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For more than 80 years, ecologists have debated whether reproduction by female insect herbivores and parasitoids is constrained by the time needed to find hosts (time limitation) or by the finite supply of mature eggs (egg limitation). Here we present the first direct measures of permanent time limitation and egg limitation and their influences on the cost of oviposition and lifetime reproduction for an insect in nature. We studied the gall midge Rhopalomyia californica, which neither matures nor resorbs eggs during the adult stage. By sampling females soon after their death and correcting for predation effects, we demonstrate that females lay a large proportion of their total complement of eggs (multiyear mean: 82.9%). The egg supplies of 17.1% of females were completely exhausted, with the remaining 82.9% of females being time limited. As predicted by theory, we estimate that even though egg limitation is a minority condition within the population, egg costs make a substantial contribution (57% of the total) to the cost of oviposition. We conclude that insect life histories evolve to produce a balanced risk of time and egg limitation and, therefore, that both of these constraining factors have important influences on insect oviposition behavior and population dynamics.  相似文献   

Using lines artificially selected on egg size and being subjected to a restricted and an unrestricted feeding treatment, we examined the relationships between egg size, egg number, egg composition, and reproductive investment in the butterfly Bicyclus anynana . Despite a successful manipulation of egg size, correlated responses to selection in larval time, pupal mass, pupal time, longevity, fecundity, or the amount of energy allocated to reproduction were virtually absent. Thus, there was no indication for an evolutionary link between offspring size and reproductive investment. Egg composition, in contrast, was affected by selection, with larger eggs containing relatively more lipid and water, but less protein and energy compared to smaller eggs. Hence, females producing large eggs did not have to sacrifice fecundity due to adjustments in egg composition. Food limitation per se caused only minor changes in egg composition, and there was no general reduction in egg provisioning with female age. The latter was restricted to food-limited females, whereas egg quality remained remarkably similar throughout the females' life in control groups. We conclude that neglecting changes in biochemical egg composition, depending on genetic background, food availability, and female age, may introduce substantial error when estimating reproductive effort, and may ultimately lead to invalid conclusions.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 403–418.  相似文献   

Abstract In many organisms, large offspring have improved fitness over small offspring, and thus their size is under strong selection. However, due to a trade-off between offspring size and number, females producing larger offspring necessarily must produce fewer unless the total amount of reproductive effort is unlimited. Because differential gene expression among environments may affect genetic covariances among traits, it is important to consider environmental effects on the genetic relationships among traits. We compared the genetic relationships among egg size, lifetime fecundity, and female adult body mass (a trait linked to reproductive effort) in the seed beetle, Stator limbatus , between two environments (host-plant species Acacia greggii and Cercidium floridum ). Genetic correlations among these traits were estimated through half-sib analysis, followed with artificial selection on egg size to observe the correlated responses of lifetime fecundity and female body mass. We found that the magnitude of the genetic trade-off between egg size and lifetime fecundity differed between environments–a strong trade-off was estimated when females laid eggs on C. floridum seeds, yet this trade-off was weak when females laid eggs on A. greggii seeds. Also differing between environments was the genetic correlation between egg size and female body mass–these traits were positively genetically correlated for egg size on A. greggii seeds, yet uncorrelated on C. floridum seeds. On A. greggii seeds, the evolution of egg size and traits linked to reproductive effort (such as female body mass) are not independent from each other as commonly assumed in life-history theory.  相似文献   

The magnitude of variations in reproductive traits of Palaemon macrodactylus females throughout a breeding season was studied in a non-native population at Mar del Plata harbor, Argentina. Fecundity, egg size, reproductive output, weight and elemental composition of eggs, and larvae were analyzed in females collected at the beginning, in the mid point, and near the end of a reproductive season and designated as early, middle season, and late females. The highest reproductive output was observed in early females, while the highest fecundity and egg volume occurred in middle season females. Eggs and larvae showed larger body mass in early than in late females. Embryos from early females contained and consumed more carbon during development than embryos from late females, and they also used part of the available nitrogen. Differences in reproduction were observed among the three groups of females. On the one hand, late females matured early but had a poor first reproduction, with few embryos and high egg loss; however, they had longer reproductive life and an enhanced reproductive output in the following season when they became early females. On the other hand, females collected at the midpoint in the reproductive season matured later and had the highest fecundity and egg volume. In addition, larvae with different characteristics resulted from each type of female and were presumably well adapted to the conditions prevailing at the moment they hatched. The extended reproductive period and the diversity of embryos and larvae produced may favor the invading ability of the species.  相似文献   

