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A fluorometric procedure is described that can be used in the alkaline elution technique for the measurement of DNA damage in cells whose DNA is not, or cannot be, radioactively labeled. The procedure can be used for the measurement of DNA single-strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinking, and DNA interstrand crosslinking, and possibly other DNA lesions produced in unlabeled cells. Although developed for the measurement of DNA damage in tissue-cultured cells, the technique is applicable to the measurement of DNA damage in cells isolated from tissues exposed to DNA damaging agents in vivo.  相似文献   

To determine whether the half-times (T1/2) of the DNA repair processes measured by alkaline elution increased in a dose-dependent manner, exponentially growing 9L/Ro rat brain tumor cells were irradiated with doses of 15-50 Gy, and their DNA repair kinetics was measured by alkaline elution. At 15 Gy, the DNA repair kinetics was biphasic with the fast phase having a T1/2 approximately 6 min and the slow phase having a T1/2 approximately 42 min. As the dose was increased to 50 Gy, the fast-phase T1/2 remained at approximately 6 min, but the slow-phase T1/2 increased to approximately 87 min. Although a dose-dependent increase in the T1/2 of the slow phase of DNA repair (saturation) was measured by alkaline elution, both the absolute value of the slow-phase T1/2 and the dependency of the slow-phase T1/2 on dose were less than those measured by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation in zonal rotors with slow reorienting gradient capability. Thus these two techniques appear either to depend on different hydrodynamic properties of the DNA or to have different coefficients of dependency for the same hydrodynamic properties of the DNA. The lower sensitivity for detection of the dose dependency of DNA repair makes it unlikely that the alkaline elution technique will be useful for quantitatively relating the shape of mammalian cell survival curves to the doses at which saturation of a DNA repair process occurs.  相似文献   

The repair of DNA alkylation damage in human cells is poorly understood. We have adapted the alkaline elution technique for use with human peripheral blood lymphocytes in culture. We have also established conditions necessary for short-term culture of human lymphocytes. Lymphocyte growth which can be maintained for up to 30 days is dependent upon irradiated TK6 feeder cells and T-cell growth factor (crude TCGF). The amount of damage induced by a given concentration of methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS) is dependent upon cell number per ml of growth medium. The DNA damage measured, in lymphocytes, by alkaline elution is a composite of single strand breaks and alkali-labile lesions. Repair of this damage after appropriate recovery periods is also detectable. The irradiated feeder TK6 cells do not contribute to the number of strand breaks detected or the amount of recovery after treatment. This method offers a quick and reproducible means of detecting DNA damage and repair in human T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

In vitro alkaline elution is a sensitive and specific short term assay which measures DNA strand breakage in a mammalian test system (primary rat hepatocytes). This lab has previously demonstrated the performance of the assay with known genotoxic and non-genotoxic compounds. The methodology employed has relatively low sample throughput and is labor-intensive, requiring a great deal of manual processing of samples in a format that is not amenable to automation. Here, we present an automated version of the assay. This high-throughput alkaline elution assay (HT-AE) was made possible through 3 key developments: (1) DNA quantitation using PicoGreen and OliGreen fluorescent DNA binding dyes; (2) design and implementation of a custom automation system; and (3) reducing the assay to a 96-well plate format. The assay can now be run with 5-50mg of test compound. HT-AE was validated in a similar manner as the original assay, including assessment of non-genotoxic and non-carcinogenic compounds and evaluation of cytotoxicity to avoid confounding effects of toxicity-associated DNA degradation. The validation test results from compounds of known genotoxic potential were used to set appropriate criteria to classify alkaline elution results for genotoxicity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate primary DNA damage and the dynamics of the repair of radiotherapy-induced DNA lesions in non-target cells of cancer patients. This study included patients diagnosed with different solid tumors who received radiotherapy. The levels of DNA damage were evaluated using the alkaline comet assay on peripheral blood leukocytes. Altogether four blood samples per patient were collected: before and after receiving the first dose of radiotherapy, in the middle of radiotherapy cycle, and after the last dose of radiotherapy. The results indicate that after the first radiation dose significantly increased levels of DNA damage were recorded in almost all cancer patients compared to their baseline values. Specific patterns of DNA damage were recorded in samples analyzed in the middle of radiotherapy and after receiving the last dose, indicating the possibility of adaptive response in some patients. Our results indicate that persistence of post-irradiation damage in peripheral blood leukocytes (and possibly in other non-target cells) of cancer patients that are strong determinants for the secondary cancer risk. Moreover, the alkaline comet assay was confirmed as a rapid and sensitive assay for the assessment of genome damage after in vivo irradiation.  相似文献   

