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The influence of several parameters on the gel filtration refolding of hen egg white lysozyme from a starting concentration of 40 mg/ml was investigated. Refolding was found to be unaffected by temperature between 30 and 50°C, giving 100% recovered specific activity. At 10°C a 20% reduction in refolding yield was observed. Refolding was carried out successfully with both acrylamide (Sephacryl S100)- and dextran (Superdex 75)-based gel media. At the isoelectric pH of lysozyme, aggregation was suppressed in the column method, whereas protein aggregates were formed during dilution-based refolding. A number of compounds (carboxymethyl cellulose, dextran, sucrose) were added to the mobile phase to reduce the relative viscosity between the sample and mobile phase. Only sucrose, up to 20% (wt), was found not to interfere with lysozyme refolding.  相似文献   

Sciatin and transferrin are very similar glycoproteins which differ slightly in their carbohydrate content. In two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, they have one different isoform at pI lower than 5.77. However, highly different elution profiles have been recorded following size-exclusion HPLC. The use of a I-125 silica gel column has thus provided convincing evidence that both proteins do not show exactly the same hydrophobic three-dimensional structure.  相似文献   

Inclusion body refolding processes play a major role in the production of recombinant proteins. Improvement of the size-exclusion chromatography refolding process was achieved by combining a decreasing urea gradient with an increasing arginine gradient (two gradients) for the refolding of NTA protein (a new thrombolytic agent) in this paper. Different refolding methods and different operating conditions in two gradients gel filtration process were investigated with regard to increasing the NTA protein activity recovery and inhibition of aggregation. The refolding of denatured NTA protein showed this method could significantly increase the activity recovery of protein at high protein concentration. The activity recovery of 37% was obtained from the initial NTA protein concentration up to 20 mg/ml. The conclusions presented in this study could also be applied to the refolding of lysozyme.  相似文献   

The influence of column configuration on the separation of hen egg-white proteins using Whatman DE52 and QA52 anion-exchange cellulose has been investigated. Using a 100 ml volume axial flow column (6.6 cm x 4.4 cm i.d.) we achieved flow rates of up to 25 ml/min i.e. 15 bed volumes/h after which higher flow was restricted due to pressure constraints within the system. Under radial flow conditions using a 100 ml column flow rates of up to 150 ml/min i.e. 90 bed volumes/h were achieved using DE52 and QA52. While chromatographic resolution was superior under axial flow at the lower flow rates excellent resolution was maintained at up to 150 ml/min using the radial flow column. This is a consequence of the fast kinetics of adsorption/desorption exhibited by DE52 and QA52. The data indicate that it is the column configuration and not the cellulose matrix which influences flow performance.  相似文献   

Double-strand DNA (dsDNA) restriction fragments were chromatographed on the DuPont Bioseries GF-250 column. Two anomolous chromatographic properties were observed. (1) A triphasic dependence of retention on dsDNA chain length was observed. Small DNA fragments (less than 500 base pairs) displayed typical size exclusion, intermediate size DNA (800-5000 base pairs) eluted in the void volume, and larger DNA fragments were increasingly retained. (2) The void volume for nucleic acids was less than that for large polypeptides. The retention of moderately large DNA fragments increased linearly as the square root of the chain length over the range 5.5 to 50 kilobase pairs (ca. 3-30 X 10(6) Mr). A number of eluant manipulations were carried out in order to examine the mechanism by which the larger DNA fragments were being retained and separated. Evidence was not obtained to support either ion exchange or reverse phase as the retention mechanism. The usefulness of such a column for molecular biological manipulations is illustrated by the rapid isolation of homogeneous viral DNA fragments resected from their cloning vectors with restriction endonucleases.  相似文献   

