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Both phytohaemagglutinin and antibodies to the CD3 molecule induced proliferation and phosphoinositide hydrolysis in human peripheral-blood T lymphocytes, but the magnitude of the inositol phosphate response was small and the rate of accumulation slow [significant increases in Ins(1,4,5)P3 were observed only after 10 min]. Hence this response differs from the well-characterized Ins(1,4,5)P3 responses of many other systems. This slow response, its abrogation in Ca2+-depleted medium, the slow and maintained increase in Ca2+ as measured by Quin-2, and the ability of the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 to stimulate Ins(1,4,5)P3 accumulation all suggest that the increase in Ins(1,4,5)P3 occurs, at least in part, as a result of receptor-mediated Ca2+ influx in mitogen-stimulated T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of proteins from murine splenic lymphocytes was studied. When the phosphorylation of proteins in extracts from Concanavalin A (ConA)-treated lymphocytes was compared with that of resting lymphocytes, there was only one detectable difference between them. A protein of 135,000 mol. wt was highly phosphorylatable in extracts from ConA-treated cells while phosphate incorporation into this protein was slight in extracts from untreated cells. This effect could be observed 12 h after ConA treatment and was maximal during S phase. This soluble protein was also phosphorylated in intact lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Human lymphocytes cultured in the presence of the plant mitogenic lectin phytohemagglutin in (PHA) become activated and leave the G0 phase of the cell cycle. In the presence of PHA and lymphokines produced in situ the cells will enter S phase and undergo cell division. We have determined the time course of appearance for the receptor for transferrin as an initial attempt to understand the molecular mechanisms regulating the onset of lymphocyte differentiation and proliferation in the 48 h following PHA addition. Using three different assay methods we have shown that the increase in the number of surface receptor molecules is due to the accumulation of newly synthesized receptor and not to the redistribution of a previously existing pool of receptor molecules. The total amount of transferrin receptor increased at least four-fold. In vitro translation of RNA from activated lymphocytes indicates that the new receptor synthesis is due, at least in part, to increased availability of mRNA encoding the transferrin receptor.  相似文献   

The differential metabolic effects of three nicotinamide analogs, 6-aminonicotinamide, 3-aminobenzamide, and 5-methylnicotinamide, were analyzed in mitogen-stimulated preparations of human T lymphocytes. Mitogen stimulation with the phorbol ester TPA and a monoclonal antibody to the T3 cell surface antigen caused an increase in cellular NAD and ATP levels and a marked increase in glucose metabolism as demonstrated by an increase in cellular levels of glucose 6-phosphate and a sevenfold increase in radioactive CO2 formation from [l-14C]glucose. 6-Aminonicotinamide had drastic inhibitory effects on the mitogen-stimulated increases in NAD and ATP levels as well as on the metabolism of glucose. Treatment of the mitogen-stimulated cells with 6-aminonicotinamide also caused a marked increase in cellular levels of 6-phosphogluconate, suggesting inhibition of the hexose monophosphate shunt at 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase. Radioactive CO2 formation from [6-14C]glucose showed that metabolism through the tricarboxylic acid cycle was not used to compensate for the inhibition of the hexose monophosphate shunt pathway. Treatment of cells with 3-aminobenzamide had the opposite effect of 6-aminonicotinamide in that cellular NAD levels increased, presumable due to inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase. 3-Aminobenzamide did not interfere with ATP or glucose 6-phosphate levels and did not cause significant elevations of 6-phosphogluconate. Thus, 6-aminonicotinamide appears to have direct inhibitory effects on the synthesis of both pyridine nucleotides and poly(ADP-ribose), whereas 3-aminobenzamide has its major inhibitory effect on poly(ADP-ribose) synthesis. 5-Methylnicotinamide also interferes with the mitogen-stimulated increase in NAD levels but not as effectively as 6-aminonicotinamide. The alterations in pyridine nucleotide metabolism resulting from treatment with these nicotinamide analogs can produce drastic and diverse alterations in pathways of glucose utilization and energy generation.  相似文献   