A method for measuring DNA damage to individual cells, based on the technique of microelectrophoresis, was described by Ostling and Johanson in 1984 (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 123, 291-298). Cells embedded in agarose are lysed, subjected briefly to an electric field, stained with a fluorescent DNA-binding stain, and viewed using a fluorescence microscope. Broken DNA migrates farther in the electric field, and the cell then resembles a "comet" with a brightly fluorescent head and a tail region which increases as damage increases. We have used video image analysis to define appropriate "features" of the comet as a measure of DNA damage, and have quantified damage and repair by ionizing radiation. The assay was optimized for lysing solution, lysing time, electrophoresis time, and propidium iodide concentration using Chinese hamster V79 cells. To assess heterogeneity of response of normal versus malignant cells, damage to both tumor cells and normal cells within mouse SCC-VII tumors was assessed. Tumor cells were separated from macrophages using a cell-sorting method based on differential binding of FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG. The "tail moment", the product of the amount of DNA in the tail and the mean distance of migration in the tail, was the most informative feature of the comet image. Tumor and normal cells showed significant heterogeneity in damage produced by ionizing radiation, although the average amount of damage increased linearly with dose (0-15 Gy) and suggested similar net radiosensitivities for the two cell types. Similarly, DNA repair rate was not significantly different for tumor and normal cells, and most of the cells had repaired the damage by 30 min following exposure to 15 Gy. The heterogeneity in response did not appear to be a result of differences in response through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The kinetics of UV- (254 nm) irradiation-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSBs), generated during the excision repair of UV-induced DNA damage, in leukemic lymphocytes and in normal blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) were studied using the alkaline comet assay. The cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation from peripheral blood of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and from healthy study subjects. The cytotoxicity of UV irradiation was determined in vitro in peripheral blood mononuclear lymphocytes from 36 CLL patients and from eight healthy donors using the incorporation of radioactive leucine in 4-day cultures. A remarkable difference in excision repair capability was observed between normal and leukemic lymphocytes. In contrast to normal lymphocytes, there was always a subpopulation of CLL cells that did not complete the repair of UV-induced DNA damage during the 24-h repair period. Furthermore, differences were also recorded between UV-sensitive and UV-resistant CLL cases. The differences in DNA migration between the maximum increase (59-77 microm) and that at 24 h after irradiation (21-66 microm) was statistically significant in two of three patients exhibiting UV-resistance. Correspondingly, only in one of three patients exhibiting UV-sensitivity was the difference in DNA migration statistically significant (maximum increase: 44-107 microm, vs. 24 h after: 42-100 microm). Our results confirm an abnormal pattern of the CLL cell response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, we identified defective processing of UV-induced DNA damage in CLL versus normal lymphocytes, particularly in UV-sensitive cases.  相似文献   

