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The trypanosome evolution workshop, a joint meeting of the University of Exeter and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, focused on topics relating to trypanosomatid and vector evolution. The meeting, sponsored by The Wellcome Trust, The Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Disease of World Health Organization and the British Section of the Society of Protozoologists, brought together an international group of experts who presented papers on a wide range of topics including parasite and vector phylogenies, molecular methodology and relevant biogeographical data.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Chresta Vell. ex DC. (Vernonieae, Asteraceae) from the Brazilian state of Bahia is described and illustrated. The new species resembles Chresta pinnatifida (Philipson) H.Rob. but differs in having solitary glomerules, leaf bases clasping the stem and 35–40 capitula per glomerule. It can be distinguished from Chresta harleyii and Chresta martii , the other two species of the genus with pinnately lobed leaves, by the type of pubescence, leaf blade bases and florets number. In addition, a key to distinguish all the species of the genus is presented. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 157 , 587–590.  相似文献   

The flowers of K. bahiana mainly produce oil as floral resource for their visitors. Oil collecting bees usually show morphological and behavioral adaptation for their collection. This study focused on the analysis of interactions between the flowers of K. bahiana and their visiting bees, aiming for the efficiency of the pollination, in an area of the Coastal Sand Plains of Bahia State, Brazil. From February/2001 to February/2002 and from May to October/2002 observations were accomplished about the phenology and morphology of the plants and the floral visitors' behavior. The flowers of the inflorescences are zigomorphic, small sized, pink and present a pair of petals modified in epithelial elaiophores, which are responsible for the production of oil. These flowers were visited especially by bees of the genus Centris: C. leprieuri Spinola, C. tarsata Smith, C. trigonoides Lepeletier and C. pulchra Moure, Oliveira & Viana. The bees collected only oil in the flowers, by scratching the elaiophores and then transferring it to scopa located on the tibia and basitarsus of the hind legs. During those actions, the bees often contact the reproductive structures of the flowers, resulting in pollination. C. leprieuri was the most frequent bee during this study, thus considered the effective pollinator. Megachile dentipes Vachal also visited the flowers of K. bahiana, collecting only pollen. However, these bees were considered sporadic pollinators because they were not frequent in the flowers of K. bahiana in the months of observation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the progress of the fundamental restoration and enlargement of the Civic Hospital in Split between 1866 and 1872 on the basis of the previously unexplored materials, such as Shorthand reports of the Dalmatian Parliament in Zadar kept in the Split University Library, and the archival documents about the completion of this renewal preserved in the State Archives in Zadar. The right author of the restoration project and the name of the building manager were found. The data of the renewal beginning were corrected. The findings showed that the renewal of the Civic Hospital in Split started after the decision of the Dalmatian Parliament about its enlargement and restoration on February 9, 1866, according to the project drafted by the Provincial director of the public buildings doctor Ivan Lucchini. On October 7, 1871, the Dalmatian Parliament determined about the way for the continuation of these works. The complete restoration of the Civic Hospital in Split finished in 1872. The study revealed the realization of longtime efforts for the enlargement of hospital capacity in Split. With this restoration and appropriate organizational structure, the Civic Hospital in Split could offer better treatment to the patients, parturient women and foundlings.  相似文献   

Karyotypes were analysed in 113 populations of 34 species of Rhynchospora (Cyperaceae). They showed typical holocentric chromosomes lacking primary constrictions. Nucleolar constrictions were observed in the terminal regions of a few chromosomes (except in R. nanuzae , in which they were interstitial). The chromosome numbers varied between 2 = 4 and 2n = 50. The primary base number seems to be x = 5; x = 6 and x = 9 are secondary. Dysploidy occurred at low frequency, whereas polyploidy seemed to be the predominant event in the karyotype evolution of the genus. Karyotypic differences were found in R. consanguinea var. speciosa and R. consanguinea var. rigida and the closely related R. emaciata, R. riparia and R. tenuis from section Tenues. On the other hand, karyotypic similarities occurred among sections Valderugosae, Marisculae, Stenophylku and Cemuae.  相似文献   

The intestinal of the 3-toed sloth, Bradypus tridactylus, was studied macroscopically, with light microscope and with histochemical methods for mucosubstances. Macroscopically, the inner surface of the duodenum shows longitudinal and circular folds. There is no caecum, nor appendix. The large intestine consists of a short colon and a large rectal pouch, which has a thick wall. The mucosa of the small intestine has long leaf-shaped villi covered with columnar epithelium having a well developed striated border, and the goblet cells are scattered among the columnar cells. An association between neutral and acidic mucosubstances was detected in the goblet cells. The duodenal (Brunner's) glands are confined exclusively in the lamina propria of the duodenum. No Paneth cells were observed in the crypt lining. Argyrophil and argentaffin cells were found in the entire length of the intestine. The large intestine does not possess villi, but many goblet cells were observed in its mucosa.  相似文献   

The recently-revised subfamily Centruroidinae is part of the New World clade of buthid scorpions. In this study, we analyzed the cytogenetic characteristics of nine of the 10 Brazilian centruroidines, and one undescribed species of the genus Ischnotelson, using a phylogenetic approach to determine the chromosomal rearrangements responsible for the differentiation of karyotypes among the species. The cytogenetic data recorded in the present study supported the new taxonomic arrangement of the Centruroidinae, with all the species of the same genus sharing the same or similar diploid numbers, i.e., 2n?=?20 or 22 in Troglorhopalurus lacrau and T. translucidus, 2n?=?25 or 26 in Ischnotelson sp., I. guanambiensis and I. peruassu, and 2n?=?28 in Jaguajir agamemnon, J. pintoi and J. rochae. The karyotype modelling in the ChromEvol software indicated 2n?=?18 as the ancestral diploid number of the Centruroidinae. The differentiation of karyotypes among the centruroidine genera was based on increasing chromosome numbers resulting from progressive fission events. These changes probably occurred prior to the diversification of the genera Ischnotelson, Jaguajir, Physoctonus and Rhopalurus, and appear to have played a more important role in karyotype evolution at the intergeneric level than the interspecific one. However, the observed increase in diploid numbers was not accompanied by changes in the number or location of ribosomal genes or telomeric sequences. The identification of meiotic cells in female specimens also allowed us to discuss the mechanisms of achiasmatic meiosis in scorpions.  相似文献   