Ouabain inhibited in a concentration-dependent and completely reversible way, the synthesis of DNA, RNa and protein in phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A-stimulated human lymphocytes without affecting the uptake of nucleosides and amino acids into the cells. On the other hand, ouabain even at very high concentrations was unable to interfere with the binding of [3H]concanavalin A. No correlation was found between the inhibition by ouabain of macromolecular synthesis and that of K+ transport. The inhibitor effect of ouabain on the stimulation of macromolecular synthesis could be partially reversed by higher concentrations of K+, due to the direct inhibition of ouabain binding. Ouabain added to the cultures at different stages of cell growth suppressed the incorporation of thymidine to various extents. Both ouabain sensitive stages fell in a period preceding the onset of mitosis and were characterized by very active thymidine incorporation. Lymphocytes were most sensitive to ouabain within the S phase. The results suggest that ouabain interferes with mitogen-triggered membrane-associated events, other than K+ transport, controlling mitosis at distinct phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Ouabain inhibited in a concentration-dependent and completely reversible way, the synthesis of DNA, RNA and protein in phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A-stimulated human lymphocytes without affecting the uptake of nucleosides and amino acids into the cells. On the other hand, ouabain even at very high concentrations was unable to interfere with the binding of [3H]concanavalin A. No correlation was found between the inhibition by ouabain of macromolecular synthesis and that of K+ transport. The inhibitor effect of ouabain on the stimulation of macromolecular synthesis could be partially reversed by higher concentrations of K+, due to the direct inhibition of ouabain binding. Ouabain added to the cultures at different stages of cell growth suppressed the incorporation of thymidine to various extents. Both ouabain sensitive stages fell in a period preceding the onset of mitosis and were characterized by very active thymidine incorporation. Lymphocytes were most sensitive to ouabain within the S phase. The results suggest that ouabain interferes with mitogen-triggered membrane-associated events, other than K+ transport, controlling mitosis at distinct phases of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

T cell membrane receptors and signaling molecules assemble at the immunological synapse (IS) in a supramolecular activation cluster (SMAC), organized into two differentiated subdomains: the central SMAC (cSMAC), with the TCR, Lck, and linker for activation of T cells (LAT), and the peripheral SMAC (pSMAC), with adhesion molecules. The mechanism of protein sorting to the SMAC subdomains is still unknown. MAL forms part of the machinery for protein targeting to the plasma membrane by specialized mechanisms involving condensed membranes or rafts. In this article, we report our investigation of the dynamics of MAL during the formation of the IS and its role in SMAC assembly in the Jurkat T cell line and human primary T cells. We observed that under normal conditions, a pool of MAL rapidly accumulates at the cSMAC, where it colocalized with condensed membranes, as visualized with the membrane fluorescent probe Laurdan. Mislocalization of MAL to the pSMAC greatly reduced membrane condensation at the cSMAC and redistributed machinery involved in docking microtubules or transport vesicles from the cSMAC to the pSMAC. As a consequence of these alterations, the raft-associated molecules Lck and LAT, but not the TCR, were missorted to the pSMAC. MAL, therefore, regulates membrane order and the distribution of microtubule and transport vesicle docking machinery at the IS and, by doing so, ensures correct protein sorting of Lck and LAT to the cSMAC.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis and eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) activation are increased in muscle and liver of pigs parenterally infused with amino acids and insulin. To examine the effects of enteral protein and carbohydrate on protein synthesis, pigs (n = 42, 1.7 kg body wt) were fed isocaloric milk diets containing three levels of protein (5, 15, and 25 g x kg body wt(-1) x day(-1)) and two levels of lactose (low = 11 and high = 23 g x kg body wt(-1) x day(-1)) from 1 to 6 days of age. On day 7, pigs were gavage fed after 4-h food deprivation, and tissue protein synthesis rates and biomarkers of mRNA translation were assessed. Piglet growth and protein synthesis rates in muscle and liver increased with dietary protein and plateaued at 15 g x kg body wt(-1) x day(-1) (P < 0.001). Growth tended to be greater in high-lactose-fed pigs (P = 0.07). Plasma insulin was lowest in pigs fed 5 g x kg body wt(-1) x day(-1) protein (P < 0.0001). Plasma branched-chain amino acids increased as protein intake increased (P < 0.0001). Muscle (P < 0.001) and liver (P < or = 0.001) ribosomal protein S6 kinase-1 and eIF4E-binding protein phosphorylation increased with protein intake and plateaued at 15 g x kg body wt(-1) x day(-1). The results indicate that growth and protein synthesis rates in neonatal pigs are influenced by dietary protein and lactose intake and might be mediated by plasma amino acids and insulin levels. However, feeding protein well above the piglet's requirement does not further stimulate the activation of translation initiation or protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and liver.  相似文献   

