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Phylogenetic analysis of human complete mitochondrial DNA sequences has largely contributed to resolving phylogenies and antiquity of different lineages belonging to the majorhaplogroups L, N and M (East-Asian lineages). In the absence of whole mtDNA sequence information of M lineages reported in India that exhibits highest diversity within the sub-continent, the present study was undertaken to provide a detailed analysis of this haplogroup to precisely characterize the lineages and unravel their intricate phylogeny.  相似文献   

The pelicans are a charismatic group of large water birds, whose evolutionary relationships have been long debated. Here we use DNA sequence data from both mitochondrial and nuclear genes to derive a robust phylogeny of all the extant species. Our data rejects the widespread notion that pelicans can be divided into white- and brown-plumaged groups. Instead, we find that, in contrast to all previous evolutionary hypotheses, the species fall into three well-supported clades: an Old World clade of the Dalmatian, Spot-billed, Pink-backed and Australian Pelicans, a New World clade of the American White, Brown and Peruvian Pelicans, and monospecific clade consisting solely of the Great White Pelican, weakly grouped with the Old World clade. We discuss possible evolutionary scenarios giving rise to this diversity.  相似文献   

Yan J  Zhou J  Li P  Sun H  Zhou K 《Molecular biology reports》2012,39(7):7413-7419
We determined for the first time the nearly complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the entozoic Polyascus gregaria, a representative of Rhizocephala, Cirripedia. The nearly complete mitogenome was 15, 465 bp in length, consisting of 11 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes and one major incomplete noncoding region. In total there are 73 overlapping nucleotides and 17 spacers between genes. All genes sequenced in P. gregaria mtDNA (including RNAs) were encoded on the same strand of the DNA, and the gene arrangement differed from that of other metazoan animals. The mitochondrial genome rearrangements included translocation of at least 8 genes and even inversion of the coding polarity of at least 2 genes. Comparative analysis of the gene orders with other maxillopodan mtDNAs showed that the unique characteristics of the thoracican cirripeds lineage were not observed in this representative of rhizocephalan. Phylogenetic analyses supported a close affinity of Rhizocephala to Thoracica. By adding the mitochondrial genomes from 4 copepods, the reciprocally monophyletic cirripeds and copepods clustered as sister groups, refusing the close relationship between Cirripedia and Remipedia. However, the monophyly of Maxillopoda was not supported in this study.  相似文献   

Cao Y  Fujiwara M  Nikaido M  Okada N  Hasegawa M 《Gene》2000,259(1-2):149-158
Extensive phylogenetic analyses of the updated sequence data of mammalian mitochondrial genomes were carried out using the maximum likelihood method in order to resolve deep branchings in eutherian evolution. The divergence times in the mammalian tree were estimated by a relaxed molecular clock of the mitochondrial proteins calibrated with multiple references. A Chiroptera/Eulipotyphla (i.e. bat/mole) clade and a close relationship of this clade to Fereuungulata (Carnivora+Perissodactyla+Cetartiodactyla) were reconfirmed with high statistical significance. However, a support for a monophyly of Fereuungulata relative to the Chiroptera/Eulipotyphla clade was fragile, and we suggest that the three branchings among Carnivora, Perissodactyla, Cetartiodactyla and Chiroptera/Eulipotyphla occurred successively in a short time period, estimated to be approximately 77Myr BP. The Chiroptera/Eulipotyphla divergence was estimated to roughly coincide with the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (65Myr BP). The monophyly of Rodentia, the Lagomorpha/Rodentia clade (traditionally called Glires), and the Afrotheria/Xenarthra clade were preferred over alternative relationships, but the supports of these clades were not strong enough to exclude other possibilities. Although several super-order taxa of eutherians were strongly supported by the analyses of the mitochondrial genome data, the branching order in the deepest part of the eutherian tree remained ambiguous from the data presently available.  相似文献   