Mechanisms responsible for population stability in relation to resource availability were studied in an introduced herbivorous lady beetle,Epilachna niponica. The introduced population was relatively constant over a seven-year study period. Egg density was related to the variation in host-plant abundance in different years, and was highly stabilized during the period from reproductive adult to egg stage. Two density-dependent processes were identified in the reproductive season: (1) density-dependent reduction in fecundity and (2) density-dependent increase in female mortality and/or emigration, all of which operated early in the season. As a result, temporal variability in cumulative egg density was greatly reduced by mid-May, by which time approximately40% of total eggs were laid. A field cage experiment demonstrated that egg-laying of individual females was largely limited by resource availability even at low levels of leaf herbivory. Since movement activity of ovipositing females increased in a density-dependent manner, inter-plant movement is more likely to cause density-dependent reduction in fecundity and female loss, due to enhanced energy expendiditure. The introduced population was less stable than the source population, probably because of decreased inter-plant movement of females and the unlikelihood of egg resorption, both of which contribute significantly to the temporal stability ofE. niponica population densities.  相似文献   

In many species, females produce fewer offspring than they are capable of rearing, possibly because increases in current reproductive effort come at the expense of a female's own survival and future reproduction. To test this, we induced female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) to lay more eggs than they normally would and assessed the potential costs of increasing cumulative investment in the three main components of the avian breeding cycle – egg laying, incubation and nestling provisioning. Females with increased clutch sizes reared more offspring in the first brood than controls, but fledged a lower proportion of nestlings. Moreover, nestlings of experimental females were lighter than those of control females as brood size and prefledging mass were negatively correlated. In second broods of the season, when females were not manipulated, experimental females laid the same number of eggs as controls, but experienced an intraseasonal cost through reduced hatchling survival and a lower number of young fledged. Offspring of control and experimental females were equally likely to recruit to the breeding population, although control females produced more recruits per egg laid. The reproductive success of recruits from broods of experimental and control females did not differ. The manipulation also induced interseasonal costs to future reproduction, as experimental females had lower fecundity than controls when breeding at least 2 years after having their reproductive effort experimentally increased. Finally, females producing the modal clutch size of seven eggs in their first broods had the highest lifetime number of fledglings.  相似文献   

Although female insects generally gain reproductive benefits from mating frequently, females do not mate unlimited numbers of times. This study asks whether the limit on female mating rate is imposed by trade‐offs between reproduction and survival. Female Gryllus vocalis were given the opportunity to mate 5, 10, or 15 times with novel males, and the effects on daily fecundity (egg production), fertility (proportion of eggs that were fertilized), and female post‐experimental longevity were measured. Females that mated 10 times laid more eggs and had a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 5 times. However, females that mated 15 times did not lay significantly more eggs or have a higher proportion of fertile eggs than females that mated 10 times. Although number of matings did not affect the date that females laid their last egg, mating more times was associated with a prolonged period of laying fertile eggs. Number of matings did not affect female post‐experimental longevity. Thus, there was no trade‐off between female reproductive effort and survival, even when females mated very large numbers of times. When females were allowed to mate ad libitum, the average number of times that females mated was greater than the number of times that confers maximal fitness. The lack of cost to mating explains why females might be willing to mate beyond the point of diminishing reproductive returns.  相似文献   

The number of mature eggs remaining in the ovaries and the time left for oviposition determine the reproductive decisions of the hyperdiverse guild of insects that require discrete and potentially limiting resources for oviposition (such as seeds, fruits or other insects). A female may run out of eggs before all available oviposition sites are used (egg limitation), or die before using all of her eggs (time limitation). Females are predicted to change clutch size depending on whether eggs or time is the limiting resource. We extend this framework and ask whether the same constraints influence a strategy in which females modify eggs into protective shields. In response to egg parasitism cues, female seed beetles (Mimosestes amicus) lay eggs in vertical groups of 2–4, modifying the top 1–3 eggs into shields in order to protect the bottom egg from attack by parasitoids. We made contrasting predictions of how egg and time limitation would influence egg size and the incidence and level of egg protection. By varying access to seed pods, we manipulated the number of remaining eggs a female had at the time she received a parasitism cue. Although egg size was not affected, our results confirm that egg‐limited females protected fewer eggs and time‐limited females protected more eggs. Female body size explained the number of eggs in a stack rather than host deprivation or the timing of parasitoid exposure. Our results clearly show that host availability relative to female age influences the incidence of egg protection in M. amicus. Furthermore, our study represents a novel use of life history theory to explain patterns in an unusual but compelling defensive behaviour.  相似文献   