The interaction of the adhesion molecule of the immunoglobulin family intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) with its ligands such that the integrins LFA-1 and Mac-1 is crucial for the regulation of several physiological and pathophysiological processes like cell mediated-elimination of tumor or virus infected cells, cancer metastasis or inflammatory autoimmune processes. Thus, production of milligrams of protein is required to perform structural and functional studies as well as design novel approaches to find out new inhibitors of ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction. Here we report on the production of a recombinant human ICAM-1 chimera comprising the first two extracellular domains of ICAM-1 linked to the Fc fraction of a human IgG1. To this aim we have used a cost-effective method based on the expression of a His-tagged protein in Escherichia coli followed by a single step of refolding and purification on immobilized metal affinity columns. This method is able to produce 3 mg/l of bacterial culture in just 72 h with purity greater than 95%. The identity and the native structure of refolded human ICAM-1 chimera were confirmed by biochemical and biophysical studies including SDS-electrophoresis, immunoblot, circular dichroism, isothermal titration calorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy. Native folding and functional activity of the chimera were further confirmed by different cell biology studies, including B cell adhesion, T cell binding and inhibition of NK cell function. These studies indicate a high biological activity of the protein since it induces a 200-fold increase/mg of protein in B cell adhesion and the inhibitory dose 50 to block cell-mediated cytotoxicity is 10 pg/effector cell. These analyses show that our protocol is able to produce a recombinant human ICAM-1 chimera fully active and useful to analyze the biological processes in which ICAM-1/LFA-1 interaction is critically involved.  相似文献   

Efficient and rapid immune response upon challenge by an infectious agent is vital to host defense. The encounter of leukocytes (white blood cells of the immune system) with their targets is the first step in this response. Analysis of the kinetics of this process is essential not only to understanding dynamic behavior of the immune response, but also to elucidating the consequences of many leukocyte functional abnormalities. The motion of leukocytes in the presence of targets typically involves a directed, or chemotactic component. These immune cells orient the direction of their motion in the presence of gradients in chemical attractants generated by pathogens. Fisher and Lauffenburger (1987. Biophys. J. 51:705-716) developed a model for macrophage/bacterium encounter in two dimensions which includes chemotaxis, and applied it to the particular system of alveolar macrophages (phagocytic leukocytes on the lung surface). Their model showed that macrophage/target encounter is likely the rate-limiting step in clearance of bacteria from the lung surface (Fisher, E. S., D. A. Lauffenburger, and R. P. Daniele. 1988. Am. Rev. Resp. Dis. 137:1129-1134). We have extended this model to analyze the effects of cell motility properties and geometric parameters on cell-target encounter in three dimensions. The differential equation governing encounter time in three dimensions is essentially the same as that in two dimensions, except for changed probability values. Our results show that more highly directed motion is necessary in three dimensions to achieve substantially decreased encounter times than in two dimensions, because of the increased search dimensionality. These general results were applied to the particular system of neutrophils operating in three dimensions in response to a bacterial challenge in connective tissue. Our results provide a plausible rationalization for both the chemotactic and chemokinetic behavior observed in neutrophils. That is, these cells exhibit in vitro a greater chemotactic bias and a more dramatic variation of speed with attractant concentration than alveolar macrophages, and our results indicate that these behaviors can have a greater influence in three-dimensional connective tissue infection situations than in two-dimensional lung surface infection cases. In addition, we show that encounter apparently is not generally the rate-limiting step in this neutrophil response. These findings have important implications for correlating in vitro measured defects in cell motility and chemotaxis properties with in vivo functions of host defense against infection.  相似文献   

The effects of aging on changes in maximal expiratory flow rates and specific airway conductance after a deep breath were evaluated in 64 normal subjects. Flow rates (Vp) on partial expiratory flow-volume curves (PEFV), initiated from 60-70% of the vital capacity (VC), were compared with those (Vc) on maximal flow-volume curves (MEFV), initiated from total lung capacity (TLC), at a lung volume corresponding to 25% of VC on the MEFV curves. Specific airway conductance was measured before (sGaw) and after a deep inspiration (sGawDI). Bronchodilation after inspiration to TLC was inferred by Vp/Vc less than 1 and sGaw/sGawDI less than 1. The mean Vp was less than Vc. However, the ratio Vp/Vc increased significantly with age (r = 0.75, P less than 0.001). Specific conductance also increased after a deep inspiration (sGaw less than sGawDI). The ratio sGaw/sGawDIj increased slightly but significantly with age (r = 0.28, P less than 0.02). Measurement of lung elastic recoil pressures before and after a deep breath in a subgroup of patients (n = 14) suggested that the age-related increase in Vp/Vc was secondary to a decrement in the ability of a deep breath to decrease the upstream airway resistance. These findings suggest that even though changes in airway size after a deep breath as measured by sGaw/sGawDI have minimal age dependence, aging diminishes expiratory flow rates of MEFV curves relative to PEFV curves because of a decrease in the ability of a deep breath to increase the size of the peripheral airways.  相似文献   