Asiatic shrewlike moles are distributed almost entirely in south‐west China; four of the five species of the genus Uropsilus, Uropsilus aequodonenia, Uandersoni, Uinvestigator and Usoricipes are endemic to China. Excluding the five species, three cryptic species (U. sp. 1, U. sp. 2 and U. sp. 3) and two putative species, Univatus and Uatronates, are recognized. The phylogenetic relationships among the species remain unclear and these preclude investigations of their potential adaptations for living in high altitudes. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial DNA genomes of three species of Asiatic shrewlike moles (Uaequodonenia, Uandersoni and Univatus). Phylogenetic analyses of 16 published and our de novo mitogenomes yield single, robust trees with the relationships being (Usoricipes (U. sp. 1 (Univatus (Uandersoni, Uaequodonenia)))). Further, the tree verifies the validity of recently described Uaequodonenia. Analyses of selection pressure suggest that the 13 mtDNA‐encoding genes of species in the genus Uropsilus all have experienced strong purifying selection, although ATP8 accumulated a higher ratio of non‐synonymous substitutions than the other loci, which might reflect adaptation of the genus Uropsilus to different environments/elevations.  相似文献   

The primary structures of the alpha- and beta-hemoglobin chains of the lesser hedgehog tenrec (Echinops telfairi, Zalambdodonta) are presented. Chain separation was performed by carboxymethyl-cellulose chromatography. The peptides, obtained by tryptic digestion of the oxidized chains, were prefractionated by gel chromatography and isolated by reversed-phase HPLC. For sequence analysis gas and liquid phase sequencers were employed. The tenrec hemoglobin consists of one alpha- and two beta-chains the latter occurring in a 1:1 ratio and differing in beta 16 Gly/Cys and beta 118 Phe/Leu. Two external cysteine residues at beta 16 and beta 52 cause reversible polymerization to octamers and most likely irreversible formation of higher polymers. A comparison of the whole chains and certain positions of tenrec hemoglobin with those of Insectivora sensu strictu, Scandentia and Proto- and Metatheria corroborates a long and independent evolution of tenrec and its phylogenetic isolation from the Insectivora s.str. (hedgehog, musk shrew and mole). Replacements at positions involved in heme and subunit interface contacts are discussed. Compared to human hemoglobin the tenrec pigment shows a low intrinsic oxygen affinity as well as lower chloride and temperature sensitivities, a reduced Bohr effect and a strong response to 2,3-DPG. The possible adaptive significance of these properties is discussed in relation to the large diurnal body temperature variations seen in tenrecs.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the mt genome from the firefly, Pyrococelia rufa (Coeleoptera: Lampyridae) was determined. The circular genome is 17,739-bp long, and contains a typical gene complement, order, and arrangement identical to Drosophila yacuba. The presence of 1,724-bp long intergenic spacer in the P. rufa mt genome is unique. The putative initiation codon for ND1 gene appears to be TTG, instead of frequently found ATN. All tRNAs showed stable canonical clover-leaf structure of other mt tRNAs, except for tRNA(Ser) (AGN), DHU arm of which could not form stable stem-loop structure. Phylogenetic analysis among insect orders confirmed a monophyletic Endopterygota, a monophyletic Mecopterida, a monophyletic Diptera, a monophyletic Lepidoptera, and a monophyletic Coleoptera, suggesting that the complete insect mt genome sequence has a resolving power in the diversification events within Endopterygota. However, internal relationships among three coleopteran species are not clear, and the inclusion of some insect orders (i.e., apterygotan T. gertschi) in the analysis provided inconsistent results compared to other molecular studies.  相似文献   