Optimal mating frequencies differ between sexes as a consequence of the sexual differentiation of reproductive costs per mating, where mating is normally more costly to females than males. In mating systems where sexual reproduction is costly to females, sexual conflict may cause both direct (i.e. by reducing female fecundity or causing mortality) and indirect (i.e. increased risk of mortality, reduced offspring viability) reductions in lifetime reproductive success of females, which have individual and population consequences. We investigated the direct and indirect costs of multiple mating in a traumatically inseminating (TI) predatory Warehouse pirate bug, Xylocoris flavipes (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae), where the male penetrates the female's abdomen during copulation. This study aimed to quantify the effects of TI on female fecundity, egg viability, the lifetime fecundity schedule, longevity and prey consumption in this cosmopolitan biocontrol agent. We found no difference in the total reproductive output between mating treatments in terms of total eggs laid or offspring viability, but there were significant differences found in daily fecundity schedules and adult longevity. In terms of lifetime reproduction, female Warehouse pirate bugs appear to be adapted to compensate for the costs of TI mating to their longevity.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Capital breeders rely solely on resources acquired before breeding, whereas income breeders may obtain considerable amounts of resources following the commencement of reproduction. In income breeders oviposition occurs over a longer time period with a small number of eggs ready to be laid at the start of adult life, whereas capital breeders reproduce more rapidly and contain higher numbers of mature eggs at eclosion relative to potential fecundity. 2. This study explored egg maturation and oviposition strategy of a nocturnal geometrid moth, Cleorodes lichenaria. It was predicted, based on the long larval period of C. lichenaria and the known biology of other geometrids, that this lichen‐feeding geometrid moth concentrates egg production at the beginning of its breeding period and that external nutrients have a limited role on its fecundity. 3. Approximately 46% of eggs were ready to be laid in newly hatched females and approximately 40% of their potential fecundity was realised during the first night, after which the number and the weight of eggs decreased steadily. Feeding or drinking did not increase the fecundity of females. Pupal mass correlated positively with realised fecundity and ovigeny index. 4. Reproduction of C. lichenaria is based solely on larval‐derived resources. It is suggested that females are able to resorb thoracic tissues to increase fecundity and that this ability is probably linked to relatively long lifespan and low ovigeny index of this species, characteristics rarely observed in other geometrid moths.  相似文献   

A theoretical debate about whether parasitoids should be time or egg limited now recognizes both as feasible, and interest has turned to determining the circumstances under which each might arise in the field, and their implications for parasitoid behaviour and evolution. Egg loads of parasitoids sampled from the field are predicted to show a negative response to host availability, but empirical support for this relationship is scarce. We measured how a parasitoid's egg load responded to seasonal fluctuations in host population density and recorded the predicted correlation. In early summer, parasitoids were at high risk of time limitation due to low host availability, and in late summer, their offspring were at greater risk of egg limitation due to high host availability. Despite clear seasonal changes in selection pressures on egg load and lifespan, the parasitoid showed no evidence of seasonal variation in its reproductive strategy. We made minor modifications to a previously published model to explore the effects of seasonal variation in host availability on optimal investments in eggs and lifespan and obtained several new results. In particular, under circumstances analogous to some of those observed in our field study, temporal stochasticity in reproductive opportunities can cause investments in eggs to increase, rather than decrease as previously predicted. Our model results helped to explain the parasitoid's lack of a seasonally varying reproductive strategy. Understanding the evolution of parasitoid egg load would benefit from a shift of research emphasis from purely stochastic variation in parasitoid reproductive opportunities to greater consideration of host dynamics.  相似文献   

