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K Kok  L Snippe  G Ab    M Gruber 《Nucleic acids research》1985,13(14):5189-5202
DNAseI-hypersensitive sites were localized in apoVLDL II chromatin from chicken. In the liver two sites at 1.75 and 1.0 kb upstream from the cap-site are present before the gene is activated. After induction by estradiol a number of additional sites appear, three in the promotor region of the gene, one within the coding region and two behind the poly-A signal. These sites disappear when the expression of the gene is shut off upon estradiol withdrawal. All sites appear to be tissue-specific in that they are not found in other tissues of the rooster. However, in oviduct of the laying hen we find a hypersensitive site at 1.6 kb in front of the gene.  相似文献   

J P Jost  M Seldran 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(9):2005-2008
Supercoiled DNA loops linked to the nuclear matrix can be progressively cleaved with deoxyribonuclease I. The DNA which remains associated with the nuclear matrix can be purified and analysed for vitellogenin II sequence content by dot blot hybridization. Using this technique we show that vitellogenin II gene sequences are selectively associated with the nuclear matrix of liver but not with oviduct of laying hens. Following primary stimulation in immature chicks of vitellogenin synthesis with estradiol, the association of the gene with the nuclear matrix precedes vitellogenin mRNA synthesis. After 15 days when the level of vitellogenin mRNA has returned to zero, the gene is no longer preferentially associated with the nuclear matrix. At this time a second stimulation with estradiol results in a reassociation of the vitellogenin II gene with the nuclear matrix. In addition to the structural gene, both the 3' and 5' end flanking regions (1.5-2 kb) also bind to the nuclear matrix. However, beyond the limit of 1.5-2 kb upstream from the 5' end of the gene, there is no preferential binding of DNA to the nuclear matrix.  相似文献   

The study presented characterizes the ovarian and pituitary function of the aged female macaque through a complete annual reproductive cycle to compare hormone dynamics during the human and nonhuman primate menopausal transition. Data collected over an entire year from aged macaque females indicated that urinary FSHbeta subunit baseline levels statistically significantly increased in females after age-related abnormal menstrual cycles occurred. These abnormal cycles were followed by anovulation and complete cessation of follicular activity. No statistically significant difference in urinary FSHbeta subunit levels was seen between females that exhibited year-round normal ovarian cycles and those that exhibited seasonal ovarian cycles followed by an interval of anovulation during the nonbreeding season. Basal urinary estrogen metabolite levels were not observed to decrease until ovarian cycles became abnormal and FSHbeta subunit levels began to rise. Early follicular phase circulating inhibin beta levels were statistically significantly reduced only when ovariectomized females were compared to the year-round normally cycling females. A statistically nonsignificant trend toward decreased inhibin secretion, however, was apparent in aged females with normal cycles, aged females with abnormal cycles, anovulatory aged females, and finally, ovariectomized females. Whereas decreased circulating levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate showed a general decline over the 1-yr study period in all groups, they were lowest in the year-round normally cycling group, progressively higher in the normal-to-anovulatory group and abnormal-to-anovulatory group, and highest in the anovulatory group. Finally, the nonbreeding season was associated with the highest number of abnormal cycles, suggesting that onset of complete ovarian senescence in these study macaques was more likely to occur during that time (i.e., females were less likely to return to normal ovarian cycles the following breeding season and more likely to exhibit permanent ovarian quiescence).  相似文献   

The chicken progesterone receptor (cPR) gene and the ovalbumin (OA) gene, a target of cPR regulation, have been mapped via fluorescent in situ hybridization to the two largest chromosomes of the chicken karyotype. cPR is subtelomeric on the long arm of chromosome 1 and OA is on the long arm of chromosome 2, close to the centromere. A 35-kb cosmid probe for the cPR gene and two genomic fragments of 9.2 and 15 kb for the OA gene were biotin-labeled for nonradioactive localization of the two chicken loci.  相似文献   