African cichlid fishes are composed of two major lineages, the haplochromines and the tilapiines. Whereas the phylogenetic relationships of the haplochromines have been studied extensively, primarily because of their spectacular adaptive radiations in the Great Lakes of East Africa, little is known about the relationships among the tilapiine species, despite the fact that they have become an important component of African, indeed world, aquaculture. To remedy this situation, molecular phylogenetic analysis of tilapiine fishes was undertaken. A segment of mitochondrial DNA encompassing the terminal part of the tRNA(Pro) gene and the most variable part of the control region was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction with DNA samples isolated from 42 tilapiine species, and the amplification products were subjected to heteroduplex analysis and sequencing. Phylogenetic trees based on 68 sequences revealed the existence of 11 sequence groups and 11 single-sequence branches. The groups, designated Ti1 through Ti11, were distinguished by specific combinations of diagnostic substitutions, formation of monophyletic clusters, and separation by genetic distances in excess of 0.04. Although the relationships among the groups could not be resolved, the sequences separated Oreochromis and Sarotherodon from Tilapia, as defined by Trewavas. The Oreochromis sequences clustered with the Sarotherodon sequences and thus supported the hypothesis that the mouthbrooding behavior of the tilapiine fishes evolved only once from the substrate-spawning behavior. Since on phylogenetic trees the O. alcalicus (sub)species were always separated from O. amphimelas by other Oreochromis species, it was concluded that the adaptation to life in water with a high salt concentration and high pH values evolved independently at least twice in the tilapiine fishes. The tilapiines diverged from the haplochromines more than 8 million years ago; most of the intragroup divergences among the tilapiines took place an estimated 1.1 to 6 million years ago.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the true slime mold Physarun polycephalum has been determined. The mtDNA is a circular 62,862-bp molecule with an A+T content of 74.1%. A search with the program BLAST X identified the protein-coding regions. The mitochondrial genome of P. polycephalum was predicted to contain genes coding for 12 known proteins [for three cytochrome c oxidase subunits, apocytochrome b, two F1Fo-ATPase subunits, five NADH dehydrogenase (nad) subunits, and one ribosomal protein], two rRNA genes, and five tRNA genes. However, the predicted ORFs are not all in the same frame, because mitochondrial RNA in P. polycephalum undergoes RNA editing to produce functional RNAs. The nucleotide sequence of an nad7 cDNA showed that 51 nucleotides were inserted at 46 sites in the mRNA. No guide RNA-like sequences were observed in the mtDNA of P. polycephalum. Comparison with reported Physarum mtDNA sequences suggested that sites of RNA editing vary among strains. In the Physarum mtDNA, 20 ORFs of over 300 nucleotides were found and ORFs 14 19 are transcribed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among raptors, especially various groups are rather complex and controversial. We determined the complete mtDNA of Japanese sparrowhawk, and estimated phylogenetic trees based on the complete mtDNA alignment of it and 36 other raptor species, to clarify raptor phylogenetics. Phylogenetic trees were also estimated using a multiple sequence alignment of 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA from 81 typical species in GenBank, to further clarify the phylogenetic relationships of several groups among the raptors. The new mtDNA is a circular molecule, 17 917 bp in length, containing the 37 typical genes, with a pseudo-control region. ATG is generally the start codon, TAA is the most frequent stop codon. All tRNAs can be folded into canonical cloverleaf secondary structures except for tRNASer (AGY) and tRNALeu (CUN), which are missing the “DHU” arm. Phylogenetic relationships demonstrate that raptors can be divided into four branches: Accipitriformes, Falconiformes, Strigiformes and Caprimulgiformes in this study. We suggest that Accipitriformes should to be an independent order, Accipitriformes. The results also indicate that Accipitriformes contains three clades: Accipitridae, Pandionidae and Sagittariidae. Strigiformes includes species from Tytonidae and Strigidae. Caprimulgiformes contains Aegothelidae and Caprimulgidae.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome is of great importance for better understanding the genome-level characteristics and phylogenetic relationships among related species. In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequence of the mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) by 454 deep sequencing and Sanger sequencing approaches. The complete genome DNA was 15,824 bp in length and contained a typical set of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes and a putative control region (CR). Of 37 genes, twenty-three were encoded by the heavy strand (H-strand), while the other ones were encoded by light strand (L-strand). The gene order in the mitochondrial genome was largely identical to those obtained in most arthropods, although the relative position of gene tRNAHis differed from other arthropods. Among 13 protein-coding genes, three (ATPase subunit 6 (ATP6), NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 (ND1) and ND3) started with a rare start codon ATT, whereas, one gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) ended with the incomplete stop codon TA. All 22 tRNAs could fold into a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, with the gene sizes ranging from 63 to 73 bp. The phylogenetic analysis based on 12 concatenated protein-coding genes showed that the molecular genetic relationship of 19 species of 11 genera was identical to the traditional taxonomy.  相似文献   

Chen L  Zhang H H 《农业工程》2012,32(5):232-239
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) was determined by using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction. The entire mitochondrial genome sequence is 16,713 bp in length contains two ribosomal RNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes and 1 control region. Most mitochondrial genes are encoded on the H strand, except for the ND6 gene and 8 tRNA genes. The base compositions of mitochondrial genomes present clearly A–T skew. All the transfer RNA genes can be folded into the typical cloverleaf-shaped structure except tRNA-Ser (AGY), which lacks the dihydrouridine arm. Protein-coding genes mainly initiate with ATG and terminate with TAA. Some reading frame intervals and overlaps are found in the mitochondrial genome. The control region can be divided into three domains: the extended termination associated sequences (ETASs) domain, the central conserved domain and the conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) domain. Three conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) and one extended termination associated sequences (ETAS-1) is found in the control region. The phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated data set of 14 genes in the mitochondrial genome of Canidae shows that the raccoon dog has close phylogenetic position with the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and they constitute a clade which has an equil evolutionary position with the clade formed by the genera Canis and Cuon.  相似文献   