In oviparous vertebrates lacking parental care, resource allocation during reproduction is a major maternal effect that may enhance female fitness. In general, resource allocation strategies are expected to follow optimality models to solve the energy trade-offs between egg size and number. Such models predict that natural selection should optimize egg size while egg number is expected to vary with female size, thus maximizing offspring fitness and consequently, maternal fitness. Deviations from optimality predictions are commonly attributed to morphological constraints imposed by female size, such as reported for small-bodied turtle species. However, whether such anatomical constraints exist in smaller-bodied females within large-bodied clades remains unstudied. Here we tested whether resource allocation of the river turtle Podocnemis unifilis (a relatively smaller member of the large-bodied Podocnemididae) follows optimality theory, and found a pattern of egg elongation in smaller females that provides evidence of morphological constraints and of a reproductive trade-off with clutch size, whereas egg width supports the existence of an optimal egg size and no trade-off. Moreover, larger females laid larger clutches composed of rounder eggs, while smaller females laid fewer and relatively more elongated eggs. Elongated eggs from smaller females have larger volume relative to female size and to round eggs of equal width. We propose that elongated eggs represent a solution to a potential morphological constraint suffered by small females. Our results suggest that larger females may optimize fitness by increasing the number of eggs, while smaller females do so by producing larger eggs. Our data supports the notion that morphological constraints are likely more widespread than previously anticipated, such that they may not be exclusive of small-bodied lineages but may also exist in large-bodied lineages.  相似文献   

The reproductive efficiency, defined as the number of breeding recruits produced per egg laid; of intraspecific nest parasites; of hosts in parasitized nests; and of unparasitized nesting females, was measured for 14 years for lesser snow geese Anser caerulescens caerulescens nesting near Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. Relative efficiencies were 0.71–0.88, 0.91, and 1.0 for eggs of parasites, hosts, and unparasitized birds, respectively. Differences in the hatching probabilities of the three classes of eggs produced the efficiency differences. Parasitic success was limited by the parasites' failure to place more eggs than expected by chance into nests at the appropriate time relative to host incubation. Host nesting success was lower when more than one parasitic egg was added to the clutch. No differences in gosling survival and breeding recruitment probabilities were detected among any categories of goslings. Thus, hatching parasitic young are at no disadvantage relative to parental young, and there is no support for the hypothesis that increased success of host young at later stages of reproduction might offset negative effects at the egg stage. The hatching efficiency of parasitic eggs declined more rapidly than that of parental eggs as the parasitism rate increased. Efficiencies were similar when 3–4% of the eggs laid per year were parasitic, but relative parasitic efficiency was significantly lower when the parasitism rate was 8–9% or more. Using ancillary information and assumptions about the fecundity, viability, and behavioral flexibility of parasitic and parental females, we conclude that intraspecific nest parasitism could compete with nesting as a reproductive strategy in this population. The conditional use of parasitism by a large component of the population in certain years, however, combined with negative-frequency dependent success, limits the potential spread of a purely parasitic strategy in this population.  相似文献   

Maternal investment in reproduction by oviparous non-avian reptiles is usually limited to pre-ovipositional allocations to the number and size of eggs and clutches, thus making these species good subjects for testing hypotheses of reproductive optimality models. Because leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) stand out among oviparous amniotes by having the highest clutch frequency and producing the largest mass of eggs per reproductive season, we quantified maternal investment of 146 female leatherbacks over four nesting seasons (2001–2004) and found high inter- and intra-female variation in several reproductive characteristics. Estimated clutch frequency [coefficient of variation (CV) = 31%] and clutch size (CV = 26%) varied more among females than did egg mass (CV = 9%) and hatchling mass (CV = 7%). Moreover, clutch size had an approximately threefold higher effect on clutch mass than did egg mass. These results generally support predictions of reproductive optimality models in which species that lay several, large clutches per reproductive season should exhibit low variation in egg size and instead maximize egg number (clutch frequency and/or size). The number of hatchlings emerging per nest was positively correlated with clutch size, but fraction of eggs in a clutch yielding hatchlings (emergence success) was not correlated with clutch size and varied highly among females. In addition, seasonal fecundity and seasonal hatchling production increased with the frequency and the size of clutches (in order of effect size). Our results demonstrate that female leatherbacks exhibit high phenotypic variation in reproductive traits, possibly in response to environmental variability and/or resulting from genotypic variability within the population. Furthermore, high seasonal and lifetime fecundity of leatherbacks probably reflect compensation for high and unpredictable mortality during early life history stages in this species.  相似文献   