From French GuianaDisciphania moriorum is formally described and illustrated, and a second, imperfectly known member of the genus is provisionally recorded. From BahiaCurarea crassa is new, andAbuta convexa (Vell.) Diels is added to the state flora. A conspectus of Menispermaceae presently known from Bahia, a key to both sexes of the taxa, and brief indications of their ecology are provided.  相似文献   

Parasitic worms (helminths) frequently have complex life cycles in which they are transmitted trophically between two or more successive hosts. Sexual reproduction often takes place in high trophic-level (TL) vertebrates, where parasites can grow to large sizes with high fecundity. Direct infection of high TL hosts, while advantageous, may be unachievable for parasites constrained to transmit trophically, because helminth propagules are unlikely to be ingested by large predators. Lack of niche overlap between propagule and definitive host (the trophic transmission vacuum) may explain the origin and/or maintenance of intermediate hosts, which overcome this transmission barrier. We show that nematodes infecting high TL definitive hosts tend to have more successive hosts in their life cycles. This relationship was modest, though, driven mainly by the minimum TL of hosts, suggesting that the shortest trophic chains leading to a host define the boundaries of the transmission vacuum. We also show that alternative modes of transmission, like host penetration, allow nematodes to reach high TLs without intermediate hosts. We suggest that widespread omnivory as well as parasite adaptations to increase transmission probably reduce, but do not eliminate, the barriers to the transmission of helminths through the food web.  相似文献   

The growth of evolutionary morphology in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was inspired by the work of Carl Gegenbaur (1826-1903) and his protégé and friend Ernst Haeckel (1834-1919). However, neither of them succeeded in creating and applying a strictly Darwinian (selectionist) methodology. This task was left to the next generation of evolutionary morphologists. In this paper we present a relatively unknown researcher, Alexej Nikolajevich Sewertzoff (1866-1936) who made important contributions towards a synthesis of Darwinism and evolutionary morphology.  相似文献   

Fishes from the families Sciaenidae and Sparidae, the former comprising coastal species associated with shallow waters on the continental shelf and the latter composed of typically marine species, are of significant economic value. Karyotypic data are available for about 20% of the total number of species in these groups. In the present study, cytogenetic analyses were carried out in three Sciaenidae species, Menticirrhus americanus, Ophioscion punctatissimus and Pareques acuminatus, as well as in the sparid fish, Archosargus probatocephalus, using conventional staining (Giemsa) and Ag-nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) and C-banding techniques. The diploid values (2n) and number of chromosome arms were equal to 48 in all species analyzed. NORs were located at pericentromeric positions, equivalent to large heterochromatic blocks, in M. americanus (1st pair), O. punctatissimus (10th pair), P. acuminatus (2nd pair), and A. probatocephalus (3rd pair). Heterochromatin was detected at the centromeric position in most chromosome pairs, being more conspicuous among Scianidae members. The remarkable karyotypic conservativeness detected in these species is similar to that observed in other perciform groups previously studied, regarding both the number of acrocentric chromosomes and NOR location. However, unusual events of heterochromatinization seem to have taken place along the karyotypic evolution of members of the family Sciaenidae. For the family Sparidae, distinct cytotypes between samples of Northeast Brazil and those previously analyzed on the southeastern coast were identified, suggesting that putative biogeographic barriers could be present throughout both regions on South Atlantic coast.  相似文献   

This article is a study of personal naming using drawings made by secondary school students from two small towns in coastal Bahia (Brazil) of the persons who gave them their names. The article explores the relation between namer and named as one of continued identity created by imaginative processes of surrogation akin to pretend‐play. In early ontogeny, the person is constituted through a series of mutualities of being that come to constitute a core of affects. The article aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the processes of constitution of personhood in the context of human relatedness.  相似文献   

We evaluated forest structure and composition in 9- to 13-year-old stands established on a bauxite-mined site at Trombetas (Pará), Brazil, using four different reforestation techniques following initial site preparation and topsoil replacement. These techniques included reliance on natural forest regeneration, mixed commercial species plantings of mostly exotic timber trees, direct seeding with mostly native early successional tree species, and mixed native species plantings of more than 70 tree species (the current operational restoration treatment at this site). Replicated fixed-radius plots in each treatment and in undisturbed primary forest were used to quantify the canopy and understory structure and the abundance and diversity of all vascular plant species. Treatment comparisons considered regeneration density, species richness and diversity for all floristic categories, and, for trees and shrubs, the relative contribution of initial planting and subsequent regeneration from soil seed banks and seed inputs from nearby primary forests. With the possible exception of the stands of mixed commercial species, which were superior to all others in terms of tree basal-area development but relatively poor in species richness, all treatments were structurally and floristically diverse, with a high probability of long-term restoration success. Of these, the mixed native species plantings appeared to be at least risk of arrested succession due to the dominance of a broader range of tree species of different successional stages or expected life spans. In all treatments, several locally important families of primary forest trees (Annonaceae, Chrysobalanaceae, Lauraceae, Palmae and Sapotaceae) were markedly underrepresented due to a combination of poor survival of initial plantings and limitations on seed dispersal from the surrounding primary forest.  相似文献   

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