A combined data set of nuclear SSU rDNA, LSU rDNA, and mitochondrial SSU rDNA sequences was analyzed in order to examine the relationships of the major clades of euascomycetes. Partial sequences of 14 ascomycetes were determined and aligned with the corresponding sequences of 16 other ascomycetes retrieved from Genbank. The alignment was analyzed using maximum parsimony (MP) and a Bayesian analysis with Markov chain Monte Carlo (B/MCMC). The classification based on single-gene studies is supported, but the confidence is enhanced in the concatenated analysis. The monophyly of the superclass Leotiomyceta, which includes all euascomycetes with inoperculate asci, is strongly supported. The polyphyly of ascolocularous fungi is supported. The group is divided into two groups: the Dothideomycetes basal to all other Leotiomyceta and the Chaetothyriomycetes as sister-group to Eurotiomycetes. The Lecanoromycetes appear as a monophyletic group with strong support and form a sister-group to the Chaetothyriomycetes/Eurotiomycetes clade, but this lacks support. The Leotiomycetes and Sordariomycetes form a strongly supported sister-group. Alternative topologies are tested using parametric bootstrapping; a basal position of the Eurotiomycetes and Leotiomycetes in the Leotiomyceta cannot be rejected, while such a position can be rejected for Chaetothyriomycetes, Lecanoromycetes and Sordariomycetes. The character evolution with regard to ascoma type, ascus type and ascoma-ontogeny is examined using MP and maximum likelihood (ML). While it appears most likely that the ancestor of the inoperculate ascomycetes had apothecia and an ascohymenial ascoma-ontogeny using MP methods, the ML approach shows that there is some uncertainty at the current state of knowledge. The improvement of confidence of the combined data set in comparison with single-gene studies makes us confident that analyses with additional data sets will further improve the confidence and eventually uncover the branching order of euascomycetes.  相似文献   

大多数脊椎动物的线粒体基因组(约16—18kb)的组成是相对较稳定的,但在不同类群中,线粒体基因组在基因结构和基因排列方式等方面均显示了极大的多样性,这种多样性可能反映了真核细胞不同的进化路线(Saccone et al.,1999)。就目前的研究而言,线粒体基因组是惟一一个能够从基因组水平上来分析动物系统发生的分子标记,可以从线粒体基因组序列信息、基因组成及基因排列方式等进行多方位的分子进化研究,因而线粒体基因组全序列将成为动物分子系统发生最有力的证据(Saccone et al.,1999)。  相似文献   

The currently available yeast mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence is incomplete, contains many errors and is derived from several polymorphic strains. Here, we report that the mtDNA sequence of the strain used for nuclear genome sequencing assembles into a circular map of 85 779 bp which includes 10 kb of new sequence. We give a list of seven small hypothetical open reading frames (ORFs). Hot spots of point mutations are found in exons near the insertion sites of optional mobile group I intron-related sequences. Our data suggest that shuffling of mobile elements plays an important role in the remodelling of the yeast mitochondrial genome.  相似文献   

The fresh water pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis is a model organism for studying evolution of genome and gene functions, but its mitochondrial genome (mtDNA) sequence is still not available. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence of its mtDNA using shotgun sequencing. The T. nigroviridis mtDNA was 16,462 bp, and contained 13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs and a major non-coding region. The gene order was identical to the common type of vertebrate mtDNA, whereas the G + C content in the sense strand was 46.9%, much higher than most other fish species. One hundred and three SNPs were detected in the control region of the mtDNA of 35 individuals, a majority of SNPs were detected in the 5' end of the control region. A phylogenetic study including 21 fish species was performed on concatenated amino acid sequences of 12 protein coding genes, and revealed that the T. nigroviridis was clustered with Fugu rubripes into a group. The complete mtDNA sequence and SNPs in its control region will be useful in studying fish evolution, in differentiating different Tetraodon species and in analyzing genetic diversity within T. nigroviridis.  相似文献   