A series of overlapping recombinant clones, which cover the vitellogenin gene, has been isolated from a phage-lambda linked chicken gene library. The DNA of the overlapping clones spans 28 kb of contiguous DNA sequences in the chicken genome. Electron microscopic analysis of hybrids between vitellogenin mRNA and the genomic clones indicates that the chicken vitellogenin gene has a length of approximately 22 kb, about 3.8 times the size of the mRNA. The mRNA sequence is interrupted by at least 33 intervening sequences (introns). Comparison with the vitellogenin gene A2 from Xenopus laevis (Wahli et al., 1980, Cell 20: 107-117) indicates conservation of the number and length of the exons during evolution. Heteroduplex analysis reveals a short stretch of sequence homology between the genes from chicken and frog.  相似文献   

This special issue on steroids and glia represents the intersection of two emerging themes in the neurosciences: (a) Glia actively modulate and participate in brain function throughout life, and (b) glia are sensitive to steroid hormones. This overview begins by reviewing some of the basic principles of steroid hormone action on the brain and introducing the various glia that inhabit the peripheral and central nervous system. A prominent theme among the articles that follow is that glia may be direct targets for steroid hormones since they possess steroid receptors and the promoter region of glial-specific genes such as glutamine synthetase contain hormone-responsive elements. The articles in this special issue discuss evidence that glia may mediate steroid action on the nervous system in the context of (a) steroid metabolism, which may control the hormonal microenvironment of neurons both in the normal and injured brain; (b) brain development including sexual differentiation; (c) synaptic plasticity which may underlie the cyclic release of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone in the female rodent brain; (d) neural repair and aging; and (e) brain immune function. Another theme among these articles is that glia influence neurons via specific secreted and cell-surface molecules, and that steroids affect this mode of communication by altering the level of glial production of these signaling molecules and/or the sensitivity of neurons to such signals.  相似文献   

Analysis of nuclease hypersensitivity of regions flanking the estrogen-dependent, chicken apoVLDLII gene has revealed an hepatic, DNaseI hypersensitive site whose sensitivity is influenced by both the developmental stage and sex of the bird. The site is located 3.0kb upstream from the gene, in a block of middle repetitive elements. Contact hybridization studies indicate that the block consists of contiguous copies of two elements with reiteration frequencies of 500-1000 and 10,000-30,000 copies per haploid genome. Sequencing of 1.8kb spanning the repeats has revealed that the higher frequency element is a member of the CR1 family. The adjacent lower frequency repeat can also be found next to another member of the CR1 family located in the 3' flanking region of the vitellogenin gene. The hypersensitive site has been mapped to one of the two most highly conserved regions of the CR1 element. This region displays homology with a silencer sequence recently identified in a CR1 element flanking the chicken lysozyme gene.  相似文献   

We have precisely determined the positions of the first three exons for the major chicken vitellogenin gene (VTG II) by a combination of S1 nuclease protection, primer extension and DNA sequencing experiments. In addition, we have determined the nucleotide sequences of the 5' flanking nuclease hypersensitive sites that we have previously shown are induced during the estrogen mediated activation of the VTG II gene in liver (1). One of these sites is found to be nearly identical to the enhancer core sequence of SV40. A computer assisted analysis of the DNA sequences upstream from the VTG II gene has revealed four short (7 to 9 base pair) sequence elements that are present in similar positions flanking the other major estrogen inducible gene for liver, very low density apolipoprotein II (apoVLDL II). For VTG II, these sequences are located between two of the induced nuclease hypersensitive sites that are liver specific. Sequences homologous to one element, located approximately 100 base pairs upstream from the mRNA cap sites of the VTG II and apoVLDL II genes, are also observed for three estrogen inducible genes that are expressed in the oviduct, although for each of these genes the sequence falls further upstream, between -220 and -200. We suggest that these conserved sequences may be important in mediating the tissue specific responses of these genes to estrogen.  相似文献   

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