Although there is widespread agreement that the cost of oviposition underlies selective oviposition in insects, there is no consensus regarding which factors mediate the cost of oviposition. Models have suggested that egg costs are often paramount in those insects that do not continue to mature eggs during the adult stage (pro-ovigenic insects). Here we address the hypothesis that egg costs are generally less significant in synovigenic insects, which can replenish oocyte supplies through continuous egg maturation. A dynamic optimization model based on the biology of a highly synovigenic parasitoid, Aphytis aonidiae, suggests that the maximum rate of egg maturation is insufficient to balance the depletion of eggs when opportunities to oviposit are abundant. Transient egg limitation therefore occurs, which imposes opportunity costs on reproducing females. Thus, whereas the most fundamental constraint acting on the lifetime reproductive success of pro-ovigenic species is the fixed total number of eggs that they carry at eclosion, the most fundamental constraint acting on a synovigenic species is the maximum rate of oocyte maturation. Furthermore, the ability of synovigenic species to reverse the flow of nutrients from the soma to oocytes (i.e. egg resorption) has a dramatic influence on the cost of oviposition. Whereas females in hostrich environments may experience oviposition-mediated egg limitation, females in host-poor environments may experience oosorption-mediated egg limitation. Both forms of egg limitation are costly. Contrary to initial expectations, the flexibility of resource allocation that typifies synovigenic reproduction actually appears to broaden the range of conditions under which costly egg limitation occurs. Egg costs appear to be fundamental in mediating the trade-off between current and future reproduction, and therefore are an important factor favouring selective insect oviposition.  相似文献   

Reproductive opportunities in insects that deposit their eggs in discrete resource patches are frequently limited because the availability of oviposition substrates is often spatially and temporally restricted. Such environmental variability leads individuals to confront time‐ or egg‐limitation constraints. Additionally, species with different oviposition strategies (i.e. single egg layers vs clutch layers) commonly deal with different structural and ecological characteristics of larval host plants. To test the hypothesis that oviposition strategies such as laying eggs singly or in batches (clutches) are related to these constraints (i.e. egg vs time limitation), we compared the lifetime oviposition patterns of two closely related sympatric species of Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) with different oviposition strategies. We exposed five cohorts of A. obliqua and A. ludens females, over the course of their adult lifetimes, to three conditions of “habitat quality” (measured as host density per cage): unpredictable habitat quality (host density varied randomly from day to day between 1, 5, 15, 30 and 60 hosts/cage), low habitat quality (fixed density of one host/cage) and high habitat quality (fixed density of 60 hosts/cage).
Responses to host density conditions were strikingly different in the two species. (1) Frequency of host visits and oviposition events increased in A. obliqua but not in A. ludens when host densities increased. (2) Anastrepha ludens females accepted low quality hosts (i.e. fruits on which eggs had already been laid and were therefore partially covered with host marking pheromone) significantly more often than A. obliqua females did. (3) Females of A. obliqua adjusted their oviposition activity to variations in host density, whereas A. ludens females exhibited a constant oviposition pattern (i.e. did not respond to variations in host density). Based on the above, it is likely that in A. obliqua oviposition is governed by egg‐limitation and in A. ludens by time‐limitation constraints. We discuss the relationship between the oviposition strategies of each fly species and the fruiting phenology and density of their native host plants. We also address the possible influence of oogenesis modality and parasitism by braconid wasps in shaping oviposition behaviour in these insects.  相似文献   