A method for measuring DNA damage to individual cells, based on the technique of microelectrophoresis, was described by Ostling and Johanson in 1984 (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 123, 291-298). Cells embedded in agarose are lysed, subjected briefly to an electric field, stained with a fluorescent DNA-binding stain, and viewed using a fluorescence microscope. Broken DNA migrates farther in the electric field, and the cell then resembles a "comet" with a brightly fluorescent head and a tail region which increases as damage increases. We have used video image analysis to define appropriate "features" of the comet as a measure of DNA damage, and have quantified damage and repair by ionizing radiation. The assay was optimized for lysing solution, lysing time, electrophoresis time, and propidium iodide concentration using Chinese hamster V79 cells. To assess heterogeneity of response of normal versus malignant cells, damage to both tumor cells and normal cells within mouse SCC-VII tumors was assessed. Tumor cells were separated from macrophages using a cell-sorting method based on differential binding of FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG. The "tail moment", the product of the amount of DNA in the tail and the mean distance of migration in the tail, was the most informative feature of the comet image. Tumor and normal cells showed significant heterogeneity in damage produced by ionizing radiation, although the average amount of damage increased linearly with dose (0-15 Gy) and suggested similar net radiosensitivities for the two cell types. Similarly, DNA repair rate was not significantly different for tumor and normal cells, and most of the cells had repaired the damage by 30 min following exposure to 15 Gy. The heterogeneity in response did not appear to be a result of differences in response through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Fractionation of DNA from mammalian cells by alkaline elution.   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
The method of alkaline elution provides a sensitive measure of DNA single-strand length distribution in mamalian cells and is applicable to a variety of problems concerning DNA damage, repair, and replication. The physical basis of the elution process was studied. The kinetics of elution above the alkaline transition pH were found to occur in two phases: an initial phase in which single-strand length is rate limiting, followed by a phase in which elution is accelerated due to the accumulation of alkali-induced strand breaks. The range of DNA single-strand lengths that can be discriminated by elution above the alkaline transition pH was estimated by calibration relative to the effects of x ray, and was found to be 5 X 10(8)-10(10) daltons. Shorter DNA strands elute within the pH transition zone, which extended from pH 11.3 to 11.7 when tetrapropylammonium hydroxide was used as base. This elution was relatively rapid, but was sharply limited by pH, according to the length of the strands: the length of the strands eluted increased with increasing pH. Alkaline elution was inhibited by treatment of cells with low concentrations of nitrogen mustard, a bifunctional alkylating known to cross-link DNA. On investigation of the possibility that DNA subclasses may differ in their elution behavior, satellite L strands were found to elute more slowly from cells exposed to a low dose of x ray than did the bulk DNA.  相似文献   

This personal account traces a series of studies that led from DNA physical chemistry to anticancer drug mechanisms. Chemical crosslinking as a basis for anticancer drug actions had been suspected since the time of the first clinical reports of the effectiveness of nitrogen mustard in 1946. After the elucidation of the DNA helix-coil transition, several nearly concurrent findings in the early 1960s established the paradigm of DNA interstrand crosslinking. The DNA filter elution phenomenon was discovered in the early 1970s, and lent itself to the development of practical assays for DNA crosslinks and other DNA lesions in mammalian cells. The assays allowed studies of the effects of DNA damaging agents at pharmacologically or toxicologically relevant doses, and have been widely applied in studies of mutagenic and chemotherapeutic agents. During the period 1979–1986, DNA filter elution studies led to the paradigm of DNA topoisomerases as targets of anticancer drug action, and this has become one of the most active areas of anticancer drug development.  相似文献   

A DNA-DNA (‘Southern’) dot hybridization technique was adapted for use as a quantitative DNA detection method during alkaline elution analysis of irradiated rat cell material. In comparison to standard microfluorometric methods, similar γ-ray-dose-response relationships were obtained with less than 1% of the cell material when the dot hybridization assay was used. When a highly repetitive, long interspersed DNA element of the rat genome is used as a hybridization probe, as few as 104 cells of rat tissue or rat cell culture cells per sample with approx. 50 ng of DNA were sufficient to detect single-strand breaks and protein cross-links in the DNA of rat hepatocytes and cells of the nasal epithelium after in vitro γ-irradiation. Since highly repetative DNA elements are available from nearly all higher eukaryotes, this alternative approach of detecting DNA in alkaline elution analysis is generally proposed for tissues which yield only low amounts of cell material and/or which are difficult to label by radioactive DNA precursors.  相似文献   