1. 1. Human T cell proliferation is suppressed at 27°C, and is both diminished and delayed at 32°C.
2. 2. Temperature shift-up and viability assays indicated that concanavalin A stimulation at 27°C induced cell death in contrast to a transient unresponsiveness (anergy) induced by monoclonal anti-CD3 antibody (CD3) and the superantigen, staphylococcal exterotoxin B.
3. 3. Phytohemagglutinin also induced cell death at 27°C; however, some cells remained viable and proliferation occurred when such cultures were subsequently moved to 37°C.
4. 4. Low temperature suppression of T cell activation was not overcome by a mixture of phorbol ester and calcium ionophore indicating a probable block post-protein kinase C activation. This was confirmed in temperature shift-down assays where incubation for 18–24 h at 37°C was required to bypass the block at 27°C.
5. 5. With the exception of CD3, stimulation at 27°C with the mitogens resulted in interleukin-2 secretion, indicating that the low temperature block(s) is a relatively late event in cell activation.

No alteration in the messenger specificity of initiation factor 3 (IF-3) is observed upon T4 phage infection of several strains of Escherichia coli. IF-3 present in the 1.0 m NH4Cl washes of ribosomes from T4-infected cells supports the translation of f2 RNA and T4 late mRNA with the same degree of efficiency as the IF-3 in the ribosomal washes obtained from uninfected cells. At high concentrations the ribosomal washes obtained from T4-infected cells are more inhibitory for both f2 RNA- and T4 late mRNA-directed protein synthesis than the ribosomal washes from uninfected cells. Furthermore, this increased inhibition is also observed in the poly(U)-directed synthesis of polyphenylalanine. These data suggest that translational controls exerted at the level of IF-3 probably do not account for the alterations in protein synthesis observed upon T4 infection.  相似文献   

The effect of natural interferon (IFN)-gamma on HLA-DR molecule expression of pokeweed mitogen (PWM)-stimulated T cells from cord blood and adult peripheral blood was assessed by direct immunofluorescence with fluorescein-labeled monoclonal anti-HLA-DR antibody on a flow cytometer. Although cord blood T cells showed only weak expression of HLA-DR antigens on PWM stimulation, IFN-gamma could enhance HLA-DR expression of PWM-stimulated cord blood T cells to levels comparable to those of adult ones. A similar, but slight, increase in HLA-DR expression was inducible in PWM-stimulated adult T cells by the addition of IFN-gamma, but at higher doses. This increased expression of HLA-Dr antigens on PWM-stimulated T cells was almost completely abolished by both acid treatment of IFN-gamma and neutralization of IFN-gamma with specific antiserum. In contrast to IFN-gamma, neither recombinant IFN-alpha nor IFN-beta showed any effect on HLA-DR expression of PWM-stimulated T cells. These results suggested a possible function of IFN-gamma that might modulate HLA-DR expression ability of T cells in their activation process.  相似文献   