Folding of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) has been studied extensively in vitro. However, most of these studies have been conducted in dilute buffer solution, which is different from the crowded environment in the cell periplasm, where the folding and membrane insertion of OMPs actually occur. Using OmpA and OmpT as model proteins and Ficoll 70 as the crowding agent, here we investigated the effect of the macromolecular crowding condition on OMP membrane insertion. We found that the presence of Ficoll 70 significantly slowed down the rate of membrane insertion of OmpA while had little effect on those of OmpT. To investigate if the soluble domain of OmpA slowed down membrane insertion in the presence of the crowding agent, we created a truncated OmpA construct that contains only the transmembrane domain (OmpA171). In the absence of crowding agent, OmpA171 refolded at a similar rate as OmpA, although with decreased efficiency. However, under the crowding condition, OmpA171 refolded significantly faster than OmpA. Our results suggest that the periplasmic domain slows down the rate, while improves the efficiency, of OmpA folding and membrane insertion under the crowding condition. Such an effect was not obvious when refolding was studied in buffer solution in the absence of crowding.  相似文献   

There have been suggestions that heat caused by cerebral metabolic activity may constrain mammalian brain evolution, architecture, and function. This article investigates physical limits on brain wiring and corresponding changes in brain temperature that are imposed by thermodynamics of heat balance determined mainly by Na+/K+-ATPase, cerebral blood flow, and heat conduction. It is found that even moderate firing rates cause significant intracellular Na+ build-up, and the ATP consumption rate associated with pumping out these ions grows nonlinearly with frequency. Surprisingly, the power dissipated by the Na+/K+ pump depends biphasically on frequency, which can lead to the biphasic dependence of brain temperature on frequency as well. Both the total power of sodium pumps and brain temperature diverge for very small fiber diameters, indicating that too thin fibers are not beneficial for thermal balance. For very small brains blood flow is not a sufficient cooling mechanism deep in the brain. The theoretical lower bound on fiber diameter above which brain temperature is in the operational regime is strongly frequency dependent but finite due to synaptic depression. For normal neurophysiological conditions this bound is at least an order of magnitude smaller than average values of empirical fiber diameters, suggesting that neuroanatomy of the mammalian brains operates in the thermodynamically safe regime. Analytical formulas presented can be used to estimate average firing rates in mammals, and relate their changes to changes in brain temperature, which can have important practical applications. In general, activity in larger brains is found to be slower than in smaller brains.  相似文献   

An intraovarian positive physiologic coupling between the extant CL and the ipsilateral preovulatory follicle (PF) or the future or established postovulatory dominant follicle (DF) was studied in 26 heifers. Ovaries were scanned by ultrasonic imaging from Day 16 (Day 0 = ovulation) of the preovulatory period until Day 6 of the postovulatory period. Hemodynamics of the follicles and CL were assessed by color-Doppler ultrasonography. When the PF and CL were ipsilateral compared with contralateral, blood-flow resistance in wall of the PF was lower (P < 0.04) on Days –2 and –1, and percentage blood-flow signals in the CL approached being greater (P < 0.08) on Days –4 to –1. During the postovulatory period, percentage of DF wall with blood-flow signals (44.1 ± 1.2% vs. 31.4 ± 2.8%) and percentage of CL with blood-flow signals (51.8 ± 1.2% vs. 42.5 ± 3.1%) were each greater (P < 0.05) when the two ipsilateral structures were adjacent (distance between antrum and CL wall, ≤ 3 mm) than when separated. On Day 0, the distance between follicle and ipsilateral CL was less (P < 0.02) for the future DF than for the future largest subordinate. Growth rate between Days 0 and 2 averaged over all growing follicles was greater (P < 0.01) when the follicles were ≤3 mm from the CL (1.1 ± 0.1 mm/day) than when farther from the CL (0.9 ± 0.1 mm/day). Results supported the hypotheses that (1) a positive intraovarian coupling occurs between the PF or postovulatory DF and the extant CL and (2) the coupling is enhanced when the ipsilateral DF and CL are in close proximity.  相似文献   

Song  Haiyan  Wang  Yue  Dong  Wenge  Chen  Qiwei  Sun  Hongxu  Peng  Hui  Li  Ren  Chang  Yanhong  Luo  Hui 《Biotechnology letters》2022,44(4):613-621
Biotechnology Letters - To study the effect of SpyTag/SpyCatcher cyclization on stability and refolding of protein, we constructed a cyclized green fluorescent protein (SRGFP) and its derivative to...  相似文献   

