate aldolase (EC; previously known as 3-deoxy-D-arabinoheptulosonate-7-phosphate synthetase[phe]), have been isolated, and DNA from two of these phages has been used to construct a restriction map of the region from att lambda to aroG. A 7.6-kb PstI-HindIII fragment from one of these phages was cloned into pBR322 and shown to contain aroG. The location of aroG within the 7.6 kb was established by subcloning and Tn3 transpositional mutagenesis. A fragment carrying the aroG promoter and operator has been cloned into a high copy number promoter-cloning vector (pMC489), and the resulting aroGpo-LacZ' (alpha) fusion subcloned in a low copy number vector. Strains with this fusion on the low copy number vector exhibit negative regulation of beta-galactosidase expression by both phenylalanine and tryptophan and positive regulation by tyrosine in a tyrR+ background.  相似文献   

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