We measured the reproductive output of Takydromus septentrionalis collected over 5 years between 1997 and 2005 to test the hypothesis that reproductive females should allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in a particular clutch and to individual eggs. Females laid 1–7 clutches per breeding season, with large females producing more, as well as larger clutches, than did small females. Clutch size, clutch mass, annual fecundity, and annual reproductive output were all positively related to female size (snout–vent length). Females switched from producing more, but smaller eggs in the first clutch to fewer, but larger eggs in the subsequent clutches. The mass-specific clutch mass was greater in the first clutch than in the subsequent clutches, but it did not differ among the subsequent clutches. Post-oviposition body mass, clutch size, and egg size showed differing degrees of annual variation, but clutch mass of either the first or the second clutch remained unchanged across the sampling years. The regression line describing the size–number trade-off was higher in the subsequent clutch than in the first clutch, but neither the line for first clutch, nor the line for the second clutch varied among years. Reproduction retarded growth more markedly in small females than in large ones. Our data show that: (1) trade-offs between size and number of eggs and between reproduction and growth (and thus, future reproduction) are evident in T. septentrionalis ; (2) females allocate an optimal fraction of accessible resources in current reproduction and to individual eggs; and (3) seasonal shifts in reproductive output and egg size are determined ultimately by natural selection.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 315–324.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Males of many insect species increase the fecundity and/or egg size of their mates through the amount or composition of their nuptial gifts or ejaculate. The genetic bases of such male effects on fecundity or egg size are generally unknown, and thus their ability to evolve remains speculative. Likewise, the genetic relationship between male and female investment into reproduction in dioecious species, which is expected to be positive if effects on fecundity are controlled by at least some of the same genes in males and females, is also unknown. Males of the seed beetle Stator limbatus contribute large ejaculates to females during mating, and the amount of donated ejaculate is positively correlated with male body mass. Females mated to large males lay more eggs in their lifetime than females mated to small males. We describe an experiment in which we quantify genetic variation in the number of eggs sired by males (mated to a single female) and found that a significant proportion of the phenotypic variance in the number of eggs sired by males was explained by their genotype. Additionally, the number of eggs sired by a male was highly positively genetically correlated with his body mass. The between-sex genetic correlation, that is, the genetic correlation between the number of eggs sired by males and the number of eggs laid by females, was highly positive when eggs were laid on Acacia greggii seeds. This indicates that males that sire many eggs have sisters that lay many eggs. Thus, some of the genes that control male ejaculate size (or some other fecundity-enhancing factor) when expressed in males appear to control fecundity when expressed in females. We found no significant interaction between male and female genotype on fecundity.  相似文献   

The effect of flight on reproduction in an outbreaking forest lepidopteran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Post‐flight reproductive investment by female insects may be limited as a result of a trade‐off in resource allocation between flight and reproduction. Outbreaking forest pests reduce their habitat quality as a result of severe defoliation when population densities are high. Female relocation to better‐quality habitats can increase offspring survival but reduce their reproductive fitness through flight. In the present study, the effect of flight on the capacity of female Choristoneura conflictana (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) to mate and produce eggs is examined. Females are flown on flight mills, and the subsequent reproductive capacity of each moth is assessed through measures of mating success and egg production. There is no effect of flight on commencement or the duration of mating. Although flight does not affect egg production directly, energy expenditure as a result of flight (as measured by weight loss) shows a negative correlation to potential fecundity, possibly indicating the resorption of eggs in some females. The effect of female size on fecundity is dependent on mating status, suggesting that energy allocated to reproduction is not dependent on flight treatment. Female moth longevity also has a significant effect on egg production but is dependent on flight and mating treatments. There is a relationship between energy expenditure to flight and reproduction in C. conflictana. Females that fly away from dense populations may produce fewer offspring, although this cost may be mitigated by improved offspring survivorship in less defoliated habitats.  相似文献   

In spite of the predicted genetic and ecological costs of sex, most natural populations maintain sexual reproduction, even those capable of facultative parthenogenesis. Unfertilized eggs from natural populations of Drosophila mercatorum occasionally develop into viable adults, but obligately parthenogenetic populations are unknown in this species. To evaluate the microevolutionary forces that both favor and constrain the evolution of parthenogenesis in D. mercatorum, we have measured parthenogenetic rates across a natural, sexually reproducing population and characterized the life-history changes that accompany the transition from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction in laboratory strains. A highly significant difference in parthenogenetic rate was found between two populations in close geographic proximity, with increased rate found with lower population density. Laboratory strains of parthenogenetic females suffered increased mortality and reduced egg viability relative to their virgin counterparts from a sexual strain. Lifetime egg production was similar across all strains, but a shift in peak egg production to an earlier age also occurred. The combination of these life-history traits resulted in a higher net reproductive value for sexual females, but because they also had a longer generation time, intrinsic rate of increase was not as dramatically different from parthenogenetic females. In environments with high early mortality, there may be no fitness disadvantage to parthenogenesis, but the predicted ecological advantage of a twofold increase in intrinsic rate of increase was not realized. These results support the theory of Stalker (1956) that parthenogenesis is favored in environments in which sexual reproduction is difficult or impossible.  相似文献   

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