The influence of osmolytes, including dimethysulfoxide, glycine, proline and sucrose, on the refolding and reactivation courses of guanidine-denatured creatine kinase was studied by fluorescence emission spectra, circular dichroism spectra, recovery of enzymatic activity and aggregation. The results showed that low concentrations of dimethysulfoxide (<20%), glycine (<0.5 M), proline (<1 M) and sucrose (<0.75 M) improved the refolding yields of creatine kinase, but high osmolyte concentrations decreased its recovery. Sucrose favored the secondary structural formation of creatine kinase. Proline and sucrose facilitated refolding of the protein to its original conformation, while dimethysulfoxide and proline accelerated the hydrophobic collapse of creatine kinase to a packed protein. During the aggregation of creatine kinase, dimethysulfoxide and sucrose inhibited aggregation of creatine kinase, as did proline, but glycine was unable to inhibit aggregation. These systematic observations further support the suggestion that osmolytes, including low concentrations of dimethysulfoxide, proline or sucrose, possibly play a chaperone role in the refolding of creatine kinase. The results also indicate that sucrose and free amino acids are not only energy substrates and organic components in vivo, but also help correct protein folding.  相似文献   

Seven chromatographic columns were evaluated for the recovery of 48V-radiolabelled vanadate. Further, the behaviour of vanadate (H2VO4) was studied on a size-exclusion column Superose 12 as a function of (a) buffer salt molarity, (b) different buffer salts, (c) different buffers and (d) organic solvents added to the buffer. As opposed to the unsatisfactory recovery of V-compounds on other columns, we recovered the vanadium quantitatively. We observed that in most cases vanadate eluted after the total volume of the Superose 12 column. This indicates a non-ideal behaviour of vanadate. However, through this non-ideal behaviour it was possible to separate low-molecular-mass bound (Mr<5000) and unbound vanadium which would not be possible under normal behaviour. A possible explanation for this non-ideal behaviour of vanadium is put forward. The method has been successfully applied for the fractionation of different vanadium species in rat spleen homogenate.  相似文献   

Acidic fibroblast growth factor (aFGF) is unstable at physiological temperatures in the absence of polyanions such as heparin. Therefore, the effect of temperature on the kinetics of refolding of aFGF has been examined in the presence and absence of several polyanions. The protein folds into its native state at temperatures up to 30 degrees C without polyanions with an activation energy of approximately 14 kcal/mol, but does not acquire native structure above this temperature. When heparin, inositol hexasulfate, or sulfate ion are present, aFGF refolds below 30 degrees C with a slightly reduced activation energy (10-11 kcal/mol). In addition, the protein now also renatures between 30 and 50 degrees C with activation energies of 1-2 (heparin), 16 (inositol hexasulfate), and 7 (sulfate) kcal/mol. Trace heavy metals appear to inhibit the refolding process, but a molecular chaperone (bovine 70-kDa heat shock cognate protein) and a peptidylprolyl isomerase (the FK506-binding protein) have no effect. It is concluded that the rate of refolding of aFGF at physiological temperatures is probably controlled by the interaction of a native-like state of the protein with an unknown polyanionic species.  相似文献   

Single-breath oxygen (SBO2) tests at expiratory flow rates of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.01/s were performed by 10 normal subjects in a body plethysmograph. Closing capacity (CC)--the absolute lung volume at which phase IV began--increased significantly with increases in flow. Five subjects were restudied with a 200-ml bolus of 100% N2 inspired from residual volume after N2 washout by breathing 100% O2 and similar results were obtained. An additional five subjects performed SBO2 tests in the standing, supine, and prone positions; closing volume (CV)--the lung volume above residual volume at which phase IV began--also increased with increases of expiratory flow. The observed increase in CC with increasing flow did not appear to result from dependent lung regions reaching some critical "closing volume" at a higher overall lung volume. In normal subjects, the phase IV increase in NI concentration may be caused by the asynchronous onset of flow limitation occurring initially in dependent regions.  相似文献   

目的了解不动杆菌属产AmpC酶和超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)的情况及耐药分析。方法用K-B琼脂扩散法进行药敏试验,三维试验检测不动杆菌属产生的AmpC酶和ESBLs。结果169株不动杆菌,产ESBLs 43株(25.6%),产AmpC酶41株(24.4%),同时产超广谱β-内酰胺酶和AmpC酶10株(5.8%);产AmpC酶的菌株耐药情况比产ESBLs的菌株严重。结论不动杆菌属产AmpC酶和ESBLs的比例较高,应合理使用抗生素,才能有效控制感染。  相似文献   

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