NAD+ levels in resting human lymphocytes obtained from 20 donors were found to be 69.9 ± 21.7 pmols/106 cells. After 3 days of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation the NAD+ levels rose to 452 ± 198 pmols/106 cells. NADH, NADP+ and NADPH also increased in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes, but the major portion of the increase in total pyridine nucleotide pools was accounted for by the increase in NAD+. When PHA-stimulated lymphocytes were incubated in nicotinamide-deficient growth medium, there was no significant increase in their total pyridine nucleotide pools; however, the ratios of oxidized to reduced pyridine nucleotides changed in a similar fashion to cells grown in medium containing nicotinamide. When lymphocytes in nicotinamide-deficient medium were stimulated with PHA they increased their levels of DNA synthesis and cell replication in a similar fashion to cells growing in nicotinamide-supplemented media. Human lymphocytes were able to synthesize pyridine nucleotides from nicotinamide or nicotinic acid; however, in the absence of a preformed pyridine ring they did not efficiently use tryptophan for the synthesis of NAD. Uptake of [carbonyl-14C]nicotinamide and conversion to NAD was markedly increased in PHA-stimulated lymphocytes; these cells also showed a marked increase in activity of the enzyme adenosine-triphosphate-nicotinamide mononucleotide (ATP-NMN) adenylyl transferase.  相似文献   

Weanling mammals (including infants) often experience intestinal dysfunction when fed a high-protein diet. Recent work with the piglet (an animal model for studying human infant nutrition) shows that reducing protein intake can improve gut function during weaning but compromises the provision of essential amino acids (EAA) for muscle growth. The present study was conducted with weaned pigs to test the hypothesis that supplementing deficient EAA (Lys, Met, Thr, Trp, Leu, Ile and Val) to a low-protein diet may maintain the activation of translation initiation factors and adequate protein synthesis in tissues. Pigs were weaned at 21 days of age and fed diets containing 20.7, 16.7 or 12.7% crude protein (CP), with the low-CP diets supplemented with EAA to achieve the levels in the high-CP diet. On Day 14 of the trial, tissue protein synthesis was determined using the phenylalanine flooding dose method. Reducing dietary CP levels decreased protein synthesis in pancreas, liver, kidney and longissimus muscle. A low-CP diet reduced the phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E-binding protein-1 (4E-BP1) in skeletal muscle and liver while increasing the formation of an inactive eIF4E.4E-BP1 complex in muscle. Dietary protein deficiency also decreased the phosphorylation of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and the formation of an active eIF4E.eIF4G complex in liver. These results demonstrate for the first time that chronic feeding of a low-CP diet suppresses protein synthesis in animals partly by inhibiting mTOR signaling. Additionally, our findings indicate that supplementing deficient EAA to low-protein diets is not highly effective in restoring protein synthesis or whole-body growth in piglets. We suggest that conditionally essential amino acids (e.g., glutamine and arginine) may be required to maintain the activation of translation initiation factors and optimal protein synthesis in neonates.  相似文献   

The double-stranded (ds) RNA activated protein kinase PKR is an interferon (IFN)-inducible serine/threonine protein that regulates protein synthesis through the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor 2 (eIF-2alpha). PKR activation in cells is induced by virus infection or treatment with dsRNA and is modulated by a number of viral and cellular factors. To better understand the mechanisms of PKR action we have analyzed and compared the mode of PKR activation in a number of cell lines of different histological origin. Here we show that PKR activation and phosphorylation of eIF-2alpha are both diminished in various virus-transformed and nontransformed human T cells. Priming of T cells with IFN does not restore PKR activation. In vitro kinase assays show that the diminished PKR activation in T cells correlates with the presence of a 60-kDa (p60) phosphoprotein coimmunoprecipitated with PKR. P60 is absent from PKR immunoprecipitates from non T cells. Incubation of active PKR with T cell extracts results in inhibition of PKR autophosphorylation, which is proportional to the amount of phosphorylated p60 in the kinase reactions. Treatment of T cells with proteasome inhibitors or incubation of PKR immunoprecipitates with phosphatase inhibitors does not restore PKR activation. However, phosphorylation of p60 is enhanced upon treatment with the phosphatase inhibitor microcystin. These data show that the impaired activation capacity of PKR in human T cells is exerted at the post-translational levels in a manner that is independent of cell transformation or virus infection.  相似文献   

Sequence of events in initiation of protein synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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