Jondeung A  Sangthong P  Zardoya R 《Gene》2007,387(1-2):49-57
The Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas) is the largest scale-less freshwater fish of the world, and a critically endangered species. We determined the complete nucleotide sequence (16,533 bp) of the mitochondrial genome of the Mekong giant catfish, and conducted phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial protein (the combined amino acid sequences of all 13 mitochondrial protein coding genes) and rRNA (the combined nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes) data sets in order to further clarify the relative phylogenetic position of P. gigas, and to recover phylogenetic relationships among 15 out of the 33 families of Siluriformes. Phylogenetic analyses (maximum parsimony, minimum evolution, maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference) of the protein data set were congruent with a basal split of the order into Loricarioidei and Siluroidei, and supported a closer relationship of the Mekong giant catfish (family Pangasiidae) to Siluridae than to Bagridae. The rRNA-based Bayesian phylogeny recovered Callichthyidae as the sister group of all other analyzed non-diplomystid catfish families, rendering Loricarioidei paraphyletic. In addition, Loricariidae were recovered as paraphyletic due to the inclusion of Astroblepidae. However, none of the two relationships received bootstrap support in the maximum parsimony, minimum evolution, and maximum likelihood analyses, and should be interpreted with caution. The derived position of Cetopsidae within Siluroidei, the sister group relationship of Pseudopimelodidae and Pimelodidae, and a close relationship of Doradidae and Auchenipteridae to the exclusion of Mochokidae were strongly supported. Pangasiidae was placed as a single lineage without clear affinities.  相似文献   

Yang H  Huang Y 《动物学研究》2011,32(4):353-362
采用长距PCR扩增及保守引物步移法测定并注释了郑氏比蜢(Pielomastax zhengi)的线粒体基因组全序列。郑氏比蜢的线粒体基因组全长15602 bp,A+T含量为71.8%,37个基因位置与飞蝗的一致, 基因间隔序列共计10处47bp, 间隔长度从1~20bp不等; 有14对基因间存在52bp重叠, 重叠碱基数在1~8bp之间。蛋白质基因的起始密码子均为昆虫典型的起始密码子ATN。ND5基因使用了不完全终止密码子T,其余基因均为典型的TAA或TAG。除tRNASer(AGN)的DHU臂缺失外, 其余21个tRNA基因的二级结构均属典型的三叶草结构, 但在郑氏比蜢中有5个tRNA(tRNACys、tRNALys、 tRNAPhe、 tRNAPro tRNAArg)基因变异较大, 无法采用常规算法预测出来, 表现在这5个tRNA二级结构的TψC臂仅有3~4对配对碱基, tRNALys 和 tRNAArg的反密码臂仅有 4 对配对碱基。预测的lrRNA二级结构总共有6个结构域(结构域Ⅲ缺失), 44个茎环结构。预测的srRNA的二级结构包含3个结构域, 30个茎环结构。比较郑氏比蜢、西藏飞蝗(Locusta migratoria tibetensis)和疑钩额螽(Ruspolia dubia)rRNA二级结构后,发现郑氏比蜢与西藏飞蝗的更相似。A+T丰富区中存在一个被认为与复制及转录起始有关的Ploy(T)结构。  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Chinese pistacia looper Biston panterinaria was sequenced and annotated (15,517 bp). It contains the typical 37 genes of animal mitogenomes and a high A + T content (79.5%). All protein coding genes (PCGs) use standard ATN initiation codons except for cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COX1) with CGA. Eleven PCGs use a common stop codon of TAA or TAG, whereas COX2 and NADH dehydrogenase 4 (ND4) use a single T. All transfer RNA (tRNA) genes have the typical clover-leaf structure with the exception of tRNASer(AGN). We reconstructed a preliminary mitochondrial phylogeny of six ditrysian superfamilies and performed comparative analyses of inference methods (Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Maximum Parsimony (MP)), dataset compositions (including and excluding 3rd codon positions), and alignment methods (Muscle, Clustal W, and MAFFT). Our analyses indicated that inference methods and dataset compositions more significantly affected the phylogenetic results than alignment methods. BI analysis consistently revealed uncontroversial relationships with all dataset compositions. By contrast, ML analysis failed to reconstruct stable phylogeny at two nodes, whereas MP analysis had more difficulties in the tree resolution and nodal support. Distinct from most previous studies, our analyses revealed that Geometroidea had a closer lineage relationship with Bombycoidea than Noctuoidea. Similar to previous molecular studies, our analyses revealed that Hesperiidae were nested in the Papilionoidea clade, providing further evidence to the previous concept that Papilionoidea was paraphyletic, and none of the butterflies were associated with the Macroheterocera.  相似文献   

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