We have critically evaluated various modifications of the alkaline elution methodology that were required to adapt the method for measuring DNA damage in cells from animal tissues treated in vivo. These modifications involved the use of a fluorometric assay for the eluted DNA using the dye Hoechst 33258, which in turn required the use of a different combination of filter and lysis conditions than those used in conventional assays. This protocol was compared with the conventional protocols by examining the DNA damage produced in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells after treatment with three agents (gamma-rays, cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum (DDP) and trans-DDP) that differ widely in the type and repairability of the DNA lesions that they induce. For both gamma-rays and trans-DDP, the results obtained by the various protocols were equivalent with respect to the amount, type, and rate of repair of the DNA damage produced. On the other hand, for cis-DDP, where the repair time for DNA crosslinks was significantly long relative to the cell-cycle time, DNA replication appeared to be a potentially complicating factor in the measurement of crosslink repair. However, even after treatment of rapidly dividing cultured cells, where any discrepancy between the radioactivity and Hoechst assays due to DNA replication should be maximal, the resulting difference in the amount of repair measured using the two assays was relatively small. Finally, in experiments using cis-DDP and trans-DDP, the data suggested that when polycarbonate and polyvinyl chloride filters were compared using the same cell lysis conditions, their relative sensitivity to detect DNA-protein versus DNA-interstrand crosslinking were comparable. The modified alkaline elution protocol for the measurement of DNA damage in vivo therefore appears, in most cases, to produce results comparable with those obtained by the conventional protocols.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to contribute to the characterization of the degree of variability in baseline damage in white blood cells from control population, and to investigate how this variability is associated with external and internal factors. Altogether 170 healthy volunteers, randomly selected from the general population of the Republic of Croatia, participated in the study. Two sensitive tests: the alkaline comet assay and the chromosome aberration test were applied to study the background levels of DNA damage in their white blood cells. The results point to inter-individual differences, indicating different genome sensitivity. As revealed by both assays, the background levels of DNA damage were mostly influenced by smoking habit as well as medical exposure (especially to diagnostic X-rays). Sex and age of subjects did not significantly influence the values of DNA damage recorded in the white blood cells. Although higher levels of DNA damage were recorded in blood samples collected during winter and autumn, they were mostly influenced by medicinal exposure and smoking habit. Statistical evaluation of the data confirmed that a positive correlation exists between DNA migration and the number of long-tailed nuclei found with the comet assay and the total number of chromosome aberrations. The data obtained can serve as control values in forthcoming biomonitoring studies.  相似文献   

Cultured fibroblast strains from two normal persons and from two patients with the neurodegeneration of Alzheimer's disease were exposed to the alkylating chemical N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). Immediately after exposure and also after a 24-h repair incubation period the single-strand breaks in the cells' DNA were quantified by the alkaline elution technique. In contrast to a report by others using alkaline elution, MNNG, and these same strains, we found no evidence of deficient repair of MNNG-induced DNA damage in the Alzheimer's disease cells. The putative DNA repair defect in Alzheimer's disease should be investigated by methods other than the alkaline elution technique which measures only a small fraction of the damage induced by an alkylating chemical such as MNNG.  相似文献   

The Comet assay, a sensitive, rapid and non-invasive technique, measures DNA damage in individual cells and has found wide acceptance in epidemiological and biomonitoring studies to determine the DNA damage resulting from lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposure. The present study was undertaken to measure the basal level of DNA damage in a normal, healthy Indian male and female population. Out of the 230 volunteers included in this study, 124 were male and 106 were female. All the individuals belonged to a comparable socio-economic background and aged between 20 and 30 years. They were also matched for their smoking and dietary habits. The period of sample collection was also matched. The results revealed a statistically significant higher level of DNA damage in males when compared to females as evident by an increase in the Olive tail moment [3.76±1.21 (arbitrary units) for males as compared to 3.37±1.47 for females (P<0.05)], tail DNA (%) [10.2±2.96 for males as compared to 9.40±2.83 for females (P<0.05)] and tail length (μm) [59.65±9.23 for males and 49.57±14.68 for females (P<0.001)]. To our knowledge, this report has, for the first time demonstrated significant differences in the basal level of DNA damage between males and females in a normal healthy Indian population.  相似文献   

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